Nikolai Nosov collection of stories. Works by Nikolai Nosov. Heroes of Nosov's works. Nikolay Nosov: “Composing for children is the best job”

Nosov's stories are the world of adults through the eyes of children. About everyone life values, about good, evil, oh true friendship It is told in simple language for children with clear examples.

Conversely, those adults who want to better understand their little ones can start exploring the “encyclopedia” children's world. And the “reference material” is precisely the works of Nikolai Nosov.

Children's dreams and fantasies, the children's desire for knowledge, the small and big joys of boys and girls remain unchanged throughout time. And you can learn about all this if you read online adventures Kolya Sinitsyn, Viti Maleev, Tolya Klyukvin and other characters from your favorite author.

Select the story by N.N. Nosov. for reading

Each story in this section is like a small story in which the characters are very similar to modern boys and girls. They may get scared when they notice the hat moving. Or, having decided to cook delicious porridge, the children learn that porridge can grow, and there is no way to keep a lid on it!

Some stories are not fictional at all! In them, Nikolai Nosov talks about himself and what happened to him, his comrades and his son! At one time he himself read these stories for boys and girls. I asked the kids their opinion. And now the kids can recognize themselves in some of the characters.

There are funny heroes in Nosov’s fairy tales, such as Barbos and Bobik, and there is Dunno with a whole city in which “little adults” live. But who said that Bobik never went to visit Barbos or that Dunno doesn’t exist somewhere out there, on the Moon, and maybe here on Earth? This little guy is open to new experiences. He tries to find out everything in the world and tries on the role of either a poet or an artist. Aren't all kids like that? Aren't they trying to figure out who they are and what they want to do with their lives?

Such stories are instructive for all generations. And our website of children's fairy tales allows children and adults to get acquainted with them for free.

Nosov became a student at the Kyiv Art Institute, and two years later he transferred to the Institute of Cinematography, receiving a diploma from which, he began working as a director of popular science, animation and educational films produced in very good quality. It was work in this area that brought Nosov the Order of the Red Star.

The author began publishing his stories in 1938, mainly in “Murzilka” - readers get acquainted with such works as “Mishkina Porridge”, “Dreamers”, “Gardeners” and other wonderful stories that were included in the collection “Knock-Knock-Knock” published in 1945

The writer himself says that he had no goal of writing - he became an author by accident - a baby appeared in his family, so he had to come up with simple and interesting stories. N. Nosov passed away on July twenty-six, 1976. The writer’s grave is located at the Moscow Kuntsevo cemetery.

About Mishka, Kostya and Dunno...

The following are considered the most beloved works by readers of Nosov for children:

  • stories from which the collection “Knock-Knock-Knock” was compiled - such as “Car”, “Dreamers”, “Cucumbers”, “Live Hat”, “Patch”, “Steps”, “Metro” and many others, no less sincere and fascinating.
  • "Merry Family"
  • the story about Mitya Maleev, for which the writer was awarded the Stalin Prize.
  • "The Diary of Kostya Sinitsin"
  • a series of stories about Dunno - a charming character who won the hearts of not only children, but also adults with his kindness and sincerity.

The first edition of works about this hero was illustrated by A. M. Laptev, later - no less famous artist G. Valk.

Nosov's stories - for children and their adult relatives!!!

Nosov's stories for children find new little readers and listeners every day. People begin to read Nosov’s fairy tales from childhood; almost every family keeps his books in their personal library.

Read Nosov's stories

Our time is losing in terms of children's literature; rarely on store shelves can you find books by new authors with truly interesting and meaningful tales, that’s why we are increasingly turning to writers who have long proven themselves. One way or another, we meet on our way Nosov’s children’s stories, which, once you start reading, you won’t stop until you get to know all the characters and their adventures.

How Nikolai Nosov began writing stories

Nikolai Nosov's stories partially describe his childhood, relationships with peers, their dreams and fantasies about the future. Although Nikolai's hobbies were completely unrelated to literature, everything changed when his son was born. Nosov's tales before bedtime for his child, the future famous children's author he made up things on the fly, coming up with completely realistic stories from the lives of ordinary boys. It was these stories from Nikolai Nosov to his son that pushed the now adult man to write and publish small books.

