International children's drawing competition year. Competitive works by age categories

All-Russian competition announced children's drawing"Colorful drops." Deadline September 30, 2017.

Organizer: Federal State budgetary institution"Information and Analytical Center for the Development of the Water Industry Complex Russian Federation» on the initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the Competition is to popularize the ideas of water saving and respectful attitude to water resources among preschoolers, schoolchildren, their parents and the teaching community.

Participants in the competition can be children aged 3 to 18 years.

Topics and nominations of the competition:

Water is our everything! For participants from 3 to 7 years old, from 8 to 14 years old and from 15 to 18 years old

  • Water is life! Tell us how and why water is important for you and me, our life and health, what troubles threaten humanity without water
  • Water in our family. Show what role water plays in your family, how it is used in everyday life and how does it help you
  • Secrets underwater world: who lives in the depths? Let's dive into the depths, get acquainted with their inhabitants and tell you about the most surprising things in our work!
  • The most famous bodies of water in Russia in my picture. Find out more about the famous and most beautiful bodies of water in our country and tell us about them in your work

Special nomination. For participants from 3 to 7 years old, from 8 to 14 years old and from 15 to 18 years old.

  • Works dedicated to the all-Russian campaign “Water of Russia”. You can depict how you, your friends or other people participate or could participate in the all-Russian campaign “Water of Russia”

Let's hurry to help nature! For participants from 8 to 14 years old and from 15 to 18 years old

Our official group VKontakte: , .
  • How do I save water? We depict all the possible ways in which you can save water - there can be several of them in one work!
  • Let's say no to the pollution of rivers and lakes! Tell us about the consequences of water pollution and how to combat them, what people can do together and each of us
  • On guard of your favorite body of water. Depict how you already take care or could take care of your favorite river, lake, spring, etc.

Water beauties: stop, just a moment! For participants from 8 to 14 years old and from 15 to 18 years old

  • Seasons. Draw your favorite body of water in one of the seasons (winter, summer, spring or summer), show its special beauty at this time of year
  • Present and future, contrast the problems of your favorite body of water and how beautiful it can be if we - people - take care of it

Each participant can submit works in several categories. Only one work can be submitted to the Competition in each category.

  • Winners are determined in each category. The winners of the competition will be awarded honorary diplomas and prizes from the organizers.
  • 5 winning works in each category will receive a prize in the form of a gift certificate for the purchase of books in the online store.
  • The work that takes first place in each category is awarded an ecological canvas bag and a “Water Encyclopedia” (in addition to the gift certificate).
  • The works of the competition winners will be posted on the competition website and included in the circulation of the annual “water calendar”.

What could be more beautiful than autumn! No wonder the great Pushkin admired this time of year and saw only beauty in it. Summer gave the keys to the world to autumn, which immediately picked up brushes and set off to paint the world. Forests, forest edges and clearings gradually began to change their appearance. Bright green sundresses gave way to purple, golden, crimson clothes. Hurry to see and capture this colorful luxury before the leaves begin to fall. We invite you not only to look and admire, but also to draw what has sunk into your soul and take photographs. The portal announces a new all-Russian competition of drawings and photographs "Colors of golden autumn 2017" for children and teachers. Become its participants, present your works and receive diplomas for victory and participation.

Regulations on the All-Russian drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The All-Russian creative distance competition of drawings and photographs on the theme “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” is held by the portal Drawings and photographs on the specified topic are accepted from children and teachers.

Purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the development and increase of interest in nature and the beauty of the surrounding world in the autumn.

Competition objectives:

  • To encourage competition participants to engage in fine arts.
  • Create a large gallery of children's creative works dedicated to the beauty of the autumn landscape.
  • Educate schoolchildren and preschoolers careful attitude to nature.
  • To develop in children and adults imagination, creativity, and the ability to see the unusual in the world around them.
  • To give a chance to everyone who wants to reveal the theme of the competition in drawing, photography and show their creativity, going beyond the boundaries of their educational institution.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition of drawings and photographs “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” on the portal

The procedure for holding the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition is determined by these Regulations.

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian distance drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

Adults and children living in Russia are invited to participate in the all-Russian creative drawing and photography competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”. Participants in the distance competition can be schoolchildren, preschoolers, students studying in any educational institutions those who are home-schooled, attending preschool institutions or institutions additional education, librarians, educators, methodologists, psychologists, teachers, parents, additional education teachers and other groups of people who want to show themselves when creating thematic creative works.

The competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” includes works in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • students primary classes(1st - 4th grade);
  • students high school(5th - 9th grade);
  • high school students (grades 10 - 11, students);
  • teachers, educators (teachers of all specialties, class teachers, librarians, social educators, librarians, psychologists, parents, educators kindergarten, GPD and other groups of adults).

The participants' works will be evaluated separately according to age categories and nominations.

Nominations of works for the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

You can submit works that are original to the competition. The work must cover the stated topic and meet the design requirements. Participants can submit:

  • drawing;
  • photograph.

Subjects of competition works

Competition entries should be about the beauty of autumn. The theme is not limited to any boundaries: we draw and photograph everything we see in autumn or create our own idea of ​​this amazing time of year.

Competitive works by age categories


The drawings of the competition participants tell about the beauty of the autumn season. If you want to express your feelings with paint, take part in our remote event. Submit your work. Drawings for the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition are accepted from both children and adults.

  • Drawing Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total works received: 16
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received a total of: 23
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received a total of: 33
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 10 - 11, students received a total of works: 1
  • Drawing of Teachers, Educators total works received: 6

Received works in the Drawing category: total: 79


Each of us loves to take photographs. Let's talk about the beauty of autumn in photographs. Multi-colored forests, colorful forest edges, and golden free-standing trees are a delight to look at. Adults and children can send their photos to participate in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition. So, let's take a look at the best pictures!

  • Photo Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) total works received: 2
  • Photo Students of grades 1 - 4 received a total of: 6
  • Photo Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received a total of: 7
  • Photo Pupils of grades 10 - 11, students received a total of works: 3
  • Photo Teachers, educators received works total: 11

Received works in the category Photography of all: 29

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the category "Drawing" works made in any technique are provided (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media, computer graphics). The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4. The participant submits a scanned or photographed drawing good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format weighing up to 5 MB.

Competition drawings must be made carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic, contradict the law, or are executed carelessly will not be accepted.

In the category "Photography" Scanned photographs of works completed by participants are accepted. Photos must be of good quality so that the jury can evaluate the work and the participants can examine them. The photographs can capture scenes where the author saw the beauty of autumn.

Photos must be high quality, their content should not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the topic, contradict the law, or are executed carelessly will not be accepted.

Evaluation of competition works

The evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When assessing work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • originality of the idea;
  • color theme disclosure;
  • accuracy of work;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality.

Dates of the All-Russian competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The competition is held from 09/01/2017 to 10/31/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition with 01.11. 2017 to 11/10/2017.

Awarding of the competition participants with 11.11.2017 to 15.11.2017.

Summing up the results of the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

In each age category and nomination, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. The winners of the all-Russian competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good work, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered participants in the remote competition.

Organizational fee for participation in the competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the website and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” competition. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, you must pay an registration fee of 300 rubles (registered mail).

In any branch Sberbank or another bank by receipt (download receipt) payment via bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to wallet 41001171308826

Webmoney to wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is located below

If you decide to participate in the drawings and photographs competition “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017”, you need to:

  1. Draw a drawing that matches the theme, or take a thematic photo.
  2. Correctly fill out the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send one letter to the address [email protected]:

  1. finished work (scanned or photographed drawing, photograph);
  2. completed (only in .doc format, Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through an online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with an indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs participants about the receipt of the competition entry. If you have not received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to confirm that you have received your work.

Works received for the competition by administrators are not edited, reviewed, or returned to participants.

There will be no substitutions of entries during the competition, please check all documents before submitting.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with competition participants. Only in cases of extreme necessity do we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Please indicate your return address correctly and pick up diploma letters at your post office on time. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the terms and conditions of the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the work will not take part in the competition and will not be published on the website.

