Fidgets 25 years watch online. Igor Nikolaev concert "adults and children". — How “fidgets” move into adulthood

Photo \\ Official website of Igor Nikolaev, composer and ensemble "Fidgets"

On May 19, a big anniversary celebration will take place at the Rossiya State Concert Hall in Luzhniki. festive concert "Adults and children. Fidgets - 25". For several decades, the children's vocal studio "Fidgets" under the leadership of Elena Pinjoyan has been delighting us with high-quality songs for the youngest audience.

The first graduates of the studio " Fidgets"became a real pride of the domestic show business. Sergey Lazarev took 3rd place in music competition in Sweden" Eurovision" - 2016 \ Eurovision with a world-class hit. The duet "Tatu" consisted of two former members studio "Fidgets" Yulia Volkova And Elena Katina They also loudly announced themselves to Europe at the 2003 song contest. The studio is unique in that it produces wonderful songs, which are then scattered throughout the country performed by other children's vocal groups.

Watch download video Igor Nikolaev and Fidgets “One Hundred Friends” click on the picture

Grand concert" Adults and children" This is the 15th time it has sold out. Young artists from the group "Fidgets" and stars Russian stage They enjoy performing on the same stage with joint musical performances. This year the concert will take part Igor Nikolaev.

Igor Nikolaev congratulated the team on the holiday

Rehearsal \

Children's vocal ensemble.
Originated on April 12, 1991 as children's club at the Palace of Pioneers
It is part of the studio theater.
Children are taught solfeggio, acting, stage speech and dance.
Artistic director- Honored Cultural Worker Elena Mikhailovna Pinjoyan.

Notable alumni:
Sergey Lazarev - Eurovision 2016 \ 3rd place
Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina - group "TaTu" - Eurovision 2003 \ 3rd place
Nastya Zadorozhnaya - actress, singer, "Love in the City"
Vlad Topalov - group "Smesh"

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May 19 at the Rossiya Concert Hall - Luzhniki in music program“Adults and Children. Fidgets are 25!” theater-studio "Fidgets" together with Russian pop stars held anniversary concert in honor of your memorable date.

Especially for this significant occasion studio "Fidgets" prepared a grandiose concert program. Musical congratulations from Larisa Dolina, who sang for the first time with her granddaughter Sasha, a young pupil of the studio. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina again became the group “t.A.T.u” for one day, Yuri Nikolaev and Yulia Malinovskaya - the legendary duo of TV presenters of the “Morning Star” program - many years later reunited again on the anniversary occasion of “Fidget”. Joseph Kobzon, Olga Kormukhina, Oleg Gazmanov, Valeria, Gleb Matveychuk, Diana Gurtskaya, Soso Pavliashvili, Eteri Bariashvili, Alsou, Anastasia Spiridonova, Denis Maidanov, young artists from the popular competition “Voice.Children” - Daniil also performed musical congratulation numbers Pluzhnikov, Yaroslava Degtyareva, Alexander Filin, Laura Grigorieva, Ivena Rabotova, Arina Mironova, Sabina Mustaeva; graduates of the Fidget studio - Vlad Topalov, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Andrey Tsvetkov, Ivaylo Filipov and, of course, students of the Fidget studio!

Yuri Nikolaev, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, and Boris Grachevsky made special congratulations.

The hosts of the anniversary concert program became young artists of the studio - Taisiya Maslyakova and Kirill Pinjoyan, as well as adult artists - Alexander Oleshko and Valeria Lanskaya.

The concert program “Adults and Children” is an annual charity event with the support of the Department of Culture of the Russian Federation, which is being held for the fifteenth time. Over the years the program has become a real family holiday, which is loved and awaited!

The television broadcast of the concert is planned on International Children's Day on June 1 on Channel One.

"Fidgets" is a legendary children's studio, which celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2016! Over the years of its existence, “Fidgets” has prepared many future stars, including such artists as Sergei Lazarev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Vlad Topalov, Yulia Malinovskaya, lead singers of the group “Tatu” Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina, and many other stars. Graduates of the “Fidgets” studio conquer not only Russian spaces, but also win foreign competitions. So, in 2016, Andrei Tsvetkov became a participant in the cult American project American Idol. And the brightest graduate of the studio, Sergei Lazarev, triumphantly represented Russia at international competition Eurovision 2016.

