New man of Uspensky love. Lyubov Uspenskaya: biography of the singer

Lyubov Uspenskaya - famous singer, whose work is loved and revered by millions of fans living in countries former USSR. The songs of this amazing woman carry notes of sad nostalgia, which is why her music is most often associated with the bygone nineties. But that doesn't mean her star has dimmed. Love's songs live on, and she herself is still loved and respected. The future queen of Russian chanson saw this world at the end of winter 1954 in one of the Kyiv maternity hospitals. Unfortunately, her mother died during childbirth, so her grandmother took full care of the newborn. The girl’s father worked as the director of a factory where household appliances were made, was constantly loaded with official duties and could not devote enough time to his little daughter.

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But soon the father married another woman and took his daughter from his first marriage. The baby spent her childhood with her father and stepmother. The father's desire to give to his daughter music education became a fateful decision in Lyubov’s life. WITH preschool age he spent a lot of time musical development girls and taught her to play the piano. Then life flowed along its usual course: household chores, secondary school, lessons, music.

Time flew by quickly, and after graduating from school, the girl decided to connect her life with music, enrolling in the music school named after. Gliera in Kyiv. Lyubov managed to combine her studies with part-time jobs in restaurants. Soon the student made many friends in the art world. It didn’t take long before they persuaded Lyuba to quit her studies and go to Armenia. In sunny Yerevan, success immediately came to the future singer. All her concerts and performances were accompanied by loud excitement. But this did not last long. The Soviet government imposed a ban on the girl's concerts, attributing to her the use and promotion of Western style of singing.

But break strong in spirit It turned out to be difficult for the singer. In 1978, Lyubov Uspenskaya decided to leave the USSR, tired of the constant pressure from the authorities. Her first place of residence abroad was Italy. She lived here for six months and decided to move to America. Flying to New York, the girl thought that no one knew her there, and was ready to take on any job. But upon arrival, it turned out that Lyuba was known overseas as an excellent Armenian performer.

At first, the singer performed in restaurants for emigrants ( most performances is associated with the Sadko restaurant). But Lyubov Zalmanovna is not one of those people who will stop there. Having accumulated funds, 7 years after emigrating, the singer released her first album, “Beloved,” which gained enormous popularity. Thus, after a couple of years, the singer became a well-known figure among emigrants from the USSR.

In the 90s, the performer recorded a couple more albums (the most popular “Carousel” and “I’m Losing”). After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the singer’s talent was recognized in her homeland. The geography of her performances also began to include cities in post-Soviet countries. Now the opportunity to return to the Slavic land had opened, and in the second half of the 90s the singer moved to the capital of Russia.

Now Lyubov lives in Moscow, takes part in festivals and is engaged in creativity, collaborating with famous figures musical art. The performer's compositions are mainly created by the creative duo Regina Lisits (lyrics) and Igor Nazarov (music). Her tours attract a lot of fans. Performances in restaurants are left behind, now the singer sings in huge concert halls.

Personal life

There were many bright novels in the life of the queen of Russian chanson. The singer entered into her first marriage at the age of 17 with Viktor Shumilovich. The couple gave birth to twins, one of whom was born dead, and the other died in infancy. The reason is improper management of pregnancy. After this, the singer broke up with her first husband. The second husband is Yuri Uspensky, whose last name Lyubov still bears. It is with him that she emigrates to America, where their relationship fizzles out. But after this marriage, Uspenskaya married twice more. The third husband, Vladimir Frantsevich, became her producer, the union was successful in creative terms, but did not last long. On the road of fate I met businessman Alexander Plaksin. Lyuba still lives with him. The singer cannot forget how Alexander gave her a white convertible the next day after they met. This generous gesture won her over immediately. From this marriage, at the age of 35, Lyuba gave birth to a daughter, Tatyana, whom she loves as own life. When her daughter decided to go to America to continue her studies, the singer could barely cope with depression. But over time everything got better. Alexander, as a loving husband, encouraged and supported his wife, and the opportunity to pour out her soul in creativity became a real salvation for the singer. Now Tatyana lives in France, where she became seriously interested in painting.