Awarding the winners and participants of the competition

All competition participants will receive electronic diplomas confirming participation in the “Colors of Golden Autumn 2017” drawing competition and publication of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the competition participants on the day the work is published on the website, and the winners’ diplomas only after summing up the results. Diplomas are located on the portal on the nomination pages, where lists of competition participants are published (along the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition who have paid the registration fee of 300 rubles will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses specified in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from competition participants will be spent on organizing the competition and further development of the portal

Organizing committee contact details

Email address: [email protected]

The Toyota Dream Car competition for children's drawings appeared in 2004 in Japan and has long since become global, with our country taking part in it for the third time. the site talks about the winners of this year's Russian stage, announced at children's party"Toyota City of Dreams"

With the support of a unique educational center - the city of professions "KidBurg", as well as a chain of stores for creative people"Art Quarter". This year the competition has new partners: the Department of Education of the Moscow Region and the Education Committee of St. Petersburg.

It is already obvious that Toyota “Dream Car – 2017” has become the largest stage of this competition for our country: 300 institutions and organizations, 107 Toyota dealers, 452 young and talented artists - all this is significantly higher than the figures for 2016 and 2015.

Category “up to 7 years old”. 1st place. Kristina Topychkanova, 6 years old. Mezhgorye Machine of beauty, youth and health.

The participation of artists from the Republic of Belarus gave the competition special international significance. According to Takashi Suito, vice president of Toyota Motor LLC, the competition is designed to help show talent, develop imagination and learn to dream, and therefore improve the world.

Category “up to 7 years old”. 2nd place. Leonid Sivak, 7 years old. Vladivostok. Toyota "Star Rescue"

The winners of the competition were 18 young talents ranging from three to fifteen years old in 3 age categories, as well as in the categories “Audience Award”, “Environmental Protection”, “Presidential Prize”. The winners in all age categories will take part in the final stage competition in Japan.

Category “up to 7 years old”. 3rd place. Radmila Aetbaeva, 6 years old. Mezhgorye. Agricultural assistant. Category “8 – 11 years old”. 1st place. Margarita Starenkova, 9 years old. Rostov-on-Don. Yume-Yota.

The selection of winners was based on an assessment of execution techniques and the originality of the concept of the car of the future. For example, in the drawings of the winners you can see machines that processed waste into fuel, created dreams, or helped pensioners.

Category “8 – 11 years old”. 2nd place. Ksenia Shirobokova, 10 years old. Tolyatti. Car of emotions.

The expert jury, chaired by the president of Toyota Motor LLC, included, who was impressed by the care of the young contestants about environment; Vladimir Pirozhkov, working at industrial design and recognizing that, than less people, the more original his ideas; Igor Oleynikov, animator; Olga Chernova, editor-in-chief, Marina Gevorkyan (project “Snob”).

Category “8 – 11 years old”. 3rd place. Damir Dakshev, 11 years old.
MIZH-001 – A machine that makes wishes come true.

The International Children's Painting Competition « Les enfants ne veulent pas de guerre …» Paris, France, 2019 - 2020

International Children's Drawing Competition "Children don't want war..."

Regulations on the competition for 2019

Les enfants ne veulent pas de guerre, ils veulent juste jouer, rire, apprendre, avoir des amis et danser! Children don'twant war, they just want to play, laugh, learn, make friends anddance! Holding team# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France)

General provisions

Regulations on the international competition of children's drawings "Les enfants ne veulent pasde guerre..." - "Children do not want war ..."(hereinafter referred to as the Competition) developed and approved # EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France). The organization and conduct of the Competition is based on the principles of patriotism, accessibility, the priority of universal human values, citizenship, free personal development, and protection of the rights and interests of Competition participants. The following basic terms are used in these Regulations: Organizer –# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), Participant is the author of a drawing that meets the requirements of the Competition. The jury is an international group of experts that evaluates competition works and determines the Winners of the International Children's Drawing Competition.

Young artists from France and Germany

Goals and objectives of the children's drawing competition

Instilling in the younger generation a sense of faith in the future of our planet, when the time comes - without wars, which unfortunately in different historical periods bring real humanity a lot of suffering, destruction, loss of loved ones, relatives, friends; - maintaining children’s interest in world history and the role of the competitor’s country in the world historical process; - encouraging children to study historical events that took place in different times all over the world; - disclosure creativity children.

Omonboyeva Kamola Xusan qizi, Republic of Uzbekistan

Martha Staudacher, Wien, Austria(drawing by a participant in this competition from Austria)

Chan Mang Wai Nathan, 6 years old, Hong Kong, China(drawing by an art school student from Hong Kong)

Director of Chuguev Children's art school them. I.E. Repin (Ukraine) Mr. Nepomnyashchiy V.I.

