Moscow journalist Grigory Telnov: “after the meteorite fell, all Chelyabinsk residents are reporters... Grigory Telnov. Life is in full swing there too. Russian scientists have revealed the secret of the afterlife

The secret of Russian money. Ancient mystical symbols are printed on the new banknotes.

Grigory Telnov

There is a DROP of saint in everyone. If you don't believe melook into this truthinto your wallet and attentioncarefully considersqueezing banknotes there. Onthey have drawings thatthey have deep mistic meaning. Thisa whole system of religionsymbols, whichis designed to ensuredemonic protection Russia.

Unofficial bank seriessheet music sample 1997 on Gozna they call it “from Moscow to Sakha”we go to the outskirts." She was conceivedwas still in Yeltsin timeson. Paradoxically, but the firstthe idea of ​​printing architectural monuments of cities on moneyRussia expressed on televisionin this interview the most famouscountry's biggest counterfeiter Victor Baranov.

Although it is unlikely that Goz artistsNaka listened precisely tohis opinion. At that time Pricethe trobank was already working hardon the creation of new banknotes.The former ones that were youlaunched after the collapse of the USSR,were a temporary option.Bankers called them "fans"tics." New money designdeveloped by the honoredDoctor of Russia Igor Krylkov.He dreamed of placing moneyportraits of prominent compatriotsowners - as they do in many countries. But the Central Bankproposed a different ideology.

The artists were ordered todrawing on money is not easyarchitectural monuments. Wasa list of places thatare considered shrines rightSlavia. At first glance, thatwhich choice seemed strange - after all, our church is separated fromstates. Moreover, in RussiaNot only Orthodox Christians liveChristians, but also representatives other faiths.

However, all doubts wereswept aside. For the artists of Goznthey clearly hinted thatyou need to draw what is told “from above”. When Krylkov wanteddepict the body on the back of onefrom banknotes Yaroslavl theaterdrama, he was pulled back - only church! And they indicated a specificcathedral Arriving in Yaroslavl, huthe guards found it in such desolation that they had tosketch from pre-revolutionary photos count.


In the end it turned out that almostEach banknote bears an image of Christian shrines. Onpaper five (now shealmost disappeared from circulation) - So The Cathedral of Physics in Veliky Novgorod city. At ten there is a chapel Paraskeva Fridays in Krasnoyarske. On fifty-ruble banknote - Petropavlovsk bor in St. Petersburg. On five tisotke - Spaso-Preobrazhen Solovetsky Monastery. On thousand banknote - church John the Baptist in Yaroslavl.

Chapel of Praskeviya Pyatnitsa - a saint who was revered in Rus' as the patroness of the family and domestic animals.

The Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg was and remains a symbol Russian Empire- it houses the royal tomb.

The Solovetsky Monastery is also called a symbol of the Gulag, but for believers it is, first of all, the greatest Orthodox shrine.

The Temple of John the Baptist in Yaroslavl is considered cultural monument of global significance.

The only exception is hundred-ruble ticket. I'll come to himMali and approved even before the emergence of the religious conceptmoney. But the image is Painhardly any theater in Moscowcan be considered absolutely light skim - after all, on the banknote there is an image Ancient Greek women's clothingmaster of the arts god Apollo.And in a very natural wayform. Zealots are moralsti who saw on the banknotemale genitalia, artistKrylkov replied that Apollo didn't wear pants.

There is another lawity that is easy to traceis reflected in the ideology of banknotes. Onmodified in 2004 the tickets show only thosecities that are in the Great Ottonatural ones were not capturedenemy. Five with occupiedNovgorod was renewed during the war they didn’t lie.


The Moscow Patriarchate confirmed that the Russian Orthodox Church take itlittle participation in the choice of symbols for Russian money.

We were asked to make list of the most revered Christian shrines,- said the chief Celia of Patriarch Alexy II Archpriest Vladimir Divakov. - We did it from corrected their proposals inThe Central Bank, they were taken into account. Religious symbolismon money has deepsacred meaning. This is an appeal to our heavenly onesfeet. When believerspeople see what's on themfermented, it comes to the heart joy, and prayer on the mind...

By the way, on those incirculation one-, ten- andfifty-kopeck coins have an image mintedSt. George the Victorious. Bythis, seeing thrown onthe earth is a trifle, don’t trample itwith their feet - after all, a saint is carved on them.


Scientists claim that the use of mystical symbols on money began withancient times.

-On coins it is oftendisplayed magical signs,- says the candidate historicallyscientific sciences Alexander Baranew, the most famous in RussiaThese are specialists in bonistics.

