Ludwig van Beethoven short biography of the blind man. Biographies, stories, facts, photographs. Comprehensive development of Beethoven

Portrait of 1820
Joseph Karl Stieler

Ludwig van Beethoven. The exact date of birth of Ludwig van Beethoven is unknown, but the estimated date of birth is December 16, 1770. This assumption was made based on the exact date of his baptism - December 17. The city of Bonn became Ludwig's permanent homeland.
Beethoven's family was highly educated and musical people. It was there, from an early age, that Ludwig was taught to play the organ, flute, violin and harpsichord.
First serious experience in music education Ludwig van Beethoven received the Nefe from the composer Christian Gottlob.
First job in musical art dates back to 1782, when young Beethoven was only 12 years old. Then he began his career as an assistant organist at court. However, Beethoven’s activities cannot be limited to one work; besides this, he studied several languages ​​and tried to write musical works.
Beethoven loves to spend time reading a book. His favorite authors were Greek representatives such as Plutarch and Homer, as well as the more modern Shakespeare, Goethe and Schiller.
The year 1787 becomes tragic for Ludwig and his entire family. His mother dies, and Beethoven undertakes to take on all material responsibilities. In the same year, he begins to work, playing in an orchestra, while simultaneously combining his studies and university lectures.
At home, Beethoven accidentally meets the great composer Joseph Haydn, where he asks him to take art lessons. But in order to study music with Haydn, Beethoven was forced to move to Vienna. Even though still unknown, the great Mozart, while listening to Ludwig Beethoven's musical improvisations, says that he still has time to make the whole world talk to himself. After several lessons, Haydn sent Beethoven to study with Johann Albrechtsberger. The next person to pass on his mastery to Beethoven was Antonio Salieri.
Everyone who knew Beethoven's work noted that his musical improvisations were filled with gloom, melancholy and strangeness. However, it was they and his unsurpassed piano playing that brought Beethoven his former glory. While in Vienna and inspired by its nature, Beethoven wrote Moonlight Sonata and Pathetic Sonata. All musical works differ significantly from classical techniques harpsichord games.
Ludwig van Beethoven was always an open book to his friends, while at the same time remaining rude and proud in public.
The subsequent years of Beethoven's life were filled with illness. Having become very ill, Ludwig gets a complication in his ear - tinitis.
In great pain, Beethoven decides to retire to Heiligenstadt, where he begins to work on the Eroic Symphony. Working often and fruitfully and constantly getting tired, Beethoven completely loses his hearing, moves away from people and society, and remains lonely. But even after losing his hearing, Ludwig did not force himself to give up his favorite art.
The last decade of his life, until 1812, became a real discovery for Beethoven. It was during this period of time that he began to create with a particularly strong desire, creating well-known works - the Ninth Symphony, as well as the Solemn Mass.
Biographical information from this time period was filled with special popularity, glory and calling for Ludwig. Despite the fact that the government’s policy took a fairly strict position in relation to all creators of great art, no one dared to offend Ludwig Beethoven.
But, unfortunately, the excessive worries of Beethoven, who took custody of his nephew, aged the musician too quickly.
So, on March 26, 1827, Ludwig Beethoven passed away due to severe liver disease.

Beethoven was presumably born on December 16 (only the date of his baptism is known exactly - December 17) 1770 in the city of Bonn in musical family. From childhood he was taught to play the organ, harpsichord, violin, and flute.

For the first time, composer Christian Gottlob Nefe began to work seriously with Ludwig. Already at the age of 12, Beethoven’s biography included his first musical job – assistant organist at court. Beethoven studied several languages ​​and tried to compose music.

The beginning of a creative journey

After his mother's death in 1787, he took over the family's financial responsibilities. Ludwig Beethoven began playing in an orchestra and listening to university lectures. Having accidentally encountered Haydn in Bonn, Beethoven decides to take lessons from him. For this he moves to Vienna. Already at this stage, after listening to one of Beethoven’s improvisations, the great Mozart said: “He will make everyone talk about himself!” After some attempts, Haydn sent Beethoven to study with Albrechtsberger. Then Antonio Salieri became Beethoven's teacher and mentor.

