Love (poem). A very touching poem about love - universal love, about goodness, about feelings

An ordinary day. Bus station area.

And the people scurrying here and there.

Music played from the saxophone,

and the woman’s hand trembled.

She stopped next to the guy

closing my eyes in admiration.

And she was barely audible humming something,

and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Small bills were thrown into the case,

and the careless clinking of coins could be heard.

“And your own music?.. or from the “score”?”

The old grandfather asked the musician.

“From a movie about a road in the dunes,

life-long and whole love.”

"About Us." - said the woman, “about people!

I understood what she meant. without words."

The lovers glared at her:

“About whom?.. about you... or maybe about us?

Or about that driver who is driving backwards

is it turning on us yet again?”

And the woman went to the saxophonist.

“Can I say into your microphone

what is now true and so pure

is your beautiful saxophone playing?

She looked at the people running,

then on those that crowded around them.

And simple feelings poured into words:

"What a pity. That in the bustle we all forgot.

About tenderness, about life, about family,

about loved ones and friends who are close to us.

Look how he pulled you close to him!

Beloved. He doesn’t need anyone else.

You are in his every thought in his head.

He gives you goosebumps.

Be grateful to life and fate!

And take care of him. as soon as you can.

And this dad!.. look at him.

The son held his hand, he pressed his daughter to his chest,

wife to shoulder - here the whole world his!

He would give his life for every night they lived.

Reliable dad. they were lucky to have him.

They are dressed, fed and happy.

They feel very comfortable with him. and warmth.

In their simplest happiness, people are so beautiful!

And the driver who backed up here,

treated the child humanely.

Money was stolen, tears came like hail.

He gave money and bought a bun.

And grandfather. he goes every day

closer to people, lonely at home.

Everyone is waiting for the children to visit. what year,

that they don’t even call him... cruel!

And the girl!.. is handing out leaflets.

Runs here after school,

And the mother has been on a drinking binge for four years now!

The girl works to survive.

He doesn’t lose hope, he loves his mother.

He is trying to get her out from the “bottom”.

Love is inside. balm for the wound.

Don’t be afraid to show it to your loved ones.”

And... suddenly... she suddenly began to sob:

“I will soon give my daughter a kidney.

I'm so tired of being afraid of her for my life!

I am a mother!.. I am saving my daughter!

And the guy. he's not just for the money

plays here, and not alone in silence.

He shares his good mood.

He shares the melody of the soul!

To remind us that the soul is not empty!

Lives in everyone's soul:

Love... it is in words, in actions, in feelings,

in simple touches of the hand."

Suddenly the beautiful saxophone fell silent.

The guy approached her. he was confused:

“I didn’t even know. when I came here.

How much will someone need me..."

Take care of each other!.. cherish!

After all, life. Everyone has one.

Support us in joy and in sorrow!

Otherwise! people it’s worthless!

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I love the night...
After all, only in a dream
Are you coming to me
And in the morning the dream goes away
I'm sad, I'm sad
And the days are full of worries
And there's no time to mope
But in the evenings... Ah, dreams...
I want to be with you
I love the night...
After all, only in a dream
Are you coming to me
Thanks to the stars and the moon,
What do they remember about me...

Now I know what happiness is
Because from now on you are in my life,
I call you treasure, wealth,
And I see my dreams about you.

You are my joy, inspiration,
You are the beauty of my soul,
You are an unearthly delight
You are a dream come true.

You are my ray of light, my hope,
I love you madly
My long-awaited little man,
Only you I always live!

What is love? Answer immediately!
Desires, joy, laughter, sadness...
When, without looking at the weather,
Let's run to our loved ones
Be it May or... February!

We give happiness to our loved ones
Always ready from the heart
And we sincerely thank you,
When your dream comes true...
May it be an unpleasant day
When not everything is so smooth and easy,
We'll miss it like a shadow
And we can't be stopped by
Everything will be fine!

What is love?!
High feeling texts?
Or maybe just a clouding of reason?
The eternal question -
Like white light - endless...
And the point is to know -
The trait of love is already sweet.

We live days and nights
Seconds, months, years
Who is where - who is in Africa, who is in Sochi,
And it doesn't depend on
Where someone lives, where they grew up, it doesn’t matter...
After all, everyone loves -
All ages are submissive to love!
In it, as in war, all means are good...
Well, if you like,
To love someone and to be loved in return,
Then don’t be silent, and say it from the heart
About your feelings in a unique way!

What is love?...
Probably, for everyone - their own,
Something completely native...
For them - one thing,
For us it's different...

So there's no need to find out
There is no need to look for the meaning of words!
Why should we be experts?
Let's just love!

