German Nobel Prize winners in literature. The most prestigious literary awards

Sciences “for original works printed in Russian belles lettres in prose and poetry."

The first literary prize of the USSR was the Stalin Prize for Literature, the decision to establish which was made on February 1, 1940. The Lenin Prize, which appeared earlier, was initially awarded only for scientific works; it began to be awarded for outstanding works of literature and art only in 1957.

  • Lomonosov Prize

Status - National Award for achievements in various branches of knowledge, including literature. Period - since 1866.

  • Pushkin Prize

Status - National Prize “for original works of fine literature in prose and poetry printed in Russian.” Period - from to 1919. Founder - St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Awarded by the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences. Prize - every two years in the amount of 1000 or 500 rubles. (half premium).

  • Prize in memory of A. S. Griboyedov

Status - National Award for New and best plays theater season. Period - from to 1917. Founder - Society of Russian Dramatic Writers and Opera Composers

  • A. Kireev Prize

Status - National Award for the best dramatic essay. Awarded only in 1915. Founder - St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Period - from to 1952.
Founder - Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
Awarded directly by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. The nominations of the laureates were presented by the Committee for the Stalin Prizes in Literature and Art.
The goal is to encourage citizens of the USSR for creative achievements in the field of literature.
The prize is three prizes of 100 thousand rubles in each of four categories in the field of literature.

Status - State Prize for outstanding creative achievements in the field of literature.
Period - from to 1991.
Founded by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Awarded by the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and art under the Council of Ministers of the USSR once every 2 years after approval by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
The goal is the highest form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for the greatest achievements in the field of literature.
Prize - 5 prizes in literature, the laureates were awarded a diploma, a gold medal and a cash prize of 10,000 rubles.

Status - the second most important literary prize in the USSR after the Lenin Prize.
Period - from to 1991.
Founded by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Awarded by the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and art under the Council of Ministers of the USSR after approval by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
The goal is to reward authors for the most talented, highly ideological works of literature.
The prize is a diploma and a badge of honor indicating the year the prize was awarded.

Status - literary award for young authors.
Period - from to 1991.
Founder - Central Committee of the Komsomol.
The goal is to encourage young authors for outstanding achievements in the field of literature.
The prize is a diploma and a badge.

Status - literary prize for creating works about the work of Soviet state security agencies.
Period - from to 1988.
Founder - USSR State Security Committee.

  • Prize of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for Literature

Status - literary prize for creating works about the work of internal affairs bodies.
Founder - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

  • Pushkin Prize of the A. Tepfer Foundation

Status - an annual (since 2000 - every two years) prize to reward authors who have made an outstanding contribution to Russian literature and have been translated in many countries of the world.
The period is from 1989 to 2003.
The founder is the German Dr. Alfred Tepfer Foundation.
It was awarded in Moscow on May 26 on the birthday of A.S. Pushkin (old style) by a jury from two countries: the GDR and the USSR. From the German side: Wolf Schmid and Helen von Sakhno, from the Soviet side: Yuri Gribov and Dmitry Urnov; Subsequently, the Russian side was represented by Andrei Bitov and Oleg Chukhontsev (then replaced by Sergei Bocharov).
The prize is 40,000 marks (since 2000, when the decision to award the prizes once every two years was announced, 30,000 marks). Two scholarships of 6,000 marks each were also awarded for travel to Germany, allowing young writers to establish contacts with German writers, publishers and translators, as well as to become acquainted with the German literary process.

Dissident Prizes

  • State Pushkin Prize

Status - State Prize for creating the most talented works in the field of poetry.
Period - from to 2005.
Founder - President of the Russian Federation. Awarded on a competitive basis annually by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes in the field of literature and art.
The goal is to encourage the creation of talented works in the field of poetry.
The prize was initially 400 minimum wages, later increased to 1,600 minimum wages.

  • Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art

Status - state prize for outstanding creative and scientific contribution to the artistic culture of Russia. Period - from to 2005.

The goal is encouragement artistic creativity and scientific research in the field of culture.
The prize is 10 equivalent prizes annually, the laureates receive a diploma, a commemorative medal and a cash reward in the amount of 600 minimum wages.

  • State Prize for works for children and youth

Status - state prize for outstanding works for children and youth.
Period - since 1998.
Founder - President of the Russian Federation.
Awarded by the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes in the Field of Literature and Art.

  • State Prize named after Bulat Okudzhava

Status - state prize for the creation of outstanding poetic works and highest achievements in the genre of art song.
The period is from 1998 to 2004. It ceased to exist by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
Founder - President of the Russian Federation.
Awarded by the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for State Prizes in the Field of Literature and Art.
The goal is encouragement Russian poets, as well as creators and performers of their own songs.

Non-state awards of the Russian Federation

Status - a non-state award for the best novel in Russian, first published last year. Period - since 1992.
Founder - Booker plc (remained the title sponsor of the award in Russia until 1996).
Awarded by the Booker Prize jury, consisting of five people and annually elected by the Booker Committee from among prominent writers and cultural figures.
The goal is to attract attention to serious prose, to ensure the success of books that affirm the humanistic value system traditional for Russian literature.
The prize is $20,000, with five finalists receiving $1,000 each.

  • Russian Prize for the highest achievements of literature and art "Triumph"

Status - a non-state award in the field of the highest achievements of literature and art.
Period - from to 2004.
The founder is the Triumph-Logovaz Foundation.
Awarded by the Prize Jury, which independently determined the nominees.
Prize - figurine "Golden Elf", made according to a sketch by Ernst Neizvestny, diploma, medal with the image Arc de Triomphe and a cash reward of $50,000.

Status - non-state literary award. Period - from to 2001. Founder: Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Awarded in five categories for works of the current year. The goal is a truly Russian prize as opposed to the Booker Prize. The prize was symbolically worth one dollar more than the Booker ($12,001).

  • Annual National Competition “Book of the Year”

Status - an annual all-Russian competition to support Russian book publishing and encourage the best examples book art and printing, as well as the promotion of reading in Russia. Period - since 1999. Founders: Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. Awarded in ten categories. The goal is to promote the continuation of domestic traditions of book culture, increasing the role of books in public consciousness, popularization of modern trends in book design and development thematic areas Russian book publishing.