Now Lyubov Uspenskaya lives in her own luxurious mansion, where everything is furnished to her personal taste. The furnishings of the house amaze even the most sophisticated imagination.

Lyubov Zalmanovna Uspenskaya - Russian singer, performer of chanson and urban romance, a native of Kyiv, was born on February 24, 1954. Maiden name artists - Sitsker.

Her biography is filled with mysterious, dramatic and even tragic events. Fans call Lyubov the queen of Russian chanson, and this is well deserved.

Childhood and family

The mother of the future singer, Elena Chaika, worked as a nurse. According to one version, she was Ukrainian, according to another, a gypsy. Lyubov did not know her mother - she died immediately after giving birth. The girl was raised by her grandmother.

Lyubov's father, Jew Zalman Sitsker, was the director of a factory for the production of household appliances. He married a second time, and Lyubov began to live with his father and stepmother. Zalman Efromovich noticed musical talent in his daughter and began teaching her to play the piano.

As a teenager, Lyubov learned that her mother gave birth to her in prison and died. In addition, in order not to traumatize the girl, the grandmother pretended to be her mother, and her father pretended to be her older brother. This was a heavy blow for the girl. Therefore, she tried to get rid of her parents’ care early and find an independent path.

The future chanson star graduated music school, and then the music school named after. Gliera. In her youth, Lyubov worked with Grigory Balber. Together they recorded several songs.

At the age of 16, Uspenskaya leaves for Kislovodsk, performs in restaurants and makes good money from it. From the age of 17 she sang in Yerevan, where she received her first recognition from the audience.

When Uspenskaya was 24 years old, she emigrated to Italy, and later to the USA. It was a pleasant surprise for the singer that her songs are quite popular in America and serious people are interested in her work. In the USA, Lyubov had many offers of cooperation, so life on the other side of the ocean became a very busy and fruitful period in the singer’s work.

Life in the United States

Lyubov happily performed in restaurants where her compatriots came. She performed compositions in Russian and was perfectly understood. One day she was offered to sing at the Sadko restaurant in New York. The owner of the establishment literally put the singer in his car and drove her to negotiations.

In New York, our heroine recorded her debut album, and also met Yuri Shufutinsky. Soon she released her second album. Her dreams of her own discs and the love of the audience came true, but the artist admits that life was not easy for her in the USA. At first, her command of English was poor, and this prevented her from communicating well.

Love was also confused by the completely different mentality of the local residents, as well as their laws and customs. She soon fell in love with America and even got her own home in Los Angeles.

In Russia, Uspenskaya's songs became famous even under the USSR. Once Edita Piekha and other Soviet artists came to New York and performed at Carnegie Hall. Among the flowers donated by the audience, an album by Lyubov Uspenskaya was discovered. Piekha remembered him many years later at a concert in St. Petersburg. She joked that she was the first to smuggle the Uspenskaya tape into Russia.

After that, the album began to be listened to and rewritten, and ordinary listeners learned about it. Soviet artists, while touring America, we really wanted to meet Lyubov.

When the singer returned to Moscow after the collapse of the USSR, Alla Pugacheva and other stars of the Russian pop scene supported her. Back in the USA, Ouspenskaya collaborated with producer Igor Orlov, but in Russia they broke off relations due to the scandal.

Creativity and secrets of the queen of chanson

To date, Uspenskaya has released more than 10 albums. The main authors of her songs are Igor Azarov and Regina Lisits. They were the ones who wrote these for Lyubov famous compositions like “Carousel”, “To the only tender one”, “I’m getting lost”.

Throughout its musical career Uspenskaya also collaborated with Mikhail Tanich, Willy Tokarev, Ilya Reznik, Arkady Ukupnik. Uspenskaya sang the song “I Love Him Too” in a duet with Irina Dubtsova.

