Can Zhelkov be considered a generous person? Literature lesson based on the story by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" "Great Power of Love". Other works on this work

(368 words) A.I. Kuprin often wrote about love in all its manifestations. Work " Garnet bracelet"can be called a story of unearthly love. The “little man,” the poor official “with a girlish face,” turns out to be strong, selfless, and sensitive. Such a hero has no place in a society where cruel morals reign and everyone is fighting for a place in the sun.

So, we are talking about the “mysterious admirer” of the princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, who seven years ago saw a young woman and fell in love. Now he writes passionate, but not vulgar messages, leaving modest initials: “G. S. Zh.” Probably, if the heroine had met him earlier, she would not have remained indifferent. Zheltkov is tall, blue-eyed, long-haired. He is only about twenty-five to thirty years old. The official of the control chamber loves with all his heart, even deifies the cold and reserved aristocrat. Realizing that there is no hope, he still sacrifices himself and throws his whole life on the altar of forbidden passion. Zheltkov shows respect for Vera Nikolaevna and barely dares to send her a garnet bracelet - a kind of talisman, which, according to the legend, gives the owner the opportunity to foresee the future and saves from violent death. But no one saved the official himself. Having learned that his unrequited love had violated the peace of his lady, he committed suicide. Even at such a tragic moment, he thought not about himself, but about Vera Nikolaevna. This is very sad story a person who at the cost own life opened the world of real feelings to the “woman from high society”, the world of love that conquers even death.

For Zheltkov, Vera Sheina is akin to a deity. He addresses her in a letter: “There is nothing more beautiful than you.” Every thing the princess touches becomes a treasure for the poor official. Zheltkov carefully preserves a note, a scarf, and an exhibition program that once belonged to the recipient of his messages. Love is the meaning of the hero's life. True, no one around him understands him. Vera's brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, a dry and serious man, considers the letters a real insult. But Princess Sheina and her husband are shocked by Zheltkov’s feelings. They live in a completely different world, where social manners and position in society are valued, and the manifestation of such strong emotions is considered indecent.

The hero can be respected for his feelings and even for the fact that he decides not to bother his beloved anymore with his presence. Now readers will probably agree: love is born in heaven! It is no coincidence that the hero repeats: “Hallowed be Thy name.” His feelings are too sublime, and not everyone is able to share them. Even the hero himself does not expect reciprocity. He simply loves and does not demand anything in return.

“Garnet Bracelet”, a petty official who is unrequitedly in love with the princess. He pursues the object of his passion with letters, and at the end of the story he commits suicide.

History of creation

Alexander Kuprin worked on the “Garnet Bracelet” in Odessa in the fall of 1910. The work was originally conceived as a story, but grew into a story. The work dragged on, and at the beginning of December, judging by Kuprin’s letters, the story was not yet finished.

The plot is based on a real story that happened to the wife of State Council member D.N. Lyubimova. The prototype of Zheltkov was a certain petty telegraph official Zheltikov, who was unrequitedly in love with this lady.

"Garnet Bracelet"

Zheltkov is a minor official of the control chamber, 30-35 years old. A tall and thin man with soft and long hair. Zheltkov’s appearance reveals a delicate mental organization - pale skin, a gentle “girlish” face, a childish chin with a dimple, blue eyes and nervous thin fingers. The hero’s hands constantly betray his nervous state - they tremble, fiddle with buttons, “run” over his face and clothes.

Zheltkov - main character story "Garnet Bracelet"

The hero earns little and considers himself a person devoid of subtle taste, therefore he has neither the opportunity nor the right to present expensive gifts to the object of his unrequited passion - the princess. The hero saw a lady in a circus box and immediately fell in love with her. Eight years have passed since then, and all this time the lover Zheltkov has been writing letters to Vera. At first, the hero was still waiting for reciprocity and thought that the young lady from the box would answer his letters, but Vera never paid attention to the unlucky admirer.

Over time, Zheltkov ceases to hope for reciprocity, but continues to write to Vera from time to time and secretly monitor her life. In his letters, Zheltkov describes exactly where and with whom he saw Vera, even what dress she was wearing. Apart from the object of his passion, the hero is not interested in anything - neither science, nor politics, nor the lives of his own and other people.