The rise of a musical career

Haydn briefly noted that Beethoven's music was dark and strange. However, in those years, Ludwig's virtuoso piano playing brought him his first fame. Beethoven's works differ from the classical playing of harpsichordists. There, in Vienna, the future famous works were written: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Pathétique Sonata.

Rude and proud in public, the composer was very open and friendly towards his friends. Beethoven's work in the following years is filled with new works: the First and Second Symphonies, “The Creation of Prometheus”, “Christ on the Mount of Olives”. However later life and Beethoven's work were complicated by the development of an ear disease - tinitis.

The composer retires to the city of Heiligenstadt. There he works on the Third - Heroic Symphony. Complete deafness separates Ludwig from the outside world. However, even this event cannot make him stop composing. According to critics, Beethoven's Third Symphony fully reveals him greatest talent. The opera Fidelio is staged in Vienna, Prague, and Berlin.

Recent years

In the years 1802-1812, Beethoven wrote sonatas with special desire and zeal. Then entire series of works for piano, cello, the famous Ninth Symphony, and the Solemn Mass were created.

Let us note that the biography of Ludwig Beethoven in those years was filled with fame, popularity and recognition. Even the authorities, despite his frank thoughts, did not dare to touch the musician. However, strong feelings about his nephew, whom Beethoven took into custody, quickly aged the composer. And on March 26, 1827, Beethoven died of liver disease.

Many of Ludwig van Beethoven's works have become classics not only for adult listeners, but also for children.

There are about a hundred monuments to the great composer around the world.

Chronological table

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Name: Ludwig van Beethoven

Age: 56 years old

Place of birth: Bonn, Germany

Place of death: Vienna, Austria

Activity: composer, violinist, pianist, conductor

Marital status: wasn't married

Ludwig Van Beethoven - biography

The most unusual composer who learned to play the violin and piano and managed to conduct an entire orchestra while being completely deaf.

Childhood, family

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, during a harsh winter. The fate of both his grandfather and father was connected with music, so the entire biography of the successor of the Beethoven family was deliberately determined. The older men from the family of the famous composer had excellent vocal abilities, which they used in their work. The men found use for their talent in the chapel at court. Ludwig's father often came home drunk, drinking half of what he earned. And the rest of the money was not enough to provide for the family.

The boy's so-called children's room had no furniture except an iron bed and an old harpsichord. And the room itself was located in the attic of the house. The father also went there to beat his son, although the mother always received a good portion of the beatings. Maria Beethoven loved Ludwig dearly, he was not only child In the family, seven were born, but only three survived. The mother did her best to make their childhood happy.


Father Johann immediately noticed that the child had a beautiful ear for music and there are certain abilities. Amadeus Mozart became the standard for the envious head of the family. He planned to make a genius out of his son. Every day the boy practiced violin and piano. The father needed to know which musical instrument nature, having endowed his son with talent, preferred. Ludwig had a wide choice: organ, harpsichord, viola, violin and flute. Punishments followed for every mistake in playing music. The teachers that Johann hired were untalented.

Mother in the composer's life

The father craved easy money at the expense of his gifted child. At the chapel, his salary was increased, but all his efforts were in vain, since all the money was spent on alcohol. Ludwig gave his first concert at the age of 6. Cologne listeners liked his performance, but they didn’t make much money from the concert.

Mother, unlike father, was wiser and more far-sighted. Her son began to compose melodies, which he took notes with his mother. The boy was absorbed in music, sometimes requiring outside intervention to bring him out of his immersed state. The composer's biography stubbornly led young Beethoven along the paved path.

Comprehensive development Beethoven

In the newly appointed director of the chapel, Louis found a teacher. Christian Gottlobu noticed the boy's talent and began to teach him everything he knew. Music alone is not enough to write good music; it is necessary to draw feelings and emotions from literature, from ancient languages ​​with their melodiousness, and philosophy. Ludwig reads Goethe and Shakespeare, listens to Bach, Handel, Mozart.


Still, Ludwig Beethoven came to Vienna and met the great genius of music. Wolfgang listened to the young man's improvisations. Mozart predicted Louis' worldwide fame. The composer promised to give several lessons. His mother suddenly fell ill, and Ludwig hastily left the one to whom he had strived all his youth.

