Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light. Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light Circle of Light" theater square

The opening of the Circle of Light festival will take place on September 21, 2018 at 20:30 on the Rowing Canal, which can be reached from the Molodezhnaya metro station by bus No. 229 to the Grebnoy Canal stop or by bus No. 691 to the Winged Bridge stop. From the Krylatskoye metro station, take bus No. 829 to the Rowing Canal stop or trolleybus No. 19 to the Krylaty Most stop.

September 21 The opening of the festival will be the multimedia show “Carnival of Light”, which will combine the amazing capabilities of light and laser projections, choreography of fountains and fire, and grandiose pyrotechnic effects.

This time, a structure of 12-meter cubes will be erected along the spit of the Rowing Canal for video projections, over 250 straight and 35 rotating fountains will be placed on the water, and more than 170 fire burners of various modifications will be installed on the pontoons.

There, on the Rowing Canal, the closing of the festival will take place on September 25, 2018, which will be dedicated to the cross year of Japan and Russia. Spectators of the final performance will be surprised by a 40-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics, known throughout the world for its unique beauty and scale.

It will involve large-caliber charges, and the opening diameter of the largest of them will reach almost 1 km in the sky.

Program of the Circle of Light festival on the Grebnoy Canal

This year Theater Square will use the facades of three theaters for light shows: Bolshoi, Maly and RAMT. The three buildings will allow for a panoramic 270-degree video projection.

During the festival, an allegorical light novel about Spartacus, the history of his struggle for personal freedom and spiritual liberation will be shown here. You will also be able to see two thematic light shows of last year’s festival – “Celestial Mechanics” and “Timeless”, and the works of the finalists international competition Art Vision in the “Classic” category.

The closing of the festival will be dedicated to the cross year of Japan and Russia. Spectators of the final performance will be surprised by a 40-minute show of Japanese pyrotechnics, known throughout the world for its unique beauty and scale.

Schedule of the festival "Circle of Light"

Rowing canal "Krylatskoye"

    • September 21, 20:30-21:30 – opening of the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” – multimedia show “Carnival of Light”;
    • September 22, 19:45-20:45 – multimedia show “Carnival of Light”;
    • September 23, 19:45-20:45 – multimedia show “Carnival of Light”;
    • September 25, 20:30-21:15 – closing of the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” – music and pyrotechnic show accompanied by colorful video mapping.

As part of the Circle of Light festival in 2018, the Art Vision competition will be held

Art Vision is a video mapping and VJing competition among professionals and aspiring artists from all over the world. The competition is held annually as part of the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light”.

Seven years ago, in 2011, the first ART VISION competition was held only among Russian participants. In 2012, already teams from nearest countries CIS countries submitted applications for participation. The third competition welcomed 35 artists from 13 countries.

2014 was a turning point for the international event: three nominations appeared in the competition: Classic, Modern and VJing. All works were shown at VDNKh, one of the largest and most popular parks in Moscow. The jury included recognized designers, artists, VJs and personalities from many countries around the world. The competition received applications from participants from 24 countries.

In 2015, ART VISION celebrated its fifth anniversary with a show competition works in the Classic category on the facade of the world famous Bolshoi Theater. The other two nominations, as in the previous year, were demonstrated on the facades of the pavilions at VDNKh. The ART VISION jury was headed by Patrick Woodroffe, a renowned English lighting designer who lit Olympic Games in London, and worked with A-list stars such as Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones and many others.

In 2016, ART VISION adopted an innovation: the VJ battle took place for the first time in a closed area. The Izvestia Hall concert hall, which can accommodate 3,000 people at a time, was filled to capacity with spectators watching the skillful performances of VJs accompanied by a live DJ set. The mood and quality of the battle was created by a special guest of the festival - DJ DIASS from Bulgaria.

In 2017, the Classic nomination went hand in hand with the Modern nomination. The first was shown on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater, and the second on the facade of the Maly Theatre. The organizers were shocked by the number of applications: 175 from participants from 35 countries. So the competition finally erased territorial boundaries. 2018 will be even more exciting for participants, judges and spectators.

