Draw a plot from the fairy tale Chernomor. Drawing from imagination. IV. Creative work of students

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale by Pushkin, how to draw a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan with a pencil step by step. Let's draw 2 illustrations for the fairy tale. The Tale of Tsar Saltan is a fairy tale based on which there are many cartoons and films. It is quite long, about how the king met the queen, she bore him a son when he was at war and sent him a messenger so that he would be happy. However, the envious people sent another messenger and in the letter it was written that the queen gave birth to either a son, or a daughter, or an unprecedented animal. The king believed and became angry. He sent another messenger with an answer. However, the same envious people sent their own and said that the princess and her child should be placed in a barrel and thrown into the ocean. This is the episode we will draw. Then we’ll draw the second episode, which talks about a squirrel that lives in a crystal castle and a golden walnut shell.

So, let's start with a squirrel and end with an ocean with a barrel, where the Princess sits and her son, who is growing by leaps and bounds.

Here is a screenshot from Soviet cartoon, however, we will not paint the whole picture.

Draw a house like this, use a ruler to make it even. Those. Draw a rectangle, a triangle on top, and a rectangle on the sides. Then on the outside we separate the columns, draw the entrance and instead of a staircase there will be just a descent, a squirrel will sit on the upper compartment.

Here finished drawing crystal castle with a squirrel based on Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Salatan”.

Now let's draw the episode. when a barrel floats on the sea, and there are the Princess and her son Tsarevich.

On the right side of the sheet we draw waves.

Then a barrel.

We detail the barrel and draw a line, because part of the barrel is in water.

Draw a wave, just use curvature to depict it.

We erase part of the barrel under the wave and finish painting the splashes, the horizon, and the wave on the left.

Now you can paint over it.

You can use watercolor or gouache paints.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka. March of Chernomor

The word "march" means "procession". It is more comfortable for people to walk to music. The rhythm of the music is a very good conductor. The sounds themselves can command movement. And there are marches for all occasions. You have already noticed that the music of the march is not only an accompaniment to our steps, but also a portrait of those walking. A moving portrait or painting of movement.

By the way a person moves or fairy tale hero, it becomes clear to us not only what he looks like, but also what is in his soul and what can be expected from him.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka wrote an opera based on the fairy tale by the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

The fairy tale begins with the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila. Kyiv prince Svetozar gives his daughter Lyudmila in marriage to brave knight Ruslana.

Suddenly the fun is interrupted, strong thunderclaps are heard, and complete darkness sets in. The guests freeze in place in fear... When it becomes light again, everyone sees with horror that Lyudmila has disappeared. It was the wizard Chernomor who kidnapped her and took her to his enchanted castle.

Brave Ruslan goes in search of her.

Glinka wrote a lot of beautiful music for this opera. But perhaps its most famous passage is “Chernomor March”.

But in the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin there are two Chernomors. One is kind, this is Uncle Chernomor from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” And the other is the evil wizard from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Remember, in the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” there is a huge head that sings in chorus, louder than anyone else. But in this tale there is not only a giant’s head, but also a little dwarf. This is the evil wizard Chernomor. And if the head has the “biggest” voice, then the dwarf should have the “smallest”. And indeed, Chernomor’s voice is so small, so tiny that... it can’t be heard at all. This evil dwarf doesn't sing in the opera. He doesn't say a word. And yet we get an idea of ​​what kind of creature it is.

This is how Pushkin himself paints the image of the terrible Chernomor.

Silently, proudly speaking,
Flashing naked sabers,
Arapov is walking in a long line
In pairs, as decorously as possible,
And be careful on the pillows
He bears a gray beard;
And he follows her with importance,
Raising his neck majestically,
The hunchbacked dwarf from the door...

In Pushkin's mocking lines, the picture of a solemn fairy-tale procession is recreated.

In the opera, the music tells about the dwarf - the march to which he goes on stage. First, Chernomor's servants appear, bearing his long, very long beard. She has all the evil magical power of a dwarf, and her beard is ten times longer than Chernomor himself. The dwarf has not yet appeared, but it’s already funny to us, a beard is walking along with the march. And the music laughs at Chernomor. You can literally feel that the dwarf is trying with all his might to appear huge, pouting, trying to rise on his tiptoes, but he can’t do anything. Everyone around him bows respectfully to him, but then turns away and giggles. Chernomor shouts menacingly, but suddenly his voice breaks into a funny squeak.

With the humor characteristic of Russian fairy-tale folklore, the composer paints the image of Chernomor. The grandiose “trumpet cries” and the delicate, crystal timbres of the bells emphasize both the monstrosity and the comedy of the evil wizard. He is powerless before the power, all-conquering love and courage of man.

Listen to "March of Chernomor". Pay attention to how it begins: first, a menacing melody will depict the appearance of Chernomor, and then another melody - high and ringing, performed by bells - will remind us that this hero is a fairy tale and there is no need to be afraid of him.


1. Presentation, ppsx;
2. Sounds of music:
Glinka. March of Chernomor from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila, mp3;
3. Accompanying article, docx.

summary of other presentations

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Illustration for A.S. Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in mixed media for junior schoolchildren. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class with step by step photos: The sorcerer carries the hero...

Creative publishing house Film Studio "Lukomorye"

Author: Darina Pronina 10 years old, studying at the “Children’s Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov”
Teacher: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A.A. Bolshakov."

