But also sports and cultural. The importance of physical culture and sports. Modern Olympic Games

General approach to the relationship between sport and culture

One of the most important elements that can have a dysfunctional meaning for culture in general and sport in particular is the cult of success, the achievement of high results: “Success occupies such a high place in the hierarchical value system of sport that the status of a given athlete is determined solely by the level of his current achievements. In battles on sports fields and arenas, only the status of the achieved results matters. It is difficult to find another social subsystem, except for the military-army, where success and achievement were valued so highly. If this value orientation became central to the entire culture as a whole, then society, probably found themselves in a permanent conflict situation.

Based on this general approach to the relationship between sport and culture, a positive assessment of sport in this regard is often taken for granted without critical evaluation. It is especially important to take into account that sport is significantly influenced by the socio-cultural system in which its development takes place.

Therefore, for a correct assessment of sport as a sociocultural phenomenon, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between its cultural humanistic potential and the extent to which this potential is practically realized, as well as those values ​​associated with sports that are only proclaimed and those values ​​that people actually focus on in their behavior, real values .

Physical culture as part of the general culture of society

At the present stage of development, in the conditions of a qualitative transformation of all aspects of social life, the requirements for the physical fitness of citizens, necessary for their successful work, are also increasing.

Russian society has entered a phase of progressive development, in which socio-economic and political transformations are aimed at establishing humanistic values ​​and ideals, creating a developed economy and a stable democratic system. An important place in this process is occupied by issues related to the life of the person himself, his health and lifestyle. From the totality of the concept “ healthy image life”, uniting all spheres of life of an individual, a team, a social group, a nation, the most relevant component is physical culture and sports.

Physical culture arose and developed simultaneously with universal human culture and is its organic part. It satisfies social needs for communication, play and entertainment, in some forms of personal self-expression through socially active useful activities. The harmony of personality development has been valued by all peoples and at all times. Initially, the word “culture” translated from Latin meant “cultivation”, “processing”. As society developed, the concept of “culture” was filled with new content.

Today, in the universal human understanding, this word means certain personality traits (education, accuracy, etc.) and forms of human behavior (politeness, self-control, etc.), or forms of social, professional and production activity (production culture, everyday life, leisure, etc.). In the scientific sense, the word “culture” is all forms of social life, ways of people’s activities. On the one hand, this is the process of material and spiritual activity of people, and on the other hand, these are the results (products) of this activity. The content of “culture” in the broad sense of the word includes, for example, philosophy and science, ideology, law, comprehensive development personality, level and nature of a person’s thinking, his speech, abilities, etc.

Thus, “culture” is the creative creative activity of man. The basis and content of the cultural-psychological process of development of “culture” is, first of all, the development of a person’s physical and intellectual abilities, his moral and aesthetic qualities. Based on this, physical culture is one of the components general culture, it arises and develops simultaneously and along with the material and spiritual culture of society. Physical culture has four main forms:

physical education and physical training for specific activities (vocational-applied physical training);

restoration of health or lost strength by means of physical culture - rehabilitation;

physical exercise for recreational purposes, so-called. - recreation;

the highest achievement in the field of sports.

It should be noted that the level of a person’s culture is manifested in his ability to rationally, fully use such a public good as free time. Not only success in work, study and general development, but also human health itself, the fullness of his life activity. Physical culture plays an important role here, because physical culture means health.

Abroad, physical education and sports at all levels are a universal mechanism for improving people’s health, a way of human self-realization, self-expression and development, as well as a means of combating asocial phenomena. That's why for recent years The place of physical education and sports in the value system of modern culture has increased sharply.

Thus, throughout the world there is a steady trend towards increasing the role of physical culture in society, which manifests itself:

in increasing the role of the state in supporting the development of physical culture, social forms of organization and activities in this area;

in the widespread use of physical culture in the prevention of diseases and promotion of public health;

in extending the active creative longevity of people; in organizing leisure activities and in preventing antisocial behavior among young people;

in the use of physical education as an important component of the moral, aesthetic and intellectual development of students;

in involving the working population in physical education;

in the use of physical education in the social and physical adaptation of disabled people and orphans;

in the increasing volume of sports television and radio broadcasting and the role of television in the development of physical culture in the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

in the development of physical education, health and sports infrastructure, taking into account the interests and needs of the population;

in a variety of forms, methods and means offered on the market of physical education, health and sports services.

The term “physical culture” itself appeared in late XIX century in England during the period of rapid development of sports, but did not find wide use in the West and over time practically disappeared from use. In Russia, on the contrary, having come into use since the beginning of the 20th century, after the revolution of 1917 the term “physical culture” received recognition in all high Soviet authorities and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919 Vseobuch held a congress on physical culture, since 1922 the magazine “Physical Culture” was published, and from 1925 to the present - the magazine “Theory and Practice of Physical Culture”. And as we see, the very name “physical culture” indicates its belonging to culture.

In the modern world, the role of physical culture as a factor in improving human nature and society is growing significantly. Therefore, taking care of the development of physical culture is the most important component social policy state, ensuring the implementation of humanistic ideals, values ​​and norms that open up wide scope for identifying the abilities of people, satisfying their interests and needs, and activating the human factor.

A healthy lifestyle in general, physical culture in particular, is becoming a social phenomenon, a unifying force and national idea, promoting the development of a strong state and a healthy society. In many foreign countries physical education, health and sports activities organically combine and unite the efforts of the state, its governmental, public and private organizations, institutions and social institutions.

Formed in the early stages of development human society, the improvement of physical culture continues to this day. The role of physical culture has especially increased in connection with urbanization, deterioration of the environmental situation, and labor automation, which contributes to hypokinesia. The end of the 20th century in many countries became a period of modernization and construction of modern sports facilities. Based on completely new economic and legal relations, effective models of physical culture and sports movement are being created, low-cost behavioral programs are being actively implemented, such as “Health for Life”, “Healthy Heart”, “Life - Be in It” and others, which are aimed at developing moral responsibility individuals for their own health and lifestyle.

A global trend is also a colossal increase in interest in sports highest achievements, which reflects fundamental shifts in modern culture. The processes of globalization were to a certain extent stimulated by the development of modern sports, especially Olympic sports.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation", physical culture is a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person’s abilities, improvement of his motor activity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development.

Physical culture is a type of general culture, a side of activities for the development, improvement, maintenance and restoration of values ​​in the field of physical improvement of a person for the self-realization of his spiritual and physical abilities and its socially significant results associated with the performance of his duties in society.

Physical culture is part of the general culture of mankind and has absorbed not only centuries of valuable experience in preparing a person for life, mastering, developing and managing for the benefit of a person the physical and mental abilities inherent in him by nature (from a religious point of view - by God), but also no less important is the experience of affirming and strengthening the moral principles of a person manifested in the process of physical education.

