Nastya Krainova: I wanted to forget about “Tootsie” as a bad dream. Anastasia Krainova: biography, career, interesting facts Personal life of Anastasia Krainova

We remember Nastya Krainova(32) by " Star Factory – 3" This is her with a confident, but still very young look (then Krainova was only 16 years old) watched from the TV screen, performing a song "Hanging out". And then there was a group "Tootsie". Well, who didn't hum “The most, the most, the most dear person...”? Over eight years of participation in the team Nastya I literally jumped over my head: I became more confident in myself and in my work. Today she is a solo artist, recording songs and waiting for her love. We talked about this in exclusive interview PEOPLETALK.

I have a lot of projects in the works right now. Firstly, a joint track with a very cool DJ Alex Curly, he works with Vlad Sokolovsky, which we plan to launch in mid-August, when everyone returns from vacation. This will be a modern, dance work. There is also a song being prepared that is very important for me, with strong lyrics, but the fourth arranger can’t find the music! I want everything to be perfect, so that the music is worth the words. Now I’m on my fifth attempt, I hope I’ll still be able to do it the way I feel.

One of latest events in a career that gave me incredible emotional lift - filming clip "Present" . We had two days of filming and an amazing director Artyom Aleksev. And it was not just a beautiful clip - it has a special meaning. This video is for everyone. It is about the fact that the most important gift for every person is his friends and family.. And I think we managed to convey this idea. There was a lot of emotions - we even climbed on roofs! IN Moscow, of course, a completely different audience - not the same as in the regions. Recently I performed in one of the Moscow clubs, and they looked closely at me for a long time, listened to me, but still, at the end of the program, everyone danced. The most important thing for any artist is that when he leaves the stage, everyone sees him off standing, dancing, and getting excited.

No, after leaving "Tootsie" I couldn't do anything other than music. When you've been pursuing a dream since childhood, when you've been living it, it's extremely difficult to change your path. I gave myself a chance in my career. And of course, my mother. She is an absolutely crazy woman: she believed in me and let me go to Moscow at the age of 15. She sold everything so that we could have money. They didn’t take me to clubs in our city Gvardeysk, Kaliningrad region there was no music school. I traveled 40 km from home by bus. I was 11 - that’s when I decided to become a singer, so I was catching up on the music program as an external student. My mother gave me 15 rubles, with which I had to go back and forth, buy myself a bun, and I also managed to hide the money to buy her a gift for her birthday.
It is important to get acquainted with Joseph Prigogine. After “Factory” we were actually abandoned, and he picked us up, gave us a second wind, and made us into a full-fledged team. Although at that time he himself was in his formation. And of course, we were greatly influenced Victor Drobysh. Now I don't have a producer. I organize everything myself: filming videos, selecting songs, writing and creating them. It’s easier without a producer - you don’t have to adapt to anyone, share someone’s opinion, think whether you like it or not. Of course, when you sing in a group, they tell you: “Girls, we’ll arrive at 10 am,” and there’s no choice - it’s your responsibility. You don’t care about who will shoot the video, who is responsible for the image, who edits... And here more responsibility falls on you. But there is an opportunity to choose the best for your team. And the result is much cooler and better quality.
When Tootsie broke up, I wanted to forget about it like a bad dream and never remember it. But time passes, grievances subside, and views change - you begin to appreciate the experience that you had. And then everything is important: the quarrels that the girls and I went through, the look and opinion of the producer. So now when I go on stage I always say that "Tootsie" is a history that we cannot erase, it is important stage in life. And these are the songs that people love. It doesn’t matter that I once spat and said that I was tired of singing them. I adore them - it's true. I'm communicating with Masha Weber, and with Iroy Ortman we follow each other on Instagram. C Lesya Yaroslavskaya We don't communicate. There are certain reasons for this, but I don’t want to talk about them for too long, and I don’t want to. (Smiles.)