The mother died, leaving children and a drunkard father. Ludwig was forced to turn to the prince for help. The family began to receive benefits. The young man managed to obtain permission to attend musical meetings. Future composer gave private lessons. One of these families helped Beethoven. Their daughter was a student of a talented musician.


It was difficult for him to communicate with the Austrian luminaries of science. Handel couldn't find common language with Ludwig. I enjoyed studying with young Beethoven and even introduced him to titled musicians and noble persons.

Ludwig writes music for Schiller's work, which was heard and appreciated only 39 years later. At the age of 25, the musician gained fame as the most fashionable pianist. After three years, tinnitus begins to develop. For ten years no one knew he had this disease. Beethoven's deafness was attributed to the composer's absent-mindedness.

Most fruitful moment creativity

The fear of going deaf finally developed the composer’s incredible performance and soaring creativity. The second symphony was written, " Pastoral Symphony" During this period, Beethoven began to spend more time in nature, going to remote places. In this solitude with nature, real masterpieces of music were born. The theater management invited the composer to write music for Goethe's drama. The music was created, and at the same time there were rehearsals for the performance, at which the maestro was present.

Ludwig Van Beethoven - biography of personal life

Ludwig never accepted the nobility, which means he could not marry a girl from high society. The young man fell passionately in love with the young countess, who did not share his feelings and soon married a man of her circle. The composer’s “Moonlight Sonata” became a hymn to all unexpressed and unrequited feelings.

Beethoven's next love for the widow of Count Deym also ended in failure; in a fit of feelings he proposed to a third girl - and again refused. The composer is disappointed and decides not to offer his hand and heart to anyone for the rest of his life. Ludwig decides to take in the child of his deceased brother. The child inherited an addiction to alcohol from his mother, which causes a lot of trouble for his uncle.

Recent years Beethoven

His hearing begins to disappear completely, but Beethoven does not lose hope of hearing and composing music. He recognizes sound by vibration.

Biography and episodes of life Ludwig van Beethoven. When born and died Ludwig van Beethoven, memorable places and dates important events his life. Composer quotes, photos and videos.

Years of life of Ludwig van Beethoven:

born December 16, 1770, died March 26, 1827


"On the very day when your harmonies
Overcame complex world labor,
The light overpowered the light, a cloud passed through the cloud,
Thunder moved on thunder, a star entered the star.
And furiously overwhelmed by inspiration,
In the orchestras of thunderstorms and the thrill of thunder,
You climbed the cloudy steps
And touched the music of the worlds.”
From a poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky dedicated to Beethoven


His own father did not see talent in him, and Haydn considered him too gloomy a composer, but when Beethoven died, twenty thousand people followed his coffin. In the last years of his life, the composer was completely deaf, but this did not stop him from creating his most brilliant works during this time. Perhaps Beethoven really was not mistaken when he said that he created with God's help.

Ludwig van Beethoven was born into a musical family. From childhood, the father worked with the boy and taught him to play various musical instruments. But little Beethoven’s first performance was not particularly successful, and his father decided that he had no talent and entrusted his son to other teachers. Beethoven, contrary to his father’s disappointing forecasts, already at the age of 12 received the position of assistant organist at court. And when his mother died, he took on the responsibilities of the breadwinner and supported his younger brothers by working in the orchestra.

Beethoven's first fame was brought not by his own compositions, but by his virtuoso performance. Soon the works of Beethoven himself began to be published. The period of Beethoven's life, which he lived in Vienna, was especially successful for the composer. Despite the fact that the composer had a rather harsh disposition, high self-esteem, and refused to bow down to officials and influential people, it was impossible not to recognize Beethoven’s genius. And yet the composer always had many friends - tough and proud in public, he was very generous and friendly towards his loved ones, ready to give them his last money or help them solve problems.

But Beethoven's main passion remained music. Perhaps that is why he never married, he was so passionate about himself and his ability to create. Only illness could prevent him from composing, and therefore the fact that genius composer I started losing my hearing at this age at a young age. But even this did not stop him, and his music became even more perfect and monumental.

