Is it possible to lose weight by dancing at home? Dancing for weight loss: training at home, general recommendations, video lessons

Usually they turn their attention towards dancing. It’s not surprising, because everyone has seen dance competitions on TV more than once. And, most likely, it has not escaped your attention that most dancers have not only grace, excellent movement, excellent posture, but also a good figure. But the fact remains that among those who dance there are many fat people, and it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about beginners or people who have devoted more than one year of their life to studying it. So is it possible to combine business with pleasure? lose weight through dancing?

Let's think logically. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. This initial position is unlikely to ever change. To lose weight, you need to either stick to diets or give your body physical activity. But if there is no doubt that dancing develops plasticity, coordination of movements and teaches better control of one’s body, then the load on the muscles does not necessarily accompany them. It turns out that dancing to lose weight is useless? Not at all. It all depends on several factors at the same time: on where you practice, what type of dancing and how.

So, where can you practice dancing to get the best effect?

The options are as follows: at home, in dance school or studio, in the gym. Let's look at each of them. Home classes are usually carried out using various video courses. If you choose the right type of dance, you can get enough exercise, but it’s unlikely to learn how to dance. At the dance school they will give you great moves, and if dance direction this assumes that you will find a partner there, however, it is worth considering that most time will be devoted to establishing interaction in a couple, learning movements, establishing posture and other similar points. It is impossible to say that at this time you will not receive a load; it will be difficult for beginners, but this load, with a high degree of probability, will not be sufficient for weight loss. If we talk about dance programs offered by fitness clubs, then they are aimed at to a greater extent weight correction, but in this case it is quite difficult to hope for any successful dance training. Therefore, first of all, you will have to prioritize: do you need beautiful movements, ability to dance or a slim figure.

Separately, I would like to say that many young ladies choose home exercises solely because of complexes about their figure and lack of skills. However, such worries are in vain, because there are groups with different levels training, and believe me, in each of them there will definitely be overweight people. Homework is inexpensive and requires the least amount of time, but no one will point out your mistakes, control you, or encourage you. In addition, the factor of paid money, chatting with girlfriends and, if you're lucky, having a nice trainer, magically works even better for some ladies psychological work over your own motivation.

Let's move on to the second “point”. What dance styles are most effective for losing weight? You can choose any type of dancing as a hobby. Calm ballroom, energetic sports, charming belly dance, sexy strip dance, fiery Latin, rhythmic Irish and fashionable club dances can be preferred from the point of view of aesthetics, suitability of your temperament, proximity to the club or school. But if you are seriously thinking about losing weight, the criteria should be slightly different. You will get the greatest physical activity from single rhythmic dances. And despite the fact that in most dances almost all muscle groups are involved, some of them are loaded to a greater extent, and some to a lesser extent. For example, in belly dancing and samba the emphasis is placed on the waist, abdomen and hips, Latin American dances They train coordination and endurance to a large extent; Irish exercises primarily stress the legs and contribute to the formation of correct posture. But in strip dance and modern club dancing(go-go, R’n’B and others) as a rule, almost all or many muscle groups are involved. It’s nice that from rhythmic dancing you will get both aerobic and cardio exercise at the same time.

And, most importantly, we will answer the question - how to dance to get a slim figure? Let's start with the fact that initially dancing classes are not suitable for weight correction, so you should not expect a quick effect, just as you should not hope that you can lose weight without sticking to it, with the help of such “trainings” alone. This explains the fact that among the dancers you can meet not only slim, but also overweight people. In addition, dance classes are usually held 2 times a week, and to achieve results in any type of fitness, experts recommend devoting at least 3-4 days a week to it. Exit? Either attending additional classes, or practicing skills on your own, or combining them with other types of training. Also (traditionally for all types of fitness) you should not eat two hours before and for an hour after class, limiting yourself to a light snack if necessary.

Therefore, you shouldn’t have too much hope for dancing, but you shouldn’t write it off as a way to lose weight either. After all, among other things, dancing gives good mood and a charge of vivacity, make you feel more attractive and relaxed, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and immunity. In addition, this is a fashionable hobby that gives you the opportunity to plunge into a special atmosphere, diversify your life and expand your social circle.


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This is an absolutely physiological, safe sport with an optimal load on all muscle groups. Let's look at why dancing is ideal for creating a beautiful, proportional figure.

