Misha Marvin: biography, personal life and creativity. Misha Marvin - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, videos, height, weight - How did it happen that you left the group

Childhood and adolescence Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, musical artist and songwriter Misha Marvin born on July 15, 1989 in the southwest of Ukraine in the city of Chernivtsi. IN early childhood, at the insistence of his parents, he went to study vocals and took part in various singing competitions.
In 1996, Mishka went to first grade at local school number 5, where he also continued to engage in vocal activities. As a young man, I decided to try my hand at the Ukrainian event “I want to become a star,” where I reached the finals and won the competition.
In 2006, Marvin, having received secondary education, moved to the capital.
In Kyiv, the guy enters the Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Arts at the Department of Musicology.

Music career

While studying at higher education educational institution, the young man was engaged in musical activities, even was a member of the boy trio "Pavliki International", in which he is trying to make his way to the top of show business under the leadership of the famous Ukrainian singer and people's artist Victor Pavlik. Then Mikhail had the pseudonym Mike Bays. The guys came up with and recorded their first compositions, some even ended up in the rotation of music channels.
Around 2008, the comrades made their first video for the track “SUPERSONG” for 10 thousand rubles.
In the same year, a film adaptation of “Khvili” (Waves) followed.

Pavliki International - Khvili (2008)

The team was often invited to perform at various mass events and in general "Pavliki Int." led a very active public life.
By the way, all members of the group were members of the Maestro football club, and even took part in competitive games.
At the end of 2010, the guys presented music video"The torso - WELL!"

Pavliki International - Torso (2010)

However, Mikhail was not destined to graduate from university, since young singer kicked out in the third year due to a failed exam. The Pavliki International team also disbanded due to lack of concerts and resources.
In order to make ends meet, Misha worked part-time as a presenter in local music clubs, while at the same time writing songs and selling them. During this period, Marvin meets a girl from a wealthy family, with whom he has been in a relationship for some time. However, their union did not last long - the young lady leaves our hero because of his low income, because the hosts in the karaoke bar are not able to boast of a large salary.
In the creative field in 2013, through mutual acquaintances, Mikhail met the general director " Black Star inc." Pavel Kuryanov (Pasha), who offers cooperation to a talented guy in the field of creating compositions - writing lyrics, etc. Marvin successfully proved himself, becoming one of the co-authors of hits by Hannah (Pasha's wife) and other performers.
In 2015, the label’s managers got acquainted with Misha’s solo work and invited him to become a full-fledged Black Star artist; he, without hesitation, gave an affirmative answer.
Already in December his first work, made together with and - “Well, What's Up”, comes out. It is worth noting that initially Timur should not have been in the song at all, however, at the final stage of mixing, the head of “Black Star” decides to contribute to the composition. By the way, she also appeared in the video famous TV presenter and model Olga Buzova.

In 2016, on April 28, the premiere of the composition “Bitch”, again created with DJ Kan, took place.

Misha Marvin & Dj Kan - Bitch (2016)

On July 11, fans were able to appreciate Marvin’s next work with the catchy title “I Hate,” in which the singer shares his personal, love experiences.

Misha Marvin - I Hate (2016)

In mid-September, a video for the track “S-Class Girl” was released, which was recorded with another member of the label -.

The end of October is marked by a music video for the song “Or maybe?!”, which Mikhail, together with Mot, released at the beginning of summer.

Personal life

The young singer admits that many girls write to him on social networks in order to meet him. But despite this, Marvin has not yet found his soul mate.

The artist also keeps his body in good shape, plays sports and leads healthy image life.

Misha Marvin now

On May 26, 2017, the premiere of a film adaptation based on the song “Stand Out” took place. A famous Russian blogger starred in the work.

Misha Marvin - Stand Out (2017)

In July, Marvin presented the video “Deeply”, and in September he presented a romantic music video for the song “History”. In December, Mikhail released an acoustic version of this track, performing it to the accompaniment of a piano. : Scan from the artist’s personal archive, social media
: vk.com/club2032784 (Official community in VK)
: instagram.com/misha_marvin ( Official page on Instagram)
: youtube.com, still images
Stills from music videos by Pavliki International and Misha Marvin on YouTube
Personal archive of Mikhail Marvin

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Misha Marvin

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of birth:
Chernivtsi, Ukraine

72 kg

175 cm

Biography of Misha Marvin

Mikhail Marvin is an aspiring singer and songwriter originally from Ukraine. Part of the Black Star label. Gained fame thanks to the hit "I Hate". He is especially popular among young people and actively collaborates with other successful performers.

