Sheet music N. Vetlugin - Musical ABC book. Exercise: “March” by E. Tilicheeva Exercise “Our Daughter”

The children sing along with the teacher.

Near the green Christmas tree

The crows are jumping merrily:


They fought over a crust,

They shouted very loudly:



Duckling's friend is a sparrow

He took the bread away from the pigeons.

I ate the whole hump, down to the crumbs,

And there will be midges for dinner.

Let's pet the little sparrow, children.

Game “A Bird Has Arrived” (p. 10)

Educator. The duckling has the most cheerful friend - a kitten. (Shows the kitten.)

Everything in the house is going upside down -

The cat is playing with a ball.

Then he will rest a little -

Drink a bowl of milk.

Educator. The duckling's other friend is a mouse. (Shows the mouse.)

Mouse, everyone has known for a long time,

Eats both crumbs and grain.

But it is known on the whole world,

How little mice love cheese.

Mice play with a kitten.

Game "Cat" And mouse" (see appendix, p. 112)

Educator. But as soon as it starts to rain, the duckling and his friends rush home.

Game "Sunshine" And rain" (p. 20)

Educator. That's how many friends the duckling has. Let's name them.

The teacher shows the toys, the children name them.

Lesson 9


Toys: cat, kitten, squirrel.

The teacher shows the children a toy cat.

Educator. Look, guys, who came to us today. (Strokes the cat.)

Kitty-cat -

Gray pubis.

Vasya is affectionate and cunning,

Velvet paws,

The marigold is sharp.

Vasyutka has sensitive ears,

The mustache is long,

Silk fur coat.

The cat caresses, arches,

Wags his tail

Closes his eyes,

Sings a song.

K. Ushinsky

We will also sing a song to the cat.

Song “Kitten” (see appendix, p. 111)

Educator. The cat Vasily has little children - gray kittens. (Shows the kitten.)

Kittens, kittens,

Little guys!

Who is your biggest?

Who is your youngest?

We will all grow up

Let's go after the mice.

Russian folk nursery rhyme

The kittens went to look for mice. The older kittens walked with big steps, and the little kittens walked with small steps.

Exercise “Legs and Legs” (p. 15)

Educator. The mice heard the big kittens stomping, and they all hid. The kittens met a duckling. (Shows the duckling.) He treated them to fish.

Educator. The cat Vasily began to teach the kittens to catch mice. He told them to walk quietly so as not to scare the mouse.

If you get caught, mouse, don't be angry!

The eyes are big

Paws like steel

The teeth are crooked

Graduation claws!

K. Ushinsky

Educator. The kittens learned to catch up with mice, and went for a walk with the cat. At the edge of the forest they saw naughty squirrels jumping from branch to branch. (Shows the squirrel.)

Exercise “Squirrels” (p. 24)

Educator. Squirrels taught kittens to dance.

Educator. The kittens danced all day. Then it started to rain, and the kittens ran home.

Don't walk in the rain

Don't get your paws wet.

Let's go home quickly

And let's put on slippers,

Warm slippers

On cat paws.

Song “Rain” (see appendix, p. 107) Children leave the hall, imitating the movements of the cat.

Lesson 10



Toys: cat, mouse, baby in a cradle; a drum for each child; recording of a lullaby.

The teacher shows the toy cat and conducts a dialogue with him.

Educator. Hello, Vasenka! Cat. Meow!

Educator. Come here, my good one, my beautiful one. (Strokes the cat.) Now we’ll sing a song about you.

Song “Kitten” (see appendix, p. 111)

The teacher dramatizes the poem “Vasily the Cat” by A. Krylov.

Cat Vasily, where have you been?

I went to catch mice...

Why are you covered in sour cream?

Because I was in the closet...

How long were you there?

Half an hour...

So what's there?


Where does sour cream come from?

Answer without deception,

Tell us quickly

How did you catch mice there?

I was sitting there next to the kvass...

Smelled fried meat

I just looked at the cottage cheese -

I see a mouse on the threshold!

I'm following the mouse in the closet

And I came across sour cream,

Got caught in the bag.

The pot overturned

Fat fell on me...

Where is the mouse?

She ran away...

Game "Cat" and mice" (see appendix, p. 112)

The teacher shows the mouse. Educator


And they took out the drum,

They started playing - tram-there-there!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

We are not afraid of the cat!

We are cat-cats

Let's go through the gate.

Russian folk nursery rhyme

« March" by E. Tilicheeva (collection "Music and Movement", p. 23)

Educator. The cat Vasily is unhappy that the mice are laughing at him. But the owner found him a job.

You, little kitten,

Kitty, gray pubis,

Come, cat, spend the night,

Rock my baby.

Am I for you, cat?

I will pay for the work:

I'll give you a jug of milk

And a piece of pie.

Russian lullaby song

The cat says: “First, give me some milk and a pie.” The hostess baked donuts for Vasily.

Finger game"Pumpkin"


You eat it, don’t crumble it,

Don't ask for more, kitty.

The cat ate and began rocking the cradle and singing a song to the baby.

Song with movements “Lullaby”

Educator. The baby is sleeping. The cat curled up and also dozed off. And you and I will rest.

Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the sound of a lullaby (cassette “Lullabies”). Then they sit down, stretch, get up and calmly leave the hall.

Lesson 11



Toys: cat, cat, duckling; a drum for each child; recording a lullaby melody.

The teacher plays the drum.


Squeeze the sticks in your hands,

Hit the skin on the sides.

“Tram-tararam-ban-ban!” -

The drum will respond.

"March" E. Tilicheeva (p. 30)


Bam-bam-bam! Bam-bam-bam! -

The drum will tell us

About the little cat,

About Timoshka-Vorkota.

Song “Kitten” (see appendix, p. 111)

The teacher conducts a dialogue with the toy cat.


Kitty, cat, cute cat,

The cat has a velvet tummy,

Soft paws,

Claws are scratchers.

Do you want some milk, kitty?

What about sour cream and cottage cheese?


Meow! Meow!

Unsalted lard?

Meow! Meow!

Should I call the cat a squeaker mouse?

Moore! Moore! Moore!

And the growling dog?

Chur! Chur! Chur!

A. Bogdarin

The cat doesn't want to play with the dog. She barks loudly and scares the cat. Our kitten would rather play with mice. The cat pretended to be sleeping. The mice immediately ran out of the hole.

