The worldview of childhood determines a person’s behavior and destiny. Childhood is the dawn of the destiny of human life Introduction childhood is the time that determines the destiny of a person

Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. at least it should be like that, because in childhood a person’s character is formed, his attitude towards himself and the world around him. That is why the main characters of many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, relationships with people around them. Thus, L.N. Tolstoy in his autobiographical story 《Childhood》 describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who on the pages of the work grows, loves, hates, receives the first lessons of life. The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he has an inherent feeling of compassion, which made me cry out loud. Bring a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy that is being carried to be thrown over the fence..》The life of a hero is lessons in the classroom, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows up, and his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and later loses his mother. In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, draws conclusions. This is how he unfairly thinks about the kindest of the province, Karla Ivanovich, is offended by the nanny Nalya Savina, come up with bad dream as if my mother had died and was being buried 》. together with his friend, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, Although he doesn’t really like it. At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and fun》. But it is important that because of each 《unworthy》 episode, Nikolenka brings his own lesson understands why he acted wrong. Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story 《 Numbers》 little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: 《 And with childish gullibility and an open heart, he rushed to life as quickly as possible! He loved his family very much and had immense respect for his uncle who came from Moscow. the writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults; he is easily offended or humiliated. Well this is the worst crime little man in Gentle However, the pain caused can be remembered for a lifetime. remember your childhood grievances a difficult childhood and the hero in Gorky's story after the death of Alyosha's father Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather's house, endure beatings and justice and watch his uncle's enmity in Starving and begging, only his grandmother warmed the boy and gave him her love like protection Akulina Ivanovna taught Alyosha love people, be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed to the boy not a word of God and the word of the Kashirins, but a kind, condescending, loving one. It was the grandmother who revealed to the boy life, we explain everything that happens around him in the house and outside it, and so it continued until his death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood ended. He went into public life.

Childhood is the brightest and most cheerful time in the life of every person. At the very least, it must be like this, because in childhood a person’s character, his attitude towards himself and the world around him is laid down.

That is why the main characters of many creations Russian writers are children, their psychology, affairs with the people around them. Thus, L.N. Tolstoy, in his autobiographical story Childhood, describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows in the pages of his creation, loves and hates, and receives the first lessons of life.

The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his close-minded mother, tutor, and nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up to be a kind boy, he is characterized by a feeling of compassion that made me cry bitterly at the sight of a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy being carried to be thrown over the fence

The life of a hero is lessons in class, fun with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka reveres. But the boy grows up, and his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.

In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, and draws conclusions. So, he thinks unfairly about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, sulks at his nanny Natalya Savishna, comes up with a terrible dream that maman has died and is being buried. Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and amusing. But the main thing is that from every unworthy episode Nikolenka learns his lesson, understands why he acted wrong.

Childhood as the most pure and innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story Numbers. Tiny Zhenya is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: faster, faster! He loves his own family very much and has unlimited respect for his uncle, who arrived from Moscow.

The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults; it is easy to insult or humiliate him. But this is the most terrible offense - a little person is not malicious, but the pain caused can be remembered all his life.

Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy and Bunin is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of an individual are formed. In addition, childhood, no matter what, is the happiest golden time of life, filled with light, the joy of everyday discoveries, and purity of soul.

Childhood - happy years of life

Childhood is the beginning life path person. This is the time of dreams and carefreeness. A childhood filled with games, magical fantasies and pranks can be called happy. Start your essay at this topic I would like from the lines of the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov:

Sweet baby's birth

Welcome my belated verse.

Blessings be with him

All angels of heaven and earth!

Newborn children are blessed new life, all the advantages of the world around them are just beginning to appear before them. Childhood is a happy time in everyone’s life, when a person looks at the world in a completely different way - more trusting, open. It is full of various rash decisions. Children's actions seem naive and sometimes funny to others.

I believe that childhood happiest time, because it is during this period that children receive a lot of attention, they are carefree and full of energy.

I will try to prove my opinion with the help of quotes from great people.

Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud said: “In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.” Adults love to remember their childhood. Everyone has bright colorful moments that they keep in their heart. for many years. Childhood is truly a wonderful time: you can rejoice in such simple things, like the first snow falling or a ringing spring stream, you can imagine yourself as anyone and create magical worlds. And even as a child, you sincerely enjoy the holidays, because there is fun, laughter and gifts all around. That is why we keep these wonderful moments of our lives in our hearts. It seems to me that a child’s perception of the world is more correct, and we should try to preserve it within ourselves for as long as possible.

Antoine de Saint Exupery wrote: “We all come from childhood.” I completely agree with this statement, because all our knowledge about the world and many other things is formed in our knowledge in deep childhood.Childhood impressions are deposited in our subconscious for life. Sometimes, some childhood experiences flash with us over a colossal period of time and determine our actions and our relationships with people already in our childhood. adult life. We probably all miss our childhood, because it is the source of all the best that is in us.

Parents and teachers help children learn about the world. They guide the child in the right direction, prompting and explaining everything necessary. But not only does it depend on parents and teachers to teach a little person the wisdom of life, they are also obliged to invest in him spiritual values, such as compassion, mercy, justice, honesty, goodwill, in order to educate him as a personality and a worthy person. Personal example is very important in this. While teaching children to be honest, they themselves should not lie. While putting mercy into it, we ourselves should not show cruelty. The flower that I brought to my performance symbolizes the qualities that I should develop in children as a teacher.

Thus, we can conclude that childhood is the happiest time, filled with light and the joy of daily discoveries, as it is filled with purity and unselfishness of thoughts and desires.So, childhood is an unforgettable period in everyone’s life. This is fun, joy, continuous laughter, a lot interesting moments. It is in childhood that we discover something new and unknown every day. We should be grateful to our parents for our happy early years life. It was these people who tried to do everything so that we would have only good memories of childhood.

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Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. at least it should be like that, because in childhood a person’s character is formed, his attitude towards himself and the world around him. That is why the main characters of many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, relationships with people around them. Thus, L.N. Tolstoy in his autobiographical story 《Childhood》 describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who on the pages of the work grows, loves, hates, receives the first lessons of life. The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he has an inherent feeling of compassion, which made me cry out loud. Bring a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy that is being carried to be thrown over the fence..》The life of a hero is lessons in the classroom, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows up, his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and later loses his mother. In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, draws conclusions. This is how he unfairly thinks about the kindest of the province, Karla Ivanovich, is offended by the nanny Nalya Savina, come up with a terrible dream that your mother has died and they are taking her to bury her》. together with his friend, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, Although he doesn’t really like it. At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and fun》. But it is important that because of every 《unworthy》 episode, Nikolenka brings his lesson understands why he did wrong. Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story 《 Numbers》 little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: 《 And with childish gullibility and an open heart, he rushed to life as quickly as possible! He loved his family very much and had immense respect for his uncle who came from Moscow. the writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults; he is easily offended or humiliated. Well, this is the most terrible crime, a little man in Gentle, but the pain caused can be remembered for the rest of his life. remember your childhood grievances a difficult childhood and the hero in Gorky's story after the death of Alyosha's father Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather's house, endure beatings and justice and watch his uncle's enmity in Starving and begging, only his grandmother warmed the boy and gave him her love like protection Akulina Ivanovna taught Alyosha love people, be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed to the boy not a word of God and the word of the Kashirins, but a kind, condescending, loving one. It was the grandmother who revealed to the boy life, we explain everything that happens around him in the house and outside it, and so it continued until his death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood ended. He went into public life.