Ukrainian singer Misha Marvin


Misha Marvin was born in the picturesque city of Chernivtsi (Ukraine), where he spent his childhood. He was an ordinary boy, the only thing that distinguished him from most of his peers was sincere love to music and the desire to use their capabilities to the maximum.

Misha Marvin has been a creative person since childhood

Mikhail studied at one of the schools in Chernivtsi and already showed himself at that time creative person. After graduating from school in 2006, he moved to Kyiv to make his way into show business there, in the capital. To realize his dream, Mikhail decided to get vocational education, and therefore entered the Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Arts (Department of Musicology).

Music career

While still a student, Mikhail began writing his own lyrics. During those same years he became a member male pop group. The guys recorded several songs and even shot a video, which cost them only $350. It was the composition “Super Song”, and, by the way, although the musician himself is embarrassed to remember this period of creativity, the song was even taken into rotation by a couple of music channels. But soon they decided to stop the group.

Simultaneously with the collapse of the group, Marvin was expelled from the third year of the academy after another failed session. The activities of the group and active music studies took away from the guy most of time for music, and he simply did not have time to prepare for the exams.

Misha Marvin on the radio

At first, he worked as a host in a karaoke club and worked on lyrics for songs. Misha liked to put her feelings into rhyming lines, so the texts turned out strong and emotional. It is not surprising that very soon his talent was noticed.

On set

In 2013, Misha wrote a couple of songs with a friend, who sold them the next day for a thousand dollars. The same friend introduced Misha Marvin to Pavel Kuryanov, director of the Black Star Inc. label, who offered cooperation to the ambitious young man.

To begin with, Misha Marvin helped with the preparation of singer Hannah’s album. Subsequently, the song “Being Modest is Out of Fashion,” the lyrics of which were written by Mikhail, firmly entered the young singer’s repertoire.

Misha Marvin is part of the Black Star label

Next, Marvin and other team members worked on Yegor Creed’s album “The Bachelor”. Mikhail also co-authored the famous hits of Nathan, Mota and a number of other performers. For example, Misha became the author of the song “Oxygen”, which Mot performed together with the group “VIA Gra”. This kind of cooperation continued for two years.

Misha Marvin wrote lyrics for Creed, Nathan, Mot and others

In 2015, Pasha invited Marvin to try himself as a performer. His first work was the song “Well, what are you doing.” It was assumed that Misha would perform the composition together with DJ Kan, but then another singer wanted to join the duet. It turned out to be the well-known rapper Timati. Undoubtedly, this was a spectacular trio, the result of which the listeners were satisfied with. Olga Buzova even took part in the recording of the video. A little later, Marvin and Dj Kan presented a song with the shocking title “Bitch”.

Olga Buzova starred in the video “What's up?”

In the middle of summer 2016, Misha Marvin presented his first solo song, “I Hate,” for which a very high quality video was shot.

Misha Marvin - I Hate (2016)

Within a few hours of its release, the composition became the leader of the iTunes pop chart and took a place in the top five of the entire chart, successfully competing with the duet of Creed and Timati “Where are you, where am I.” The video for the song “I Hate” took sixth place in the YouTube rating and received more than half a million views in just 24 hours.

Misha Marvin ft Mot - Or maybe?! (2016)

Personal life of Misha Marvin

Mikhail Marvin tries to avoid questions about his personal life, although the paparazzi are persistently trying to find out information on this particular topic. For example, journalists paid attention to the song “Bitch,” because such lyrics are not written without mental trauma. Misha had to admit that yes, one girl broke his heart. The guy recalled this event as follows: “Then I lived in Kyiv, worked in karaoke, and, you know, what my salary was. I met a girl who lived in Vladivostok and was from a wealthy family. Our feelings flared up, she moved to live with me, but a month later she realized that she was uncomfortable with the poor guy.”

Misha Marvin and Kan – Bitch (2016)

Misha has repeatedly stated that he does not have a girlfriend, that he only cares about music and professional growth, and therefore his personal life fades into the background. Young musician I was even irritated by the increased interest of the fairer sex in his person, because when he was not famous, girls often ignored him.

Misha Marvin does not talk about his personal life

In one of his interviews, Marvin described the ideal girl, in his opinion: “It doesn’t matter whether she has long legs or not, big or small breasts. There should be a butt, but not like Kim Kardashian’s. It should not be boring and sincere - that’s for sure.”

