Don't damp oak to the ground. Assignments for the school stage of the Literature Olympiad (grade 8). I. Knowledge of literary texts

Olympiad tasks for 8th grade students

Task 1.

Name the work after its beginning. Remember and write down the author.

    Police warden Ochumelov walks through the market square in new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the brim with confiscated gooseberries.

    Once upon a time there were two generals, and since both were frivolous, soon, pike command, according to my desire, we found ourselves on a desert island.

    - Turn around, son! How funny you are! What kind of priestly cassock are you wearing?

    She belonged to no one; she didn't have own name, and no one could say where she was throughout the long, frosty winter and what she fed on. She was driven away from the warm huts by the yard dogs, just as hungry as she was, but proud and strong of their belonging to the house; when, driven by hunger or the need for communication, she showed up on the street, the guys threw stones and sticks at her, the adults cheerfully hooted and whistled terribly, shrilly.

    Retired Major General Buldeev had a toothache. He rinsed his mouth with vodka, cognac, applied tobacco soot, opium, turpentine, kerosene to the sore tooth, smeared his cheek with iodine, and had cotton wool soaked in alcohol in his ears, but all this did not help, or caused nausea.

Task 2.

In front of you literary terms, they were collected into four different groups, but accidentally got mixed up. Determine what groups these were and distribute the terms among them.

Task 3.

Place in chronological order the following works of Russian literature.

"French Lessons"

"Taras Bulba"

“Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne,” M. Lomonosov

"The Tale of Bygone Years"

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia."

Task 4.

Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given:

1.1 It is not the damp oak that bends to the ground,

It’s not paper leaves that are spread out, -

The son spreads out in front of the father,

He asks for his blessing:

Oh you goy, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing,

I will go to the glorious capital city of Kyiv,

Pray to the wonderworkers of Kyiv,

Mortgage for Prince Vladimir,

Serve him faithfully,

Stand up for the Christian faith.

1.2 After some time, the holy Metropolitan Alexy passed away, and again blessed Sergius was forced with prayer by the great princes and all the people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

1.3 A hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine and wanted to get it, but couldn’t. She left and said: “He is not yet ripe.” Others cannot do anything due to lack of strength, but blame it on chance.

1.4 If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

1.5 There is a patch in front,

hook at the back

middle back,

bristles on the back

Task 5.

Read the poem by A.A. Fet and complete the tasks.

The spruce covered my path with its sleeve.

Wind. Alone in the forest

Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun, -

I won't understand anything.

Wind. Everything around is humming and swaying,

Leaves are spinning at your feet.

Chu, you can suddenly hear it in the distance

Subtly calling horn.

Sweet is the call of the copper herald to me!

The sheets are dead to me!

It seems from afar as a poor wanderer

You greet tenderly.

        • What time of year is the poem dedicated to? How did you know? What mood did the poet convey?

          What is unique about Fetov’s image of autumn? How does the poet paint it?

          Explain the meaning of metaphors in this text.

          Determine the size of this poem, the nature of the rhyme.

Final work on literature.

1. Choose the correct answer (4 points). Not a genre of oral folk art:
A) calendar-ritual songs
B) sayings
B) chronicles
D) epics

2. Name the three main types of literature (3 points).

3. Define products(2 points) and their authors(2 points) according to the given portrait characteristics. Indicate whose portrait this is(4 points) (8 points).

A. 23 years old, average height, clean face, shaves his beard, has brown eyes, light brown hair, straight nose. Special signs: there were none.

B. Rarely have I seen such a young man. He was tall, broad-shouldered and beautifully built. His powerful muscles bulged out from under his wet, dirty shirt. A black curly beard covered half of his stern and courageous face; Small brown eyes looked boldly from under fused wide eyebrows.

IN. He had just had lunch at the station, and his lips, coated with oil, were shiny like ripe cherries. He smelled of sherry and orange blossom..

G. The chintz dress, washed many times, barely covered the girl’s thin, tanned legs to the knees. Its dark thick hair, gathered in a lace scarf, strayed, touching the shoulders. Every feature... was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow.

    What means artistic expression did the authors use? (4 points)

A) Your verse, like God's spirit, hovered over the crowd

And, a review of noble thoughts,

Sounded like a bell on the veche tower

On days of national celebrations and troubles.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

B) Along hidden, deaf paths,

Dusk is coming into the forest thickets.