Sincere words of gratitude addressed to us: Thank you so much for the awards and for the opportunity for the child to prove himself in such a wonderful competition! Ekaterina Shevchenko, Chuguev city, Kharkov region, Ukraine. April 21, 2017

The tasks of the Competition organizer are

Organization and holding of an international children's drawing competition; - ensuring the participation of as many children as possible in the Competition different countries and continents; - organizing the work of a qualified jury of the Competition to evaluate the works of Competition participants; - organization of information support for the Competition; - Issue of the required number of Medals and Diplomas for the winners and participants of the Competition.

Work by Botirov Shokhrukh “Children do not want war”, Republic of Uzbekistan

Requirements for drawings submitted to the Competition

Drawings must correspond to the theme of the Competition and depict propaganda to prevent wars on our planet (the plot is at the discretion of the author). A drawing can only be submitted to the competition by its author (parents with the consent of the author or the director of the educational institution with the consent of the author and parents). Drawings must be completed without the help of parents or teachers. Drawings can be made on any material (whatman paper, cardboard, canvas, etc.) and executed in any drawing technique (oil, watercolor, ink, colored pencils, crayons, etc.). Works submitted to the Competition must be in JPEG image format, in color, and the image size must not exceed 1 MB. The drawing is sent to the competition by email, along with the application and payment. Payment can be made in any form. For those who wish to pay via Yandex.Money, we provide our account number below. Each drawing must be accompanied by an application, which indicates the name and surname of the author, his age, the title of the drawing and the event to which the drawing is dedicated; country, postal address of the author's residence; email address; name and postal address educational institution in which the author and creative director (if there was one) studied, as well as consent to use the drawing. The number of works submitted to the Competition by one child cannot exceed 1 drawing. All drawings submitted to the Competition can be used# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), in the future to conduct various patriotic events, including exhibitions and the publication of books. Collective and anonymous drawings (not containing information about the competition participant) are not allowed to participate in the competition and will not be considered.

Work by Marina Savinykh "Ryzhik", Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

Roles and responsibilities of the Organizer

To the Competition Organizer # EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), is assigned the following functions for coordinating the Competition: - determining the conditions for the Competition; - formulation of requirements for competitive works submitted for participation in this Competition; - approval of deadlines for submitting works and conducting expert assessments of members of the Jury; - determination of criteria for evaluating competitive works; - deciding on the composition of the Jury; - holding events within the framework of the information and advertising campaign of the Competition; - dissemination of information about the results of the Competition; - organization and conduct international exhibition(exhibitions) in Cannes (France) - best drawings Competition. The responsibilities of the Competition Organizer include: creating equal conditions for all participants of the Competition; ensuring the transparency of the Competition; preventing the disclosure of information about the intermediate and final results of the Competition before the date of the official announcement of the results of the Competition.

The procedure for submitting drawings to participate in the competition

Participants are children of three age categories: - up to 10 years old, - from 10 to 14 years old (inclusive), - from 15 to 17 years old (inclusive). Participants submit their works to the competition: - through the administration of their educational institutions; - through parents. Submitted drawings for participation in the Competition are checked by the Competition Organizer for compliance with the requirements for the works of Competition Participants and specified in the Regulations and are transferred to members of the Jury for evaluation. The author (the author's parents), when submitting their work (the work of their child) to the competition, confirms the authorship of the drawing and agrees that it can be published in any publications, shown in any way at any events held # EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France), both during the Competition and after its end, in different cities of France and Europe and does not claim to pay royalties.

Work by Arina Ozhereleva “Sadko”, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia

Deadlines for submitting drawings for participation in the Competition, amount of contribution

Drawings for participation in the Competition are accepted any time during the year. City and country of the Competition - Paris, French Republic. The participant has the right to withdraw his work for participation in the Competition at least 10 days before the deadline for accepting works. The work of the jury for the competition to evaluate the works of the Competition participants - on the last day of the competition.

For those who have paid a fee of 25.- euros, optionally an additional medal, sending a diplomaand paid medals for the winners and participants of the competition within 10 days from the date last day holding a competition. Diplomas are sent electronically in the same way - electronic copies will be sent out.

