Nadezhda Valner Olgin Grad summary. Get to know your native land. Revival of hope Andrey Martyanov

“After the Hail” is a new book of prose by Anatoly Zemlyansky. Before that, he published two collections of stories, as well as a book of poems, “This Lives in Me.” Both the prose and poetry of Anatoly Zemlyansky are characterized by a close look at life, the desire for a lyrical and philosophical understanding of what he saw and experienced. This is especially characteristic of this collection, in which acute problems of human relations are raised based on the material of army life during the war and post-war times. The stories and short stories contain difficult life situations, emotional lines about courage,...

Phantom Taxi (collection of stories) Dmitry Suslin

In the spring of 1999, I came to the editorial office of the SCH-Stolitsa newspaper and brought the story “The Death of the White King.” After the newspaper was published, the public liked the story so much that I began to write further, trying to make each story look like a real report from the life of the city. And people believed that everything that was written actually happened, and alarmed citizens called the editorial office all day long. People passed newspaper sheets to each other, and they passed from hand to hand, and their fame spread far beyond the borders of Cheboksary. “He’s not Stephen King yet, but reading his stories...

Stories by William Faulkner

These Thirteen (1930) Victory Ad Astra They're All Dead Those Old Pilots Cleft Red Leaves A Rose for Emily Justice Hair When Night Falls Dry September Mistral Divorce in Naples Carcassonne Dr. Martineau (1934) Smoke Full Turn Around Wash Come Down, Moses (1942) Was Fire and Hearth Black Harlequinade Old Men Autumn in the Delta Horse's Move (1949) Hand Outstretched on the Waters Error in the Chemical Formula Seven Stories (1950) Arsonist Tall People Bear Hunt Mule in the Yard...

Requiems (Stories) Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

The cycle of stories “Requiems” initiates the reader into the problem of death as a separate, independent subject of artistic depiction. At the same time, the concept of death is considered by L. Petrushevskaya in a variety of manifestations. This is the death of marital love (“I love you”), and the collapse of the bright hopes of youth, the loss of optimism in life (“Jewish Verochka”), and the dying of the soul, spiritual degradation (“The Lady with the Dogs”), and the loss of compassion for someone else’s misfortune (“ Who will answer?"

The Sorcerer in October (collection of stories) Mikhail Babkin

The collection “The Sorcerer in October” includes 12 short stories Mikhail Babkin. They are all about how magic bursts into our everyday lives without asking and what comes out of it. Accordingly, among the characters – the most ordinary people- suddenly fairies, demons, sorcerers, Father Frost, the serpent Ermungand and even V.I. Lenin himself appear.

Scary tales about Shgar. Story five: “about... Rustam Niyazov

Despite the fact that in this story about the glorious city of Shgar, we will talk about a completely different city, no less glorious, scary story it won’t become any more gratifying, but the thought of how strong our habit of judging loved ones is, not giving them the opportunity to protect themselves from our judgment - this thought is depressing, without any doubt...

Stories of the Hedgehog Victor Dan

This book is about the adventures of the Hedgehog. In his stories, Hedgehog will share life observations and conclusions from meetings with the inhabitants of the garden and its surroundings: the Mistress, the Worm, the Snake, the Magpie and many others. For preschool and younger children school age, as well as for adults who will read the book to their children and grandchildren.

Stories, feuilletons, pamphlets Jaroslav Hasek

The first volume of the Works of the Czech writer Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923) includes stories, feuilletons, and pamphlets written in 1901-1908. Translation from Czech Compilation and notes by S. V. Nikolsky The text is printed according to the edition: Hasek Jaroslav. Collected works in six volumes. T1.– M.: Fiction, 1983.

The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer

« Canterbury Tales» English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (1340? – 1400) – one of the first literary monuments in a single common English language. The book clearly demonstrated the remarkable qualities of Chaucerian humanism: optimistic life-affirmation, interest in a specific person, a sense of social justice, nationality and democracy. The Canterbury Tales is a framed collection of short stories. Taking as a basis the pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Thomas Becket in Canterbury, Chaucer painted a broad canvas of English reality...