-With the advent of paperbills this tradition is not morningwas printed on the US banknoteone dollar denominationMasonic ones were printed signs.

Historian Mikhail Kalyuzhspecializingon magical symbols,saw them on manyVet money:

-On a silver ruble 1921 pentagram embossed Ma of the Mars talisman. CountsIt appears that such a drawing iscarries strength. And the paper project the new ruble of 1947 is very resembles the famous EgyptTologam plate of Pharaoh Nar measure. The similarity is not accidental - it's literally an ornamentnaya quote from this memorialka, designed to provideprosperity to the rulerEgypt. Magic imagesyou can make a marriage out of moneyconsidered system talismans. Created them intentionallyut the leaders are very large ny communities - such as states, politicalparties, religious conprofessions. System Talisman, from the point of view of magic,is hugenew energy network,aimed at achievingdevelopment of a specific goal. The main requirement for everyone element of the system - all of them must be absolutely aloneforks. Coins and cashbanknotes fit perfectlyto create system dataLismanov. Therefore, a function hidden from the uninitiated money - serve as a system talisman for strengtheningpower and welfare states.

According to scientists, the symbolfaces of today's Russianmoney is favorable for the country us and its citizens.

In a pattern for five hundred It's very easy to see the resemblance to an ICO banknote Noah "Burning Bush" - says Mikhail Kalyuzhny.- In iconography, this symbol means God.

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Sign of the Cross

Sign of the cross adding the thumb, index and middle fingers right hand together in honor of the trinity of the One God. At the same time, the ring and little fingers, symbolizing the two natures of the Son of God Jesus Christ, are pressed together (to signify the coming of the Son of God in the flesh to earth for the sake of our redemption and salvation) to the palm, which symbolizes this earth. Blessing hand of a priest folding of fingers depicts letters Ic Xc – I isu With X Risto With

Grigory Telnov. "The Secret of the Sign of the Cross"

Scientists have experimentally proven that the sign of the cross kills microbes and changes the optical properties of water.
We have confirmed that the ancient custom of baptizing food and drink before meals has profound mystical meaning, says physicist Angelina Malakhovskaya. There is also a practical benefit hidden behind it: food is cleaned literally in an instant. This is a great miracle that happens literally every day.

Angelina Malakhovskaya conducted her research on the power of the sign of the cross with the blessing of the church for almost ten years. A large series of experiments was carried out, which were rechecked many times before the results were made public.

They are phenomenal: unique bactericidal properties have been identified that appear in water from its consecration with Orthodox prayer and the sign of the cross. A new, previously unknown property of the Word of God has been discovered to transform the structure of water, significantly increasing its optical density in the short ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

The very possibility of these studies became a miracle for Angelina Malakhovskaya and her fellow St. Petersburg residents; they were not funded and were not part of the research institute’s scope. But Orthodox scientists performed a huge amount of work for free only in order to give people the opportunity to feel and see healing power God. Experiment

Scientists tested the effect of the Lord's Prayer and the Orthodox sign of the cross on pathogenic bacteria. For the study, water samples were taken from various reservoirs - wells, rivers, lakes. All samples contained Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. But it turned out that if you read the “Our Father” prayer and make the sign of the cross over the samples, the number of harmful bacteria can decrease by 7, 10, 100 and even more than 1000 times!

According to the conditions of the experiment to exclude the influence of possible mental suggestion the prayer was read by both believers and non-believers, but the number of pathogenic bacteria in different environments(with a different set of bacteria) still decreased compared to the control sample.

The beneficial effect of prayer and the sign of the cross on a person is that all subjects’ blood pressure stabilized and their blood counts improved. It is surprising that the indicators changed in exactly the direction required for healing: in hypotensive patients the pressure increased, in hypertensive patients it decreased.

It was noticed that if a person applied the sign of the cross to himself carelessly, with his three-fingered fingers unclearly folded, or did not touch the necessary points (the middle of the forehead, the center of the solar plexus, the indentations of the right and left shoulders), then the positive result of the impact was much lower or absent altogether. Sign

Scientists measured the optical density of water before and after applying the sign of the cross and blessing it.
It turned out that the optical density increases compared to its initial value before consecration, explains Angelina Malakhovskaya. This means that water, as it were, DISCOVERS the meaning of prayers pronounced over it, remembers this effect and stores it for as long as desired in the form of an increase in the value of optical density. She seems to be saturated with light. The human eye, of course, cannot perceive these healing changes in the structure of water. But the spectrograph device gives an objective assessment of this phenomenon.