Covered with dry leaves

The forests are silent - they are waiting for the autumn night.

I.A. Bunin

    Specify genre ancient Russian literature.
    A) legend
    B) novel
    B) poem
    D) comedy

    Choose the correct answer (3 points). Who is the author of the teaching and instruction?
    A) Vladimir Monomakh
    B) Yaroslav the Wise
    B) Peter the Great
    D) Ivan the Terrible

    Read it. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words. (5 points) Write the name of the author (2 points) and the title of the work (2 points) from which this passage is taken. (9 points)

"Tell me, magician, favorite of the gods,

What will happen to me in life?

And soon, to the joy of our neighbors-enemies,

Will I be covered with grave earth?

Reveal to me the whole truth, do not be afraid of me:

You will take a horse as a reward for anyone.”

"Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,

The time has come for us to part:

Now rest! My leg doesn't feel dull anymore

Into your gilded stirrup.

Farewell, be comforted - and remember me.

You, youths-friends, take the horse!

Cover with blanket, shaggy carpet;

Take me by the bridle to my meadow:

Bathe, feed with selected grain;

Give me spring water to drink.”

AND youths They immediately left with the horse,

And they brought another horse to the prince.

    Solve the crossword: ( 10*1 b .=10 points).

1) Lyric-epic work, i.e. the story told in poetic form, historical, mythical or heroic character.

2) Name a means of artistic expression: “Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, has trousers with such wide folds that if they were inflated, the entire yard with barns and buildings could be placed in them.” (N.V. Gogol)

3) One of the means of artistic characterization, consisting in the fact that the writer reveals the typical character of his heroes and expresses his attitude towards them through the depiction of the appearance of the heroes.

4) B folklore works this trope is constant.

5) The name of one of the types of literature.

6) Name the figure of speech:

It was not in vain that the winds blew,

It was not in vain that the storm came.

S.A. Yesenin

7) A trope based on the transfer of the properties of one object to another based on the principle of their similarity.

8) One of the plot elements. The moment of highest tension in the development of action.

9) Name the figure of speech used in the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Sail":

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

10) One of the three-syllable meters of versification.

9.Choose the correct answer(2 points). The following does not belong to the genre of oral folk art:



10.Choose the correct answers(4 points). The fight with the leopard was described by _____ in the work _________

A.S. Pushkin

"Mozart and Salieri"

N.V. Gogol

« Poor Lisa»

N.M. Karamzin

M.Yu. Lermontov

"Enchanted Place"

    The idea of ​​the comedy “The Inspector General” by N.V. I told Gogol(2 points)
    A) A. S. Pushkin
    B) M. Yu. Lermontov
    C) this story happened to him himself

    Determine the titles of the works, name their authors(2 points)

A) Ochumelov

B) Deforge

B) Strawberries

    Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given (10 points).

A) It is not the damp oak that bends to the ground,

It’s not paper leaves that are spread out, -

The son spreads out in front of the father,

He asks for his blessing:

Oh you goy, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing...

B) After some time, the holy Metropolitan Alexy passed away, and again Blessed Sergius was forced with prayer by the great princes and all the people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

IN) A hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine and wanted to get it, but couldn’t. She left and said: “He is not yet ripe.” Others cannot do anything due to lack of strength, but blame it on chance.

G) If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

D) There is a patch in front,

hook at the back

middle back,

bristles on the back.

14. The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin and means “God’s oath, vow to God (honoring God).” The heroines of which works of Russian classics are named Elizabeth? (2.5 points) Who are they? (5 points) Don't forget to indicate the authors works of art(2.5 points).

*No more than five names should be mentioned.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna from “Ode on the Day of the Accession...” by M. Lomonosov (2 b.), peasant girl from N. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” (2 b.), Countess's pupil from the story by A. Pushkin “ Queen of Spades"(2 b.), noble daughter from A. Pushkin’s story “The Peasant Young Lady” (2 b.).

Romance by P. Tchaikovsky to Pleshcheev’s poems “My Lizochek»

What from the wings of a mosquito

I made two shirtfronts for myself,

And in starch, and in starch!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What is made from walnut

I made a chair to listen to the echo,

And he screamed and he screamed!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What's from an eggshell

Phaeton is excellent

Ordered, ordered!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What's from a crustacean shell

I sewed four shoes,

And to the ball, and to the ball!

My Lizochek is so small, so small

What from a lilac leaf

He made an umbrella from the shadow,

And he walked and walked!