Marry an Italian or Olga's Story... Elena Larina

The passionate love of Olga Olgina, a fashion model born under the sign of Gemini, was broken due to crazy jealousy and pride. She was left alone, pregnant and without a job. Trying to secure her daughter’s future, Olya marries a rich and fabulously handsome Italian who has a business in Russia and has been in love with her for a long time. She is passionate about building new family, new career, but the fire of first love still smolders in her heart... Will real passion prevail over the arguments of reason?

White and Black (Stories) Leonid Sergeev

The writer's new book contains stories about animals. Some of them are cheerful, they contain the joy of communicating with living beings. Others are sad because we are talking about people who treat animals cruelly. But all the stories are united by the author’s concern for the fate of “our little brothers.” CONTENTS: Buran, Polkan and others Grass near our house At the forester Gray Trickster Anchar A fairy tale for Alyonka White and Black Ryzhik My hedgehog friends Menagerie in my apartment

The lives of remarkable people: Tales and stories Vyacheslav Pietsukh

Everyone enjoys communicating with a wonderful person, even if he (or she) is no longer in this world. You can talk mentally, or even write a letter... So to speak, into space and eternity. But, most importantly, it should be remembered that wonderful people sometimes found in completely unexpected places. For example, in the next apartment. And the fact that every village in our country has its own wonderful thing is a verified fact. Want to make sure? Read the stories that Vyacheslav Pietsukh wrote down for you - also, by the way, absolutely wonderful! The collection includes the following...

The book of the most eminent English writer, scientist and humanist Charles Percy Snow (1905–1980), composed two novels: “A Time of Hope” and “Homecoming,” which were included in the cycle of novels that brought Snow great fame. The action of all novels covers more than half of our century - from the early 1910s to the end of the 1960s. Snow created a significant socio-psychological epic with his works, where in artistic form given an understanding of his era and its people.

Marry an Italian or Olga's Story... Elena Larina

The passionate love of Olga Olgina, a fashion model born under the sign of Gemini, was broken due to crazy jealousy and pride. She was left alone, pregnant and without a job. Trying to secure her daughter’s future, Olya marries a rich and fabulously handsome Italian who has a business in Russia and has been in love with her for a long time. She is enthusiastically building a new family, a new career, but the fire of her first love still smolders in her heart... Will true passion prevail over the arguments of reason?

The hopes and travails of Russian football Oleg Milshtein

“The Hopes and Torments of Russian Football” is the first book in the “The World Plays Ball” series. Based on sociological interviews with fifty experts - nationally famous football players, coaches, journalists, writers, poets, scientists, politicians and other football fans, the book shows the place and role of football in modern society and in the country in particular. There has never been such a view of football in Russian or even in world literature. This is the originality, unusualness and originality of the book.

Big City Hope Luann Rice

The life of single father Christopher Byrne did not foretell any changes at all. For many years, growing Christmas trees on his farm, he dreamed only of family happiness, devoting himself entirely to children. He dreamed that very soon they would become full participants in the family business and continue his life’s work. However, these hopes will not come true. On one of his trips to New York, Danny's son runs away from his father to pursue his own dream. Going in search of the fugitive, Christopher could not even imagine. what trials await him in the flooded Christmas...

The city beyond the Lukomorye Boris Izyumsky

“The City Beyond the Lukomorye” is the second story about Yevsey Bovkun (the beginning is in the story “Salt Road”). Together with the main character, following the Chumatsky convoy, the reader will go to the Crimea for salt, the virgin steppe untouched by the plow, will witness the brutal battles of the Polovtsians with the Russian people... This will be an exciting journey! With great skill, reliably and in full accordance with historical truth, the author weaves into the fate of the independent and proud Yevsey Bovkun the emergence of the first Russian settlements in the wild, but then free Don region. Here from the oppression of princes...