— It was a quarter of a century ago. I was then graduating from the Institute of Culture, and to defend my diploma I had to stage some kind of theatrical performance. In search of a site for this action, I went to the center children's creativity"Sokol", which was located literally under the windows of my apartment, and offered to spend children's competition called "The Princess and the Knights". I was allowed, the children gladly took part in it, everyone liked the result, and I decided to stay and work there. I advertised: “I’m recruiting guys for a music studio,” and after a while I had about ten guys.

At first they just sang, and then I realized that it was not so interesting, and for each song we began to come up with some kind of number. When three numbers were staged and rehearsed, I decided it was time to go on the big stage. I opened the Yellow Pages directory and found the section “Central Television. Children's edition" and dialed the number. “Hello,” I say, “I’m Lena, I lead a children’s group, I want you to listen to us.” The editor of a popular music program at the time picked up the phone by chance.

“Merry notes” Kira Venyevna Chen. I can imagine how many similar requests she listened to, not even daily, but hourly. But one day, unexpectedly, she appeared on the threshold of our studio. She told me later: “I’m riding on the subway, I hear: “Sokol” station - and suddenly I remember about you. I decided to come and visit after all.” We showed her several numbers, she looked: the kids were cute, funny kids, charming. We were first invited to sing in “Merry Notes”. And then we got into the Morning Star program, hosted by Yuri Nikolaev.

— Which of the now famous performers was in that very first set?

— Vlad Topalov and Yulia Malinovskaya, who later became Nikolaev’s co-host in “Morning Star,” have been involved in “Fidgets” almost from the day they were founded. I remember how my grandmother brought five-year-old Vladik to the studio. He was so funny, a chubby little doll, he was shy and blushed, but he sang cleanly. , the future soloist of the group “t.A.T.u.”, also came to us as a baby. This blonde girl in a velvet dark blue dress appeared at the casting, so pretty you couldn’t take your eyes off her. She came out and sang “Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening,” and her voice was like a bell. And I met when she was twelve years old. Her dad is a composer and sound engineer, we met him in the studio when we were recording one of the songs, and he asked: “Len, listen to my girl.” Lena has arrived. Bright, red, these hemp are charming. Lovely girl. The voice is amazing, the timbre is pleasant. Naturally, I took it.

When we got him, he was ten years old. The mother of one of our girls worked in a store not far from Serezha’s house. He came to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread, and at the same time got into conversation with the kind woman behind the counter. She mentioned that her daughter was involved in the “Fidgets” ensemble. By that time, Seryozha had heard about us, because we often appeared in the Morning Star, and Lazarev dreamed of getting there and winning the competition. Seryozha’s eyes lit up: “Oh, how I want to go to Fidget!” And he came to us. He was terribly shy and decided to come into my office the fifth time, but he sang beautifully, and I took him right away.

Vladik Topalov, Dima Baryshnikov, Yulia Malinovskaya and Seryozha Lazarev (1999)

I saw Nastya Zadorozhnaya for the first time backstage concert hall. We then performed at the Christmas tree at the city hall, I, covered in soap, ran from dressing room to dressing room, settling various matters. The administrator comes up to me and says: “A girl wants to see you.” “What else

girl?" - I wave it off as I run. Five minutes later again: “The girl is calling you.” I ignore it again. The fifth time I can’t stand it: “Give her here!” I see an angel standing there. With huge eyes. With long eyelashes. And in a timid voice he asks: “Take me to Fidgets!” Her dad brought her to the Christmas tree, she saw our performance, plucked up the nerve and snuck backstage to ask to join the team. The city's insolence is taking its toll - they took Nastenka to probation, and then to the main team.

“For 25 years, Fidget has had many performances with our pop stars. Who did the guys enjoy working with the most?

— With Yuri Nikolaev. He is our friend and teacher. They went through the most important professional school while participating in the Morning Star. The program was incredibly rated. Our Yulia Malinovskaya was Nikolaev’s co-host, and “Fidgets” always appeared in every episode, either opening the program or closing it. And almost every one of my students at that time took part in “Morning Star” as a contestant. In general, we collaborated with Nikolaev a lot and fruitfully. But he not only taught us professional wisdom. Yuri Alexandrovich loves children very much. And he communicates with them not from the position of a master, but at their level. I remember we stayed in a small and very cozy hotel on the banks of the Volga, Nikolaev invited “Fidget” to visit his room and staged a real pillow fight, completely disregarding the chain of command, despite the difference in age, just like that. The guys were delighted!

