Malakhov found the actor Petrenko in a homeless shelter. The real reason for Malakhov's dismissal from Channel One The reason for the transfer from the TV presenter himself

Finally, all the i's are dotted - Andrei Malakhov officially left Channel One. “I was always subordinate. A human soldier, following orders. But I wanted independence. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs, they began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly the understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight confines.” , Malakhov explained in an interview with Woman`s Day.


And in his address to the country’s chief television doctor, Elena Malysheva, published in StarHit, he was a little more specific: “We need to develop, you, as the producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I pushed you to new topic broadcast called “The first manifestations of male menopause” is also not bad.”

Now for people far from the television kitchen, it’s worth explaining what Malakhov meant. The fact is that Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One as a producer. She returned and developed vigorous activity, seizing the reins of the “Let Them Talk” program. Employees of Channel One reported that Nikonova’s task is to “shake up the socio-political block of broadcasts.” These changes were not to the liking of the star TV presenter.

The changes, it must be said, were revolutionary. Firstly, Andrei, as they say, was deprived of the opportunity to formulate the editorial plan of the Let Them Talk program. He was assigned only the role of the presenter, to whom questions are written to the heroes and into whose ear monitor the director gives the commands “Let them fight,” “Don’t approach the heroine, let her scream,” “Approach the experts in the hall.” Malakhov was not satisfied with the “talking head” function in any way.

The second change concerns the subject matter of his program. If “Let Them Talk” previously touched on the social and everyday sphere, Nikonova decided to make the program a political talk show, which would talk about America, Syria, Ukraine and other news-producing countries. New format has already been tested - the first episode of “Let Them Talk” with a new host was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili. Malakhov, of course, is not at all interested in politics.

Finally, competitors from “Russia” are said to have offered Andrey almost twice as much salary. And “the best presenter in the country,” as Malakhov was introduced to the team, “ Live broadcast", he really needs money now for diapers, rattles and strollers - at the end of the year he will become a dad.

Just a few months ago, the actor was successful and in demand. He even appeared in Olga Buzova’s video. Now Petrenko is an alcoholic and lives on alms.


Alexey told the guests of the television program that he had been struggling with alcohol addiction for many years; he was coded three times. “I started drinking at the age of 25, and by the age of 30 I definitely realized that this was a problem,” the artist shared.

He doesn't remember how he ended up among the homeless. But I am sure that I have sunk to this state due to the lack of constant work and the support of loved ones.

“I’ve been around since I was 18, now I’m 38, I’m involved in television one way or another... I have no mom, no dad, no producers. My parents don’t support me, they say I need to go work somewhere in the housing and communal services sector, where I worked, but I don’t understand anything. They want to make me an average person. I’ve had a dream since childhood,” Petrenko told the audience.

Previously, the man lived with his parents, but about six months ago he met a woman with whom he later moved. "We lived together. At first a whole month I didn’t drink, and then I started drinking. Because I don't see any support. She completely destroyed me. I should be accepted for who I am. I came home and Tatyana kicked me out of the house. Tatyana is a creature,” said an angry Alexey.

The hostess of the shelter explained to TV viewers that the actor was brought to her by a taxi driver. The stranger paid for Petrenko’s accommodation. The artist himself cannot remember the moment of his check-in, as he was completely drunk.

Alexey’s mother contacted the studio. She knew nothing about her son's condition. “He calls all the time in the morning, says that everything is fine, he’s going to filming. He lost his job, he had a normal job. Because of filming, he constantly asked for time off from work, so he was kicked out. He worked as an economist in the housing and communal services sector. No help. doesn’t want to, doesn’t want to go to the hospital, doesn’t want anything,” the woman said.

Then actor Leonid Dzyunik appeared. He and Alexey starred in the TV series "Trace". Leonid assured viewers that Petrenko’s problem is not that there are no roles for him and that there is no support from loved ones, but that he often appears in the studio in a state of alcoholic intoxication. “When we get on the bus before filming, he comes with a bag containing two bottles of vodka and starts drinking it,” Dzyunik shared his observations.

Experts have come up with many ways to help the careless artist. Someone offered him psychological support, some assured that Petrenko urgently needed a woman who would take him by the collar, shake him up and lead him to a bright future. Others advised more effective measures: treatment in a clinic and a rehabilitation course. As a result, all the guests agreed on one thing: the life of Alexei Petrenko is in his own hands.

