There are different nations and people in the Caucasus, and they all have different attitudes towards Russians: opinions of bloggers. Are there bad peoples?

Children are the best people in every nation

According to data for 2001, more than 180 thousand children in Russia are in orphanages and special boarding schools, and 95% of all children living in orphanages and boarding schools are so-called “social orphans.” These are children whose parents were deprived of parental rights by court decision. Huge problem Russia is that thousands of children grow up without parental care. To solve this problem the Government Russian Federation began to implement a new state policy aimed at protecting the interests of orphans and children left without parental care. Currently, there are several other programs for placing children from orphanages in families or under guardianship. It is clear that in order to develop effective programs for placing children in families, it is necessary, first of all, to inform citizens about the problems of orphans and children left without parental care, and alternative forms of placing them in families. Few people are familiar with the work of orphanages and boarding schools, only specialists know about it, but they all unanimously declare that orphanages are in no way the “best provision.” No, we do not want to say that no one cares for children in these institutions; on the contrary, long-term rehabilitation programs are created, cultural events are organized, children live in good conditions, close to home, and medical care is provided. But nothing can replace the warmth and comfort of home, parental love, care and attention of loved ones. Therefore, a program was developed to place children in families of citizens - foster care. Foster care is a form of placing a child in need of state protection in the family of a foster carer with a mandatory division of rights and responsibilities for the protection of this child between the authorized service and the foster carer. Thus, patronage is a form of temporary or permanent placement of a child left without parental care into a substitute (foster) family without establishing a relationship between the teacher and the child family relations. Based on the law of the city of Moscow and the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, experimental sites (authorized services) were opened for the transfer of children for foster care to families of citizens. There is such an authorized service in the North-Western Administrative District; it was opened in 2003 on the basis of the State Educational Institution Orphanage No. 12. The specialists of this service work according to the basic principles underlying patronage: If you do not agree that the problem of orphans is a matter only for the state and specialists, if you believe that a person is able to change the life of at least one child by taking him into the family, become his true friend and give the gift of childhood, then come to us, to the authorized service of the State Educational Institution orphanage No. 12 at the address: Moscow, st. Vasily Petushkova, 19, bldg. 1. Tel.: 948-50-10, 948-50-09. We invite you to work as foster carers so that every child finds a happy family.

October Field and the entire North-West 03/13/07.

"Give your child a family"

In the year declared by the Moscow government as the Year of the Child, the newspaper “Oktyabrskoe Pole and the Whole North-West” begins the “give a child a family” campaign. We will talk from the pages of the newspaper about children who want to go into foster care. For obvious reasons, we will not indicate the names of these children or provide their photographs. Our goal is to tell them that such children exist and they are waiting for our participation. There is probably no phrase more frightening to the ear than “orphanage.” In modern orphanages there live so-called social orphans, whose parents were deprived of parental rights or abandoned their child in the maternity hospital. Both of them, taken separately, are scary in themselves, and are capable of crushing with their burden the consciousness of a little man, forever deprived of the most important happiness in life - to be loved and protected by parental warmth. What should someone experience who, at the age of less than 16, experienced two such misfortunes at once? here is the story of one of the pupils orphanage who dreams of finding a life mentor in the person of a foster carer.

I really want there to be a person who will never betray

I believe that I live in a prosperous orphanage. We have good furniture, carpets, we have something to wear and shoes, we are fed well, and given a varied diet. Many people think: “Oh, poor orphans.” Maybe there are orphanages where there are poor, hungry and naked orphans, but I consider our orphanage to be good in this regard. Various sponsors help us: they give us VCRs, TVs, games, toys, clothes. Mostly children live here whose parents have been deprived of parental rights. Parents who drank and forgot that they had children. But guys never talk bad about their parents. This is probably because many of us felt that they had us. Everyone is an individual, and not a whole group where you are under constant control by both the teacher and the administration. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me that a foster carer differs from an orphanage teacher in that he lives WITH the child, and not NEXT to him. I would really like to go into foster care, but I'm afraid. I am afraid because in the orphanage they consider me a complete loser, I don’t listen to anyone, at school I have bad grades, the teachers look at me as an enemy. I myself have thoughts that I am worthless, and in order to somehow express myself, I begin to do everything badly. Then they pay attention to me, scare me, punish me, but it doesn’t matter to me - I’m “bad”. I'm starting to get angry at my mother, who gave birth to me at 15 years old and left me in a maternity hospital. Then people came along and did a good deed - they adopted me. And then... they drank themselves to death, and they themselves were deprived of parental rights. And I'm back in the orphanage. It turns out that no one needs me. And I really want to have a person who would not betray me anymore. I don’t want to say that evil, soulless people work in the orphanage, but for them it’s work, they are specialists, they fulfill their professional duties. They evaluate us for good academic performance, exemplary behavior, for participation in events, but I want (and not only me) not to be evaluated, but to be loved for who we are, without any conventions and conditions. I’m 16 years old, and it’s probably already difficult to re-educate me, but you can try to start living differently. If you have the strength, opportunity, and most importantly, the desire to help this child, contact the Authorized Foster Care Service of the North-Western Administrative District at the address: st. Vasily Petushkova, 19, bldg. 1.Tel.: 948-50-10, 948-50-09

October Field and the entire North-West 06/05/07.