From September 20 to 24, 2019, the international festival “Circle of Light” will be held in Moscow.

The Moscow International Festival “Circle of Light” is an annual event in which lighting designers and specialists in the field of audiovisual art from around the world will transform the architectural appearance of the capital.

For several days in September, Moscow will once again turn into a center of attraction for light, colorful large-scale video projections will unfold on its iconic buildings, fabulous installations will illuminate the streets, and fantastic multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks will give unforgettable impressions and vivid emotions.

The festival, which began in 2011 with three small venues, becomes more vibrant and impressive every year. The number of platforms, the skill of visual effects, and the number of viewers who never tire of sharing their photographs, videos and real emotions are growing. social networks. The festival's visual effects include streams of light, video projections, laser shows, light shows and pyrotechnic displays. Water and fire special effects are also used. The scale of the performances is also striking - in 2017 there was a show on the main building of Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov exceeded 40,000 square meters. This year, light shows will be shown at seven venues. They will demonstrate their skills the best masters video mapping.

You can come and enjoy the performances for free - admission to all festival sites is free.

Program of the festival “Circle of Light 2019”»

The venues for the Festival of Light 2019 in Moscow will be the Rowing Canal, Teatralnaya Square, Kolomenskoye, Ostankino Park, the Victory Museum, a complex of buildings on Sakharov Avenue, Arbat Hall, the Polytechnic Museum and the Digital October Center.

Grebnoy Canal (opening)

The opening of the festival will take place September 20 on the Rowing Canal, where viewers will be shown the multimedia light musical “Seven Notes”.

September 21, 22 at 19:45— reruns of the show “Seven Notes”
September 24 at 20:30– light and pyrotechnic show “Code of Unity”

How to get there: From the Molodezhnaya metro station take bus No. 229 to the “Grebnoy Canal” stop or bus No. 691 to the “Krylatsky Most” stop. From the Krylatskoye metro station, take bus No. 829 to the “Grebnoy Kanal” stop or trolleybus No. 19 to the “Krylatsky Most” stop.

Theater Square

This year Theater Square will use the facades of three theaters for light shows: Bolshoi, Maly and RAMT. The three buildings will allow for a panoramic 270-degree video projection.


How to get there: pl. Teatralnaya, Okhotny Ryad metro stations, Revolution Square, Teatralnaya


During the festival, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will once again turn into a “Fairy Tale Park” - a place where it is especially pleasant to come with the whole family and plunge into magical world light illusions and adventures. The territory of the Fairy Tale Park, covering an area of ​​more than one and a half hectares, will be filled with light installations and video mapping shows on the facades of buildings.


  • September 20 – 24 19:30 – 23:00 – “Fairy Tale Park”
  • September 22 20:00 – concert by Dmitry Malikov

How to get there: metro station "Kolomenskaya".

Victory Museum


Ostankino Park

Guests of Ostankino Park will be amazed to find themselves there during the Circle of Light festival. After all, their favorite place will open for them a new, fantastic science - “Geometry of Light”!


How to get there: Park-estate Ostankino, 1st Ostankino st., no.5. VDNH metro station

Digital October

As part of the educational program on September 21 and 22 at the Digital October Center, leading experts in lighting design and video projection from around the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process of lighting performances, discuss technical innovations and current trends. The program includes workshops, panel discussions and lectures.


How to get there: emb. Bersenevskaya, 6, building 3, metro stations Kropotkinskaya, Polyanka


On Saturday night, fans of club music will enjoy concert hall Arbat Hall, where an international light and music party will take place - a creative competition between VJs from different corners world - participants in the “VJing” nomination of the “ART VISION” competition.



The facades of the buildings of the International Investment Bank complex will become the space for a combined video projection and laser show, unique in its scale even for the Circle of Light festival. In the history of the festival, laser projections have never been implemented on the facades of such an area. A 15-minute laser show and two video projection shows will be shown to the audience in a cyclic mode.