The sign of the cross changes the optical density of water almost instantly. The optical density of tap water, sanctified by making the sign of the cross over it by an ordinary believer, a layman, in the Orthodox folding of the fingers of the right hand, increases almost 1.5 times! And when consecrated by a priest almost 2.5 times! That is, it turns out that the water “distinguishes” the degree of sanctification by a layman or priest, whose fingers of his right hand are folded for blessing so that they depict the first letters of the name of Christ.

An interesting result is the consecration of water by a baptized but unbelieving person who does not wear a cross. It turned out that water “distinguishes” even the degree of faith - the optical density changed only by ten percent! Truly “according to your faith may it be done to you!”

Since the human body consists of more than two-thirds of water, this means that God installed in us at creation such a system of physical channels that regulate all biochemical processes in the body, which clearly “recognizes” the name of Jesus Christ!

We can say that the sign of the cross is a light generator. We did not detect any changes (increases) in the optical density of tap water with any other folding of the fingers (palm, or careless folding of the fingers, quick, irreverent waving of the hands).

False signs in science or “scientific” water frenzy

In our retreated age, given over to the sages of this world, it is not surprising to see more and more scientists trying to penetrate the unknowable and create science where it should not exist. Unfortunately, in lately spread all over the world huge amount hoaxers and charlatans. An attempt to penetrate magic into science or a mystification of science - this is how we can characterize today’s trends, which fortunately are not yet so strong. It became possible to organize any pseudoscientific societies and laboratories by people who are poorly versed in science but have financial resources. You are no longer surprised when you hear the statements of some of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church about such a concept as the formula of prayer. So in the documentary" Great mystery water", aired on the Rossiya TV channel on April 9, 2006, Kirill Gundyaev expressed exactly this idea.
The essence of this transfer is as follows:
“Several years ago, Japanese scientist Emoto Masaru announced the sensational results of his research: water is capable of absorbing, storing and transmitting human thoughts, emotions and any external information - music, prayers, conversations, events. Water molecules are combined into clusters - memory cells into which water records everything it perceives. In one molecule there are up to 440 thousand information panels, which form a kind of analogue of computer memory. To see what the information recorded by water looks like, just take a photo of frozen water. The shape of the ice crystals formed varies depending on the emotional color of the perceived information. Positive thoughts and harmonious melodies give rise to symmetrical “drawings” that are pleasing to the eye, while negative thoughts give rise to chaotic, shapeless “doodles” with torn edges.”

Grigory Telnov

Life is in full swing there too.
Russian scientists have revealed the secret of the afterlife

"Life", 07/12/2009

Vadim and Natalia Svitnev.

There is no death - life is also in full swing in the next world. This is evidenced by numerous messages from the afterlife - the voices of the dead are received on the radio, on computers and even on mobile phones. This is hard to believe, but it is a fact. The author of these lines was also rather a skeptic - until he witnessed such contact with the afterlife in St. Petersburg.

We wrote about this in three June issues of the newspaper “Life” this year, 2009. And calls came from all over the country, responses on the Internet. Readers argue, doubt, are surprised, give thanks - the topic of contacts with the afterlife touched a nerve in everyone. Many people ask for the address of scientists who are engaged in such experiments. That's why we returned to this topic. Here is the website address of the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (RAIT) - this is public organization, which studies the phenomenon of electronic voices:

Through this site you can contact the head of RAIT, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Artem Mikheev and his colleagues. But I want to warn everyone - the research is still at the experimental stage. Keep in mind that RAIT is not a firm providing occult services; its members are engaged in science.

And one more important advice. Do not rush to try to make contact with another world on your own using modern technologies, this is still the lot of few scientists. Believe me, the load on a psyche unprepared for such contacts is very great! Maybe it’s enough for you to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of your friends and relatives who have passed on to another world? Take comfort in the fact that the soul is immortal. And separation from people dear to you who have gone to another world is only temporary.


The first targeted contact - that is, a connection with a specific person who has gone to another world - was a radio bridge established by the Svitnev family from St. Petersburg. Their son Dmitry was killed in a car accident, but his parents found a way to hear their dear voice again. Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Svitnev and his colleagues from RAIT, using specially designed instruments and a computer, established communication with another world. And it was Mitya who responded to the questions of his father and mother! The son they buried answered from the other world:

“We are all alive with the Lord!”

This amazing two-way contact continues for more than a year. Parents record all negotiations in electronic form- more than three thousand files answering their questions. The information that comes from the other world is amazing - much goes against our traditional ideas about the afterlife.

At the request of the readers of “Life”, I asked the questions you were interested in to Natasha and Vadim Svitnev, Mitya’s parents. Here are their answers.

By what phrases, facts, intonations do you identify your interlocutor from the Other World?