The hero keeps Vera's things. A handkerchief that the lady forgot at the ball, and the hero appropriated. The exhibition program that Vera left on the chair, and so on. Even a note written by Vera, in which she forbade the hero to write to her, became a relic for Zheltkov. Zheltkov sees in Vera the only meaning of his own life, but despite all this, he does not consider himself a maniac, but only a lover.

Vera Sheina from the story "Garnet Bracelet"

One day Zheltkov sends the princess a gift for her name day - a family garnet bracelet that belonged to the hero’s great-grandmother, and then to his late mother. The princess's brother, Nikolai, loses his temper over this gift and decides to intervene in order to stop Zheltkov's "harassment" once and for all.

Nikolai finds where the hero lives and demands that he stop pursuing his sister, and otherwise threatens to take action. Vera herself also treats Zheltkov unfriendly and asks him to leave her alone. That same evening, the hero dies by committing suicide, but in his suicide note he does not blame Vera for his own death, but still writes about his love for her. Only at parting did Vera realize that she strong love, which every woman dreams of, was so close, but she abandoned it.

Zheltkov had a soft and tactful character. The landlady called the hero a “wonderful man” and treated him like her own son. Zheltkov is sincere and incapable of lying, he is decent. The hero has a weak voice and calligraphic handwriting. The man loves music, especially. The hero has one brother among his relatives.

Illustration for the story "Garnet Bracelet"

The hero rented a room in a multi-story building on Lutheran Street. This is a poor house, where the stairwells are dark and smell of kerosene, mice and laundry. Zheltkov’s room is poorly lit, has a low ceiling, and is poorly furnished. The hero has only a narrow bed, a shabby sofa and a table.

Zheltkov is a contradictory character who showed cowardice in love, but considerable courage when deciding to shoot himself.

Film adaptations

In 1964, a film adaptation of “The Pomegranate Bracelet” was released, directed by Abram Room. The image of Zheltkov in this film was embodied by actor Igor Ozerov. Mr. Zheltkov, whose exact name is not indicated in the story, is called Georgiy Stepanovich in the film. In the story, the hero signs with the initials G.S.Zh., and the landlady from whom Zheltkov rented a house called the hero “Pan Ezhiy,” which corresponds to the Polish version of the name “George.” However, it is impossible to say for sure what the hero’s name was.

The film also starred actors Yuri Averin (in the role of Gustav Ivanovich von Friesse) and in the role of Prince Shein, the husband of the main character Vera Sheina, whose role was played by the actress.


“It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life lies only in you.”
“Think about what I should have done? Run away to another city? All the same, my heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, with thoughts about you, dreams about you...”
“I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love.”

Love is a great, sublime feeling that pushes one to heroic deeds and self-sacrifice for the good of one’s chosen one. In books, writers extolled this feeling as the meaning of existence, the great goal in human life. Pushkin, Lermontov, Kuprin, Yesenin, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva - worldwide famous writers whose works glorify this great feeling. But is love always like this? Unfortunately no. Betrayal, hatred, and anger can also be hidden behind such a feeling. The Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was against such imaginary love.

Characteristics of Zheltkov in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

From 1900 to 1910, the writer wrote a number of stories and short stories that show true love. Kuprin elevates this all-consuming feeling over people, endowing it with his main characters. The story “The Garnet Bracelet” did not avoid this topic either. The main character in it becomes a simple official - G. S. Zheltkov. Kuprin endows him with faithful and pure love, the one who is not capable of betrayal and deception, which is similar to the ideal.

The characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” begins with a description of his unrequited love. The main character's object of affection becomes a young woman socialite- Vera Nikolaevna. The main character of the story writes the first letter to the princess even before her marriage. In it, a young and inexperienced telegraph operator describes all his feelings for Vera Nikolaevna. But he doesn’t receive any answer to it. For many years, the hopelessly in love Zheltkov sent letters to the princess, who did not take all his love revelations seriously. Moreover, Vera’s entire family openly mocked and ridiculed him, considering G.S.Zh. a maniac and an abnormal person.

