The official Tolstoy Museum on Spiridonovka. State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V.I. Dahl. Memorial Museum-Apartment of A. N. Tolstoy

Address: 103001, Moscow, st. Spiridonovka, 2, building 1
Telephone: 8 495 690-09-56
Email address:

Working hours:

  • Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun - from 11:00–18:00 (ticket office until 17:30)
  • Wed, Thu - from 11:00–21:00 (ticket office until 20:30)
  • Mon - day off


On foot three route options, each taking about 15 minutes:

  • from the Pushkinskaya metro station along Tverskoy Boulevard to Nikitsky Gate Square, then along the even side of Malaya Nikitskaya Street to Spiridonovka Street;
  • from the Barrikadnaya metro station along the street. Barrikadnaya to the Garden Ring, cross the Garden Ring, then along the even side of the street. Malaya Nikitskaya to st. Spiridonovka;
  • from the Arbatskaya metro station along the even side of Nikitsky Boulevard to Nikitsky Gate Square, then cross the square to Malaya Nikitskaya Street and on the even side these are the streets to st. Spiridonovka.

By car: entrance from the boulevard ring to the street. Spiridonovka; Entrance from the Boulevard Ring from Nikitsky Gate Square to Malaya Nikitskaya Street, turn onto st. Spiridonovka.

Building, exhibition and collection

Memorial Museum-Apartment A. N. Tolstoy was opened on October 20, 1987. The oldest employees of the GLM, E. E. Miropolskaya and E. D. Mikhailova, took part in the creation of the exposition.

The building in which the memorial museum-apartment of A. N. Tolstoy is located is part of the Ryabushinsky city estate complex, built by the architect O. F. Shekhtel in 1901–1903. According to the architect's design, the outbuilding closing the courtyard was intended for household needs. On the first floor there was a laundry and janitor's room, on the second there were rooms for the Ryabushinsky servants. During the years when Gorky lived in the mansion, the editorial offices of the magazines he created “On Construction Sites of the USSR”, “Our Achievements” and the publishing house “History of Factories and Plants” were located in the outbuilding. From August 1941 to last days During his life, the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy and his wife Lyudmila Ilyinichna Tolstaya lived in this house.

The exhibition of the apartment museum was created on the basis of the memorial collection of A. N. Tolstoy, transferred to the State Literary Museum after the death of the widow of the writer L. N. Tolstoy.

The collection of A. N. Tolstoy is one of the most valuable in the funds of the State Literary Museum. Part of this collection is presented in the exhibition, part is in the funds of the State Forest Museum and is the basis for numerous exhibition projects. The collection includes: a collection of Russian and Western European paintings of the 16th–20th centuries, objects of decorative and applied art (porcelain, bone, metal, lighting equipment, etc.), furniture by Russian and Western European masters. A significant part of the collection is the writer’s library, which includes rare editions Peter's time, books from the Masonic library of the writer's ancestors - the Turgenevs, rare foreign publications of the writer during his lifetime.

They work for us

Inna Georgievna Andreeva- Head of the department since 2001, has been working at the State Literary Museum since 1989. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical University named after M. Sholokhov and the Faculty of Art History of Moscow State University. Graduated from graduate school at the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She worked at IMLI as a junior researcher. Author of more than 50 published works.

Dina Anatolyevna Fedina- event organization specialist. He has been working in the department since 2014. Employee of the State Literary Museum since 2006. Graduated from the library faculty of Moscow state institute culture. Has extensive experience in museum work. Since 1980 she has worked in museums in Orel and Moscow.

Lyudmila Yurievna Papenina- Researcher of the department since 2012. Employee of the State Literary Museum since 2011. Graduated from Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev and Higher School culturologists at Moscow State University of Culture and Culture. Has experience in methodological work.

Elena Alexandrovna Frolova- methodologist for working with children. Has been working in the department since 2013. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University and the Moscow Institute contemporary art specialty: theater and film actress. Has diplomas from Russian courses Ethnographic Museum(St. Petersburg) with a degree in “Museum Pedagogy” and the State Center “Nadezhda” - “Organization of cultural and leisure work with people with disabilities.” She has more than 7 years of experience in museum work with children (2008-2012, Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve).

