MIM - information on the Encyclopedia World History portal. Who are mimes? See what "Memes" are in other dictionaries

Mime actor, mime actor... Spelling dictionary-reference book

- (Greek mimos, from mimeomai I imitate). An artist who performs mimes and an actor who takes part in them. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MIM Greek. mimos, from mimeomai, I imitate. An actor skilled in facial expressions. Explanation... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Artist (stage), actor, comedian, buffoon; guest performer; (role: ingénue, first lover, comedian, tragedian, reasoner, extra, figurehead, clown, gymnast, acrobat). J. b. actress. .. Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

Actor, mimic, mimic, artist Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mime noun, number of synonyms: 6 actor (53) artist ... Dictionary of synonyms

A; m. [from Greek. mimos] Pantomime actor. Mimes perform on stage. Marceau is the best mime of our century. * * * mime (Greek mímos), 1) a comedy genre in ancient folk theater, short improvisational skits of satirical, entertaining content ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

mime- a, m. mime m. lat. mimus gr. ES presupposes gender. 1. theater A type of performance in ancient folk theater that combined speech improvisation, dancing and singing; the text of such a presentation. Sl. 18. The poets who… … were called Mimics Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Modern encyclopedia

MIM, mima, husband. (Greek mimos) (historical theater). 1. Folk performance in ancient Greece and Rome, which combined speech improvisation, dancing and singing. 2. An actor who participated in such performances. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Mime- (from the Greek mimos, literally imitator), 1) a comedy genre in ancient folk theater. Short, often improvisational scenes of everyday, entertaining or satirical content, performed on the streets and squares by actors without masks... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Greek mimos) 1) comedy genre in ancient folk theater, short improvisational skits of satirical, entertaining content.2) Mime performer.3) B modern theater pantomime actor (theater without words) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Marcel Marceau
  • Marcel Marceau, E. V. Markova. Marcel Marceau - French mime actor, creator of the Parisian school of mimes. Marceau's stage image of Bip brought him worldwide fame. The book is the first complete biography...

The work of our artists consists of interactive improvisation with elements of interlude (insertions from numbers and sketches performed with the participation of the audience).

Types of interactive interactions performed at a meeting of guests ("welcome zone") , in the street, during improvisation, as well as at exhibitions and other events:

"Plastic sketches" :

Plastic sketches are used to initially attract attention using props (models made of balls, a ball for contact juggling, “juggling” with light with fingers, interaction with a luminous flower, etc. The artist performs various elements of the art of pantomime, attracting attention and gathering spectators. For example: a pantomime wall , the illusion of another isolated space, "Charlie Chaplin's walk", "Michael Jackson's moonwalk", the movement of a robot, the walking of a wind-up doll and much more. Some of the elements can be seen in the video: " Mime exercise "

"Plastic interactive parodies" :

The artist (mime, clown), kindly copying, performs actions, repeating them after a random passerby/spectator/just standing man or performs them synchronously with it. In this interaction, the key role is played by the ability and extensive experience of our artists to quickly notice and reproduce little things characteristic of a particular person and reproduce them in a recognizable, but subtle and moderate grotesque manner. (in simple terms: “not vulgar and not offensive”)

"Modeling from balls" :

An artist (mime, clown) models figures from balloons(flowers, animals, sabers and other objects). Having made the figurine, the mime performs precise and prepared manipulations and sketches with it, which increases its value in the eyes of the viewer and it is presented like a real gift. (note: children especially like this, but adults are also delighted with the “flowers” ​​and “dogs on a leash”)

"Interactive with a transparent ball for contact juggling" :

An artist (mime, clown) performs contact juggling with a ball, combining this with elements of “isolation”. Using these elements, the mime involves the surrounding spectators in the interaction, which creates an unforgettable feeling for the viewer to participate in an interesting performance and his involvement in art, forming positive emotions and a pleasant impression. (isolation is an illusion used in pantomime, freezing, inability to move, or vice versa the desire of an object somewhere while holding it, the lightness of a heavy object and vice versa the heaviness of a light one, etc.)