Revival of hope Andrey Martyanov

Since childhood, Wolfhound has heard stories about the Last War. But, suffering in the underground mines of the Gem Mountains, he did not suspect that they once housed the power that became the cause of the terrible disaster that struck the world. Hordes of nomads descended on peaceful cities and villages. The well-trained troops of Sakkarem, Nardar, Khalisun and Narlak are unable to resist the invaders. The Eastern continent is on fire, the world is doomed, and it seems the Gods themselves are in despair. However, four brave men, armed with knowledge of the causes of the Last War, accept the challenge thrown at people. Final…

Summer of my hopes Elena Usacheva

Katya Zhdanova had very high hopes for this summer. She passionately wanted to fall in love - and in such a way that it would take your breath away! So that it would be the kind of love that would be forever remembered by both her and everyone she knew from the holiday village. The hero of her novel was Sasha Serov - the one who fearlessly threw himself into the fire, saving Katya, gave her a bouquet of flowers... In general, Sasha is the best! And in this wonderful love story the third wheel got in - a treacherous rival...

Roads of Hope (collection) Vyacheslav Nazarov

Nazarov V. A. Roads of Hope: Science Fiction Stories. / Preface D. Zhukova; Artist V. Ivanyuk. M.: Young Guard, 1982. - (Library of Soviet Science Fiction). - 304 pages, 1 rub., 100,000 copies. The book by the famous Siberian science fiction writer Vyacheslav Nazarov included his best works, united by a common plan: to convey the heroism of exploring new spaces of distant planets and worlds, to visibly outline the features and character of future star explorers.

The Enduring Hopes of Mary Hilstrom

A talented journalist and TV presenter Nadya Adam, having separated from her husband, leaves Los Angeles and settles in a small town. Here she buys the unprofitable Free Press newspaper in the hope of making it prosperous. In addition, she intends to raise her ten-year-old daughter away from the temptations of big cities. Chance brings her together with Dr. Aden Smith. Passionate love faced with a serious test, separation and new meeting- this is what awaits the main characters of this exciting love story.

Doomed City Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

The novel “The Doomed City” is a kind of dystopia. The action takes place on mysterious planet, where mysterious experimenters - the so-called Mentors - gathered earthlings of the 20th century. Each earthling voluntarily decided to participate in an unknown Experiment, each voluntarily left his time and his country - Germany in the 1940s, the USA in the 1960s, Sweden in the 1970s. etc. Most of them live in a certain City under an artificial sun. The experiment gets out of the control of the Mentors, and various development models are further considered...

Hope for happiness Laura Gurk

It's not easy for a young woman to manage a plantation alone. Constantly required strong hands, but the unmarried beauty Olivia has no one to count on. Out of compassion, she agrees to give shelter to the wounded Conor Branigan and hopes that after his recovery he will help her with the plantation. However, Conor rejects Olivia's offer to stay. He, like a tumbleweed, never stayed long in one place. His heart did not know love, and his soul was unaccustomed to female warmth. And yet Olivia’s passionate devotion gives Conor hope for happiness...

Shore of Hope Dalia Truskinovskaya

As Taoist wisdom says, if you have an enemy, you don’t need to do anything. You have to sit on the river bank and wait, and sooner or later the corpse of your enemy will float past you. A certain Center of Eastern Wisdom undertook to confirm the truth: it rented a section of the river, set up chairs, created a register of enemies of its clients, organized television broadcasting for its clientele, the publication of the magazines “Light of Expectation” and “Shore of Hope”, established a trade in chips, pizza and soft drinks in anticipation of the enemy - everything according to the latest marketing trends. But this pleasure is not cheap.…

The story of glorious heroes, the golden city... Tamara Likhotal

"The Tale of glorious heroes, the golden city of Kyiv and the great misfortune on the Russian land” by T. Likhotal - a novel-trilogy. Its heroes are the heroes of the Russian epic: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and others epic heroes, and the action of the novel develops based on epic plots. But “The Tale of the Heroes” is not a retelling of epics. Folk heroes, the heroes of the epic, appeared before the reader in a new quality: they seemed to become characters in an artistic and documentary story.

Road of Hope by Anne Golon

Beautiful and brave, seductive and decisive. A noble lady and a robber. Avenger and adventurer. Beloved and wife. This is Angelica, the most famous book heroine of our century. The story of Angelica's adventures captivated the whole world. Films based on novels about her enjoyed - and continue to enjoy - wild popularity. Millions of women watch with bated breath the sharp turns of fate of the Countess de Peyrac, risk and suffer with her, love and dare, boldly rush towards dangers and do not lose hope for happiness...