Garnet bracelet

Zheltkov sends his penultimate letter and gift to the princess on her name day. As the telegraph operator himself wrote: “I would never allow myself to present you with anything chosen by me personally: for this I have neither the right, nor subtle taste and - I admit - no money.” This fragment, taken from a letter to his beloved, can be included as the beginning of Zheltkov’s characterization. The gift of a minor official is a bracelet decorated with a scattering of red garnets. This is the only thing that the main character of the story could give to his beloved.

Despite the severity of fate, the hero of Kuprin’s story is happy from the realization that he loves. The main characteristic of Zheltkov is the purity and recklessness of his feelings for Vera. In his letters, he reflects that the most correct thing would be to leave and leave his love, but he is not able to do this. With all his thoughts and feelings, he would still be forever connected with her.

External characteristics of the hero

In appearance, Zheltkov was endowed with soft features, an average build, blue eyes and tall. He looked about 35 years old. Despite his gentle appearance, the hero absorbed both sensitivity and sincerity, as well as perseverance. External characteristics Zheltkova is intertwined with his state of mind.

Vera Nikolaevna's grandfather, General Anosov, becomes a supporter of his feelings. Imbued with the whole story of the poor telegraph operator’s unrequited feelings, he tries to convince his granddaughter of the selfless, selfless love with which Zheltkov burns.

Living conditions of the main character

The key characteristic of Zheltkov in Kuprin’s “Garnet Bracelet” is also the room in which he lived. Because of his low rank, the hero lives in one room, which presents him as a poor man with a complex life story. The living space itself had low ceilings and small windows; it contained only the most necessary furniture.

With all its guts the room showed state of mind its owner. He did not strive for comfort and rich decoration. The only joy and outlet in Zheltkov’s life was Vera Nikolaevna. The main character was overwhelmed with feelings for her, and he was not interested in anything else. This moment complements the characterization of Zheltkov in “The Garnet Bracelet” as a sincere person capable of sacrifice in the name of pure and great love.

In his story, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin shows all the power and strength true love, not expecting a reward. The one that is strong as death. And the main character of the story carries such love as a cross throughout his life. Based on Zheltkov’s characterization in “The Garnet Bracelet,” it is clear that he is a human broad soul, in which there is a place for love and self-sacrifice. And he gives himself to her completely, without reserve, feeling happy only because he has the opportunity to experience this feeling.

The story of unhappy love for a married woman became the plot of the story “The Garnet Bracelet.” Zheltkov G.S. - her main character. The man's name remains unknown. One can only assume that his name is George. The text contains only the last name - Zheltkov. The appearance of a man in love also does not evoke strong sympathy or negativity. He is tall, thin and pale. Other appearance features: trembling hands, nervous fingers, reddish mustache, childish chin, long soft hair. Zheltkov in the story is about 35 years old.

A poor official of some government institution saw Vera Nikolaevna at the circus and fell in love. It was love at first sight and for many years. A man begins to follow a woman, gets acquainted with society, her environment and hobbies. Zheltkov is happy. He truly loves, the man realizes what “enormous happiness” has visited him. The official is not interested in anything: “neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy.” He is absorbed by a woman, she becomes the meaning of his life.

Zheltkov thanks God, who gave him a great feeling. He checked whether it was a disease or an obsession. I realized that no. His love is “not a manic idea.” Even Vera's husband is sure that G.S. was not crazy, but was in love. There is some irony in the author’s words when he lists how a man burns the most precious thing he had: Vera’s things. A stolen scarf, a note, an exhibition program - objects that have been in the hands of a woman become expensive and incredibly valuable. Faith for G.S. is the only joy, consolation, thought. He does not evaluate his feelings as persecution.

Zheltkov gives the woman a garnet bracelet. This item was a family heirloom. She protected men from violent death, and rewarded women with the gift of foresight. The bracelet belonged to the great-grandmother, then passed to Zheltkov’s mother. The gift made Vera's brother Nikolai very angry. The brother wants to put an end to this story. He goes to Zheltkov and demands that he abandon the pursuit of the princess. The man is waiting for the decision of his fate from Vera Nikolaevna herself. The woman also asks to end the incomprehensible, protracted affair in letters. Zheltkov wants to stay in the city and see his beloved at least occasionally, but Vera’s words cut off all threads of hope.