Answer: Don't you recognize your child's voice from billions of others? Any voice has intonations and shades that are unique to it. Our Mitya has a characteristic, recognizable voice - very soft, penetrating into the very heart. When we showed the recordings with Mitya’s voice to his friends, they asked when they were made, being absolutely sure that this was done before the tragic event that interrupted Mitya’s life. We communicate with a very large number of people from the other side. In conversations they introduce themselves to us by name. Among Mitya’s friends there are Fedor, Sergei, Stas, Sasha, and Andrei was once mentioned. And friends on the other side sometimes call Mitya himself by his “nickname” on the Internet, which he chose for himself a long time ago - MNTR, a mirror image of the name Mitya. Vadim and his colleagues welcomed him to the contact. For example, one of Vadim’s managers who switched to the “other side” got in touch with congratulations: “Vadyusha, I congratulate you on Fleet Day!” And to the question: “Who am I talking to?” came the answer: “Yes, I am Gruzdev.” Moreover, except for this man, no one ever called Vadim “Vadyusha.” And sometimes they turn to Natasha maiden name Titlyanova, jokingly calling her Titlyashkina, Titlandia.

How does a person feel in the Other World - in the first seconds, days, weeks, months?

Answer: As we are told on the contacts, there is no interruption on that side. The gap exists only on our side. The transition is absolutely painless.

What does what is happening on Earth look like from there?

Answer: From the other world, this question is answered like this: “Your life is a huge anthill. You constantly hurt yourself. On Earth you are in a dream."

Is it possible to predict certain events from the Other World?

Answer: Events distant in time from the present moment are seen less clearly from the other world than nearby ones. There were many predictive or anticipatory messages, such as a warning about a gang attack on a neighbor's boy three months before the actual incident.

What needs does a person retain in the Other World? For example, physiological - breathe, eat, drink, sleep?

Answer: As for needs, everything is very simple: “I am completely alive. Mitya is the same.” “It’s a stressful time for us, we’ve barely slept for three months.”

Once Mitya said during a communication session: “Now, mom, listen carefully,” and I heard him sigh. He breathed carefully loudly so that I could hear his breathing. These were real, ordinary sighs of a living person. They tell us that they never have time to eat - they have a lot of work.


To what extent are family contacts maintained there?

Answer: Mitya often tells me about my mother - her grandmother, that she is there, and my mother, like my father, were also present at the contacts several times. Moreover, when I began to really miss my mother, Mitya invited her, and since she was Ukrainian by origin, she spoke to me in pure Ukrainian. Vadim also talked with his mother. Of course, family ties remain.

How do they live and where do they live - are there cities, villages?

Answer: Mitya told us that he lives in the village and even explained how to find him. And one of our best contacts heard his address when they called him: “Lesnaya Street, northern house.”

Is the date of departure of each of us predetermined or not?

Answer: There is no talk about the date of departure during our contacts. We are constantly reminded that we are immortal: “You are eternal in our eyes.”

Were there any clues from the other world in everyday things?

Answer: Vadim was once told by a contact that he had 36 rubles in his pocket. Vadim checked and was surprised to see that it was exactly 36 rubles. Egor, our youngest son, was repairing a bicycle and could not determine the malfunction, and Vadim was conducting a communication session at that time. Suddenly Vadim turns to Yegor and says: “Mitya said that your axle is damaged.” The diagnosis was confirmed.

Are there animals in the afterlife?

Answer: There was also such a case: the guys from the other side brought a dog to the communication session. We heard and recorded her barking.


Is it possible to return from the other world?

Answer: You can return. Overcoming the barrier that divides us into “living” and “dead” - many of our contacts are devoted to this. “Go towards the light.” “The strongest technology is here.” “Here it is incomprehensible to the uninitiated.” “You have to believe in the country. Let’s start in Russia.” “We will definitely live together. The family will be complete." “You broke my coffin.” “I will definitely come to you.” "We will awaken humanity." "Youth returns." “In due time you will reveal the music of the Most High.”

Why do only a few make contact with loved ones?

Answer: There are always two parties involved in contact. You need to believe in yourself and take the first step. Love and faith will definitely be rewarded. Absolutely anyone who shows persistence can communicate with their loved ones. Recently we just had a woman who lost her son. We had a communication session. Everyone was shocked. The woman recognized her son. They talked and received very personal messages. It must be said that we are researchers in a very new field for everyone, and contact of this kind, carried out with people completely unfamiliar to us, was the first in our practice. On our blog a method for organizing and conducting such contact is provided.

And I would also like to say that the walls surrounding us exist only for us. On that side they are absolutely transparent. We are seen and heard not only by our speeches, but also by our thoughts. They tell us: “You are running in the fog.” And they also say: “Give me your hand!”, “Everyone here is forgiven.”

