National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana. Cuban art featured

Unique museum Liberty Islands

February 23, 1913 was marked for Havana by the opening of an amazing museum, which, in turn, became one of the most visited and popular museums cities. On this day, thanks to the assistance of Emilio Heredia, the doors of the National Museum opened fine arts in Havana.

Today National Museum The Palace of Fine Arts, also known as the Palace of Fine Arts, is the main center of painting and all art in Cuba. Thanks to the huge number of exhibits presented to the audience and hidden in the storerooms of the national museum, this museum complex Havana ranks high in importance among other museums in the world. The National Museum of Fine Arts houses more than 47 thousand amazing works. Today the museum occupies two buildings, where the Asturias Center for Foreign Art and the Palace of Fine Arts are located.

The National Museum of Fine Arts is located in Havana, in its historical center - on Trocadero Street.

The modern building, erected in the 20th century, fits well into medieval architecture streets represented by ancient palaces. Famous museum Havana covers an area of ​​8 thousand square meters, where more than 1,200 works of art are presented to viewers. Visitors to the National Museum of Fine Arts have a unique opportunity to see paintings, engravings and sculptures by the most famous Cuban masters and artists. Moreover, all works are divided into 4 blocks, each of which contains exhibits of a certain period.

Asturias Museum Center

Occupied by the Asturias Center, the Havana Museum building includes galleries and public rooms, a video room and a bookstore, as well as a cafeteria. The museum's foreign painting and sculpture is divided into historical periods, of which there are 7. The Asturias Center presents works by masters from the USA, Latin America and Europe.

The main place in the exhibition of the foreign department of the Havana Museum is occupied by paintings from Flemish and Spanish XIX century, central works here are paintings by Joaquin Sorolla.

Art department Ancient world represented by works Ancient Greece and Rome, as well Ancient Egypt. In addition, the Havana Museum has Etruscan, Phoenician and Mesopotamian archaeological finds. In this section, the main place is occupied by the ancient Greek amphora of the 5th century BC.

Cuban art featured

The Cuban exhibition of the National Museum of Fine Arts is represented mainly by works by Cuban authors of the 18th-21st centuries. Moreover, all works are distributed by period and represent the full range of Cuban schools and movements. Exhibitions of contemporary masters are organized here throughout the year.

A special place in the museum of the city of Havana is occupied by the works of pioneers contemporary art. Victor Manuel Garcia is considered a prominent representative of modern art, creating magnificent living landscapes. The paintings of this master are kept in the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Havana is a city of amazing museums of various types. The museums of Havana occupy a high place in the ranking of the best museums in the world, and they deserve it.

Havana is a city with almost five hundred years of history, which has preserved traces of successive eras. Next to the colonial buildings are located modern houses– Walking along the ancient cobbled streets, you can easily find yourself in the center, with noisy bars, hotels and restaurants. For history buffs, the museums of Havana will be a real find, allowing you to touch the past of this amazing country.

National Museum of Fine Arts

The National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana is one of the most famous cultural sites capitals. Here visitors can view the largest collection of paintings and sculptures in Cuba. The Palace has over 7,000 exhibits: the collection is classified according to certain eras - colonial art, turn of the century, modern and contemporary art. In addition to paintings and sculptures, the halls house prints and installations famous masters Cubes.

The National Museum in Havana owns historical building Asturias Center, where works of world culture are presented. Monuments of antiquity from Greece, Rome and Egypt are kept here, famous paintings European and American artists, as well as Orthodox icons. The museum also features large number works of Spanish masters.

Havana is famous for hundreds of attractions, among which the Museum of the Revolution is central place. This is due to the fact that in public consciousness“Cuba” and “revolution” are inextricably synonymous. The museum is located in the palace former president, in the historical center of Havana. At one time, the interior design was developed by the Tiffany jewelry company, which received more than a million dollars for the work.

After the fall of the Batista regime, many of the luxurious furnishings (notably the Tiffany lamps) were removed, but the chandeliers and mirrors are still preserved in the Hall of Mirrors. The President's office is of great interest, where you can see furniture and decorative items from the 40s. There are more than 8,000 exhibits in the 30 halls of the museum. The exhibitions mainly tell about the revolution during the 20th century, as well as events related to the struggle for independence from Spain. They also cover all periods of Cuban history, starting from the 15th century.

Walking along the luxurious marble staircase, you will probably notice bullet marks left after the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Batista in 1957. Among the famous exhibits of the museum are the dictator’s golden telephone, the spacesuit of the first Cuban cosmonaut Arnaldo Mendez, wax figures in full height— Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos in the field, weapons and hats of revolutionaries.