Natalya Anatolyevna Stephanie- methodologist for museum and educational activities at the State Museum of History Russian literature named after V.I. Dahl since April 2017. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Buryat state university in 1992. Worked as a manager of cultural and educational projects National Library Republic of Buryatia. From November 2015 to December 2016, she hosted the “Literary Crossroads” program on the Buryatia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company channel. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia since 2007.

Excursions and lectures

The department constantly updates the topics of excursions and lectures. Currently, the following cycles are the most popular:

Exhibitions and scientific events

The most significant exhibition projects of 2014

  • Exhibition "Nikita's Childhood". Illustrations for the story by A. N. Tolstoy by artist Viktor Goppe (11/20/2013–03/02/2014).
  • Exhibition “Islands of Samizdat. From the collection of E. A. Lamikhov" (02.10.2014–06.11.2014).

The most significant scientific events of 2014

  • "Durylin's creative heritage." II scientific-practical conference (26.09–27.09.2014).
  • International scientific conference“Alexey Tolstoy: personality in the context of the era” (11.20.-11.22.2014).
  • Round table “I am a prisoner of the song. I am the messenger of the song." Reflection of the life and work of V. D. Berestov in cinema and music (04/16/2014).

Scientific and methodological events planned for 2015

  • Berestovsky readings - 2015 (April).
  • Round table, dedicated to creativity S. N. Durylina (September).
  • “Teacher workshops” (September-October).

Memorial Museum-Apartment of A.N. Tolstoy was opened on October 20, 1987. The oldest employees of the State Literary Museum E.E. took part in the creation of the exhibition. Miropolskaya and E.D. Mikhailova.

The building in which the memorial museum-apartment of A.N. is located. Tolstoy, is part of the Ryabushinsky city estate complex, built by architect O.F. Shekhtel in 1901-1903. According to the architect's design, the outbuilding closing the courtyard was intended for household needs. On the ground floor there was a laundry and janitor's room, on the second there were rooms for the Ryabushinsky servants.

During the years when Gorky lived in the mansion, the editorial offices of the magazines he created “On Construction Sites of the USSR”, “Our Achievements” and the publishing house “History of Factories and Plants” were located in the outbuilding. From August 1941 until the last days of his life, the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy and his wife Lyudmila Ilyinichna Tolstaya lived in this house.

Collection of A.N. Tolstoy is one of the most valuable in the collections of the State Literary Museum. Part of this collection is presented in the exhibition, part is in the funds of the State Forest Museum and is the basis for numerous exhibition projects. The collection includes: a collection of Russian and Western European paintings of the 16th-20th centuries, objects of decorative and applied art, furniture by Russian and Western European masters. A significant part of the collection is the writer’s library, which includes rare publications from Peter’s time, books from the Masonic library of the writer’s ancestors - the Turgenevs, and rare foreign publications of the writer during his lifetime.

Operating mode:

  • Tuesday, Friday-Sunday - from 11:00 to 18:00;
  • Wednesday, Thursday - from 11:00 to 21:00;
  • Monday is a day off.

Ticket prices:

  • full - 150 rubles;
  • preferential (pensioners, schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized institutions, students and graduate students of Russian universities over 16 years old) - 100 rubles;
  • persons under 16 years old - free.

You can find out more details on the official website.

House 2/6. Tel 290-0956.

Nearest metro: Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya.

The writer lived and worked in this house from 1941 until his death in 1945. The house is part former estate Ryabushinsky, the main building of which is visible from the window and is located at address 6 - is now located there (the writer lived here for a long time).

Alexei Tolstoy lived in a house that before the revolution was used to house the Ryabushinskys' servants. The house itself is spacious and comfortable. Another thing is that it is now noticeable that the building has not been renovated for a long time.

After the death of the writer, his wife L.I. Tolstaya preserved all the furnishings of the apartment and the writer’s personal belongings, and according to her will, in 1982 they entered the collections of the State Literary Museum.

The apartment museum opened on October 20, 1987. In the apartment museum you can see the writer’s personal belongings. It was here that he wrote the last (third) book about, finished the novel “Walking in Torment”, the cycle of “Stories of Ivan Sudarev” and was engaged in military journalism.. Alexey Tolstoy was an art connoisseur and collector. He collected large number paintings, porcelain, books, some of which can be seen in the apartment museum. In the corridor there is a portrait of Peter I, which from a distance looks like a tapestry. But in fact, this portrait was made unknown artist from “match heads” coated with paint.