I can breathe easily with you,
And everything is said.
And if I look into your heart,
Then only I will find you in it.

A simple word is “love”
It was invented for us
And for some reason I want
You should tell it now.

Love is a sublime feeling!
Like sweet poison, like spring thunder.
It's fun and sad with her,
Beckons with ringing silver.

But this feeling is only for a few,
You get to experience it in life.
As God's gift to us alone,
Will make your soul tremble!

You don't wait for love - it comes,
Suddenly pierced by arrows.
It's like a miracle is happening
Illuminated with a magical light.

And immediately wings grow,
Soaring high above the bustle,
Those two are like snowflakes melting,
In the bliss of unearthly affection!

The whole world sparkles and laughs,
And the light is shrouded in kindness.
The one whom love touches -
There is nothing more beautiful in the Universe!

I give you my soul, you give me love,
We'll play this game again
You are my love, I am your tenderness,
This is how we will spend our eternity together!

I love you, you love me too,
In this you and I are somewhat similar,
I'll tell you one secret,
I love you very, very much!

To love is to be different from everyone else!
To love is to be sometimes crazy,
To be crazy, crazy,
And not be closed at heart!

To love is to have two halves,
Hearts blazing with fire,
And build a palace of love
Like from a fairy tale picture.

To love and illuminate the whole world
With your shining smile.
Forgive all troubles and mistakes,
What does a person do!

To love and not to cause pain
To the one you see in your dreams
And never offend.
And even if you offend
Atone for the guilt now!

To love means not to notice
All the little troubles of life,
And no matter how much anxiety there is,
Loving does not mean leaving!

So what does it mean to love?
So forget about everyone else!
And never change
Love! Love! Just love!

I want to talk about love again,
I'm afraid of losing you
You are a ray of hope for me
With all my heart I love you.

I value you very much
And I can't do it without you,
Your soul is only given to you,
I glow with happiness with you!

I love you, you are the meaning of life,
And I can’t sleep at night without you,
I always miss you
And I won't give you to anyone.

You are my joy, I know that for sure,
And without you life is not interesting,
And sometimes I dream about you,
I ask you to dream about me at night.

Better yet, become my happiness
And give your eternity,
With you we will forget about all the bad weather,
With you I will survive everything.

My heart yearns for you,
He has no peace without you.
It's exhausted and yet
Immensely happy with love.

I don't need any other happiness
I'm not looking for advice in love,
Just to be next to you,
Watch and listen endlessly.

I'll whisper quietly in your ear,
That I give my life to you,
That I love you with all my soul,
That I can’t live without you, I can’t breathe.

You are my tenderness, my support,
The days have become happier, I love you,
You inspire, you make it better,
You are like a warm ray of sunshine!

One day of imagination

This is a game. A play on my words.
After all, I am a poet and I am allowed.
There is no limit to imagination.
My words are like from a dream.
They get you drunk like wine
But the dream will dissipate at dawn.
I gave myself up to a dream in rhyme,
Let this be nonsense for some.
A dream without action is stupid.
Sometimes he cries like a child,
And I need something to calm her down
After all, it happens, the heart aches.

I showed how I would love
If only SHE were real.
Oh yes! These are just my words
A day invented by me.
They caress...

Love is enchanted by obsession,
The ardor of sensuality is imperishable,
And the eternal burning of hearts,
We were blinded by an explosion of light.
There is no mind in love,
The mind is powerless for centuries,
Here the flow of feelings is unthinkable.
The omnipotence of souls in love is visible.
Collect poets of all centuries,
See love as wandering.
And you won't have enough of all the poems
Give the kiss a description.
And for the heights of love depths
Eternal search is fruitless.
Words cannot reach gray haired love,
In your powerlessness, give repentance.

Love words, words,
You told me once.
Around the head, head,
That date has long been marked.

Love eyes, eyes,
They only see the pink distances.
But why? Tear, tear,
Alas, you told a lie.

Love bridges, bridges,
We were able to separate easily.
Dreams are empty, empty,
When there is no strength, bring them back.

Love doesn't need big words
They need to be spoken with the heart.
In it there is a vast expanse of sky without shores,
And the sky cannot be hidden by a cloud.

The soul of enthusiasm is driven by the dashing wind,
He will be able to drive her away.
Stars of hope with bright light,
It shines in it if the world is night.

Love does not need a passionate oath,
And promises of speeches.
It is in vain to look for benefit in it,
But happiness can be found in it.

The more love we give,
The more it will be in us.
And we can do everything, we can get through everything,
Dipping your heart in it.

Love doesn't need big words
They need...