“Let's take the child from the orphanage!”

They are even somewhat similar - a mother, her two older children and a girl whom they took into foster care from an orphanage. Now their friendly family has three daughters: the eldest, Anya, and two Nastyas, the middle and youngest. Inna Valentinovna Sandakova worked as a teacher in kindergarten. IN at the moment she does housework. And she has a really big farm - her own house in Kurkino with a plot of 10 acres. The decision to take a child into the family came to her while still studying at a pedagogical school, when they, young girls, were taken to practice at an orphanage to help clean up. “When we saw these kids,” recalls Inna Valentinovna, “I felt sorry for all of them at once - I would have taken them all home. I have been nurturing this idea for 17 years. When I got married, I immediately told my husband: “let’s take the child from the orphanage!” - and he told me: “Let’s give birth to our own people first, get on our feet, and then think about it.” They gave birth to their two children. The eldest Anya is now 16 years old, the middle Nastya is 12 years old, and then we got our youngest adopted daughter, also Nastenka, she is 9 years old.” The Sandakovs learned about the existence of a foster care service in orphanage No. 12 from an advertisement published in the municipality. Inna Valentinovna says: - at first we wanted to immediately adopt a child and were preparing for exactly this. but the guardianship and trusteeship authorities told us that foster care is much more convenient than adoption, both for us and for the child. There is an opportunity to adapt to each other and only then make a final decision. It took about a month and a half to collect and prepare all the necessary documents, and Nastenka appeared in our house. At first everything was terrible, the girl behaved like a wild animal. At 8.5 years old, she still could not write or read. When I came to meet her for the first time, I asked if she knew any poems? She told me that she knows two rhymes: “They dropped the bear on the floor” and “Our Tanya is crying loudly.” And she told them to me, burring terribly. It was difficult to understand what she was muttering. They tried to dissuade me and warned me about the girl’s severe heredity, but I didn’t turn away and didn’t leave. I had a goal. I saw that this was a normal child, just neglected. They started taking her over for the weekend. Of course, there were many difficulties. A difficult childhood in a dysfunctional family and the habits acquired there had an effect. She had already managed to absorb something during her six months in the orphanage. At first, Nastya looked closely, checked us, waited for some kind of trick, was afraid that she would be hit or offended. She kept asking: “Do you have anything to eat? In the orphanage I was always given breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Will you have this? For her, family was associated with an eternal feeling of hunger and fear of beatings. Nastya has been living with us permanently since February 2, but the fear still does not leave her. She is terribly afraid of a policeman who might take her to an orphanage, or that there will be nothing to eat in the house. Sometimes he goes to the refrigerator, opens it and says: “Mom, we’re running out of sausage.” She started calling me mom right away, only until she puts into this word the feelings that their own children experience towards their parents. She doesn't have feelings of love yet. But I hope that someday it will definitely appear. We talk to her a lot. Now it has become much easier. Sometimes she gets uncontrollable, but then she always talks about her bad behavior. She is able to recognize and evaluate her actions. He often tells lies, because lying was a way of survival in the previous family: if you don’t lie, you won’t survive. Every day we try to explain to her that a bad truth is better than a good lie. We encountered great difficulties when entering school. They didn’t want to take the girl into regular first grade. At eight and a half years old, her development was at the level of a five-year-old child. They looked at me and said: what are we going to do with you, how are we going to take you to school? She had to undergo an examination that she was not mentally retarded. They made a diagnosis of socio-pedagogical neglect. They tried to dissuade me again, asking: why do you need such a load, why do you need this? I even doubted it for a moment. The only person who supported me was the school psychologist. Three times a week she takes her to her classes and talks kindly to her. Certainly, most of work has to be done at home. During February, Nastya and I learned letters and began to read syllables. In two months we have already learned to read 16 words per minute. This is very great progress. Now she reads more slowly than expected, but most importantly, she understands what she reads. She already reads and solves math problems herself. We write a lot from dictation. I specifically saved her old notebooks with scribbles. Now she strokes her notebooks with her hand and says: “Mom, look how beautiful my notebooks are, I can write.” In everyday life she is a very seasoned person, because in family of origin there was a little brother on her shoulders. There she suffered so much that now she knows how to do everything. He tries to help us. Ordinary child, like ours. Only often people look at their children more gently, and find fault with strangers: they do everything wrong. People around us perceived Nastya's appearance in our family differently. The relatives were happy when they found out - they joked and congratulated her on the newborn. And my friends reacted ambiguously. Some said: well done, good job, and others - why do you need this? My daughters really wanted to have a sister, there was no jealousy. Sometimes misunderstandings happen, as in any family, but we always try to find a way out of any situation. Getting used to a new person is always difficult; she herself has a hard time adapting to us. But Nastya tries to adhere to the rules that are accepted in our family. She also has complete mutual understanding with my husband. We have been working towards this for a very long time, we have been waiting for a long time for another child to appear in our family, so any difficulty seems like a trifle. Of course, in modern government institutions very good conditions have been created for children; they need practically nothing, for which I would like to say thanks to the Moscow Government and the Department of Education. And still it cannot be compared with family and home comfort. Therefore, I believe that those who can, let them take the children in for upbringing. It’s only scary at first, and then this fear disappears somewhere. When I put Nastya to bed, she hugs me around the neck and says: “Mom, how good it is to have a good mother!” And I consider these words of hers to be the most important, greatest reward.