How to get there: metro station Sretensky Bulvar, Chistye Prudy, Turgenevskaya, Red Gate, Sukharevskaya.


In the very center of Moscow, on the façade of the Polytechnic Museum, viewers will see two incredibly colorful performances about history oldest building capital and its future.


Official website of the festival -

Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" - one of the largest and most popular city festivals in Moscow, a grand festival of light, during which talented lighting designers and audiovisual art specialists from different countries world are transforming the architectural appearance of the capital.

Skillfully using video mapping techniques and modern multimedia technologies, masters transform the facades of Moscow's symbolic buildings into screens for large-scale video projections. Colorful video projections, light installations and vibrant multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks - all this can be seen at the festival sites completely free of charge!

In 2018, the Circle of Light is taking place for the eighth time.

Over the years, it has turned from a local Moscow holiday into a major one. international event- one of the most popular light festivals, which attracts tourists to Moscow not only from Russia, but also foreign countries. The festival's achievements have been included in the Guinness Book of Records several times: for the largest video projection in 2015 and 2016, as well as for the largest luminous flux power when projecting an image in 2016.

Venues of the festival "Circle of Light" 2018

Light shows as part of the Circle of Light festival program will be held at 6 different venues in different parts of the city. Among them will traditionally be Teatralnaya Square with the building of the Bolshoi Theater, and the territories of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve and the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye, familiar to viewers, will also be used. New venues that have never been used at the festival will be the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill and the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

. Rowing canal "Krylatskoye"

September 21: opening of the festival; September 22-23: multimedia show; September 25: closing of the festival.

On the Grebnoy Canal in Krylatskoye, festival visitors will be shown a large-scale multimedia show “Carnival of Light”, which will combine the capabilities of light and laser projections, choreography of fountains, fire and pyrotechnic effects. The spectacle promises to be truly grandiose: a structure of 12-meter cubes will be erected along the spit of the canal to demonstrate video projections, over 250 straight and 35 rotating fountains will be placed on the water, and more than 170 fire burners of various modifications will be installed on the pontoons. The show will be shown at the opening of the festival on September 21 and will be repeated on September 22 and 23.

Here, on September 25, the closing of the festival will take place, which will be celebrated with a 40-minute musical and pyrotechnic show, accompanied by video mapping: it will involve Japanese pyrotechnics, including large-caliber charges, the diameter of which in the sky reaches almost 1 kilometer!

. Theater Square

Over the several years that the festival has been held, the Circle of Light has become its traditional venue: while the others change annually, light shows are held here every year. Initially, the show was shown on the facade, but in 2017, 2 buildings were used for it: the Maly Theater joined the Bolshoi Theater. This time the spectacle will become even larger-scale, and the facades of 3 theaters will be used to demonstrate video projections: the Bolshoi, the Small and the Russian Academic youth theater(RAMT)!

A panoramic 270-degree light novel about Spartacus, his struggle for personal freedom and spiritual liberation was prepared for the audience. Among other things, 2 light shows from last year’s program will be shown here: “Timeless” and “Celestial Mechanics”, as well as works by finalists of the international ArtVision competition in the “Classic” category.

. Victory Museum

The Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill is a new site for the Circle of Light festival, which has never been used before. On the facade of the museum, light novels dedicated to the military past of Russia and the city of Moscow will be shown, as well as 15-minute VJing to music and songs of the war years.

One of the short stories - "Designers of Victory" - will tell about the designers whose inventions became an achievement of world technical thought and brought victory closer to the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Light show consists of three parts, dedicated to the Navy, Air Force, as well as armored and automotive vehicles. The second short story will tell about Moscow - the heart of Russia; she will talk about how Russian lands united around the capital, and will show viewers the nature of the Urals, Siberia and Far East, the breadth of Russian rivers and the landscapes of Crimea.

. Tsaritsyno

September 21-25: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations using augmented reality technology; September 24: performance by Dmitry Malikov, accompanied by video projections.

