Legacy or competition for the rich. International competitions and festivals of creative teams “we are the future of great Russia” and “the wealth of Russia


129 International competitions and festivals creative teams

“Heritage of Times” and “Russian Wealth”

Moscow, Russia

Applications are now accepted

The festival competition is supported by:

  • General Council of the Party" United Russia"
  • State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation
  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
  • Moscow City Duma
  • Committees and departments of the Moscow Government
  • All-Russian Musical Society (Creative Union)
  • State Russian House Folk art Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
  • Prefectures of Northeast Administrative District Moscow
  • Moscow Choreographic Theater "Vozrozhdenie"
  • Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

ANNUAL FESTIVAL MEETINGS in Moscow Be sure to read!

Our advantages - compared to other offers or why you should choose our festivals:


  • For one festival fee, participation in two competitions simultaneously - display of competitive programs to two juries, two prizes and two diplomas are awarded;
  • Prize - 20,000 rubles. for one of the graduate teams, Prize 25,000 rubles. for one from the laureate groups and Prize - 30,000 rubles. for one of the Grand Prix winning teams;
  • The hotel and concert hall are located on the same territory of the hotel complex;
  • Possibility of free participation, accommodation and meals for 1, 2 or 3 leaders (depending on the number of participants);
  • The cost of participation in the festival 5 days/4 nights in Moscow is lower than at the International festivals in most regions of Russia;
  • evaluation principle competitive program, taking into account the age of the performers!
  • Possibility of free participation in the encyclopedia program “Wealth of Russia”;
  • Photos in the competition of your numbers are free!
  • SIM card with the amount on the account - for calls without roaming in Moscow - for free!
  • Festival Avenue with a map of metro stations for all participants - for free!
  • Competition posters with photographs of the team. To all participants - for free!
  • Branded briefcases, pens, diaries. For managers - for free!
  • Certificates for completed master classes. For managers - for free!
  • Gifts for groups from the festival - for free!


  • Beautiful, clear organized work organizers, allowing you to feel calm and confident;
  • Meeting of teams at the train cars upon arrival in Moscow and escort to hotels;
  • Contact the festival organizers at any time on any issue on all days of the festival;
  • Sensitive attitude, decency, culture and respect, all days of the festival;
  • The best, most professional jury, consisting of academicians, professors,
  • associate professors of higher educational institutions culture and art;
  • Performance at some of the best and most significant venues in Moscow;
  • Competitions - festivals in Moscow - in the capital of our Motherland;
  • Help and support when checking into hotels;


  • Extensive cultural program (up to 40 Moscow museums, concert halls, circus, exhibitions and much more) - most of them are free!
  • Letters of gratitude to all your sponsors, heads of ministries and departments, who were able to support you on this trip - for free!
  • Letters from our foundations to your potential sponsors, senior managers organizations and departments about possible support for your team to travel to our
  • festival - up to 10 letters per team - free!
  • Possibility of obtaining certificates for a 50% discount on the festival fee for other festivals;
  • A large number of new contacts with teams from other regions;
  • New contacts with festival companies in Russia and abroad;
  • Opportunity large quantity master classes - for free!


As part of the competition-festival “Pride of Russia”, the International competition-festival of creative teams “ Great country" Each team, paying one festival fee, takes part in both festival competitions and receives two awards at each competition: a prize + a diploma. Each team shows one competition program to two juries of two festivals at once.

With all the traditional evaluation criteria, the “Great Country” competition-festival places emphasis on values cultural heritage Russia, world cultural heritage, ethics, aesthetics, tracing in productions and conveying to the viewer examples of humanism, patriotism, moral qualities and ethical actions.

Creative teams that have repeatedly taken part in various competitions-festivals of the Annual Festival Meetings, and are included in the Encyclopedia of creative teams "Wealth of Russia", will be awarded at the competition with Certificates for participation on preferential terms in competitions-festivals held as part of the Annual Festival Meetings in various cities.

General provisions:

Chairman of the organizing committee - Chairman of the Supreme Council of the party - "United Russia", permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation - Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov

Members of the jury of the “Pride of Russia” and “Great Country” competitions and festivals:

  • The best academicians, professors and associate professors,
  • Russian Academy theatrical arts,
  • Russian Academy of Music named after Gnessins,
  • Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky,
  • Moscow State University culture and arts,
  • Honored Workers of Culture and Arts of Russia.

At the competition-festival, not competitive, but qualifying is used the principle of evaluating the competition program, taking into account the age of the performers.

Age groups:


Groups working in all directions and genres of choreography are invited to competitions and festivals (except ballroom dancing), choirs, orchestras, vocal and instrumental ensembles, folk groups.