The artist is a multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year award. She tours a lot and regularly performs at the Kremlin Palace at chanson festivals. In 2014, she became a member of the jury of the “Three Chords” program.

Anyone interested in the work and fate of Lyubov Uspenskaya is probably concerned about her “prison” question. The singer found herself outlawed three times. For the first time this happened in the USA, when Lyubov was asked to stop by the police, but she ignored them. Ouspenskaya believed that this was a trifle, but American laws were different from Russian ones.

The star was taken to the police and kept in a cell with dangerous criminals. The singer herself is not ashamed this fact from the biography, because he considers it a stupid misunderstanding.

However, Uspenskaya does not want to talk about two other cases that occurred in her homeland. In Russia, she was twice imprisoned for a certain period of time, but the circumstances of these events still remain behind a veil of secrecy.

According to one version, they began to press Uspenskaya because of her critical statements to Soviet power. Rumor has it that it was thanks to this difficult turn in life that the singer became a chanson star.

Uspenskaya owns a multi-million dollar fortune and luxury real estate in Russia and the USA. At 62 years old, she is working on new songs, participating in music shows and going on tour.

Lyubov Uspenskaya long ago replaced restaurants with huge ones concert halls. The story of her life could become a script for an exciting melodramatic series.

The singer’s biography is a series of ups and downs, victories and tragedies. But all the difficulties that the queen of chanson had to endure were compensated by the love and gratitude of her fans around the world.

Lyubov Uspenskaya views her genre as music “that the people love.” For many years she has had no equal among singers performing chanson.

Personal life

The personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya is as stormy as her work. The singer had four husbands. She first got married very young. At the age of 17, Lyubov signed with musician Viktor Shumilovich. The couple had two twin boys who died in infancy. This tragedy led to the couple's separation.

The artist’s second husband was Yuri Uspensky, also a musician. Lyubov went abroad with him. In the USA, their destinies diverged, but the singer does not hide the fact that it was her second husband who was her most beloved. She left his last name and still speaks warmly of him.

Our heroine’s third husband was her old friend Vladimir Lisitsa. Until the end of the 80s, he was her inspiration and producer, but the alliance with this man did not last long.

Now Lyubov Uspenskaya is married to businessman Alexander Plaksin, from whom she gave birth to her long-awaited first child, daughter Tatyana. The girl studies in the USA at a prestigious college and often comes to visit her parents.

In our country, many are interested in the biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya. Before becoming famous, she had to leave her homeland, endure many difficult trials, and lose loved ones. But, despite this, she did not forget how to enjoy life.


The biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya began on February 24, 1954, when Lyubov Zalmanovna Sitsker was born. She was born in prison, and her real mother died suddenly, the girl was taken in by her grandmother. Little Lyuba considered her her mother, until a little later she revealed real story her birth.

The father always wanted his daughter to study music. He never missed an opportunity to show off his daughter's musical talents. One day, while relaxing in a restaurant with friends, he asked the girl to sing. The audience liked Lyubov Uspenskaya so much that the owner of the establishment invited her to work as a singer for him, to which the girl agreed.

Little Lyuba grew up in an atmosphere of love and care, but excessive care strained the freedom-loving girl. Her dream was to move away from the stifling parental care, which she strived for at the beginning of her conscious age. As soon as the singer found out that she was born outside the walls of the prison, and her mother died untimely, something turned upside down in the mind of the young girl, and from then on she wanted to take responsibility for her life exclusively into her own hands.

Start of a career

Creative biography Love Uspenskaya began in his native Kyiv. The singer earned very well, but still dreamed of breaking away from her parents’ care. Soon her dream came true - musicians from Kislovodsk saw her and invited her with them. Naturally, Lyubov agreed to this proposal. The parents were against it at first, but when they saw that the girl was loved and appreciated new job, released in peace. After Kislovodsk there was Yerevan, where the singer performed at the Sadko restaurant. They came there specifically to listen to her. But despite her popularity, the Soviet authorities constantly hinted that her style of singing and behavior on stage was absolutely not consistent with the classical Soviet school. Unable to withstand the colossal pressure, Lyubov Uspenskaya decided to go abroad.