“October Field and the entire North-West” 08/19/08.

In the interests of the child

Lyubov Petrovna Kozadayeva, deputy director for foster care at the state educational institution “Orphanage No. 12,” talks about the mechanism for creating foster families and the interaction with them of bodies that protect the interests of the child. Foster care is an analogue of the placement of a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation in a so-called “Foster family,” which is widely practiced abroad. The use of such a system allows the child to be raised in a family, and not in an orphanage. Moreover, this form of placement in a family allows you to send a child to live in the case when his legal status is determined, and immediately after removal from the family, in the process of deciding his future fate and related formal legal procedures. In those countries where “Foster families” have become widespread, they have practically replaced orphanages, where children left without parental care were previously sent to live. The “Foster family” is an intermediate, auxiliary form of a child’s life. A child is placed in a foster family only in order to avoid the need to send him to a shelter or orphanage immediately after removal from difficult living conditions. While he is in a foster family, the authorities protecting his rights decide on his further fate. In our country, the experience of “Foster families” was applied in other prevailing conditions, in the presence of an extensive network of orphanages. According to the legal norms currently in force in Moscow and a number of other regions, a child cannot be sent to a foster family by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities immediately after being removed from a dysfunctional family. First, he is sent to a shelter, where he awaits a certain status and registration of the necessary documents, then he is placed in an orphanage and only then can he be transferred to a foster family. Accordingly, the powers of the specialized foster care service are transferred by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to the orphanage. The foster carer enters into an agreement with the orphanage, becoming its employee, and the child sent to the foster family remains a pupil of the orphanage. Responsibility for the living conditions and development of the child, for the observance of his rights, is divided between the orphanage and the foster family. Characteristic in in this case there are two circumstances. Firstly, taking into account the actual pace of passage of all stages of placement in a foster family, a child almost always ends up after many months, and more often - years, already spent in government agency. Secondly, the institution of guardianship is still very poorly developed in our country. The prospects of being taken into care for a child living in a foster family do not become closer or more realistic. Therefore, from a temporary form of placement in a family, foster care in Russia turns for a particular child either into a final prospect and alternative to staying in an orphanage, or - unfortunately, often - into a short and unproductive experience. Moreover, for a child, especially younger age, it is typical to fail to distinguish a foster family from, for example, a foster family or a family of guardians. He believes that he has been taken into the family forever. Candidates for foster care are also emotionally oriented towards this, taking into account the content of information materials, familiarization with which led them to the decision to accept the child into the family. Why, in this case, do these specific citizens not use such a form of participation in the life of a child as guardianship or adoption? Not least because they are not confident in their capabilities. The reasons that initially gave rise to such uncertainty may in the future actually become the basis for the emergence of problems for a child in a foster family. It is under these conditions that the Authorized Foster Care Service of Moscow Orphanage No. 12 operates, which is responsible for placing foster families in orphanages in the North-Western District of the capital. Operating since 2004, the service has been developing technology for creating and supporting foster families, taking into account the noted problems. From 2004 to 2006, 8 agreements on foster care were concluded, of which 1 was not extended by the orphanage, 5 were terminated by foster care providers, and only 2 were extended. But already in 2007 we counted 9 children living in foster families, 6 of them on the basis of long-term contracts, and 3 on the basis of short-term ones. At the same time, three more agreements are currently at the stage of verification and execution. Of the 9 foster children – 3 are preschoolers, 3 junior schoolchildren, 1 teenager and even 2 high school students. The creation of a foster family is preceded by the stage of informing the population about the problem of child orphanhood in our district, about the possibilities of participating in the fate of a particular child left without a family. Thanks to the information campaign, in 2007 alone, 86 citizens turned to the Authorized Service wishing to become candidates for foster care. Unfortunately, however, 78% of them reported a desire to accept a preschool child into the family and avoid complications that arise when raising a child school age, with already normal, and often negative life experience . But at the same time, preschoolers always make up no more than 5-7% of children in orphanages. This narrows the patronage’s ability to meaningfully influence problem solving. Each person who applies to the Authorized Service is interviewed, accompanied by a verification of the information they provide about themselves. Only after this can the issue of including a citizen in the database of potential candidates for foster care be resolved. If a candidate meets the requirements that the orphanage and guardianship authorities provide to the foster carer, this does not guarantee against the occurrence of psychological problems caused by the reasons described above. Preventing these problems is the focus of preparing a candidate to perform the duties of a foster carer. Together with the psychological center “MiR”, the authorized service developed and successfully implemented the “Parent School” program, the content of which included blocks of psychological, pedagogical, legal, medical and other parental knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the foster family. Currently, the North-Western District Department of the Moscow Psychological Service for