Status is an independent literary prize for authors under 35 years of age writing in Russian. Period - since 2000. Founder: Andrey Skoch Humanitarian Foundation “Generation”. Awarded annually on the basis of an open competition in five to seven nominations, reflecting the main types fiction. The total prize fund is 6 million rubles. The prize is the honorary prize “Bird” and the right to conclude a publishing agreement with the Generation Foundation with a fee of 1,000,000 rubles.

Originally founded by Andrei Voznesensky and Rosbank in 2000, it now has a sponsor, which is the Gorbachev Foundation. Awarded to authors writing in Russian, living both in Russia and abroad. Nominees for the award are nominated by members of the jury. The prize is awarded in four categories, named according to lines from Pasternak’s works: “Initial Time”, “The Artist is in Power”, “I Will Grow Up to Sunday”, “Quadrature of Conscience”

The winners of the Pasternak Prize in different years were such poets as Gennady Aigi, Ivan Volkov, Alexander Eremenko, Dmitry Prigov and others.

  • Poetry competition "Young Poets of Moscow"

Status is an annual non-state award for young authors who create their works in Russian in different poetic genres(poems, poems, ballads, poetic cycles, etc.). The founders are the Board of Trustees of the Bunin Prize with the support of the Moscow Department of Education. Awarded on I. A. Bunin’s birthday, October 22. The goal is to encourage poetic creativity and revive best traditions domestic literature. Prize - diplomas and cash rewards (5 finalists).

Status - annual all-Russian literary prize for the best novel written in Russian during the calendar year. Period - since 2001. Founder - foundation National bestseller" The prize is a cash prize equivalent to $10,000, divided in the ratio 4:4:2 between the author, the first publisher and the nominator. If an unpublished work wins, the prize is divided between the laureate and the nominator in a ratio of 7:3. The publication, distribution and advertising of the winning work with a circulation of at least 50,000 copies is guaranteed. Participants on the shortlist receive incentive prizes in the amount equivalent to $1,000. The motto of the award is “Wake up famous!”

Status - an annual literary prize for the best work of fiction in any prose genre, focused on humanistic and moral values. Period - since 2003. The founder is the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate and the Samsung Electronics company. Awarded in the categories “Modern Classics” “XXI Century” (A brilliant work of modern prose). The total prize fund is 1.8 million rubles. Prize - first - 900 thousand rubles, second - 750,000 thousand rubles. The finalists evenly divide 150 thousand rubles among themselves. The goal is to search for and encourage authors whose works awaken in readers the ideals of morality and mercy. The prize is designed to support writers who follow the ideals of humanistic prose, which expresses the centuries-old traditions of Russian culture. Official page of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize

Status - national literary prize for works written in Russian and author's translations of works originally written in other languages. Period - since 2005. Founder - Non-profit partnership “Center for Support of Domestic Literature”. The total prize fund is 5.5 million rubles, 1st prize - 3 million rubles, 2nd prize - 1.5 million rubles. and 3rd - 1 million rubles. The goal is to search for and encourage authors of literary works capable of making a significant contribution to the artistic culture of Russia, increasing the social significance of modern Russian literature, and attracting reader and public attention to it.

Status is a prize for living poets writing in Russian, regardless of nationality and place of residence. Period - since 2005. Founder - Society for the Encouragement of Russian Poetry. The right to nominate belongs only to members of the Board of Trustees of the Society for the Encouragement of Russian Poetry. The goal is to attract public attention to modern poetry. The prize is a diploma, a badge and a cash reward, the amount of which is equivalent to $50,000.

Status - a prize for works that have a positive impact on the feelings, mind, will of people, contributing to their spiritual development. Period - since 2010. Founder - Public Association “Literary Heritage”. The goal is to search for socially useful ideas aimed at developing an artistic sense, to study works of literature in their relation to higher human needs and interests. Literary Heritage Award page

  • Ivan Petrovich Belkin Literary Prize

Status is the only Russian prize for Russian-speaking writers foreign countries. Period - since 2005. Founder - Development Fund "Institute of Eurasian Studies". The goal is the preservation and development of the Russian language as a unique phenomenon of world culture. The winner is awarded a prize in the amount of $5,000; the winning works in the competition will be included in the publishing program of the founders and partners of the Russian Prize. For 2nd and 3rd places in each category - $2,000 and $1,500 respectively.

  • All-Russian Literary Prize named after the Holy Blessed Alexander Nevsky

Status - All-Russian literary prize. Period - since 2005. Founder - Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Awarded - annually, only books that have not been submitted to other competitions this year and are not winners of other literary awards are accepted for the competition. The goal is a means of reviving modern Russian literature, raising the prestige of the writing ministry, and churching the literary process. The prize is a medal (only for first places in categories), a certificate and a cash prize.

  • All-Russian literary and artistic award "Golden Crown of Victory"

Status - a prize for works that signify the author's deep understanding of the greatness and significance of the national feat in the Great Patriotic War. Period - since 2008. Founder - Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded annually on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War - May 9. The goal is to encourage the creation of works of fiction of various genres about the Great Patriotic War, as well as on military-patriotic themes.

Status is an annual non-state award for writers writing in Russian in Russia and abroad. Period - since 2004. Founders - Moscow University for the Humanities, Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, National Union of Non-State Universities, National Institute of Business, Institute of Contemporary Art. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Rector of the Moscow Humanitarian University, Professor Igor Mikhailovich Ilyinsky. Awarded on I. A. Bunin’s birthday, October 22. The goal is to maintain Russian literature and the best traditions of Russian literature. Prize - diplomas, gold and silver medals with the image of I. A. Bunin and certificates for them, cash rewards (first prize - 550 thousand rubles, 4 finalists - 60,000 thousand rubles, special awards of the Board of Trustees (2-3 ) - 60 thousand rubles).