In the last years of his life, Beethoven worked with particular zeal, creating one great work after another. But illness and worries about his nephew, whom Beethoven took into custody, significantly shortened his life. Beethoven's death occurred on March 26, 1827. Beethoven's funeral was held with great honors. Beethoven's grave is located in the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Life line

December 16, 1770 Date of birth of Ludwig van Beethoven.
1778 Beethoven's first public performance in Cologne.
1780 Beginning of lessons with organist and composer Christian Gottlob Nefe.
1782 Admission to the position of assistant court organist, publication of the young composer's first work - variations on a theme of Dressler's march.
1787 Applying for the position of violist in an orchestra.
1789 Attending lectures at the university.
1792-1802 The Viennese period in Beethoven's life - studies with Haydn, Salieri, Beethoven's fame as a virtuoso performer, publication of Beethoven's works.
1796 Beginning of hearing loss.
1801 Beethoven's writing of the Moonlight Sonata.
1803 Beethoven's writing of the Kreutzer Sonata.
1814 Production of Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio.
1824 Performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.
March 26, 1827 Beethoven's date of death.
March 29, 1827 Beethoven's funeral.

Memorable places

1. Beethoven's house in Bonn, where he was born.
2. Beethoven's house-museum in Baden, where he lived and worked.
3. Theater an der Wien (“Theater on the Vienna River”), which hosted the premieres of Beethoven’s works such as the opera Fidelio, the Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth symphonies, violin and Fourth symphonies piano concert s.
4. A memorial plaque to Beethoven on the house “At the Golden Unicorn” in Prague, where the composer stayed.
5. Monument to Beethoven in Bucharest.
6. Monument to Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart in Berlin.
7. Vienna Central Cemetery, where Beethoven is buried.

Episodes of life

Like Bach, Beethoven was sure that there was a divine element in his music. But if Bach believed that his talent was the merit of God, then Beethoven claimed that he communicated with God while writing music. He was known to have a slightly arrogant personality. One day a musician complained about a difficult and awkward passage in Beethoven's work, to which the composer indignantly replied: “When I wrote this, God Almighty guided me, do you really think that I could think about your little part when He spoke to me?”

Beethoven had many oddities. For example, before starting to compose music, Beethoven lowered his head into a container of ice water, and at moments when difficulties arose in his work, he began to pour water onto his hands. Very often he walked around the house in wet clothes, without even noticing it and lost in his thoughts. Beethoven's neighbors often complained about water pouring from the ceiling.

Once Beethoven was walking with the German poet Hermann Goethe, and he was indignant that he was tired of the endless greetings of passers-by. To which Beethoven condescendingly replied: “Don’t let that bother you, Your Excellency. Perhaps the greetings are meant for me.”


“People create their own destiny!”

Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven in the Encyclopedia Project


"Haydn and Mozart, creators of the new instrumental music, were the first to show us art in its unprecedented splendor, but peered at it with great love and only Beethoven penetrated into its essence.”
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, writer, composer, artist

“The real reason for the success of Beethoven's music is that people study it not in concert halls, and at home, at the piano..."
Richard Wagner, composer

“Before the name of Beethoven, we must all bow down.”
Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, composer

Beethoven is the greatest creator of all time, an unsurpassed Master. Beethoven's works are difficult to describe using ordinary musical terms– any words here seem insufficiently bright, too banal. Beethoven is a brilliant personality, an extraordinary phenomenon in the world of music.

Among the many names of the world's great composers, the name Ludwig van Beethoven are always highlighted. Beethoven is the greatest creator of all time, an unsurpassed Master. People who consider themselves distant from the world classical music, fall silent, enchanted, at the very first sounds of the “Moonlight Sonata”. Beethoven's works are difficult to describe using ordinary musical terms - any words here seem insufficiently bright, too banal. Beethoven is a brilliant personality, an extraordinary phenomenon in the world of music.

No one knows the exact date of birth of Ludwig van Beethoven. It is known that he was born in Bonnet, in December 1770. Contemporaries who personally knew the composer over the years noticed that he inherited his character from his grandfather, Louis Beethoven. Pride, independence, incredible hard work - these qualities were inherent in the grandfather - and they were inherited by the grandson.

Beethoven's grandfather was a musician and served as a bandmaster. Ludwig’s father also worked in the chapel - Johann van Beethoven. My father was a talented musician, but he drank a lot. His wife served as a cook. The family lived poorly, but Johann still noticed the early musical abilities son. Little Ludwig was taught little music (there was no money for teachers), but was often forced to practice with shouts and beatings.