The mice dance in circles. The cat is dozing on the bed.

Hush, mice, don't make noise! Don't wake up Vaska the cat.

How the gray cat wakes up -

It will break up your round dance!

The cat wiggled his ears -

And the whole round dance disappeared.

Russian folk nursery rhyme

Game “Cat and Mice” (see appendix, p. 112)

Educator. The cat ran around, had enough of playing, ran to the kids and asked:

Meow-meow! Feed me!

Meow-meow! Treat me!


Give me a little!

We are not greedy. Eat the donut, cat, help yourself!

Educator. The cat ate enough and became even more beautiful. I was going to visit my cat friend.

At Timosha's, at the cat's

A hat with fur goes anywhere.

Striped fur coat,

The muzzle is mustachioed.

Fluffing my satin ponytail,

He hurries to visit Mura.

(Shows a toy cat.)

And Mura has sharp ears,

Hat with a bow on the top of the head,

drip antennae,

The shoes are tiny.

Mura will lipstick his mouth,

Timosha the cat comes to her.

We met some pretty girls,

They walk along the path

Past the pigs, past the chickens

And they talk: “Pur-purr...”

Children, who did the cat come to visit? The children answer.

The duckling saw the cat and the cat walking along the path, and was very surprised. (Shows the duckling.)

Finger game “Duckling” (p. 23)

Educator. The duckling loved to dance. He invited the cat and the kitty to dance with him.

Tops, tops, sweethearts,

Soft slippers.

The cat dances and the cat dances.

Let's dance a little, kids!

Dance “Merry Dance” (see appendix, p. 113)


They danced very merrily

But the dancers are all tired.

Apparently, I need to rest.

Let us, children, sleep soundly.

Children lie on their backs on the carpet, close their eyes and relax to the sound of any lullaby. The teacher reads a poem against the background of music.

The tail is dozing, the paws are dozing,

Sleep, my kitten, on the bench.

You purr in my ear,

So that the wolf and the owl do not dream,

To prevent mice from scratching,

To dream about ships,

Fabulous, bright

Ships with gifts.

We rested, took a nap, and then the guys got up.

Educator. Look, children, the cat is sleeping. Let's go quietly so he doesn't wake up.

The children quietly leave the hall.

Lesson 12

DUCKS - WHITE BREASTS based on the poem by 3. Alexandrova


Two or three toy ducks; a drum for each child; recording of a duck's voice.

Educator. Autumn is ending. It's cold outside. The first snow is falling.

Poem with movements “A snowball is falling”

A snowball is falling, Raise your hands up and
White chill slowly lower them, de-
And snowflakes fly onto the path. barking soft strokes of the brushes -
My dear friend, They pull one forward
Little friend, hand, then the other.
Put your palms up quickly. Rotate your hands.
Let the snow fly
Let the snow fly
It swirls and flutters in the air, Stretch your arms forward and
How about palms
Ours will fall, turn your palms then
up, then down.
That snowball will melt immediately. Press your palms to each other
friend on the last word.


It snowed in November

So everything is fine.

There will be a slide in the yard

Bring out your shoulder blades.

E. Avdinko

Let's show what we will do in winter.

Poem with movements "Snow House"

Educator. Look at the house we made out of snow. (Plays the drum.)

The drum is drumming:

“Come, guests, to us!”

« March" by E. Tilicheeva (p. 30) Educator

The ducks came to visit -

White breasts.

The ducks went out into the snow,

To the high bank,

Little gray ducks,

White breasts.

Finger game “Duckling” (p. 23)

3. Alexandrova

Dance " Merry dance" (see appendix, p. 113)


The round dance began to spin,

Thin ice broke.

Ducks dived into the pond -

White breasts!

The ducks swam to our ice house. Let's feed the ducks crumpets.

Help yourself, ducks -

White breasts.

Finger game “Donut” (p. 30)

Educator. The ducks pecked at the crumpets and swam across the pond.

The old pond came to life again,

There are boats sailing -

These are our ducks -

White breasts.

Soon it will become very cold, the pond will freeze and cover strong ice. Ducks will not be able to swim in winter. The ducks flew south, to warm countries, to places where there is no cold winter.

Goodbye, ducks -

White breasts!

Lesson 13



Bunny toy; rattles for each child; tambourine; recording of a lullaby.

Educator. Guys, look outside. There is snow on the ground, it is getting dark quickly, and it is cold. It's winter.

Hello, winter-winter!

You swept everything at home,

I decorated the Christmas trees with hats,

Covered the yard with a white shawl,

The snow drifted into snowdrifts.

Everything is white - winter has come!

A. Berlova

Children are happy about winter: they can sculpt snowmen, ride sleds, build a snow house.

Educator. The bunny in the forest is cold and hungry. (Shows the bunny.)

Track stitches

There was a snowstorm.

I want it, I want it

The bunny is warm.

D. Novikov

Song “Zainka” by M. Krasev (collection “Songs for kindergarten", With. 37)

The action is accompanied by the display of a toy.

The bunny is jumping,

The little white one is jumping.

Bunny jump! Bunny hop!

It's cold for the bunny,

Cold for white.

What should I do in winter?

Is my tail freezing?

The bunny is hungry,

The white one is hungry.

Who would feed me?

I have no strength to jump anymore!

Oh, you, our little bunny!

Oh, you, our little white one!

Come to kindergarten

Stay with the guys!

L. Nekrasova


Little white, little white

Snow is falling.

Poor thing, poor thing

Bunny, my friend.

D. Novikov

Children, let's show how the snow falls.


Poor little bunny

We will invite you to visit,

Sweet carrot

Let's treat the bunny.

When the bunny heard that his children were waiting, he quickly galloped to the kindergarten.

Educator. The bunny came running to the kindergarten, and the children began to treat him with hot tea.

With raspberry jam,

With crumbly cookies,

With pretzels, with buns,

With gingerbread, with bagels.

Warm up, long-eared!..

D. Novikov

Finger game “Donut” (p. 30)

Educator. The bunny warmed up and became cheerful. I started looking at the toys. He liked not simple toys, but musical ones. There are no such toys in the forest. Let's tell the bunny what they are called.

The teacher asks riddles and plays the appropriate instrument; the children name it.

We will hit with our palm,

He will answer very loudly... (tambourine).

Rattled near my ear

Our loud...


Let's teach the bunny to play the rattle and tambourine, children.