  • International short prose competition White Tablet

Status - annual international competition short prose. Period - since 2010. Founders - Zolotaya Strofa LLC. The purpose of the award is to identify and support talented authors, writing stories, essays, miniatures, etc. in Russian; Promoting their creativity within the target audience, providing them with the opportunity to publish their works; Introducing publishers to new names in modern prose; Financial support for the best authors in the field of short prose; Attracting the attention of the general public to literary competitions and to modern literature in general. Awarded twice a year in four categories. The laureates are awarded a diploma of the award and a monetary reward. Cash equivalent: 1st prize in each category - 15,000 rubles.

Status is an annual non-state award for the best story for writers writing in Russian in Russia. Period - since 2000. Founders: thick magazine “New World”, Charitable Reserve Fund.

Prizes of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation

List of awards of the Writers' Unions of the Russian Federation - Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Russian Writers, Union of Moscow Writers, Academy of Russian Literature, Academy of Russian Modern Literature, International Community of Writers' Unions and some others.

Status - an annual prize for authors of poetic, prose, dramatic works, which are distinguished by their fidelity to domestic traditions in literature, deep penetration into the moral and psychological foundations of human existence, society, the state, and into the life of a working person. Period - since 2000. Founders - the Union of Writers of Russia and the Joint Stock Company "ALROSA". The purpose of the prize is to unite the efforts of intellectual, literary and economic Russia in designating iconic names in modern Russian literature. Three prizes are awarded annually. Since 2005, within the framework of the Great Literary Prize of Russia, a special prize “For the Benefit of Russia” has been awarded. The laureates are awarded a diploma of the award and a monetary reward. Cash equivalent: 1st prize - 15 thousand US dollars; 2nd prize - 10 thousand US dollars; 3rd prize - 5 thousand US dollars.

  • All-Russian Historical and Literary Prize "Alexander Nevsky"

Status - an annual award for authors of literary historical works and museum memorial projects. Designed to support interest in the history of Russia, the best museum memorial projects and literary works dedicated to the heroes of the country's history and their deeds for the glory of the Fatherland. The founder of the prize is OJSC Talion (St. Petersburg), the co-founder of the prize is the Union of Writers of Russia. As part of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Prize "Alexander Nevsky", two open creative competitions are held: a competition of literary historical works and a competition of museum memorial projects.

The Prize fund is 1,800,000 rubles:

  • 1st prize - 300,000 rubles for each competition,
  • 2nd prize - 200,000 rubles for each competition,
  • 3rd prize - 100,000 rubles for each competition.

The laureates of the first three Prizes are also awarded a sculptural image of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky by sculptor Eduard Mkhoyan: gold - laureates of the 1st prize, silver - laureates of the 2nd prize, bronze - laureates of the 3rd prize. The monetary reward for the remaining winners of the Selected List is 50,000 rubles each. The journalist, awarded a special “Fellows” prize, is awarded a sculptural composition representing a bronze ancient Russian bowl on a pedestal in the form of a book - a symbol of unity and creative completeness, spiritual kinship and fidelity to traditions and historical truth. All laureates are awarded honorary diplomas.

  • All-Russian Prize named after A. N. Tolstoy

Status - awarded once every two years to authors of prose and journalistic works for their creative contribution to the development of Russian literature. Established in 2001. Founders - Union of Writers of Russia, administration of the city of Syzran, Interregional literary center V. Shukshina. Awarded in the following categories:

  • "Big Prose"
  • “Small prose (stories and short stories)”
  • "Publicism"

Awarded in Syzran during a gala event dedicated to this event, in one of the city’s cultural institutions (drama theater, House of Writers, etc.)

  • All-Russian Literary Prize "Vasily Terkin" named after. A. T. Tvardovsky

Status - awarded annually to writers, poets and journalists for highly artistic works that contain the original folk poetic principle, indestructible vitality, patience and faith in the triumph of the ideals of Russia. Established in 1995. Founders - the Writers' Union of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the administration of the Smolensk region, the Smolensk organization of the Writers' Union of Russia. Three equivalent prizes are awarded annually, one prize to fellow countryman A. T. Tvardovsky, the other two to poets, writers and journalists from other regions of Russia. The laureates are awarded a diploma of the award and a monetary reward. Cash equivalent: 10 thousand rubles. The award is presented by a representative of the administration of the Smolensk region on the birthday of A. T. Tvardovsky on June 21 at the Zagorye farm, Pochinkovsky district, Smolensk region.

Federal departmental awards of the Russian Federation

List of awards of federal departments of the Russian Federation (including in the field of literature).

Status - annual award to authors (teams of authors) best works in the field of literature, fine arts, television and journalism, dedicated to the activities of Russian foreign intelligence and its employees. Period - since 2000. Founder - Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. Three prizes are awarded annually. Prize - the winner of the prize is awarded a Diploma, a badge, and a monetary reward, which amounts to 120 thousand rubles (2009).

Status - an annual award for authors of literary and musical works, television and radio programs, films, as well as actors and artists for creating “at a high artistic level the image of employees of state security agencies and objective coverage of their activities.” Period - since 2006. Founder - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The awards are held in six categories: “television and radio programs”, “fiction and journalism”, “ fine arts", "films and television films", " acting work», « musical art" Prize winners receive memorable signs with FSB symbols, as well as a cash reward in the amount of 100 thousand rubles for first place, 50 thousand for second place and 25 thousand for third place.

The list includes current literary prizes for works written in Russian, which were awarded in 2015 and have a functioning website. The list does not include awards presented by editors literary magazines. The information collected in the section is replenished and clarified as relevant information becomes available, which we please send to the address

When copying our materials, we ask you to remember to mention the source.

(regardless of the place of residence of the authors and the subject of their works)


Oldest independent literary prize modern Russia- first awarded in 1978 by the editors of the Leningrad samizdat almanac “The Hours”. Since that time, in accordance with changing eras, it has gone through several transformations, but has retained unchanged the spirit of nonconformism and focus on the new and unusual. And also the corresponding unique “ prize fund": a bottle of vodka, one apple and one ruble. Despite this, the award enjoys constant respect in the professional community.