Misha is focused on self-development and is very seriously involved in choreography and acting skills to look perfect both in videos and at concerts. In addition, the talented guy is learning to play the piano, because he believes that every musician should master this instrument.

Misha Marvin now

The young artist plans to release his solo album. He wants to grow and develop as a performer. Understanding the prospects and profitability of writing lyrics for other artists, Misha still strives to convey to listeners his own thoughts from his own lips.

Misha Marvin wants to develop as a solo artist

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Participant name: Misha Mavrin

Age (birthday): 15.07.1989

City: Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Job: Black Star label artist

Family: not married

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Misha Marvin was born in the town of Chernivtsi in Ukraine on July 15, 1989. His childhood years passed here, only after completing his studies at school did he move to live in the capital of the country. Since childhood, he dreamed of being a star and conquering domestic show business, and therefore, after receiving his certificate, he set out to conquer the country.

Mikhail began studying in 2006 at the State Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Musicology. It was then that he first began to try to write his own lyrics for songs and actively engage in music.

Misha's merits were not in vain. Soon he was invited to become a participant in a new project. It was a team of guys. The guys sang original songs. They were simple, but could still sometimes be heard in rotation by a radio station.

Together they shot a video for the song “Super Song”. They spent $300 on filming it. But the team did not last long and was closed. This event coincided with the fact that Mikhail was expelled from the Academy. He missed his exams. But this did not upset him much, because the guy understood perfectly well that he wanted to connect his life with music.

He began working as a host in karaoke establishments. Mikhail also began actively promoting his own texts. Singer Hannah performed his song “Being Modest is Out of Fashion.” In 2013 he entered the popular music label"Black Star Inc." Initially he wrote songs for and. For example, Misha wrote “Oxygen” for Mot. Subsequently, he worked on the album.

In 2015, Misha released his first track. It was the composition “Well, what are you doing” with Mot and. Later, in collaboration with Kahn, he released the hit “Or maybe!?”

In 2016, he gave fans of his work a new hit with the video “I Hate.” The song became very popular, reaching number one on the iTunes pop chart. On the YouTube network, she quickly reached the 1,000,000 mark and subsequently this was not the limit. Misha has become a desired object for collaboration among many artists in the Russian Federation. The artist himself plans to do work related to the release of a solo collection.

In 2018, Misha summed up the results of the “I Sing Where I Want” competition; he recorded the song “Closer” with the winner. He never tires of creating new hits and actively takes part in solo concerts and group tours. He performed on “Spring on MUZ-TV”.

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The artist sets himself the goal of further development. He wants to convey his thoughts to his listeners, and therefore he always gives his best in his creativity. It is not surprising that he has a whole army of fans, eagerly waiting for their favorite artist to release an album that will certainly be accompanied by exceptional success.

Misha does not talk about his personal life. Although he has already given several reasons to think that he is not alone. He posts photos with a brunette on Instagram pages. Fans saw through his deception, believing that he was having an affair with the star of the TV series “Univer” Yulia Franz. But so far, this has not been confirmed by any side of the artists.

In fact, Mikhail does not give interviews on this matter, believing that it is better not to flaunt personal successes. The only thing he noted was that he was not officially married. But many see that Marvin is growing as a professional. He learns the basics of modern choreography and acting.

He is confident that this will allow him to look better in videos and performances. Misha Marvin also takes piano courses, believing that all musicians should master the keyboard.

Photo by Misha Marvin

The artist maintains a page on Instagram, where fans can watch his events from his personal life and tours.

DJ Kahn and others. The solo composition “I Hate”, launched in 2016, became a hit and is popular among young people.

Mikhail was born on July 15, 1989 in the western Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi. I spent my childhood in this city and school years future artist. But then the boy goes to the capital Kyiv, because he decided that he would like to devote his life to show business. Mikhail manages to become a student State Academy leading personnel of culture and arts, in which Marvin studied at the Faculty of Musicology.

During this period, Mikhail tried his hand at creating song lyrics and was also involved in musical activities. In the end, young man even invited to new project, working in the style of a boy's group. The guys created their own hits, which, although they were, according to Marvin, too simple, still sometimes ended up in rotation on radio stations.

The group even shot a number of video clips, the first of which for the song “Super Song” cost the team $300. But then the project was closed, as it became clear that nothing grand would work out.

Returning to his native Academy, Misha discovered that the session had already passed, and since the young man did not appear at the exams, he was expelled from the third year. However, the young man was not too upset. Misha already understood what he would like to do in life. To provide himself with the basic necessities, Marvin begins working as a host in a karaoke club, and also promotes his own lyrics for songs. One of them was the hit “Being Modest is Out of Fashion,” which entered the repertoire of singer Hannah.


