Mbuk "central library of the Borisov region". “Forest incidents” - for the anniversary of K. Paustovsky Events on the work of Paustovsky


Paustovsky is known to every schoolchild for his stories about nature. But once we start reading the autobiography, a completely different Paustovsky appears before us. His life is an exciting story, full of adventures, and all because he was destined to start his career before the revolution, survive it and gain recognition during the Soviet years.

On May 21, a conversation took place in library No. 41 (Putilovskaya Street, building 13-a) “ Forest incidents», dedicated to the anniversary K. Paustovsky. Slide film " Literary map"Paustovsky's Countries", prepared by library staff, was accompanied by a most interesting story leading.

During the Great Patriotic War Konstantin Georgievich was a war correspondent. He wrote many articles and stories about those years. One of the most magnificent stories- "Snow". But critics accused the author of sentimentality, untruthfulness, and a bad plot. Even the twisted candles from the story were blamed...

But what’s interesting is that the critics themselves were perplexed as to why K. Paustovsky’s war stories are so popular as never before. Read at least one of them...

You read the stories “Snow”, “Telegram”, Rainy Dawn”, and excitement squeezes your throat, you become sad with that special sadness about which Pushkin said: “my sadness is bright.”

But few people know that K. Paustovky is a man who was almost given the Nobel Prize. It turns out that in 1965, for the autobiographical “Tale of Life”, K. Paustovsky was planned to be awarded Nobel Prize. But Soviet Union managed to change the decision of the Nobel Committee and at the very last moment present it to Sholokhov. And in Italy and Sweden they have already published a one-volume book by K. Paustovsky in the “Nobel” series.

In the Union, “The Tale of Life” was greeted coldly; the author was presented with a long list of complaints. Maybe that’s why the second book of the autobiographical series “Restless Youth” was written by the author only 9 years later. Six books were published in the cycle; Paustovsky wanted to extend the story, but death put an end to it. Konstantin Georgievich wanted to call the seventh book “Palms on the Ground.” Now, when we come to Tarusa, where the writer found his last refuge, we place our palms on his mound.

If you are not familiar or unfamiliar with the works of K. G. Paustovsky, read at least one of the stories. And then you won’t be able to tear yourself away...

After all, “the voice of conscience, faith in the future,” said Paustovsky, “do not allow a true writer to live on earth like a barren flower, and not convey with complete generosity the entire huge variety of thoughts and feelings that fill him.” And Konstantin Georgievich was and remains a genuine writer.


The next meeting of the "ECOS" club in children's library No. 2 - environmental book day “Dictionary of native nature”- was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of K. G. Paustovsky. The members of the club are fourth-graders of MBOU “Secondary School No. 23” from the introductory conversation of the head. library learned about the life and work of a wonderful writer.

Dreaming of “some extraordinary profession,” Konstantin Georgievich changed many occupations: he was a worker at metallurgical plants, a fisherman, an office worker, and a journalist. During the First World War, he worked as a counselor and conductor on a Moscow tram, as an orderly on a medical train, and in a field medical detachment. But, in his opinion, it was writing that combined all the attractive professions of the world. As Konstantin Georgievich himself wrote: “... became my only, all-consuming, sometimes painful, but always favorite job.”

Among the works that came from the pen of K. G. Paustovsky, there are fascinating children's stories and fairy tales. And these tales are not simple. As Konstantin Georgievich himself noted: “This is a fairy tale, but at the same time there is a lot in it real life, and it’s happening today.”

The participants of the event recalled the works created by K. G. Paustovsky for children during the game “Confusion”. It was necessary to restore the correct names from the incorrect ones presented on the board, with mixed up words. And the author of one of the proposed fairy tales was another writer. The guys noticed the catch right away!