Come play with the kids

Bunny, bunny, bunny!

Game “Bunny” (see appendix, p. 110)


And now it's time to end the game,

The kids need to rest.

Bye-bye, across the river

The sun has gone to rest.

And at our gates

The bunnies dance in a circle.

Russian folk children's song

Dance “Merry Dance” (see appendix, p. 113)


Bunnies, bunnies,

Isn't it time for a treat?

To you - under the aspen tree,

And for the kids - a feather duster.

Russian folk lullaby

Song with movements “Lullaby” (p. 31)


So our little bunny is sleeping,

He sniffs sweetly through his nose.

Bye-bye, bye-bye!

Sleep tight, little bunny!

The children quietly leave the hall to the recording of “Lullaby,” trying not to wake up the bunny.

Lesson 14



Toys: a bunny, several small bunnies, a wolf; flannelograph; picture for flannelgraph ice house; tambourine; rattles for each child; recording any lullaby melody.

Educator. Guys, what time of year is it now? Winter It's snowing every day.

Winter evening

The stars are falling

Falling from the sky

The city is frosty.

Melting silently

Snowflake stars

And on the palm of your hand

They sparkle like tears.

V. Stepanov

Poem with movements “A snowball is falling” (p. 34)

Educator. A bunny lives in the forest. Tell me, guys, what color is the bunny’s fur coat in winter?

The children answer.

In summer the bunny wore a gray fur coat, and in winter he put on a white one. But it’s cold for a bunny in the forest in winter.

Once upon a time there lived a bunny

Long ears.

The bunny got frostbitten

The nose is on the edge.

V. Horval

Song “Zainka” (p. 38)


Poor bunny!

Frostbitten nose

Frostbitten ponytail

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

It's warm and nice there,

There is no wolf.

And they give you carrots

V. Horval

Let's show how the bunny galloped towards the guys.

Exercise “Bunnies” (p. 39)

Educator. The guys fed the bunny carrots. (Feeds the bunny.) The bunny talked about his life.

The hare is cold in winter.

The oblique one decided to himself: -

Spring will come, then

I'll build myself a house.

I. Krasnobaeva

No need to wait for spring, honey. We will now build a house out of snow for you.

Poem with movements “Snow House” (p. 35)

The teacher lays out an ice house on a flannelgraph.

Educator. Look, little bunny, what a beautiful house it worked out. All bunnies will live in a new home. (Places bunnies in front of the house.)

The fun begins.

There will be a housewarming party soon.

The bunny invites everyone to the holiday,

Bakes donuts for guests.

Finger game “Donuts” (p. 30)


The bunny starts the holiday.

The orchestra will play for the guests.

Song “Tambourine and Rattles” (see appendix, p. 115)


The bunny is tired of standing

The bunny wants to dance.

Educator. The wolf heard about the housewarming party. He came to visit, treated himself to donuts and began to play with the bunny.

Game "Hares and wolves"

(to the tune of the song “Little Christmas Tree” by M. Krasev, collection “Songs for Kindergarten”, p. 38)

Little bunnies Children-"hares" jump on
It's cold in winter both legs around the room.
Bunnies jumping
Under a big pine tree.
Paw on paw Standing still, clapping
They clap palms against each other.
Very cold Shake down
The days have come. hands (“shaking”).
The bunnies are listening: They put their palm on it
This is the wolf coming. to one ear, then to the other -
But in the snowdrift there are bunnies They wag their fingers.
Gray won't find it. Long from the snowdrift "Hares" squat. Between
ears stick out. the teacher walks with them
I'll catch the little ones a toy wolf.
I'll catch up with the rabbits. Children-"hares" run away from
"wolf" into place.


Evening is coming on the threshold,

He lit the stars in the sky.

The house is quiet, quiet, quiet.

The mother hare dozed off.

I. Pivovarova

Quickly, bunnies, to bed!

We'll sleep in the new house!

Song with movements “Lullaby” (p. 31)

The teacher puts the bunnies to bed. Children tiptoe out of the hall to the recording of “Lullaby.”



Toys: bunny, squirrel, wolf, Santa Claus; a basket containing a nut, a cone, an acorn, a berry, a fungus; flannelograph; pictures for flannelograph: Christmas tree, Christmas decorations(fungus, berry, nut, cone, acorn, ball, lanterns), ice house; tambourine; rattles for every child.

The teacher shows the bunny and squirrel toys.

Educator. Friends lived in the forest - a squirrel and a bunny. The squirrel can jump, and the bunny can jump well too. In the summer they often jumped and played in the clearing. Let's try that too.

Today we are squirrels,

We are bunnies today

Let's jump and jump

We never cry.

Educator. One day a squirrel wove a basket from willow twigs.

Why do you need a basket? - the bunny was surprised.

This basket is not simple, it is my helper,” answered the squirrel.

How is this? Why is the basket a helper?

“But you’ll see for yourself,” the squirrel said mysteriously and began collecting cones and nuts in a basket.

Winter is still far away

But not for fun

Squirrel drags into bins

Berries, nuts...

The little animal knows:

You need to stock up on time.

V. Stepanov

The squirrel's basket is full. Let's see what the squirrel collected.

The teacher takes berries, nuts, cones, mushrooms, and acorns from the basket. Children call them.

The hare did not understand why the squirrel collected all this. He himself never made any reserves for the winter. But in the warm summer sun he had fun with his little bunny brothers, sang songs and played instruments.

Song “Tambourine and Rattles” (see appendix, p. 115)

Educator. Summer has passed.

Autumn has passed behind him. Winter has come.

Everything was covered in plump snow,

Like warm, white fur.

V. Fetisov

Poem with movements “A snowball is falling” (p. 34)

Educator. The squirrel sits in its hollow, takes nuts out of the basket and gnaws them - like this.

Children chatter their teeth, showing how they gnaw nuts.

The bunny changed his fur coat. What color did he become? The children answer.

That's right, white. White snow, white bunny. When the wolf walks, the bunny immediately hides in the snow. (Shows the wolf.)

It's cold for the wolf in the forest!

The wolf is hungry in the forest!

So he howls at the moon

On a winter night: “Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!”

Game “Hares and the Wolf” (p. 42)

Educator. Soon New Year will come. (Shows Santa Claus.)

Look, December has arrived

And the frosts came

Santa Claus drew

There are roses on our windows.