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

What, having blown a dandelion,

I ordered myself a sofa,

I slept here, I slept here.

My Lizochek is so small, so small,

How to weave canvases for yourself

To the spider from the web

Ordered, ordered.

15. Answer each of the questions with “yes” (if the statement is true) or “no” (if the statement is false) (9 points).

A) Epic, novel, story, sonnet, short story - all these are genres of epic.

B) If the novel is written in verse, then it is classified as lyric.

C) If a poem is written in prose, it is still classified as lyric.

D) Epilogue is the final part of a long story narrative work.

D) An epigram is an introduction to a great literary work.

E) A line beginning with the words “On the mountains” can be written in anapest or trochee.

G) In three-syllable meters, the length of the line cannot exceed three syllables.

H) In the line “Sad time, the charm of the eyes” (A. Pushkin) it is impossible to determine the poetic size.

I) In the line “How sweet dozing the garden is dark green” (F. Tyutchev), the highlighted word is personification.

16. The plots of which works of Russian literature of the 19th – 20th centuries are associated with the depiction of a duel?(for each correct answer 1.5 points, maximum 6 points).

17.The names of which writers and poets are associated with literary places in Russia (4 points)

a) Tarkhany;

b) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo;

V) Yasnaya Polyana;

d) Taganrog;

d) Konstantinovo;

f) Mikhailovskoe;

g) Greshnevo;

h) Vasilyevka.

A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, S.A. Yesenin, A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov.

18.Add a literary termthe interpretation of which is given below (5 points).

a)_______ is a type of literature that is characterized by the transmission of feelings, emotions, moods, and thoughts.

b)_______ - a work that covers the life, actions, clashes of many heroes, sometimes the history of generations, revealing diversity public relations.

c)______ – moment highest action in a work of art.

d)______ - a series of events described in a work of art, which form its basis.

e)______ - merciless, destructive ridicule, criticism of reality, person, phenomenon.

    Read the poem and answer the assignment questions (10 points)

At a rotten forest hut,

Wandering between the white trunks,

I love collecting waves

On the slope autumn day.

Cranes are flying high

Under the dome of bright skies,

And the boat, rustling with sedge,

Floats along the canal into the forest.

And it’s so cold and clean,

And the light channel is wavy,

And from the tree with a slight whistle

A cool leaf flies off...

And like a simple soul

Sweeps through a world of wonders,

Like a flock of lonely birds

Under the dome of bright skies!

(N. Rubtsov, 1964)

1. What thematic type of lyricism can N. Rubtsov’s poem be classified as?

2. What technique, based on the comparison of one phenomenon or object with another, does the poet resort to in the last four lines of the poem?

    The last line of the poem uses a trope based on

transferring the properties of some objects or phenomena to others. What is the name of this type of trail?

    What is the name of the rhyming system that the author used in this poem?

    Read the passage below and answer the questions (20 points)

Do you know, Andrei, in my life no fire, either salutary or destructive, has ever lit up? She was not like the morning, on which the colors gradually fall, the fire, which then turns into a day, like others, and burns hot, and everything boils, moves in the bright afternoon, and then becomes quieter and quieter, ever paler, and all naturally and gradually fades away in the evening. No, my life began with extinction. It's strange, but it's true! From the first minute I became conscious of myself, I felt that I was already fading away! I began to fade away over writing papers in the office; then he died out, reading truths in books that he didn’t know what to do with in life, he died out with his friends, listening to talk, gossip, mockery, angry and cold chatter, emptiness, looking at friendships maintained by gatherings without a goal, without sympathy; I faded away and lost my strength with Mina: I paid her more than half of my income and imagined that I loved her; faded away in a sad and lazy walk along Nevsky Prospekt, among raccoon coats and beaver collars - at evenings, on reception days, where they showed me cordiality as a tolerable groom; faded away and wasted his life and mind on trifles, moving from the city to the dacha, from the dacha to Gorokhovaya, defining spring by the arrival of oysters and lobsters, autumn and winter by designated days, summer by festivities and all life by lazy and peaceful slumber, like others... Even self-esteem - what was it spent on? To order a dress from a famous tailor? To get into a famous house? So that Prince P* shakes my hand? But pride is the salt of life!

Where did it go? Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good, and I didn’t know anything better, I didn’t see anything, no one showed it to me. You appeared and disappeared like a comet, brightly, quickly, and I forgot all this and went out...

