Nominations for corporate events for doctors. Comic nominations for men. nominations for corporate events are comic. "The best expert on privacy"

Not a single corporate party can do without special competitions. Scenarios for such events are usually drawn up by an initiative group of employees.

Depending on the occasion, feasts are invented funny pranks prizes. One of the popular entertainments at parties is rewarding employees with nominations. You can present such fun in an original form.

At every enterprise there is an employee who differs from others in his qualities. This can be said about any employee.

Nominations for titles are thought out in advance, and special awards in the form of non-standard items are also purchased.

Let's consider popular nomination options for rewarding employees:

With the latter award option, it’s a good idea to organize special attributes– buy a red carpet, buy Oscar toy figurines.

Original awards for different professions

Depending on the name of the nomination, it is also worth giving incentive prizes to employees. This move will help to significantly bring together and liberate colleagues, which is necessary for the successful holding of the event.

Please note! In the nominations it is worth mentioning only those professions that cannot actually exist in the team.

IN lately Outdoor parties are becoming increasingly popular. In this case, it is worth thinking in advance where to place the prizes so that no one notices them.

Let's look at the award options for different categories:

Nomination Reward
“A penny saves a ruble” - to reward accountants Present your colleague with cool chocolates in the form of cash coins
“The Headless Horseman” is for people who always forget their heads at home, according to the authorities Give your employee a notepad and pen for notes and memos.
“I will command the parade” - suitable for rewarding the chief IN in this case It’s worth giving a solid, but at the same time, comic present - for example, an interesting figurine of a king from a cartoon
“Buffet specialist” - for an employee organizing banquets A magnet in the shape of a donut or other food is suitable for a present.
“Psychotherapist” - for an employee who is always ready to help with good advice An excellent gift option is an anti-stress keychain, because a psychotherapist also needs to control thoughts
“Firefighter” or “Rescuer of the Year” - a person who helps the entire company get out of a difficult situation A lighter in the shape of a fire extinguisher is a great gift idea.
“He only dreams of peace” - to reward a hardworking employee A souvenir in the shape of a battery-powered bunny will delight a colleague
“Keeper of Traditions” - a nomination for a colleague who has worked in the company for a long time Give your employee a notepad with the inscription “for urgent thoughts”
“In chocolate” - for an employee who always succeeds The ideal option would be a tile of high-quality delicacy

Awarding nominations for various holidays at work

Humorous nominations can be invented not only on the occasion of the company's anniversary, but also on such holidays as New Year, March 8, Men's Day and others.

It is then that the atmosphere especially calls for congratulations and the presentation of prizes.

Let's consider several original nomination options for employees:

  1. February 23. On this day, all male colleagues at work expect congratulations.

    All the lovely ladies can do is organize a small party after a hard day, where they will draw nominations and awards.

    “Our shooter has ripened everywhere” is suitable for rewarding a person who does not go into his pocket for a word, and the option “The best cover fighter” is suitable for a colleague who perfectly performs his functions of negotiations with competitors.

    Men will be pleased if each of them receives such nominations.

  2. March 8. It is fashionable to associate this holiday with a fairy-tale incident, and since men are not always inventive, the nominations can be taken straight from children's cartoons.

    For example, “Elena the Beautiful” is a title for the most attractive lady in the office, and the option “Marya the Artisan” is suitable for a woman who loves to make gifts with her own hands.

    Women should be rewarded with champagne and a delicious cake.

  3. Professional holidays. If the company consists of builders, and the day before this holiday is celebrated, you can play with the names of the awards.

    The nomination “What should we build a house” will go to the architect, “I can see everything from above, you know that” - to the bosses, and “Putting it in paint” - to the painters.

Accompany the award presentation with poems or songs. You can also use the audio systems and play themed tunes for the occasion of the banquet.

Important! Don’t forget to say compliments and nice words when presenting prizes - this will significantly increase trust in the team.

The brightest and most colorful emotions remain after fun competitions and sweepstakes. Try to spice up the upcoming party with original innovations and everyone will have the most unforgettable impressions.

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Any corporate event is always an excellent reason to gather in one place with your entire work team. And, of course, in order for the evening to be a success, it’s best to come up with fun competitions with incentive prizes and comic nominations. As a rule, nomination names are directly related to the theme of the event, for example, February 23. We will talk about what nomination names to come up with for men in this article.