Competition fee

Regarding the contribution, each participant, or rather teachers or parents, has a choice - the cost of the participation fee in the competition and receiving diplomas in electronic form - 15,- Euro, in the original + in electronic form (postage costs from France to your country to your address are included in the price), - 25,- Euro. The cost of a medal on the ribbon of the national flag of France is an additional payment, optionally at a price of 40.- Euro. Total, if you want an original Diploma by mail + medal + personal Certificate for the medal = 65 euros.

Exhibition in France in Nice

Opening of the exhibition of the best works, paintings or drawings of the competition in the city of Nice from July 11 to July 15, 2019 (France), or in Paris from December 29, 2019 to January 2, 2020. During this period, all participants, guests and accompanying persons will be offered an interesting and exciting program of stay on the Cote d'Azur of France. The combination of a holiday at sea, numerous excursions, meetings with peers from different countries will remain for each of you in your memory and heart as a bright and interesting event in your life.

Composition and functions of the Jury

The composition of the Competition Jury is determined by the Competition Organizer. The jury carries out expert assessment drawings submitted to the competition in accordance with the evaluation criteria specified in the Regulations. Winners are determined by the largest amount points received. Evaluation criteria: - compliance with the topic of the Competition (compliance with these Regulations); - originality of the work; - artistic value. Members of the Jury are obliged to ensure: non-disclosure information about the final results of the Competition before the end date of the Competition, non-distribution of drawings sent to the Competition, as well as information about the participants of the Competition on the Internet or in other media.

Work by Sophia Zenova "Children against war", Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukraine

Winners of the Competition

The winners of the Competition will be awarded medals and diplomas, their works will be displayed at an exhibition in Cannes (France), organized by# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France). The winners of the Competition in three age categories will be awarded: - for 1st place - for 2nd place - for 3rd place

All children receive from the Organizing Committee of the International Competition one of the following Diplomas:

✔ Grand Prix Winner - Grand Prix Diploma.

✔ Laureate (three prizes) - diplomas “Laureate of the 1st degree”, “Laureate of the 2nd degree”, “Laureate of the 3rd degree”.

✔ Diploma holder (three places) - diplomas “Diploma holder of the 1st degree”, “Diploma holder of the 2nd degree”, “Diploma holder of the 3rd degree”.

✔ All other participants - Diplomat.

Organizing Committee of the International Competition

OR FOR YOUR ATTENTION - Sample application for drawings sent to the competition

List of data

Filled data

Age ( full years)

Title of the drawing

Name of the educational institution where the author studies

Postal address (with zip code) of the educational institution, creative director (if available)

I confirm the authorship of the drawing and agree that it can be published in any publications, shown in any way at any events held# EURO _MEDIA _STAR _GROUP (Paris, France) both during the Competition and after its end, and do not claim payment of royalties

You can submit your application along with payment (via the application form or to our email address). In this case, you do not need to ask us for our account number. You can pay in any form convenient for you, including via card or electronic payment

As applications are received, each of you will be sent confirmation of acceptance of your application and your payment within 24 hours. For your information, we work 24 hours a day.

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Work by Irina Gorshkova “World Peace”, Sergiev Posad, Russia


Attention! After filling out the form and after clicking the “send application” button, please wait until the last second has expired and until it is automatically redirected to the original “apply application” page. Otherwise, without waiting for completion, your application will not reach our addressee and will be lost. If filling out the form is difficult for you, or the form is not available on the server or is temporarily not working, send your application to [email protected] by answering the questions specified in the form. When sending us an application, do not forget to provide us with information about who we should issue an invoice to - last name, first name or name of organization and full address (postal code, country, city, street or avenue name, house number, etc..). Upon receipt of your application, we will respond to you and confirm its receipt within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation from us, we ask you to send us a duplicate application electronically to [email protected] Thank you! If you have many participants, you can submit a list application to the address [email protected]

Work by Fedirko Anna "Unity of Souls", Krasnodar region, Russia

About the transcription of the contestant's last name and first name

Regarding the transcription of names and surnames of competitors and teachers, the entry in award diplomas is made in English or French. If the surname, first name are complex or you want the entry in the diploma to be exactly as you wish - in order to avoid any embarrassment and so that you yourself are pleased, then we kindly request that when submitting applications, it is advisable to indicate the name, surname in two versions - in Russian and in Latin letters, for example contestant Ivanov Anton (Ivanov Anton).