Andrei no longer responded with casual ridicule to his friend’s speech. He listened and was sullenly silent.

“You said just now that my face is not entirely fresh, wrinkled... yes, I am a flabby, shabby, worn-out caftan, but not from the climate, not from work, but from the fact that for twelve years a light was locked in me, which was looking for a way out.” , but only burned down his prison, did not break free and died out. So, twelve years, my dear Andrey, have passed: I didn’t want to wake up anymore.

(I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”)

    What is the name of a detailed statement by one character addressed to a specific person?

    Who owns this statement? Who is the hero addressing?

    What is it called artistic technique (“walking along Nevsky Prospekt, among raccoon coats and beaver collars”), in which part phenomena are called in the sense of the whole?

    The hero moved “from the city to the dacha, from the dacha to Gorokhovaya.” Which of the novel's heroes lives on that street? (2 points)

    What artistic device is most characteristic of the character's speech?

    What term refers to the way a person's inner life is depicted in a work of art?

    Find in the text the word that is most precise definition hero's life.

    Name the Russians XIX critics century, who wrote the most striking articles about the novel from which the excerpt is taken.

    Which Russian writer also described Nevsky Prospect and named his story “Nevsky Prospect”? (2 points)

    What was the name of the hero’s beloved, who became the wife of his counterpart? (2 points)

2 – epic, lyric, drama

3 – A. Portrait of Vladimir Dubrovsky. A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky".

B. Portrait of Thomas, nicknamed Biryuk. I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk".

B. Portrait of a fat man. A.P. Chekhov "Thick and Thin".

G. Portrait of Assol. A. Green " Scarlet Sails».

4 – A. Comparison

B. Personification

5. Legend

6. Vladimir Monomakh

7. Magician - sorcerer, sorcerer, soothsayer, seer, miracle worker .

Youth – here: junior princely warrior . If the value is “teenager, young man” .

A.S. Pushkin, “Song of the prophetic Oleg”

12. A) A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”, B) A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, V) N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”, G) A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

13. A) Epic. B) Life. B) Fable. D) Proverb. D) Riddle.

14. *L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” BolkonskayaLisa , wife of Andrei Bolkonsky.

*AND. Turgenev - " Noble nest" (Lisa Kalitina).

*N. Leskov "Lefty" Creating a flavor of authenticity, the author mentions genuine historical names (Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, his wife - Elizabeth Alekseevna, brother of the emperor - Nikolai Pavlovich, daughter of Nikolai - Alexandra Nikolaevna). Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, who became a widow, only grinned when she heard about her husband’s amusements and said that it was not a widow’s business to have fun with outlandish things.

*Lizaveta- younger (half-sister) of Alena Ivanovna. “She was a tall, clumsy, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, thirty-five years old, who was in complete slavery to her sister, worked for her day and night, was in awe of her and even suffered beatings from her...” ( Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky F.M.).


16. A.S. Pushkin - “Shot”, “Eugene Onegin”; M.Yu. Lermontov - “Hero of Our Time”; I.S. Turgenev - “Fathers and Sons”; A.I. Kuprin - “Duel”, L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

17. a) Tarkhany - M.Yu. Lermontov;

b) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo – I.S. Turgenev;

c) Yasnaya Polyana - L.N. Tolstoy;

d) Taganrog – A.P. Chekhov;

e) Konstantinovo – S.A. Yesenin;

f) Mikhailovskoye – A.S. Pushkin;

g) Greshnevo – N.A. Nekrasov;

h) Vasilyevka - N.V. Gogol

18. a) lyrics, b) novel, c) climax, d) plot, e) satire.

19. 1 – landscape

2 – comparison

3 – metaphor

4 – alliteration

5 – cross

20. 1 – monologue

2 – Ilya Ilyich Oblomov; to Andrey Stolts

3 – synecdoche/metonymy

4 – already from the first pages of Goncharov’s novel, the reader learns that Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in a large house on Gorokhovaya Street. This street was one of the main ones in St. Petersburg, where representatives of the upper strata of society lived.

5 – metaphor

6 – psychologism

7 – go out/extinguish

8 – N. Dobrolyubov, D. Pisarev

9 – N.V. Gogol

10 – Olga Ilyinskaya

Task 1.

Below are excerpts of dialogue. Name the work and its author.
1.1 - Where is the key?

Here is the key in front of your eyes.

Why,” the sovereign says, “do I not see him?”