All ages are submissive to love,
bring back love of all ages,
love is completely invisible in me.
It hurts my flesh, I'm offended.
I'm the only one who loves me, and it's not mutual.
And I can’t say that I’m loved, although!!!...
And they confessed their love to me,
but I was not amazed by this, because I
I was deceived, I was so easily broken.
After all, I have two destinies, two names.
One Khorun, and also Shurik,
Khorun is evil, treacherous, merciless,
and Shurik is more vulnerable.
But they were not lucky in love...

All boys want love so much...
All girls want love so much.
And even grandparents.

After all, we can’t live without love...
The soul asks to fly.
Spreading her wings... she flies...
There... where someone... is waiting for her.

And this someone... is toiling somewhere...
After all, it’s not THE ONE or the SAME with him.
Singing about love... doesn't work...
All I can hear is nonsense.

All boys want to love so much...
All girls want to love this way.
Men want and women...

All ages are submissive to love
And this cannot be changed.
Sometimes you leave your pride
To be loved (beloved) again.
After all, life is not always smooth
And there are obstacles on the way,
Sometimes it's not easy
And my heart breaks out of my chest.
Sometimes unnecessary grievances
You have to endure
And everything that is made by the beloved (beloved)
Can't be erased from memory.
Inexperienced and cautious
You take every step.
It's very difficult to predict everything
And the reason for the quarrel is just a trifle.
But understanding your feelings

My winged image of love!
Oh, how I hate you!
I've been seeing you for centuries
Having left for a long time to another world...
The world has given me destiny
I don't understand...
And why?!
Forever to be with you!
But it won't happen for sure,
I obviously can't see happiness
But know this! I will be sad
I am for you both day and night!
I will close my eyelids
And imagine your face...
Yes! That's it! Close! That's it!
Oh God, let me understand
Why am I suffering in the world?
In my delirium I see these lips
And I even look for her...
Why? Why her...

Tender, touching words, each of which is filled with love and respect for the dearest men in our lives. Such poetic lines allowed poetesses to transfer feelings from their hearts to paper. And now every woman can find poems about him that will allow her to express everything that is boiling in her soul. Excitement or anxiety, serenity or fury of passions - every man has his own verse.

Poems about my beloved...

The most sensual and romantic poems are dedicated to lovers. Such men in the eyes of a woman in love turn into an ideal, inspire, force not just to live on, but to conquer new heights, constantly proving that she is the one, the only one... Only poems about him were written with early years in heartfelt notebooks, first dedicated to the stormy school love, and then deeper and stronger rhymes and comparisons appeared - in the name of adult love, which will survive decades, becoming deeper and stronger.

Important and dear lines about a friend close to me and dear...

True friends of a man are a rare phenomenon and arouse deep respect. Ingenuous, loyal and reliable, they deserve to become heroes of quatrains and songs. Acquaintances from school or college, they walk next to us, ready to help at the first call, causing bewilderment among friends and jealousy among friends. The best friendship that can become a strong platform for true, deep love.

My son, my soul, my most important man in life...

There is no more important man in life than the one in whom your blood flows, whose eyes are like mom, and whose smile is like dad. Our dear, beloved son is the man for whom life is worth living, who always needs our love and care, our advice and approval. This little man will never betray us, unless he brings his bride one day, hoping that we will like her. Reading poems about him, about your blood, hot, bitter-salty tears roll into your eyes and a warm wave of love and happiness rolls through your body.

A little poetry about my brother...

A little brother is the first opportunity to show his maternal instinct by caring for him, driving away evil dogs, helping him take his first steps. Or the elder is a reliable protector from evil hooligans, an assistant and best friend. Our brothers often replace our parents, tear us away adult life, trying to protect our vulnerable hearts from cruel realities. As much as you want to tell them important words for which you don’t have enough time or there is no suitable occasion, it is so important to say about your strong and grateful sisterly love. And beautiful, soulful poetry is perfect for this.

I’ll tell you about my beloved daddy...

It’s not for nothing that we are looking for life partners who are like our fathers – strong, courageous, reliable and touchingly vulnerable. Only dad always remains in my memory as the best. The strongest, deepest and most devoted lines are poems about him, about the first real man in every girl’s life. The first children's poems are dedicated to such dads.

My golden grandfather, good...

How can we not say a lot of kind words about grandfather, about the funny, but still lively old man who repaired our toys, created magical things from scrap materials, always brought gifts from the bunny, gently patted the top of our heads, affectionately distorting our names. These grandfathers deserve our strongest poetic lines, our most sincere confessions and gratitude - it is them that we often forget about as we grow up.

The most sincere and melodic in a huge number for every taste and for every mood and occasion.