Near the museum building you can see a Soviet tank with an artillery mount and a glassed-in pavilion with Fidel Castro's yacht Granma. It was on this ship that the revolutionary and his comrades crossed from Mexico to Cuba.

  • Opening date: February 23, 1913
  • Founder: Emilio Heredia
  • Architect: Rodriguez Pichardo
  • Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00
  • Telephone: +53 7 8632657

Tourists visiting the capital do not miss the opportunity to visit the National Museum of Fine Arts. In this way, guests of Liberty Island get acquainted with Cuban creativity, starting from the colonial period and ending with the era of building socialism.

History and collections

The Museum of Fine Arts was born thanks to the efforts of the architect and its first director, Emilio Heredia, on February 23, 1913. The collection changed locations several times before finally settling in a building on the site of the former Colon Market. In the halls of the museum there is exhibited huge amount exhibits, a considerable number are hidden in storage rooms.

Approximately 47 thousand amazing works made the museum the center of painting and all the art of Cuba. The complex also ranks high in importance among other museums in the world. On an area of ​​7 thousand square meters. m exhibits such as paintings, sculptures, graphic and jewelry works.

They talk about the times ancient world and modernity, masters of Europe and Asia. To see Cuban art, you need to visit the Palace of Fine Arts itself. Works by foreign authors are exhibited at the Asturias Center.

Features of architecture and exposition

The museum building was built in the 20th century, but despite this, it fits perfectly into the surrounding environment. Next to it there are mainly old colonial palaces. The author of the geometrically verified structure was the architect Rodriguez Pichardo.

The museum exhibits are distributed in blocks, each of which displays exhibits from a certain period:

  1. Cuban exposition, which includes works dating from the 18th to 21st centuries. They reflect all schools and movements throughout the history of the state.
  2. Asturias Center, in which the works of representatives of the Flemish and Spanish paintings of the 19th century century. The collection includes about 1,600 paintings and 120 sculptures. Here you can see paintings by Joaquin Sorolla. Foreign painting occupies 7 halls. Each contains exhibits from one historical period.
  3. Hall of the Ancient World. Its main exhibit is a 5th century amphora. n. e. In addition to it, the Havana Museum contains Etruscan, Phoenician and Mesopotamian archaeological finds.
Location and opening hours

The National Museum of Fine Arts is located in the historical center, on Trocadero Street. Guests can see the museum's exhibits from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 and on Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00. The museum building houses a bookstore, video room and cafeteria for visitors.

National Museum of Fine Arts in Havana (Havana, Cuba) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The National Museum of Fine Arts of Havana has two buildings. One thing is an old palace, from the outside it looks like a temple without domes, and inside it looks like a cream cake - it is so magnificent. There was once a market on this site, but in 1913 the building was reconstructed and turned into a museum. The second is new, in modern style, built in 1953. The total area of ​​the museum is about 8 thousand square meters. m, containing 1200 art exhibits.

Cuban art is divided into temporary blocks, mainly the works of contemporary masters. Sculptures, engravings, and paintings from the 18th to 21st centuries are exhibited here.

The museum's oldest artifact is an amphora from the 5th century AD. e.

In a building with foreign art you can see many masterpieces from world “stars”, for example, Rembrandt - Flemish and Spanish painting are adequately represented here. The old building is worth a look not only for the art; it has stunning architecture - stained glass ceilings, twisted marble staircases, luxurious decor.

On the territory of the museum there is a cafe and a shop where you can buy art books, reproductions, postcards and souvenirs.

Practical information

Address: old building - La Habana, San Rafael entre Zulueta y Monserrate; new building - La Habana, Trocadero entre Zulueta y Monserrate. Website (in Spanish).

How to get there: to the old building from Cruise Terminal Havana by car 5-10 minutes, on foot - 20-25 minutes through the old city.

Opening hours: weekdays and Saturday - 9:00-17:00, Sunday - 10:00-14:00, Monday - day off. Ticket price for foreigners is 5 CUC. Prices on the page are for October 2019.

The National Museum of Fine Arts opened on February 23, 1913, with the assistance of Emilio Heredia. The museum collection moved from one building to another several times until it was finally located in a building located on the site of the former Colon market. In 1954, a new Palace of Fine Arts was opened here, which is a rationalist structure with geometric lines. It was built by the architect Rodriguez Pichardo.

The museum is currently housed in two buildings: the old palace, which displays Cuban art, and the Asturias Center, which displays foreign art.

Tour of the museum

After 1959, many were added to the Museum of Fine Arts collection beautiful works art. All exhibits presented here are divided into two sections: Cuban and foreign art. The first section displays paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures of Cuba. The second section presents paintings, sculptures and drawings from Europe, Latin America and the USA. There are also works from Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome.