"Sketches with balloon insulation" :

An artist (mime, clown) performs manipulations using a balloon, which in one second can turn out to be both an “overwhelming burden” and an upward, flying away object. The mime can “rest” on the ball, as if leaning on it, can unsuccessfully pull it away from the “invisible elastic band”, all the time returning to the starting position, etc. (isolation is an illusion used in pantomime, freezing, inability to move, or vice versa the desire of an object somewhere while holding it, the lightness of a heavy object and vice versa the heaviness of a light one, etc.)

"Interactive mini-master class on pantomime" :

The pantomime artist, in one way or another, invites the viewer, who has become a participant, to perform/repeat some simple movement after the mime; if he succeeds, then the task can become more complicated, this happens until the person reaches the limit of his capabilities and the mime evaluates the level plastics, like high applause, which is picked up by the audience, and can present a prize (if the organizer provides prizes) If the chosen person does not succeed, or he is shy, then the mime gracefully plays out the situation, leading the viewer out of the ridiculous situation, like “it’s all the same winner" (sometimes with an incentive prize), and turns attention to himself or another more relaxed person. This interactive master class always attracts the attention of others, who watch with interest as someone competes with a mime. Also, with the help of this interaction, the mime fully demonstrates the possibilities of pantomime plasticity, which never goes unnoticed. (Our performers are also experienced mime teachers)

"Interesting photo with the artist" :

The artist (mime, clown) not only performs some kind of static sketch himself, but also arranges people who want to be photographed in interesting poses and plays with them, giving funny, unforgettable scenes for original photos. (photos are taken either by the spectators themselves or by photographers of the event organizers). In the absence of a camera, the mime can play the image of a photographer who, exposing people, “takes pictures” of them with a “pfd-shny” (non-existent) camera.

"Customized sketches and interactions" :

Our artists can also perform specially designed interactive interactions and performances, depending on the client's wishes. These interactions as props can contain various objects that the customer would like to see. For example: depending on the theme of the event, this could be: special equipment for a traffic police officer (baton and cap) a car exhibition/event at a car showroom; medical instruments and clothing items (medical exhibition); business cards/coupons/flyers, badge on the artist’s clothing or promotional clothing provided by the organizer (universally suitable for any exhibition); signs indicating the event/stand number/customer names (weddings, birthdays, exhibitions of various subjects); baskets/with fruits or flowers/bouquets/gifts (weddings, birthdays, corporate events, personal events, etc.). (Items are provided by the customer or ordered additionally from us by prior agreement and prepayment).

A wedding celebration is a special, magical and unforgettable event in the life of every couple. Everything about it should be just perfect! Every second of your wedding is thought out to the smallest detail, but something fun and funny is missing, something that will make your guests smile or even laugh. The wedding portal Svadbaholik.ru knows how to help you. Book a mime show for your wedding! It is stylish and sophisticated, inimitable and exclusive!

Who are mimes?

Mimes are cute white-faced people in extravagant clothes, which are selected in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The concept of "mime" originated in Greece. At that time, mimes staged comic performances on city stages. Later, this type of acting gained popularity in the Roman Empire. The fashion for unusual mime shows is back again, because this light and relaxed performance evokes a billion positive emotions. Unsurpassed improvisation, excellent plasticity and change of images draws you into an amazing and mysterious world. Magic world mimes!

Why do you need a mime show at a wedding?

First of all, mimes are invited to a wedding in order to relieve the anxiety of your friends and relatives! After all, many of them don’t know each other at all, so in many awkward situations, mimes will come in handy. They know when to make you laugh and when to become invisible so as not to interfere.

Mime actors at a wedding will become assistants to the host, depicting his words with funny gestures and stunning facial expressions. He will cheerfully and originally play out any situation to make your wedding celebration brighter and more eventful! Naturally, the mime actor improvises a lot, which makes your wedding different from others! Mimes will fill your holiday with unique and unforgettable shades of joy and positivity.

What can mimes do?

The repertoire of mimes is quite wide; they can take part in any stage of the wedding celebration. The main activity of mimes is performance (short skits and performances). The mime will tell you a whole story that will immerse you in a magical atmosphere of subtle humor and fun. And all thanks to the bright expressiveness, deep humor and amazing ability of mimes to convey any emotions.