A. Berlova

Educator. The animals in the forest began to prepare for the New Year holiday. We chose the fluffiest, slenderest Christmas tree. They wanted to decorate it, but there were no toys. The squirrel brought her basket and began to hang golden cones and nuts, colorful berries, mushrooms and acorns on the branches. This is where the basket came in handy. Santa Claus hung up balloons and lanterns.

Educator. They built little animals for Santa Claus! ice house near the Christmas tree.

Poem with movements “Snow House” (p. 35)

Educator. The squirrel took out pies with berries and crumpets from her basket.

Game “Donut” (p. 30)

Educator. The bunny eats the donuts and says: “Well, what a basket the squirrel has! A real helper: it contains Belka’s food, toys for the Christmas tree, and pies for everyone.”

Then the animals formed a round dance and danced around their decorated Christmas tree.

New Year's round dance (optional)

Lesson 16 MIRACLE TREE based on the poem by A. Bogdarin


Flannelograph; pictures for flannelgraph: big Christmas tree made of velvet paper, squirrel, hedgehog, bunny, bird, mouse, cat, dog, firefly, Santa Claus, Christmas tree toys (snowflake, beads, apple, flags, rowan berries, pie, fish, bone, lanterns); wolf toy; tambourine; rattles for every child.


Will come to visit us again

Merry New Year,

And a whole cart of gifts

Santa Claus will cook.

Look, children, the Christmas tree is getting ready for the holiday. (Shows a Christmas tree made of velvet paper.) Snowflakes flew in and landed on the Christmas tree. (Attaches a snowflake to the tree.)

Poem with movements “A snowball is falling” (p. 34)


Come to us, little animals,

Bring us toys -

Let's bring the holiday closer:

Let's decorate the Christmas tree!

Guys, let's call the animals to us. We'll play in the orchestra so they can hear us and come running.

Song “Tambourine and Rattles” (see appendix, p. 115)

Educator. The squirrel and the bunny came running first.

Educator. Other animals came after them. The animals began to decorate the Christmas tree.

The teacher attaches decorations to the tree and lays out images of animals and recites a poem.

The squirrel came out of the hollow -

The squirrel brought the beads.

Hedgehog - ball apples,

Hares are bark flags,

Birds - rowan berries,

Mice are grains of bread,

The cat brought fish in a jar,

Bone from the booth - old dog...

Only there are no candles at the Christmas tree -

Its needles do not shine.

Help, fireflies!

Light up the lights!

This is how the Christmas tree was decorated!

Educator. Santa Claus appears near the Christmas tree.

Together we decorated the Christmas tree -

Santa Claus was pleased.

He gives out gifts

He sings for joy.

Song with movements “Santa Claus” (see appendix, p. 115)


Oh yes, the animals are great!

Wow, kids are smart!

Santa Claus was pleased:

The wonderful Christmas tree has been decorated.

That's the Christmas tree!

Miracle tree!


Now it's time to play

Jump like bunnies.

Game “Hares and the Wolf” (p. 42)


And under the tree there is a round dance

Having fun and singing

Because it's coming

Glorious holiday

New Year.

New Year's round dance (optional)



Decorated Christmas tree; toys: Santa Claus, squirrel, bear, bird, bunny, wolf; gifts from Santa Claus: cones, a barrel of honey, rowan and raspberry berries, felt boots, a pie; rattles for every child.

Children stand around a decorated Christmas tree. Santa Claus stands under the Christmas tree.


January is coming

The long-awaited New Year -

With sleds, with skates,

With snowmen.

A. Berlova

We decorated a Christmas tree for the holiday. She's so beautiful!

Finger game “Herringbone” (p. 45)

Educator. On New Year's holiday guests are gathering from the forest.

Exercise “Forest Guests”


Come on, Christmas tree, brighten up

Shine with lights

So that the paws of animals

They danced themselves.

M. Klokova

New Year's round dance (optional)


Santa Claus under

New Year

He gives gifts to everyone.

Baby squirrels

He gave cones.

The action is accompanied by a display of toys.

The squirrel is happy about the gift and jumps along with the bunnies.

Exercise “Squirrels and bunnies” (p. 43)

Educator. The bunnies and squirrels jumped so loudly that they woke up the bear sleeping in the den.

Oooh! - the bear roared. -

How can you not cry here?

I had dreams like this...

Woke up until spring!

Santa Claus gave the bear a barrel of fragrant honey and a rattle. The bear immediately started playing on the rattle.

Game "Quiet and Loud Rattles"

(to the tune of the Ukrainian folk song“Oh, I’ll burst the hoop”)


And for the birds, Santa Claus

He brought sweet berries:

Rowan berry

And delicious raspberries.

Song with movements “Bird”

T. Popatenko (collection “Music in kindergarten. First junior group", With. 14)

Santa Claus for the bunny

I prepared felt boots,

So that he doesn’t chill his feet,

I walked around in warm felt boots.

I looked into the bag again,

I got the wolf a pie,

The pie is delicious

With meat, not cabbage.

The wolf is kind today, doesn’t offend anyone, even plays with hares.

Game “Hares and the Wolf” (p. 42)


Grandfather did not forget anyone,

He gave gifts to everyone.

And then Santa Claus

I pinched the guys' noses.

Song with movements “Santa Claus” (see appendix, p. 115)

Educator. So the holiday ends. Now Santa Claus will go further, he will amuse other children. The animals will go into the forest. Only snow will fall on our palms.

Poem with movements “A snowball is falling” (p. 34)

Lesson 18 BIRD TREE


Flannelograph; pictures for flannelgraph: Christmas tree, woodpecker, sparrow, tit, bullfinch, feeder; a rattle for each child; toy cat.

Educator. Children, what holiday did you and I recently celebrate? Who came to our Christmas tree? (Children answer.) You and I danced around the Christmas tree, played, did round dances, and you probably would like to dance with us too.

If only the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along the path.

She would dance with us,

She would have clicked her heels.

The toys would spin on the Christmas tree -

Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.

K. Chukovsky

Let's tell you what toys hang on the Christmas tree.

Finger game “Herringbone” (p. 45)


And recently at the gate

New Year has knocked.

Children, hold hands

Start a round dance.

New Year's round dance (optional)

Educator. There is also a Christmas tree in the winter garden.

Along the silver path

As soon as the New Year comes,

On a high thin leg

The miracle Christmas tree is rising.

This tree is not simple,

And it's not for guys.