Because,” they answer, “it needs to be done through a small scope.”
1.2 - Have you guys heard what happened to us in Varnavitsy the other day?

At the dam?..

Yes, yes, on the dam, on the broken one. This is an unclean place, so unclean and so deaf. There are all these gullies and ravines all around, and in the ravines all the kazyuli are found.

Well, what happened? Tell me...

Task 2.

Name the names of “Ruslan’s rivals” and the work of A.S. Pushkin, from which an excerpt:
In despondency, with a cloudy brow,

At a noisy wedding table

Three young knights are sitting

Silent, behind an empty bucket,

Circular cups are forgotten,

And the trash is unpleasant to them;

They do not hear the prophetic Bayan;

They looked down, embarrassed:

Those are three rivals of Ruslan...

  1. Historical and literary assignments.
Task 1.

What events in Russian history? we're talking about in these works?

1.1 Pushkin “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”

1.2 Lermontov “Borodino”

Task 2.

Name the real historical figures who are the heroes of the following works:

N.S. Leskov “Lefty”, N.V. Gogol “The Night Before Christmas”, A.S. Pushkin "Poltava"

III. Knowledge of literary theory.

Task 1.

Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given:
1.1 It is not the damp oak that bends to the ground,

It’s not paper leaves that are spread out, -

The son spreads out in front of the father,

He asks for his blessing:

Oh you goy, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing,

I will go to the glorious capital city of Kyiv,

Pray to the wonderworkers of Kyiv,

Mortgage for Prince Vladimir,

Serve him faithfully,

Stand up for the Christian faith.
1.2 After some time, the holy Metropolitan Alexy passed away, and again blessed Sergius was forced with prayer by the great princes and all the people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.
1.3 A hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine and wanted to get it, but couldn’t. She left and said: “He is not yet ripe.” Others cannot do anything due to lack of strength, but blame it on chance.

1.4 If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.
1.5 There is a patch in front,

hook at the back

middle back,

bristles on the back.

  1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage:

A swift stream runs down the mountain,

The noise of birds in the forest is not silent,

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything cheerfully echoes the thunder.
IV. Interpretation of a work of art.
Why did the teacher suggest that the hero write an “honest statement”?

I still got a two. Although I tried my best. I copied almost everything from Mishka.

I've gotten bad marks before. But that was before, and that is now. There have been no letters from dad for a long time. Since the day he left. I was still afraid: a letter would come, dad would ask in the letter how Petya is, how is his studies, what will I answer?

It was necessary to correct the deuce. I couldn't wait any longer. I decided to explain everything to Pal Palych.

Hmmm... - he said. – Seven mistakes in one presentation. But there is a way out. Here, take this book. This is the story. You can read it at home. Once or twice. But no more. Close the book and start writing. Just don't look in. Understood?

And who will look, whether I look or not? - I said.

Nobody will watch. You're not so little anymore. A grown guy. What a thing to watch!

How so? – I was surprised. - I’ll be watching.

I don’t think so,” he said.


Because it's about honesty. Such an agreement. How can you watch! Then it won't be fair.

Wow! – I was surprised.

“I believe you,” said Pal Palych. – I trust you – that’s all!

That’s how it is,” I said, “but who will know?

Of course, of course,” I said, “of course...

I was probably confused. I've never seen anything like this before. This is downright amazing!

I only read the story twice. I didn't open the book again. Although I really wanted to. I wrote with difficulty. I really wanted to look into the story! Even in class it was easier to write. There you could ask Pal Palych. You could copy it from a neighbor. And here it was all about honesty.

I wrote everything as I remembered. Pal Palych read it and said:

I see you are an honest person. So write to your father.

What about the deuce?

How do you know, I asked, whether I am honest or not?

It’s immediately obvious,” said Pal Palych, “it’s clear from the presentation.

8th grade

  1. Knowledge of literary texts.
Task 1.

From which works are the fragments of the battle image taken? Name the work and its author.
1.1 And the Cossacks struck from all sides, knocked down and confused the Poles, and they themselves were confused. They didn’t even allow us to fire; it was all about swords and spears. Everyone huddled together, and everyone had an opportunity to show themselves... They were already in hand-to-hand combat. The Cossack was already overpowered and, having broken him, struck him in the chest with a sharp Turkish knife, but he could not save himself. Immediately a hot bullet hit his temple.
1.2 You will never see such battles!..