Yulia Malinovskaya

A funny story happened at “Fidget” with Kirkorov. Oleg Gazmanov's son Philip studied with us. We were preparing the number “Uncle Styopa - Policeman” for a performance at a concert for Police Day. Kirkorov was invited to participate in this production. And little Philip at that time was four years old, and he was entrusted with the role of such a small klutz who was constantly catching crows, lagging behind, hanging somewhere - and he needed to be constantly urged on. This turned out to be his role - Filya himself was like that. Arrived

the day of the rehearsal, he showed up, we met him, security remained in the corridor, the artist walked into the hall. I explain to him the mise-en-scène: where is the best place to stand, where the children will run from, what they will do. We start the run, everything is going great, and suddenly this little klutz runs off somewhere at cruising speed. I see this out of the corner of my eye and shout: “Filya, how much can I tell you! Where did you run again?!” The atmosphere on the site changed with a click - Kirkorov’s security guards have arrived, they are looking through the door, looking for the boss who has run away in an unknown direction, and Philip Bedrosovich himself is standing so confused and, not understanding anything, blinks his eyes: “Lena, I’m still standing here.” , I’m not running anywhere.” We had to quickly introduce Philip Sr. to Philip Jr. so that such misunderstandings would not arise again on the site.

- You traveled a lot with Fidgets - concerts, tours. It must be a hassle to carry so many children with you?

- Undoubtedly. Especially considering that at first I traveled with them alone. That is, I tried to keep track of fifteen children from five to twelve years old at once. Then I started taking an assistant with me on trips. But stories with the guys happened all the time. Most often, for some reason, Lazarev was unlucky. I remember how we went with him and several guys to Artek. There was a whole restless detachment there, and this detachment had its own Artek counselors, and I lived outside the camp. During the day I came to them, we practiced, rehearsed, went to the sea or went on an excursion, and in the evening I went to my hotel. Everything was going great until one fine morning I came to the sea and

I discovered that Lazarev was not there. “Guys,” I ask, “where is Seryozha?” - “He stayed in the ward, he was a little sick.” I run into the building and see: a huge room, Seryozha is lying on the bed, red as boiled crayfish, hot - even rather scalding. A chill hits him, and there is no one nearby. “Why didn’t you go to the doctor?” - I say. He looked at me and said: “It’s okay, it’ll pass soon.” I took Seryozha to my hotel room, took out a traveling first aid kit - a huge suitcase with all kinds of medicines, which I took with me on all my trips, and began to treat the boy and bring him to his senses. He felt really bad for a few days, but then he started to get better.

Sergey Lazarev, Kristina Gulevich, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Yulia Malinovskaya, Artem Shalimov, Nikita Afonin. Tour in Khanty-Mansiysk (1998)

“It’s probably easier to manage them now—after all, we’ve gone through so much!”

— I don’t go on tour with the guys anymore, I have a lot to do in the office. The team has increased - if 25 years ago I had 10 people, now there are more than 200 students. There are many interesting children, some of them are well known to the viewer from the show “The Voice. Children" on Channel One. One of our brightest students is Ivaylo Filippov (in the first season of the show he reached the finals). It seems to me that he has a great future. “Fidgets” and I were at a competition in Bulgaria, and a woman came up to us and asked us to listen to her child. The guy turned out to be good. From the first seconds of listening, it became clear that he was incredibly talented. I explained: “I would love to take your boy to us, but you live in Bulgaria, what should I do?” “We’ll solve the problem,” my mother promised. A few days later she called me and said that... she had moved here to Moscow and Ivaylo was ready to start classes. At first, they had a hard time: Yana, Ivaylo’s mother, got a job at the Bulgarian embassy, ​​and almost all of her salary went to rent an apartment. We at Fidgets, knowing about this situation, welcomed the guy as best we could. They fed and watered. He, still very young, eight years old, and also speaks Russian poorly, traveled independently from home to rehearsals and back. I gave him a ride to the subway after classes ended. Someone asked: “How do you get around the city?” - "A! It’s okay,” he says, “Pinjoyan brought it, Pinjoyan took it away.”

Of course, in such a situation, we could not take money from him for his studies, although classes in our team are paid. Moreover, I found a way to pay him a small stipend. Because it’s a sin not to support such a guy. Another undoubted talent is Andrey Tsvetkov. Andryusha was 8 years old when his mother brought him to Fidget, and he immediately attracted attention. One day a boy forced

make me cry - so sensually and soulfully he sang the song “How I Love You, Mom.” Andryusha’s father always said that “Fidgets” was not bad, but a serious education was more important, and insisted that Andryusha not give up his studies at the law faculty of Moscow State University, even when he successfully performed in the show “The Voice.” And recently our Andrey became a participant in the popular show “American Idol”. Seven of our soloists are participating in the current season of the children's “Voice”: Sasha Filin, Laura Grigorieva, Ivena Rabotova, Masha Znatnova, Dasha Atamanovskaya, Liza Kabaeva and Arina Mironova. I'm sure they have a great future ahead of them.