Physical culture is one of those areas of social activity in which it is formed and implemented social activity people. It reflects the state of society as a whole and serves as one of the forms of manifestation of its social, political and moral structure.

Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are: the level of health and physical development of people and the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.

As we see, in physical culture, contrary to its literal meaning, people’s achievements in improving their physical and, to a large extent, mental and moral qualities are reflected. The level of development of these qualities, as well as personal knowledge, skills and abilities to improve them constitute the personal values ​​of physical culture and determine the physical culture of an individual as one of the facets of a person’s general culture. Indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:

the mass character of its development;

the degree of use of physical culture means in the field of education and upbringing;

level of health and comprehensive development of physical abilities;

level of sports achievements;

availability and level of qualifications of professional and public physical education personnel;

promotion of physical culture and sports;

the degree and nature of the use of the media in the sphere of tasks facing physical culture;

the state of science and the presence of a developed system of physical education.

Thus, all this clearly indicates that physical culture is a natural part of the culture of society. At the present stage, due to its specificity, physical culture as an important social phenomenon permeates all levels of society, having a broad impact on the main spheres of society.

Concept and forms (models) of sports culture

The concept " sports culture » is increasingly used in scientific publications. In its most general form, this culture is characterized as element of culture associated with sports. But when specifying this general characteristics The concept of sports culture is given different interpretations.

For example, the Romanian Terminology Commission, having included this concept in the system of concepts associated with sports, gave it the following definition: “ Component(area) of world culture, synthesizing categories, patterns, institutions and material goods created for the intensive use of physical exercise within the framework of a competition that pursues the idea of ​​championship or record due to the biological and spiritual improvement of a person" [Definitions. 1971].

According to L.I. Lubysheva, “sports culture is values ​​developed in society and passed on from generation to generation, social processes and relationships that develop during competitions and sports preparation for them. Participation in competitions pursues the goal of achieving championship or a record through the physical and spiritual improvement of a person” [Lubysheva, 2009b, p. 205]. At the same time, it characterizes the sports culture of the individual “as an integrative personal education, including a system of means, methods and results of physical education and sports activities, aimed at the perception, reproduction, creation and dissemination of physical education and sports values ​​and technologies” [Lubysheva, 2013]. This understanding leads to a mixture of two personality cultures: one of them is associated with physical education activities, the other with sports activities.

IN scientific literature There are also other characteristics of sports culture [Balsevich, 2006, 2007; Barinov, 2009a, b, 2010; Drandrov, Burtsev, Burtseva E.V., 2013; Panachev, 2006, 2007; Sports culture. 2013; Stolyarov, 1997, d, 1998b, g, h, 1999b, 2000, 2002, 2004c, 2009a, 2010, d, 2011c, d, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, b, c, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002; Shabanska, 1970; Grupe, 1990, 1991; Jarvie, 2006; Leist, 1995, 2001; Liebau, 1989; Neue Sportkultur. 1995 and others].

Sports culture - historically changing positive value attitude of a subject (individual, social group or society as a whole) to sport: activity, its means and results for understanding, preserving and developing those varieties, aspects, functions, components of sport that the subject, focusing on certain social ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, behavior patterns, evaluates as the most important, significant, i.e. considered as values.

Key indicators of sports culture:

¦ knowledge about the essence, specifics, forms, functions, social and personal significance of sport, as well as ideals, norms, patterns of behavior, on the basis of which sports activities (certain of its components, functions, forms) are assessed in judgments, opinions, emotions, real actions etc. as significant, important, i.e. as values;

¦ understanding this assessment;

¦ interest in sports, desire (need) to participate in sports activities and real participation in it;

¦ certain qualities and abilities, behavior, lifestyle, etc., resulting from sports, etc.

Fundamental feature author's understanding of sports culture, which distinguishes it from other interpretations of this culture, is that it recognizes the possibility not only humanistic (as is generally believed), but also other orientations subjects of this culture [see: Stolyarov, 1997, d, 1998b, g, h, 1999b, 2000, 2002c, 2004c, 2009a, 2010, d, 2011c, d, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, b, c, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002].

This position of the author in this problem is a consequence of the position justified above that sport can perform various functions, be used to solve various socially and personally significant problems, and therefore various sides and aspects of sports activity can act as values ​​for the subject. It can attract people to realize various goals and satisfy various needs. This could be “the joy of physical effort,” the desire to win, love of sports, passion for sports, the desire for fame and public recognition, for material gain, demonstration of one’s outstanding physical abilities, masculine qualities, aggressiveness, etc.

The typology of sport values ​​testifies to how diverse and even contradictory in nature are those aspects and functions that can attract a subject and underlie his positive value attitude towards sport.

Means, this relationship is always not general, but completely specific: it does not mean sport in general, but certain aspects, sides, components, functions, types, varieties, etc.

Therefore, the sports culture different persons and social groups may have miscellaneous content, different character, different direction, various especially depending on what the subject sees as the value of sport, one or another of its types, forms, varieties, than sports activity and related sports competitions, training, etc. attractive to him. At various stages of social development, in various socio-economic and cultural conditions sports culture can also change significantly, be modified, and take on various forms, i.e. has specific historical character . Thus, sports culture in Ancient Greece, unlike modern society, was closely connected with

religious values. The values ​​of a socialist or bourgeois society left a certain imprint on sports culture.

This means that it is important to take into account the various models (forms, varieties) of sports culture - both humanistic and other orientations. [see: Stolyarov, 1997, d, 1998b, g, h, 1999b, 2000, 2002c, 2004c, 2009a, 2010, d, 2011c, d, 2012, 2013a; Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009a, b, c, 2011; Stolyarov, Kozyreva, 2002]. In scientific publications, as a rule, no attention is paid to this: discussions are conducted about sports culture at all.

The subject’s choice of certain aspects, components, functions, types, varieties of sports activity when assessing it is significantly influenced by his value orientations and attitudes: those ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, which he orients himself in his life. At the same time, the inclusion of a subject in sports activities can lead to the formation new or to a certain modifications his existing value orientations and attitudes [see: Arvisto, 1972, 1975, 1976, 1982; Vinnik, 1991; Egorov A.G., 1991] and other authors. Particularly important in this regard is the use of sports competitions a way of organizing rivalry and cooperation [Stolyarov, 1997, 1998b, f, g, 2000, 2002a, 2004c, 2009a, 2010, d, 2011c, d].