Paustovsky wrote: “...It would be nice to compile several new dictionaries of the Russian language... In one such dictionary, we can, suppose, collect words related to nature...”. At a club meeting, the participants tried to compile a dictionary of native nature, remembering the representatives of the flora and fauna about which Konstantin Georgievich wrote stories and fairy tales. Head the library read out excerpts from the writer’s texts, and the guys named the animal or plant about which we're talking about and a work by the hero of the day, part of which was read out. We remembered the angry beast badger with a burnt nose, and the red cat-thief, the grumpy rooster "Gorlach", the old "dense" bear, the birch tree that remained faithful to its forest friends, and the caring fireweed flower, and many other heroes of the stories and fairy tales of K.G. Paustovsky.

Konstantin Georgievich wrote many works for both adults and young readers. In his works, the writer cordially, simply and with great warmth depicted native nature, helping readers take a fresh look at the world around us, to feel your connection with every piece of earth, every flower and every animal in our Russian fields and forests. In his works K.G. Paustovsky showed how necessary our care is for the enchanting and fragile world of nature.

Goal: To attract students’ attention to the work of K.G. Paustovsky.

Preparation for the lesson: children read and remember stories and fairy tales by K. Paustovsky for the lesson. The class is divided into three teams.

Progress of the game

I. Organizational moment.

- Our literary ring dedicated to the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968).
A sensitive artist, a keen observer, a recognized master literary landscape, he recreates images of his native nature in his works, helping the reader to take a fresh look at the world around him and feel its enchanting splendor.
3 teams take part in our game. Draw.
The first round is announced. There are 3 tasks in it.

II. 1st round. "Forest Incidents"

Task 1. “Recognize a work by its beginning”
1 team.
“The lake near the shores was covered with heaps of yellow leaves. There were so many of them that we couldn't fish. The fishing lines lay on the leaves and did not sink.” (“Badger nose.”)
“The son of grandmother Anisya, nicknamed Petya the big, died in the war, and her granddaughter, the son of Petya the big, Petya the little, stayed with the grandmother to live.” ("Dense Bear")
2nd team.
“When the cavalrymen passed through the village of Berezhki, a German shell exploded near the outskirts and wounded a black horse” (“Warm Bread.”)
“The heat was already above the ground a whole month. The adults said that this heat was visible to the “naked eye.” ("Frog")
3 team.
“Vanya Malyavin came to the veterinarian in our village from Lake Urzhenskoe and brought a small warm hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket.” ("Hare's feet.")
“Every time autumn approached, conversations began that many things in nature were not arranged the way we would like.” ("Present")

Task 2. “Why and why?”

– Knowing the stories of K. Paustovsky, you can easily answer the following questions.
1 team.
Can you see heat or cold? (The story “Frog”. Yes, you can. In the heat, you can see yellow smoke over the meadows and forest. The air seems to tremble. And in the cold, the color of the sky changes - it becomes green, like wet grass.)
Can such a strong animal as a horse cry? (Story “Warm Bread.” When Boy Filka shouted at the horse and hit him in the mouth)
2nd team.
If you dig up a small tree, for example, a birch tree, in the forest, plant it in a tub and keep it in a warm room, will its leaves turn yellow in the fall or remain green all winter? (They will turn yellow and fly around in the fall. Story “Gift.”)
Can animals and plants come to the aid of a person (boy)? (Fairy tale “The Dark Bear.” Animals and plants came to the aid of the boy Petya when a bear wanted to attack the calves).
3 team.
Is it possible to tame a cat, a tramp and a bandit, who has lost all conscience? (Yes, you can. With affection and good feeding. “Cat Thief”).
Can an insect go through a war with a person and return home to its native land? (Fairy tale “Rhinoceros Beetle”. The beetle fought together with Pyotr Terentyev until victory).

Task 3. “Say a word”

1 team. Cat-... (Thief.) ... sparrow (Dishesive.)
2nd team. Steel ... (Ring.) ... - rhinoceros (Beetle)
3 team. ... - bear (Dense) ... - paws. (Hare)

III. 2nd round. "Detective"

– Now you will play the role of a detective. You need to complete 3 tasks.

Task 1. “Who is this? What is this?"