Competitions and festivals are held without restrictions on the age of participants.

Conditions of participation:

It is planned to spend 5 days (4 nights) in Moscow.

The festival fee for those staying at the Cosmos Hotel will be:

ATTENTION! You will not find this at ANY festival!!!

The festival fee includes:

  • Registration of application 1000 rubles per person
  • Hotel accommodation (5 days (4 nights) - double occupancy;
  • Breakfast - buffet;
  • Participation in TWO competitions - two prizes, two diplomas for each team;
  • Possibility of receiving cash awards by one of the diploma teams;
  • one of the laureate teams and one of the Grand Prix winning teams;
  • Possibility of free participation in the encyclopedia “Russian Wealth”;
  • Attending master classes (for dance groups - from the choreographers of the show “Dancing on TNT”);
  • Posters - for participants, folders, diaries, pens - for managers;
  • Round table for managers;
  • Possibility of a sightseeing tour by bus with exits to the city;
  • Banquet/buffet (getting acquainted evening) for managers;
  • Free photos of the band's performances;
  • Present;
  • Certificates for managers;
  • Possibility of obtaining certificates for participation in competitions and festivals in Crimea, Sochi, Abkhazia; (without paying the festival fee for participation)
  • Screening of groups to attract not only countries to participate in the celebration of significant dates (Victory Day, February 23, March 8), but also city and regional events.
  • Autograph session with a star (Show “Dancing on TNT” / “Voice / “Dance”)

The team may, after a preliminary agreement with the festival organizing committee,choose any number of days and room category for your stay in Moscow.

Number of nights



3 days


4 days


3 days


4 days

You can choose any number of days of stay, you can come for a day, two, three earlier than the start festival, and remain so after it.

If financial capabilities do not allow the team to stay at the Cosmos Hotel, the organizing committee provides the opportunity to stay in more budget hotels and hostels:

The festival fee for those staying in hostels will be:

  • For 3 days: 6700 rub. (participation, accommodation, breakfasts), including registration of the application 670 rubles per person
  • For 4 days: 7500 (participation, accommodation, breakfasts), including application registration 750 rubles per person

The festival fee for those staying at the Sayany category hotel will be:

For 3 days: 7650 rub. (participation, accommodation, breakfasts), including registration of the application 765 rubles per person

For 4 days: 8800 (participation, accommodation, breakfasts), including application registration 880 rubles per person

Transfer to the competition venue - independently.

The organizing committee distributes the teams according to the time of their departure on March 30 and, if possible,provides a free sightseeing tour with a guide.

For teams leaving on or before March 30th or departing from airports sightseeing tour only possible upon request.

Meals (lunches and dinners) can be organized in two ways:

  1. Ordering hot meals by the groups from the festival partner company (delivery of hot meals to the groups directly in the hotel lobby at a time convenient for the groups (delivery time range - 1 hour)). Cost of lunch or dinner: 290 rubles. Lunch includes: salad, soup, main course, bread - 700 grams. Dinner: salad, hot dish, bread but with a large pie (meat/cabbage, egg), drink - 550 grams.
  2. Buffet meals in the hotel restaurant: Cost: lunch + dinner (buffet) for our participants staying at the Cosmos Hotel will be 1000 rubles/day. If you choose either lunch or dinner - 500 rubles.

Add. Meals are not included in the festival fee; at the request of the groups, they are paid additionally.

If chosen, meals are paid for before the groups arrive at the festival with the expectation that During competition days, you need to adjust your meals to the competition program.

The festival fee does not include: transfer

(600 rubles/person for a meeting + farewell from Moscow railway stations - if the team arrives/departs on the days of the festival (March 25 and 29). In case of arrival/departure on other dates: the cost of the transfer must be checked with the organizing committee, approximate cost for a bus from 18-49 people: 7500 rubles.

If the team flies to one of the airports in Moscow, the cost of the transfer must be clarified with the organizing committee. Estimated cost indicated in the table below:

Type of transport:

Up to 18 people - minibus

From 18 to 49 people. - bus


Arrival in the afternoon

Arrival at night








Check-out time (check-in time at the hotel - 14.00, check-out time from the hotel - 12.00)

Accommodation for 4 days in rooms with private amenities.

  • 03/25/2018 - no food;
  • 03/26/2018 - breakfast;
  • 03/27/2018 - breakfast;
  • 03/28/2018 - breakfast;
  • 03/29/2018 - breakfast

The festival fee is transferred to the account of the festival organizers no later than a month before the start of the festivals. The festival fee is paid by everyone who came to the festival competitions, including accompanying persons and teachers. Assistance in organizing accommodation and meals is provided only to festival participants who have paid the festival fee, because only they participate in the festival program.