Physical reasons:

1. When dancing, a woman puts an even load on all muscle groups, even those that other sports cannot reach. Not only subcutaneous fat is burned, but internal organ obesity is also eliminated.

2. Dancing is safe. By choosing from a variety of types and directions of dance, each woman can choose the type that not only has no contraindications for her personally, but also helps restore health.

3. Alternating tension and relaxation of all muscle groups is an excellent combination of strength and cardio exercises.

4. Dancing helps improve blood flow, lymph flow, and eliminate congestion in the body. Some types of dance are a gentle massage of internal organs, which stabilizes their functioning.

5. Thanks to the normalization of the work, first of all, of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism improves. The body itself regulates the amount of healthy fat, and breaks down excess fat and removes it.

6. Dancing helps normalize your daily routine. The need for morning warm-up, breakfast, drinking water, eating on time, warming up during the day and relaxing exercises before bed sharpens beautiful forms.

7. Dancing creates royal posture. A woman with a straight back and head held high is slimmer both visually and actually.

8. In the end, this is a pleasant physical activity that helps burn excess fat.

Metaphysical reasons:

1. A dancing woman begins to love herself and take care of herself. A dancing woman will not allow herself to eat junk food or not get enough sleep; she monitors her health, pampers and cherishes herself and her beloved.

2. Dance helps normalize energy exchange in the body, which improves the functioning of all internal organs, improves mood, and reduces weight.

3. A woman begins to love her body and accept it. As a result, the fat that the body has accumulated to protect not only from cold and hunger, but also from the owner’s aggression towards herself, is no longer needed.

4. In dance, a woman reveals her femininity. At the physical level, this is expressed in the normalization of the hormonal and reproductive systems. Stabilizing the level of hormones in the blood helps to get rid of fat accumulation in the abdomen, back, shoulders, and the disappearance of cellulite.

You can practice dancing either independently with the help of video lessons or in a group. For beginners, it is better to take classes in a group - the teacher will explain and show how this or that movement is performed. In addition, the group is an opportunity to find new friends and like-minded people.

Dance is a sport that works on all levels. By starting to dance, a woman is not only guaranteed to transform her figure, but also to be healed both physically and spiritually.

Pole dance, or pole dance (pole dance, as it is also called) includes all types of exercise - strength, aerobic and stretching, as well as elements of acrobatics. Therefore, it all starts not with approaching the pole, but with basic exercises on the mat, aimed at developing all muscle groups. Fans pole dance claim that while dancing, muscles work that you didn’t even know existed ordinary life! But they will definitely start to get sick after the debut lesson.

As a rule, girls who come to their first pole dancing lesson without good physical preparation discover a desire to play sports and tone their muscles - otherwise how to perform all these difficult, but so sexy pole dance tricks?



Incendiary reggaeton is a dance that requires good physical preparation. It appeared in Panama and Puerto Rico, but soon became widespread, first in Latin America and then throughout the world. Unlike smooth salsa or bachata, reggenton is based on a hard and fast rhythm, so after class you can literally wring out your T-shirt!

The main load during the dance goes to the legs, hips, buttocks, and if you dream of a round, pumped up butt, choose reggaeton. By the way, this dance is also an excellent fat burner, since during active “shaking” all muscles work and your body receives high-quality cardio exercise.

Belly dance

Belly dancing is most often associated with rather plump oriental beauties who have something to “shock”. Throw away these prejudices and feel free to go to class if you dream of toned abs. During dancing, the stomach is constantly tense, the oblique muscles are especially active, which are not so easy to pump even in the gym.

Moreover, belly dancing will help you work your thigh muscles without doing boring classic squats. So quickly buy an oriental outfit with ringing monists and go ahead!

Irish step

Irish step is deservedly considered one of best dances for weight loss. It will replace you with jumping rope, running, and step aerobics... In short, Irish dance is an interesting option for cardio exercise for those who cannot bring themselves to go for a morning jog.

True, the upper body is practically not involved in it, but if you dream of slender and toned legs, then this type of dance is definitely for you!


Passionate spanish flamenco is able to use all the muscles of the body, providing your body with an even load. The dance sets a very fast pace and has a lot of different movements, so you definitely won’t get bored during the class.