In 2013, Misha Marvin met the incumbent general director popular Moscow music label “Black Star Inc.” This meeting led to collaboration, which influenced the creative biography of the young author. At first, Mikhail created hits for singers and Mot, for example, Marvin wrote the song “Oxygen,” which Mot sang with the group. Then the Chernivtsi talent, together with him, became a co-author of all the latter’s albums.

Two years later, Misha Marvin began to sing himself. The first idea to try myself as a singer was the composition “Well, what’s up.” Initially, he planned to perform the song in a duet with DJ Kan, but famous rapper Timati, having heard the track, decided to join the guys. The result was a spectacular trio.

Later, Misha Marvin, together with DJ Kan, released the song “Bitch,” and with his friend Mot he recorded the song “Or maybe?!” In the middle of summer 2016, Marvin decided to give his fans the solo song “I Hate,” for which a video was shot. According to the singer, not many believed that the release would be successful. But this hit quickly became popular.

Already in the first hours after its publication on the Internet, the song took first place on the iTunes pop chart, and also entered the top five of the general chart, which also included musical composition Timati and Egor "Where are you, where am I." Within a few weeks, the number of views of the video clip on YouTube exceeded the million mark, which turned out to be not the limit. Authority Ukrainian musician increased in the eyes of colleagues. Misha was showered with offers of cooperation.

Misha plans to release his first solo album, and the singer hopes that the release of the record will not be delayed.

Personal life

Mikhail Marvin does not comment on romantic relationships, which he talks about in interviews when journalists ask the musician questions on this topic. But reporters managed to find out that while working in a karaoke bar in Kyiv, Misha had a serious affair with a wealthy Russian woman, who moved from Vladivostok to Ukraine for the sake of her beloved. The relationship did not withstand the test of everyday life, and soon the young people broke up. Marvin suffered from the breakup for a long time. On at the moment Misha, as he said in his last interview, is not officially married.

Now Mikhail Marvin is trying to strengthen his position of popularity, and for this he decided to grow as a professional. The performer studies acting and modern choreography to look more natural in video clips and at concerts. The guy also takes piano lessons, because he is sure that every musician should master keyboard instrument.

Misha Marvin now

At the beginning of February 2018, Misha Marvin amazed fans with a photo posted in “ Instagram", where he appeared with the girl to whom he had just proposed. Subscribers, among whom were also colleagues in the music industry, began to congratulate the newly-made groom and the beautiful stranger.

Soon the singer himself took this photo. In fact, the musician went to New York to film a new video for the song “With Her,” and the girl who played the role of his lover turned out to be American actress Jeanine Cascio. The artist took part in the filming of the video and at the same time played along with the Russian musician.

After the draw, Misha Marvin thanked his friends and fans for their kind words and congratulations and said that if he decides to have a serious relationship, he will not hide his soulmate from his fans. According to the artist’s assumptions, a fan of his talent could easily become his girlfriend.

In March 2018, Misha Marvin finally summed up the results of the “I Sing Where I Want” competition, which was held at the end of 2017 together with the radio station Radio ENERGY (NRJ) Russia. Together with the winner

Misha Marvin - popular Ukrainian singer, songwriter and musician. This talented guy is currently single. His height is 175 cm. His zodiac sign is Cancer. He is purposeful and loving life Human. Misha is rarely left alone; more often he can be found in a noisy, cheerful company in a club or billiards.


The biography of Misha Marvin begins on July 15, 1989, when he was born. The guy was born in the glorious Chernivtsi (Ukraine). It was there that he spent his entire childhood and school years. Misha grew up as an active and restless child. His parents were ordinary workers who, in addition to work, managed to devote time to work and their own relationships. During his school years, he did not excel in subjects and sometimes even skipped classes. For these son's tricks, the parents had to blush more than once in the director's office. The creative biography of Misha Marvin will begin when he decides to go for better life to Kyiv.

Life in the capital

Having firmly decided to move to Kyiv, the guy does not change his decision and buys a ticket. Upon arrival there, he immediately goes to submit documents to the Academy of Culture and Arts. The guy was selected for the Faculty of Musicology. At that moment, he tries his hand at authorship and writes several successful texts. Further, the biography of Misha Marvin is replenished with the first serious proposal to create a boys' group. According to the guy, the guys were ordinary amateurs musical activity. The songs they sang together could have been better. But despite this, they always made it to the top lists of many radio stations.