Banners were worn like shadows,

The fire sparkled in the smoke.

Damask steel sounded, buckshot squealed,

The fighters' hand is tired of stabbing

And prevented the cannonballs from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.
1.3 And the battle broke out...

In fire, under hot hail.

Reflected by a living wall,

Above the fallen system there is a fresh system

He closes his bayonets. A heavy cloud

Flying cavalry units

With reins and sounding sabers,

When knocked down, they cut from the shoulder.
Task 2.

Find out the work by its ending, name the author.

2.1 “- Look, I trudged along! - he muttered, - yes, I did!..

Half an hour later he said goodbye to me at the edge of the forest.”

    1. “And with this thought I will fall asleep,
And I won’t curse anyone!..”
Task 1.

What connects the Black River and Mount Mashuk?

2.1 “Svetlana”, “Lyudmila”, “Sleeping Princess”, “Forest King”

2.2 "Brigadier", "General Court Grammar", "Questions"

2.3 “Airship”, “Angel”, “Demon”, “Cliff”, “Fugitive”, “Three Palms”, “Homeland”.

III. Knowledge of literary theory.

Task 1.

Determine the genre of works of ancient Russian literature.
1.1 “And Oleg, the prince, lived in Kyiv and had peace with all countries. And autumn came, and..."

1.2 “My children or anyone else, when listening to this letter, do not laugh, but whoever loves it, let him accept it in his heart, do not become lazy, but work.”

1.3 He was truly a man of God, a luminary visible to the whole world and illuminating the path of the monks to everyone: with humility, and reason, and obedience, and other asceticism; working all day, giving neither hands nor feet rest...

Task 2.

What means of artistic expression are used in the passage?
Nature of thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,

And green dead branches

And she gave the roots poison.

IV.Interpretation of a lyrical work.

1. Read the poem by A.A. Fet.

The willow is all fluffy

Spread out all around;

It's fragrant spring again

She blew her wings.

The clouds are rushing around the village,

Warmly illuminated

And they ask for your soul again

Captivating dreams.

Diverse everywhere

The gaze is occupied by the picture,

The idle crowd makes noise

People are happy about something...

Some secret thirst

The dream is inflamed -

And over every soul

Spring is flying by.

2. What is this poem about, what lines does it contain? main idea works?

3. Name a figurative series of poems.

4. Identify the techniques and means of expression used to reveal the idea of ​​the work.

5. Determine the poetic size.

Literature Olympiad

9th grade

  1. Knowledge of literary texts
Task 1.

Here are messages and excerpts from messages literary heroes. Who writes to whom? Indicate the work and its author.

    1. “My gracious sir,

I don’t intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me the huntsman Paramoshka to confess; but it will be my will to punish him or have mercy, but I do not intend to tolerate jokes from your servants, and I will not tolerate them from you either - because I am not a jester, but an old nobleman. “For this reason I remain obedient to the services of ………………………..”

    1. “Dear niece! My affairs forced me to live for several years in separation from my neighbors; and the distance deprived me of the pleasure of hearing from you! I am now in Moscow, having lived in Siberia for several years. I can serve as an example that through hard work and honesty you can make your own fortune. With these means, with God’s help and happiness, I earned ten thousand rubles in income... Of which, my dear niece, I make you an heiress...”

    1. “Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that strangers are forced to notify me of his mischief. Is this how you fulfill your position and the will of your master? I love you, old dog! I will send pigs to graze for hiding the truth and pandering to young man. Having received this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; and where exactly was he wounded and whether he was well treated.”

1.4. “On the road, an infantry captain robbed me all around, so that the innkeeper was about to throw me in prison; when suddenly, judging by my St. Petersburg physiognomy and suit, the whole city took me for the governor general. And now I live with the mayor, I chew, I drag myself recklessly after his wife and daughter; I just haven’t decided where to start - I think first with my mother, because it seems that she is now ready for all services.”
Task 2.
The above passages talk about the home teachers of literary heroes. Include the names of students and teachers where possible. Please indicate the author and work.
2.1 ... in his fatherland he was a hairdresser, then in Prussia as a soldier, then he came to Russia pour être outchitel, not really understanding the meaning of this word. He was a kind fellow, but flighty and dissolute to the extreme... We hit it off immediately, and although according to the contract he was obliged to teach me French, German and all sciences, he preferred to quickly learn from me how to chat in Russian , - and then each of us went about our own business. We lived in perfect harmony. I didn't want any other mentor.
2.2 A German taught him French and all sciences... Three hundred rubles a year for this. We seat you at the table with us. Our women wash his linen. Where needed - a horse. There is a glass of wine at the table. At night there is a tallow candle, and our Fomka sends the wig for free. To tell the truth, and we are happy with him... he does not captivate the child.
2.3 Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,

Index finger, all signs of learning

How our timid minds were disturbed,

As we have been accustomed to believe since early times,

That without the Germans we have no salvation!
II. Historical and literary assignments.