Asturias Center (foreign art)

The building, which was intended to house a collection of foreign art, still retains its original architectural details. There are galleries, public rooms, a café, a bookstore, and a room where you can watch videos, dedicated to art. The collection of foreign painting and sculpture is divided into medieval, Germanic, Italian, Flemish, British, Dutch, French and Spanish departments. This center houses works by masters of European schools, the United States and Latin America.

Special attention Flemish painting and Spanish paintings of the 19th century deserve, among which Joaquin Sorolla’s painting “Among the Orange Trees” (1903) especially stands out. No less interesting is his painting “Clotilde in the Gardens of de la Granja” - a portrait of the artist’s wife.

Works by Spanish painters are also presented here, including Murillo, Zurbaran, Constable, Bouguereau and Van Mieris.

The Italian collection displays many landscapes. Here you can see Canaletto's work: "Chelsea College, Rotunda, Rhinelough House and Thames" (1751), as well as famous work Francesco Guardi "Lagoon in front of the New Palace". Other outstanding Italian works include “St. Christopher" by Jacopo Bassano (circa 1515-1592), "The Old Maid" by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, "Alpine Landscape with Figures" by Alessandro Magnasco (1667-1748), and "Reception of Ambassadors" by Vittore Carpaccio (1490). ).

The Ancient World Art Department features ancient Greek, ancient Egyptian and ancient Roman works. Mesopotamian, Phoenician, and Etruscan archaeological finds are also stored here. One of the most significant exhibits is a Greek amphora dating back to the 5th century BC.

Palace of Fine Arts (Cuban Art)

The permanent exhibition of this museum includes works by Cuban artists of the 18th-21st centuries. The full range of works of individual authors and schools presented here covers all the main trends of each period. Temporary exhibitions of drawings, sketches and engravings by masters of contemporary Cuban art are regularly organized here, which serve as an excellent complement to the permanent exhibition.

The work of sculptor Agustín Cárdenas (especially his wood sculpture Figure) and painter Wilfredo Lam (including his 1943 work Chair) show influences from African art and the European avant-garde.

The landscapes of the Chartrand brothers and the portraits of the painter Guillermo Collazo are striking examples Cuban fine art art of the 19th century centuries, distinctive feature which is technical skill. Here you can see the works of such academic artists as Leopoldo Romagnach and Armando García Menocal.

Of particular interest are the works of pioneers of modern art. One of these artists is the magnificent landscape painter Victor Manuel Garcia, whose work is characterized by a peaceful atmosphere, flexible movements of figures and a quiet river flow. A real symbol of Cuban painting was his 1929 work, a kind of “mestizo” archetype - “Tropical Gypsy,” which depicts a woman in a barren landscape.

You can also see here individual works Amelia Pelaez: “Still Life in Dark Ocher” written in Paris in 1930 and her later creation “ yellow flowers" Combining cubism and original Cuban motifs, this artist brought a fresh spirit to the genre of still life.

One of the masterpieces of Carlos Enriquez, which was painted in 1938, “The Riot of the Mulattos,” became symbolic for Cuban painting. In this picture, in the background dynamic landscape depicts a fantastic tangle of horses and human bodies, which somewhat resembles classic theme abduction of the Sabine women. The key to interpreting motives traditional art became a tropical atmosphere and a sensual image of human bodies.

Follow the development of Cuban fine arts allows for chronological exposure. Thus, the works of Hugo Consuegra and Guido Llinas presented in this exhibition are indisputable evidence of the departure from figurative art in the 1950s. It is worth noting that post-revolutionary Cuban art is characterized by a variety of styles. Thus, the first works of Servando Cabrera are dedicated to guerrilla warfare, and later decided to devote himself to creating an erotic series of paintings. The most prominent representative of neo-expressionism of that time was Antonia Ayris. Early works Raul Martinez is characterized by abstraction, and his later works are made in the style of pop art.

Features of African heritage can also be traced in the works of such a famous contemporary artist as Manuel Mendiwe. His best job recognized as written in 1975 in naive style"Malecon". This painting depicts the famous city promenade as a sacred place of communication between people and African gods. The 70s of the 19th century are represented by such artists as Nelson Dominguez, Ever Fonseca, as well as the works of the unique illustrator Roberto Fabelo.

José Bedia (author of bold installations) and Tomás Sánchez (with his archetypal landscapes) are the most prominent among the young artists who are graduates of the National art school and the Historical Academy of San Alejandro.

Art biennales contribute to the replenishment of the exhibition with works of new artists.