Internet users continue to widely discuss social networks a very unexpected decision by TV presenter Andrei Malakhov to leave Channel One and become the host of the “Live Broadcast” project on the “Russia 1” channel. Many are perplexed because they are used to seeing Andrey on the “first button”.

At the same time, people, in addition to trying to find out the reasons for Andrei Malakhov’s departure from the “Let Them Talk” program, want to understand where Boris Korchevnikov left the “Russia 1” TV channel. The fact is that Korchevnikov until recently refused to comment on his possible departure from the TV channel.

As for Andrei Malakhov, he has already managed to release several episodes of “Live Broadcast” with his participation. Experts are inclined to believe that Andrey will be able to join the new team and successfully introduce yourself to the audience. After all professional qualities Malakhov is not questioned at all.

But the reason for Malakhov’s departure from Channel One, again based on rumors, is said to be a conflict with the new producer “Let Them Talk.” Rumor has it that Andrei simply did not want to turn his show into a political project, because he believes that people are interested in ordinary human stories.

Dmitry Borisov said that he tried to persuade his friend Andrei Malakhov to stay on the “Let Them Talk” project. However, Malakhov decided to leave the show.

Borisov admitted that it was a big shock for him that Malakhov decided to leave the project after many years work. He was not the first to know about this. The new presenter also said that when he was offered to take the vacant seat, he could not imagine himself in the role of presenter. However, he decided that it was time to move on and perhaps he too would succeed, like his friend.

Andrei Malakhov himself wished his friend success in new job and assured him that he would handle it. He also advised Borisov to get to work right away and not delay. This way the audience will get used to him and then it will be easier. Dmitry Borisov noted that despite many years of friendship they are now rivals. However, they do not refuse friendly relations. Now it will be difficult for them to have conversations about work since they are hosting the same shows but on different channels.

On August 28, the Russia 1 TV channel aired the first episode of the “Live Broadcast” program with Andrei Malakhov. The TV presenter and his team went to Kyiv, where he met with Maria Maksakova and interviewed her. The opera diva gladly invited Malakhov to her home and talked about her most secret things. From the program, viewers learned how the opera diva lives after the death of her husband Denis Voronenkov, whether she managed to improve relations with her mother and whether she plans to return to Russia.

Previously, the main version of the departure of a popular presenter from Channel One was his alleged conflict with CEO Konstantin Ernst. They said that Malakhov wants not only to host, but also to produce programs of which he is the host.

It's like in family life: at first there was love, then it grew into a habit, and at some point it was a marriage of convenience. My contract with Channel One ended on December 31, 2016 and was not renewed - everyone was so used to me being here. I want to grow, to become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program should be about, and not giving up my whole life and looking like a puppy into the eyes of people changing during this time. The TV season ended, I decided that I needed to close this door and try myself in a new capacity in a new place.”

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov wrote open letter Konstantin Ernst and all the employees of Channel One, where he said goodbye to colleagues with whom he worked for 25 long years.

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign “10-01” attached. Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man’s life, 25 of which I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA and I remember every minute you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you did, for the experience you shared with me, for amazing trip along the television road of life that we walked together.

Earlier, the media reported Malakhov’s departure from Channel One. The reason given was maternity leave due to the birth of the first child in the host’s family. Malakhov’s place in the talk show “Let Them Talk” was taken by Dmitry Borisov.

Why Malakhov left Channel 1, what is the reason. Summary for today.

Borisov admitted that it was a big shock for him that Malakhov decided to leave the project after many years of work. He was not the first to know about this. The new presenter also said that when he was offered to take the vacant seat, he could not imagine himself in the role of presenter. However, he decided that it was time to move on and perhaps he too would succeed, like his friend.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all employees of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to the colleagues with whom he had worked for 25 long years.

“It’s a series of different events in life. I came to Ostankino as a student for an internship and stood for three hours waiting for my pass. I was fascinated by it big world and started by running for coffee during the day and going to the stall for vodka for television legends at night. And although you have become popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who treat you like the son of the regiment. This is a situation where your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you still have the same old status. You are expected to be the “talkie” presenter, but you already have something to talk about with your viewers.

Why Malakhov left channel 1 for channel 2. Hot news.