In the apartment museum there are many portraits of Peter I or paintings depicting his time. The writer specially collected them to immerse himself in the situation of that time, for writing the book Peter the Great.

Review (12.12.09)

The fee for visiting is symbolic - 50 rubles per person. For the excursion you need to pay 2 times more. It’s strange that the fee for a photo is 50 rubles per piece. We booked a tour. It lasted about 1 hour. A museum employee told us in detail and skillfully about the life and work of the writer. Interestingly, the museum building hosts music concerts And theatrical performances. We just got to the rehearsal before the concert. We liked the voices.

"It's a big science to howl, grimace, talk to ghosts and run around the workroom."
A.N. Tolstoy

There are places that you wouldn’t even think of going to on your own.
There are no books by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy in my library (well, perhaps, except for “The Adventures of Pinocchio”), and there weren’t any in my parents’ library - at school they went through everything as it should be, but they didn’t like it and didn’t re-read it.
So I ended up in this museum by accident, they just made an appointment for me, and that’s how it happened.
And I’ll tell you what, dear comrades and gentlemen, I don’t regret it, and even to this day I’m impressed by how much it was.
This is a very strange place. Completely residential, it feels like the outbuilding itself is from the life of Moscow, which no longer exists and will never exist: going there is like traveling in a time machine. The outbuilding is located in a quiet place, and the sounds of the big city do not penetrate there even with open windows. When you are inside, you seem to look out and see people and vehicles from the 30s, or even the 20s, 10s. Of course, this is the merit of the museum staff, who are trying to recreate a homely atmosphere; you forget that you are in an official institution.
Alexey Nikolaevich, it turns out, was a passionate collector and connoisseur of antiques and art (yes, I was visited by something like a class feeling. In addition, I began to think about all these people who once owned what was bought, donated and found in garbage dumps. But I I tried to push these thoughts away.)
What surprised you? All these paintings, which usually hang in sterile museum halls, and seemingly incongruous furniture from different times and countries, for some reason look very organic in the homely atmosphere of the museum-apartment; nothing hurts the eye. On the contrary, it is very cozy there - as if it was intended that way from the very beginning.

An office, a fireplace, personally designed by Tolstoy, armchairs from the Mikhailovsky Castle, just found in a trash heap, and restored by the owner (yes, he not only collected, but also personally repaired antiques).

This clockwork supposedly belonged to Peter I. In general, there are a lot of Peter and things associated with him in the museum. There are also many reminders of the Empire of the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Portrait of Catherine I in the office:

One of Tolstoy’s ancestors, a Dutch engineer and all of himself a Freemason, as evidenced by the instruments in his hands:

There is a bust of Potemkin under a glass cover. Hair, fabric, lace - personal, Potemkin. The face is only wax, but, as they say, the resemblance is one to one. Brr, something like that... there is a feeling of a cabinet of curiosities. And this glass bell too.

At the museum I learned that the outstanding physicist Pyotr Kapitsa, who was friends with Tolstoy, had a crazy hobby: he loved watch mechanisms, especially antique ones, and restored them for his own pleasure. In any case, all the watches from the collection of the owner of the house passed through his hands. But now they don’t walk, they just decorate the interior:

Again armchairs from the Mikhailovsky Castle:

Embroidered paintings hang in the corridor (Bulgarian cross, 19th century, first half). Peter again: crowns Catherine and punishes some merchant for something.

Opposite there hangs another, a ceremonial portrait of Peter. Well, I thought - those are simple embroidery, but these are beads.

But I took a closer look: the beads were too large. Then I took a closer look - and these are not beads at all! These are matches. :) It turns out that there was such a thing. The matches were painted in different colors and stuck into a special mesh. Behind was the original drawing.

You can see there: the matches have come out a little.

Empress Maria Feodorovna:

A portrait of the owner of the house, just below a photograph of his mother, in the corridor there is a matchstick Peter:

A peeling wall - that's how it was intended, if anything. For a feeling of antiquity.