Assistance to the Population of the Department of Family and Youth Policy of Moscow has organized a Psychological School for Adoptive Parents. Since October 2007 alone, SPR has released 3 streams of potential foster carers. The candidate’s preparation also includes a joint analysis with him of the reasons that prompted him to express a desire to accept a child into his family. At the same time, a database of potential foster children is being formed. Today, about a third of children agree to be placed in foster care. A common reason for reluctance to go to a foster family is the expectation of returning to relatives and parents after the restoration of parental rights or registration of guardianship. Such children would easily agree to be raised in a foster family if they were confident that being there would not become an obstacle to communication with their relatives and would not close the prospect of returning to their biological family. Today, when deciding whether to include a child in the foster care service database, we often take into account that the child’s relatives will be sensitive to his transfer to a foster family and will try to complicate the work of the foster carer. At the same time, most candidates for foster care are initially determined to minimize the child’s contacts with his relatives. Many of them would even like, but do not have the right, to give their child their own surname. This is a clear manifestation of the contradiction between the temporary and externally caused stay of a child in a foster family and the motivation of the foster carer to consolidate the situation. The contradictions inherent in the very scheme of patronage and transforming this form into “under-tutelage”. Another reason behind a child’s refusal to live this way is fear. Part of it is filmed when service employees answer the child’s questions, explaining aspects of life in a foster family. In addition, such manifestations are part of the general disturbing background of the child’s condition, the presence of fears, the correction of which is the task of psychologists and the Authorized Service. The problem of psychological readiness for upbringing in a family also remains. Children do not understand what rights and responsibilities they would like, could and should have in a foster family. From the foster family, the child expects to maintain the same level of care and at the same time sharply expand the boundaries of his freedom. The formation of such psychological readiness also occurs at the stage of including the child in the patronage database. Only after it becomes possible to confidently talk about the psychological readiness of both the child and the adult for educational interaction, the child is discussed for referral to this particular foster family, with the future foster carer being provided with all the information about the psychophysiological characteristics, social status, the child’s previous social experience. Employees of the Authorized Service create, conduct and control situations of first personal acquaintance, mutual orientation between the teacher and the student, and emotional contact. After completing these stages of preliminary interaction with both the future foster carer and the future foster child, employees of the Authorized Service, representatives of the guardianship authorities and the candidate enter the stage of formalizing obligations and contractual relations. The foster care agreement is the legal basis for the child’s stay in the family, determines the period of such placement of the child, the duties and powers of the foster carer, the rights and obligations of the Authorized Service to monitor the well-being of the child and resolve emerging problems. The detailed aspects of keeping a child in the family, his daily routine, the organization of his life and education are regulated by the agreement on the child’s residence in the family of a foster carer. The substantive basis for both the contract and the agreement is a detailed plan for protecting the interests of the child, drawn up jointly by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the orphanage represented by the Authorized Service and the foster carer. Interaction with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities takes place on the basis of agreements between the Authorized Service and the municipalities of the North-Western Administrative District. In a number of cases, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities accompany the work with the candidate for foster care immediately from the moment of his application to the municipality, and they themselves refer him to the Authorized Service. Thus, in 2007, 31% of citizens’ requests for patronage occurred through the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. The conclusion of an agreement is not completion, but only the practical beginning of work. From this moment, painstaking psychological, pedagogical and socio-legal support for the foster family begins. Monitoring visits by a social educator of the Authorized Service are designed to promptly identify threats to the health or well-being of the child. In these cases, he has the right to immediately remove the child from the family. Every six months, the service psychologist records the dynamics of changes in the emotional-volitional and intellectual sphere of the child. According to the agreement, the orphanage provides assistance to the foster family in solving problems with the child’s educational difficulties, with his treatment and recovery, and with organizing his rest during the holidays. The staff of the Authorized Service is in close contact with the administration and teaching staff educational institution where the child begins to study, informing about the peculiarities educational activities, jointly designing the educational trajectory, if necessary, protecting the child’s right to full participation in educational process. The work of the authorized service occurs in experimental mode, using methodological developments orphanage No. 19, educational center "Childhood", author's programs V.N. Oslon and G.W. Krasnitskaya, international organizations. At the same time, based on the practical needs of supporting foster care, orphanage 12 is testing its own developments. Such as the technology of psychological and pedagogical adaptation of a pupil to transfer to a family and a course for candidates for foster care. As of November 19, 2008, there are 11 children in foster care at the State Educational Institution Children's Home No. 12 of the North-West Educational Institution of the City of Moscow.