Work by Maria Sadovskaya, 10 years old, Saratov, Russia

All-Russian drawing competitions are events for those who love to create on a sheet of paper or any other material using paints and crayons, pencils and felt-tip pens, charcoal and gouache. What kind of creative field opens up for children and adults when a blank sheet of paper is laid out in front of them, with nothing on it yet. It won't be long before the paper starts talking. She'll tell you unusual story about the Motherland, about autumn, about beloved friends, about birds and stars, about space travel And New Year's adventures. Is it possible to list all the topics that interest children? That is why so many all-Russian children's drawing competitions are being held in the 2018-2019 academic year. I would like every child living in Russia, whether he is a very young preschooler or a school graduate, to show his artistic talent.

What do all-Russian creative drawing competitions give children?

Each All-Russian drawing competition is a new step towards creativity, which will certainly be followed by results, victories and first high achievements. Every family carefully preserves children's drawings made by children at different ages. Parents are proud of these works. They are shown to relatives and friends. Today you can tell the whole world about the talent of your children. To do this, you must take part in one of the proposed competitions. Works sent by participants are published on the site and are stored here permanently.

Participation in creative competitions is an expansion of your horizons. A child always wants to try to display something new. Those who just yesterday had no idea how to draw autumn landscape, today they are happy to create masterpieces by mixing paints. There are no limits to perfection and creativity, so very soon they will master new techniques, learn how to draw portraits and create fantastic compositions for fairy tales.

All-Russian drawing competitions and applied creativity give you a chance to make new friends. Children make friends from other cities. They exchange ideas and consult on how to do the job better. And how great it is on your birthday or any other holiday to receive congratulations from someone with whom you had to participate in the same event.

New competitions are about realizing your ideas and evaluating them. Each participant in the remote event who submits work must receive a participant diploma. Best works will certainly occupy prizes. All site visitors will definitely learn about the winners and look at their work. Each student and teacher collects evidence of participation in all-Russian competitions (diplomas and certificates) in a portfolio. The more children and adults participate in remote activities, the more rewards they get. And this is a reflection active position a person, his desire to conquer new heights, his achievements.

Topics of All-Russian children's drawing competitions 2018 - 2019

Children's drawings are a reflection of the rich inner world of our cute girls and mischievous boys. It is on this basis that the organizers of all-Russian competitions select topics and genres for future competitive works. I would like every child, picking up a brush or pencil, to be able not only to create a beautiful illustration, but also to try to reveal his or her inner world through the image of a created character, through the image of inanimate objects or a luxurious landscape.

The most popular topics for drawing competitions are:

Age of participants in the remote drawing competition

Any child wants to feel in his opponent a worthy competitor who is equal in strength. In this regard, the age limits for participants in such events are determined. The age of the contestants is specified in the regulations. Typically, works in the following age categories are accepted for distance competitions of children's drawings and applied arts:

  • preschoolers (up to 6 years old);
  • students of grades 1 - 4;
  • students of grades 5 - 9;
  • students of 10 - 11 grades.

Before undertaking work, you must carefully study the situation. If participation in the competition is limited by age (for example, only works from preschoolers are accepted), you can find another thematic competition no less interesting. There are many remote creative competitions for students primary school, for high school students. Don’t despair if you really like the topic, and the works from the participants of this age group are not accepted. Why not advise your friend or brother or sister to prepare a drawing for participation. And you yourself can become for a while the leader of the work, the main assistant.

And adults love to draw: drawing competitions for teachers

Special mention should be made of Internet drawing competitions for teachers. Creative works done by teachers always arouse great interest among children. Not only those teachers who teach art at school love to draw. Sometimes you want to take a break from numbers, like mathematics, to forget about childhood mistakes - a school philologist. Taking a break from chemical formulas, great chemists draw, and on a computer they can create modern unusual graphic drawings computer science teachers. For most of them, drawing is a good hobby that gives them the opportunity to relax and immerse themselves in creativity. This is a fairly good reason that in 2018 - 2019 there were all-Russian drawing competitions online not only for children, but also for teachers. By the way, this category accepts the work of everyone who works within the school and teaches children in other institutions. Drawings by teacher-organizers and school librarians, psychologists and methodologists, additional education teachers and class teachers, teachers of the State Educational Institution and Preschool Educational Institutions are accepted for drawing competitions. Masterpieces of adults will definitely appear in the gallery of creative works and will be appreciated in their nomination.