Firstly, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle will become toned, and secondly, flamenco requires ideal posture, which means the dance is very useful for the spine. And finally, flamenco is plastic and smooth movements, which will not harm anyone.

Of the many ways to lose weight, did you choose dancing? Then you better know in advance that in the first weeks, and maybe even months, you will have to work hard. If we compare the load on the muscles, then 1 hour of exercise is equivalent to 40 minutes of running, 30 minutes of swimming or 20 minutes of strength training. You shouldn't rely only on fun and fiery music - the body has to work until it sweats. But in a month, losses can amount to 10 kg. Such results are worth the patience and effort!

What's the benefit

Intense movements, fast pace, and rhythm force the body to produce a lot of energy. For 1 hour there is enough quiet vog (one of modern styles) you can spend 300 kcal (= 1 hamburger), an incendiary zumba - up to 900 kcal!

A high pace makes you sweat profusely, and excess fluid leaves the body.

The dance movements seem airy and easy to perform only in appearance. In fact, they are exercises that are part of basic sports complexes: with arms, twisting the torso, etc. Only here they are further complicated by the high pace of execution. All this increases the load on different groups muscles, forming a slender body and burning body fat on the most problematic places.

Blood circulation accelerates, which increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. With regular exercise, heart function improves, cholesterol decreases, atherosclerotic plaques dissolve, cellulite gradually disappears, and the skin becomes more elastic, which is a warning after losing weight. All these processes have a beneficial effect on weight loss.

Metabolism accelerates under the influence of accelerated blood circulation. It is he who activates the processing of food into energy. If the metabolism is slow, then calories will be stored in the form of fat depots. If it is normalized, the body is quickly cleansed of waste and toxins, improving the functioning of internal organs, and health is the first step to losing weight.

Despite fatigue and difficulty performing movements, after exercise your mood improves. Psychologists say that this is one of the best cures for depression. This means that this is also the prevention of compulsive overeating - there will be no problems that you will have to eat in the kitchen at night.

It turns out that in dance everything works to lose weight and form a beautiful figure. But is everything so rosy?


A fast pace and serious stress on muscles and internal organs can lead to a deterioration in health in the following diseases and conditions:

  • problems with the spine, joints, bone tissue;
  • brain diseases;
  • flat feet III and IV degrees;
  • recently performed abdominal surgery (must pass at least 3 months);
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and another six months after the birth of the child;
  • hypertension;
  • III and IV degrees;
  • elevated temperature;
  • severe diseases of the lungs, liver, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • varicose veins;
  • painful and heavy periods;
  • oncology stages III and IV;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In addition to the list of contraindications, certain types of dancing as a way to lose weight have other disadvantages:

  • require rhythmic gymnastics skills, flexibility, good stretching (contempo, strip-plasty);
  • increase the risk of injury, fraught with fractures, damage to ligaments, joints, tendons (breakdancing, voguing, pole);
  • only certain muscle groups are overdeveloped, which forms incorrect body proportions (twerking - buttocks, voguing - arms);
  • require the presence of a partner, who can be very difficult to find (Latin American, ballroom);
  • require a keen sense of rhythm and good hearing (flamenco);
  • movements are difficult to master (street, oriental).

At home or in the studio?

Decide where the dance classes will take place. Home workouts can be your choice if...

  • ... a simple dance was chosen that is easy to learn using video lessons;
  • ... it is not paired;
  • ... you are embarrassed to dance in public;
  • ... saving money is necessary;
  • have patience and self-discipline.

When practicing at home, there is always a risk of incorrectly mastering the technique of movements. This is fraught with uneven distribution of the load on the muscles, which can result in injury and an unattractively shaped figure.

It is also necessary to have a large enough space so that nothing restricts the dance, and a mirror to control your own steps. Need to provide complete absence distractions (children, phone calls, unexpected guests). Please note that if you have questions, there is no one to consult with.

Advantages of training in a studio under the supervision of an instructor:

  • correct execution of movements: the trainer will point out mistakes and help correct them;
  • it is possible to master different directions, the most intensive of which allow you to lose greatest number kilograms;
  • responsibility: you need to attend paid classes according to the schedule, otherwise you will be ashamed in front of the group and the instructor;
  • a professional will answer all your questions.

But studio dancing is an expensive pleasure. And it’s not just about renting a hall, group classes and a personal instructor. A number of areas require specialized shoes and clothing, and this is a large expense item.