What determine the names of the nominations?

As we have already said, the names of the comic nominations directly depend on the theme of the party. Also, the names of the awards may be influenced by the gender of the nominees nominated for the award. In our case, we agreed that all names would be compiled for men. So, what funny nominations can you come up with for a corporate party?

"Most late employee of the year"

This nomination, as the name suggests, should go to the employee who is constantly late for work. As a rule, such people constantly come up with new excuses for their unpunctuality. However, in order not to offend the nominee, such an award can be presented using the following verses:

The alarm clock will ring in the morning,

Get up, get up! It's time!

But he just can't get up

He really wants to sleep.

He's in no hurry to go to work

He basks and sleeps for a long time.

As soon as he sees that he overslept,

He runs to the taxi, but is late again.

Well, who doesn’t it happen to?

He deservedly receives his reward!

Such humorous nominations in verse will help to lift the mood and tell the employee in a playful manner that he is doing something wrong. As a reward for the nominee, in addition to a certificate, you can get a beautiful medal with the image of a sleeping person. You can also give him a large alarm clock.

"The sickest employee of the year"

An employee of an organization who is regularly sick and is on sick leave for any reason can win this nomination. In this case we're talking about not about those employees who have chronic diseases or real problems with health, which certainly shouldn’t be laughed at. Nominees nominated for this award are often described as “imaginary patients” or that they “suffer from the inflammation of cunning.”

He wakes up in the morning, that's the problem.

He had a headache!

Either your stomach or your back will hurt,

Either a sore throat, or the flu, or colitis.

He won't go to work

He will name a hundred reasons.

He'll call you at work

He coughs and wheezes into the phone.

And so every day he suffers,

For this he receives an award.

As a reward in this category for employees - comic prizes in the form of a large first aid kit with a red cross.

"The most thrifty employee of the company"

For example, a chief accountant can be nominated for this award. Such a person, as a rule, resolves many financial issues of the organization. He always knows where and in what amount certain funds are spent, and also has information regarding saving money. The nominee can be awarded with a large medal with the image of a chest with gold coins or a hand with a fan of green banknotes clutched in its fingers. You can also give him a calculator or an old wooden abacus (the second option is preferable - in order to save money).

Such humorous nominations will make your employee stand out from the team and will be an additional motivation for everyone else.

"The most important ladies' protector"

This nomination is ideal for men who like to be in the center of a female team. As a rule, they are not deprived of the attention of the fair sex; they always know how and what to say to any lady. Such a colleague can be presented with a medal with the image of a pumped-up athlete or sports attributes, for example, sports dumbbells.

"Master of the Tea Ceremony"

It is interesting to include such interesting titles as “Master of the Tea Ceremony” in comic nominations for awards. A candidate for this nomination could be the employee who was often spotted with a mug of tea. Moreover, he could be seen with this drink not only during lunch breaks, but also during working hours. Such people, as a rule, are simply “playing for time.” During and after tea drinking, they can go for a smoke break and accompany the consumption of this drink with conversations with colleagues, etc.

You can come up with similar nominations on the same topic, for example in the rubric: “for record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for record frequency of visits to the smoking room” and so on. In a word, come up with nominations for employees that are humorous and at the same time emphatic individual characteristics each of the employees nominated for the award.

"Talker Bird"

An excellent nomination in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk regardless of whether they are on their lunch break or doing something during work hours. As a prize, such employees can be given a megaphone or a poster in the “silence is golden” style.

"Chief psychotherapist of the company"

To select candidates suitable for this name awards must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should be uplifting, not upsetting. Therefore, it is better not to make a candidate a person who has trouble with humor.

For example, if your boss has no prejudices, you can award him this bonus. In this case, the presentation of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will bring the arrogant ones back to earth, he will bring sense to the dull, he will set the heads of departments on the right path, etc.” As a reward, he can be given a statuette reminiscent of an Oscar award.

"King of Social Media"

Such nominations for corporate events are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. “Speaking” names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination “King of Social Networks” may be a subtle hint at some employees who only imitate hectic work activity, while they themselves only “sit” on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

"The most important fashion critic"

Some humorous nominations for men need clarification. For example, “The Most Important Fashion Critic” is awarded to those male representatives who carefully monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. Moreover, in reality they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the slit.