G.S. commits suicide. Before his death, he addresses his beloved with admiration: “Hallowed Your name" Vera is freed from Zheltkov’s feelings. But there is no peace in the beauty’s soul. She lost the love that “every woman dreams of.” The beautiful feeling passed her by, she missed the opportunity to be a muse and the meaning of life, broke off love and remained an ordinary married woman, no different from other society ladies.

Sections: Literature

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material.

Type of lesson: lesson-conversation.

Purpose of the lesson: to identify the originality of the solution love theme in the works of A.I. Kuprina.


  • deepen students' understanding of artistic originality prose by A. I. Kuprin;
  • introduce students to the history of the creation of the story “The Garnet Bracelet”;
  • based on direct impressions from reading the story, conduct comprehensive analysis works, having considered the problems of the story, its plot and compositional features, the originality of artistic images.


  • improve students’ skills in analyzing a work of art, developing the ability to identify the main, significant moments in the development of an action, determine their role in revealing the theme and idea of ​​the work, and draw independent conclusions; develop research skills literary text; benchmarking, detailed answers to questions; enriching students' vocabulary;
  • to form in students their own attitude to the events and characters of the story, thereby promoting the development of active life position, the ability to defend one’s own point of view.


Preparatory stage: students are divided into 4 groups.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment. Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

II. Opening remarks teacher.

“Kuprin has one cherished theme. He touches it chastely, reverently and nervously. Otherwise, you can’t touch it. This is the theme of love...”

“The great power of love!” – this is exactly what the topic of our lesson sounds like. The theme of love has always been, is and will be one of the most pressing topics for all humanity.

One of the most fragrant and yearning stories about love - and the saddest - is Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet"

“Love has thousands of stories, and each of them has its own light, its own sadness, its own happiness and its own fragrance.”
(K.G. Paustovsky)

One of these “plots” will be the subject of our attention today.

We will focus on the analysis of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet”.

III. Analysis of Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”.


V. Lvov-Rogachevsky: “Kuprin’s work reflected life in all its endless diversity, not so much life as a whole, but in fragments, in a whirlwind of accidents... He has the greed of a collector, only he collects not rare coins, but rare incidents of life.” Familiarity with the history of the creation of this work will allow us to verify the authenticity of V. Lvov-Rogachevsky’s words.

1.Student’s message “The history of the creation of A. I. Kuprin’s story”(individual Homework student).


2. “Garnet bracelet” has an unusual creative history. Work on the story began in the fall of 1910 in Odessa. At this time, Kuprin often visited the family of the Odessa doctor L. Ya. Meisels and listened to Beethoven’s Second Sonata performed by his wife. Musical piece Alexander Ivanovich was so captivated that work on the story began with him writing down the epigraph. “L. van Beethoven. 2 Son. (op. 2, no. 2). Largo Appassionato.” Beethoven's Sonata "Appassionata", one of the most intense, languid, passionate creations of human genius in music, awakened Kuprin to literary creativity. The sounds of the sonata were combined in his imagination with the story of the bright love that he witnessed.

(Listen to the fragment “Appassionata”)

3. Analytical conversation of a comparative nature.

How Kuprin artistically transformed real story heard by him? (Kuprin embodied in his creation the ideal of beautiful, omnipotent, but not mutual love, showed that “ little man” is capable of a great, all-encompassing feeling. Kuprin ended the story with the death of the hero, which made Vera Nikolaevna think about love, about feeling, made her worry, sympathize, which she had not done before.)

Why do you think Kuprin artistically transformed the real story?

Do you think the writer achieved his intention?