After several years, Nikolai Nikolaevich realized that writing for children is the best activity that one can imagine. It’s interesting to read Nosov’s stories because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and loving father. Its warm respectful attitude to the children allowed us to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.

Nosov's stories for children

Every fairy tale by Nosov, every story is an everyday story about children's pressing problems and tricks. At first glance, Nikolai Nosov's stories are very comical and witty, but this is not their most important feature; what is more important is that the heroes of the works are real children with real stories and characters. In any of them you can recognize yourself as a child or your child. Nosov’s fairy tales are also pleasant to read for the reason that they are not cloyingly sweet, but are written in simple, understandable language with a child’s perception of what happens in each adventure.

I would like to note an important detail of all Nosov’s stories for children: they have no ideological background! For the tales of times Soviet power- this is a very nice little thing. Everyone knows that no matter how good the works of the authors of that era are, the “brainwashing” in them becomes quite boring and every year, with every new reader, it becomes more and more obvious. You can read Nosov’s stories absolutely calmly, without worrying that the communist idea will shine through every line.

Years go by, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his fairy tales and characters do not age. Sincere and amazing good heroes That's how they ask to be included in all children's books.

Born on November 10 (November 23), 1908 in Kyiv, in the family of a pop artist who, depending on the circumstances, also worked as a railway worker. He spent his childhood in the small town of Irpen, not far from Kyiv, where the boy began studying at the gymnasium.

Nikolai was the second son in the family. The family also had an older brother, Peter, and a younger brother and sister. Little Nikolai I loved going to my father’s performances, watching concerts and performances. The parents even thought that the boy also wanted to become an actor. IN school years he wanted to become a musician and for a long time dreamed of being bought a violin. After buying the violin, Nikolai realized that learning music was not easy, and the violin was abandoned. Nikolai Nosov's childhood and school years fell on the most difficult period in Russian history: The First World War and the Civil War. Lack of food, lack of heat and electricity in the cold winter, and illness were commonplace at that time. The whole family suffered from typhus. Fortunately, no one died. Nikolai recalled that when he recovered (he was sick the longest), his mother cried with joy because everyone remained alive. “So I learned that you can cry not only from grief.”

Since his high school years, Nosov has been interested in music, theater, chess, photography, electrical engineering and even amateur radio. To support his family, Nikolai was forced to work from the age of 14: he was a newspaper merchant, a digger, a mower, etc. After 1917, the gymnasium was reorganized into a seven-year school. After finishing it in 1924, he worked as a laborer at a concrete plant in Irpen, then at a private brick factory in the city of Bucha.

After the Civil War, Nikolai became interested in chemistry. Together with a school friend, he organized a chemical laboratory in the attic of his house, where friends conducted various experiments. Nosov recalled: “After graduating from school, I was sure that I should become a chemist and nothing else! Chemistry seemed to me to be the science of sciences.” Nikolai wanted to enter the chemistry department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, but could not, since he did not graduate from a vocational school that provides a completed secondary education. Nikolai began studying at an evening vocational school, preparing to enter a polytechnic university. At the same time, he went to work at the Irpen brick factory. But before entering, Nikolai suddenly changed his mind and at the age of 19 he entered the Kiev Art Institute. Nikolai then became seriously interested in photography, and then cinema. This influenced his choice. After 2 years, in 1929, Nikolai Nosov transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932 and until 1951 worked as a producer and director of animated, scientific and educational films. Autobiography childhood partially reflected in the book “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well” (see, for example, Iz-vo “Children’s Literature”, 1982) collected works of N. Nosov in 4 volumes, vol. 4 During the Great Patriotic War Nosov was involved in directing educational military-technical films for the Red Army.

There is probably not a person in our country who did not read Nosov’s works in childhood or did not know at least one hero of his wonderful books and stories. This article is about amazing children's writer, Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

The writer's childhood

Born in Tsarist Russia, in the beautiful city of Kyiv, on November 23, 1908. The writer's childhood and youth were associated with the small town of Irpen, located near Kyiv. Nicolas's father was variety artist, and, most likely, from him the boy inherited a vivid imagination. After Nosov's death it was published autobiographical story“The Secret at the Bottom of the Well,” where he described his childhood.

Being a passionate and quickly carried away nature, little Kolya tried to study music, but quickly realized that it was not for him. He loved the theater very much, played chess well, and was interested in electrical engineering, photography and chemistry.