"The best expert on privacy"

There is such a person in every company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who lives with whom, who he meets with, who he quarrels with, who his wife left and for what reason, who is cheating on her husband, and the like. If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make humorous nominations for rewarding employees in such a way as not to offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about.

"Biggest Partisan of the Month"

In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with pincers. They are usually laconic, but in most cases they are hardworking. Almost all representatives of the “silent people” behave like hermits. They hardly communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to noisy company.

Comic nominations for rewarding employees: “Genius of the Year”

This category is open to all employees who have distinguished themselves in some way in the workplace. For example, reward a middle manager who solved a 5th grade problem for the child of a chief engineer; for quickly and effectively finding a solution when working with a printer that has jammed paper and so on.

"IT maniac of the month"

This nomination is open to all employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technology. They are usually said to be “gadget nuts.”

Let us remind you that all nominations for corporate events are comic. Jokes should not be confused with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or subject to ridicule or snide remarks. Therefore, be very careful when selecting names for nominations.

Use tools such as medals and certificates with humorous content. In addition, all participants and winners can be called onto the stage, taking funny photos with them. Additionally, comic nominations for men can be accompanied by some funny accessories, for example, glasses with a nose and mustache, unusual hats, colored wigs, and so on.

Comic nominations are always met with a bang and genuine interest. Often they also need awards and medals - the nominees are real, not jokes)))!

Even the presentation of real awards is not always such a success.

To whom do we give it and for what reason?

At one person’s birthday or other holiday (entry to school, university, work, retirement, setting a record, receiving Nobel Prize, the publication of the first article in a magazine, the appearance of a personal blog, a victory at a dog show, etc.) are awarded only to this person, the hero of the occasion;

At a celebration of several people (a team’s victory in sports, in KVN, in some project, etc.), we present all these people with the same medals (or at least with the same inscriptions, and the pictures are close in meaning);

February 23 and March 8 - to all women and all men, without exception (check a hundred times that you haven’t forgotten anyone. Just in case, make a couple of spare medals with a universal text (they will also be useful for unexpected guests). But! Here you need to make them the same shape and size , but with different inscriptions: the more individual, the more interesting everyone will be waiting, but what has been invented for them?

What are we writing?

Comic nominations for competitions and texts on medals.

By family connections:

The best mother (daughter, grandmother, auntie)

The coolest dad (son, grandson, grandfather, child)

Eldest beloved daughter, youngest beloved daughter (I recently wrote something similar to someone in the comments)

By profession:

The most fashionable singer (doctor, stylist)

My favorite teacher (artist, traffic police officer - or what is the traffic police called now?)

The coolest athlete (banker, hacker)

(This doesn’t have to be literally, it’s even better if with a noticeable exaggeration: if you cut your neighbor’s hair, you’re already the best stylist, you managed to run to the bus, well, you’re a cool athlete)

By position:

The most democratic boss, employee, accountant

The most greedy chief accountant

Most Flexible Executive Employee

The most economic caretaker

Important! And the boss, and the supply manager, and the chief accountant - they are always in the singular. But still write the word “most” - for humor and light irony which I hope they will understand.

By action:

I’m the best... handed my neighbor a chair (screwed in a light bulb, blew smoke rings, made reports)

I’m the fastest... I can paint my lips (I find a mobile phone in my purse, wash dishes (or I wash dishes faster than a dishwasher))), count without a calculator)

The same, but for kids:

I was the fastest... to eat the porridge (fell asleep during the day)

I’m the best... tied my shoelaces (buttoned my jacket)

For schoolchildren I can’t figure it out yet: my daughter is a student, my nephews are kids)) I forgot a little school topics. But you understand the idea, you can come up with it yourself quickly, the main thing is to write it down right away. Here's a little for younger students:

Miss curly curls

Miss the most beautiful bows

Miss the longest braids

Mister neat

Mister good manners

Our superman

Our protection and support

Our secret keeper

The smartest (decisive, brave, unyielding, persistent, obstinate, reliable, honest)

The most tender (wise, smart, correct, modest, elegant, fashionable, cheerful)

By hobbies and cute features:

World-class newspaper reading star

World class maestro of playing on nerves

Our personal astrologer (for the horoscope lover)

Fashionable thing (for a fashionable thing))

Our best florist (who loves to tinker with bouquets)

Our Sukhomlinsky (who likes to educate)

Young Michurinets (for summer residents of any age)