In 1977, the biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya took an unexpected turn - she went to live in Italy. After living there for a year, she decides to move to the USA. Initially it was a trip to nowhere, but old acquaintances helped. Her friends from Kislovodsk, who moved long before her, told their boss a lot about her, and he decided to meet her at the airport. Lyubov Uspenskaya lived in America for about 8 years, worked very hard, and it began to bear fruit - Willy Tokarev wrote several wonderful songs for her, and Mikhail Shufutinsky performed several of his compositions in a duet with the singer.

In 1985, Lyubov Uspenskaya released her first English-language album in America, entitled My Loved One, and in 1993 an album appeared with the same name, translated into Russian - “Favorite”. It is noteworthy that Uspenskaya sings all the songs from this album on native language, including the song "Beloved". The third album was also released entirely in Russian and was called “Don’t Forget.” The public heard it in 1993.


Soviet Union fell apart. Lyubov understands that there will be no more pressure from the authorities, and in the early nineties he decides to move back to his homeland - to Moscow. This was another turning point in the personal biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya. She begins to record new songs, shoot videos and becomes more and more famous in Russia.

In 1994, two collections of the singer’s songs were published in Russian, entitled “Hussar Roulette” and “Cabriolet”. The collections were also released in the United States of America, but under a different, more understandable title - The Best.

In 1996, the singer began collaborating with the Soyuz music label, and in the same year her new album “Cabriolet” was released in Russia. Next year, Lyubov Uspenskaya releases another solo album called “I’m Losing.” The song of the same name brings incredible fame to the singer - it is regularly included in rotation on all kinds of radio stations, and the video is shown on central channels.

New millennium

With the advent of the new millennium, an incredibly fruitful stage began in the biography and personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya.

In 2002, Uspenskaya presented her album “Express in Monte Carlo” to the general public, and in 2003 the next album “Bitter Chocolate” was released. From 2003 to the present day, Lyubov Uspenskaya has regularly received the “Chanson of the Year” award. In 2003, her song “Clouds” was awarded this award, in 2004 - the song “To the Only Tender One,” but in 2005 the singer failed to receive this award. Since 2006, Lyubov Uspenskaya has received this prize every year for ten years.

In 2007, the singer presented two discs to the general public at once - the album “To the Only Tender ...” with the title song of the same name and a record called “Carriage”.

In 2010, Uspenskaya published new album"Fly, my girl." Almost immediately she received two “Chanson of the Year” awards - for the duet with Vyacheslav Medyanik “First Love” and for the solo composition “Fly, My Girl”.

In 2012, Lyubov Uspenskaya released another song, “The Story of One Love,” and later other new songs from the album of the same name.

First love is last love

In the biography of singer Lyubov Uspenskaya there were four marriages, each of which brought both joy and disappointment.

At the age of 17, the singer tied the knot for the first time. Her father and grandmother blessed her for this. Her first husband, musician Viktor Shumilovich, shared with her the most difficult test in her life - the loss of newborn children. The life of the first children of Lyubov Uspenskaya was extremely short. The girl gave birth to twins, one of whom, unfortunately, died immediately, and the second two weeks later. The family could not survive this difficult ordeal and began to fall apart.


When they talk about the biography and personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya, a criminal record is almost one of the first facts that comes up. The singer does not hide at all that she was in prison while living in the United States for driving while intoxicated. We know how old Lyubov Uspenskaya is, her biography and some life facts. But how did it get to the USA?

After a divorce from her first husband, Lyubov marries musician Yuri Uspensky, under whose name she will become famous. It is with Yuri that she decides to move to the United States when life in the Soviet Union completely tires her. But, unfortunately, the family could not survive the difficulties, and just like the first marriage, it broke up.