4. Quiz on the work.

Before we directly move on to discussing the story, revealing the main themes, and discussing the characters’ characters, we will conduct a special quiz. Her questions will help you remember the details of the work, and your answers will show how carefully you read the story “The Garnet Bracelet” and how well you remember its contents:

1. What time of year does the story take place? (Autumn, September.)
2. Where do the events of the story take place? (Black Sea city.)
3. What is the name main character? (Princess Vera Sheina.)
4. Princess Sheina’s surname before marriage? (Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovskaya.)
5. Who was Vera Sheina’s ancestor? (Tamerlane.)
6. What is the name of Vera’s sister? (Anna Friesse.)
7. What is the name of Princess Vera’s husband? (Prince Vasily Lvovich.)
8. His position? (Leader of the nobility.)
9. What date was the name day of Princess Vera Sheina? (September 17.)
10. What did her husband give her? (Earrings made of pear-shaped pearls.)
11. What did your sister give Vera? ( Notebook in an “amazing binding”.)
12. What was the name of the famous pianist, Vera’s friend? (Zhenya Reuter.)
13. Who gave the bracelet with garnets? (Zheltkov.)
14. What does faith compare deep red garnets to? (Exactly blood.)
15. Who is Zheltkov? (A telegraph operator in love with faith.)
16. What does his owner call Zheltkov? (“Pan Ezhiy.”)
17. Zheltkov’s real name? (George.)
18. About whom Kuprin wrote: “...took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands, and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient miniatures...” (about Princess Vera).
19. What was the name of the husband of Anna, Vera’s sister? (Gustav Ivanovich.)
20. Whose portrait is this? “She was half a head shorter, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a very Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes... captivating with some elusive and incomprehensible charm...” (Anna)
21. About whom Kuprin writes: “... very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old”? (about Zheltkov.)
22. What kind of music is heard in the work? (Beethoven's Second Sonata.)
23. Whose portrait is this? “A fat, tall, silvery old man climbed heavily from the footrest... He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and with that good-natured, stately, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes... which is characteristic of courageous and ordinary people…” (General Anosov).
24. About whom does the author write: “..she hugged the acacia trunk, pressed herself against it and cried...”? (about Vera Sheina.)
25. Who owns the following words: “Where is love?” Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about whom it is said “strong as death”?

5. Work in groups.

What is a group? This is a song, a song that is only sung in the choir.

Where eyes and hands are always together, the truth is born in a creative dispute!

Task 1.

Let's talk about what you understand love to be and what it can be.

First group: What positive feelings can LOVE cause?

(Love is a sublime feeling, beautiful, extraordinary, love is capable of conquering everything, is capable of raising a person to the pinnacle of bliss, making a person work on himself. It is impossible to live without love)

Second group: What negative feelings can LOVE cause?

(love is a feeling that brings pain, disappointment, self-doubt, love can destroy a person, force him to commit madness, love throws a person into the abyss of grief. It is better to live without love.)

Third group: Choose epithets for the word LOVE .

(Love is kind, soft, mutual, creative, joyful, happy, tragic, fatal, painful, unrequited, destructive.)

Fourth group: Working with dictionaries

Let's turn to explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language and see what definition linguists give to “LOVE”.

Love is:

Love is an intimate and deep feeling, a desire for another person, a human community or an idea. (Large encyclopedic dictionary.)

Love is 1) deep emotional attraction, a strong heartfelt feeling; 2) a feeling of deep affection, selfless and sincere affection; 3) a constant, strong inclination, passion for something; 4) the object of love (he or she whom someone loves, to whom he feels attraction, affection); 5) addiction, taste for something. ( Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova.)

Love – 1) a feeling of affection based on common interests, ideals, and the willingness to devote one’s strength to a common cause. 2) An inclination, disposition, or attraction to something. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakov.)


We see that in each definition the words sound: deep feeling; strong heart feeling; feeling of affection; inclination, disposition.

Kuprin himself spoke about love like this: “a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation.”

But not a single definition has an exact indication of whether love is happiness or misfortune.

How can this be determined? Let us turn to the story by A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” and try to find out

Task 2.

First group: How does the princess appear to the readers in the first chapters of the story? (Coldness, indifference, royal calm, a sense of superiority.)

Second group: Is she capable of ardent, passionate love? (In her youth and early youth, the princess was capable of a strong, all-consuming feeling, but now she has changed, and “the former passionate love for her husband has long turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship.”)