“In our digital era, epistolary genre they apply extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people We also wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I hope you know real reasons my unexpected transfer to "Russia 1", where I will lead new program"Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the Starhit website quotes the text of the letter.

Malakhov sent an official statement of resignation to the management of the channel by Russian Post, since at that time he was not in Moscow. Alas, some people took this act of Andrei incorrectly.

On Friday, August 25, television viewers saw the “Live Broadcast” show for the first time, which is now hosted by Andrei Malakhov. The program caused conflicting feelings among our correspondents (details)

On August 21, Malakhov’s interview with Antenna was also published. In it, the presenter said that in 2017 he experienced a “crisis of the genre in absolutely everything” and was tired of being “a human soldier following orders.” He also stated that he wrote a letter of resignation from Channel One two months ago. Malakhov refused to answer the question about his conflict with the new producer of the “Let Them Talk” program.

And it would be okay if he just left quietly, but no - he went over to his competitors at “Russia” and will now host the talk show “Live” instead of Boris Korchevnikov. Previously, this program was losing heavily to “Let Them Talk” in the ratings. Although she was actually a clone. Now the producers are confident that everything will be the other way around.

Andrei Malakhov himself wished his friend success in his new job and assured him that he would cope. He also advised Borisov to get to work right away and not delay. This way the audience will get used to him and then it will be easier. Dmitry Borisov noted that despite many years of friendship they are now rivals. However, they do not refuse friendly relations. Now it will be difficult for them to have conversations about work since they are hosting the same shows but on different channels.

It all started with Malakhov, who hosted two super-rated projects on Channel One - “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight”. After the weekday prime time program came new producer, Andrey left her. As they say, there are several reasons: reluctance to make a political program instead of a social one, the desire to have greater creative freedom and a salary corresponding to his ambitions (they wrote that he received only 700 thousand rubles for hosting “Let Them Talk”).

Why Malakhov left the 1st video channel. Breaking news.

From the amazing past, I will also miss Kirill Kleimenov, who stands today at the helm of news broadcasting. We started together on the program “ Good morning" Kirill then read the morning news, and today he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he practically lives in the Television Center. Kirill, for me you are an example of self-denial in the name of your favorite business, and there is the highest justice in the fact that you got the office with the most beautiful view of the ancient Ostankino Park. I also admire that you can easily communicate even in such a complex language as Finnish. When conjugating verbs in my “easy” French classes, I always think of you.

Official: Andrei Malakhov openly spoke about his new place of work and the “conflict” on Channel One

“Everything that is happening once again proves how fleeting everything is, how fast, fleeting and ephemeral everything is. Therefore, this is the story of the Garden of Eden..., - says Malakhov and convinces him that he will be as interested in the new place as before. - I was invited to famous already a brand. I feel like a designer who was invited to a famous fashion house, which must give new twist famous fashion brand, to make sure that even more people wear this brand.”

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov confirmed that he left Channel One for “Russia 1” and will host a new program “Live” there. This was reported in the video announcement of the program, which was published in Malakhov’s column on the Starhit magazine website (the presenter is the editor-in-chief of the publication).

Larisa Krivtsova knows Andrey better than others: “He is a sincere and lively person. When the Big Wash started, he went to the gym, started lifting, worked on his body, and we worked on his speech. But the main thing in a television project is the thought, what the presenter wants to say. Andrey is a good presenter, he has grown a lot during this time. Andryukh, you don’t chatter so much anymore... He sincerely sympathizes and worries about the heroes, so he became one of his own, coming to people’s houses every evening. People relate him to their relative, he discusses topics that concern them. They loved him because he was one of them."

I remember the day when I crossed the threshold of the Vremya program as an intern and saw big television from the inside for the first time. From that " ice age"Only 91-year-old Kaleria Kislova (former chief director"Time" program. – Approx. "StarHit"). Kaleria Venediktovna, colleagues still talk about you with aspiration. People who could “build” will no longer be seen on TV? everyone - both presidents and top officials of the state. You are an example of the highest professionalism!

The presenter described his new program as “the same Malakhov in the frame that everyone is used to, just with more freedom actions." The release dates for the “Live Broadcast” are not indicated in the materials.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly explained why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

Lenochka Malysheva, you were the person who was the first to call in excitement, refusing to believe what was happening. But you need to develop, you, as the producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I brought you up to a new broadcast topic called “The first manifestations of male menopause” ;-), that’s also good.