To the only one, tender

The singer’s third husband was Vladimir Frantsevich Lisitsa. According to some rumors, Vladimir was married when he met Lyuba again. Uspenskaya had known him for a long time - they played together in a restaurant in Kislovodsk. Vladimir loved his wife madly - he gave her expensive gifts and spoiled her. There was a case when Lyubov Uspenskaya lost a diamond ring given by her husband, but he was not even upset. The third husband became not only a spouse, but also an ideological inspirer - the creative tandem gave the general public many famous hits, with Vladimir Lisitsa, Uspenskaya truly revealed herself both as an author and as a performer.

Unfortunately, the creative tandem and wonderful Uspensky family broke up in the late eighties due to insurmountable differences.


The fourth and last husband of Lyubov Uspenskaya was an American businessman born in Russia, Alexander Plaksin. The day after the first meeting, Alexander gave the singer a white convertible, which she constantly recalls with delight. Lyubov and Alexander have been married for more than 30 years, they had beautiful daughter Tatyana, who lives in America and teaches yoga. Sometimes a girl comes to Russia to see her family. Lyubov Uspenskaya never discusses the biography and personal life of her children in the press.

According to Lyubov Uspenskaya, her last husband is the person from whom she herself would never leave, although she was always the first to break off the relationship. According to her, she will never leave the person who gave her the happiness of motherhood.

The singer’s friends say that Plaksin has simply settled down well, and his wife decides all financial issues for him. Once Ouspenskaya gave her husband a million to develop a business, but he went broke. But despite this, the singer considers her fourth husband to be the love of her life and never speaks badly of him.

Lyubov Uspenskaya now

Currently, Lyubov Uspenskaya lives and works creative activity in the homeland. Numerous fans of Russian romance and chanson still admire her work, and the artist has long since replaced restaurants with concert halls that seat thousands. The singer regularly goes on tour, participates in various shows and programs on central television. She looks great and is an example for many women. Her colleagues and numerous friends speak of her as an exceptionally pleasant person and a wonderful woman.

The singer regularly attends various social events and festivals. At the festival New wave"In 2015 she performed her famous hit “Forgetting” together with Philip Kirkorov.

In 2016, Lyubov Uspenskaya released her new collection called “Still Love”. In November 2016, Lyubov Uspenskaya visited famous TV show“Secret for a Million”, hosted by Lera Kudryavtseva. The star became the first celebrity who decided to tell the secret of her personal life to an audience of thousands and in front of cameras for a million rubles. The singer donated her winnings to charity. The singer had to tell how at the age of 16 she had an abortion in almost inhuman conditions.

The press very often savors the details plastic surgery, which were made by Lyubov Uspenskaya. After all, she really looks far beyond her age, which causes genuine admiration from her fans.

Who would have thought that this beautiful woman, who is rightfully considered the “queen of chanson,” today is already “over sixty.” Our mothers and grandmothers listened to her songs, and we continue to do so. Lyubov Uspenskaya is a singer “beyond time and distance.” The secret of success is simple: in her lyrics and manner of performance there is something that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Everyone experiences them differently.

Lyubov Uspenskaya was born 64 years ago in sunny Kyiv. The mother died at the birth of her daughter, so the grandmother took on raising the girl. Until the age of 14, Lyuba considered her her mother.

What about dad? He held a high position at that time (he headed the Kiev Household Appliances Plant), and spent a lot of time at work. When he got married a second time, he took little Lyuba to new family. Then the girl was raised by her stepmother Sarah.

Uspenskaya's father was a great admirer of music. That’s why I brought little Lyuba to music school. The girl liked the classes and did not give up music until she graduated from school. Interestingly, here she studied in a class... accordion. And again it was his father’s choice: this is how he decided to honor the memory of his dad, a professional accordion player.