Signal of hope Mikhail Lvovsky

The book “Signal of Hope” includes stories and films dedicated to various problems of the younger generation. These are issues of moral and aesthetic education. The heroes of the stories are busy searching for a place in life, striving to understand themselves, determine relationships with comrades, teachers, parents; they experience the first joys and sorrows of life, their first love. The author’s three stories formed a trilogy: “I loved you,” “Dot, dot, comma...”, “We didn’t go through this.” Films based on these stories were awarded prizes at all-Union and international…

Arthur and the taking of the city Luc Beson

The adventures of the daring Arthur, the wayward princess of Selenia and the cuteness of Betamesh continue... In the tarsen on the hidden treasure and the uncle on Arthur, they penetrate into the surceto for the gold - The city of Abduction, called Necropolis. There obache gi ochakva samyat mu ruler - Maltazar Prokalnatiya. The villains have an insidious plan - yes, for the sake of the village, for the sake of the sovereign ruler on Sedemte earth. Dali obacheta drazkata princess not e dala veche syrceto si na nyakoy friend?

The blog “Get to know your native land” is a virtual journey for children around the Pskov region and is the embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the Centralized project library system Pskov “Get to know your native land!”

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - Library - Center for Communication and Information, Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and in the innovation and methodological department of the Central City Library.

The main goal of the project is to give a basic idea of ​​the historical past of the Pskov region, its present, about the people (personalities) who glorified the Pskov region, about the richness and originality of the nature of the Pskov region.

The project united library workers, participants educational process and parents.

"Cultivating love for native land, to native culture, to native village or city, to your native speech is a task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for the native land turns into love for one’s country - for its history, its past and present” (D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Phot. Petra Kosykh.
Our region has made a significant contribution to the formation, development and defense of Russian statehood, to the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, has more than once set an example of understanding all-Russian interests, generated local experience that became the property of society, and put forward bright heroic personalities, prominent scientists, writers, artists.

Project implementation partners:

City schools:
· Secondary school No. 24 named after. L.I. Malyakova (primary school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Grigorieva)
· Secondary school No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (primary school teacher Tatyana Pavlovna Ovchinnikova)
· Border - customs - legal lyceum (primary school teacher Ivanova Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers:
Pasman Tatyana Borisovna – methodologist in history, social studies and law POIPKRO

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Humanitarian Education, Pskov State University.

Blog Editor:
Burova N.G. - manager Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Central City Hospital of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project that originally formed the basis for the creation of this resource has been completed, our local history blog continues to successfully exist and develop. Being at its core an information and educational resource and a good help for those who want to get to know Pskov and the amazing Pskov region (especially for children), - be it the opening of a monument in Pskov or on the territory of the Pskov region, impressions of trips to one of the corners of the Pskov region, the creation of a new local history toy library or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the publication of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

Materials from this blog can also be used on school activities, and at library events, or can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting on the pages of our blog for all the guys who are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region, and, in turn, we promise to delight our visitors with new materials. By the way, blog updates can be tracked in the section

Fans of the legendary Brazilian telenovela “Land of Love, Land of Hope”! Do you, like millions of viewers around the world, want to know how the fates of two Italian families in Brazil turned out? Will the handsome Tony, whom many lovely women dream of, be able to remain faithful to his beloved, who was forcibly betrothed to an unloved man? Will they open dangerous secrets, kept for many years under the cover of oblivion? Before you is a novel that does not follow the plot of the series, but is ahead of it! Read and enjoy. You will find out everything!!! Literary…

Without Hope B. Sedov

A woman appears again in the life of Konstantin Razin, nicknamed the Witch Doctor, and with her, it seems, hope appears. But when the woman he fell in love with falls into the hands of the FSB, the Medicine Man has to choose - love or freedom. And no matter what choice he makes, he has no hope of salvation...

Time for Hope Charles Snow

The book by the most prominent English writer, scientist, and humanist Charles Percy Snow (1905–1980) consisted of two novels: “A Time of Hope” and “Homecoming,” which were included in the cycle of novels that brought Snow great fame. The action of all novels covers more than half of our century - from the early 1910s to the end of the 1960s. With his works, Snow created a significant socio-psychological epic, where in artistic form an understanding of his era and its people was given.