Means, specific content, specific focus, features one or another form of sports culture of a subject (individual, (social group, society as a whole)) is determined by his value orientations, attitudes: ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, on the basis of which he evaluates sports, attributes certain values ​​to sports activities (determines its most important, significant aspects, components, functions, types, varieties, etc.), poses and solves certain problems, etc., as well as those new (or modified old) ideals, meanings, symbols, norms , patterns of behavior that are formed under the influence of sports activity.

One of the forms of sports culture is sports-pragmatic culture .

This type of sports culture is characterized by a pronounced instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic ) the orientation of the subject of this culture. This means that the most important and significant values ​​for him in sports activities are purely instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic) values. Most a shining example in this regard, there is such value as the opportunity to earn money through sports, acquire material wealth, etc. It is precisely this value orientation towards sport that is characteristic, for example, of athletes in professional sports. Among the pragmatic values ​​of sports activity, of course, is the fact that it orients the participants in this activity towards constant achievements and success. The utilitarianism of sports culture can also manifest itself in a person’s orientation towards the formation and improvement, through sports, of not the holistic development of the individual, but look some of its individual qualities and abilities (for example, will or other mental abilities, strength or other physical qualities, etc.), elements of culture in isolation from other qualities and abilities. One of the options for such an instrumental (utilitarian, pragmatic) orientation of sports culture is its integration with political culture, on the basis of which it acts as sports and political culture [see: The relationship between sport and politics., 2005; Stolyarov, 2005a, 2010d, 2011; Stolyarov, Khlopkov, 2003; Khlopkov, 2003].

Sports activity may attract the subject of this activity and others its aspects. Thus, it can act as a value for him based on the fact that it gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his superiority over others, realize his nationalist ideas, solve narrowly selfish political problems, show his aggressiveness, etc. In this case, sports culture includes norms and values ​​that do not coincide with general cultural values ​​of a humanistic orientation, as a result of which it acts as a sports culture inhumane (anti-humane) orientation - inhumane (anti-humane) sports culture.

Most important in modern conditions has sports-humanistic culture.

The basis of this type of sports culture is the positive value attitude of the subject of sports activity to this activity, to its various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), types, varieties, their aspects, functions, etc. with poses ici th humanism, from the point of view of its ideals and values ​​- the holistic development of the individual and humane relations towards other people, nations, cultures, beliefs.

Means, sports and humanistic culture - this is the humanistic value attitude of the subject of sports activity to this activity (to sports training and sports competitions): the process, means and results of understanding, preserving and developing those varieties, aspects, functions, components of sport that he, focusing on humanistic ideas, ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, evaluates as the most important, significant, i.e. considered as values.

The main features of sports and humanistic culture include the following:

Knowledge, understanding and positive assessment of the concept of humanism, its ideals and values, their role and significance in modern society, including in the field of sports, the ability to substantiate this assessment;

Knowledge, understanding and positive assessment of the humanistic significance of sports activities, the ability to substantiate this assessment;

Knowledge of the factors on which the importance of sport depends;

The desire (desire) to focus in sports activities on humanistic ideals and values;

The qualities and abilities (abilities and skills) that allow you to effectively act in sports in accordance with such an orientation;

Real participation in sports activities with the aim of using it for the holistic development of the individual, promoting the implementation of humanistic ideals and values;

The results of sports and humanistic activity: qualities and abilities formed as a result of participation in sports activities that characterize the holistic development of the individual; moral behavior in sports;

a style (way) of life adequate to humanistic ideals, the nature of relationships with other people; negative attitude towards persons whose behavior contradicts the ideals of humanism.

In the structure of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual, it is important to distinguish the positive humanistic attitude of the individual:

¦ at all to sports activities (one or another of its types, varieties, components, etc.) (humanistic general sports attitude);

¦ to own sports activity, to one or another of its types, components (humanistic I'm athletic attitude).

The humanistic attitude of an individual to his own sports activity is especially important in the structure of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual. It is a motivational determinant, a regulator of his real and verbal behavior.

Sports and humanistic culture can appear in different forms depending on how the general humanistic ideals and values ​​toward which the subject of this culture is oriented are specified.

Currently, it is important to distinguish between two possible forms of sports-humanistic culture - Olympic And Spartan [see: Stolyarov, Barinov, 2009c, 2011].

Sports culture is a positive value attitude of a social subject (individual, social group or society as a whole) towards sports:

  • activity and its results in understanding, preserving and developing those varieties, aspects, functions, components of sports that are assessed by a given subject as the most important, significant, i.e. are considered as values;
  • the ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, etc. that develop on the basis of such an assessment, which regulate all his activities and social relations in the field of sports, determine their nature and direction.

In accordance with this understanding, sports culture includes various social phenomena related to sports:

  • human qualities and abilities;
  • emotional reactions;
  • knowledge, beliefs, interests, needs;
  • various forms of activity;
  • its means, mechanisms and results;
  • certain types of behavior and associated ideals, norms, rules, sanctions;
  • social institutions, relationships, processes, etc.

But these phenomena become elements of sports culture only if:

a) for a social subject they act as values ​​(recognized as significant, important, having a positive meaning), and therefore are supported, preserved, passed on from generation to generation, or

b) they ensure and regulate the production, consumption, functioning, selection, broadcast, replication, preservation and development of values ​​associated with sports.

Sports culture of personality

Sports culture, like culture in general, is the culture of a certain social subject, which, as noted above, can be individual(individual), social group or society as a whole.

Depending on this, it is legitimate to speak, respectively, about the sports culture of an individual, a social group or society as a whole.

Sports culture of an individual is an individual’s positive value attitude towards sports, social activity and its results in understanding, preserving and developing those varieties, aspects, functions, components, etc. sports that this person evaluates as the most important, significant, i.e. which have the status of values ​​for him. These values ​​act for the individual as social ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, etc., which regulate all his activities and social relations in the field of sports, determine their nature and direction.

This means that the basis of an individual’s sports culture is such a positive value attitude towards sports, within the framework of which the standards, values ​​and cultural norms associated with sports are internalized by the individual, i.e. became the property of his inner world.

The structure of personal sports culture

The sports culture of an individual has a complex structure and includes a complex of interrelated elements.

Prerequisite (source) block

A necessary condition (prerequisite) for the formation of an individual’s positive value attitude towards sport is the presence of initial (prerequisite) knowledge, skills and abilities. These include:

  • knowledge about what sport is, its components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) and varieties (mass sports, elite sports, etc.) as special social phenomena that differ from others, about their essence, structure, specifics, i.e. concepts that are necessary in order to be able to distinguish (distinguish from many other phenomena) and characterize sports, its components, varieties, etc.;
  • factual knowledge - knowledge about specific facts of sports activity, one or another of its types, varieties at the present time and in the process of development;
  • knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a person to be able to participate in certain types of sports activities (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) in accordance with accepted rules, norms and patterns of behavior.