This was followed by the Gliere Music School and the first steps on stage. Then it was the stage of Kyiv restaurants. They say that her own father brought her to the restaurant to audition with his friends. They liked the girl’s voice so much that they invited her to sing here in the evenings.

It was during her “restaurant career” that Lyubov had the opportunity to communicate with many people from the art world. It is not known for certain which of them advised the singer to quit music school and move to Yerevan. At that time, the capital of Armenia was considered a fertile place for making money.

Representatives of bohemia from all over the Union also came here. Yerevan was the city in which the usual “Sovietism” was absent. But first there was Kislovodsk, where a 17-year-old girl ran away from the overprotective care of her father and grandmother. She was always freedom-loving and dreamed of independent life. But the wise grandmother followed her granddaughter to Kislovodsk. Therefore, when Lyuba was offered to work in Yerevan, she agreed without hesitation.

Capital restaurants invited the young woman to evening performances in great demand. It was here that her first fame came. Uspenskaya's performances were always sold out. The woman felt so free that she was not afraid to speak sharply towards the Soviet regime. This did not go unnoticed. Several times she was even taken to the police station.

Not everyone liked the Western style of performing Uspenskaya’s songs. Sooner or later this had to end.

Emigration to the USA

At the age of 24, Uspenskaya decides to leave the Soviet Union and live in Italy for some time. But a year later she flies to the USA with the desire to work as anyone, just to stay here.

Our former compatriots have already heard about the popular singer from Yerevan. Therefore, they suggested that she continue her artistic career in America. Lyubov Uspenskaya began singing in the Sadko restaurant, which belonged to emigrants from the Union and where compatriots loved to gather.

After some time, the singer decided that restaurant performances alone would not make her way to fame. Therefore, I began to look for ways to record my first solo album. In 1985, the world saw a “solo album” called “Favorite”. The songs from the album were so popular with the public that they began to be heard everywhere.

The fame of the singer, who soulfully performs Russian chanson, reached Willy Tokarev, famous in the USA. He offered to write several songs especially for her. And another of our compatriots, Mikhail Shufutinsky, wished to perform a duet with her at concerts.

Over the next few years, Uspenskaya released several more mega-hits, which gained popularity far beyond America and on other continents. They were also loved in the vastness of the Soviet Union. The singer began to be invited to take part in various concerts. Her songs “I’m Losing” and “Attraction” (“Carousel”) began to be heard from every home.

How did they learn about Uspenskaya in the Union? She talks about it this way: with her husband Yuri Uspensky, she often attended concerts of Soviet stars in New York, which took place at Carnegie Hall. Anatoly Solovyanenko and others came here.

A cassette recording of Uspenskaya’s songs was “accidentally” hidden by someone in a bouquet of flowers that was intended for Edita Stanislavovna. It was Piekha who brought Uspenskaya’s songs to the Soviet Union and gave them to the then stars to listen to. So Uspenskaya was invited to perform in the USSR.

At the same time, the then Soviet producer Orlov claims that he brought Uspenskaya to the Union. According to his stories, friends asked to organize concerts for the singer in Moscow. Shufutinsky made exactly this request. Like, he knows a singer from Los Angeles who earns only 2.5 thousand dollars there, which is very little for normal life in America.

Orlov organized Assumption concerts in Moscow and beyond. He also started rotating songs on television. The agreement with the singer was simple: he was entitled to 20% of her fees. Soon everyone in the Union knew about Uspenskaya. After successful promotion, a conflict arose between Igor and Lyubov on a material basis. Their tandem broke up.

Besides Orlov, there was another person who harbored a grudge against Uspenskaya. This is composer Ilya Reznik, who wrote more than twenty songs for her, including many hits. He accused the singer of dishonesty. And it was precisely at his request that Lyubov Uspenskaya was forbidden for a long time to perform eighteen songs from the repertoire. Among them was Reznik’s famous hit “Cabriolet”. Uspenskaya went into open conflict. But the song remained in her repertoire.