Near the Christmas tree, flying,

Birds whistle merrily.

3. Alexandrova

Sit down, children, on the sled,

The game repeats itself.

Educator. We arrived at the Christmas tree. Let's see what birds will fly to her.

The teacher recites a poem and places images of birds on a flannelgraph.

There are woodpeckers and titmice here,

Bullfinches and sparrow -

Everybody wants to have fun

Near your Christmas tree.

Toys don't shine on her

And the star does not shine,

But there are feeders for birds

We hung it there!

3. Alexandrova

(Attaches a picture of a feeder to the tree.)

The birds flew to the feeder, began to peck the grains and thanked them for the treat. Guys, tell me which birds have arrived.

Children name birds.

Song with movements “Bird” by T. Popatenko (p. 50)


Flocks of birds arrive

To our Christmas tree in the winter garden,

And in the garden without stopping

The bells are ringing.

3. Alexandrova

The birds sing like bells. Rattles answer them.

Educator. The forest animals found out about the Christmas tree in the garden and also came to it.

Educator. The birds welcome guests. Only they don’t want to welcome the cat, because it often hunts birds.

Game "Cat and Birds"

Educator. What a pussy! I wanted to catch the birds! You and I will come to the bird tree again. And now it's time for us to go home. Get on the sled. Let's go!

Children stand in pairs, forming a sled, and leave the hall.



Illustrations: children sledding, animals in winter, birds in winter; toy cat.

Educator. It's winter now. It's cold outside. Severe frosts outside. But the kids are not afraid of the cold. When it’s very cold outside, they sit warm at home and make fun of the frost.

Song with movements “Santa Claus” (see appendix, p. 115)

Educator. As soon as the frost lets up, the kids are already sledding down the mountains, laughing, having fun, there’s no frost

afraid. (Shows an illustration of children sledding.)

Game "Sledge" (p. 52)

Educator. Forest animals are also not afraid of frost - they have a warm fur coat. (Shows the illustration “Animals in Winter.”) The frost cannot get through the fur coat, no matter how hard it tries, but the animals cannot be frozen. The animals also laugh at the frost and rely on their legs: they can always escape the cold.

Exercise “Forest guests” (p. 49)

Educator. Birds feel bad in the cold: they have no warm fur to keep warm, no worms to eat. (Shows the illustration “Birds, in winter.”) What to do? We need to help the birds.

But the birds! How cold it is

In the air!

Will we help

Defenseless like that?

They need to be fed

It will be easy for them to survive the cold.

E. Blaginina

And now a tit bird has flown to our window.

A yellow bird is knocking on the window,

The bird from the path was a little tired.

She flew to us from a distant forest,

I was very cold and wanted to eat.

The little girl opened the window,

She pours cake crumbs from her palm.

There's a lot of heat in this cake -

Grandmother baked it for her granddaughter.

D. Novikov

Finger game "Cakes"


The kind grandmother said to her granddaughter:

The last crumbs fall into the snow -

This means there is enough flatbread for everyone.

D. Novikov

Educator. The guys treat the birds with bread crumbs and grains and warn: “Be careful, cats! She’s hunting our birds!” So the cat appeared.

The teacher shows the cat toy and conducts a dialogue with it:

Cat, cat! Do you want a crumpet?

Meow! Better give me the mouse!

Cat, cat! Do you want some porridge?

Meow! I like birds!

A. Usachev

Game “The Cat and the Birds” (p. 54)

Educator. The cat didn't catch the birds and left dissatisfied. And the children hung a feeder on a tree near the kindergarten and fed the birds every day while walking. Now birds are not afraid of frost either. Frost sees that no one is afraid of him, and he did not freeze so much, did not let in the icy cold. Another month will pass and spring will come.

Lesson 20 Tanya


Illustrations: a girl sits on a crib, rides a sled on a hill, feeds pigeons by the window; rattles for each child; toy cat; lullaby recording -

At grandpa's, at grandma's

There was a granddaughter Tanyushka.

I woke up in the morning,

She smiled at everyone at once.

The teacher shows an illustration of a girl sitting on the bed.

Poem with movements “Potyagushechki”


Okay, okay,

Grandma bakes flatbreads

For breakfast for dear Tanya.


Tanya ate

And she sat down on a chair:

Where are my toys?

Rattle toys?

Game “Quiet and Loud Rattles” (p. 50)


Tanya, it's time to go for a walk.

There's a game waiting for us outside.

But it's freezing outside,

You can freeze your nose.

Dress warmly

Get ready for a walk.

Song with movements “Santa Claus” (see appendix, p. 115)

The teacher shows the illustration “Children ride a cai kah down a hill.”


The sled rolled down.

Hold on tight, Tanya,

Look, don't fall -

There's a ditch ahead.

Game "Sledge" (p. 52)


He sees, Tanya,

The little birdie is flying.

A dove flew up to her.

A dove flew from the sky,

The dove asks for a crust of bread: -

Give me some crumbs! I want to eat...

Or I won’t come to you!

A. Usachev

Tanya doesn’t have any bread with her. The dove got offended and flew away

Poem with movements “Flying”

Educator. Tanya came home, opened the window, and called the pigeons. (Shows the illustration “Girls Feeding Pigeons.”)


Tanya feeds the pigeons.

Flocks of lungs fluttered

And they fly towards her.


Tanya sprinkles millet for them.

The cat is spinning on a chair

He asks to be let out the window.

3. Alexandrova

Song with movements “Bird” (p. 50)


Here the window is opened,

The cat came out onto the ledge.


They soared into the blue sky.


The cat was cleverly deceived.

3. Alexandrova


Tanya fed the birds

And I ate it myself

And then she went to bed.

It's time for our Tanya to sleep.

Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes and relax while listening to the recording of “Lullaby.” The teacher talks against the background of music.

The month floated out. Time to sleep...

Everyone goes to bed until the morning.

Our children are in the bedroom,

The cat is on the rocks,

The bird is in a soft nest,

The sleepy fish is in the water.

They close their eyes.

Everyone - Good night!

Lesson 21 TASTY PORridge


Toys: doll, goose, chickens, bird, dog, cat; School bed, table with dishes, dress and shoes., The teacher shows the doll lying in the crib.


Tanya wakes up.


Tanya rises

He washes himself and gets dressed.

Game "Splash"

The teacher dresses the doll.