1 team. Sidor (Sparrow.) Beetle (Rhinoceros.)
2nd team. Tree frog (Frog.) Gift (Birch.)
3 team. Thief (cat) Chichkin (Sparrow)

Task 2. “Explainers”

1 team.
Who can help a person get out of a forest fire? (The old forest dwellers know that animals better than man they sense where the fire is coming from. The hero of the story “Hare's Paws,” grandfather Larion, ran after the hare, and he brought him out of the fire.)
One day, a badger burned his nose by sticking it in a frying pan where potatoes were being fried. How did he treat his nose? (He picked up an old stump and stuck his nose into the very middle of it, into the cold and wet dust.)
2nd team.
What does the tree frog predict? (By croaking she predicts rain. The story “Frog.”)
One day a crow stole a glass bouquet from my mother. How did he end up with his mother again? (Sparrow Pashka stole it from the crow and returned it to his mother in the theater. “The Disheveled Sparrow”)
Team 3
The girl Varya really wanted her husband Kuzma to get better. What did she do for this? (I put the ring on my middle finger and wore it all day without taking it off. “Steel ring”)
How did Vanya want to keep summer at home? (He planted the birch tree in a box and placed it in the brightest and warmest room. “Gift”)

Task 3. “Detective Files”

– By the description you should recognize the hero of the story by K. Paustovsky.
1 team.
She lived in a stall that was boarded up for the winter, where they sold ice cream in the summer. She was stingy and grumpy. She stuffed all her wealth into the cracks of the stall with her beak so that the sparrows would not steal them. (Crow. Fairy tale “The Disheveled Sparrow.”)
He was old, slept on a pole, swollen like a balloon. All winter he lived in Kuzma’s hut on his own, like the owner. He forced not only Varyusha, but also his grandfather himself to reckon with his character. He pecked the porridge straight from the bowls, and tried to snatch the bread from his hands...” (Old Sparrow Sidor. Fairy tale “The Ring of Steel.”)
2nd team.
He was skinny, fiery red, with white markings on his stomach. His ear was torn and a piece of his dirty tail was cut off. (Cat thief.)
He lived across the river, in big forest. His skin was covered in yellow pine needles, crushed lingonberries and resin. His eyes glowed like fireflies - green. ("Dense Bear")
Team 3
He was small, with singed hind legs and belly. His left ear was torn. (Hare. "Hare's feet")
The little boy Styopa caught him and put him in a matchbox. He gnawed on blades of grass, but still continued to knock and scold. He stuck out his furry paw and tried to grab Styopa’s finger. (“Rhinoceros Beetle”)

IV. 3rd round. Guess what!

Task 1. Based on the characters of the work, guess the title of the work.

1 team. Pyotr Terentyev, Styopa, Akulina. (Rhinoceros beetle)
Vanya Malyavin, Karl Petrovich, veterinarian. (Hare's feet)
2nd team. Masha, Petrovna, mother. (Dishesive sparrow)
Tanya, Uncle Gleb, worker Arisha. (Frog)
Team 3 Grandfather Kuzma, Varyusha, sparrow Sidor. (Steel ring)
Reuben, Lyonka, rooster Gorlach. (Cat Thief)

Task 2. Guess the work based on the subject.

1 team. Matchbox. (The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle)
Frying pan. (Badger Nose)
2nd team. Ring. (Steel ring)
A twig in a jar. (Frog)
Team 3 Small glass bouquet. (Dishesive sparrow)
Birch. (Present)

V. Summing up the literary ring.

Konstantin Paustovsky:

"Waiting for happy days happens

sometimes much better than these very days"

“I remember very well how in childhood, reading the stories of Konstantin Paustovsky “Hare Paws”, “Badger Nose”, I could not hold back my tears,” Elena Korkina, chief librarian of the A.S. Pushkin Central Library, shares her memories. – I already understand that this is a kind of indicator of the author’s skill. Children's emotions are the most truthful, because with an open heart a child recognizes falsehood instantly. Years have passed, and now I enjoy reading these works to my son.