After the collapse of the Union, Uspenskaya's fame only increased. In the mid-90s, the singer decides to move to Russia. Since then, she has released several more collections. Her “arsenal” includes songs by Willy Tokarev, Ilya Reznik, Arkady Ukupnik and other authors. Today, Igor Azarov mainly writes for her based on the poems of Regina Lisits. It was from their tandem that the most popular songs “Carousel”, “Favorite”, “Bitter Chocolate” came out.

Officially, Lyubov Uspenskaya was married four times. In addition, she is credited with several scandalous novels.

She got married for the first time at the age of 17. Her husband was Viktor Shumilovich. Gave consent to marriage Jewish dad. After the death of the newborn twins, the family fell apart. Many years later, Uspenskaya recalls with pain this episode of her life: one boy died immediately after birth, the other lived for fourteen days.

Second husband – Yuri Uspensky. It was his surname that became “ business card» singers. After all, Lyubov’s paternal surname is quite Jewish: Sitsker. Lyubov Zalmanovna Sitsker. A completely non-stage “name”. The singer leaves for the USA with Yuri Uspensky. And it is in America that they divorce him.

The marriage with Uspensky did not last long. A third official relationship followed. With Vladimir Lisitsa. This was an old friend who provided Uspenskaya with every possible support during her stay in the USA. And it was he who took upon himself all the production and administrative efforts of the singer.

Since 1989, the singer has been married to Alexander Plaksin. He is a businessman. Together they raised their daughter Tanya, who, having received an education in the USA, today lives in Europe and sometimes comes to visit her parents.

Alexander Plaksin won the woman’s heart when she was still married to Lisitsa. They say that on the second day after they met, Plaksin gave Uspenskaya a convertible white. And the woman’s heart trembled. It was Plaksin who became the man from whom Ouspenskaya was able to give birth to a child.

Therefore, in her interviews, the singer admits: she was the first to “throw away” all the men in her life. But only Plaksin will always be the only one with whom she can live for the rest of her life. After all, I am grateful to him for the most valuable gift - for my daughter.

Lyubov Uspenskaya today

Despite her “venerable” age, the singer continues active work on stage and off. She regularly releases new singles and albums; takes part in various shows and competitive programs. IN lately often performs on stage in duets with others popular singers: Philip Kirkorov, Dominic Joker, Leonid Agutin, Nastya Kamenskaya. I recently recorded the last one new song. As guests, she regularly takes part in the New Wave festival.

Two years ago Lyubov Uspenskaya agreed to an experiment. In Lera Kudryavtseva's show she talked about main secret of your life. A million was at stake. The singer donated all the money received for participating in the show to charity. And the secret she shared with the audience was very personal: at the age of 16 future singer became pregnant and had an abortion in clandestine conditions.

Every year, singer Lyuba Uspenskaya replenishes her collection of awards with the next “Chanson of the Year” award. And this is fair: there is no other queen of urban romance like her.

Singer Date of birth February 24 (Pisces) 1954 (65) Place of birth Kyiv Instagram @uspenskayalubov

Lyubov Uspenskaya is deservedly called the queen of Russian chanson. The cult singer is given the gift of singing with soul, giving a feeling of bright sadness and quiet joy to her listeners. Her low, chesty voice will captivate listeners in Russia, America and the Middle East. She is loved by millions of admirers of her talent and respected music professionals. The performer was repeatedly awarded the “Chanson of the Year” award. Having crossed the 60-year-old mark, she looks much younger. The amazing singer continues to attract full houses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and New York today with constant success.

Biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya

Lyubov Uspenskaya was born on February 24, 1954 in Kyiv. Her childhood was not easy. She does not remember her own mother, who died during childbirth. She was raised by her grandmother until she was five years old. The singer's father Zalman Sitsker had married for the second time by this time and took the girl to his place. Until the age of fourteen, Lyuba called her paternal grandmother mom.