All this knowledge, abilities, skills that are formed in a person in the process of socialization (spontaneously during life experience, under the influence of the surrounding social environment, the media, etc., as well as consciously, purposefully in the process of education, training, upbringing), form a prerequisite (initial) block of the individual’s sports culture.

The specified knowledge, abilities, and skills provide the individual with the opportunity for correct orientation in the world of sports, in its various aspects (perform an orientation function), as well as real participation in sports activities (informational and operational readiness for this activity).

Evaluation Components

The second important component of an individual’s sports culture is a positive assessment of sports; the individual evaluates certain components, types, forms, varieties of sports, sports in general as significant, important, useful, i.e. as a value (a set of values).

The main manifestations and indicators of a positive assessment of sports (evaluative components of an individual’s sports culture) are:

  • positive opinion in the form of relevant statements, judgments, reviews about sports, about various forms and aspects of sports activity - a rational (cognitive) component;
  • positive emotional reactions associated with sports (feelings of pleasure, delight from playing sports, participating in sports competitions, watching them, etc.) - emotional (affective) component;
  • interest in sports, in certain types of sports activities (such as sports training and competitions, visiting sporting events, watching television sports programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines, collecting sports badges, stamps, etc.), desire (desire) to participate in them, etc., i.e. the individual’s motivational readiness for this type of activity, the motivational component;
  • real forms of activity related to sports (participation in sports training and competitions, attending sports events, watching sports television programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines; assimilation of knowledge, skills, rules, norms of behavior, social roles that allow participation in these types of activities, etc.) into the activity component.

Reflective-analytical component

A value relationship, considered in full, includes, as indicated above, not only the assessment of an object, but also the comprehension (justification) of this assessment. Therefore, an important component of an individual’s positive value attitude towards sport is the justification (comprehension! explanation) of the assessment of sport - a reflexive-analytical component of the individual’s sports culture.

Justification (comprehension, explanation) by an individual of a positive assessment of sport involves solving the following tasks:

  • selection of a criterion for assessing sports, its types, varieties, components (sports training, competitions, behavior of an athlete, fans, etc.): from what positions, on the basis of what ideals, norms, cultural patterns, etc. they will be assessed;
  • determination of those aspects, aspects, functions of sport, its types, varieties, components that allow, based on the selected criterion, to give it a positive assessment, attribute certain values, and give social and/or personal meaning;
  • taking into account those factors on which the real significance of sport depends.

When justifying (understanding, explaining) a positive assessment of sport, a person can use: his practical experience; knowledge gained during studies; traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

Resulting Component

Another component (“block”) of an individual’s value attitude towards sports, and therefore his sports culture, is the resulting one.

This component characterizes the results of a person’s inclusion in sports activities and the assimilation of ideals, standards, norms, and values ​​associated with it:

  • human qualities and abilities demonstrated in sports and other areas of life;
  • human behavior, his social roles, lifestyle (way of life), the nature of relationships with other people.

The above-mentioned components of an individual’s positive value attitude towards sport determine the structure of an individual’s sports culture.

This culture includes a variety of phenomena: its qualities and abilities, certain forms, means, mechanisms and results of activity, emotional reactions, knowledge, beliefs, interests, needs, etc. All these phenomena characterize either a person’s sports consciousness or his actual sports activity.

In the structure of an individual’s sports culture, it is important to distinguish between two types of an individual’s value attitude towards sports:

1) in general to sports (to one or another of its types, varieties, components, etc.) (let’s call this attitude “general sports”);

2) to one’s own sports activity, to one or another of its types, components (let’s call this attitude a-sports).

The value attitude of an individual to his own sports activity is an important motivational determinant of his behavior, a regulator of real and verbal behavior.

From this point of view, knowledge included in the structure of an individual’s sports culture is divided into two groups:

a) knowledge that characterizes a person’s general awareness of sports issues: about sports, its varieties, functions, meaning, etc. (let’s call this knowledge “general sports”),

b) knowledge that characterizes an individual’s awareness of these issues in relation to himself: knowledge about the meaning of sports activity for him, about training methods in the sport in which he is involved, about the rules of relevant sports competitions, etc. (let's call this knowledge “I-sports”).

From the same point of view, sports-related skills, abilities, as well as interests, needs, value orientations, assessments of a person in the structure of the foundation of his sports culture are also divided into “general sports”, if they relate to sports in general, and “I-sports” - affecting the individual’s own sports activity.

Similarly, an individual’s comprehension (explanation and justification) of a positive assessment of sport presupposes reflection in relation to this assessment in relation to his own sporting activity and to sporting activity in general.

Basis of personal sports culture

When introducing the concept of “personal sports culture,” it was noted that it can have different contents, different character, different directions, i.e. different ones are possible

forms (varieties). However, all forms (varieties) of personal sports culture have something in common:

a) the individual has the above-mentioned initial (prerequisite) knowledge, skills and abilities regarding sports;

b) an individual’s positive value attitude towards sports, towards sports activities, towards one or another of its components, types, varieties, etc.

This kind of knowledge, abilities, skills and attitude, which, therefore, act as the basis (foundation) of all specific forms (varieties) of an individual’s sports culture and determine their general content, general orientation, will be called the basis of this culture. It allows us to distinguish sports culture as a special element of personal culture - in contrast to physical, intellectual, aesthetic, etc., and classify all forms of this culture as sports culture, and not to some other culture.

Superstructure of personal sports culture

Each type of sports culture also has its own specific content. It is determined by what aspects, aspects, functions of sport, its types, varieties, components the individual takes into account when evaluating them, on the basis of what criteria (from what positions, on the basis of what ideals, norms, cultural patterns, etc.) he evaluates them , which of them he strives to realize when involved in sports activities and, accordingly, to the formation of what qualities and abilities, what behavior, style (way of life), the nature of relationships with other people, all this activity leads to.

The specific content of one or another form (variety) of a person’s sports culture, which develops on the basis of a certain justification (comprehension, explanation) by an individual of a positive assessment of sports, as well as inclusion in sports activities, assimilation of certain ideals, standards, norms, and values ​​associated with it, we will call a superstructure over the basis of the sports culture of the individual.

Forms (varieties) of personal sports culture

An individual’s positive value attitude towards sport is always not general, but completely specific: it does not mean sport in general, but certain aspects, sides, components, functions, types, varieties, etc.