The NOS Prize was established in 2009 by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. A special feature of the prize is the public discussion between the “prize jury” and the “prize experts” (both are appointed by the board of trustees headed by I. D. Prokhorova). The name of the award is proposed to be deciphered as “New Sociality” and “New Literature”. The boundaries of this novelty become the subject of two lively discussions- in Krasnoyarsk, during (this is determined short list), and in Moscow (the winner is determined). The monetary component of the award is 700,000 rubles.

In 2015, the total size of the bonus fund increased significantly and amounted to 7,000,000 rubles, the winner in the “Modern Classics” nomination received 1,500,000 rubles, the winner in the “XXI Century” nomination received 2,000,000 rubles, the winner in the “Childhood” nomination. Adolescence. Youth" Valery Bylinsky - 500,000 rubles, and in the nomination "Foreign Literature" Ruth Ozeki received 1,000,000 rubles, and the translator of her novel - 200,000 rubles.
applications for participation were accepted until April 10.
Award website:


Prize “For Fidelity to the Word and the Fatherland” named after the first editor of the Literary Newspaper, Anton Delvig. Established by Literaturnaya Gazeta as an annual Russian national award in 2012.
Creative organizations and/or publishing houses can nominate works.

Prize fund - 7,000,000 rubles: three first prizes of 1,000,000 rubles each (with the presentation of the “Delvig Gold Medal”), six second prizes of 500,000 rubles each (with the presentation of the “Delvig Silver Medal”), four “Debut” prizes 250,000 rubles each (with the presentation of diplomas to the laureates). Only books published in the current year are accepted for the competition. For example, in the 2016 season, books published from January 2014 to October 2015 were considered. Applications were accepted from October 15, 2015 until January 31 2015. This season, it was decided not to divide the laureates into “gold”, “silver” and “bronze”. All received the Golden Delvig award.
Award website:

In St. Petersburg in memory of the most popular prose writer on the Runet - Dmitry Gorchev. The prize supports realistic and meta-realistic short fiction written in Russian, regardless of the author’s place of residence and citizenship.

In the 2016 season, the prize is awarded in two categories: “Beauty/Abomination” - texts written outside the city (short story, essay, travel diary) and “About One Man” - texts about the metropolis (short story, fairy tale, grotesque, absurdist realism).

In 2016, the prize for the winner in each of the nominations is 5,000 rubles. From the stories of the authors shortlisted for the award, a collection is formed, which is published both in paper form (by print-on-demand method) and e-book. Additional prizes in 2016: Audience Award - original drawing by Dmitry Gorchev.
Applications accepted until July 5.
Award website:

(establishing a number of restrictions for authors)


The Russian Prize was established in 2005 and is one of the five most prestigious Russian literary awards. Authors who write in Russian and permanently reside outside the Russian Federation can be nominated. A partially rotating jury awards prizes in three categories - “short prose”, “large prose” and “poetry”, as well as a special prize for the preservation of Russian literature abroad. Nomination of manuscripts and autonomy are allowed. The cash value of the first prize in each category is 150,000 rubles. A publishing program is provided, carried out in partnership with the capital's publishing houses.

Among its laureates are Bakhyt Kenzheev, Boris Khazanov, Yuz Aleshkovsky, Anastasia Afanasyeva, Marina Paley, Vladimir Lorchenkov, Mariam Petrosyan, Marianna Goncharova, Dina Rubina, Andrey Polyakov, and others.
In April 2016 this season was announced.
Award website:


International literary competition, organized by Strelbitsky Multimedia Publishing House together with the Andronum Publishing Union.
The competition accepts works that meet the criteria of the “Detective” genre, written in any language, without restrictions.
The competition is apolitical and socially responsible. Texts containing profanity, scenes of violence, pornography, calls for war, national, religious or other intolerance, as well as immoral, offensive and degrading human dignity, etc., as well as texts with other content prohibited by law.
The main prize is $10,000. 5 incentive prizes of $500 each. The works of the laureate, prize-winners and nominees are published at the expense of the publishing house.
Deadlines for accepting work - until September 10 2016.
Competition website:


The Russian-Italian literary prize "Rainbow" was established in 2010 by the Litistituti im. A. M. Gorky and the Verona non-profit association “Understanding Eurasia”.
The competition is held in two categories: “Young Writer” and “Young Translator”. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 35 can take part in it. Stories and translations into Russian that have not been published before (including on the Internet) and have not been submitted to other competitions, no more than 10 thousand characters with spaces, are allowed to participate.
The amount of the prize in the “Young Writer” nomination is 5,000 euros, in the “Young Translator” nomination - 2,500 euros.
The best works, five each from Russia and Italy, are published in literary almanac"Rainbow" Prize.
Among other things, the award winners annually go on a “creative trip” to another country. In 2013, Italians traveled through the cities of the Central region; in 2014, Russian writers traveled through Northern Italy; last year, Italians traveled through famous cities.

In 2015, 466 applications from 27 provinces of Italy and 16 regions of Russia were submitted to the competition, and the winners were only . The story of one of the award winners, Ambra Simeone, can be read on our website by going to .
The deadline for submitting works in 2016 has ended January 20.
Prize Regulations: on the website of Banca Intesa.


“Manuscript of the Year” is the first prize in Russia that considers not published works, but manuscripts—original author’s texts. Only young, previously unpublished authors' manuscripts participate in the competition. The prize was established by the Astrel-SPb publishing house (AST) in 2009.

The 2015 Grand Prix was awarded to the young St. Petersburg writer Sofya Yanovitskaya. She was awarded a laureate diploma, a valuable prize and, most importantly, the right to publish a manuscript on a royalty basis in one of the leading publishing houses in Russia -. The work of Masha Rupasova was recognized as “Best Children's Book”.
In 2016, applications were accepted until April 10.
Award website:

The annual Russian literary prize, awarded for scientific, artistic and popular science works, has existed since 1990. Named after the Russian Soviet science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev, but refused to accept science fiction works in favor of educational literature. The prize is awarded to writers, translators, literary critics, as well as publishing houses, paper and online periodicals. The prize does not have a monetary component, it consists of a breast medal and a diploma (for twice laureates - a table medal and a diploma; for three times laureates - a silver breast medal and a diploma), awarded on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Belyaev Prize, the Council for Fantastic, Adventure and Scientific Art literature and the Writers' Union of St. Petersburg.
The work of any author living in the Russian Federation or abroad can be nominated for the prize if it is written and published in Russian.