Comparing yourself with others is necessary. It has great value if you want to be better. Another thing is that you don’t have to be like that. You need to be different, but always remain yourself. Under any circumstances. I always think I'm fat! This is my main complex.(Laughs). Although now I have lost so much weight that there is nowhere else to go, I need to get better. You can either put up with complexes or fight them - there is no other way. I keep myself in shape through sports and proper nutrition, nothing supernatural. I don’t exhaust myself, it’s just that everything has its own measure, you need to understand what’s really good for your body.
Unfortunately, I know a lot of people who have star fever. It so happened that I always achieved everything myself. After "Star Factories" there was a period of decline. I was not a super-top artist, but other guys collected laurels. And of course, I always wanted to achieve this, I went towards the goal, and I did not have the opportunity to become a star. I never had to be disappointed in the profession, but rather in people or circumstances. For example, when you have to persuade radio operators to put your song on the air. But no - no matter how much you prove that it’s cool. Of course you get upset. Why can’t a talented person be supported? But I love my profession, and this is the main thing.
I believe that talented person talented in everything. I can cook a delicious dinner, but at the same time I understand cars. For example, I can change the oil or a tire. And when I come to a car service center, everyone is surprised that I understand everything. So I'm the wrong blonde! I study everything because I don't want to be deceived. For example, when you call a plumber, and he starts to sell you pipes, siphons, etc. (Laughs.) Recently, my PR Director Anton Bogoslavsky came up with a collection of clothes for the beach (our company is called @AA_Bikini ), and we have such, you know, pretentious swimsuits, incredibly beautiful! And even though we are still very small (we’ve only been around for a couple of months), we still have a lot of sales. And this makes me very happy! But music has always come first for me, no matter what happens in life.
I believe that career and personal life can be combined. It seems to me that it’s very cool when you and your loved one are involved in the same field of activity. For example, Yulia Kovalchuk and Lesha Chumakov understand each other perfectly, they do everything together. It's probably easier this way. I just now came to this. My last relationship ended precisely because we were completely different, although we found each other for a long time common language. But I want to believe that there are no barriers to love. I won't look for anyone. Let the young man look for me!(Laughs.) The more you search, the further it gets away from you. And the more you live your life, do what you love, the sooner it comes to you.
First of all, a man must be a man - prove his right to wear pants. Yes, he is obliged to support the woman, give her money, take care of her, give her gifts. Because a lot of men now do nothing but whine. Why do I need you then, my dear? That means I have to cook, support you and not throw tantrums, but you don’t. If a person loves, he a priori wants to make you happy. Behind the firm back of a man, you should not worry, you should feel that you are protected. We just want to relax, we want people to think about us, to think for us. I can go up to any person I like, just say hello, ask how they are. I like this model of behavior. This is how Americans live, for example, they have absolutely no complexes. At a party I can just get up and go dancing. And we have a sea of ​​stereotypes that we cling to. In general, I adore easy-going people who know how to appreciate every moment. I hope this works out for me too.

The biography of Anastasia Krainova should be of interest to all fans of the Tutsi group, popular in the 2000s. The bright, pretty blonde was one of the main decorations of the girl group, and she had a good voice, which was rare for the stage of those times. Biography, personal life, age of Nastya Krainova - all these questions will be covered below.

Factory girl

Nastya was born in 1983 in the city of Gvardeysk, not far from Kaliningrad. WITH early years the girl dreamed of studying music, but in order to attend a music school, she had to travel 40 km by bus to the regional center. At a certain point, Anastasia got tired of shaking over the bumps of long-suffering Russian roads, so she decided to move to the capital.

The move to Moscow became a fateful event in the biography of Anastasia Krainova. Here she found a job, took vocal lessons, preparing for a stage career. In 2004, the girl pulled out her lucky lottery ticket, having auditioned for the third season of the popular television project"Star Factory".

Nastya became one of the brightest “stars” of the show, and, despite the fact that she failed to win the final victory, her pop career did not end after filming was completed.

Group "Tootsie"

The producer of “Star Factory 3” Viktor Drobysh selected the four most beautiful and talented girls and created the group “Tutsi” from them. The breakthrough of the new girl group into Russian show business turned out to be very powerful. Their debut single “The Most, the Most” became a real hit of the season, the song was continuously rotated on all leading radio stations, the video was played on all channels.

We can say that participation in the Tutsi group became the most striking period in the stage biography of Anastasia Krainova. However, after a few years, constant squabbles and scandals began to flare up between the group members in the close circle of women. In addition, the girls were unable to repeat the successes of the first season, and “Tootsie” began to lose popularity. In 2010, Anastasia left the project to start her own solo career.

A native of Gvardeysk experimented a lot with music and mastered the craft of a club DJ. At a certain point, Nastya decided to combine two genres and became a singing DJ, successfully performing in Moscow clubs.

Today she has moved away from the negative impressions of past years and believes that the Tutsi group played a very important role in the biography of Anastasia Krainova. important role. A few years later, she restored communication with the members of the group, excluding Lesya Yaroslavskaya.

Personal life of Anastasia Krainova

The girl’s biography does not yet include such an important point as marriage. Nastya is actively looking for her life partner; over the past years she has changed several chosen ones. Footballers and hockey players lost their minds over her. The most scandalous was her last novel, because she turned her head popular actor Alexander Nosik, who was related by marriage. However, the lovers justify themselves by the fact that by the time they met, Alexander had already actually broken up with his wife.

Anastasia Krainova - official booking on the personal page of the 123 SHOW agency website. Organizing a performance, booking a concert.