Marry an Italian or Olga's Story... Elena Larina

The passionate love of Olga Olgina, a fashion model born under the sign of Gemini, was broken due to crazy jealousy and pride. She was left alone, pregnant and without a job. Trying to secure her daughter’s future, Olya marries a rich and fabulously handsome Italian who has a business in Russia and has been in love with her for a long time. She is enthusiastically building a new family, a new career, but the fire of her first love still smolders in her heart... Will true passion prevail over the arguments of reason?

Learn to read quickly Oleg Andreev

The book talks about how to learn to read quickly, understand what you read more deeply and more fully, the reasons for slow reading and techniques for mastering the technique of fast and effective reading. The authors provide 10 conversations with exercises and control tasks, allowing you to independently or with the help of teachers master the speed reading method.

The hopes and travails of Russian football Oleg Milshtein

“The Hopes and Torments of Russian Football” is the first book in the “The World Plays Ball” series. Based on sociological interviews with fifty experts - nationally famous football players, coaches, journalists, writers, poets, scientists, politicians and other football fans, the book shows the place and role of football in modern society and in the country in particular. There has never been such a view of football in Russian or even in world literature. This is the originality, unusualness and originality of the book.

Big City Hope Luann Rice

The life of single father Christopher Byrne did not foretell any changes at all. For many years, growing Christmas trees on his farm, he dreamed only of family happiness, devoting himself entirely to children. He dreamed that very soon they would become full participants in the family business and continue his life’s work. However, these hopes will not come true. On one of his trips to New York, Danny's son runs away from his father to pursue his own dream. Going in search of the fugitive, Christopher could not even imagine. what trials await him in the flooded Christmas...

The city beyond the Lukomorye Boris Izyumsky

“The City Beyond the Lukomorye” is the second story about Yevsey Bovkun (the beginning is in the story “Salt Road”). Together with the main character, following the Chumatsky convoy, the reader will go to the Crimea for salt, the virgin steppe untouched by the plow, will witness the brutal battles of the Polovtsians with the Russian people... This will be an exciting journey! With great skill, reliably and in full accordance with historical truth, the author weaves into the fate of the independent and proud Yevsey Bovkun the emergence of the first Russian settlements in the wild, but then free Don region. Here from the oppression of princes...

Revival of hope Andrey Martyanov

Since childhood, Wolfhound has heard stories about the Last War. But, suffering in the underground mines of the Gem Mountains, he did not suspect that they once housed the power that became the cause of the terrible disaster that struck the world. Hordes of nomads descended on peaceful cities and villages. The well-trained troops of Sakkarem, Nardar, Khalisun and Narlak are unable to resist the invaders. The Eastern continent is on fire, the world is doomed, and it seems the Gods themselves are in despair. However, four brave men, armed with knowledge of the causes of the Last War, accept the challenge thrown at people. Final…

Summer of my hopes Elena Usacheva

Katya Zhdanova had very high hopes for this summer. She passionately wanted to fall in love - and in such a way that it would take your breath away! So that it would be the kind of love that would be forever remembered by both her and everyone she knew from the holiday village. The hero of her novel was Sasha Serov - the one who fearlessly threw himself into the fire, saving Katya, gave her a bouquet of flowers... In general, Sasha is the best! And now a third extra has infiltrated this wonderful love story - an insidious rival...

Not for adults. Time to read! Marietta Chudakova

The famous literary historian of the 20th century, a world-famous expert on Bulgakov’s work and the author of his “Biography”, as well as the author of the most fascinating detective story for teenagers “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina” talks about books that, at any cost, should be read before the age of 16 - under no circumstances later! Because the books on this Golden Shelf, collected for you by Marietta Chudakova, are so cunningly written that if you are late and start reading them as adults, you will never get the pleasure that is contained in them just for you -...

How to read books by S. Povarnin

How do we usually read books? So, “as it reads.” So, as our mood, our mental properties, established skills, external circumstances suggest. It seems to us that we read well. Meanwhile, this is, for the most part, a mistake.

