Draw a birch tree with a pencil step by step for children beauty. Birch in watercolor. Draw the general contour of the birch crown

How to draw a birch? Even if you are a complete beginner artist, this will not be a problem, because you have a good and simple step by step lesson drawings from LessDraw. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing (in our case, a pencil, an eraser, plain white paper and some materials for coloring the picture, for example, paints or colored pencils), then you can safely begin! You will definitely succeed.

First, let's draw a birch trunk, leaving a little space at the top and bottom. We try to make the lines neat and beautiful, and if something doesn’t work out, we correct ourselves with an eraser. Notice how slender the trunk of such a tree is - like a birch, it does not at all look like a trunk, for example,. We make a smooth bend and a gradual narrowing towards the top.

Now we need to add additional branches. The lower the birch branches, the longer. Notice how they curve sharply towards the tip. Add the required number of branches and at the same time make sure that even at this stage the birch tree looks harmonious.

At this stage I make a few strokes, these will be the outlines of the crown. Next, I will erase these lines; I need them to build the shape of the crown and the overall volume.

Throughout this area, from the main branches we draw additional ones. They have the shape of a wave, several come from one branch at once and all of them different lengths. As a result, you should end up with something like this.

Now we remove the extra lines and start coloring the trunk. Distinctive feature Birch trees have dark spots on the bark, and we definitely need to take this point into account during the drawing process. If you are planning to draw a winter birch tree, then you can stop at this stage - all that remains is to just finish drawing the bluish snow, landscape and get rid of unnecessary strokes. We will continue to draw.

Gradually fill in the birch branches. Try to draw leaves of approximately the same size; they can become only a little smaller than the standard ones at the ends of the branches.

Birch is one of the symbols of our homeland - Russia. Endless fields, forests, and beautiful white-trunked trees - curly birches. This is the picture of central Russia. Birch is a very beautiful tree. It has a white trunk with black notches - spots. The thick spreading crown of the tree provides shade and coolness on a hot summer day. You can also collect very tasty and healthy birch sap from the birch tree in the spring.

To do this, cuts are made on the tree trunk, a jar is tied under the cut and thick viscous birch sap is dripped into it. But you can’t just do this, because the symbol of our forest is protected by the state. This is done in special nurseries. A lot has been written about the birch tree wonderful songs. On many canvases of great artists it is depicted as an unchanging symbol of Russian nature. We draw a Russian curly birch tree step by step.

Stage 1. First, let's draw a slightly curved, wavy, thin birch trunk. We will darken some places on it with spots. From the birch we draw several branches to the sides. At the top we frame the upper vertical branches with a crown of leaves. To do this, draw wavy lines, going around the branches from above. Then we add some branches on the tree and start drawing out the foliage areas.

Stage 2. We move further, drawing more and more islands from leaves. We add foliage to the branches in smooth waves. This is how our crown is filled with more and more new areas of foliage. It becomes thick and lush. Draw areas of foliage, going around all the branches of the tree.

Stage 3. Let's draw more leaves at the top and bottom on separate branches.

Stage 4. The result black and white drawing paint it bright green. Here comes the forest beauty birch!


How to draw a birch tree step by step.

Anyone can immediately recognize a birch tree in both winter and summer white color bark. Birch bark is very white with longitudinal light brown specks, but they are small and indistinguishable on the scale of the entire tree. From a distance, we also see marks on the birch trunk - black cracks in the bark and traces of dead branches. On large branches the bark is also white, but on thinner ones it is dark brown, almost black. In silver birch (also known as weeping birch), young thin branches often hang in long strands. But, I note, this is not the case with all birches. Very often you see birch trees growing nearby and one is all drooping, the branches hang like a living curtain, and the second one stands cheerfully, like a linden tree or a poplar tree - no despondency.

Comrades, when learning to draw trees in kindergarten kids are offered the image of a “birch tree”, reminiscent of a triangle... in general, a speckled carrot with four or five hanging branches. Having mastered this image, children subsequently stamp any “birch” tree like this, introducing some variety only in the width of the base of the “trunk”, that is, from an acute triangle the trunk gradually turns into an obtuse one. I don’t know what to do with this. Just DO NOT teach such distorted and schematic conventional signs. But in kindergarten this is almost inevitable. What to do now, how to draw a birch realistically?

Well... consciously abandon the stereotypes instilled in infancy and try to see a real tree, and not a template imprinted in the head. In fact it is possible.

Why am I talking about this? - Because children, when drawing both from imagination and from life, operate mainly with cliches hardened in infancy and experience strong internal resistance to the very idea of ​​drawing from life. Therefore, I would teach drawing trees from life only to teenagers who have already gained awareness and only to those who love plants and really want to learn how to draw trees in a similar way. This is my opinion. What do you think about this?

So, let’s draw a birch tree step by step.

The sequence is the same as always when drawing plants: first draw a diagram of the trunk and branches with a pencil.

Let us denote the crown and individual large branches:

Here I confess honestly, from this point on I have already painted houses - with felt-tip pens and then with watercolors. My resolve is definitely not enough to go out alone with a box of watercolors, water and brushes. The ability not to be embarrassed in public does not develop overnight.

Drooping branches with small leaves were painted with pokes - brush number 1.