The list of 2015 laureates can be found.
Website of the Belyaev Prize and Festival:



The only Russian prize for the best translation of works of Russian literature into foreign languages. Established with the support of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center, the Institute of Translation and Rospechat as part of a project of the same name aimed at popularizing and distributing Russian literature abroad.
In 2016, the prize will be awarded for the translation of works of Russian literature into the following world languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Polish, French, Japanese. Translations published by foreign publishers in 2014 and 2015 are accepted for the competition.
The winners of the award receive special diplomas and a medal, as well as a monetary reward of 5,000 euros for the translator and 3,000 euros in the form of a grant for the publishing house to cover the costs of translating another work of Russian literature. RUSSIA - ITALY. THROUGH THE CENTURIES

The International Literary Prize is awarded for the best translation from Russian into Italian and is awarded to both the translator and the publisher for works published within the last two years. Established in 2007 on the initiative of the Yeltsin Foundation. Since 2010, the official partner of the award is the Yeltsin Presidential Center. The main prize is a bronze open book by sculptor Viktor Kryuchkov in a leather case and a monetary reward that the translator and publisher receive.

In 2015 main prize was awarded to Ornella Discaccati for her translation of Platonov’s novel “Chevengur”, as well as a prize and diploma for the translation debut of Giacomo Foni for his translation of Nikolai Berdyaev’s book “Philosophy of Inequality. Letters to enemies."
Translator Awards Page on the website of the Yeltsin Presidential Center.


The International Literary Gorky Prize was established in 2008 by the Chernomyrdin Regional Public Foundation, the Gorky Prize Association and the municipality of Capri with the aim of encouraging and developing creative activity in the field of fiction and literary translation in Russia and Italy. The Gorky Prize is awarded in two main categories - “Writers” and “Translators”. The list of works proposed for consideration by the jury consists of works in the genre of long prose (novel, story), published in translation (in Russian or Italian, respectively) within twenty years preceding the year of the competition.
The award nominees alternate between Russian and Italian writers.
You can read about it on our portal.
Award website:



Established in 2009 by the children's publishing house Rosmen. First of all, to find new authors. In this regard, it allows and encourages self-nomination. The jury of the award consists mainly of Rosman employees and authors published there. There are three categories - for ages 2–8 years and 10–16 years, as well as (for artists). The main prize of the competition is a contract with Rosman to publish the winning book. However, editors sometimes take on works from the short and long lists.


All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth, organized by the Center for the Support of Russian Literature (which holds the “ Big book"). “Kniguru” is the only competition in the world that accepts both artistic and educational works, and the final decision is made by an open jury consisting of readers aged 10 to 16 years.
The winner receives 500,000 rubles, the second and third place holders receive 300,000 and 200,000 rubles, respectively.


A competition organized in 2010 by the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita”. Held twice a year - in spring and. Over six years, eighteen books were published as a result of the competition.
yourself in the role children's writer Anyone over the age of 18 can. For this it is necessary until April 1 2016, register your work on the competition website. The competition is held in three categories: literary texts for children (fairy tales and short stories), educational texts for children (travel books, knowledge, biographies) and “Notes of a Naturalist” (artistic and educational prose for children about Russian nature).
Competition website:

You can read about these and other children's competitions.

The most prestigious literary prize in the world, awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation for achievements in the field of literature. Laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature, as a rule, are world-famous writers recognized in their homeland and abroad.

The first Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded on December 10, 1901. Its laureate was the French poet and essayist Sully Prudhomme. Since then, the date of the award ceremony has not changed, and every year on the day of the death of Alfred Nobel, in Stockholm, one of the most significant in literary world awards from the hands of the King of Sweden are received by a poet, essayist, playwright, prose writer, whose contribution to world literature, according to the Swedish Academy, is worthy of such high praise. This tradition was broken only seven times - in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943 - when the prize was not awarded and no awards were given.

As a rule, the Swedish Academy prefers not to evaluate separate work, and all the work of the nominated writer. In the entire history of the prize, specific works have been recognized only a few times. Among them: “Olympic Spring” by Karl Spitteler (1919), “The Juices of the Earth” by Knut Hamsun (1920), “The Men” by Vladislav Reymont (1924), “Buddenbrooks” by Thomas Mann (1929), “The Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy ( 1932), “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway (1954), “Quiet Don” by Mikhail Sholokhov (1965). All these books were included in the Golden Fund of World Literature.

Today's list Nobel laureates consists of 108 names. Among them there are Russian writers. The first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize, in 1933, was the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Later, in different years, the Swedish Academy appreciated the creative merits of Boris Pasternak (1958), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970) and Joseph Brodsky (1987). In terms of the number of Nobel laureates (5) in the field of literature, Russia is in seventh place.

The names of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature are kept secret not only during the current award season, but also for the next 50 years. Every year, experts try to guess who will win the most prestigious literary award, and especially gambling people place bets in bookmakers. In the 2016 season, the main favorite to receive the literary Nobel is the famous Japanese prose writer Haruki Murakami.

Premium amount- 8 million crowns (approximately 200 thousand dollars)

Creation date- 1901

Founders and co-founders. The Nobel Prize, including the Prize for Literature, was created by the will of Alfred Nobel. The award is currently administered by the Nobel Foundation.

Dates. Applications must be submitted by January 31st.
Identification of 15-20 main candidates - April.
Determination of 5 finalists - May.
Announcement of the winner's name - October.
Award ceremony - December.

Objectives of the award. According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Literature Prize is awarded to the author who has created the most significant literary work of an idealistic orientation. However, in most cases, the prize is awarded to writers based on their combined merits.