In the dining room, on the sofa, sits the same Pinocchio who starred in the film of the 30s.

This modest china cabinet in the dining room:

And among the sofas, cabinets and chairs there are many beautiful paintings:

But that's not all. Bosch! "The Temptation of Saint Anthony." As always with Bosch, sins run around on nasty legs, various creatures tempt the saint against the backdrop of an ominous landscape, and the apotheosis of everything is a figure who holds in his hands the main vessel of sin and the receptacle of depravity - the instrument of the lute. Why am I describing it in such detail - the picture hangs in such a way that it is quite difficult to remove it with my soap dish.

Well, on the left is an antique card table, beautiful, of course, and probably valuable. But I’m talking about what’s on the right: a corner cabinet with legs, I don’t know what its name is.
And this, by the way, is one of those things that was not bought, not given, and not found - but was inherited by Tolstoy, along the Turgenev line, and worked by serf craftsmen.
Against the background of gloomy ancient ruins and cheerful Dutch houses, clearly made according to the model, these are the cows:

running animal, probably a dog, with fluttering ears (although, on the other hand, it could be a hare):

And on the side (sorry, out of focus, there is no other shot yet) some wicker things (made of birch bark?)

For some reason it seems to me that this furniture was made for a nursery. And this, of course, is beauty. I'll love it one last time.

And the final quote:
"Then the last thing (by way of advice) is about the stomach. Stepan Petrovich Yaremich says: clean your stomach. He also likes to repeat: Lermontov died because he did not clean his stomach. This is a paradox, but dig into the reasons for your bad mood, head pain, moments of black pessimism, etc. - stomach. You sat down at the table, a mixture of cotton wool and yogurt in your head, squinting - smoking, the pen draws some kind of drawing in the margins - a hatchet, diamonds, curls. Clean your stomach twice! you've been catching the flu for a month - you're sitting at home, blowing your nose, shuffling your shoes. Flu - what could be worse?! Besides, you're suspicious... But try to cleanse your stomach. You don't have time to do physical exercise (skiing, tennis, boating, hunting), It seems to you that you really don’t have time, and you even regret it. Nonsense! Clean out your stomach and you’ll find time right away..."

#tolstoy's apartment museum

The museum no longer accepts Olympic participants

Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun - 11:00–18:00 (ticket office until 17:30) Wed, Thu - 11:00–21:00 (ticket office until 20:30) Mon - day off

Ticket price: children under 16 years old - free, adults - 200 rubles, students and pensioners - 150 rubles. Day free visit permanent and temporary exhibitions for all categories of citizens - the last Friday of each month.

The memorial apartment museum of A. N. Tolstoy was opened on October 20, 1987. The oldest employees of the GLM, E. E. Miropolskaya and E. D. Mikhailova, took part in the creation of the exposition. The building in which the memorial museum-apartment of A. N. Tolstoy is located is part of the Ryabushinsky city estate complex, built by the architect O. F. Shekhtel in 1901-1903. According to the architect's design, the outbuilding closing the courtyard was intended for household needs. On the ground floor there was a laundry and janitor's room, on the second there were rooms for the Ryabushinsky servants. During the years when Gorky lived in the mansion, the editorial offices of the magazines he created “On Construction Sites of the USSR”, “Our Achievements” and the publishing house “History of Factories and Plants” were located in the outbuilding. From August 1941 until the last days of his life, the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy and his wife Lyudmila Ilyinichna Tolstaya lived in this house. The exhibition of the apartment museum was created on the basis of the memorial collection of A. N. Tolstoy, transferred to the State Literary Museum after the death of the widow of the writer L. I. Tolstoy. The collection of A. N. Tolstoy is one of the most valuable in the collections of the State Literary Museum. Part of this collection is presented in the exhibition, part is in the funds of the State Forest Museum and is the basis for numerous exhibition projects. The collection includes: a collection of Russian and Western European paintings of the 16th-20th centuries, objects of decorative and applied art (porcelain, bone, metal, lighting equipment, etc.), furniture by Russian and Western European masters. A significant part of the collection is the writer’s library, which includes rare publications from Peter’s time, books from the Masonic library of the writer’s ancestors - the Turgenevs, and rare foreign publications of the writer during his lifetime.