The writer’s childhood and youth fell on very difficult years - the First World War and Civil war, revolution. At the age of 14, he began working to help his family, and after finishing school he became a laborer.

The writer graduated from the Moscow Institute of Cinematography and for 19 years, until 1951, he worked as a director of scientific, animated and educational films.

Self-awareness and imagination

According to the writer’s recollections, he began to become aware of himself and the things around him when he was four years old. The objects surrounding the boy had a character and their own special life for him. The wardrobe is immersed in thought and speaks in a strange creaking language, the sideboard is a frivolous creature, and the chairs are like two prim aunties who really want to gossip, but you can’t show them that they can be interested in all sorts of trifles. All these childhood impressions then helped the writer a lot, and some of them were subsequently included in Nosov’s works for children. As an example, we can recall one of his famous stories, “The Hat.” In it, the boys first of all think not about the fact that a kitten is hiding under her, but in a panic they decide that she has come to life. In general, it must be said that all of Nosov’s stories show excellent knowledge of child psychology.

The beginning of a creative journey

Nosov's debut as a writer took place in 1938. It was the story "Entertainers". The author was 30 years old at the time. As the writer himself admitted, his entry into literature was an accident. The little son demanded more and more new fairy tales and interesting stories, and Nosov began to compose them, first for him, and then for his friends. The writer realized that this creativity requires both great knowledge and understanding of child psychology. And most importantly - respect. And like this great love and attention to children permeates all of Nosov’s works.

First story collections

Then other children's stories by Nosov appear - “The Living Hat”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Cucumbers”, “Dreamers”. Each of them was already eagerly awaited by young readers, who immediately highly appreciated the works of the new writer. It was published then in the best children's magazine “Murzilka”. A little later, these stories were combined into the still thin book “Knock-Knock-Knock”. This event did not happen immediately, in 1945. But a year later it appears new collection funny stories writer - “Steps”.

Nosov's works come out one after another. The list is extensive:

- "Bobik visiting Barbos."

- "Cheerful family."

- "Funny stories."

- "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."

- "The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn."

- "Gardeners."

- "The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin."

- "Telephone".

- "Wonderful trousers."

Nosov’s works are popular with children, but his general popularity came after the publication of the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home.” Taking as a basis a completely ordinary story about a schoolboy and his studies, the writer was able to write about a real, real life ordinary boys, sincere and naive.

Stories about Dunno

Even those who do not know the writer Nosov have heard about Dunno - the most famous and beloved by children literary character. The author characterized his hero as follows: “This is a generalized idea of ​​a child with an insatiable thirst for activity, with a great desire to learn everything, but at the same time uncollected and still unable to hold his attention. This is a completely ordinary normal child. He has excellent abilities that he will develop in the future, and shortcomings that need to be dealt with.”

Dunno is a representative of the people of short people who live in beautiful cities with the poetic names Tsvetochny and Sunny. Very active and cheerful, main character sincerely wants to help all his friends, but because of his restlessness and haste, he constantly helps them. Friends forgive Dunno, although his actions often cause big trouble. In total, the writer created three stories about little people.

By the way, Nosov did not come up with the name for his hero himself, but borrowed it from a book about forest men. There Dunno was not the main character, but one of the most insignificant. The writer never hid this fact. This, by the way, is now preventing Nosov’s heir, his grandson, from fighting piracy in relation to his grandfather’s work. Several times his claims were rejected with the wording that Dunno was not invented by Nikolai Nosov.

They say that the writer copied the restless little man from his son Petya, and Nosov gave the hat to the hero because he himself loved to wear them.

Heroes of Nosov's works

The most amazing thing is that all of Nosov’s works, which are considered funny, were not written by him for laughter and entertainment. He never set out to make the reader laugh. Nosov described the usual daily life children, filled with victories and failures, small discoveries and great joy of life. Even if the heroes of his works are lazy or losers, they still evoke sympathy because they sincerely repent of their actions.

Screen adaptation of Nosov's works

Based on the writer’s books, 6 feature films were filmed. huge amount animated films. Among them are two series about the adventures of Dunno.

The work of the wonderful writer Nikolai Nosov is still in demand today. His books are still as popular and loved by both young children and their parents as they were many years ago.