Who can participate? Any nominated author who receives an invitation to participate. It is impossible to nominate yourself for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Who can nominate? In accordance with the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, members of the Swedish Academy, other academies, institutes and societies with similar tasks and goals, professors of literature and linguistics of higher educational institutions, Nobel Prize laureates in literature, chairmen of author's unions, representing literary creativity in different countries.

Expert council and jury. Once all applications have been submitted, the Nobel Committee selects candidates and presents them to the Swedish Academy, which is responsible for determining the laureate. The Swedish Academy consists of 18 members, including respected Swedish writers, linguists, literature teachers, historians and lawyers. Nominations and prize fund. Nobel Prize winners receive a medal, a diploma, and a monetary award, which varies slightly from year to year. Thus, in 2015, the entire Nobel Prize prize fund was 8 million Swedish kronor (approximately $1 million), which was divided among all laureates.

Hugo Award
This award can be called one of the most democratic: its laureates are determined by voting by registered participants of the World Convention of Science Fiction Fans WorldCon (therefore the award is considered a “reader’s award”). The Hugo Award is a literary award for science fiction. It was established in 1953 and is named after Hugo Gernsback, the creator of the first specialized science fiction magazines. The prize is awarded annually for the best works of fiction published in English. The winners are awarded a figurine in the form of a taking off rocket. The prize is awarded in the following categories:
. Best Novel
. Best Novella
. Best short story (Best Novellette)
. Best story(Best Short Story)
. Best Science Fiction Book (Best Related Book)
. Best production, large form (Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form)
. Best production, small form (Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form)
. Best Professional Editor
. Best professional artist(Best Professional Artist)
. Best semi-professional magazine (Best SemiProzine)
. Best Fanzine. Best Fan Writer
. Best Fan Artist
The list of winners of this and other science fiction awards can be found on the Russian Science Fiction website ( Separately, the John Campbell Prize is awarded to the “Most Promising New Author of the Year”, which is awarded to a debut science fiction writer. Along with the Hugo Award, the Gandalf Award is sometimes awarded - not for a specific work, but for a significant contribution to the development of the fantasy genre.

Cervantes Prize
The Cervantes Literary Prize, established by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1975, is valued in the Spanish-speaking world no less than the Nobel Prize. The monetary part of the “Spanish Nobel Prize” is 90 thousand euros, it is awarded annually to the next laureate by the King of All Spain, Juan Carlos, in the homeland of the author of “Don Quixote” - in the town of Alcala de Henares, which is 50 kilometers from Madrid.

James Tait Award
The oldest literary award in Great Britain is the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, which has been awarded by the University of Edinburgh since 1919 to the best novelists and authors of biographical works. Its laureates in different times became Evelyn Waugh, Iris Murdoch, Graham Greene, Ian McEwan.

Orange Award
For women writers in Great Britain who write in English, there is the Orange Prize. The winners are awarded a bronze statuette with the affectionate name Bessie and a check for the pleasant sum of £30,000. The jury of the award is exclusively women.

Nobel Prize in Literature
The prize, founded by Swedish chemical engineer, inventor and industrialist Alfred Bernhard Nobel and named after him as the Nobel Prize, is the world's most prestigious and most criticized. Of course, this is largely due to the size of the Nobel Prize: the award consists of a gold medal with the image of A. Nobel and the corresponding inscription, a diploma and, most importantly, a check for a sum of money. The size of the latter depends on the profits of the Nobel Foundation. According to Nobel's will, drawn up on November 27, 1895, his capital (initially over 31 million Swedish crowns) was invested in shares, bonds and loans. The income from them is divided annually into 5 equal parts and becomes prizes for the most outstanding world achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for activities to strengthen peace. Particular passions flare up around the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main complaints against the Swedish Academy in Stockholm (it is the one that identifies the most worthy writers) are the decisions of the Nobel Committee themselves, and the fact that they are made in strict secrecy. The Nobel Committee announces only the number of applicants for a particular prize, but does not name their names. Evil tongues They also claim that the prize is sometimes given for political reasons, not literary motives. The main trump card of critics and detractors is Leo Tolstoy, Nabokov, Joyce, Borges, who were passed over for the Nobel Prize... The prize is awarded annually on December 10 - the anniversary of Nobel's death. The Swedish king traditionally awards Nobel writers in Stockholm. Within 6 months after receiving the Nobel Prize, the laureate must give a Nobel lecture on the topic of his work.

International Prize named after G.-H. Andersen
For the appearance of this prize, we must thank the German writer Jelle Lepmann (1891-1970). And not only for this. It was Mrs. Lepman who achieved that, by decision of UNESCO, the birthday of G.-H. Andersen, April 2, became International Children's Book Day. She also initiated the creation of the International Council on Children's and Youth Books (IBBY), an organization uniting writers, artists, literary scholars, and librarians from more than sixty countries. Since 1956, IBBY has awarded the International G.-H. Andersen, which light hand the same Ella Lepman is called the “little Nobel Prize” for children’s literature. Since 1966, this award has also been given to illustrators of children's books. Gold medal laureates receive a profile of a great storyteller every 2 years at the next IBBY congress. The award is given only to living writers and artists.

Astrid Lindgren International Literary Prize
The Swedish government, immediately after Lindgren's death, decided to establish a literary prize named after the world-famous storyteller. “I hope that the Prize will serve the dual role of serving as a reminder of Astrid and her life's work, as well as promoting and promoting good children's literature,” said Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson. The annual International Literary Award by Astrid Lingren (The Astrid Lingren Memorial Award) “For works for children and youth” should attract world attention to literature for children and adolescents and to children's rights. Therefore, it can be awarded not only to a writer or artist for an exceptional contribution to the development of children's books, but also for any activity to promote reading and protect children's rights. The monetary content of the award is also attractive - 500,000 euros. The lucky winners of the award are determined by 12 honorary citizens of the country, members of the State Cultural Council of Sweden. By tradition, the name of the laureate of this award is announced every year in March in Astrid Lindgren's homeland. The award is presented to the laureate in May in Stockholm.