Bill Gates student (someone who is good at—or thinks he is good at—computer programs)

Our chocolate girl (the most obvious chocolate lover. That would be me by default))

Almost Hitchcock (for horror movie fans)

Snow Queen (to the prickly lady)

The Iron Lady (whom you decide; usually at least one person, but it happens)

Comic nominations and their winners:

Winner of the nomination “The Lady Checked in Luggage” (find and quote part of this poem by S. Marshak. This is for the lover of a bunch of bags, packages, string bags))

Winner of the nomination “Someone came down from the hill” (who lives on a mountain, a hill, or loves hiking in the mountains or ski resorts)

Winner of the nomination “You deceived me, you let me down” (from the Ukrainian song - You deceived me, you let me down - for constant liars))

Winner of the nomination “On a small raft” (this is from the song by Y. Loza, for lovers of mountain rivers, if any)

Winner of the nomination “I will ride my bike for a long time” (a very beautiful song from my youth. A gift from me to cycling lovers)

Winner of the nomination “I’ll send him to...” (from Lolita’s song. For a lover of rude language of any gender)

Winner of the nomination “Orientation – North” (from another Lolita song. A person at least somehow connected with the word “north”: lived, served, worked in the Far North. Or lives in the area of ​​the Northern bus station (there was once such in Donetsk, and our student dormitory was nearby), or works at the Donetsk-Severny station, for example.

Winner of the nomination "You're drunk like a pig" (You're drunk like a pig - Verka Serduchka, one of New Year's musicals. This medal should NOT be presented, but shown and announced in advance that it exists, and if at the end of the evening there is a candidate for it, he will receive it publicly. But you hope it doesn't come to that)

For this block of nominations, it would be very good to collect these songs and play each one for 1 - 1.5 minutes while the person goes to get the medal and back. In general, short musical inserts (1 - 3 minutes) at homemade holidays are always very, very helpful: they smooth out rough edges and create pleasant musical breaks when you need to prepare the next competition or the next speaker.

Let me remind you: I described in detail how to make a medal in. If you don’t have room for both text and a picture on your medal, leave one, but read the text and nomination out loud anyway: you’re having an award ceremony, after all))

Another tip: when choosing texts and competition nominations for your company, immediately imagine who exactly it will suit. Only in this case will it be funny and fun. While I was composing and typing, I had fun myself, because I imagined everything that I wrote in relation to familiar personalities. If there is no suitable character, take something else, otherwise all my and your work will be wasted in space. And we need it to hook people here on earth))

With best wishes to bright nominations and nominees,

A very beautiful song and, in general, timeless. Listen!

P.S. The title of the next article is “The competition that is always with you.” Look what it is))

The most important fashion critic" Some comic nominations for men need clarification. For example, “The Most Important Fashion Critic” is awarded to those male representatives who carefully monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. Moreover, in reality they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the slit. "The best expert privacy“There is such a person in every company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who lives with whom, who he meets with, who he quarrels with, who his wife left and for what reason, who is cheating on her husband, and the like.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

  • “Headless Horseman” - in any team there is an employee to whom management periodically issues a tirade: “It would be better if you lost your head!” This nomination is for people who lose the necessary documents at the wrong time.
  • “Breakthrough of the Year” - there will probably be a fearless leader in your office - bold and risky, who is not afraid to take on new tasks and rally a group of enthusiasts around him. This award is for him.

How to nominate colleagues in poetry in an original way? We present a selection of comic nominations in verse for rewarding employees:

  • For the first beauty in your team:

Eyes, like the sea, reflect both the shine and the blue spill of the sky, And the lips glow with juiciness, And the mouth is devilishly beautiful!

  • Nomination for the best financial director:

Money, money, money, money, I am a financial tycoon: Three rubles are in my pocket - Dollar, euro and manat.

Awards at a corporate party - comic nominations and more...


Such titles must be awarded to security guards of a company or office.

  • "Harry Potter." In every team there is a person who can get anything. And this is the head of the economic department.

Preparation for the ceremony To organize such an important event, it is necessary to carry out high-quality preparation.

It includes several stages:
  1. Organizational. It is created on it creative group who will be planning the event. It includes young and creative team members.
    At this stage, it is necessary to select those responsible for various elements of the event: script, room design, development of certificates and letters of thanks, purchasing memorable prizes, etc.
  2. Preparatory.