Whenever it comes to ethnic differences and the correlation of ethnic and racial characteristics with the level of crime among bearers of these characteristics, the liberal-minded public, who likes to deny ethnic and racial differences in principle, takes out from their vaults an argument that seems to them to be an irresistible force. The argument is simple: “In every nation there are both good and bad people“And therefore, in their opinion, there are no bad or good peoples, all peoples are the same.

Well, you need to think about this. This stereotype arises time after time in discussions, with liberals believing its truth to be undoubted, that everyone reasonable person accepts it without proof. Accordingly, those who do not accept this unproven thesis are, according to liberals, dense misanthropes, zoological racists and other bad people. Let us leave this line of behavior to the conscience of liberals, who deny reason to people who do not share their point of view (which shows absolute intolerance towards opponents). The mythology in question, which is imposed on the average person, contains a different meaning.

As already indicated, a different rating scale is driven into people’s heads than that provided by nature. Nature has decreed that a person evaluates a stranger primarily on the “friend or stranger” scale. This is the basis of the instinct of self-preservation. But only liberals are ready to turn everything upside down by changing the scale to “Good - Bad.” Therefore, the mythology discussed here is aimed exclusively at this. The shift in the criteria for evaluating other people in the human mind turns him into a free atom, not connected with natural social formations (ethnic groups, peoples, nations). And this is exactly what liberals need. For some, to get an extra piece of silver, for others, due to structural changes in the psyche (there is no punitive psychiatry, so such idiots walk among us).

As for the mythology itself. Racial differences between people exist regardless of the wishes of liberals. Scientists note that in many ways different human races differ more than some animal species differ from each other. Different skeletal structure different size and the mass of the skull, different chemical composition of the blood and different molecular dependencies of protein reactions in the metabolic process. Races differ very much, and primarily in the structure of the brain. And differences in the physical structure of the brain cannot but entail differences in morality, culture and other socially dependent parameters. This is competently written in the book “Racology” by Vladimir Borisovich Avdeev:

So the answer to the stereotype formulated in the title may be this. Let there be both good and bad people in any nation. It doesn't matter. good people, but strangers are here, let them go where Nature placed them. Each nation has its own habitat, we did not distribute it. And let “he is an excellent surgeon.” We have no doubt that at home he will be able to bring benefit to his people. We also have the most wonderful surgeons, excellent engineers, and wonderful scientists. To each his own. And we do not want to tolerate hundreds of foreign bastards (when we have enough of our own) for the sole reason that only one of their kind is good person. He is already bad in that he does not condemn the actions of his relatives (and, as you know, Europeans who did not condemn the actions of the German Nazis are now paying and repenting for six million). So, good riddance, and all xenophiles and foreigners can only wish to follow their idols. If they accept it there...

You can argue about which nation is the bravest for a very long time, and everyone will be right in their own way. If you go into detail historical facts, then in each century different nationalities showed frantic heroism and courage. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a rating of the bravest nation, but it is quite possible to consider some moments of courage.

Perhaps we can start with Russia. , to the extent of his inherent restlessness, differed very often. Starting from Kievan Rus, constant princely feuds led to regular battles and wars. Brother went against brother, taking away lands and appropriating property. Naturally, people were driven by a thirst for profit, but one must have great courage to decide on such an act.

If we consider the events of more recent eras, we can see that Russia, which suffered during the First World War (1914-1918) and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), has not lost the spirit of freedom and morality. Thanks to the courage of the Russian people, the country not only won battles, but also expanded its territories and gained allies in other states.