On the façade of the Grand Tsaritsyn Palace, two new works will be shown: the story of the Phoenix bird “Palace of Wanderings” and an audiovisual performance about the world of the future. Thanks to augmented reality technology, they can be counted using the cameras of mobile devices, on the screen of which animals will appear - possible inhabitants of the ecosystems of the future. On September 24, a performance will take place on the stage in front of the palace People's Artist Russia by Dmitry Malikov, which will be accompanied by video projections on the facade of the palace.

Also on the façade of the palace you can see the works of the finalists of the international Art Vision competition in the “Modern” category.

. Kolomenskoye

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve will turn into a space of sensations: fabulous light installations will appear in the park, and video mapping shows will be shown on the facades of the buildings of the former royal residence.

. Digital October

As part of the educational program of the festival at the Digital October Center, leading experts in lighting design and video projection from around the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process and discuss various technical innovations.

. Concert Hall "Mir"

In the Mir concert hall, fans of club music will enjoy an international light and music party - a competition between participants of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category.

Festival program

The program of the Circle of Light festival 2018 includes large-scale shows for the general public on the Grebnoy Canal, Teatralnaya Square, Poklonnaya Gora and in Tsaritsyn, as well as events for a narrower audience at the Digital October center and the Mir concert hall.

Rowing Canal: opening ceremony of the festival - multimedia show "Carnival of Light" (20:30 - 21:30);

Theater Square: cyclical screenings of video mapping (19:30 - 23:00);

Victory Museum: cyclical video mapping shows (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Concert Hall "Mir": holding the Art Vision competition - "VJing" (22:00 - 00:00);

Rowing Channel: multimedia show "Carnival of Light" (19:45 - 20:45);

Theater Square: cyclical screenings of video mapping (19:30 - 23:00);

Victory Museum: cyclical video mapping shows (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations (19:30 - 23:00);

Digital October: educational program (see schedule on the festival website).

Theater Square: cyclical screenings of video mapping (19:30 - 23:00);

Victory Museum: cyclical video mapping shows (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: performance by Dmitry Malikov, accompanied by video mapping (20:00 - 21:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations (19:30 - 23:00).

Rowing Canal: closing of the festival - music and pyrotechnic show accompanied by video mapping (20:30 - 21:15);

Theater Square: cyclical screenings of video mapping (19:30 - 23:00);

Victory Museum: cyclical video mapping shows (19:30 - 23:00);

Tsaritsyno: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations using augmented reality technology (19:30 - 23:00);

Kolomenskoye: cyclical video mapping shows, light installations (19:30 - 23:00).

Admission to the open areas of the Circle of Light 2018 festival is free (except for the stands); pre-registration is required to attend the program in the Mir concert hall and the Digital October Center.

View more detailed information about the festival, learn more about its venues and their work schedule, as well as clarify other details of interest on the official website of the Circle of Light festival:

The Circle of Light festival has been held annually since 2011. During this time, the festival's audience grew 30 times - from 250 thousand people in 2011 to 7.5 million in 2015. Last year, the festival was visited by more than 100 thousand tourists. This year their number is expected to exceed 150 thousand people.

Grand opening will take place on September 23 on the facade of the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University, where more than 200 powerful light projectors will create a video projection with an area of ​​over 40 thousand square meters. meters and a total luminous flux of more than 4 million lumens. Two light shows will be shown - "The Guardian" and "Unlimited Moscow State University". Each festival evening will conclude with a pyrotechnic show.

The closing of the festival will take place on September 27 on the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye. This year, in addition to fountains, fire burners, lasers and lighting devices, the performance will use a large-scale video projection.

Venues and schedule:

September 23 - 25 - Moscow state university(MSU), Main building
September 23 – Opening of the festival
September 24, 25 – Show

Two light shows with a total duration of about 50 minutes will be presented on the facade of the Main building of Moscow State University. More than 200 powerful light projectors will create a video projection covering an area of ​​over 40,000 sq. m.

The first performance “Boundless Moscow State University” will take you on a journey through a world of knowledge full of mysteries, hidden within the walls of the university. The legendary founder of Moscow State University M. Lomonosov will guide you through the amazing spaces of various sciences and tell you what secrets the famous high-rise building on Vorobyovy Gory hides.