Competition-festival diary:

March 25, 2018 the arrival of groups is planned. For those teams who have ordered a transfer, it is expected that participants will be met at the railway stations of the capital on March 25, 2018 and transported by bus to the hotel, as well as transported to the railway stations during the departure of the participants on March 29, 2018, if received by the organizing committee at least 7 days in advance information from the team about the date and time of its arrival and departure, train number, carriage number and which Moscow station (from which station) the train arrives (departs). For groups flying to Moscow airports, due to their location away from the city, it is necessary to additionally resolve the issue of meeting and going home with the festival organizing committee. Don't forget to order buses from the organizing committee of the competition-festival.

On the evening of March 25, 2018 It is planned, in the hotel conference room, an organizational meeting of team leaders with the leaders of competitions and festivals, then a banquet in the hotel restaurant, an evening of acquaintance between the leaders.

March 25, 2018- rehearsals are planned, March 26 and 27, 2018 are competition days. It is planned to take place in the Great Concert Hall "Cosmos". Stage dimensions - 20 m x 15 m.

The competition is submitted to a program of two or three numbers with a total duration of no more than 12 minutes. On the day of the competition, stage markings are planned. The time order of performance for each group is determined by the organizing committee and, upon the team’s arrival in Moscow, is communicated to the head of the group. The group's competition program can consist of numbers of any (or any) genres.

Phonograms must be sent by email 10 days before the competition

March 28, 2018


By decision of the organizing committee, after the award ceremony, one of the teams that received the title of Diplomat, any of the degrees, is awarded the prize by the organizing committee: 20,000 rubles! One of the teams that received the title of Laureate, any of the degrees, is awarded a prize by the organizing committee: 25,000 rubles! One of the teams that received the title of Laureate and Grand Prix winner is awarded the prize by the organizing committee: 30,000 rubles!

March 29, 2018- it is expected that the participants of the competition-festival will leave Moscow.

In cases where teams come for less than 4 days or cannot stay in Moscow until March 28, awards will be made at the request of the teams in working order on March 26 and 27.

Competition awards: Laureates and Grand Prix holders, Laureates of three degrees, Diploma holders of three degrees, Festival participants.

Objectives of competitions and festivals:

  • provide an opportunity for creative teams of various genres and directions, with differentage of participants to show their skills in the capital of Russia - Moscow;
  • give residents the opportunity different regions Russia, near and far abroad countries to get acquainted withthe capital of our Motherland or once again see its beautiful streets, avenues, visit its museums,get acquainted with its sights;
  • provide an opportunity for team members and their teachers to get acquainted with new teams, findnew friends, make new contacts;
  • encourage team leaders and their participants to new creative achievements.

Contacts and information:

Once again, the organizing committee would like to remind you that each team needs to carry out a more complete, successful and correct program of festivals and for the confident possibility of ensuring the safety of your participants and order in Moscow during their movement around the city, in hotels, on transport, in concert halls, palaces of culture where the festival will be held, museums, etc., it is necessary to have with you at least one or more teachers or accompanying persons (depending on the number of participants), with whom minors and other participants could be left, since in one of the days, an excursion program for groups and an educational program for leaders are planned simultaneously, and responsibility for minors and other participants brought to the festival on all days of the festival remains with the leader of the group who came to Moscow. Each team decides independently on the feasibility and necessity of insurance for participants during the festival.

On the evening of March 25, 2018, it is planned to hold an organizational meeting of the team leaders with the leaders of competitions and festivals in the hotel conference room, then a banquet in the hotel restaurant, and an evening for the leaders to get to know each other.

March 25, 2018- rehearsals are planned, March 26 and 27, 2018 are competition days. It is planned to take place in the Great Concert Hall "Cosmos". Stage dimensions - 20 m x 15 m.

The competition is submitted to a program of two or three numbers with a total duration of no more than 12 minutes. On the day of the competition, stage markings are planned. The time order of performance for each group is determined by the organizing committee and, upon the team’s arrival in Moscow, is communicated to the head of the group. The group's competition program can consist of numbers of any (or any) genres.

Artistic director competition-festival distributes groups by genre and age group, after receiving the necessary documents

Phonograms must be sent by email 10 days before the competition

In each music file you must indicate the name of the band, city, and title of the work. (untitled files will not be accepted). And in the subject line of the letter indicate the name of the competition-festival and the name of the team. We invite you to bring duplicates of your works to the competition on a USB flash drive.