The young team even shot several videos. Among them is a video for the song “Super Song”. The work budget cost them $300. Over time, the guys went their separate ways, as they realized that their team did not have a successful prospect.

The further fate of the guy

After the breakup music group Misha realizes that he missed a lot of schoolwork and does not have time to catch up with everything. He is expelled from the third year. However, Misha’s optimism can be envied. At the moment, he understands what he wants to do with his life. He tries to earn a living by doing small jobs at karaoke. Meanwhile, the guy actively begins to write texts.

Music in Misha's life

In 2013, the guy met the founder and director of the most famous Russian label, Black Star Inc., Pavel Kuryanov. This meeting became fateful for young performer and the author. Pavel offered him cooperation.

At first, the guy wrote texts for Mot and Nathan. A hit called “Oxygen”, which was performed by the group “ Via Gra"and Mot, was written by our hero. Then he began to write songs for Yegor Creed, which he continues to do to this day.

Performer career

From that moment it began to develop rapidly creative biography Misha Marvin. This guy's songs could be heard from almost every window, many nightclubs and radio stations. So, a few years after joining Black Star Inc. he began to sing. The debut composition that the guy performed was “Well, what are you doing.” Initially, the plan was to sing together with DJ Kan. However, after listening, Timati wanted to participate in the creation of this hit. The star trio successfully recorded a track that blew up all radio stations and was played on all music TV channels for a long time.

Next, the artist, together with DJ Kan, records a joint hit called “Bitch.” Fans considered this composition one of the most successful in the work of Misha Marvin. The biography of this guy, as well as his songs, are always very discussed. Following this, together with rapper Mot, Misha records the song “Or maybe?!” In 2016, the guy decides to surprise fans by creating his own solo hit, “I Hate.” After a while, a video was shot for it, and the song quickly gained popularity. Within a week, the video clip received more than a million views on YouTube. This helped increase the young guy’s authority in the team, and he began to receive many interesting offers. From that moment on, on the covers of famous glossies one could often find photos of Misha Marvin, whose biography was studied more and more carefully by fans. The artist plans to record his first album soon.

Personal life of Misha Marvin

The guy tries to hide his personal life, without commenting on its details publicly. Once he even allowed himself to express himself harshly towards a journalist who asked him a question on this topic. From that moment on, interest in the actor’s life has not disappeared, but he is less often asked about it in interviews. Today, according to the artist, love affairs have no place in the biography of Misha Marvin. Intrusive paparazzi are still trying to investigate this guy’s personal life. Thus, it became known that while he was working in the capital, he seduced a rich Russian girl. She abandoned everything she had acquired in Vladivostok for his sake and moved to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Misha and his beloved began to live in a civil marriage. However, over time, like many young couples, they stopped understanding each other. Everyday problems began to absorb their feelings more and more. Misha constantly disappears at work. The girl in a foreign country didn’t know what to do with herself, and every now and then she nagged the guy about how little time he devoted to relationships. For a long time, the artist endured causeless jealousy, nagging about everyday issues and constant scandals. Soon the couple separated. The guy experienced the loss of his beloved for a long time and painfully.

Then he decided to take up his career again, promoting his own project, gaining popularity. Misha decides to take up choreography and acting. This is necessary so that when filming videos he does not lag behind other performers. In addition, he signed up for music school in piano class. According to him, every self-respecting musician should have skills in working with a keyboard instrument.

Misha today

In 2018, Marvin stunned his fans, and especially their female counterparts, by posting a certain photo on his Instagram. The picture showed the artist kneeling in front of a girl with wedding ring in a cute box.

Then the guy shared with his subscribers that this photo was taken in New York during the filming of a new video clip for the song “With Her.” His favorite subject of the video was an American actress named Jeanine Cascio. Next, the guy replied to one of the fans that as soon as he decides to real life confess his love to a girl, he will share this good news with everyone.


Misha Marvin, together with the Radio Energy radio station, held a competition called “I Sing Where I Want.” The winner was Masha Koltsova. Together with her, the artist, as promised, recorded the song “Closer”. The guy continues to create various competitions and projects, which all end in success. He also admitted that his main project in the future should be his family. By the way, according to the artist himself, a fan of his work can easily become his beloved woman.

The biography of Misha Marvin will soon become richer in one way significant event, as he reported in one of his last interviews. Fans are eagerly awaiting news from the life of their favorite artist.