What to choose?

It is best to consult with an instructor, providing him with information about your health (do not hide the presence of diseases), degree of physical fitness (have you been involved in sports and dancing before) and (be sure to say that your goal is to lose weight). Based on this data, he will select the appropriate direction.

As a rule, for beginners you need simple dances with movements that are easy to master. This is an adapted contempo, disco, zumba, something from a fitness area.

It is mistakenly believed that for fat girls There are some special directions. Actually, no: if excess weight exceeds 20 kg or more, it is better to choose any programs for beginners with simple movements and at a slow pace. For example, pole dancing or break dancing with such indicators will be difficult to master. But as you lose weight, you can move on to more complex techniques.

When choosing effective dances for losing belly fat, take a closer look at belly dance, Body Plastic, strip plastic, tribal, lambada, hip-hop, and Latin American styles.

To quickly lose weight, you need to choose the most energetic dances with a clear rhythm: hip-hop, breakdance, zumba, disco, salsa, rock and roll. They burn the most calories per session.

When choosing, be guided by your preferences. A slow strip is better suited for a measured, calm person to work on the flexibility of the body. For the impatient and active, incendiary Zumba will help you use up your overwhelming energy. Age matters too. For example, women over 35 prefer belly dancing or foxtrot, while young people prefer street and modern trends(twerking, hip-hop, breakdancing).

There is no need to combine dancing with other intense methods of losing weight. Diets, pills and strength training in the gym will contribute to exhaustion of the body, overtraining of muscles and deterioration of well-being. The result is a refusal to exercise and the return of the previous weight. What is allowed in sports:

  • morning exercises;
  • jogging/treadmill;
  • walks/walking;
  • swimming.


  • Quickstep

This couples dance gave many trends and styles the so-called “quick step”. A flying, light gait, akin to running, allows you to burn a lot of calories in one session. Easy to perform, so suitable for beginners. The only downside is that you need a partner.

  • Foxtrot

The founder of quickstep. It is also based on steps, but smaller and not as fast. Looks like a waltz. Gives an excellent load on the back, which automatically affects the retraction of the abdomen and weight loss in the sides and waist. Suitable for beginners.

  • Tango

Of all ballroom dancing, suitable for weight loss, this one is the most difficult. The load falls on the muscles of the back and legs, so fat burning primarily occurs in these places. Those who regularly practice tango have very beautiful hips and a thin waist.

Latin American

  • Samba;
  • cha-cha-cha;
  • paso doble;
  • rumba;
  • jive.

One of the most popular destinations today. Energy, freedom, opportunity to work in pairs, excellent load on the abdominal and thigh muscles. Despite the fact that Latin dances are called simple, many beginners who decide to lose weight with their help stop training precisely because some movements are very difficult to repeat if they are overweight.


  • Breakdancing, dubstep (Dup Step), popping, electric boogie (Electric Boogie)

These energetic directions are recommended for weight loss for young guys (primarily) and girls. They teach you how to control your body and contain complex elements that require excellent physical shape. You don’t need to think that extra pounds are an obstacle to such activities. You’ll arrive looking plump, and in a couple of months you’ll be rocking the battlefield, showing off a beautiful, toned figure. The downside is the high risk of injury.

  • Shuffle, house, electro-dance, tectonic, C-walk

Active dancing that is ideal for losing weight. They burn the maximum amount of calories and are very energy-intensive. They involve wide swings and jumps. They have a fairly complex technique and require large area for classes. But once you get carried away by them, it’s impossible to stop. Weight is falling at a rapid pace. They are chosen mainly by young people.

  • Hip-hop

A popular style, training programs adapted for weight loss are offered on the Internet and in studios. Basic movements: swing - rhythmic swaying of the body to music and step dances - steps (from the middle, diagonally and crosswise). The abs and legs work, although the load on the arms and shoulders is also considerable. The exercises are energy-intensive, so many young people solve the problem of excess weight with the help of hip-hop.

In dance and sports studios For weight loss, street destinations such as:

  • locking;
  • krump;
  • R’n’B (Rich and Beautiful - rich and beautiful);
  • freestyle;
  • hustle.


  • Pylon, strip plastic

Pole dancing on a pole, the strip is distinguished by sensuality and frankness. Both directions are readily chosen by young girls. Reveals femininity and sexuality. At the same time, they provide powerful physical training. The downside is that they require gymnastic skills and good stretching.