It is planned to conduct master classes, an excursion and educational program, a meeting of teachers with members of the jury, an analysis of competitive performances of groups, a meeting with interesting people, with the heads of various festivals, competitions, the press, travel festival agencies, new connections, new acquaintances. Collectives are invited to have at least one more teacher or administrator with them who will accompany the team members if the leader is at a meeting with the jury, etc.

March 28, 2018- master classes, seminars, photo sessions with stars, Gala concert, Closing ceremony of the competition-festival and awards ceremony. At the Gala concert, group leaders can present 1 act of their choice (the act may not be included in the competition program).


By decision of the organizing committee, after the award ceremony, one of the teams that received the title of Diplomat, any of the degrees, is awarded a prize by the organizing committee: 20,000 rubles! One of the teams that received the title of Laureate, any of the degrees, is awarded a prize by the organizing committee: 25,000 rubles! One of the teams that received the title of Laureate and Grand Prix winner is awarded a prize by the organizing committee: 30,000 rubles!

In cases where teams come for less than 4 days or cannot stay in Moscow until March 28, awards will be made at the request of the teams in working order on March 26 and 27.

Literary Prize"Heritage" was established by the Russian Union of Writers together with the International Union of Writers with the purpose of searching talented works, dedicated to Russia and its centuries-old history.

The prize aims to find new authors whose work preserves the traditional values ​​of Russian literature. The competition accepts works of all genres, but authors are encouraged to submit works related to Russian history, written in the spirit of respect for the peoples and cultures that have shaped the face of today's multinational Russia.

The competition for the Heritage Prize is held in three stages:

  1. At the first stage (nomination), the editorial commission reviews the author’s works and decides on the possibility of his participation in the collective collection “Heritage”. All authors published in competition collections are included in the long list of the prize.
  2. At the second stage, members of the high jury evaluate the works published in almanac competitions and select finalists for the award, drawing up a shortlist.
  3. At the third stage, the works of the finalists, approved by the members of the Prize jury, are published in a separate collection at the expense of the Prize Organizing Committee. The collection is published in two volumes, separating prose and poetry. The publication will have a hardcover with the symbols of the crown Russian Empire.

You can read more about the award regulations below.

The competition for the Heritage Prize is held from 05/01/2018 to 08/31/2019. The closing date for accepting works for the next competition season is three months before the presentation of the list of finalists.

The cost of participation in the competition collection is 2000 rubles (1 page - 1600 characters with spaces if prose and 30 lines if poetry.) You can take part with a work (s) of 5 pages or more.

You can send applications for participation in the award by email:

For questions regarding participation, please contact
publication department specialist
Ksenia Kovalevskaya
e-mail: moskva@site
tel: +7 999 601 35 47

Regulations on the Heritage Literary Prize

  1. Goals and objectives

1.1 The Heritage Literary Prize was established by the Russian Union of Writers together with the International Union of Writers with the aim of finding talented works dedicated to Russia and its centuries-old history.

1.2 The prize aims to search for new authors whose work preserves the traditional values ​​of Russian literature. The competition accepts works of all genres, but authors are encouraged to submit works related to Russian history, written in the spirit of respect for the peoples and cultures that have shaped the face of today's multinational Russia.

1.3 The competitive selection is carried out on the basis of publication in the Heritage almanacs (2018–2019).

1.4 The selection of laureates is carried out by the Prize jury, whose composition is formed by the Prize Organizing Committee.

  1. Procedure for nominating and evaluating works

2.1 Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as other countries who have reached 16 years of age, can participate in the competition for the Prize.

2.2 Works nominated for the competition must be written in Russian in poetic form or in prose form. Works of low artistic quality, as well as those that do not comply with ethical standards and traditional values ​​of Russian society, are not allowed into the competition.

2.3 The competition for the Heritage Prize is held in three stages. At the first stage (nomination), the editorial commission reviews the author’s works and decides on the possibility of his participation in the Heritage almanac. At the second stage, jury members evaluate works published in competition almanacs and select finalists for the award. At the third stage, the works of the finalists, approved by the members of the Prize jury, are published in a separate collection at the expense of the Prize Organizing Committee. The collection is published in two volumes, separating prose and poetry. The publication will have a hardcover with the symbols of the crown of the Russian Empire. The laureates are published in the collections “Heritage. Poems" and "Heritage. Prose"

2.4 First stage of the competition for the Prize:

2.4.1 The author has the right to propose his works for consideration by the editorial commission. Applications from authors are accepted in electronic form to one of the email addresses: , If the decision is positive, the author becomes a nominee for the Prize.