Based on the article “The nun came to life on the third day after death.” Grigory Telnov, newspaper “Life”

She saw her body from the side - lying on the operating table. Doctors were bustling around. An iron-like device was pressed to his chest.

Discharge! - Professor Psakhes shouted.

The body twitched. But she didn't feel any pain.

The heart doesn't react!

Discharge! More! More!

Doctors tried to “start” her heart for almost half an hour. She saw the young assistant put his hand on the professor's shoulder:

Boris Isaakovich, stop. The patient is dead.

The professor pulled off his gloves and took off his mask. She saw his unhappy face - all covered in beads of sweat.

What a pity! - said Boris Isaakovich. - Such an operation, we worked for six hours...

I'm here, doctor! I'm alive! - she screamed. But the doctors did not hear her voice. She tried to grab Psakhes by the robe, but the fabric didn’t even move.

The professor left. And she stood near the operating table and looked, spellbound, at her body. The nurses moved him onto a gurney and covered him with a sheet.

She heard them say:

Another hassle: the visitor has passed away, from Yakutia...

Relatives will take it.

Yes, she has no relatives, only a young son.

She walked next to the gurney. And shouted:

I didn't die! I didn't die! But no one heard her words.


Nun Antonia remembers her death with trepidation:

The Lord is merciful! He loves us all, even the least sinner...

Antonia constantly touches her rosary. Her thin fingers tremble. An old tattoo is visible between the thumb and index finger - a barely visible letter “A”.

Mother Antonia catches my gaze. I feel embarrassed, as if I had spied something forbidden.

This is a memory of the prison past, says the nun. - The first letter of my name. According to my passport, I am Angelina. In my youth, what a terrible passion there was...

Tell us!

Mother Antonia looks at me searchingly. It feels like she sees right through me. A minute seems like an eternity. What if he becomes silent, what if he refuses?

Our meeting was not accidental. I arrived in Pechory, Pskov region, where 73-year-old Mother Antonia lives near the famous Holy Dormition Monastery, having received news from fellow believers: “We have a wonderful nun. I’ve been to the next world.”

Mother Antonia, as it turned out, in the recent past was the organizer and abbess of a convent in Vyatskie Polyany Kirov region. After the third heart attack, she was retired due to poor health. She agreed to meet with the Zhizn journalist only after she received recommendations from clergy.

It seems to me that she is sending my request somewhere upstairs. And he gets an answer. My breath stops.

Finally she says:

I'll tell you. Without knowing my past, you cannot understand what happened to me after death. What happened, that happened...

Mother Antonia makes the sign of the cross. Barely audible, with just his lips, he whispers a prayer. One feels that returning to the past requires considerable mental and physical effort from her, like a swimmer who has to dive into a seething whirlpool.


I was born in Chistopol. This is a small town on the Kama River in Tatarstan. Dad, Vasily Rukavishnikov, went to the front as a volunteer. He died in the Bryansk region, among the partisans. Mom, Ekaterina, married again - to an old man, he was thirty years older than her. I hated him so much that I ran away from home. I ended up in an orphanage in Kazan. She said she was an orphan. At the end of the war, they trained me and my friends to be motorists and sent me to a mine in Sverdlovsk region. On the very first day we staged a riot - because of harassment. We are youngsters, and the miners there are cunning. On the very first day they groped me... Well, I encouraged my friends to run to Moscow, to comrade Voroshilov. Complain. They got there on the steps of the carriages, they were desperate and brave. We spent the night in Gorky Park, in the bushes, huddling together...


In the morning, I, being the smallest, looked about twelve years old, went on reconnaissance. I chose a more respectable guy on the bench. She came up and asked how to find Voroshilov. The uncle replied that appointments are made in the reception room of the Supreme Council on Mokhovaya Street. We found this reception area. The whole crowd showed up there. "Where?" - the policeman asked us at the door. - “To Voroshilov!” - "For what?" - “We’ll just tell him that.” The policeman took us to some office. A fat boss is sitting at the table. He looked at us sternly: “Tell me!” And I screamed: “Let's run, girls! This is not Voroshilov!” We made such a noise that everyone came running. And then I see Voroshilov entering. I knew him from photographs. He took us with him. He ordered me to bring sandwiches and tea. I listened. And he asked: “Do you want to study?” - “Yes!”

- “Tell me who, they will give you a referral.” I chose a geological technical school in the Kemerovo region... And then disaster struck - I got involved with a thief. Out of stupidity and hunger. I liked the way they lived: risky, beautiful. I got the tattoo so everyone could see that I was lucky. But we didn’t get to hang out for long: our gang was caught... I didn’t like it in prison.