Hello, dear guests! We invite you to travel to the country where Pushkin's fairy tales live. We want to tell and show how the illustration for an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was created:

There in the clouds in front of the people
Through the forests, across the seas
The sorcerer carries the hero;

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin lived a short, but very bright life and wrote many wonderful works. He wrote seven fairy tales and many poems. poems, novels in verse. The work of A. S. Pushkin is truly voluminous and priceless, every person in our country and abroad knows about him, and he is called the great Russian poet.

I composed many fairy tales,
Opened the way to Lukomorye
To a country where with miracles,
We are meeting with you.
Yes! Pushkin teaches us to love,
Make friends, admire nature,
And how can you not admire them?

Description: The work can be done with children 7-10 years old. The material may be useful to teachers of additional education, teachers and educators, and parents.

Purpose: this work intended for publishing an online book based on Pushkin's fairy tales.

Target: creation of an illustration for an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Lukomorye”

-introduce children to the work of an illustrator and a variety of genres;
-improve combination skills various materials and technician;
- to cultivate a stable need to communicate with a fairy tale.
Brief information:
Illustration - a drawing, photograph, engraving or other image that explains the text.
Illustrations are used to convey an emotional atmosphere work of art, visualization of the characters in the story, demonstration of objects described in the book (botanical illustration), display step by step instructions in technical documentation (technical).
There is currently a growing interest in collecting original illustrations used in books, magazines and posters. Many museum exhibitions, magazines and art galleries provide space for illustrators of the past.
In the world of visual arts and art criticism, illustrators are usually valued more than graphic designers, but less than artists. However, as a result of growing interest in computer games and comics, illustrations have become a very popular and profitable form visual arts.
Illustration is widely used in magazines, advertising and books. Small images can quickly convey to the reader the main idea of ​​the text and act as a visual image (Material from Wikipedia).

Illustrator designs printed publications. This could be developing the design of a book, magazine, or creating a series of thematic illustrations for literary work, article. In addition to the fact that the illustrator must be a real artist - master the drawing technique, work with the help of different art materials, create unique images with the inherent features of the author’s style - the illustrator must also be a good reader and translator: he must translate the author’s verbal intent into the language of visual art. So an illustrator is more than an artist, he is a co-author of a poet and writer. Modern illustrators must be able to draw using graphic computer programs.

We will need materials:
-sheet of paper (A3 format)
-simple pencil, brushes, stack, black felt-tip pen
-a glass for water

Progress of the master class:

We begin work with a preliminary pencil sketch and build a composition. We begin to draw the sorcerer from his head and beard, draw an elongated triangle (beard) and round it off from the side of the head. We draw the face, add hair on the sides of the head, the sorcerer will have a bald spot.

Then we start drawing the body, the basis is an elongated rectangular shape from the shoulder line.

We immediately add the lines and details of the costume.

We add an owl to the composition, an integral companion of sorcerers and witches. And we start sculpting, working in technology plasticine painting, apply small pieces of plasticine to the surface of the paper.

We add bright plumage to the owl. Next we are working on the sorcerer’s costume, he will have black trousers and a cloak.

Add a gray beard and hair, working in a stack.

The second part of the work on the illustration will be with paints, drawing the landscape surrounding the hero.

We draw clouds against the wet background of the sky, which helps to depict them more real. We draw Christmas trees.

A sorcerer - in Russian beliefs, more often than not, is an experienced old man who knows how to cast a spell, cast spells, and communicates with the other world and creatures. Possesses secret magical knowledge and techniques. Sorcerers, not as common in villages as healers and witches, are perceived by peasants as older, “strong” sorcerers. Sometimes a sorcerer is represented as a formidable, evil or scary, ugly old man, but he can be an ordinary-looking person, a peasant, endowed with the ability to perform sorcery.

The only thing missing from our composition is a hero, but who are these heroes?

Bogatyrs are characters from epics and legends, distinguished by great strength and performing feats of a religious or patriotic nature. Historical records and chronicles contain indications that some of the events that became epics actually took place. The heroes stood guard over Rus', at the outpost.
Ilya Muromets is the most famous and holy hero, at the same time, the most mysterious hero of the Russian epic. It is difficult to find a person in Russia who has never heard of this glorious hero from ancient city Muroma. Most know about him only what they remember from childhood from 11 epics and fairy tales, and are often amazed at the complexity and ambiguity of this image. Scientists of various specialties have been struggling to solve the mysteries associated with it for almost two centuries, but mysteries still remain. Very little reliable information about the life of this saint has survived to this day. He came from a simple background peasant family. In childhood and adolescence he suffered from paralysis, however miraculously was healed. Before his tonsure, he was a member of the princely squad and became famous for his military exploits and unprecedented strength. The relics of St. Elijah resting in the Anthony Caves show that for his time he really had very impressive dimensions and was head and shoulders taller than a man of average height.
According to folk legends, after the baptism of Rus', the high priest of Perun, Bogomil, hid in the Murom forests. He became the leader of the robbers, destroying people with his loud whistle - the Nightingale - the robber. According to folk legends, the Russian hero Ilya Muromsky killed him, but epic hero Elijah is the venerable wonderworker, venerable martyr Elijah of Murom of the Kiev-Pechersk, whose relics rest in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.