Father with youth raised his daughter as a creative person. He himself taught her to play the piano and only then brought her to a music school. Then the girl received her diploma music school them. Gliera. While studying, she worked as a singer in Kyiv restaurants. At the age of seventeen, Uspenskaya left for Yerevan. The local public greeted her warmly. That's where it happened creative development performer, that’s why she fell in love with Armenia all her life.

In 1978, Lyubov Zalmanovna moved from the USSR to Italy, from where a year later she flew to New York. To Uspenskaya’s surprise, she was already known here as the “Armenian singer.” She was offered to perform at the PalmTerrace restaurant.

In 1985, the chanson performer recorded her first disc, “Favorite.” It included the hits “It’s Not Too Late”, “Lyuba Lyubonka”, “Hussar Roulette”. Willy Tokarev wrote songs for the favorite of emigrants. This solo album went platinum and made her famous in her homeland, despite persecution and rejection from the official Soviet culture. In those days, her tracks were massively rewritten ordinary people using tape recorders, although censorship prohibited the sale of the singer's discs. The USSR authorities officially considered Uspenskaya a dissident.

The emigrant’s second album was produced by Mikhail Shufutinsky, who many years later admitted that he did this because he was in love with Lyuba.

After the collapse of the USSR, the chanson performer increasingly tours Russian cities. Her albums “Don’t Forget” and “Far Far Away” are released one after another. The audience sings along with her “And I’ll know it by the way I walk”; fans of her work understand that the singer is preparing another disc of hits.

Her solo album “Express in Monte Carlo” was also destined to go platinum. The singles “Cabriolet”, “Corrupt Mirrors”, “Foreign” are gaining greater popularity. Eighteen tracks that made the singer famous in Russia were written by composer Harry Gold and poet Ilya Reznik.

In 1996 – 1997 Lyubov Uspenskaya’s songs are replenished with super hits “Carousel” and “I’m Losing.” Until 2003, the artist worked on remixes of her earlier repertoire. Uspenskaya managed to achieve a bright sound in her song creations and, despite great competition, maintain her reputation as the queen of chanson.

When the singer returned to Russia, the best halls in the country opened their doors to her. The public went to Uspenskaya’s concerts not just to hear the cult songs of their favorite singer, but also to enjoy the premieres of her new hits. The singles “Sky”, “Bitter Chocolate”, “Wind”, “To the Only Tender One” were highly rated in the Russian charts. A. Rosenbaum, I. Dubtsova, Slava, L. Agutin sang a duet with her.

The music of Lyubov Uspenskaya continues to delight fans. The disc “The Story of One Love” (2012) with 13 track listings does not contain remakes of previous songs. The singer works closely with composers I. Azarov and R. Lisits. The songs “Guardian Angel”, “Lilac”, “Remember Me” touch the hearts of listeners. Her recent album “Still Love” (2016) is a real gift for lovers soulful songs. It contains 18 tracks, which testifies to the creative potential of the performer. F. Kirkorov, A. Varum, M. Averin, Irakli, Dominic Joker took part in the recording.

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Personal life of Lyubov Uspenskaya

At sixteen, Lyubov Sitsker married musician Viktor Shumilovich and left Kyiv for Kislovodsk. The following year, the talented artist was invited to perform at the Yerevan restaurant “Sadko”. She liked the character of the Armenian people. The concerts here were always sold out.

Happy and popular singer I was pregnant with twins when disaster struck. A woman damaged her fetus by falling out of a trolleybus. The twins died. Lyubov Zalmanovna still perceives what happened as the main tragedy of your life. After this, she could not live with Shumilovich and divorced him.

With her second husband, Yuri Uspensky, the singer emigrated from the USSR and received refugee status in America, and then citizenship. Free life creative success and the fans led to the fact that Uspenskaya left Yuri, keeping his last name.

Her third husband was producer V. Lisitsa, but this marriage also did not last long.

In the late 80s, the singer married businessman A. Plaksin. The couple have been together for thirty years. They had a daughter, Tatyana, who lives in Europe and teaches yoga.