1. When drawing leaves, note that the vein goes into the stalk. Note also that the midrib of some leaves divides them exactly in half.
To draw a leaf, first draw an oval. Then draw a middle line and lightly outline both halves. Check the accuracy of the drawing, and then draw the halves more clearly. Now add cloves along the edges of the leaf.
When coloring a leaf, remember that the veins are lighter than the leaf itself.

2. You can start drawing an oak leaf with an oval narrowed downward. A vein runs through the middle of the oval, turning into the leaf stalk. The edges of an oak leaf resemble waves.

3. Drawing maple leaf Let's start by displaying its shape. Then you need to find the node of all the veins of the leaf (a maple leaf has five main veins, around each of which there is, as it were, a separate leaf) and outline their direction. Then draw the jagged edges.

4. Now let's try to draw a branch with leaves. First, look at it: how many leaves are on the branch, how are they located relative to the branch, what size are they, are they all visible in their entirety, what is the shape of the leaves, which leaves seem darker, which are lighter, are the leaves the same color? Having answered these questions, proceed to drawing according to the first scheme.
When starting the second stage, trace the direction of the veins and marginal notches on each leaf.
When painting the drawing, use light and shadow to show the volume and color of the leaves.

5. Drawing a tree should start from the trunk. The trunk is the thickest part of the tree. The trunk is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. The branches are located along the trunk and directed upward. The closer to the top of the tree, the shorter the tree branches.
After the trunk, draw large tree branches. They are drawn in the same way as a trunk: thinner at the top, thicker closer to the trunk. The branches on the trunk are at different distances.
Then we draw small branches that extend from the large ones. There are many of them. Small branches are drawn of the same thickness - they are thin, but in many trees they also stretch upward.

6. One of the most common trees in our country is birch. Before you draw it, look at it carefully. The peculiarity of birch branches is that they are quite thin, bend, hang down, and thicker branches are divided into even thinner branches. When the wind blows, the birch branches sway from side to side.

7. The silhouette of the Christmas tree resembles a triangle. When drawing it, you should remember that instead of leaves it has needles.

8. When drawing trees in a landscape, it should be taken into account that being away from the tree, we see only its general shape, which needs to be depicted.

There are many growing in Russia beautiful trees, pleasing the eye with its gorgeous foliage. But only one is mentioned in films and songs more often than the rest. White birch is an inspiration for many poets, screenwriters, musicians and artists. The latter convey it especially accurately appearance on canvas, depicting with her beautiful scenery V different times year. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the picture looks unique, original and interesting in its own way. Of course, it is unlikely that a beginner or a child will be able to redraw a masterpiece, but it is quite possible to create your own drawing of a birch tree with a pencil if you have a master class with step by step instructions and visual photos. So why not try to depict your vision of this tree, using a selection of ideas collected in today’s article?! With the right approach, a drawing with a birch tree made in pencil will turn out no worse than the original in the pictures below.

So, what is a birch tree drawing in pencil? Let's find out today!

Pencil drawing of a birch in summer, MK + photo

During the summer season, nature is fragrant, delighting those around with its beauty. Loose green leaves combined with zebroid bark form a harmonious tandem that complements the sunny weather and blue sky with soft snow-white clouds. You can look at this nature endlessly, the only pity is that summer lasts only three months. However, you can capture this beauty on an album sheet by inserting the finished work into a frame and hanging it on the wall.

To start drawing, prepare everything you need in advance. Gather together the stationery supplies without which it will be impossible to start and finish the painting. It's about about landscape sheet or A4 paper, a simple pencil, preferably with a soft lead, eraser and colored pencils or watercolor paints to complete the job.

  • Step #1 - initial sketch

The first thing you need to think about is the initial sketch. On it you need to depict 4 tree trunks and one seedling. Three birch trees should be located on the left side in a row, and on the right there should be only one mature tree and a small seedling. You can draw a path as a divider, highlight the foreground with the tops of trees sticking out in the distance, and the near one with a block of stones.

  • Step No. 2 - next drawing

The strokes on the birch, branches and green grass growing around the tree trunks are the next part of the composition.

  • Step No. 3 - long and close-up

The foreground should be highlighted by the tops of trees sticking out in the distance, and the near one by a block of stones.

  • Step #4 - foliage

Draw the crown of the trees, as if falling from the branches of each birch.

  • Step No. 5 - final

It remains a matter of little things - shading, highlighting contours and coloring the finished sketch in black and white.

Drawing a birch tree in pencil for children in spring, master class + photo

This MK is designed for children school age who decided to get creative by depicting a birch tree in spring. Unlike the first option, this one involves the image of one curved tree with branches leaning down and bright green leaves growing on them, which have not yet become saturated.

The meaning of step-by-step work is to carry out all the instructions step by step. The diagram with a photo includes drawing a tree and leaves, as well as coloring it.

Birch tree in winter pencil drawing

Drawing a tree in winter is easier than in spring, autumn and summer. A bare crown without leaves with snow lying on the branches and falling snowflakes looks best at night, when the dark sky with stars is set off by a white snowball that slightly merges with a white sheet of paper.

Pencil drawing of a birch tree in autumn, photo

Autumn allows you to bring your drawing to life. Falling leaves different colors allow you to transport your author into the whirlpool of autumn leaf fall. With the right approach, you can get beautiful picture won't be difficult.

Beautiful pencil drawings of birch, photo ideas: