Material (grade 11) on the topic: Graduation party “Visiting a fairy tale.” Extracurricular event "evening of fairy tales"

Maria Tumasheva

Over the mountains, over the valleys, somewhere where you and I

Can't get there, can't get there because of the long journey,

You and I lived for many years not in a palace, but in a simple hut...

We are people with a head, we came to learn a craft...

And our craft is the ability to communicate.

Along the magical path to fairy tale can we enter.

The music is about to start, we will be able to get into the fairy tale.

"Beauty native land opens thanks to fairy tale, imagination, creativity - this is the source of love for the Motherland... Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let the images in which the Motherland is embodied forever be preserved in the heart and memory.” Let the beauty of a real person enter the child’s mind and heart... (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Natasha, we want you listen:

“How joyfully we live, we sing songs together,

We can laugh, joke, and have fun

And argue sometimes. Well, never fight!

And now we will smile, hold hands tightly

And we’ll give each other wishes on a date.”

Gelya, your wishes:

"Be kind to everyone who is weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm the kitten, pet the puppy

And don’t drive the moth away from the flower.

Don't offend the midges either

Don't forget, be kind

(showing a picture of a wolf and children)

What does this illustration remind you of? - yes, ours song:


We need to cross the bridge, guys.

We go to the distant forest, there are boletus mushrooms.

But the wolf won’t let us onto the bridge,

The gray one is waiting for us on the bridge.

He grumbles, he growls, he clangs teeth:

I won’t let the kids go pick mushrooms.

An angry goat came out of the forest.

He says to the wolf: - Go away!

I will stab you, I will stab you with my horns,

I will trample you, I will trample you underfoot.

How he hits the wolf with his horns, -

A wolf right into the river, upside down!

We walk happily in single file across the bridge.

And a goat. And we treat the goat to grass.

Oh, thank you, our horned goat,

Without you, a shaggy wolf would have eaten us!

-I offer you riddles: whoever answers quickly and correctly gets a chip receives:


1. Once upon a time there lived a Cat and a Cockerel

At the edge of the forest,

But one day Fox

Snuck up to the hut( "Cat, Rooster and Fox")

2. Grandfather went hunting in winter.

I lost my mitten under a large pine tree.

I started looking at it at home and couldn’t find it there( "Mitten")

3. He was...neither low nor high,

Various animals lived in it,

They lived together and did not grieve.

There is a fly and a frog,

A bunny with a fox friend,

Prickly hedgehog, gray wolf -

They knew a lot about friendship ( "Teremok")

4. She grew up to everyone's surprise

It's big, big, there's enough food for everyone( "Turnip")

5. In the bast hut

A hare lived at the edge of the forest.

And in the ice hut -

Fox on the hill( "Zayushkina's hut")

6. The little mouse ran past,

I brushed off the egg and it fell ( "Chicken Ryaba")

7. The animals once cut down the hut.

They put the stove in it and were happy.

The wolf and the bear found out about this,

They wanted to eat everyone's owners( "Winter quarters of animals")

8. It’s not for nothing that the Firebird is called the Firebird,

Ivan learned in secret from the Horse,

So as not to burn his hands, he put on mittens

And instantly while hunting I caught the firebird ( "The Little Humpbacked Horse")


9. I’m a poor thing and a mess, I’m used to ash and stoves.

It’s very hard for me during the day, and I dream at night.

I don’t cry, I don’t cry, I smile and endure.

I believe in happiness and luck

And I pity and love everyone. (Cinderella)

10. In a cap and with a beard, looking for treasure with a pickaxe

Little man from a fairytale town. (Dwarf)

11. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house...

Who were these

Little children? (seven kids)

12. It was baked from flour,

It was cold at the window,

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became lunch for the fox. (gingerbread man)

13. A girl appeared in a flower cup.

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

The girl was sleeping in the nutshell.

This girl is so cute!

14. No one should know this rogue outwit:

He managed to swallow the cannibal like a mouse!

And the spurs jingle on his feet, tell me who is it? (Puss in Boots)

15. The granddaughter went to her grandmother and brought pies to her.

The gray wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Let's be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow,

Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rain,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Let's strive for this

So that both the beast and the bird love us,

And they trusted us everywhere as their most faithful friends.

Let's save the planet!

There is nothing like it in the whole universe,

There is only one in the whole universe,

It was given to us for life and friendship.

Why are you sad, friends? Let's jump together.

Laughing cheerfully, like me, is much more interesting.

To be sad and gloomy day after day is unimaginable boredom.

Have fun, like me, life is a joyful thing!

(children dance to the music)


1. This dwelling is made of soft bast wood. And the impudent red fox kicked out the owner of the hut when her own melted. Name the unfortunate owner. (hare)

2. One of them had a quickly made house out of straw, another made it out of branches and twigs, but the third built a stone house with a strong door. Name all three. (Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf)

3. This shelter is located on the roof of a Stockholm building. And there is something in it look: There are cherry pits, nut shells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who's the boss (Carlson)

4. This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, its front to the guest, and its owner smells "Russian spirit".(Baba Yaga)

5. A very cramped and poor dwelling, but there is a canvas hanging on the wall, behind which there is a small door, unlocked with a magic key, which he received from the turtle T ortila (Pinocchio)

6. There are eight in the house, fraction one

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed Kalancha (Uncle Styopa)

7. In this dilapidated, dilapidated shelter by the very blue sea they lived for 30 years and three years. (Old Man and Old Woman)

BULLETIN BOARD (you need to guess from the text of the ad who wrote it)

1. I offer the services of a governess. I will teach ill-mannered boys to read, write, and also good manners. (Malvina)

2. A lonely dreamer, height 13 meters, weight 4 tons, will give fiery love to his three-headed friend. (Snake Gorynych)

3. To all princes! Don’t bother me with your kisses for the next hundred years—I really want to sleep. (Sleeping Beauty).

4. An experienced carpenter will make your children, and only boys, from the customer’s material. (Papa Carlo)

5. Owner of a private airline "Martin and pack wild geese» offers tourist flights to any country in the world. (Nils)

6. I will write your memoirs for you, teach you how to write puffs, sniffles, grunts, etc. (Winnie the Pooh)

7. A private security bureau, headed by Uncle Chernomor, will ensure you and your loved ones safety on vacation by the sea. (33 heroes)


(student evening scenario

for children of senior preschool age)


A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Leads the tale by the hand,

A fairy tale comes out of the river!

From the tram! Out of the gate!

What kind of round dance is this?

This is a round dance of fairy tales!

The fairy tale is clever and charming,

He lives next to us,



To again

Good Evil


To be kind,

To be evil

Become good


Uh, follow me and you

Fairy tales run in droves!

Favorite fairy tales -

Sweeter than any berry!.. (Yu. Moritz)

Hello guys, I invite you to an evening of fairy tales!

Do you like fairy tales?

I also love fairy tales, I collect them all over the world and put them in books. In the world of fairy tales there lives a special, magical spirit, breathing our dreams and fantasies. Remember Baba Yaga - the bone leg in the hut on chicken legs, Koshchei the Immortal, wasting away under gold, goblin, mermaids, heroes, Vasilisa the beauty... Fairy tales teach us best qualities- wisdom and humor, kindness and courage... Good always defeats evil, the weak are protected, and the greedy are punished. Fairy tales give us Truth, Beauty and Love, Dream, Hope, Joy. That's why children always ask adults to tell a fairy tale.


VN: Grandma, grandma, tell me a story.

B: I’ve already told you 2 fairy tales.

VN: Well, please!!!

B: Listen, just pay attention and don’t interrupt!

THE TALE OF THE FLY-TSOKOTUKHA(theatrical production – group D3 s-p/o)


VN: Which one? interesting tale! Thank you, my beloved granny, and also a fairy tale.

B: I’ll tell you in the evening, but now I have work to do.

VN: Well, the last one, at least the shortest one.

B: Here’s a book for you, you already know the letters, learn to read, and then you’ll be able to learn at least 10 fairy tales!


What is a fairy tale?

A.S. Pushkin said:

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it good fellows lesson"

The first fairy tales arose a long time ago, when people did not even know how to write, but only told, SAID, hence the name - SKAZ - FAIRY TALE. Throughout their history, peoples have composed fairy tales. When a fairy tale does not have one narrator, it is called FOLK. Do you guys know Russian folk tales?

Let's check it now!

I invite my assistants: come out of the fairy tale and play with the guys!




Thank you, my helpers. Now you need to hurry. One very inquisitive girl learned to read, so return to your fairy tales soon.



TALE TURNIP (theatrical production – group D1 s-p/o)


I am so glad that the girl learned to read, and now she will find so many interesting, magical, and educational things in books. Can you guys read? Who can, raise your hand! Amazing! And for those who have not yet learned to read, I will read riddles. Be careful and guess the heroes of fairy tales:

For breakfast he only ate an onion,

But he was never a crybaby.

Learned to write with the nose of a letter

And he put a blot in the notebook.

Didn't listen to Malvina at all

Dad's son Carlo...

He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

This is the doctor...

All the girls and boys

We managed to fall in love with him.

He is the hero of a funny book,

Behind him is a propeller.

Do you know this girl?

She's in old fairy tale sung.

She worked, lived modestly,

I didn’t see the clear sun,

There is only dirt and ash around.

And the beauty's name was...

I see, girls and boys, that you know and love fairy tales. I give you magic balls, there is a fairy spirit inside them. When you bring them home or to kindergarten, then after them new fairy tales will come, which adults will definitely tell you (the assistants hand out balloons).

Our fairy tales begin

Our tales are being woven.

Old tales

Not short, not long:

About the cat, about the spoon,

About the fox and the bull,

About geese-swans,

Yes, about smart children... Goodbye, see you in fairy tales!

Extracurricular activity V elementary school"In the world of fairy tales"

Motto:“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”


    Instill love and interest in studying folk art.

    Organization of leisure time.

    Expand children's knowledge about the fairy tale genre.

    Give an opportunity to show your talents.

    Develop creative abilities.

    Learn to solve your problems correctly.

    Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.


    To foster a culture of communication among younger schoolchildren.

    Develop the ability to perceive children's literature.

    Find in them examples of moral actions worthy of respect.

    To help in studying works of Russian literature, familiarizing themselves with the works of children's writers, expanding the reading horizons of younger schoolchildren.

Preparing the holiday.

In order for children to have fun at the holiday, they need to be prepared. They must know the texts of Russian folk tales, the heroes of fairy tales, their names, occupations, fairy-tale objects, their use, magic words, spells, beginnings, and endings of Russian folk tales.

Equipment: costumes, decorations, drawings, prizes.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will remember your favorite fairy-tale characters, take part in fun competitions. And for every correct answer, you will receive a prize - a sticker with images of fairy-tale characters. At the end of the lesson, we will count the number of stickers for each student and whoever has the most will receive a more serious prize - an album and paints.

Fairy tale, guys, to oral folk art. And before it was called a fable. Always happens in a fairy tale unusual events, amazing and mysterious. And the fairy tale always ends happily. Events and characters- fictional. Often fairy world full of amazing creatures, objects, wonderful events. But these events always reflect reality and dreams of the best. In fairy tales, people dreamed of being able to fly through the air (magic carpet). People dreamed of moving faster and on land. And the fairy tale reflected these dreams. Putting a person in walking boots. The first handwritten collection of fairy tales appeared in the 18th century. And in the first half of the 19th century there was already a printed collection - “Russian Folk Tales”.

Guys, what types of fairy tales do you know?

Students. Fairy tales, tales about animals, everyday tales.

Teacher. That's right guys. Of course, you all know that many fairy tales are filled with all sorts of miracles. That evil sorcerer turns beautiful princess into a frog, then the geese-swans steal a brother from their sister, then the naughty Ivanushka, after drinking some water from the well, turns into a baby goat, then the apple tree rewards the girl with silver and golden apples, then the brown cow helps the girl...

There is a picture of a forest on the board. Music sounds: “Where does childhood go?” The storyteller comes out.


We grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will greet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children,
We will tell you again in good hour.

I hasten to greet you,
My funny friends!
We are gathered in the hall today!
Or rather, not in the hall, but in the forest.
Did you happen to see a wolf?
Or maybe you met a fox?
All this is a saying, not a fairy tale,
After all, a fairy tale will lie ahead...
But there is little time left.
Are you ready to come with me?

Students. Yes.


Let's open the curtain - the veil,
And before us for a moment
The wonderful forest spread its branches.
We, holding back the excitement slightly,
Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.
"City of Fairy Tales" is performed.
Miracles await us in this hall today.
Do you hear? They come alive here good fairy tales vote.