In addition, you can diversify your wedding with next events featuring funny white-faced actors:

  • Photos with mimes on a walk and in a restaurant;
  • Entertaining guests during a walk while video and photography of the newlyweds takes place;
  • Mime meeting guests;
  • Entertaining guests in the restaurant before the newlyweds arrive;
  • Humorous performances and skits during the banquet;
  • Carrying out any events of the wedding program (auction, competitions, “boy/girl”, etc.);
  • Mime dances with the participation of your guests;
  • Show "fake bride"
  • “Theft” of the bride, etc.

As you can see, almost every minute of your holiday can be decorated with the participation of mimes, creating a fun and festive atmosphere! You and your guests from you'll have a good laugh, forgetting about all the troubles and worries. Isn't this wonderful?!?

The wedding portal www.site is confident that any wedding celebration will become a bright and unforgettable event thanks to the mime show. The created atmosphere of amazing positivity and refined humor will not allow the smiles to “escape” from the faces of your guests!



Having originated among the broad masses in various places in Greece, this folklore genre first received literary treatment from Greek colonists in southern Italy and Sicily; these were funny scenes with lively dialogue, snatched from the life of small artisans, villagers and layers close to them (compare the titles of the Mimes: “The Fisherman and the Villager”, “The Darners”, etc.); their literary treatment shows the interest of the educated elite in this mass genre (it was not for nothing that such spectacles were accepted at the courts of the Sicilian “tyrants”). This genre developed widely in the Hellenistic era of Greece in the 4th-3rd centuries. B.C. At this time, mimes were created not for the stage, but only for entertaining reading and entered the orbit of interests not only of craftsmen, but also of higher social strata.

Mimes - Pantomime

A specialist mimographer was Gerond (or Herodes), who wrote in “Holyambas” (part of his Mimes was found in Egypt in).

If in Gerrond the class sharpness of the Mimes seems to be blurred, then in other mimographers of this period the mimes clearly turn into a weapon of struggle against the ruling classes (parodies of the pathos of the tragic style, religion, even ridiculing the life of monarchs, for which, for example, the mimographer Sotad paid with his life ).

Mimes also became widespread in ancient Rome. Having long flourished in the south of Italy and existing in Rome as a grassroots mass theater, mimes firmly captured the stage by the end of the 2nd and 1st centuries. BC, when the victories of democracy sharpened them as a weapon of class struggle, making the theater a place of socio-political satire. There are known literary processed mimes of the Syrian slave Publilius and Decimus Laberius (1st century BC), who was patronized by the dictator Julius Caesar, who relied on democracy. Reflecting the life of small artisans (dyers, rope makers, etc.), these memes are often directed against the ruling classes - large landowners, etc. - sometimes with sharp satire on religion. The most obscene stories were prevalent here. Traditional character Mima was a fool, showered with all kinds of abuse; an improvisational element on the topic of the day often burst into the text. As a class genre of the lower classes, the Roman mime was written in the language of these layers with all the vulgarisms and slang of city taverns. In the 1st century BC, mime began to supplant “atellana”.

New features characterize the mime in the era of Caesarism. Under the auspices of the state, which seeks to distract the democratic strata from the struggle with the ruling classes, mimes expand into a complex performance, the so-called “mimic hypothesis”, which is given in large theaters and subsidized by the government. These “hypotheses” were deprived of the former class emphasis of the mimes; it was an ultra-naturalistic adventure drama written in prose interspersed with poetry with transformations, various miracles, imbued with crude eroticism and other means to attract an unpretentious viewer. Singers, dancers, even trained animals performed here; the actors (unlike the “Atellans”) played without masks, the actresses often performed completely naked, thereby subsequently causing attacks from Christian writers.