Educator. Let's see what grandma cooked for Tanya for breakfast. (Sits the doll at the table, puts a dish of flatbread and a plate of porridge.) Grandmother baked some flatbread and cooked porridge.

Finger game “Cakes” (p. 55)


Buckwheat porridge.

Where was it cooked?

Boiled, reproached,

So that Tanya eats,

She praised porridge

I divided it among everyone...

3. Alexandrova

Song with movements “Cook, cook, porridge”

E. Tumanyan (collection “Music in early childhood", With. 12)

Boil, boil, porridge, Move your index finger
In a blue cup smack the palm of the other hand
Cook quickly (“they are cooking porridge”).
Gurgle more fun!
Losing. Squeezing and unclenching
fingers and say:
“Bool! Bool!..”
Cook, porridge, sweet "They're cooking porridge."
NZ thick milk,
From thick milk,
Yes, from small grains...
(Speaking.) They wag their fingers.
from the one who eats the porridge,
All your teeth will grow! They click their teeth.
A. Rozhdestvenskaya


A bird has flown

Dear titmouse,

Song with movements “Bird” by T. Popatenko (p. 50)


And yellow chickens

Little guys,

They want porridge

They squeak loudly.

How do chickens squeak?

Children answer: “Pi-pi-pi...”

Tanya calls the chickens to eat porridge.


Gray goose on the path

He asks for at least a spoonful of porridge.

The goose pecked buckwheat

And swam down the river.

Exercise "Goose"


And the dog came running,

She wagged her tail: -

Give Bug some porridge

In a blue cup.

Song “Dog” by M. Rauchwerger (collection “Music in kindergarten. First junior group”, p. 77)


A dog came to us

Smart dog,

Plays with the children

Barks very loudly!

Woof! Woof!..

N. Komissarova

Give some porridge to the pussy

In a blue bowl.

Pussy licked all the porridge

And she ran after the bird.

Game “Cat and Birds” (p. 54)

Tanya treated everyone.

Got it by the spoonful

Geese on the path,

Chickens in a basket,

To the tits in the window.

A spoonful was enough

Dog and cat

And Tanya finished eating

Last crumbs! 3. Alexandrova

Game “Quiet - Loud” by E. Tilicheeva (collection “Music in kindergarten. First junior group”, p. 19)



Toys: baby doll, chicken, bird, rocking horse; toy stroller, basin, towel, table, plate with pancakes, blue cup, spoon.

The action is accompanied by a display of toys. The teacher shows a baby doll in a stroller.


And we have a girl,

Her name is Alyonushka.

Little girl

Round head.

“Wa-wa” all day -

That's all she said.

E. Blaginina

Exercise “Our daughter”


When the sun wakes up,

Alyonushka will also stand up,

It will stretch, it will stretch,

She won't stay small.

Poem with movements “Potyagushechki” (p. 57)


Alenka wakes up

Alenka washes herself.

(Washes a doll from a basin.)

Warm water

Let's pour on our bird.

Oh, s goose water,

Alyonushka is thin!

E. Blaginina

Game "Splash" (p. 60)


Okay, okay,

Let's bake pancakes

Let's bake pancakes

We are for our sweetheart.

Finger game “Cakes” (p. 55)

We'll eat ourselves

And we'll treat the chickens.

Finger game “Chick-Chick” (p. 61)


The sparrows have arrived

Poem with movements “Flying” (p. 58)

Educator. One day a horse came to visit Alyonushka.


The horse was riding -

With a raven wither,

golden bangs,

So noble

But I'm very hungry!

This is how the hooves beat:

Bon appetit!

Let's show how the horse galloped.

Exercise “On my way to grandma and grandpa”


I galloped up to our Lena

I asked for porridge.

Come on, kids, let's cook some porridge for the horse.


The horse asks:

Don't squint your eyes

And take a spoon

Yes, feed yourself and me:

Alenka - a spoon,

And a little bit for me too!

Alenka - a spoon,

And a little bit for me too!

(Feeds the horse.)

Bon appetit!

Bon appetit!

Bon appetit!

Alyonushka ate the porridge herself and fed the horse. Alenka clapped and was glad that the horse was now full.

Game “Quiet - Loud” (p. 63)

Educator. The well-fed horse began to give the children rides.

The horse can neigh loudly,

Stubbornly waving his mane,

It's hard to hold onto the reins

Already our horse.

3. Alexandrova

Game “Ride us, horse!” V. Agafonnikova and K. Kozyreva (collection “Music in kindergarten. First junior group”, p. 113)

Educator. The horse gave the kids a ride and galloped off home. Let's say goodbye to her. (Speaks with the children.) Goodbye, horse!

Lesson 23 HORSE


Toys: doll, rocking horse; blue cup, bucket, “grass”; flags for each child.

The teacher shows the doll.

Educator. Once upon a time there was a girl, so good, so pretty.

Exercise “Our daughter” (p. 64)

Educator. In the morning I woke up, got up, and stretched.

Poem with movements “Potyagushechki” (p. 57)

Educator. The girl had a horse friend. Whenever the girl wants to see the horse, she will clap her hands, the horse will hear and come running to her. Let's clap too, guys.

Game “Quiet - Loud” (p. 63)

The teacher shows a rocking horse.

Educator. The horse snores, curls its ears, moves its eyes, gnaws at the bit, bends its neck like a swan, and digs the ground with its hoof. The mane is wavy on the neck, the tail is a pipe at the back, there are bangs between the ears, there is a brush on the legs, the fur has a silver shimmer. There is a bit in the mouth, a saddle on the back, golden stirrups, steel horseshoes. (K. Ushinsky.)

Give us a ride, little horse!

Game “Ride us, horse!” (p. 66)

Educator. The girl can gallop like a horse. She taught other kids to run like that.

Jump-jump! Jump and jump!

My son has jumped!

Along the path straight, straight

The son galloped away from his mother.

I galloped to the gate

And he came running back: -

M. Druzhinina

Exercise “I’m going to see my grandmother, my grandfather” (p. 65)

Educator. The horse runs around and gets tired, and the guys play enough and get tired too. So, you need to eat well, they will cook delicious porridge for the guys.

Song with movements “Cook, cook, porridge” (p. 60)

Educator. The horse will be fed grass and given some water to drink.

Song “Playing with a Horse” by I. Kishko (collection “Teach Children to Sing”, p. 41)

The teacher accompanies the action with a demonstration.