Roads of Hope (collection) Vyacheslav Nazarov

Nazarov V. A. Roads of Hope: Science Fiction Stories. / Preface D. Zhukova; Artist V. Ivanyuk. M.: Young Guard, 1982. - (Library of Soviet Science Fiction). - 304 pages, 1 rub., 100,000 copies. The book by the famous Siberian science fiction writer Vyacheslav Nazarov includes his best works, united by a common plan: to convey the heroism of exploring new spaces of distant planets and worlds, to visually outline the features and character of future explorers.

The Enduring Hopes of Mary Hilstrom

A talented journalist and TV presenter Nadya Adam, having separated from her husband, leaves Los Angeles and settles in a small town. Here she buys the unprofitable Free Press newspaper in the hope of making it prosperous. In addition, she intends to raise her ten-year-old daughter away from the temptations of big cities. Chance brings her together with Dr. Aden Smith. Passionate love, faced with a serious test, separation and a new meeting - this is what awaits the main characters of this fascinating love story.

Gentlemen don't read other people's letters Oleg Goryainov

Don't gentlemen read other people's letters? It’s also how they read it if these gentlemen work in intelligence. They also climb into other people’s beds, feed other people’s terrorists, and lure carriers of other people’s secrets into “honey traps.” There is a Game going on in which there is no place for morality and compassion. The interests of the Motherland are above all, and the interests of a corporation called the GRU - the Main Intelligence Directorate - are even higher. And life in this world, turned into a battlefield between opposing intelligence services, would be completely unbearable if not for the intervention of the ineradicable “human...

Doomed City Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

The novel “The Doomed City” is a kind of dystopia. The action takes place on a mysterious planet, where mysterious experimenters - the so-called Mentors - gathered earthlings of the 20th century. Each earthling voluntarily decided to participate in an unknown Experiment, each voluntarily left his time and his country - Germany in the 1940s, the USA in the 1960s, Sweden in the 1970s. etc. Most of them live in a certain City under an artificial sun. The experiment gets out of the control of the Mentors, and various development models are further considered...

Hope for happiness Laura Gurk

It's not easy for a young woman to manage a plantation alone. Strong hands are constantly needed, but the unmarried beauty Olivia has no one to count on. Out of compassion, she agrees to give shelter to the wounded Conor Branigan and hopes that after his recovery he will help her with the plantation. However, Conor rejects Olivia's offer to stay. He, like a tumbleweed, never stayed long in one place. His heart did not know love, and his soul was unaccustomed to female warmth. And yet Olivia’s passionate devotion gives Conor hope for happiness...

Shore of Hope Dalia Truskinovskaya

As Taoist wisdom says, if you have an enemy, you don’t need to do anything. You have to sit on the river bank and wait, and sooner or later the corpse of your enemy will float past you. A certain Center of Eastern Wisdom undertook to confirm the truth: it rented a section of the river, set up chairs, created a register of enemies of its clients, organized television broadcasting for its clientele, the publication of the magazines “Light of Expectation” and “Shore of Hope”, established a trade in chips, pizza and soft drinks in anticipation of the enemy - everything according to the latest marketing trends. But this pleasure is not cheap.…

Polchaninov Rostislav Vladimirovich (b. 1919, Novocherkassk). Emigrant since 1920. He studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade. Member of the National Organization of Russian Scouts (NORS), the Russian Falcon society, and the National Labor Union of the New Generation. During the Great Patriotic War- employee of the Orthodox mission in occupied Pskov, one of the main leaders of the underground work of NORS in Europe. Since 1951 he has lived in the USA. Teacher at Russian parish schools. Author of a number of textbooks on the history and geography of Russia, the history of Russian America and Russian art. Head of the Historical Commission of the Organization of Russian Young Scouts (ORUR). In 1967-1983 - employee of Radio Liberty. Publisher of the bulletins “Pages of History”, “To Help the Leader”, and the magazine “Ways of the Russian Falconry”. Collector, bibliophile. In 2005, US citizen R.V. Polchaninov donated to the Pskov Regional Universal scientific library more than a hundred copies of rare local history literature, handwritten materials of the 18th-19th centuries, as well as his own letters - memories of the work of the Pskov Orthodox mission in occupied Pskov. Subsequently, several dozen more documents were transferred to the library. Today, the Regional Center for Work with Rare and Valuable Documents “Library of Rostislav Vladimirovich Polchaninov” has 220 storage units.