Anastasia Krainova – talented actress And successful singer. Nastya studied music with early childhood, and seriously. The girl was often nominated for city music competitions because the young artist had excellent hearing and in a beautiful voice. Nastya was adored by the local public and was always greeted with thunderous applause. The little performer experienced vivid feelings when she went on stage and dreamed of becoming a real star. The city where Nastya was born is Gvardeysk. On August 4, 1983, the future artist pleased her parents with her birth. Time passed, and Anastasia’s dream began to come true. At the first opportunity, the girl superbly passed the casting to participate in the famous TV show “Star Factory”. During the project, Nastya’s abilities “bloomed” and “smelled.” She gave it her all and showed herself to be a successful singer worthy of ranking with the stars. Russian show business. The aspiring pop singer received a brilliant chance, and took advantage of it, to perform with such celebrities as Natalia Oreiro, Lev Leshchenko, Valery Meladze and others. Anastasia’s performance in the final of the project was noted by both spectators and experts and was named one of the best. When the show came to an end, he signed a contract with the girl famous producer Victor Drobysh. Anastasia was included in the youth girl pop group “Tutsi”. The band’s debut song, “The Most, the Most,” immediately “flew up” to the top lines of radio station charts and broke all sorts of listening records for new composition. It was a fantastic success for the young team. The group immediately became the winner of several prestigious music awards. The girls were invited to perform at the most famous concerts in the country. They shone on television and radio. They took part in various TV shows and toured the country a lot. Almost not a single entertainment show of that period took place without the participation of the magnificent artists of the Tutsi group. In addition to such a resounding success on stage, Nastya played amazing roles in several TV series and charmingly smiled at the public from the covers of many glossy magazines.

You will be surprised how fashionable and profitable it is to order Nastya Krainova for a wedding, corporate event, or birthday. Wonderful vocal performance of the young artist and her unprecedented originality concert numbers will give you a million moments of happiness. Nastya speaks fluently vocal art and artistry. Knows how to please the audience, make a great impression and lift the mood auditorium. At the singer’s performances there is an amazing creative atmosphere and irrepressible energy. Seize the perfect moment to invite Nastya Krainova to the holiday and celebrate your gala evening with an open heart. The girl went down in the history of Russian pop music as one of the most charming members of the Tutsi group. And now she has a big one ahead of her solo career. In 2010, the contract with Viktor Drobysh was completed, and from that time famous singer presented herself as a separate pop star. Anastasia is a songwriter, educated at the Gnessin Academy in the production department.

You can organize a performance or order a concert by Anastasia Krainova using the official website of the 123 SHOW agency. Entrust the organization and holding of your holiday to the specialists of our company! The cost of Anastasia Krainova’s performance at the festival, corporate event, wedding - check with the managers of the official website of the concert agency 123 SHOW using the feedback form or by phone.

The creative path of the future star Nastya Krainova began in childhood. Even then she took first place in music competitions and was a favorite of the audience in hometown Gvardeysk. But the wider public recognized her at the Star Factory. It was there that Nastya showed herself as a person and as a professional vocalist. It was at the “Star Factory” that Krainova sang a duet with such masters as Valery Meladze, Lev Leshchenko, Natalia Oreiro and other stars of Russian and foreign show business. At the finale of the show, one of her solo numbers was recognized as the best. After the completion of the project, producer and composer Viktor Drobysh selected only four of the brightest and most talented girls from all the participants in the show, and the group “Tutsi” was created. The group’s first song, called “The Most, the Most,” “blew up” the charts of popular radio stations, received three Golden Gramophones in Moscow, Alma-Ata and Kiev. In 2004, “Tootsie” was nominated for MTV Russia Music Awords as the discovery of the year. As part of the team, Nastya took part in the best television programs, shows and concerts at the main venues and celebrations of the country: “New songs about the main thing”, “Old songs about the main thing”, “ New Year's Eve», « Good morning", "Wall to wall", "Fashionable sentence", "Army store", "Let them talk", "Health", Proms, “You Won’t Believe It” (by the way, Nastya is the only Russian show business star who agreed to jump from a bridge), “Rush Hour”, “Dinner Party”, “Mafia”, “Stylists”, “They Asked for the Muse”, “Life is Beautiful” , “Children's Pranks”, “Comedy Club”, “Slaughter League”, “Intuition” and much, much more. As an actress, Krainova took part in the filming of such TV series and films as: “Happy Together” on the TNT channel, the first youth series “Club” on MTV, and the film “Narrow Bridge”, which was filmed by Channel One. ABOUT creative path Nastya and the details of her personal life were told in the most popular media: “Hello”, “OK”, “Seven Days”, “Teleweek”, “Women’s Secrets”, “Yes”, “Yes Stars”, “Glamour”, “Liza” , “She”, “Tor Beauty”, “Antenna”, “MK”, “ Komsomolskaya Pravda», « Happy wedding", "Pent House" and so on. Krainova was one of the brightest members of the Tutsi group; by the way, most of the songs were written with her vocals. Nastya is a very stylish, creative, incredibly punctual person. Krainova is used to independently controlling the choice of costumes, the work of hair stylists and make-up. Anastasia has been professionally engaged in choreography at the Street Jazz dance school for several years. Nastya is not only an excellent performer, but also a full-fledged author of solo songs. Since 2007, Krainova has been a student at the production department. State Academy named after Gnessin. In 2010, Nastya terminated her contract with Viktor Drobysh at her own request, for the sake of a solo career. Today the singer is a full-fledged solo performer, whose name is Nastya Krainova!