The storyteller comes out.


Good afternoon and good evening!
I am a cheerful storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales,
I found the way myself!
And about what will happen next,
I don't even know myself.
I only know: every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.
In the classrooms at your school
There will be more miracles!

Storyteller. A lot in the world wonderful fairy tales, but among them there are the most beloved and expensive ones. I will read couplet riddles, and you will tell me the answer to each question.

He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.

He's famous, famous
This is the doctor...( Aibolit).

Long unknown to many,
He became everyone's friend.
An interesting fairy tale for everyone
The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and not long
He's called... ( Cipollino).

Calm down, calm down, evil witch,
Don't get your hopes up,
I met seven dwarves in the forest -
Ours will be saved... ( Snow White).

He always loves everyone,
Who wouldn't come to him?
Did you guess it? This is Gena
This is Gena... ( Crocodile).

And sorted out the peas
At night by candlelight.
And she slept by the stove.
As beautiful as the sun.
Who is this? ( Cinderella).

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
She showed skill in what she loved.
She swam like a white swan...
Who was this craftswoman? ( Vasilisa the Wise).

He is both cheerful and not angry
This cute weirdo.
The owner is with him, the boy Robin,
And buddy Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,
And he has a special nose for honey.
This plush prankster
Little bear... ( Winnie the Pooh)

I'll tell you what, friends!
I was a frog.
If not for Ivan - a fool,
I wish I were a frog like that. ( Princess - frog).

She's as easy as walking on a tightrope
He will walk along a thin rope.
She once lived in a flower.
Well, her name is... ( Thumbelina) .

He is a friend not only to children,
He is a living being
But there are no such people in this world
There is no one else.
Because he's not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a tit,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.
But filmed for film
And we have known for a long time
This cute little face
And it’s called... ( Cheburashka).

Let's have fun together
We'll sing and dance,
To find yourself in a fairy tale,
You need to call me!

Guys, you guessed who this is about we're talking about?

Of course it's a fairy. Let's call her.

Baba Yaga flies out on a broom.

Baba Yaga.

Beware! Disperse!
All over the place, stop!
What kind of gathering are you having?
At an inopportune winter hour?

Where have you seen me
Is there any fun here?
That's enough, it's over, friends.
Hey, unclean one, here!

Storyteller. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our children want to have fun!

Baba Yaga. What about me? I do what I want!

Storyteller. The guys and I called the fairy. Where are you taking her? There is no way for us to travel through fairy tales without her.

Baba Yaga. And you answer my questions, then I’ll tell you where your fairy is. Which fairy tales are the excerpts taken from?

    And its owner had three daughters. The eldest was called One-Eye, the middle one was Two-Eyes, and the smaller one was Three-Eyes. ( Khavroshechka).

    The girl lay down on the largest bed, but it was hard and uncomfortable. ( Three bears).

    There lived an old man and an old woman near the blue sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”).

    The needlewoman began to whip up the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and meanwhile her, poor thing, her hands were numb and her fingers turned white. (“Moroz Ivanovich.”).

    He's ugly, but he has kind heart. And he swims no worse, I dare say, better than others. I think over time it will even out and become smaller. (" Ugly duckling».).

    There lived one woman, and she had no children. And she really wanted a small child. ( Thumbelina).

    In one fairytale city lived the short ones. They were called shorties because they were small. ( The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends).

Baba Yaga. What a great fellow you are, you guessed all the passages. Okay, I'll tell you where your fairy is.

I saw your fairy
At Koshchei's palace.
I can replace it for you -
I'll change my face now.
(He takes out the powder and powders himself.)
I am a fairytale element,
I have a document.
I fly on my broom
And I scare the kids.

Storyteller. (Addresses Baba Yaga)

What are you, Grandmother Yaga,
Guys, you can't do anything scary!
We need to help out the fairy.
Maybe we should send you?

Baba Yaga.

I won't even think about it.
Give me my broom.
Although I’m glad to help you in trouble
But I expect a reward from you.


Grandma, don't waste time
And you fly after the fairy.

Baba Yaga.

What a shameless man, what an impudent man!
Where did you see grandma?
I'm younger than all of you together.
I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.
Gore you, deprive you,
Move away and don't disturb.

Baba Yaga sits on a broom and flies away after the fairy.


You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,
Evil is laziness of the soul.
Let everyone in the morning
As soon as he wakes up,
He will hurry to do good.

Storyteller. While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for the fairy, I invite you to remember the fairy tales you have read. I will show you the things I found, and you will answer whose thing it is and who it belongs to. And if you can, name the author of the fairy tale.

    Toy phone. ( K. Chukovsky “Telephone”)

    Puss and Boots. ( Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots"»)

    Basket with pies. ( Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"»)

    Mirror and apple. ( A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

    Coin ( K. Chukovsky “The Fly Tsokotukha”»)

Baba Yaga and Fairy enter.

Baba Yaga.

For the heat, for the snowstorm
Everyone scolds me, the hag,
And there is no more harm in me,
Than daisies in a meadow.
What, are the kids tired of waiting?
Take it. Here she is.

Oh, so many kids -
Both girls and boys!
The evil Koschey took me away -
I was scared to tears.
I wanted to throw a ball like...
But now I'm free!
Alone and at peace
All our heroes are dozing
On the pages of your books.
Let's call them soon!
Why should they suffer from boredom!
All heroes love work!
You, friends, have the cards in your hands...
Let the heroes come to life!

Enter fairy-tale heroes in suits.

Fairy-tale heroes.

Like Baba, Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one

I'm addicted to sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
Round side, ruddy side -
The bun rolled.

Cunning cheat
red head,
A fluffy tail is a beauty.
And my name is Lisa.

Near the forest on the edge
Three of us live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.

Block width px

Copy this code and paste it onto your website

Date: ___ March 2013

Time: 15:00

Venue: Russian language classroom.

Presenter: _________________________________

Jury: _____________________________________


Target: increased interest in extracurricular reading, develop logical thinking and speech.

To develop the ability to work in a subgroup, to cultivate a culture of behavior when conducting

mass events.


a) portraits of storytellers (A.S. Pushkin, G.H. Andersen, P.P. Ershov, A.N. Tolstoy).

b) drawings by students - illustrations for fairy tales;

c) book exhibition;

d) EORs by stages of the competition;

Responsible for registration: _____________________________________________________

Responsible for the drawings: _______________________________________________

Responsible for the book exhibition: __________________________________________

Responsible for EORs: _________________________________________________


-So, the fairy tale begins to tell. Listen and guess what fairy tale?

1. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. The king had three sons. Speaks

one day the king: “That’s it, sons, take an arrow, go out into an open field and shoot: where

The arrows will fall, and there will be your fate.”

(Russian folk tale"The Frog Princess."

2. Lived - there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the bunny had a bast hut. Spring has come-

red - the fox's hut has melted, and the bunny is standing as before.

(Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”).

3. Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,

In a distant country,

Lived - there was a glorious king Dadon,

From a young age he was formidable

And the neighbors every now and then

He offended boldly.

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

4. He fished for thirty years and three years

And I never heard the fish speak.

He released the goldfish

And he said a kind word to her:

"God be with you, goldfish!

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish”).

-Now, listen carefully and guess what kind of fairy tale this is.

5. One night, while the little girl was sleeping in her crib, open window to the room

A huge old toad, wet and ugly, snuck in. She jumped from the windowsill onto the table

and looked into the shell where the girl was sleeping under a rose petal.

How good! - said the old toad. - My son will have a nice bride!

She grabbed nut shell with the girl and jumped through the window into the garden.

(H.H. Andersen “Thumbelina”).

-Listen carefully and guess.

6. The horse runs, the earth trembles, flames burst from its nostrils, and smoke pours out of its ears. Became like

rooted to the spot and asks:

What are you saying?

(Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”).

-Now listen very carefully, this is a difficult tale. And we also need to name the author.

7. Old man Kokovanya asks the girl:

-Well, little gift, will you come and live with me? The girl was surprised:

-Grandfather, how did you know that my name is Daryonka?

-“Yes,” he answers, “it just happened.” I didn’t think, I didn’t guess, I got in by accident.

-Who are you? - asks the girl.

-“I,” he says, “are kind of a hunter.” In the summer I wash the sands, mine gold, and in the winter I go through the forests

I’m running around like a goat, but I can’t see everything.

Will you shoot him?

-No,” Kokovanya answers. “I shoot simple goats, but I won’t do that.” Should I look

hunting, in which place he stamps his right front leg.