When she was released, she made an oath to herself: never to go to jail. She got married and moved to Yakutia - to the village of Nizhny Kuranakh. She worked there at Yakutzoloto. She even deserved an order - the Red Banner of Labor... At first everything was fine in the family, she gave birth to a son, Sasha. Then my husband started drinking. And he beat me out of jealousy. Then he quit. I didn’t grieve - I was so tormented with him! And then the disease struck. At first I didn’t attach any importance, but then, as it really bothered me (I lost consciousness several times in broad daylight), I went to the doctors. They examined him and found a tumor in his head. They sent me urgently to Krasnoyarsk, to the clinic of the medical institute. I cry: “Save me! I have only one son, still a schoolboy - he will remain an orphan!” Professor Psakhes undertook to operate... I knew that the operation was dangerous, I was terribly afraid! Then I remembered about God. Before I was such an atheist, a blasphemer, but then prayer came to mind. Or rather, a spiritual poem that a woman once taught me as a child. It's called "The Dream of the Virgin Mary". About Jesus and all his suffering. Almost the entire Gospel is retold in these verses... They took me to the operation, and I was trembling and whispering “The Dream of the Virgin Mary.” They gave me anesthesia, they began to drill into my skull... I don’t feel pain, but I can hear everything - how they are messing with my head. They operated on for a long time. Then, as if in a dream, I heard people slap my cheeks. “Everyone,” they say, “wake up!” I woke up from anesthesia, twitched, wanted to get up, get up, and then my heart stopped. And it was as if something had pushed me out of my body - I had slipped out of myself, as if from a dress...


...The gurney with the lifeless body was taken to a cold room without windows. Angelina stood nearby. I saw how her corpse was transferred to an iron trestle bed. How they pulled off the shoe covers that she had been wearing during the operation. How to tie an oilcloth tag. And they closed the door.

The room became dark. Angelina was surprised: she saw it!

To the right of my body lay a naked woman with a hastily sewn cut on her stomach,” the nun recalls. “I was amazed: I had never known her before.” But I felt that she was almost like my own. And what I know is why she died - there was a volvulus. I felt scared in the dead room. She rushed to the door - and walked through it! She went out into the street and was dumbfounded. The grass, the sun - everything disappeared! I run forward, but there is no way for me. Like tied to the hospital. Came back. I see doctors and patients in the wards and corridors. And they don't notice me. A stupid thought came to my mind: “I am now an invisible man!” It became funny. I started laughing, but no one could hear me. I tried to go through the wall - it worked! She returned to the dead room. I saw my body again. She hugged herself, began to fuss, and cry. But the body does not move. And I began to cry as I had never cried in my life, neither before nor since...

Mother Antonia says:

Suddenly, figures appeared next to me, as if out of thin air. I called them for myself - warriors. In clothes like St. George the Victorious on the icons. Somehow I knew they were coming for me. I started to fight back. I shout: “Don’t touch me, fascists!” They took me by the arms with authority. And a voice inside me said: “Now you’ll find out where you’ll end up!” I was dizzy and plunged into darkness. And such a surge came - passion! The pain and anguish are impossible. I scream, swear all sorts of things, but it hurts more and more. I can’t tell you about this torment - there are simply no such words... And then in my right ear, it seemed like someone was quietly whispering: “Servant of God Angelina, stop swearing - they will torment you less...” I fell silent. And it was as if I felt wings behind my back. She flew somewhere. I see a faint light ahead. The little flame is also flying, and I’m afraid to fall behind it. And I feel that someone is also flying to my right, like a small bee. I looked down, and there were many men with gray faces. Hands are raised up, and I hear their voices: “Pray for us!” And before I died, I was an unbeliever. I was baptized as a child, but then I didn’t go to church. I grew up in an orphanage, then we were all raised to be atheists. Only before the operation did I remember about God... I don’t see that “bee” on the right, but I feel it. And I know that she is not evil. I ask her about people: “Who is this and what is this?” And the same gentle voice answers: “These are tartars. Your place is there...” I realized that this is hell.

Suddenly I felt like I was on Earth. But everything is brighter, more beautiful, blooming like in spring. And the aroma is wonderful, everything smells fragrant. I was also amazed: there are flowers and fruits on the trees at the same time - it doesn’t happen like that. I saw a massive, carved table, and behind it three men with identical very beautiful faces, as on the Trinity icon. And there are many, many people around. I'm standing there and don't know what to do.