Madame life

This will allow you to expand your team’s social circle and learn more about each other. Selection comic awards for employees We offer you several funny categories of awards for corporate party. It is not necessary to use these exact nominations. You can easily change the names or descriptions to make the fun awards unique to your group and specific recipients. Nominations can range from “For dedicated office work” to “Best mouse tamer,” meaning a computer mouse.

The last nomination is best suited for your system administrator. Cool nominations for women: ATTENTION! Feeling lonely? Losing hope of finding love? Do you want to improve your personal life? You will find your love if you use one thing that helps Marilyn Kerro, the finalist of three seasons of the Battle of Psychics. Read more...

Comic nominations for employees for corporate events in poetry and prose


Sport for him is entertainment until he sweats, and at the same time, sport is an opportunity to show his best qualities. He is a captain, a coach and just a strong shoulder - (last name, first name, patronymic). We made a move with a knight and give you a trotter. IN old times Half the kingdom was given for such people.

(The prize is a toy horse.) Nomination Musician Since the 19th century, lyceum students have been called “lyceum students,” gymnasium students have been called “gymnasium students,” and we decided to modestly call a person whom the muse has repeatedly visited in our time, “Muzist”! Creative people love immodest applause... A man of legend... Lord of the word and master of rhyme... (last name, first name, patronymic).

Cool nominations for rewarding employees

He (she) can endlessly tell tales from the history of (the company) “Master of Golden Hands”: dedicated to the employee, with the magical wave of whose hand any office equipment will “clog” into work. “They only dream of peace”: This is definitely about him or her. About those who are called the ringleader and the “motor” of the company, This is a sparkle in the eyes and a sea of ​​energy, There he (she) is sitting at the next table! “I turned around to look”: Men’s Choice Award. The woman is amazing and unpredictable. When she walks down the corridor, I always try to turn around and look after her! “He is our superman...”: Women's Choice Award.

He is strong and courageous. The most gallant man in our company. “The unbearable lightness of being”: Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness.

Comic nominations for men. comic nominations for corporate events

Helpful advice When holding events dedicated to significant dates for the company, the nominations for rewarding employees should include special ones for retirees who have worked for the company for a long time. This will serve as positive motivation for current team members. Conclusion In any organization, to create a favorable psychological climate it is necessary individual approach to every employee.


An event that includes nominations for employee awards will promote team unity. After all, every person wants his work to be noticed and appreciated. Why do you need a tiny pocket on jeans? Everyone knows that there is a tiny pocket on jeans, but few have thought about why it might be needed.

Interestingly, it was originally a place for storage...

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at corporate events

The prize is a children's shovel.) Nomination Man-orchestra This is the noisiest worker. If Uncle Styopa could be seen a mile away, then this man could be heard a mile away. It can be included in the Guinness Book of Records, but, fortunately, it is included in another book... company personnel records - (last name, first name, patronymic). (Prize - conductor's baton.) Nomination Lighter Man “Hello, fire department? Fry the meat! - We don't fry, we stew! - Well then put it out! The most fire-hazardous employee is represented in the next category not because he indulges in a lighter, he, in principle, does not smoke, his energy and pressure are comparable to fire, a spark that is always with him! This is (last name, first name, patronymic). We decided, in a good sense of the word, to add fuel to the fire. (Prize - a bottle olive oil.) Nomination Strong Link This is a man with a core, who completes a house, plants trees, and takes his son to school.
Let’s all determine together who we have “The most, the most, the most...” and tell them all this, right to their faces and in front of everyone! There is no need to think and consult with each other for a long time, write those who come to mind first. Opinions will be taken into account in aggregate, confidentiality is guaranteed. We really count on you. P.S. Only, please, one nomination - one name, but one person can be nominated several times. “Uma Chamber”: This is the very, very... head (of the company), This is our most intelligent employee or employee, This is our smart girl, erudite and intellectual, He can solve the most difficult problems! “Miss\Mr. anti-stress”: This is the calmest voice of the company, Communication with him puts you in a state of peace, you want to communicate with him (her) again and again “Keeper of traditions”: You can always find out from him or her... ..
Grapes are one of the most noble plants on earth, which produces the most ancient alcoholic drink - wine and, of course, juice! A person who intoxicates with his charisma and squeezes the last juice out of himself and his department - (name, surname)! Pepper. This vegetable does not need any special comment, but still let me say a few words regarding... (name, surname). We saw this man in action, and he is really cool! You can say about him: “It’s all about the pepper, all the pepper is in the business”! Thirdly, despite the small size of the office, it achieves great results! Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It is mentioned in songs, poems, proverbs and sayings: A pineapple is small, but expensive. One pineapple is good, but two is better. If you call yourself a pineapple, get into the champagne. The popularity of our team has been won largely due to the charm of... (name, surname).