The main value of sports activity for a person can be, for example, the opportunity, on the basis of sports training and competitions, to form and improve one’s physical condition or mental qualities such as will, courage, organization, composure, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to systematically work on self-improvement , the ability to win and lose without losing your dignity and faith in future success, etc. Sports activity can attract a person because it allows him to strengthen and maintain his health, form and increase the level of intellectual, aesthetic, moral culture, as well as expand your social circle, spend your leisure time actively and excitingly. At the same time, first of all, a person can consider sport as important tool solving certain economic, political, nationalistic goals: to achieve material wealth, fame, to demonstrate one’s superiority over other people, etc. The most attractive aspects of sports activity for a person also influence the “attachment” of his positive attitude to certain sports or types of sports activity (for example, to mass sports or to elite sports, etc.), i.e. this attitude extends specifically to these, and not to any other types (forms, varieties).

Therefore, a person’s sports culture can have different content, different character, different orientation, different features depending on what a person sees as the value of sports, certain types, forms, varieties of sports activities and related sports competitions and training. etc. attractive to him. The specific content, specific focus, and characteristics of each of them determine the values ​​that an individual attributes to sports activity, i.e. what are its sides, components, functions, types, varieties, etc. are the most important and significant for him in this activity, in sports competitions and training.

Thus, various specific forms(varieties) of an individual’s positive value attitude towards sports, and therefore the sports culture of the individual. The main ones are the following.

Sports-pragmatic culture

One of the forms of personal sports culture is sports-pragmatic culture. This type of personal sports culture is characterized by its pronounced utilitarian, pragmatic orientation. This means that the most important and significant values ​​in sport for a person are purely utilitarian, technological, and pragmatic values.

The most striking example in this regard is such value as the opportunity to earn money through sports, acquire material wealth, etc. It is precisely this value orientation towards sport that is characteristic, for example, of athletes in professional sports. Among the pragmatic values ​​of sports activity, of course, is the fact that it orients the participants in this activity towards constant achievements and success. The utilitarianism of a person’s sports culture can also be manifested in a person’s orientation towards the formation and improvement, through sports, not of the holistic development of the personality, but only of some of its individual qualities and abilities (for example, will or other mental abilities, strength or other physical qualities, etc.). d.) in isolation from other qualities and abilities.

Inhumane sports culture

As noted above, sport can attract a person, act as a value for him on the basis of the fact that it provides the opportunity to demonstrate his superiority over others, realize his nationalistic ideas, in some way show his aggressiveness, etc. In this case, the sports culture of an individual includes norms and values ​​that do not coincide with general cultural values ​​of a humanistic orientation, as a result of which it acts as a sports culture of an inhumane orientation (anti-human sports culture).

Sports and humanistic culture

The specificity of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual is determined by the fact that sport is assessed from the standpoint of humanism, from the point of view of such ideals and values ​​as the holistic development of the individual and humane social relations.

This means that the sports-humanistic culture of the individual is the humanistic value attitude of a person to sports (to sports training and sports competitions):

  • activity and its results to comprehend, preserve and develop those varieties, aspects, functions, components, etc. sports, which from the standpoint of humanism he evaluates as the most important, significant, i.e. considers as values;
  • ideals, meanings, symbols, norms, patterns of behavior, etc. that develop on the basis of such an assessment, which regulate all human activities and his relationships with other people in the field of sports, determine their nature and direction.

The basis of this type of personal sports culture is the individual’s positive value attitude to sports, to its various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), types, varieties, their aspects, functions, etc. from the standpoint of humanism.

First of all, this means the presence of a humanistic predisposition (disposition, value setting) towards sport, i.e. it is positively assessed (considered as important, significant, useful) precisely from a humanistic point of view, and not from some other position, it is taken into account its role as a means of holistic development of the individual, humane social relations, and not some other inherent aspects or functions.

The main manifestations and indicators of an individual’s positive humanistic assessment of sports, i.e., the evaluative components of his sports-humanistic culture, are:

  • a positive opinion (in the form of appropriate statements, judgments, reviews, etc.) about the humanistic aspects, functions of sport, its types, varieties, components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.) and a negative opinion about those aspects and functions that contradict the ideals and values ​​of humanism - the rational (cognitive) component;
  • interest in humanistic aspects, functions of sports (its types, varieties, components), approved norms, patterns of behavior], which determine how one should behave at sports training, competitions, stadium stands, etc. in accordance with the ideals and values ​​of humanism , the desire (desire) to focus on them in all their sports activities, i.e. motivational readiness for humanistically oriented sports activities, - motivational component;
  • positive emotions associated with the humanistic aspects of sports activity (a feeling of pleasure from the formation through sports of qualities and abilities that characterize the holistic development of the individual, the possibility of demonstrating humane relations with other people in sports activities, from observing the manifestation of such qualities, abilities and humane relations in sports competitions, etc.), and negative emotional reactions to phenomena in sports activity that contradict humanistic ideals and values, that is, the emotional (affective) component;
  • various forms of real participation in certain forms and types of sports activity with humanistic goals and objectives, the acquisition of knowledge that allows one to correctly understand and set these goals and objectives, as well as the corresponding skills and abilities to use this activity for the purpose of one’s holistic self-improvement - an activity component.

A necessary condition (prerequisite) for the formation of an individual’s positive value attitude towards the humanistic aspects and functions of sport is the presence of initial (prerequisite) knowledge, skills and abilities. These include:

  • knowledge and relevant concepts (about what humanism is, what its main ideas, ideals, values ​​are, what their specificity is, etc.) necessary for a humanistic assessment of sport (its types, varieties, components);
  • knowledge and relevant concepts characterizing the humanistic aspects and functions of sport (its various types, varieties, components), their specificity, as well as those factors on which the humanistic value of sport depends;
  • factual knowledge - knowledge about specific facts current state and the history of the manifestation in sport (in its various types, varieties, components) of its humanistic aspects and functions;
  • knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to be involved in certain types of sports activities (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), focusing on the ideals and values ​​of humanism when setting related goals and objectives.

All this knowledge, abilities, skills form the prerequisite (initial) block of knowledge, abilities, skills of the sports and humanistic culture of the individual. In the structure of this culture they perform two main functions. Firstly, they allow a person to navigate various aspects and functions of sports and at the same time distinguish humanistic aspects and functions from many others (orientation function). Secondly, they provide him with the information that is necessary so that he can evaluate sport (its various types, components, etc.) from a humanistic standpoint, justify his assessment, and also be involved in certain forms of sports activities (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), focusing on the ideals and values ​​of humanism when setting related goals and objectives.

This means that initial knowledge, skills and abilities characterize:

  • the basic sports and humanistic education of the individual, allowing him to navigate the world of sports from a humanistic perspective,
  • his information and operational readiness for sports and humanistic activities. An important component of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual is also the substantiation (comprehension, explanation) of a positive humanistic assessment of sport (one or another of its types, varieties, components, etc.) - the reflexive-analytical component of this culture.