By the age of 12, young Beethoven could play the harpsichord, violin, and organ. The year 1782 was a turning point in Ludwig's life. He was appointed director of the Bonn Court Chapel Christian Gottloba Nefe. This man showed interest in the talented teenager, became his mentor, and taught him modern piano style. That year the first musical compositions Beethoven, and an article about the “young genius” was published in the city newspaper.

Under the guidance of Nefe, the young musician continued to improve his skills, received and general education. At the same time, he worked a lot in the chapel to support his family.

Young Beethoven had a goal - to meet Mozart. To fulfill this goal, he went to Vienna. He achieved a meeting with the great maestro and asked to examine him. Mozart was amazed by his talent young musician. New horizons could have opened up for Ludwig, but misfortune happened - his mother became seriously ill in Bonn. Beethoven had to return. The mother died, and the father died soon after.

Ludwig remained in Bonn. He was seriously ill with typhoid and smallpox, and worked hard all the time. He had long been a virtuoso musician, but did not consider himself a composer. He still lacked skill in this profession.

In 1792, a happy change occurred in Ludwig's life. He was introduced to Haydn. Famous composer promised support to Beethoven and recommended that he go to Vienna. Once again Beethoven found himself in the “abode of music.” He had about fifty works to his credit - in some ways they were unusual, even revolutionary for that time. Beethoven was considered a freethinker, but he did not deviate from his principles. He studied with Haydn, Albrechtsberger, Salieri- and teachers did not always understand his works, finding them “dark and strange.”

Beethoven's work attracted the attention of patrons, and his business was going well. He worked out own style, emerged as an extraordinary composer-innovator. He was invited to the highest circles of the Viennese aristocracy, but Beethoven did not want to play and create for the needs of a wealthy public. He maintained his independence, believing that talent was an advantage over wealth and high birth.

When the maestro was 26 years old, a new disaster occurred in his life - he began to lose his hearing. This became a personal tragedy for the composer, terrible for his profession. He began to avoid society.

In 1801, the composer fell in love with a young aristocrat Juliet Guicciardi. Juliet was 16 years old. The meeting with her changed Beethoven - he began to be in the world again, to enjoy life. Unfortunately, the girl’s family considered a musician from the lower circles an unworthy match for their daughter. Juliet rejected the advances and soon married a man in her circle - Count Gallenberg.

Beethoven was destroyed. He didn't want to live. Soon he retired to the small town of Heiligenstadt, and there he even wrote a will. But Ludwig’s talent was not broken, and even at this time he continued to create. During this period he wrote brilliant works:"Moonlight Sonata"(dedication to Giulietta Guicciardi), Third Piano Concerto, "Kreutzer Sonata" and a number of other masterpieces included in the world musical treasury.

There was no time to die. The master continued to create and fight. « Heroic Symphony", Fifth Symphony, "Appassionata", "Fidelio"— Beethoven’s efficiency bordered on obsession.

The composer again moved to Vienna. He was famous, popular, but far from rich. New failed love for one of the sisters Brunswick And financial problems encouraged him to leave Austria. In 1809, a group of patrons awarded the composer a pension in exchange for a promise not to leave the country. His pension tied him to Austria and limited his freedom.

Beethoven still created a lot, but his hearing was virtually lost. In society, he used special “conversation notebooks.” Periods of depression alternated with periods of fantastic performance.

The apotheosis of his work was Ninth Symphony, which Beethoven completed in 1824. It was performed on May 7, 1824. The work delighted the public and the performers themselves. Only the composer did not hear either his music or the thunder of applause. A young singer from the choir had to take the maestro by the hand and turn him to face the audience so that he could bow.

After this day, the composer was overcome by illness, but he was able to write four more large and complex quartets. One day he had to go to his brother Johann to persuade him to write a will in favor of the sole right to guardianship of Ludwig’s beloved nephew, Karl. The brother refused the request. Beethoven went home upset; he caught a cold on the way.

On March 26, 1827, the composer died. The Viennese, who had already begun to forget their idol, remembered him after his death. A crowd of thousands followed the coffin.

A brilliant composer and great man Ludwig van Beethoven was always independent and unyielding in his convictions. He walked proudly life path and left humanity many immortal creations.

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