The second performance, “The Guardian,” is a fascinating animated story dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russia’s protected areas. The characters were voiced Russian actors, musicians and TV presenters: I. Okhlobystin, A. Kortnev, N. Drozdov, L. Milyavskaya and others.

Each festival evening will conclude with a pyrotechnic show. Over the course of three days, the sky above the Vorobyovy Gory will be painted with more than 19 thousand multi-colored fireworks.

A multimedia show has been prepared for the Rowing Channel that will exceed all your wildest expectations. This year, in addition to fountains, fire burners, lasers and lighting devices, the performance will use a large-scale video projection. Especially for this purpose, an entire mini-city with a height of more than 50 m will be built on the spit of the Rowing Canal.

To the accompaniment of hits from different years, viewers of the musical multimedia show will greet the morning in a quiet resort town, plunge into the hustle and bustle of the day in a million-plus city and spend the evening in an eternally awake metropolis.

A separate surprise will be a laser show on the surface of a line of fountains that will connect the banks of the Rowing Canal with a giant bridge.

On the facade of the world-famous symbol of Russian culture, the best lighting scenes of past years will be shown (“ Swan Lake", "Carmen" and others). The festival organizers also prepared a premiere dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema.

The familiar classic façade of the Bolshoi Theater will turn into the backdrop of everyone’s favorite films, such as “Jolly Fellows”, “The Irony of Fate, or light steam", "White Sun of the Desert", "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears" and "Kin-dza-dza".

The theme of cinema, but this time world cinema, will be reflected in their works by the participants of the Art Vision competition in the “Classical Architectural Video Mapping” category. Viewers will also be able to see their colorful projects on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater on all days of the festival from September 23 to 27.

September 23 – 27 – Park of Light
September 23 – 27 – Pyrotechnic Falls
September 24 – concert of the art group “Turetsky Choir”

VDNKh will be transformed into a Park of Light for five festival evenings. Famous world lighting designers will decorate its territory with original lighting installations:

“Incandescence” is a multimedia project by French artist Severine Fontaine, which for six minutes demonstrates the evolution of the role of light in human life.

“Fire Tornado” from the company Kinetic Humor (Netherlands) is able to amaze even the wildest imagination with the power of the forces of fire and wind. Spun by a special fan system, the fire of a small burner turns into a humming fiery whirlwind about 10 m high.

The interactive installation “Angels of Freedom” is presented at the Berlin Light Festival. Five pairs of luminous wings with a span of more than 5 m will become the source of the most beautiful photographs.

“Pyrotechnic Falls” or “Cold Fire Show” from Italy is a piece of the New Year in September.

In addition, on September 24 at VDNKh there will be a concert of the art group “Turetsky Choir”. Festival guests will hear their favorite songs from Soviet and foreign films, accompanied by bright light video projections on the facade of Pavilion No. 1.

On the remaining days of the site’s operation, video projections to the songs of the “Turetsky Choir” will be broadcast cyclically in recordings.

Also on the façade of the First Pavilion of VDNH, the finalists of the Art Vision competition in the Modern category will present their works.

The finalists of the Art Vision competition in the VJing category will perform here. The winner will be the one who can, in real time, assemble the best visual effects for the first one available from previously prepared fragments. musical composition.

The evening will be completed by a performance by a member of the jury of the Art Vision competition, a master of VJing - Johnny Wilson, Spain.

As part of the educational program on September 24 and 25 from 11:00 to 18:00 at the Digital October Center, lighting design and video mapping experts from all over the world will share their experience in implementing large-scale projects, talk about the pitfalls of the organizational process, discuss technical innovations and current trends.

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and lectures.

Attention! The program is subject to change.
Be sure to check the schedule before your trip.
Admission to all events is free.
Entrance to the stands near Moscow State University and on the Rowing Canal is by invitation only.
To participate in educational programs at Digital October and to enter the Izvestia Hall concert hall, pre-registration is required.