(P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”).

Now the second complex tale, listen carefully.

affairs. And the road is long and difficult. You will have to cross through dark forests and

cross fast, deep rivers.

Ellie was a little sad, but she knew that only the great Goodwin would bring her back to Kansas, and

so I said goodbye to my friends and set off again along the road paved with yellow


(A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”).

-Well done. Now listen.

9. The old lady skated and skated on the ice. Slipped and fell. He lies and asks: “Ice,

ice, are you good? Ice answers her: “Of course, I’m good.” And the old lady further asks: “What if

You’re good ice, then why do you melt from the Sun?”

(Yakut fairy tale “Old Woman Taal-Taal”).

-AND the last fairy tale, listen carefully.

10. The old woman had five cows. The old woman sat down to milk the first cow and heard: a bell

rang, the scissors clicked. The old lady ran to the booth and saw a beautiful girl sitting


(Yakut fairy tale “Old Woman Beyberikeen”).

-So you and I found out who remembers Russian folk, Yakut and

literary fairy tales. But our competition has just begun. The terms of the new competition are as follows:

imagine that you and I are in a fabulous portrait gallery. But the portraits in it are not

drawn with paints or pencils, and described verbally. Now you will listen to the verbal

description of portraits of the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. You must name the author of the fairy tale, give the full

its name and, of course, recognize the hero of the fairy tale. So, according to verbal portrait answer us: who

1. There are frequent stars on the azure dress, there is a clear moon on her head, such a beauty - you can’t even think of it,

You can’t guess, you can only say it in a fairy tale.

(Vasilisa the Wise – Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”)

2. The princess is a miracle:

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star is burning,

And she herself is majestic,

Performs like a peahen.

(The Swan Princess - A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

3. The arms are crooked, there are animal claws on the hands, the legs are like horses, there are great humps in front and behind.

camel, all shaggy from top to bottom, boar tusks protruded from the mouth, a hooked nose, like

golden eagle, and the eyes were owl.

(Forest monster - S.T. Aksakov. “The Scarlet Flower »)

4. From-behind a cardboard tree a small man appeared, wearing a long white shirt with long

hands. His face was dusted with powder, white as tooth powder. He bowed to the most venerable

to the public and said: “Hello, my name is...”

(Pierrot - A.N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventure of Pinocchio” »)

5. He wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary pants and an orange and green shirt.

tie. He generally loved bright colors...

(Dunno - N.N. Nosov. “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends.”)

-So we have new experts on fairy tales who know fairy tale characters well!

Let's see how they answer the following questions. After all, our path is further into a fairy tale. And what

the characters correspond and receive a variety of messages from each other. I have letters in my hands

fairy-tale heroes. You need to indicate who sent them and to whom, in which fairy tale you read this

1. Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our kids!

(Telegram from Hippopotamus - Doctor Aibolit. - K.I. Chukovsky. “Aibolit”).

2. The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, and spring flowers are blooming in our royal forests.

flowers. Why do we command that the most merciful will deliver a full basket to the palace by the New Year?

snowdrops. The one who fulfills our highest will, we will reward - royally We

Let's give him as much gold as will fit in his basket.

(Royal decree, S.Ya. Marshak. “Twelve months”).

3. If you go to the left, you will lose your horse,

If you go straight, you won't live.

(Inscription on the stone “Ivan - Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf").

-Soon the fairy tale will tell - not soon the deed will be done. The participants of the fairy tale went far into the fairy tale

quizzes, tired, hungry. So we decided: lunch break is announced! But

not an easy break - lunch - it will be fabulous. Our question: who wins and in which fairy tale?

are they treating you? Who came up with such a feast - Is the lunch fabulous?

1. She baked a loaf - loose and soft, decorated the loaf with various intricate patterns; By

on the sides of the city with palaces, gardens and towers, on top - flying birds, below - prowling animals.

(Vasilisa the Wise for the Tsar. – Russian folk tale “The Princess - Frog »)

2. I cooked semolina porridge and spread it on a plate:

-Don’t blame me, kumanek, there’s nothing else to regale you with!

(Fox to crane. - Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane.”)

3. Eat my rye pie.

-I won't eat rye pie! My father doesn’t even eat wheat!

(The stove is for the girl. – Russian folk tale “Geese” - swans.")

4. Sat in a corner