Comic nominations for rewarding employees for corporate events

As you know, there was a golden age in poetry, a silver age and even an iron age, but thanks to his talent, critics are inclined to judge that the “pearl age” is coming! (Prize - souvenir “Pearl in the Heart.”) Nomination Beauty is a terrible power These immortal words of Faina Ranevskaya became the name of the next nomination! It presents a man of rare appearance and inner beauty, which will definitely save the world! He attracts attention, he serves as a standard, his appearance in the team is always an event - (last name, first name, patronymic). (The prize is a life preserver with the inscription “Beauty is a terrible force.”) Nomination Gardener of Eden If paradise appears on earth, it will not happen without the participation of this person.

Comic nominations for the New Year for a corporate party will be excellent helpers in creating a cheerful mood, a festive atmosphere, and a fabulous aura. Indeed, shouldn't we go under New Year into a fairy tale? There's no better time. We are all a little bit fairy-tale heroes. For example, Elena Ivanovna from the accounting department is the real Elena the Beautiful, and maybe even Elena the Wise. Get smart about something and an excellent report is ready.

In the comic category “Eagle Prince” we give the palm to the head (director) of the company. It is known that the eagle is a high-flying bird, proud and independent. Such is our director, a real Orel-Tsarevich. Thanks to his eagle gaze, he sees everything that is happening in the company, and as a prince, he feels what is happening in his kingdom - business.

His deputy Finist, the clear falcon, is a match for him. Falcon's character is seasoned and resilient. Finist is principled, uncompromising, and brave. He skillfully maneuvers in the labyrinths of business, he - right hand boss.
Clear mind, clear Falcon...

The Shamakhan queen is the real queen of the accounting kingdom. She is wise and responsible in an oriental way. She always has debit and credit under control. The Shamakhan queen has angelic patience. “The East is a delicate matter.” Everything in her accounting department is transparent, subtle, and serious.

The “steadfast tin soldier” is, of course, a representative of the security service. He is always on guard, always on the alert. The enemy will not pass, victory will be ours. For the business, for the company, for the people.

"The Snow Queen". The winner in this New Year's category may not be so snowy, but she is a real queen of marketing. In the halls Snow Queen the boy Kai could not form the word “eternity” from pieces of ice. In her kingdom, unlike the boy Kai, everything always goes well.

"Basilio the Cat" The championship in this comic category goes to our colleague N.N. He knows how to flexibly resolve a situation like a cat, when you need to remain silent, sometimes purr, and sometimes quietly say “wow,” which means “meow.”

"Alice from Wonderland." Wonderland is our logistics. Sometimes such magic happens there... Mostly good ones. It is impossible to pull the rug out from under Alice from Wonderland, she will bring anyone out into the open, but she always comes out of the water dry...

“Karabas-Barabas” - oh, how powerful and severe it is. And skillfully pulls the “dolls” by the strings. Don't be offended by him. It just seems to him that thanks to these very tactics, he can achieve serious success.

The winner in the comic category “Fedot Sagittarius” is Mr. N.N. He is a Sagittarius not only according to the horoscope, but also in life. In his work he hits with precision and tries not to make mistakes. Lazy people won't let anyone get into the matter at gunpoint.

And here is “Mrs. Nehochukha.” When she is given some difficult task, in her opinion, it is read in her eyes - “I don’t want to.” It’s much more interesting to walk to the coffee machine, show off your excellent figure, chocolate skin, and enjoy the subtle aroma of coffee...

Comic nomination “Sultan”. No, he doesn't have three wives, but he wouldn't mind having them. Yes, there are not three wives, but there are three girlfriends, and from different departments. Although, whoever counted them, maybe there are much more of them...

Comic nomination "Aladdin". Yes, our employee N.N. knows how to let the genie out of the bottle at the right moment. And at the most crucial, necessary period. This is what he is famous for. The winner in the New Year's comic category "Aladdin" can be a system administrator or programmer.