Medieval and Renaissance period

The grandiose social cataclysm of the 5th century AD, which put an end to the existence of the Roman Empire, did not entail the disappearance of the Roman mime. Its history continued in subsequent centuries, marked by the transition from the slave system to feudalism, from ancient “pagan” culture to medieval Christian culture. But the residual forms of the Roman mime acquired a qualitatively new character in the new social situation. As the former Roman Empire intensified its “barbarization”, expressed in a “reverse” movement from complex system exchange economy to simple forms of natural economy, the material prerequisites for the existence of the mimic hypothesis, this last great theatrical genre antiquity. Roman actors, adapting to new economic and social conditions, spread throughout the “barbarian” countries, returning to their original vagrancy. Through them, the deformed remnants of Roman mythology seeped into the lower strata of the urban and rural population and were assimilated into peasant folklore, in which they discovered extraordinary stability.

Modern Mimes

  • Vahram Zaryan / (fr. Vahram Zaryan ) - France

Vahram Zaryan spectacle ILYA

  • James Thierry / (fr. James Therree ) - Switzerland

James Therrée 2010

Criticism of Emil Reich's theory

At the same time, the traditions of Roman mimes were undoubtedly combined in the new barbarian countries with the art of local German buffoon singers, ospreys or glimans. It was only as a result of the assimilation and processing of the “cultural heritage” of Roman mimes by native buffoons that the typical feudal Middle Ages juggling, which finally took shape by the century. and used the experience of Roman mimes in a processed, “removed” form, and not by directly transplanting it onto the socially and ethnically completely alien soil of the Romano-Germanic states.

This information is sharply opposed to the well-known theory of the German scientist Emil Reich (German). Reich, Emil), who derived directly from the Roman mime all the folk-comic creativity of the medieval and new Europe, as well as Asia and Africa. Seeing in mime the primordial grain of a comic depiction of everyday life, the same in all countries due to the homogeneity of life of the social lower classes generating it, Reich argued that this folk-comic element underlies the entire world drama, since it is not “classical”, that is, not based on conscious imitation literary drama antiquity.

Socialist theory

According to this theory, the mime has an undoubted resemblance to both the medieval farce and the “Learned Comedy” (Italian: commedia dell’arte). In both cases, we are dealing with socially heterogeneous phenomena: if the medieval farce was generated by the social practice of the lower classes of feudal society, then the commedia dell’arte formalizes the ideology of the ruling class. Hence the different nature of the connection between these genres and memes. In the first case, the creators of the farce - artisans of a medieval city - used for their amateur comedy creativity the traditional technique of buffoon acts, which absorbed " cultural heritage» Roman mimes; At the same time, some elements of mimes penetrated the farce from medieval peasant folklore, where they were introduced by the same jugglers of the early Middle Ages.

In the second case, in “commedia dell'arte”, there is not a spontaneous penetration of folklore and play elements into comedy, but the conscious use of these elements by aristocratic artists for the purpose of stylizing “folk” comedy, a use permeated with a tendency to master ancient genres to satisfy their ideological requests. “Commedia dell’arte” is guided by atellana and mimes no less consciously than “scientific” comedy was guided by the plays of Plautus and Terence.


  • Veselovsky A. N. Ancient theater in Europe. - M., 1870.
  • Gvozdev A. A., Piotrovsky A. I. History of the European theater - M.: - L.: 1931.
  • Magnin C., Les origines du théâtre moderne, v. I, 1838;
  • Petit de Julleville L., Les comédiens en France au moyen âge, 1889;
  • Allen P. S., The medieval Mimus, “Modem Philology”, 1910, VIII.

See also the bibliography for the article “Commedia dell’arte”

See also

  • Ancient theater



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  • Perevalsk
  • Hyphenation (typography)

See what “Memes” are in other dictionaries:

    Memes- (from the Greek “imitation”) the ancient Greeks and Romans had all sorts of stage performances of a mass nature in the taste of spectators from the lower strata, performances of acrobats, magicians, etc., scenes with singing and dancing, and finally a whole real everyday... ... Literary encyclopedia

    MEME- (Greek mimos, from mimeomai I imitate). An ancient Greek farce for which the author gave only one theme, and the actors had to improvise the details themselves. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MIMS 1)… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Memes- MIMEs are a type of comedy among the Greeks and Romans. Memes arose from folk art and first presented improvisations (see this word). The subjects of mimes were usually events of everyday life (adultery, fraud); famous Roman... Dictionary of literary terms