It is symbolic that 2017 was the year of the 125th anniversary of the famous author. Few people know, but Konstantin Georgievich is a man of a very difficult fate. I'll tell you a little about the family of the Russian classic. On May 31, 1892, a boy was born into the family of an employee in the railway department and a sugar factory worker. The Paustovsky family repeatedly moved from place to place, eventually settling in Kyiv. The atmosphere in the family was creative: they sang a lot, played the piano, and did not miss a single theater premiere. The writer’s first teachers were specialists from the Kyiv classical gymnasium. They instilled in him a desire to study literature.

When we complain about our lives, we often don’t think about what hardships are destined for other people. For example, Konstantin Paustovsky had to grow up very early. When the boy was in sixth grade, his parents divorced. After leaving school, the future writer took up tutoring.

Paustovsky wrote his first story while studying in the last grade of the gymnasium. After high school, Paustovsky studied at Kiev University for two years. In 1914, the writer moved to Moscow. This coincided with the outbreak of the First World War. And here the writer did not choose the easy way - during the formation of rear ambulance trains, Konstantin Paustovsky began working there as an orderly. It was then, by his own admission, that he fell in love with central Russia with all his heart.

During the Great Patriotic War, Konstantin Georgievich was a war correspondent on the Southern Front, while continuing to write. Already in the post-war years, she came to Paustovsky world fame, which gave him the opportunity to travel a lot around Europe. The writer was in Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Sweden, and lived on the island of Capri. Impressions from these trips formed the basis for many of his works.

In the department of popular science literature of the Central Library named after. A.S. Pushkin decorated for the writer’s anniversary book exhibition from the series “Singers of Native Nature”. The opening of the exhibition was attended by amateur tourists, as well as eminent personalities in the Ural tourist circles - Anatoly Nikolaevich Sychev and Olga Anatolyevna Charykova, known as the organizers of unique walking routes through protected areas of the Chelyabinsk region.

The atmosphere of the meeting was informal: plans were made for the upcoming hike along the paths of the Subpolar Urals. Anatoly Nikolaevich, a geologist by profession, explained in detail the rules of tourist travel, and we could only admire these selfless people. After all, active recreation requires self-discipline, willpower and, of course, endurance.

Tatyana Morozova
“Always walk the path of goodness!” literary holiday for preschoolers based on the works of K. G. Paustovsky

“Always walk the path of goodness!”

literary festival for preschoolers based on stories and fairy tales

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

(on the 125th anniversary of the birth of p.


- Hello, guys! Today we have a literary holiday. It is dedicated to the Russian writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. We will learn to look at the world with kind eyes, to see the unusual in the ordinary, as Konstantin Georgievich knew how to do. And his stories and fairy tales addressed to children will help us in this.

Display of books at the exhibition

Let's remember their names. I will begin the phrase - the title of the work, and you will finish it.

“Badger... nose”, “Hare... paws”, “Dishesive... sparrow”, “Basket... with fir cones”, “Tenants of the old house”, “Warm... bread”, “Steel... ring”, “Cat is... a thief” , “Rubber…boat.”

Which ones have you already read?

Now let's take a closer look at the writer's biography.

Showing a presentation with teacher commentary

Konstantin Georgievich was born on May 31, 1892 in Moscow in the family of a railway statistician. His father, according to Paustovsky, “was an incorrigible dreamer and a Protestant,” which is why he constantly changed jobs. The family of the future writer loved art: they sang a lot, played the piano, and often visited the theater.

After several moves, the family settled in Kyiv.

Paustovsky studied at the 1st Kyiv Classical Gymnasium. When he was in the sixth grade, the family broke up, and Konstantin was forced to earn his own living and study by tutoring.

In 1911, in the last class of the gymnasium, Konstantin Paustovsky wrote his first story, and it was published in the Kiev literary magazine"Lights."

After graduating from high school, Paustovsky studied at Kiev University, then transferred to Moscow University.

First world war forced him to interrupt his studies. Paustovsky worked as a counselor and conductor on a Moscow tram, as an orderly on a sanitary train, and in a field sanitary detachment.

Konstantin Georgievich changed many professions: he was a worker at metallurgical plants in Donbass and Taganrog, a fisherman, an office worker, and a journalist.