Those soldiers who came to the morgue flew up to me and forced me to my knees. I bent my face down to the ground, but the soldiers lifted me up and showed me with gestures that this was not necessary, but that it was necessary for my shoulders to be straight and my head to be bowed on my chest... And the conversation began with those who were sitting at the table. It amazed me: they knew everything about me, all my thoughts. And their words seemed to arise within me: “Poor soul, why have you accumulated so many sins!” And I was terribly ashamed: suddenly I clearly remembered every bad deed of mine, every bad thought. Even those that I have long forgotten. And I suddenly felt sorry for myself. I realized that I didn’t live like that, but I didn’t blame anyone - I ruined my own soul...


Suddenly I realized what to call the one sitting in the middle, I said: “Lord!” He responded - such heavenly bliss immediately came in his soul. The Lord asked: “Do you want to go to Earth?”

- “Yes, Lord!” - “Look around, how good it is here!” He raised his hands up. I looked around - and well, everything started to shine, it was so extraordinarily beautiful! And suddenly something happened inside me that I had never experienced: endless love, joy, happiness entered my heart - all at once. And I said: “Forgive me, Lord, I’m not worthy!” And then the thought of my son came, and I said: “Lord, I have a son, Sashenka, he will be lost without me! An orphan herself, she was not protected from prison. I don’t want him to disappear!” The Lord answers: “You will return, but correct your life!”

- “But I don’t know how!” - “You’ll find out. There will be people on your way, they will tell you! Pray! - “But how?” - “With heart and thought!”


And then the future was revealed to me: “You will get married again.” - “Who will take me like this?” - “He will find you himself.” - “I don’t need a husband, I’ve been tormented for the rest of my life with my former drunkard!”

- “There will be a new one kind person, but also not without sin. Don’t leave the North until you send your son to the army. Then you will meet him and marry him. And then you are destined to find your brother.” - “Is he really alive? I haven’t heard from Nikolai since the war!” - “He is disabled, he uses a wheelchair. You will find him in Tataria and you and your husband will move there yourself. Your brother will really need you, you will look after him and bury him yourself.” - “Will everything be okay with your son?” - “Don’t worry about him. When he becomes an adult, he will abandon you. But don't be discouraged. Remember the Lord and tell people about what you saw here! And remember - you promised to improve your life!”


I woke up already in my body. I felt that I was very cold: I was very cold. She begged: “I’m cold!” And I hear a voice in my right ear: “Be patient, they’ll come for you now!” And sure enough: the door opens, two women come in with a cart - they wanted to dissect me and take me. They came up to me, and I threw off the sheet. They scream and run! Professor Psakhes, who operated on me, comes running with the doctors. She says: “It shouldn’t be that she’s alive.” Shines some kind of light into the pupil. But I see everything, I feel it, but I’m so numb that I can’t say anything, I just blinked my eyes. They brought me to the ward, covered me with heating pads, and wrapped me in blankets. When she warmed up, she told me about what happened to me. Boris Isaakovich Psakhes listened attentively. He said that three days had passed since my death.


While still in the hospital,” says Mother Antonia, “I wrote about what happened to me in the journal Science and Religion.” I don't know if it was printed. Professor Psakhes called my case unique. Three months later he was discharged.

“I went back to Yakutia,” says Mother Antonia. - I got a job at Yakutzoloto again, I was in good standing there. I work and raise my son. I started going to church and praying. Everything happened as it was predicted for me in the next world. She got married and then married her son. And she found her older brother Nikolai, lost from the war, in Tataria. He was alone, disabled in a wheelchair, already very ill. We moved to Nizhnekamsk, closer to my brother. My husband and I were given an apartment there, like northerners. By that time I was already retired. She looked after her brother until his death. She buried and mourned.

And then she got sick herself. There was a tingling sensation in my side and a sour feeling in my mouth. I endured it for a long time. Compared to the torments of hell, all earthly ailments are like a pin prick. My son and my husband persuaded me to go to the hospital. From the clinic they sent me for examination to Kazan. And there they found liver cancer. They said that the operation was late, that metastases had started. And such melancholy attacked me - I can’t describe it. A sinful thought came: “Who needs me like this, I’m a burden to everyone!”

I went to the bridge to drown myself. And before throwing herself into the water, she decided to say goodbye to the sky. I looked up and saw crosses and domes. Temple. I think: I’ll pray one last time before I drown myself. I came to the cathedral. I stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God and cry. Then the woman who was cleaning the temple noticed my tears, came up and asked what happened to me. She told me about cancer, about the fact that my husband had started drinking, that no one needed me, that my son had his own family and I was a burden to him. That I wanted to kill myself. And the woman says to me: “You need to go to Naberezhnye Chelny right now. A wonderful priest, Archimandrite Kirill from Riga, came there. He heals everything in the world!”