Such comprehension (justification, explanation) presupposes:

  • understanding the importance of the ideas, ideals and values ​​of humanism not only in general social terms, but also in personal terms;
  • determination of those aspects, aspects, functions of sport (some kind, component, etc.) that serve as the basis for its positive assessment as a phenomenon that, in its humanistic potential, has value, social and/or personal meaning;
  • taking into account those factors on which the real humanistic significance of sport depends.

When substantiating (understanding, explaining) a positive assessment of sport with an emphasis on its humanistic aspects and functions, an individual can use: his practical experience; knowledge gained during studies; traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

Another component (“block”) of a person’s humanistically oriented value attitude to sport, and therefore of his sports-humanistic culture, is the resultant one.

This component characterizes the results of his activities in the assimilation, preservation, implementation and development of humanistic ideals, standards, norms, and values ​​related to sports:

  • qualities and abilities that characterize the holistic development of the individual;
  • style (way) of life, the nature of relationships with other people in accordance with the ideals and values ​​of humanism, etc. Particularly important in this regard is the formation in an individual of two characteristics of a holistically developed personality.

A. The individual's orientation toward achievement. Such an orientation, as noted by the famous modern philosopher from Germany and Olympic champion G. Lenk, is the main condition for self-realization and self-expression of the individual. Personal achievement - fundamental value throughout a person’s life, an expression of his freedom, self-interest, self-presentation, self-affirmation. After all, a person lives not only on his daily bread. He needs tasks and goals that are meaningful and meaningful. Therefore, the principle of a person’s orientation towards personal achievements can perform an important educational function, especially in a society based on passive consumption, on administration and bureaucracy, which tend to trample on any individual activity, in the world of cinema and television, which support a passive attitude towards general orientation. In such a society, prosperity poses a real danger to humans. It seduces him and leads him towards passivity, hedonism and a life full of patterns and ubiquitous forms of fabricated lazy life with its idleness and luxury. But a utopian country abounding in milk and honey is not the promised humane paradise for man - it is a problem clearly arising in a society of increasing leisure. These thoughts of G. Lenk are adequate to the understanding of the goals and objectives of humanistic education, which was defended in their works by the founders of the humanistic theory of personality A. Maslow and K. Rogers.

B. Humanistically oriented behavior in sports competitions and other types of competition, which, at a minimum, involves the manifestation of courage, will, perseverance in order to show the best possible result, to win, but at the same time refusing the desire to win at any cost, at the expense of their health or causing damage to the health of opponents through deception, violence, dishonest refereeing and other inhumane actions.

The above components of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual, which are in close connection with each other, constitute the structure of this culture. In the structure of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual, it is important to distinguish the positive humanistic attitude of the individual:

  • in general to sports activities and sports (one or another of their types, varieties, components, etc.) (humanistic general sports attitude);
  • to one’s own sports activity, to one or another of its types, components (humanistic I-sports attitude). The humanistic attitude of an individual to his own sports activity is especially important in the structure of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual. It is a motivational determinant, a regulator of his real and verbal behavior.

From this point of view, knowledge characterizing the sports-humanistic culture of an individual is divided into two groups:

  • knowledge that characterizes the general awareness of an individual in humanistic aspects, functions of sports, its types, varieties, etc. (humanistic general sports knowledge),
  • knowledge characterizing awareness of these issues in relation to one’s own sports activity, knowledge about the humanistic aspects, functions and humanistic significance for the individual of the sports activity in which he is engaged (humanistic I-sports knowledge).

From the same point of view, the skills associated with sports, as well as interests, need value orientations and assessments of a person in the structure of his sports-humanistic culture are also divided into “general sports”, if they relate to sports in general, and “I-sports” - affecting this person’s own sporting activity.

Similarly, an individual’s comprehension (explanation and justification) of a positive humanistic assessment of sport presupposes reflection in relation to this assessment in relation to his own sporting activity and to sporting activity in general.

Thus, the main features of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual include the following:

  • knowledge, understanding and positive assessment

1. What is meant by physical culture, the influence of physical culture and sports on a person. 3
2. The main health-improving systems of physical education and their role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the prevention of occupational diseases. 8
3. Self-massage, purpose of use, requirements for the self-massage procedure. 16
Literature 19

1. What is meant by physical culture, the influence of physical culture and sports on a person.
Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical culture is a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person’s abilities, improving his motor activity and creating a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development ( in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”).
The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:
1) the level of health and physical development of people;
2) the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.
Scientists have calculated that even in mid-19th century, of all the energy produced and consumed on Earth, 96 percent came from the muscular strength of humans and domestic animals. At that time, only 4 percent of the energy was generated by water wheels, windmills and a small number of steam engines. In our time, that is, a little more than a century later, only 1 percent of energy is produced by muscular strength.
People's living conditions have changed significantly. Physical labor in a number of industries has been almost completely replaced by mechanization and automation. Previously, people had to walk a lot, carry heavy loads, and work hard in everyday life - chopping and sawing wood, carrying water from a well. Now they have at their disposal fast and comfortable transport, pampering living conditions - elevators, central heating, hot water supply. So it turns out that millions of people are now experiencing “muscle hunger.” To a certain extent, comfort can deprive a person of health if you do not include the necessary physical activity in your life.
Since ancient times, the importance of clean air and physical exercise in the fight for health and longevity has been known. The father of medicine, the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates, who lived 104 years, preached that reasonable exercise, fresh air, and walks are necessary to prolong life. The famous Greek writer and historian Plutarch called movements “the storehouse of life,” and the philosopher Plato argued that “gymnastics is the healing part of medicine.” The Roman scientist Galei repeatedly reminded: “Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise.”
From the Greeks and Romans, the high appreciation of the importance of physical exercise for the human body has, in its main features, reached our time. Doctors and scientists from all countries and peoples consider dosed physical activity and movement in general in various forms as an effective means of improving the health of the body, preventing many diseases, and prolonging life.
The same automation that made physical labor much easier required modern man enormous nervous tension. And it is known that chronic mental fatigue, and especially fatigue, in the absence of physical activity, primarily has an adverse effect on the central nervous system. This is primarily characterized by a decrease in the excitability of the cerebral cortex. Low mobility leads to the fact that the flow of nerve impulses from the muscles to the brain is reduced, which means that the normal activity of the most important organs and systems is disrupted, and normal metabolism is disrupted.
Excessive hard work performed against the background of neuropsychic overstrain, and chronic mental fatigue without physical “discharge” undermine health, cause the onset of premature old age, and are a source of illness and a decline in overall performance.
The outstanding doctor and teacher, founder of the cause of physical education in Russia, P. F. Lesgaft, wrote that the discrepancy between a weak body and developed mental activity will inevitably have its effect negative impact per person: “Such a violation of harmony in the structure and functions of the body does not go unpunished - it inevitably entails the impotence of external manifestations: there may be thought and understanding, but there will not be the proper energy for consistent testing of ideas and persistent implementation and application of them in practice.”
And if, in our age of the atom and cybernetics, mental labor increasingly displaces physical labor or closely merges with it, this does not mean that the requirements for physical development are proportionally reduced. Just the opposite: intense mental work requires good physical preparation of a person. After all, physical education and sports strengthen not only muscles, but also nerves, stimulate thought, and, thanks to improved blood supply to the brain, ensure more reliable functioning of the brain. A person who has set himself the goal of achieving success in science will realize his dream sooner if he regularly engages in physical exercise and successfully connects his “head with his hands.”
Physical exercise has two effects on mental function. On the one hand, they contribute to their development, and on the other, they ensure the stability of mental performance........