Accordingly, the following is worth considering German (German) people, since Germany was the provocateur of the last two and most brutal wars.

The thought of capturing the great Russian Empire excited no ruler, but only the German authorities tried to implement it twice. Moreover, the defeat in the first war did not stop the people, and a second attempt was made. The manifestation of great courage, and perhaps even some kind of madness, prompted desperate steps on the side of the German nation. And it cannot be said that the highest echelons of power commanded the common people, because if the people were not ready, they would hardly have submitted to such a fate.

The great writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who in his work “The Gulag Archipelago” more than once mentions Chechens, considers them not only a brave and rebellious nation, but unyielding and rebellious.

Few people have experienced as much trouble and suffering as these people have experienced. If after Civil War The Chechens were given land, the development of national writing and culture began, then literally after a couple of decades they were expelled from their permanent place of residence to Central Asia.

Courage of spirit Chechen people forces them to challenge those who constantly oppress them. The events of the 90s of the 20th century are still alive in the hearts of many who had to be present on the battlefield.

Someone reading this article will grin, remembering Mongol-Tatar yoke, which held the countries of Europe in an “iron fist” for more than 300 years, someone will cite as an example African tribe Tuareg. All these arguments will be true. Every nation has its own heroes who need to be remembered, honored and respected.

A musician and master of folk crafts from Adygea believes that today folklore is disappearing irrevocably.

“If you don’t save it, the essence will be erased from memory folk culture, the wealth of the nation, the roots will go into oblivion,” I am sure Zamudin Guchev.

In an interview website the musician spoke about the Adyghe violin, samurai strength and Thagalej grains.

The value of culture

Zamudin Guchev was born in 1953 in Baksan. In 1979, he became interested in weaving mats and stone carving. In 2000 he organized a museum-workshop of Adyghe folk instruments. Artistic director of the ensemble of Adyghe authentic chants “Zhyu”. Shichepshin class teacher at the folklore department of the Republican Children's Art School named after. Tletseruka. Diploma holder Russian Academy arts

Karina Kadieva, website: You recently published the “Atlas of Circassian Shichepshin,” which you worked on for several years. Is one book worth the effort?

Zamudin Guchev: A book like this is worth even more. Every nation has a history of folk instruments. For Russians this is the history of the balalaika, for the inhabitants of Africa - drums, for the Japanese - shamisen.

The history of Circassian culture will be incomplete without the history of the Adyghe violin. The atlas contains not only the history of the creation of the Shichepshin, there are more than 300 photographs of the most famous Adyghe violins, which are kept in leading museums in the world.

I addressed my atlas to all the inhabitants of the planet who are interested in instrumental art, to people of all ages: historians and cultural experts, schoolchildren and students, simply admirers of folk music. People will understand that the cost of oil is not important to everyone, and then they will come to culture. Because this is our memory, our origins and our strength.

The Circassians have a legend. The god of fertility Thagalej gave the Narts three grains of millet, which could feed an entire people. He bequeathed to take care of them, otherwise famine would come. I would compare these grains with national idea y, which we, like the Narts, lost grain. There is only one way to revive it - through folklore and folk crafts.

Adyghe musical instrument"Shichepshin." Photo: AiF/ Photo by Nadezhda Guseva

- Do you think that Russia is strong in its national idea?

Not only strong, but also rich. The flourishing of any art rests on personalities and the national idea. Why has Russia always been famous for its musicians, composers, artists, and applied artists? For thousands of years, the wealth and power of the country were created by people different nationalities. There are talents in every nation, and no other country in the world has so many nationalities. As for the idea, we don’t care about it, some nationalities became part of Russia earlier, some later, but the essence does not change. Our country grew rich not only in people, but also in their national culture, language, folk crafts. I believe that this is the strength and uniqueness of the state. Therefore, supporting crafts is a matter of national importance. Crafts include culture, education, external relations, tourism, and trade. That is, at least five ministries today should be interested in their flourishing.

Holy place

- Then why exactly are folk crafts going through hard times today?

For centuries the country has preserved this wealth and carried it through wars and revolutions. And for more than 20 years, since the beginning of perestroika, the Russian craftsmanship has been waging a desperate struggle for survival. Although Russia remains, perhaps, the only one in the world where such a layer of national culture has been preserved.

In Europe and Asia, interest in our culture continues unabated. The ensemble of Adyghe authentic chants “Zhyuu”, which I direct, is a regular participant in folklore festivals in Scotland, Italy, Russia and Poland. The crowded halls listen to Adyghe instrumental tunes and ancient Circassian songs in complete silence.

- Do you want to say that the world lacks harmony without folk music?