  • Go-go (Go-Go), Vogue (Vogue)

Choice of young girls dreaming of big stage. Very beautiful movements, but quite complex in technique. Vogue is hand waves of varying intensity, so for those who urgently need to lose weight in this part of the body, Vogue is what they need. Go-go - mixing different styles, it is demonstrated mainly by nightclub dancers.

  • Jazz-modern, contemporary (contempo)

Very fashionable trends, in the classic version not too intense: calm, respectful aesthetic traditions and rules of choreography. But due to their wide popularity, instructors have adapted them for weight loss - these programs are quite suitable for beginners. One of the positive aspects is that during the training, flexibility develops and a beautiful body is formed.

National dances

  • Flamenco (Spanish)

Beautiful costumes, maximum drama, national color- all this makes flamenco popular among different segments of the population. As for losing weight, the main work here falls on the arms (the choreography of the hands is very specific) and legs (you will have to tap dance). Minus - required good feeling rhythm. Beginners should definitely not choose this direction.

  • Tribal

An original version of belly dance, developed by Carolina Nericchio specifically for weight loss. More intense, less complex. Those who are afraid to start with can start with it. Aimed at creating beautiful abs.

Now you know the names of the main dance directions that you can choose for weight loss, and what they are characteristic features. This information will allow you to do right choice and achieve maximum weight loss results.

Dancing for weight loss– the choice of those who want to burn extra pounds and increase the vitality of the body. If we consider dancing as one of the fitness areas, it is worth noting the beneficial cardio load, the synchronized work of various muscle groups during musical classes.

Regular dance training is especially recommended for those who are just starting to introduce their body to sports. For experienced athletes, dancing will help relax muscles constrained by strength training.

The benefits of dancing as a means to lose weight

1. Having chosen a dance direction to your liking, you can be sure that you will be able to work out even an hour-long workout with high quality.

2. In the evening (after work), dance classes are much easier than, for example, step aerobics or strength training.

3. Dancing directly influences the development of a positive attitude towards everything around you and helps to significantly increase self-esteem.

"For many people, dancing becomes a long-awaited impulse for new achievements."

4. The ability to conduct training at home - available on the Internet huge amount free video lessons.

5. Having developed a sense of rhythm and learned the basic dance moves, You will be able to feel more comfortable and confident, even if your body has not yet achieved ideal proportions.

Fitness club or home workout?

Not all beginners decide to attend a group dance class. Seeing their figure flaws, women are afraid that their movements will look funny or ridiculous from the outside. In this case, home training will become a kind of preparatory stage for “going out into the world.”

In order for dance classes to give quick results, you need to devote forty to sixty minutes to them two or three times a week. As we have already said, your home trainer is waiting for you in one of the many video tutorials. It is recommended to practice in the following sequence: repeat the dance movements several times while looking at the video instructor, then try to dance the lesson while looking at yourself in the mirror.

"After a couple of weeks, you will be able to perform dance movements without video guidance, create your own combinations from them, using your favorite music for training."

When you feel that you have mastered the world of music and movements, you should sign up for group classes with a fitness trainer so that your endeavor receives proper development.

Dancing for weight loss at home: what to choose?

We recommend trying three main areas that are popular in fitness clubs: latino, belly dance, zumba . The latter dance style is most effective for weight loss, however, due to the high cardio load, it may be contraindicated for people who are obviously overweight. Belly dancing and varieties of Latin American dances greatly affect the lower body, and also help develop immunity against many female diseases.

Only after trying everything on yourself can you make a final choice in favor of one direction. To spur your new love to fitness, complement your workout with a game moment. Add to your home uniform characteristic paraphernalia for classes dance style: Decorate your hair with a flower while dancing salsa or bachata, tie a scarf while performing belly dancing.

Dancing for weight loss: training rules

For a dance class, the same rules apply as for other fitness training:

1) training is allowed no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. On the day of training, you should eat protein foods and vegetables;

2) after class you should wait a couple of hours before eating again;

3) the use of natural energy drinks is encouraged - coffee without sugar an hour before training, green tea;

4) special attention pay attention to shoes. If you plan to do a dynamic workout - step dance or Zumba - shoes should provide a stable, even step and protect against ankle sprains.