Grintsane Cavour
In 2001, UNESCO declared the Grinzane Cavour Prize "an exemplary institution international culture" Despite its short history (established in Turin in 1982), the prize is one of the most prestigious literary awards in Europe. It received its name from the 13th century Turin castle: Count Benso Cavour, the first prime minister of united Italy, used to live there, and now the headquarters of the award is located there. The main goal of “Grinzane Cavour” is to introduce the younger generation to literature, for which the jury includes both venerable literary critics and schoolchildren. About a thousand teenagers from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the USA, Cuba, and Japan vote for the books of the authors nominated for the award.

Prix ​​Goncourt
France's main literary prize, the Prix Goncourt, established in 1896 and awarded since 1902, is awarded to the author best novel or a collection of short stories of the year in French, not necessarily living in France. It bears the name of the French classics Goncourt brothers - Edmond Louis Antoine (1832-1896) and Jules Alfred Huot (1830-1869). The younger, Edmond, bequeathed his enormous fortune to the literary Academy, which became known as the Goncourt Academy and established an annual prize of the same name. The Goncourt Academy includes 10 of the most famous writers in France, who work for a nominal fee - 60 francs per year. Everyone has one vote and can cast it for one book, only the president has two votes. Members of the Goncourt Academy at different times were the writers A. Daudet, J. Renard, Rosny Sr., F. Eria, E. Bazin, Louis Aragon... Now the charter of the Goncourt Academy has changed: now the age of the jury members of the prestigious Goncourt Prize should not exceed 80 years. Initially, the prize was conceived as a reward for young writers for original talent, new and bold searches for content and form.

Booker Prize
Any resident of the Commonwealth of Nations or Ireland whose novel in English is considered worthy of worldwide fame and 50 thousand pounds sterling can receive the Booker Prize. The award has been presented since 1969, sponsored by the Man Group since 2002, and officially named The Man Booker Prize. First, a list of approximately one hundred books is compiled by an annual advisory committee of publishers and representatives of the writing world, literary agents, booksellers, libraries and the Man Booker Prize Foundation. The committee approves a jury of five people - famous literary critics, writers, scientists, public figures. In August, the jury announces a “long list” of 20-25 novels, in September - six participants in the “short list”, and in October - the laureate himself. To mark the 40th anniversary of the prize, a special “Booker of All Time” award appeared. Its laureate was to be the booker, whose work was considered by readers to be the best novel in all the years of the prize's existence. In 2008, the cash portion of the prize was more than one hundred thousand US dollars (50 thousand pounds).

International Booker Prize
This prize was established in 2005 and is a “relative” of the regular Booker. It is awarded once every 2 years to the author for a work of fiction written in English or accessible to the general reader in translation into it.

The Carnegie Medal
The word “medal” can be found in the names of many “children’s literature” awards. For example, the vast majority of writers would consider it an honor to receive The Carnegie Medal. This very prestigious award has been awarded since 1936 and has always attracted the attention of the general public. The jury consists of representatives of the librarians' association. List of laureates:

The world's largest prize for a single literary work is 100 thousand euros. The winners receive it international award IMPAC, established in 1996 by Dublin City Council. In this city, glorified by Joyce, the award ceremony takes place. Although the headquarters of the international company IMPAC (Improved Management Productivity and Control), whose name the award bears, is located in Florida and has no direct connection with literature. IMPAC, a global leader in productivity improvement, works on projects for major corporations and organizations in 65 countries. To participate in the competition, the work must be written or translated in English language and withstand tough international competition: 185 have the right to nominate applicants library systems in 51 countries. Award website

Are literary prizes necessary?

Chairman of the board of a non-profit association
Kunst im Dialog e.V. (Germany),
consultant to a number of German publishing houses on issues
Russian literature and the Russian book publishing market,
literary agent

There are countless literary awards around the world. Many of them appeared quite a long time ago. Prizes in the field of literature are an encouragement for authors, both moral and material. This promotion has a very great value for the development and further creativity of both the author who received the prize and the literary process, which, in turn, influences the ideology of the state. If we continue this chain further, we will see the impact on the position of the nation in the world community and on the world community itself. As you know, the largest and most prestigious world prize in the field of literature is the Nobel Prize, established by Alfred Bernhard Nobel and awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy.

This publication will focus on literary prizes of the Russian Federation and their influence on literary and social processes in Russia and the world.

The institution of literary awards in the Russian Federation is quite developed. Awards for the best literary works was awarded back in Tsarist Russia, in mid-19th centuries, but they were common to both writers and scientists. Later, in late XIX century, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences established a special literary prize, and already in the USSR before the Great Patriotic War was established Stalin Prize according to literature. If we take the total number of literary awards in Russia, then we can count several hundred of them. Many not only large, but also small provincial cities have their own literary awards, which indicates the high level of their culture. The purpose of Russian literary awards is to increase the social significance of Russian literature and attract attention to it. U individual awards There are also specific goals. For example, " Yasnaya Polyana» supports authors who are followers of the morals and ideals of Leo Tolstoy, the ideals of humanistic prose and poetry, in whose works the centuries-old traditions of Russian culture are expressed.

Judging by the list of awards that exist today posted on the Internet, there may be several dozen of them in one or another large city, and they are usually named in honor of Soviet and Russian writers- Anna Akhmatova, Fyodor Abramov, Yuri Mamleev, etc. There are also prizes awarded by thick magazines such as “Znamya”, “ New world", "Youth" etc.

The main literary awards in Russia are the “Big Book”, “Russian Booker”, “National Bestseller”. There are equally well-known, but smaller ones, for example NOS (New Literature), which was established by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation. Almost every award has several nominations, which makes it possible to recognize and reward a larger number of authors. The main difference between the NOS Prize and others is that the work of evaluating and arguing the jury members for each candidate for the award takes place publicly. By the way, another difference from most awards is that there is also a reader vote.

The Russian Booker Prize is a daughter of the British literary prize Booker Prize. This prize was first awarded in 1969, and the “Russian Booker” - in 1992.

The Big Book has an incredibly large expert council - more than a hundred people. The selection of the main laureates of this award is very impressive. Right during the ceremonial presentation, in another room, the final small jury gathers, the final authority that distributes the three awards included in the “Big Book”.