Ivaylo Filippov is from Bulgaria. But he wanted to get into “Fidgets” so much that he and his mother moved to Moscow. With Polina Kalashnikova. Photo: press service of the children's studio "Fidgets"

— Have there been situations when you argued with your wards?

- Of course. Usually conflicts arise for me, and for other teachers, with the senior group. As soon as a child turns 12-13 years old, he becomes a completely different person. Yesterday he was still obedient, but today this baby, whom you have known from the cradle, has broken free.

I remember how Yulia Volkova turned from a bell-shaped girl into a real badass. She began to paint brightly. She did it well, but she was still just a baby! And I'm anti-makeup if we're talking about about little girls. On this basis, Yulia and I had continuous disputes. An 11-year-old child comes to class, all painted up: eyelashes covering half his face, bright lipstick, and this war paint also comes with blush. Where should I put such a beauty? Of course, go to the bathroom to wash. She naturally resisted and was offended. When she was fourteen years old, my influence on her ended. Either she was climbing balconies in the camp, or she was demonstrating some other tricks. What can you do, transitional age!

— How do you manage to improve relationships after such stories?

- It happens differently. Once we quarreled with Vladik Topalov. During the filming of the film about “Fidgets” in 1998, he and I had a big fight. Vlad got nervous, I was upset. Literally sparks were flying around us. The director gathers the guys around the camera and asks the question: “What is your deepest desire?” The children answer that someone wants to become a star, someone wants ice cream... I am on the other side of the camera. It’s Vlad’s turn, and he says: “I very often offend people without realizing it. I would like to ask God to forgive me for this and teach me to control myself,” and during this monologue he looks not at the camera, but at me. In the end, I couldn’t hold back and burst into tears right in front of everyone.

Vladik Topalov was brought to the studio by his grandmother. He was very shy, but sang cleanly (1993)

— Didn’t the guys quarrel among themselves?

- Anything has happened. Newcomers coming to the team were subjected to tests, they were laughed at, made fun of, no one escaped this - not Katina, not Zadorozhnaya, not Lazarev. The worst grievances began, of course, in adolescence, when falling in love arose. There was a catastrophic shortage of boys in Fidgets, and girls fought for them. I remember when five-year-old Vladik Topalov came to Fidget for the first time, five-year-old Yulka Malinovskaya, who saw him, loudly shouted throughout the corridor: “Don’t touch him, this is my little man!” She already understood then that there might not be enough for everyone - and it was better to stake a claim on a man in advance. But Vlad, when he grew up, fell in love not with Malinovskaya, but with Volkova. He was embarrassed by his feelings. Therefore, when I decided to invite Yulia on a date, I called my friend Lazarev to help. For the first date with the lady of his heart, the romantic Topalov chose McDonald's. However, at that time it was quite a chic gesture, especially since the generous boy fed not only Yulia, but also Seryozha. And then the dinner ends, Yulia and Seryozha leave the restaurant and go on their way, cheerfully chatting about various things, and behind them a dejected Vladik trudges along and is embarrassed to come up and talk to Volkova. This turned out to be a date.

— How “fidgets” go into adult life?

- With difficulty. When a child turns 14 years old, his education at “Fidgets” ends. But over the course of 10 years, our studio has become his home, and the team has become a real family. I remember how Valya, Serezha Lazarev’s mother, called me and complained: “Lena, I don’t know what to do with him! He lies on the sofa all day long, plays videos of your concerts and yearns: why did I grow up? where should I go now? Although Seryozha, as an exception, was with us until he was 15 years old. Then, when “Smash!!” - their duet with Topalov - it became easier. But this transitional stage is difficult for our students. We are trying to meet them halfway, creating some kind of “ex-neps” - groups for those who have grown up, but have not left. But the groups turn out to be tortured, neither for children nor for adults, and still do not live long. Some guys find a way out and become teachers or administrators. The rest just often drop by to visit and invite us to their concerts and premieres. We don’t forget our former students - we film them in videos and invite them to sing a duet at our performances. There are no former “Fidgets”. And I always look forward to their visit.