If we don’t raise our own culture, someone else’s will come to us. A holy place is never empty. It is already coming from TV screens, from advertising structures, from the media, and not best quality. The state today is strengthening the military industry and is engaged in education. And he can’t find money for industries that don’t need much. Both the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and People's Artist Russia Joseph Kobzon. And I am pleased that in Adygea, even despite the crisis, they understand the significance of the Adyghe violin. For several years now, at the Republican Children's Art School, children have been learning to play the shichepshin.

Zamudin Guchev with students at the celebration of Republic Day. AiF/ Photo by Nadezhda Guseva

Memory of the people

- Is that why you recorded a disc of Adyghe melodies?

- They should not be erased from people's memory. The disc is based on the expedition records of folklorists from three fraternal republics - Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. The disc “Nart pshinatli” is the result of many years of work by the ensemble “Zhyu”. The album presents the main song cycles Nart epic: about the mythical blacksmith Khudymyd the Great, the matchmaking of Orzamedzh, the exploits of Sosruko, the young sledges Pataraza, Ashamaz and Shabatnuko the Mighty.

Moreover, the songs are performed in all dialects of the Adyghe peoples.

- Yours famous museum often visit foreign musicians and scientists. What do these visits give you personally?

I'm facing the most interesting riddles longevity folklore that make you think about the history of mankind. Last year, linguists-ethnographers and professors from the state Hokkaido University of Sapporo came to Adygea. The couple decided to go to Adygea after they once saw a report on the Internet about shichepshins, which are very similar to tonkarri - this plucked instrument the most ancient people of Japan. In addition, the Ainu, like the Circassians, made their mats from cattails. There are similarities in the ornaments. As Professor Itsuji Tangiku later told me, the similarity of the two instruments brings him closer to understanding the mystery of the ancient Ainu people, who once lived in Russia - in the lower reaches of the Amur River, on Sakhalin, in the south of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands.

It turns out folk instruments- not just souvenirs and works of art, they are guides to the history of mankind.

"For me, one person is like a whole people, and a people
- that one person."