Yana Krainova is a Russian actress who became famous thanks to the TV series “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva”, “ Long road", "This is what a woman does", etc.

Childhood and youth

Yana was born on September 28, 1986 in Jurmala. The girl's parents (Yana - late child in a family of simple engineers) were sure that they would have a son, whom they were going to name Maxim. Surprisingly, both in childhood and adolescence, Krainova really showed masculine qualities of character - she was assertive and straightforward.

Yana could not be denied artistry: the girl always read poetry at matinees, constantly participated in school ensembles, sang and danced, and since 1995 she studied at music school in flute class.

IN high school Yana went to study in Riga - Krainova chose a school where creative skills were developed.

In the mornings I got on a minibus and went to Riga - 24 kilometers from Jurmala. So I went back and forth for several years.

According to Yana, she was a naughty teenager. At the age of 15, she dyed her hair bright beetroot color and got her navel pierced. The desire to be creatively realized brought 11th-grader Yana to the theater studio - a couple of classes later, the girl firmly decided that she wanted to become an actress.

After graduating from school, Krainova went to the capital of Russia and submitted documents to all theater universities. As a result, the girl was accepted into GITIS and VGIK, and Yana chose the latter - also because she, as a foreign student, was given a 50% discount on her studies.

Krainova became one of the most successful students of the course. For her participation in the graduation performances “...The Third...” (Cherubins de Gabriak) and “The Last” (Nadezhda), the girl received the Golden Leaf award, and her role in “... The Third...” brought her a prize from the T.F. Foundation. Makarova and S.A. Gerasimova.

Acting career

Krainova made her film debut in her senior year, playing a small role in Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “The Vanished Empire.” However, the good start did not have a stormy continuation. After graduating from VGIK in 2009, the girl went through difficult times. Yana did not have a job or money to rent a house. To earn money, Yana worked as a children's animator in a restaurant on Rublyovka.

Fate smiled on the girl only in 2011 - she was unexpectedly offered main role in the TV series “The Diary of Doctor Zaitseva”, thanks to which the actress became popular. Her heroine Sasha Zaitseva is a romantic, somewhat naive person and a sweet tooth, but at the same time she is a true professional and promising surgeon.

Interview with Yana Krainova about doctors and pills

For the role, Yana gained 8 kg. “Actually, I advocate healthy image life, so I had to give up my rules,” recalls the actress. But by the beginning of the second season of the series, which began filming in 2012, Yana had lost excess weight. Alexandra Zaitseva also changed - she cast aside infantilism, became bolder and more decisive.

After the release of the series, Krainova received interesting job offers. Soon the actress played leading roles in Andrei Shcherbovich-Vecher’s tragicomedy “Fossil” (2012) and in the mini-series “The Long Road” (2013), appeared as deputy dean Zhanna Dyakonskaya in the comedy series “Anzhelika”, and also starred in the melodrama “Blood” with milk" (2014) and the comedy "New Year's Dad" (2014).

Krainova also returned to theater stage, having participated in 2013 in the enterprise “Uninvited Guest” (dir. Guzel Kireeva). At the end of the same year, Krainova went to Los Angeles to study acting from the famous Hollywood teacher Ivana Chubbuck - at one time Halle Berry, Gerard Butler, Charlize Theron, Sharon Stone and Brad Pitt took lessons from her.

In 2015, the actress appeared in the multi-part cyber action film “Quest” with Pavel Priluchny, Marina Petrenko and Agata Muceniece. The following year, Yana had two notable roles at once - in the 4-episode melodrama “At the Crossroads of Joy and Sorrow” (with Marina Konyashkina and Kirill Kyaro) and the mini-series “This is what a woman does,” which was presented on the Russia-1 channel.

In 2017, Yana played in the enterprise “The End of the Affair” based on the stories of Alexander Vampilov, directed by Andrei Zapuskalov.

Personal life of Yana Krainova

Even in high school, in theater studio in Riga, Krainova met a young man with whom she eventually began an affair. The young people dated for 8 years, and most of During this time, lovers had to maintain a relationship at a distance.