Mother Antonia shows a photograph of the priest that hangs in her cell. The picture shows a handsome, dignified priest with two crosses on his vestment.

This is my spiritual father,” the nun says affectionately. - Archimandrite Kirill (Borodin). Wonderworker and righteous man. At Soviet power I suffered in prison for my faith. He himself, a doctor by training, healed many people. In 1998 he departed to the Lord. Father Kirill not only saved my life, he begged for my soul. I then arrived in Naberezhnye Chelny at the address given to me in the church; I didn’t even stop by home in Nizhnekamsk. The queue at the apartment where Father Kirill receives is long. I think I'll have to stand all night. Then the door swings open, the priest comes out and beckons me with his hand: “Mother, come here!” He took me to his place. He put his palm on his head: “Oh, how painful you are!” And suddenly joy came into me - just like then, in the next world before the Lord... I wanted to tell Father Kirill about myself, about what I experienced in the next world, but he stopped me: “I know everything about you.”


Then the priest says to me: “Go to Yelabuga, the monastery there is being established. Tell Mother Evgenia what I sent,” says Mother Antonia. - I hesitated: “What are you talking about, father! I have a husband and son.” Father Kirill says strange words here

said: “You have no one!” I grumble: “It’s already night!” And he, strictly: “I bless you to go!” Where are you going? I went to the bus station. The regular buses have all already left. Suddenly a guy slows down: “Who’s in Yelabuga?” He took me all the way to the monastery. They were already waiting there. She began to live at the monastery and pray. And my strength was fading. I couldn’t even eat much: my liver was completely failing... And then one day I had a dream. I see four men dressed in white. They are all around me. I’m lying there, and one of them says: “You’re going to hurt now. Be patient, don’t be afraid, the cancer will pass.” I woke up this morning and my liver didn’t hurt. I got an appetite and started eating. I eat everything I refused before - bread, soup. And at least once I felt a tingle in my side! Then Father Kirill arrived. I told him about a strange dream. I ask: “Who healed me in a dream?” And the priest replies: “Didn’t you guess? This is God's mercy for you!

Father Kirill blessed me to go home to Nizhnekamsk to pick up my things and fill out documents,” says Mother Antonia. “I arrived, and my son and husband lost me.” They thought she was already dead. I explained to my husband that I needed a divorce, that I wanted to go to a monastery, my soul was asking to serve God. He resigned himself. And the son doesn’t say anything: “I won’t let you in!” He put me on a dog chain. I kept it for three days, even took it to the toilet on it. I prayed that the Lord would enlighten my son. Still, Sasha let me go to the monastery. But he shouted in the back: “Now you are not my mother...” I remembered then that the Lord told me in the next world: “The son will refuse you”...

They tonsured me as a nun with the name Antonia. Translated from Greek, it means “acquisition in exchange.” In the monastery I changed my life, as I promised the Lord then. Then they blessed me to build a new monastery in Vyatskie Polyany and made me abbess. She served there. And after the heart attack, she asked to retire. She came to Pskov, then moved to Pechory. Here, near the holy places, it is easier to pray and breathe...

They talk about Mother Antonia in Pechory with love. They say that in addition to the great gift of comforting people, she has the ability to see their essence with spiritual eyes.

There was a time when I really saw it,” says Mother Antonia. “Then I begged the Lord to deprive me of this gift.” It's hard.

They told me that you saw a miracle in the temple: the sacrament of turning bread and wine into the flesh and blood of Christ.

It was on Easter, when the Royal Doors, covering the entrance to the altar, were thrown open. I am standing near the Royal Doors, waiting for communion. And I watch how the priests perform the sacrament at the altar, taking out particles from the prosphora with a spear. I think: how will bread become Christ’s flesh? And then on the altar the sun shone. I see that instead of prosphora the baby is lying. So beautiful, he’s all glowing. And the priests speared him in the chest! She screamed at the whole temple: “Don’t touch the baby!” People look at me and don’t understand what’s going on. And I see: the golden cup for communion is made transparent, like glass. And it fills with blood on its own. After the service, she told me about everything with fear. spiritual father. He reassured me: “The Lord showed you a miracle, rejoice!” So I live in joy. I want to tell everyone: there is no death, there is eternal life. We just need to love each other and be faithful to the Lord.

Do you predict the future?

No. I know one thing: difficult trials await Russia. But if we become kinder, the Lord will forgive us...

(based on the article “The nun came to lifeon the third day after death."
Grigory Telnov, newspaper “Life”, No. 89 dated 11/14/02)