Which of the heroes of A.S. Pushkin’s story is a historical person, and which is fictional?

Task 1.

1.1 “I lived as a teenager, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old."

1.2 “His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, average height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed streaks of gray; alive big eyes That’s how they ran.”

Task 2.

Distribute the works according to the time they were written:

“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”, “Unorosl”, “Belkin’s Tales”, Poor Liza.”
III. Knowledge of literary theory.

Task 1.

Determine the size of the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov.

And the proud Demon will not lag behind,

As long as I live, from me,

And it will illuminate my mind

A ray of wonderful fire.

Shows an image of perfection

And suddenly it will be taken away forever.

And, giving a premonition of bliss,

Will never give me happiness.

Task 2.

Identify the literary term using the definitions below.

A) An element of composition in which artistic conflict reaches a critical point in its development.

B) One of the tropes, artistic exaggeration, enhancing some qualities or results of actions and having an emotional impact on the reader.

C) A short saying containing a complete philosophical thought, worldly wisdom or moral teaching.

Give analysis and interpretation prose work. When doing this work, reveal the artistic idea of ​​the text proposed to you; analyze author's position, the problems raised, express your attitude towards them; determine the essence of the characters, motives of behavior and relationships of the characters.

V. Shukshin “Live and learn”
80-year-old Yegor Kuzmich lay on the stove and moaned. Eighth-grader Yurka was sitting at the table and learning his homework. Yurka sometimes surprised him with his knowledge, and although the old man argued, he loved Yurka.
- What are you reading about now?
-About astronauts.
-And why do they fly there?
-Well, you give it to me, grandfather! Would they be better off lying on the stove?
-Well then, explain why you are studying?! To be angry with old people?
-Well, first of all, space exploration is... necessary. Isn't it interesting to look at aliens?
-Are they the same as us?
“I don’t know for sure, maybe a little scarier,” Yurka answered.
“Are you going to marry each other?” the grandfather laughed.
- No, maybe everything is already open to them, and we are only taking the first steps... But their medicine is such that people will live up to one hundred and twenty years...
-Well, you're lying.
-Perhaps our neighbors in the Galaxy have already discovered such a medicine.
“Whoever wants to live for a hundred and twenty years will get bored,” the grandfather shrugged.
-You won’t want to, but others will be happy if there is such a remedy.
“And this is what you want to become?” asked the old man.
-I'll be a surgeon.
-How much do surgeons get, probably a lot?
-On the contrary, they are not paid enough, but now, however, they have increased...
-So why suffer for so many years? (26) Learn to be a driver, you will earn good money. We used to live without studying - and we didn’t live without anything, without bread.
“You have only one thing on your mind,” Yurka waved his hand, “before and before...
-And you have only one thing in your language: will it be, will it be...Treaters...And there is nothing to read in your books - just lies.
-Nothing? Did you know that when Academician Pavlov was dying, he called the students and began to dictate how he was dying...
“Here,” he says, “now my legs are cold - write it down”... Then his hands gave up... And then he died.
-Do you have a photograph of him?
The old man carefully began to look at the small photograph from the textbook, and then asked:
-Did he have any relatives?
-There probably were, I don’t know for sure. I'll find out at school tomorrow.
-There were, of course, if there was only one, I wouldn’t dictate... It’s bad for one.
Yurka did not object.

Of course,” he agreed, “it’s bad for one...


8th grade

The benefits of books cannot be measured by anything,
A book opens doors to life.
V. Mayakovsky

1st level (6 tasks = 40 points)

    1. Name the studied genres of ancient Russian literature. ( 2*2 b.= 4 points)

      Define the term: “Hyperbole is...”. (2 points)

1.3. Answer the question. (8 points)

Which historical events reflected in the following works literature?(4*2 points=8 points)

“The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky”, “Wolf in the Kennel” by I.A. Krylova, “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol, “ Captain's daughter» A.S. Pushkin.