1. Bilich G.L., Kryzhanovsky V.A. Biology. Full course. In 3 volumes - M.: LLC Publishing House Onyx 21st Century, 2002.
2. Biology. For those entering universities / A.G. Mustafin, F.K. Lakgueva and others; edited by V.N. Yarygina. M.: graduate School, 1997-2000.
3. Dubrovsky V.I. Therapeutic physical culture: Textbook for universities. – M. - 2001.
4. Reshetnikov N.V. Physical culture: Tutorial for average vocational education. M. - 2002.
5. Student’s physical culture. Textbook for universities/Ed. V.I.Ilyinich. – M. - 2001.

1. Sport is a phenomenon of cultural life

The relevance of the question “Sport is a phenomenon of cultural life” is due to the fact that at present it is vital to consider human activity as a bearer of specific ethnocultural, ethnopsychological traditions. Sports activities - competitions, competition, the desire for maximum results, the constant increase in demands on physical capabilities, moral and moral-volitional qualities of a person enable a person to adapt to difficult living conditions. State support for physical culture and sports, physical culture and sports organizations, sports facilities, sports industry enterprises is carried out in accordance with programs for the development of physical culture and sports at all levels, approved in accordance with the established procedure, respectively, by the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the proposals of the federal body executive power in the field of physical culture and sports, the Russian Olympic Committee, and other physical culture and sports organizations. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” establishes the legal, organizational, economic and social foundations of the activities of physical culture and sports organizations, defines the principles public policy in the field of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation and the Russian Olympic movement.

Of course, sport is a phenomenon of cultural life. In it, a person strives to expand the boundaries of his capabilities; this is a huge world of emotions generated by successes and failures. Sport is actually competitive activity and special preparation for it. He lives by certain rules and norms of behavior. It clearly manifests the desire to win, to achieve high results, requiring the mobilization of a person’s physical, mental and moral qualities. Therefore, they often talk about the athletic character of people who successfully demonstrate themselves in competitions.

A healthy lifestyle has a wide positive range of effects on various aspects of the manifestations of the human body and personality. In behavior, this manifests itself in greater vitality, composure, and good communication skills; a feeling of one’s physical and psycho-emotional attractiveness, an optimistic attitude, the ability to ensure one’s complete and pleasant rest, and a holistic culture of life. The state of health depends on the normal functioning of all human organs and systems, as well as on the presence or absence of diseases, morphological changes in the student’s body. These data can be identified during a medical examination (dispensary examination). Physical education and sports activities, in which students are involved, are one of the effective mechanisms for merging public and personal interests, forming socially necessary individual needs. The possibilities of physical culture in improving health, correcting physique and posture, increasing overall performance, and mental stability are very great, but ambiguous. It is known that the physical development of a person as a process of change and formation of morphological and functional properties depends on heredity, and on living conditions, as well as on physical education from the moment of birth. Thus, a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports can improve the functioning of body systems and enhance body growth. Moral satisfaction comes from those physical education classes and competitions in which students achieve certain results through systematic training and fair competition with their opponents. Therefore, any form of dishonesty is not tolerated in sports. The high socio-economic importance of physical culture and sports required the creation of a legislative framework for this sphere of life. On April 27, 2003, the President of the Russian Federation signed the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports.” This document is aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of a person, establishing a healthy lifestyle, creating the need for physical and moral improvement, creating conditions for practicing any type of physical culture and sports, organizing vocational training, disease prevention, bad habits and offenses. The rights of citizens to engage in physical education and sports (including sports as a profession), to unite in physical education, health and sports organizations, physical education and sports societies, sports federations, associations, clubs and other associations are guaranteed. The state recognizes and supports Olympic movement in Russia, its activities are coordinated by the Olympic Committee, which is a non-governmental independent organization and officially represents Russia in all events held by the International Olympic Committee. The physical culture system is aimed at organizing the physical education of the population, taking into account the interests of each person, the requirements of production, education and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

1.1 Components of physical education

Included in the education and upbringing system, starting from preschool institutions, it characterizes the basis of people’s physical fitness - the acquisition of a fund of vital motor skills and diversified development of physical abilities. Its important elements are the “school” of movement, the system of gymnastic exercises and the rules for their implementation, with the help of which the child develops the ability to differentially control movements, the ability to coordinate them in different combinations; a system of exercises for the rational use of forces when moving in space (basic methods of walking, running, swimming, skating, skiing, etc.), when overcoming obstacles, in throwing, in lifting and carrying heavy objects; “school” of the ball (playing volleyball, basketball, handball, football, tennis, etc.). Physical development is a biological process of formation, changes in the natural morphological and functional properties of the body during a person’s life (length, body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs, maximum oxygen consumption, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility, etc.) . Physical development is closely related to human health. Health acts as a leading factor that determines not only the harmonious development young man, but also the success of mastering the profession, the fruitfulness of his future professional activity, which constitutes general well-being in life.

Thanks to professional applied physical culture, the prerequisites are created for the successful mastery of a particular profession and the effective performance of work. In production, these are introductory gymnastics, physical education breaks, physical education minutes, after-work rehabilitation exercises, etc. The content and composition of professional applied physical education means, the order of their use are determined by the characteristics of the labor process. In conditions military service it acquires the features of military-professional physical culture.

1.2 Health and rehabilitation physical culture

It is associated with the targeted use of physical exercise as a means of treating diseases and restoring body functions that are impaired or lost due to diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons. Its variety is therapeutic physical culture, which has a wide range of means and methods (therapeutic gymnastics, dosed walking, running and other exercises) associated with the nature of diseases, injuries or other dysfunctions of the body (overexertion, chronic fatigue, age-related changes, etc.) . Its means are used in such modes as “gentle”, “tonic”, “training”, etc., and the forms of implementation can be individual sessions-procedures, lesson-type classes, etc.