Third group: What role does Beethoven’s music play in the work? (The music is in amazing harmony with the experiences of Vera, in whose soul the words ring: “Hallowed be Thy name.” In these gentle sounds there is life, which “humblely and joyfully doomed itself to torment, suffering and death.” Zheltkov’s last memories are covered with sweet sadness, moments of happiness become eternity for him) Beethoven’s Sonata No. 2 is “an exceptional, unique work of depth.”)

Fourth group : “Love” and “infatuation”: how do these concepts differ?

Task 3.

The person who fell in love with Vera Nikolaevna so much was a simple man, an official of the control chamber, G.S. Zheltkov.

First group: How do we find out about Zheltkov’s love? Who's talking about her? (We learn about Zheltkov’s love for the first time from the stories of Prince Shein. For the prince, truth is intertwined with fiction. For him, this is a funny story. The image of Zheltkov in the prince’s stories undergoes changes: a telegraph operator - dresses up as a chimney sweep - becomes a dishwasher - turns into a monk - dies tragically, leaving a will after death.)

Second group: How was Zheltkov’s gift different from all the others? Why did Vera Nikolaevna feel anxious? (The garnet bracelet is a symbol of love, reverent, endless and hopeless, and tragedy in the fate of the hero.)

Third group: Love without reciprocity: happiness or tragedy? (Zheltkov admits that he “cut an uncomfortable wedge” into Vera’s life and is eternally grateful to her just for the fact that she exists. His love is not a disease, not a manic idea, but a reward sent by God. His tragedy is hopeless, he is a dead man.)

Fourth group: How does Zheltkov appear in his suicide letter?

Task 4.

First group: When does the conversation about true love come up for the first time? (In a conversation with Anosov. He believes that in his time people forgot how to love.)

Second group: To love and be loved? Which is better?

Third group: What is the story of General Anosov? Why is it given in such detail?

Anosov knows what love is at first sight. But his wife left him. “People in our time have forgotten how to love,” says the general. “I don’t see real love. And I didn’t see it in my time.” Anosov talks about why people get married. Women have “the desire to be a housewife, the head of the house, independent... In addition, the need for motherhood, and to start building your own nest.” Men have other motives - “fatigue from single life, from the disorder in the rooms... from debts, from unceremonious comrades... You feel that living as a family is more profitable, healthier and more economical... you think: when the kids come, I’ll die, but part of me will still remain light... sometimes there are thoughts about a dowry." As we see, the motives for marriage of people who lived at the beginning of the 20th century differ little from the aspirations of our contemporaries... Through the mouth of his hero, Kuprin exclaims: "Where is love? ? Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about whom it is said is “strong as death. Every woman dreams of love “one, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless.” This is the ideal of love according to Kuprin. But achieving the ideal is difficult, almost impossible. If there is no love, women take revenge. They take revenge on themselves and others.

Fourth group: Does ideal love exist?

Old General Anosov, who is sure that high love exists, but it “... must be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world,” without compromise.

Kuprin: true love- the basis of everything earthly. It should not be isolated, undivided, it should be based on high sincere feelings, strive for the ideal. Love is stronger than death, it elevates a person.

What is the fate of the garnet bracelet? (The unhappy lover asked to hang a bracelet - a symbol of holy love - on the icon.)

6. Working with the statements of the characters in the story.

The heroes of the story express their opinions about love. Here are the statements of the heroes of the story. Whose point of view is closer to you and why?

Anosov: “Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

Vera Nikolaevna: “And what is this: love or madness?”

Zheltkov: “... this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God was pleased to reward me for something... “Hallowed be your name...”

Shein: “... is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation”

IV. Summing up the lesson.

The small package was kept in a case.
For Princess Vera Nikolaevna,
There was a garnet bracelet in it,
A stone birthday gift...

Framed in gold frames,
Let them be cheap, of low standard,
A green pebble, like a count,
I was amazed by the special glow...

He hid a living fire within himself -
Amulet from death and deception,
He called the owner: “Just touch me with your finger,
The future will emerge from the fog..."

Beethoven's tune will sound
The third part of "Appasionata",
And the words: “I love you as long as I live!” -
They will repeat grenades for a long time...