I'll feed the horse

Fresh grass

I'll water the horse

Clean water.

Now I'll get it

Reins with bells,

I'll harness the horse

And I'll go to my mother.

You go, horse

Higher, higher legs.

You and I will go

Right along the path!

N. Kuklovskaya

Educator. The horse will eat and go for gifts 1 for the guys. What did the horse bring us?

The children answer.

The flags are multi-colored. (Shows the flags, children name their color.)

Flag burning in the sun

Topic: “My garden” (Games and toys)



Software tasks: Get to know children and arouse their interest in music lessons, the desire to listen to music, to attract attention to dance music, to teach to understand its perky, cheerful character, to learn to use a rattle as a musical instrument, to perform simple movements. Teach children to navigate the space of the music hall.

  1. Plyasovaya "Polyanka" r. n. m.
  2. Dance according to the show of the river. n. m.
  3. Playing with rattles n. m.

Material: Beautiful box, doll, tambourine, rattles (for each child)

Progress of the lesson:

Meeting in a group, invitation to the music room. In the hall they examine the situation.

Musical director: Guys, this is the most favorite room in our kindergarten, it’s called the music room. Why do all kindergarten children love our music room? (It’s big, bright, children play, dance, sing here, happy holidays take place here). Where is the floor? (Bottom) Stomp your feet on the floor. Where's the ceiling? (above) Let's stretch higher. Let's try to reach the ceiling with our hands. This is how tall our hall is. Let's name all the words what our music hall is. (Big, beautiful, bright, spacious, tall). I really want you to always feel fun and comfortable in our hall.

Look! Here is a table with a box on it. I'll look into it. Someone is sitting there... (I take out the doll, examine it)

This is Katyusha doll, she loves to listen to songs.

Look at her and invite her to class.

Katyusha wants to meet you. Whoever the doll approaches will tell it his name. (Children introduce themselves, I repeat their names in an affectionate form). The doll enjoys visiting us, she even clapped her hands. Do you know how to clap your hands? (clapping) Well done! Now let’s clap our hands to cheerful music, and Katyusha will dance.

Come on, Katya, dance, oh - your legs are good!


The doll dances in the hands of the teacher.

Musical director: Oh yes, dancing doll, Katenka, what did you bring us in the box? Here is a carved, intricate, painted box!

(I take out a tambourine from the box) Look, this tambourine is a musical instrument. Listen to how fun he sounds. (I play the tambourine, humming a dance song) And now Katenka will play, and the children will dance.

“DANCE FOR SHOW” p. n. m.

Musical director: How merrily you danced, how loudly the tambourine sounded! Your arms and legs were also dancing and a little tired. Sit down on the chairs, let's see what else Katenka has in the box. (I show the rattles, explain how to hold them correctly, distribute them to all children, show 2 techniques: shake them in the air, tap your palm)

Here's a fun toy called a rattle!

The children's rattles ring very happily!


When the music ends, children hide the rattles behind their backs and then put them in a box.

Musical director: Our Katenka was tired and danced very merrily.

Now she will go and rest a little.

Quiet, quiet, don't make any noise, don't wake up my Katya.

Come to us again - Katya and I will dance.

Did you like it in music hall? (answer) Songs, dances, games, fairy tales live here - music lives here. Come here to listen to music. I'll be waiting for you! Goodbye!


"Visiting the kitty"

(Artistically - aesthetic development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, speech development)

Software tasks:

  1. Contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment, bringing children closer to each other, with musical director. Give children the pleasure of interacting with their favorite toys.
  2. Satisfy children's need for emotional and motor self-expression through music. To develop children's emotionality, the ability to perceive, experience and understand music.
  3. Master rhythmic walking in a flock around the hall with a teacher.
  4. Introduce children to new song, master the melody. Learn to sing melodiously and drawlingly.
  5. Introduce children to music of a gentle, affectionate nature - a lullaby. Respond emotionally to music of a contrasting nature: lullaby, dance.
  6. Introduce children to high and low sounds. Play these sounds.
  7. Teach children to hear the beginning and ending of a piece of music. Develop a sense of rhythm. Develop the ability to improvise musical instruments.
  8. Actively master dance movements as shown.
  1. Exercise: “March” by E. Tilicheeva
  2. Singing: “Ladushki” r. n. p.
  3. Listening: “Bayu-bayu” by Krasev, “Plyasovaya” r.n. m.
  4. Musically - didactic game: “Bird and chicks”
  5. Playing musical instruments: “Rattles” b. n. p.
  6. Free dance r. n. m.

Material: screen, cat toy, rattles for each child, teaching aid “Bird and Chicks”

Progress of the lesson:

Under the calm beautiful music children enter the music room.

Musical director: Guys, this morning I met a cat I know, she invited us to visit her. Children, do you want to go visit the cat? (Children's response)

Exercise: “March” by E. Tilicheeva

A teacher with children marches around the hall. Then the children go on their own.

Meowing is heard. The children approach the screen. The teacher shows a toy - a cat.

Musical director: Children, we came to visit the pussy. Let's say hello to her - let's let her pussy stroke our hands.


formation of the skill of rhythmic walking, development of auditory attention, the ability to start and finish movements to music.

1. The legs started walking - top, top, top!

Come on, more fun - top, top, top.

That's how we do it - top, top, top.

2. The legs started walking - top, top, top!

Right along the path - top, top, top.

Boots stomp - stomp, stomp, stomp.

These are our legs - top, top, top.

While the teacher sings, the children march around the room and stop at the end of the music - stop.

2 . PALM

To the melody of the Russian folk song "I went up the hill"


This exercise helps to establish a warm, trusting relationship between the teacher and the child.

1. Give me your palm, my little one,

I will stroke your palm.

2. On the palm of your hand, my little one,

You stroke my palm.

The teacher offers to show their palms, the children hold them out. For the first verse, the teacher strokes the children’s palms with both hands, and for the second verse, he extends his palms to the children, and they stroke. We must have time to greet all the children!


Words by Yu. Ostrovsky, music by E. Tilicheeva

The exercise develops children's auditory attention, coordination of movements, and sense of rhythm.

1. We will clap our hands - yes, yes, yes, yes!

We stamp our feet - yes, yes, yes, yes!

2. Let's wave our hands - yes, yes, yes, yes!

Let's dance with our feet - yes, yes, yes, yes!

Children perform movements according to the text, and finally run and squat down.