    1. What means of artistic expression did the authors use? ( 2*4 b.= 8 points).

    Your verse, like God's spirit, rushed above the crowd

And, a review of noble thoughts,

Sounded like a bell on the veche tower

On days of national celebrations and troubles.

M.Yu. Lermontov

2) Along hidden, deaf paths,

Into the forest thickets twilight is coming.

Covered with dry leaves

The forests are silent- they are waiting for the autumn night.

I.A. Bunin

    1. Match the fragments of the poems. In which of them is the image of the storm allegorical (allegorical)? Briefly justify your answer (2 sentences) (6 points).

      The storm covers the sky with darkness,

      Whirling snow whirlwinds:

      The way she howls like a beast,

      Then he will cry like a child...

      A.S. Pushkin

      It's stuffy! Without happiness and will.

      The night is endlessly long.

      Would there be a storm?

      The brimming cup is full!

      N.A. Nekrasov

      Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given (12 points).

It is not the damp oak that bends to the ground,

Not paper leaves are spread out,

The son spreads out in front of the father,

He asks for his blessing:

Oh you goy, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing,

I will go to the glorious capital city of Kyiv,

Pray to the wonderworkers of Kyiv,

Mortgage for Prince Vladimir,

Serve him faithfully,

Stand up for the Christian faith.

A hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine and wanted to get it, but couldn’t. She left and said: “He is not yet ripe.” Others cannot do anything due to lack of strength, but blame it on chance.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

There is a patch in front,

hook at the back

middle back,

bristles on the back.

2nd level

2.1 . Read the text and complete it comprehensive analysis (4*5 points = 20 points)

Execute holistic analysis proposed work. You can rely on the questions given after it, or you can choose your own path of analysis. Your work should be a coherent, coherent, complete text.

I.S. Turgenev


There are two of us in the room: my dog ​​and me. A terrible, furious storm is howling outside.

The dog sits in front of me and looks me straight in the eyes.

And I also look into her eyes.

It's like she wants to tell me something. She is mute, she is without words, she does not understand herself - but I understand her.

I understand that at this moment the same feeling lives in her and in me,

that there is no difference between us. We are identical; The same quivering light burns and glows in each of us.

Death will swoop down and wave its cold wide wing at him...

And the end!

Who will then figure out what kind of fire was burning in each of us?

No! This is not an animal or a person changing their views...

These are two pairs of identical eyes looking at each other.

And in each of these pairs, in animals and in humans, one and the same life fearfully presses against the other.

February, 1878

Supporting questions:

a) What questions does the author reflect on in this work? How does an ordinary everyday scene turn into a reflection on eternal questions?

b) Very much short work The words “too”, “the same”, “the same”, “the same” appear several times. Which artistic purpose do these repetitions serve?

d) How do the motifs of singularity and pairing interact in the text of the work?

3rd level . Creative task (1 task – 20 points)

3.1. Write a miniature essay (0.75 pages) on one of the suggested topics.(10 + 10= 20 points)

Let me introduce my favorite writer

Community of Readers of the Future

Vivat, romance! (Based on the works of A. Green and other writers)

4th level . Expressive reading by heart. Explain the choice of artwork (20 points)

Total 100 points


    1. 4 b. (2+2)

Life, satirical story


Hyperbola - this is a means artistic image, based on excessive exaggeration.


“The Tale of the Life and Courage of the Noble and Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky” tells about the three exploits of Alexander Nevsky: the Battle of the Neva, the Battle of the Ice, and a trip to the Horde.

Basnya I. Krylov "Wolf in the kennel" dedicated to the War of 1812.

The story of N. V. Gogol “Taras Bulba” tells about the war between the Cossacks and the Polish lords (XVI century).

The novel "The Captain's Daughter" by Pushkin takes us to the 18th century and tells about the uprising of E. Pugachev.

Score: 2 points for the correct answer (max. – 8 points)


1) Comparison, comparison. 2) Personification, personification.

Score: 2 points for correct answer (max. – 8 b.)


N.A. Nekrasov

Allegory: image of a storm - social change.

A.S. Pushkin

A poetic description of a storm as a natural phenomenon.


1) Epic. 2) Fable. 3) Proverb. 4) Riddle.

Score: 3 points for correct answer (max. – 12 points)

2.1. Read the text and perform a comprehensive analysis of it (4 * 5 points = 20 points)