Background types of physical culture. These include hygienic physical culture, included in the framework of everyday life (morning exercises, walks, other physical exercises in the daily routine, not associated with significant stress) and recreational physical culture, the means of which are used in active recreation (tourism, sports and recreational entertainment ). Background physical culture has an operational impact on the current functional state of the body, normalizing it and contributing to the creation of a favorable functional “background” of life. It should be considered as a component of a healthy lifestyle. It is especially effective in combination with other components of physical education and, above all, with basic one. The following means of physical culture are used: physical exercise, natural forces of nature (sun, air and water, their hardening effects), hygienic factors (personal hygiene - daily routine, sleep hygiene, diet, work, body hygiene, sportswear, shoes , places of activity, giving up bad habits). Their complex interaction provides the greatest healing and developmental effect.

2. Social functions of sport

2.1 Specific functions of the sport

The functions of sport are understood as the objectively inherent properties of influencing a person and human relationships, satisfying and developing certain needs of the individual and society.

The functions of sport can be divided into specific (specific only to it as a special phenomenon of reality) and general. The first include competitive-standard and heuristic-achievement functions. The second currently includes functions that have social and public significance, such as the function of personality-oriented education, training and development; health-improving and recreational function; emotional-spectacular function; function of social integration and socialization of the individual; communicative function and economic function.

Competitive-reference function. The basis of the specificity of sports is the competitive activity itself, the essence of which is the maximum identification, unified comparison and objective assessment of certain human capabilities in the process of competitions aimed at winning or achieving a high personal sports result or place in the competition. The reference function is most clearly expressed in elite sports, but to one degree or another it is also characteristic of sports in general, including mass public sports through a system of specially organized competitions.

Heuristic-achievement function. Sports are characterized by creative search activity, associated with a person’s knowledge of his capabilities, along with the search for effective ways to maximize their implementation and increase them. This function is most fully expressed in elite sports, since on the way to them it is necessary to constantly improve the training system, look for new means, training methods, new examples of the most complex elements of technology and tactical solutions for wrestling.

2.2 General sports functions

TO social-public First of all, they include the function of personality-oriented education, training and development. Sport provides great opportunities not only for physical and sports improvement, but also for moral, aesthetic, intellectual and labor education. The attractive power of sport and the high demands on the manifestation of physical and mental strength provide ample opportunities for the personality-oriented education of a person’s spiritual traits and qualities. It is important, however, that the final result in achieving educational goals depends not only and not so much on the sport itself, but on the social orientation of the entire system of education and development. Thus, the educational opportunities of sport are realized not on their own, but through a system of educationally oriented relationships that develop in the field of sport. Since sport is included in the socio-pedagogical system, it is also an effective means of physical education, and thanks to professional applied sports it becomes an important component in labor and military activities.

Health-improving and recreational function manifests itself in the positive impact of sport on the condition and functionality of the human body. This is especially pronounced in children's and youth sports, where the beneficial effects of sports on the developing and emerging body are invaluable. It is at this age that the foundations of health are laid, the skills of systematic physical exercise are instilled, and habits of personal and public hygiene are formed. Sport is also a source of positive emotions; it neutralizes the mental state of children, allows them to relieve mental fatigue, and allows them to experience “muscular joy.” Its role is especially great in eliminating the negative phenomena of physical inactivity in children. Sports also play a big role in working with the adult population. It is a means of recovery, protection from the adverse effects of scientific and technological progress, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in physical activity in work and at home. Sport is one of the most popular forms of organizing healthy leisure, recreation and entertainment. This is especially evident in mass sports, where the goal of achieving high athletic results is not set.

Emotional and entertainment function is revealed in the fact that sport (many of its types) carries aesthetic properties, manifested in the harmony of the physical and spiritual qualities of a person, and borders on art. Particularly attractive in this regard are complexly coordinated sports, such as artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc. The beauty of the human body, technically complex and refined movements, festive mood- all this attracts true sports fans. The popularity of sport as a spectacle is characterized by emotionality and acuteness of perception, affecting the personal and collective interests of many people, as well as the universality of the “language of sport”, understandable to almost everyone.

The function of social integration and socialization of the individual. Sport is one of the powerful factors for involving people in social life, familiarization with it and the formation of experience of social relations among those involved. This is the basis for its important role in the process of socialization of the individual. Specific sports relations (interpersonal, intergroup, intercollective) are one way or another involved in the system of social relations that go beyond the scope of sport. The totality of these relationships forms the basis for the influence of sport on an individual, the assimilation of his social experience, both in the field of sports and on a broader scale.

Communication function. The humanization of society in the current period of human development makes sport a factor in the development of international relations, mutual understanding and cultural cooperation of peoples, and the strengthening of peace on earth.

Economic function. Sport is of great economic importance, which is expressed in the fact that funds invested in the development of sports pay off handsomely, primarily in increasing the level of public health, increasing overall performance, and prolonging human life. The development of sports science, material and technical base, personnel training - all this contributes to the development of children's and youth sports, mass sports and elite sports.

Economic significance They also have financial resources received from sports shows and the operation of sports facilities. However, this is a small fraction of what the state and public organizations invest in the development of sports. The main value of our society is health. And in this aspect, the role of sport is invaluable.


Sport has also created a new cultural, including artistic, environment, for sports facilities - stadiums, sports palaces, arenas, playgrounds, tracks, swimming pools, etc. - not only became important objects of architecture, but also had a significant impact on the entire organization and layout of settlements. Great hopes were placed on sport in terms of moral improvement of society. Of course, no one expected absolute purity and infallibility from sport. But there were hopes that the friendly disposition of the participants in the competition, the selflessness of the fight and its noble rules would increasingly determine sports relations, and through them spread as universal human values ​​and norms of communication. Sports victory and its creator - the record holder - were perceived as national symbols, and it seemed that they embody in their purest form moral values patriotism, loyalty to duty and honor. All that remained was to instill these qualities into the sports-oriented mass consciousness and introduce them through educational means. Thus, it was assumed that many social, ethical and aesthetic problems would be solved. The promotion of sports in this direction worked very diligently and not always unsuccessfully, which undoubtedly should be given credit to it. But modern sport grew up on a different soil than ancient sport, and does not show a tendency to lose its functions, to disappear from the cultural space like its ancient predecessor. On the contrary, the main lines and forms of development of modern sports have found their place in this space and turned out to be very significant in their humanistic and aesthetic content.

Modern sport is going through a crisis and quite a deep one. But everyone is in a state of crisis modern culture and civilization. The crisis of sport is not its destruction, but only a discrepancy - and often sharp - between existing organizational forms, methods of activity and ideas about the essence and role of sport with new ones. social structures, a new range of social and individual needs, new standards of living.


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