2.4.2 The editorial commission independently studies the creativity of the authors and, on its own initiative, nominates those worthy of participation in the competition by notification by e-mail. These authors also receive the status of award nominees. The status is confirmed by the nominee's diploma.

2.5 Second stage of the competition for the Prize:

2.5.1 To participate in the competition, Prize nominees publish their works in competition almanacs. The authors jointly finance the costs of publishing the almanac in proportion to the number of pages their works occupy. Only works published in the award almanacs participate in the competition.

2.5.2 All competition almanacs are provided to the prize jury upon publication. It, in turn, approves the list of finalists. The list of finalists is posted on the official website of the International Union of Writers www.site

2.6 The third stage of the competition for the Prize:

2.6.1 The works of the finalists, approved by the members of the Prize jury, are published in a separate collection at the expense of the Prize Organizing Committee.

2.6.2 The collection is published in two volumes, separating prose and poetry. The publication will have a hardcover with the symbols of the crown of the Russian Empire.

  1. Deadlines for the competition for the Prize

3.1 The competition for the Heritage Prize is held from 05/01/2018 to 08/31/2019. The deadline for accepting works for the next competition season is three months before the presentation of the list of finalists.

  1. Awarding the laureates and diploma holders of the Prize

4.2 Based on the results of the second stage, a shortlist is announced. Best works shortlisted authors will be published in the collection “Heritage. Poems" and "Heritage. Prose" at the expense of the International Union of Writers.

Other news from our Union:

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Legacy or competition for the rich

Honestly, this is the first time I have encountered a situation where, in order to participate in a poetry competition and fiction a property qualification has been established. I didn’t really read the terms of the Heritage competition and immediately decided that everyone could participate in it, and then those who were nominated for this competition could publish their works in the almanac at their own expense. It couldn’t occur to me that first you need to deposit money and only then can you participate in the competition. So I sent two of my works, passed the qualifying round and gasped that I needed to pay 51 thousand rubles. until March 21 and deferred payment is not acceptable. I can’t afford to pay this amount, and I quit the race.

But, probably, this insult made me think about whether this competition is being conducted correctly. Can you imagine that royal family asked Yesenin to pay for her invitation? No, of course, I am far from Yesenin, I do not pretend to be a genius, but the principle itself is important. Her Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna reads only the works of the rich, or what?

It seems to me that some symbolism is violated in such a production. If a tree grows into the ground with its roots, then a person grows into native land generations of their ancestors. The history of our country is part of our soul. Our roots are in Kievan Rus, but all subsequent eras have found a place in our hearts as part of the Russian soul. A special role was played by the 19th century, the golden age of Russian literature, and in it the story of Pushkin, who not only wrote himself, but also had a biography that could compete with a fascinating novel. Pushkin died in a duel, saving his honor. And he wasn’t the only one who fought duels to save his honor. The 19th century largely shaped our concept of honor as such. But the life of society of that era is connected by many associations with the house of the Romanovs. We read about Pushkin's complex relationship with the Tsar, about balls, about etiquette, and even about the culinary successes of the Tsar's chefs, and all this is part of our Russian soul. Russian identity does not depend on the thickness of our wallets. If this competition were held under a different name, then God bless it! But “heritage” is a sacred word. This is what people receive from their ancestors and must pass on to their descendants; this is from the category of spiritual values. But spiritual values ​​are still not measured by the thickness of a wallet.

It is humanly clear to me that literature in our time can only exist at the expense of authors, that because of the Internet, paper publications are read less and less, that it is possible that Her Highness the Grand Duchess cannot see well and has to print large print that all this was planned out of good intentions.

But it still touches a nerve. In my opinion, it is necessary to either change the name so that the holy word does not refer to the thickness of a wallet, or print the almanac on cheaper paper so that the publication of one’s works would be accessible to mere mortals, or first hold a competition and then publish the nominated works.

The House of Romanov is a piece of our symbolism, an integral part of Russia, a kind of museum of our history, which decorates and enlivens this history and state. And what will this symbolism look like if the head of this house refuses to read someone’s brilliant work and will give preference to the worst work simply because it was written by a rich man? This fact itself is perceived as some kind of attack on this symbolism.

We are not writing for awards or congratulations. We want to be heard. And I sent my works not for the sake of a prize, but to be heard. But if prizes are established, in my opinion, they should not discriminate against authors if those, in the words of Catullus, “have a wallet overgrown with cobwebs.”

Rich and poor, we are still one people, we still have general history and general symbolism, and there is something sacred in this symbolism and should not be taken lightly.

In my opinion, this competition format is not suitable. Still, royalty does not manifest itself in the quality of paper and cover. Still, content is more important than expensive paper.