Is it possible to characterize an entire “people” in the same terms as an individual? Smart, stupid, harmful, sympathetic, greedy, hypocritical, honest, mean, selfish, brave, cowardly, kind, evil... Something like this came to mind in connection with the events “in” Ukraine.
According to the norms of political correctness, this should not be done. In a good manner It is considered to speak about “the people” as a whole either well or nothing. Like about the dead. Moreover, in any nation you can almost always find individuals who are very good in all respects. The people make heroes of all times from such representatives. Well, if you can’t find real historical examples, you can always come up with them and convince everyone of their existence. The Ukrainians began to use Bandera and Shukhevych as heroes of the national fascists. From our point of view, this is a manifestation of Nazism and even fascism. The Bolsheviks came up with their own heroes, whom many people no longer consider as such.
The British and Germans formed their heroes in their time. This is their topic...
The Kazakhs, for example, renamed all the streets in the city of Almaty in the names of their Kazakh “heroes,” which almost no one in Kazakhstan knew about until 1991. I went to school there. There was no talk about this. Even Olzhas Suleimenov, the greatest poet of the Kazakh SSR, did not write anything about this. He wrote about Russian history... (See the book “Az and Ya”. A wonderful book! Olzhas is a smart guy! I talked to him. Fragment. He doesn’t know for sure that it was me. Someday I’ll tell you... His book in The USSR was banned and even withdrawn from sale). All Kazakh khans, about whom there is at least some mention, immediately became “heroes”.
One can recall the Hindus, the Greeks, and the Romans. And Russians. Both Germans and Jews... All nations invent their own heroes and saints. This is fine. This is necessary for the people to feel complete. And educating the younger generation.
We see and read that there are great differences between peoples, and not only on the scale of more or less “wonderful”, “kind” and “hospitable”... Each nation has its own ideas about what is “good” and what is "Badly". What is good for a Russian is death for a German. As is known. What is good for the Chinese is death for the Russian... Each nation has its own ideas about beauty, about human beauty, justice, decency, honesty, and “correctness.” They have developed historically and are the basis of the behavior and identification of the people. Language, of course, comes first. Ethnicity, as Lev Gumilyov said.
How and is it possible to characterize the entire people as a whole? Is it possible to bring everyone under one umbrella? To say that people of a given nationality behaved, for example, during the war, in this and that way: they were punishers, policemen, guards in concentration camps, they killed civilians just because they belonged to another nation, they showed cowardice in battle ...
But you can always find other representatives of this people who behaved quite “decently”. They even fought the Nazis and did not participate in the Holocaust and the extermination of people from the USSR. Among any group, community of people, there are always people who differ in their individual qualities - there are saints, there are also scoundrels...
The question is, in percentage terms, how many talents, sages, smart, kind, evil, fools, scoundrels, scum, criminals, brave, cowards, heroes are there in a given people... What is the significance of this or that group of people in determining behavior states of this nation?
If you of a given people a large group of scoundrels, thieves, cynics, unscrupulous people who determine the behavior, “mentality” of this people, then why can’t the whole people be characterized by the same concepts? Yes, in such “bad” peoples there are decent and talented people. But their share, their role is so insignificant and insignificant in determining the behavior of the entire people that their positive qualities sink like a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar. They say that the people have the kind of rulers they deserve... Criminals in the global imagination become “heroes” in the local one.
A typical example is the German people. Did he deserve Hitler? The German people in those days (20-40s of the twentieth century) sincerely supported and admired Hitler's power. Yes, there were dissatisfied people and even opponents. But they did not determine the mainstream of Nazi politics and ideology. Question: what was done by the people of Germany in the period from 1939 to 1945 could some other people have done? Or is this just specific behavior? German people? Rhetorical question.
The French people at the beginning of the 19th century behaved as we all know well. Is Napoleon to blame? Nonsense. The people have matured. Without the almost unanimous desire of the majority of the people, neither Hitler, nor Napoleon, nor Genghis Khan, nor Stalin could have done what they did. It is the people who are the source of power, strength and movement of the country, state.
This means that it is quite possible to characterize any nation as a whole in moral terms and concepts applicable to an individual. Of course, this will be something like the average temperature in the hospital. But if averaging is carried out correctly, excluding “morgues” and “doctors,” then the calculated indicator can well be used to characterize the health status of patients.
It is clear that for adequate characterization, it is necessary to use a number of other indicators.
It is also clear that the diagnosis made will only apply to a given time and place. Nations change just like individuals.
Do you want to know what a person and a people “really” are like? Observe their behavior when they are sure that no one is watching them and the truth about their actions will never be known to other people.
Among the scum there is a principle: if the thief wasn’t caught, no one saw it, then nothing happened. Such scum (both people and nations) will be deeply and sincerely indignant at any deviations from the accepted “norms” of other people’s behavior, if this is known to everyone. But they will justify their disgusting actions once, twice and three times... This is now called “double standards”.
This is what individual people do. Entire nations behave this way. Look at the USA or modern Ukraine. And not only.
Born to crawl, cannot fly.
Deepest thought! If much is based on lies, then how can one treat “the people”?
To each his own! There is nothing humiliating about this. This is the principle of the structure of the world. In every historical period.
"The stupid penguin timidly hides
fat body in the rocks... Only the proud
The petrel soars boldly and freely
over the foam-gray sea!"
Those born as scoundrels will be scoundrels.
Those born to be thieves will be thieves.
Those born corrupt will become corrupt.
Those born as prostitutes will be prostitutes.
Maybe caste system among the ancient Hindus - this is not so much “stupidity”?
Undoubtedly, there are options. Statistical. Every person can make themselves. If it can!
In all countries there is a certain distribution of people according to their qualities - positive and negative - like the distribution of molecules in a gas according to speed. From plus to minus... This is naturally an assumption based on visible facts. As a first approximation, we will take the normal Gaussian distribution as a basis.
But each nation, country, at the same time, may have its own, individual, at a given historical moment, type of distribution curve of geniuses, scoundrels, villains, idiots and other active, active people, scum and saints. There is everything. But in different proportions and concentrations.
Russia is a country of contrasts.
There are a lot of thieves, scoundrels and corrupt officials in Russia. Along with many deeply decent, talented, honest and spiritual people. The distribution is clearly not Gaussian.
Russia has everything and everyone. And a lot of things. Therefore, as the poet Tyutchev intuited, Russia cannot be understood with the mind. You can only believe in Russia and hope for the best...
But sooner or later, and sometimes even on time, any nation has a chance to become completely adequate and logical in the distribution of fools and smart ones, scoundrels and decent ones, talented and mediocrities. That is, the opportunity to gain maximum chances for the evolution of the country.
Everyone has it to varying degrees...

"On the one hand, people are understandable
On the other hand, it is incomprehensible
And it all depends on which side you come from -
With the one that he understands, or with the one that is incomprehensible."
YES. Prigov

I would disperse all the nations,
so that only people remain,
let the bastards and freaks,
but without these verbiage,
but without these greatness,
without rattling or exclamation.
Maybe it's better to lead
will we become ourselves a little?
It's scary and lonely
let it be deserted and hateful -
if only without the feeling of an elbow,
without breathing into the back of my head.
Timur Kibirov