“The desire to know everything, to see, to travel, to be a participant in various events and clashes of human passions resulted in my dream of some extraordinary profession ... as a writer.

...Writing combined all the attractive professions in the world... and became my only, all-consuming, sometimes painful, but always favorite job,” Paustovsky recalled.

During his long writing life, Paustovsky visited many parts of our country and visited many European countries. “Almost every book of mine is a trip. Or rather, every trip is a book,” he said.

Paustovsky especially fell in love with Meshchera - a fabulously beautiful region between Vladimir and Ryazan - where he came for the first time in 1930. Here, in the village of Solotcha, he lived for a long time alone or with fellow writers - Arkady Gaidar, Reuben Fraerman and others.

During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky was a war correspondent, writing essays and stories.

In the 1950s, Paustovsky lived in Moscow and Tarusa-on-Oka. He taught at the Literary Institute, conducted a prose seminar, and had many students.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky died in Moscow on July 14, 1968 and, according to his will, was buried in the Tarusa city cemetery.

The writer was buried on a steep bank above the Taruska River on Avlukovsky Hill under a large oak tree. At the head lies a stone of unpolished red granite, on which the inscription “K. G. Paustovsky” is placed on one side, and “1892 - 1968” on the other.

Since 1991, Tarusa has annually held celebrations of K. G. Paustovsky on his birthday on May 31. Admirers of the writer's talent bring flowers and a basket of fir cones to the grave.

And why, who guessed?

Yes, that’s right, because one of Paustovsky’s best lyrical stories is called “Basket with Fir Cones.” The story is filled with music and beauty, and reveals to us “the beauty that a person should live by.”

So today we are celebrating a holiday dedicated to Paustovsky, a talented writer and cheerful person. After all, on May 31, Russia will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Georgievich.

Quiz on the works of Paustovsky.

1. What is the name of Paustovsky’s story:

“Hare ears”, “Hare feet”, “Hare tail”.

2. What animal brought grandfather Larion out of the fire? (Hare)

3. What was the name of the girl in the fairy tale “The Ring of Steel”? (Varyusha)

4. Who gave Varya a steel ring? (Fighter, because she treated him to shag).

5. Which animal burned its nose with fried potatoes? (Badger (“Badger Nose”)

6. How did the fishermen, the heroes of the story “The Thief Cat,” punish the red cat for theft? (Whipped, locked in a closet, fed).

7. What nickname and name did the boy have in the fairy tale? Warm bread"(Filka, nicknamed Nu you).

Now let's watch the cartoon "Warm Bread".

Cartoon “Warm Bread”

Our children, just like the writer K. G. Paustovsky, love nature, protect animals and plants, and take care of them. Now the guys from middle group sing us the song “Adventure in the Forest”

Song "Adventure in the Forest"

K. Paustovsky was observant and knew a lot about animals. Do you know them? Shall we check?

Dove -...coos;

capercaillie - ... (leaks);

dog - (barks, barks)

fox - ... (barks, yelps)

bear - ... (roars, growls)

duck - ... (quacks);

eagle owl - ... (hooks);

goat - ... (bleats);

goose - ... (cackling);

horse - ... (neighs);

pig - ... (grunts);

sparrow - (chirps);

chicken - (clucks);

rooster - (crows)


“Find out by ad” situations:

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me (snail, turtle).

2. Friends! Anyone who needs quills, contact me (hedgehog, porcupine, Christmas tree).

3. I will help everyone whose alarm clock (rooster) is broken.

4. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey (bear).

5. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I have a new varast! (lizard)

6. I can help kind but lonely birds find family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. I wish you happiness in your personal life! Ku-ku! (cuckoo)

Paustovsky’s books teach us to believe in goodness and beauty, to love our native nature, to see the unusual in the ordinary, and to be able to fantasize.

All people need kindness

Let there be more good ones.

Kindness is from time immemorial

Human decoration...

Paustovsky's books are filled with kindness and love for life.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the writer in life was a kind and cheerful person, modest and delicate.

I propose to end our holiday with a song.

Song "On the road to goodness"

Used literature: Internet resources