Words by I. Plakida, music by T. Lomova

The exercise develops coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm. Helps increase emotional tone and create a good mood.

1. Where, where are our legs, Children are squatting

Where are our legs? hugging my knees.

Where, where are our legs -

Our legs are missing.

Here, here are our legs, They stand up and stomp their feet.

That's where our legs are!

Our feet are dancing, dancing,

Our feet are dancing.

2. Where, where are our hands, They hide their hands behind their backs.

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our pens -

We don't have our pens.

Here, here are our hands, Hands are shown

These are our hands, rotating the brushes.

Our hands are dancing, dancing,

Our hands are dancing!

3. Where, where are our children - Cover your eyes with your palms.

Where are our children?

Where, where are our children -

Our children are missing.

Here, here are our children, They open their eyes,

These are our children! dance and

Dance, dance our children, clap their hands.

Little kids!


Words and music by E. Makshantseva

The exercise develops elementary dance skills in children, expands their motor experience, and develops the ability to coordinate movements with music.

1. Chok da chok - children dance. Exposing their legs

Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok! on the heel.

Chok da chok - the children are dancing,

Exposing the heel.

Chorus: Our children ran Children run in circles

Faster and faster one after another.

Our children danced

Have fun, have fun!

2. Clap and clap - children are dancing. Children clap their hands

Clap and clap - they started dancing, two claps on the right and left.

Clap and clap - the children are dancing,

We have a lot of fun!


3. Our children squat Children do half squats

They squat together at once. handles on the belt.

Our children squat -

That's how much fun we have!

Chorus. Children run in a circle after each other.

4. Chok da chok - children dance. Repeat movements

Program content. Teach children to coordinate movements with the nature and form of program musical works; expressively embody the images of the game.

Tasks. Improve music perception skills; cultivate attention, endurance, spatial orientation, and develop creative activity.

But one day, trappers came to the forest to catch animals for the zoo. The trappers set up their camp at the edge of the forest and carefully entered the forest. They walk through the forest, stop, and listen to the rustling sounds of the forest. We went into the thicket and lay down in the bushes. And it’s quiet in the forest. Only the cuckoo crows and the birds chirp. But then the bears came out of their dens. They walk through the forest, waddle. They approached the bushes... clever trappers jumped out of the bushes, threw large nets over the bears and caught them all. They sent the bears to their camp, and hid again. Silence fell again.

Suddenly wolves jumped out of the thicket. They crossed the clearing in big leaps, stopped and howled protractedly. The trappers ran out from the bushes and caught all the wolves. They were also sent to the camp, and they themselves again hid in the bushes near a beautiful clearing. They waited a long time. It was quiet in the forest. But then the bunnies jumped out into the clearing. They circled on the green grass and found themselves very close to the bushes. And the trappers are already right there. All the bunnies were caught and brought to their camp. There, the trappers put all the animals in cages, loaded the cages onto a large truck and took them to the zoo.”

Learning technique. During the first lesson, children listen to a figurative story and music for the game. The distribution of roles is carried out at the request of the children (all movements of the characters are previously learned in figurative exercises). The teacher monitors the progress of the game without stopping it. After completing the game, he gives explanations and plays the game again. If there are inaccuracies in the children’s actions, in subsequent lessons the teacher again conducts a series of figurative exercises. In the future, when improving the game, you can alternate the figurative story with listening to music, use musical riddles, telling the story by one of the children, playing the game in subgroups (artists - spectators) with the assessment of movements by comrades. It is recommended to use the learned game as a performance, including it in the scenario of a leisure evening or holiday.

The task of a music primer is to introduce a child to the world of music and develop an emotional and conscious attitude towards it.

The previously published musical primer (8th edition 1972 and earlier) pursued a narrower goal, aimed mainly at the development musical ear and preparing children to learn to sing from notes.
The new primer is distinguished by a broad musical and aesthetic approach, although it partially preserves the material of previous editions.
The primer is intended for children preschool age. It can be used in older groups of kindergarten, in preparatory classes secondary school, in preschool groups music school, as well as at home.

Part I. Music is the language of feelings
E. Tilicheeva - Sunshine
E. Tilicheeva - Rain
E. Tilicheeva - Thunderstorm
E. Tilicheeva - Mom sings
E. Tilicheeva - We are marching to the parade
E. Tilicheeva - A man walks
E. Tilicheeva - At the movies
E. Tilicheeva - Winter forest
E. Tilicheeva - Charging
E. Tilicheeva - They will manage without me
E. Tilicheeva - What the rain is crying about
E. Tilicheeva - Autumn wanders through the forests
E. Tilicheeva - What's in autumn's basket
E. Tilicheeva - Sad song
E. Tilicheeva - Hot
E. Tilicheeva - Rain, pour down!
Part II. What does the music tell?
I. Arseev - Border Guard
I. Arseev - The ringing trumpets are blowing
I. Arseev - Spring leaves
I. Arseev - Elephant and Moska
I. Arseev - Little Red Riding Hood and Gray Wolf
I. Arseev - Three bears
I. Arseev - Car day
I. Arseev - Morning
I. Arseev - Day
I. Arseev - Night
Part III. How does the music tell the story?
E. Tilicheeva - Chicks
E. Tilicheeva - Swing
E. Tilicheeva - Echo
E. Tilicheeva - Clock
E. Tilicheeva - Trumpet
E. Tilicheeva - Lullaby
E. Tilicheeva - Accordion
I. Arseev - Counting table
E. Tilicheeva - Bells
E. Tilicheeva - Our home
E. Tilicheeva - Ladder
E. Tilicheeva - High staircase
Cockerel. Arrangement of a Russian folk song (Arrangement by I. Arseev)
E. Tilicheeva - I'm coming with flowers
E. Tilicheeva - On skis
E. Tilicheeva - At dawn
E. Tilicheeva - Bullfinches
E. Tilicheeva - I will be a pilot
I. Arseev - Trumpet and echo
I. Arseev - Boys are dancing
I. Arseev - Girls dancing
I. Arseev - Soldiers are marching
I. Arseev - Grandfather and grandson
I. Arseev - On a visit
I. Arseev - On foot
I. Arseev - On a bicycle
I. Arseev - By car
I. Arseev - Train
I. Arseev - Top
I. Arseev - Dad and Mom are talking
I. Arseev - Rooster and Cuckoo
I. Arseev - Balalaika and accordion
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