“Yasnaya Polyana” and “Belkin Prize” are less significant awards, but they have their place in the literary process.

The “Russian Prize” was established to support authors who write in Russian but live abroad, and is also awarded for the best translation of works of Russian literature.

The Debut Prize is for the best young authors. Moreover, this award has many nominations: prose, poetry, drama, short story, criticism. There are many more different literary awards that can be named, but the purpose of this article is to analyze internal processes in literature, which are influenced by external factors such as the awarding of literary prizes.

Literary awards are enterprises where there is a directorate, accounting department, and employees who are involved in organizing and conducting the process of accepting and reviewing works, forming a jury, organizing a PR campaign and the final award ceremony. Very important point— financing. It can be either state-owned - for example, the Agency for Press and Mass Communications supports the Big Book Prize - or private - the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation finances the NOS Prize, which is headed by his sister Irina Prokhorova, the Generation Foundation finances the Debut Prize, etc. d.

Of particular note is the “Enlightener” award for the best books in the field of popular science literature. It was established in 2008 by the founder of the Dynasty Foundation, Dmitry Zimin. The purpose of the prize is to popularize science and expand the market for popular science literature. This award has two categories - natural sciences and humanities. In addition, the bonus also has a cash equivalent.

There are literary prizes that are awarded by publishing houses. Naturally, presenting such a prize to the author of that same publishing house is absolutely meaningless. Moreover, it is not entirely clear. After all, the purpose of the prize is to celebrate a work that has become an event in the literary process. And by choosing the work of this particular author for publication in its magazine, the publishing house has already distinguished it from the general series. Nevertheless, when assessing the grounds for receiving a prize in this case, preference is still given to the authors of this publishing house, and new, perhaps more talented ones, are passed over. Here, harm is done both to the author who was not noted and to literature as a whole.

Often the jury's choice is not based on the actual uniqueness of the text, but on the preferences of the jury members, whose composition is not always constant. For example, in the jury of the Russian Booker Prize, its members and chairman change every year. This does not contribute to an objective assessment of the works submitted for the prize. As a result, the winners are determined by a jury consisting of random people with different taste preferences. There is also the purely human sympathies and antipathies of the jury members towards the authors participating in the competition. This does not always help stimulate the literary process, and from a moral point of view it is also not entirely correct. Some experts propose to reform or reorient the goals and objectives of literary awards and, in this regard, the essence of such awards. First of all, this applies to literary trends. Nowadays, the winners are mainly not works of traditional trends, such as realism or its varieties, which allow some deviation, but works that are considered innovative, that is, unrealistic. The term “postmodernism” is a gateway to the community of shortlisted members and award winners. The principles of specialization of various awards by genre and form are proposed. There are calls for juries to view prize-nominated works not as recreational reading, but as objects of study. The specialization of literary prizes, according to experts, would strengthen their ability to guide the reader, who would be informed about the essence of the work that received the prize, awarded for the fulfillment of specific tasks in literature.

Valery Pecheykin (photographer - Ira Polyarnaya)

Like any business, some awards die if they are handled by non-professionals or if funding is cut off, especially during an economic crisis.

Literary awards are integrated into the book publishing industry. Prizes in the field of literature are a tool for promoting Russian literature to not only Russian but also foreign readers. Literary agents know that immediately after shortlists are announced, and especially after an author is awarded a prize, foreign publishers approach him, because the prize is a navigator for the publisher in finding authors who, if their books are published, can make a profit. Awarding a prize makes the names of new authors known, but even this does not guarantee that works that receive a prize will be published. An interested publisher, if he does not see prospects for selling the book, for example, for a reason high quality text, or even due to the political orientation of not only a specific text, but also the author himself, is unlikely to accept it for publication. Awards, of course, enliven cultural life, people discuss, argue, and express their opinions. We can say that literary awards are a sociocultural phenomenon that attracts the attention of modern literature not only to specialists, but also to the reading community as a whole and the individual reader. At the same time, the reputation of a particular writer is formed. And not necessarily positive. An author who is awarded a prestigious prize immediately increases his status - he becomes a laureate. But in the future, if he does not receive other awards or his books are not published abroad, his rating may gradually fall. And vice versa, a talented author who is not awarded a prize also acquires a special status - he becomes a hero who is undeservedly, for some, perhaps, secret reasons, squeezed by literary experts. But his fame does not bring him large book circulations or awards. This is a kind of dissidence. It must be said that the path to the prize and even to the long, and even more so to the short list is very difficult. Getting on the short list for a literary award is already a direct path to the award.

Authors awarded a literary prize arouse the interest of not only readers and publishers. Prizes divide authors into groups: first - those who are awarded the prize; second - those who were shortlisted; the third is everyone else, although this group often contains more talented writers than the first two. Such authors include, for example, Yuri Nechiporenko and Daniel Orlov, who have been awarded several minor literary prizes, including online ones, but have not yet received a significant prize in the field of literature.

Authors may not be in the forefront for various non-literary reasons. Often - due to political position the author or the text itself. This reason is also an obstacle to publishing the author’s work abroad, where there is a strict tie between authors and ideology that corresponds to the declared “Western values.”

Literary prizes are undoubtedly useful, but at the same time they are harmful. You could say that prizes are literature killers. The criterion of artistry is being displaced. Some authors write for a prize, for example, for the “Big Book”. Already famous authors, awarded literary prizes, allow themselves to simply “expand the text” to the format of a thick book. Although there have been cases where the Big Book Prize was awarded to a work of a regular format. As already mentioned, the fate of the book and the author depends on the tastes of the jury members and other subjective reasons.

Separately, we can note the positive role of the Debut Prize, which gave the green light to many young authors who have already become famous. This is, for example, Valery Pecheikin, a playwright who successfully collaborates with the Gogol Center, where his plays are staged, which can be called in a good way innovative.

If we draw a line under everything written, we can say that despite all their shortcomings, bonuses are needed. It’s hard to imagine without them literary process and the reading community, as well as book publishing and distribution.