The best rock bands in Russia: list, names. The best rock bands of Russia: list, names Group “Demo”: Sasha Zvereva

How soloists of disbanded bands build their lives off stage.

Just a few years ago, these artists were wildly popular, their songs were known and sung by the whole country, and it was impossible to get tickets for concerts.

Both young people and girls bought posters with images of their favorite singers, purchased all their albums, waited for new songs and videos, fell in love with them, imitated them and considered them their idols. Some musicians were able to successfully reach the global level and appear on the leading charts in Europe. However, not everyone managed to maintain their popularity, and many of them chose a different path for themselves.

What caused the collapse of cult Russian groups and what are they doing now? “StarHit” remembered the 13 most popular musical groups of the 2000s, whose hits still live in the hearts of millions.


In the fall of 2000, the song “I’ve lost my mind” by the then unknown group “Tatu” burst into the country’s charts. Now we can say with confidence that Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

At the time of the founding of the group, two young girls were only taking their first steps as singers, declaring themselves as very shocking people. They had been friends since childhood and started with “Fidget”. In 2001, the group's first album, “200 in the opposite direction,” was released. Among the hits from this record are the songs “They Will Not Catch Up with Us,” “30 Minutes,” “Count to a Hundred,” “Show Me Love” and many other hits that everyone who has ever heard of the existence of the group knows by heart. In August of the same year, the group began recording singles on English and prepared to conquer Europe. And in 2003, Tatu went to Eurovision, where they took third place.

However, overwhelming success, crowds of fans around the world, unconditional recognition and fame could not save the group from collapse. In 2011, Yulia and Katya announced the end of their work together. According to both girls, the reason was the desire of each to move on and create something new. True, for quite a long period, Volkova and Katina still sorted things out in public, speaking about the years they spent together not in the best way.

Subsequently, Lena Katina began a solo career in Los Angeles, and more recently she became a mother.

But Yulia Volkova already has two children, as well as many unsuccessful novels behind her. The singer independently recorded the compositions “Rage” and “Woman All The Way Down” and began to try her hand at the restaurant business.

It is interesting that after the breakup of the group there were more than once rumors about a possible reunion between Volkova and Katina, but this did not happen. Moreover, the girls stopped communicating altogether. “We both started solo projects. We are all different, our directions are completely different. I will sing sex rock,” shared Yulia Volkova, remembering her former friend.


In 2002, perhaps all the girls in the country went crazy for two young performers - Sergei Lazarev and Vlad Topalov. It was then that the popular group “Smash” was formed. The key song in their career was “Belle”. The guys had known each other since their classes at children's team“Fidgets”, also young Vlad and Sergei appeared on the screens in the well-known “Jumble”.

The songs of sweet-voiced young men sounded from literally every iron, and the performers themselves became more and more popular day after day. During its existence, the Smash group released three albums and shot six videos. Among the duo’s most popular songs are “Dream”, “Obsession”, “Faith”, “Prayer” and others. It must be said that many of the artists’ hits are still well remembered by those who did not even follow their work.

Despite the crazy popularity and incredible success group, in 2004 Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov announced their intention to continue working separately. Thus, the group “Smash” ceased to exist from that moment, and fans had no choice but to continue following the lives of their idols within the framework of each of them’s solo careers.

According to some sources, the group ceased to exist due to misunderstandings within the team. Nowadays, few people remember what kind of complaints Lazarev and Topalov actually had against each other, and this did not prevent each of them from occupying their own niche in the domestic show business.

Subsequently, Vlad Topalov recorded the hits “For Your Love”, “How Can It Be”, “New Autumn”... The musician continued to develop in his solo work, but the opportunity to get acquainted with his new creations began to appear less and less over time.

Sergei Lazarev managed to build a more successful career. In 2005, he recorded his first solo album, Don’t beFake. Among the singer’s most popular songs are: “Why was love invented”, “Into the very heart”, “Even if you leave”, “It’s all her” and many others. Now Sergei is successfully touring, shooting new videos and presenting impressive shows. And very soon the popular artist will go to Stockholm to represent Russia at a large-scale vocal competition"Eurovision".

I must say, in the end, the Smash group did reunite for a while. True, only for one evening. In 2011, Sergey Lazarev and Vlad Topalov delighted fans by staging a joint concert to mark the tenth anniversary of the group. They performed popular hits of the 2000s, which are well remembered by everyone who followed the work of these artists.


One of the most unusual and non-standard duets of the national stage “Nepara” appeared on musical Olympus in 2002. The constant members of the group are Alexander Shoua and Victoria Talyshinskaya. So different, passionate and sensual, the man and woman instantly won the hearts of fans, singing songs about failed romances, unrequited love and the impossibility of being together. Everyone who has ever been to Nepara’s performances has noted that every time Victoria and Alexander sing their hits, it’s easy to notice the tension and at the same time attraction between them.

The romance of the artists, to whose songs almost every second woman in the country sighed with regret, did not immediately become known. Showa and Talyshinskaya spent some time of their lives trying to build a strong relationship outside the stage, but ultimately both decided to move on.

Much to the regret of the duo's fans, this also applied to creative life Victoria and Alexander. In 2012, the group announced its breakup. The main reason was said to be the desire of both participants to engage in solo work. However, to the delight of fans, two years later the performers of the hits “God Invented You,” “Another Family” and “Cry and See” announced a reunion.

“It was my decision. Vika was ready instantly, half a second of conversation was enough for her to accept my offer again,” said Alexander.

IN exclusive interview Talyshinskaya and Shoua recently stated to StarHit that they both managed to forgive each other for old grievances, and therefore at the moment they are more comfortable than ever working together. Now “Nepara” has many creative plans, and fans of the band can only wait for new hits and news from them.


The charming graduates of the “Star Factory”, who later became the soloists of the “Tutsi” group, at some point became one of the most popular performers. In many ways, the reason for this was the release of the hit “The Most-The Most,” the words of which are well known to everyone who has listened to Russian radio stations at least once since the 2000s. It was this song that brought the group great popularity. By the way, in 2005 they released an album of the same name.

The very next year, Maria Weber left the team due to pregnancy, but returned some time later. It must be said that the composition of the group changed several times. Throughout its existence, only Irina Ortman consistently remained a soloist.

After a while, the girls released a second album called “Cappuccino”. The compositions “Cool”, “Cup of Cappuccino”, “Bitter Chocolate”, “Do you want yes-da-da” became popular then. However, the music group’s work did not find positive reviews among critics. After the release of the second record, the popularity of “Tootsie” began to decline sharply. Now the ex-soloists of the group are raising children, working on solo projects and developing in other directions. From time to time, Irina Ortman, Lesya Yaroslavskaya and Anastasia Krainova still become heroines of gossip columns, but this also happens quite rarely.


Another popular group of the 2000s is “Guests from the Future.” The official birthday of the duet of Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev is considered to be March 8, 1998. Success did not come to the pop group immediately. The first album, “After Hundreds of Years,” which, by the way, they recorded in one night, remained unknown to anyone. But in 1999, the group’s second album, “Run from Me,” was released. It was thanks to him that the group gained popularity. Those who actively followed the musicians’ work, as well as those who only listened to their songs from time to time, still easily remember the motive of the hits “Run from Me” and “Not Love”.

The group's third album, "Guests from the Future", elevated it to the rank of cult groups. The songs “So Bravely,” “It’s Stronger than Me,” and “Break the Souls of Your Window” topped the charts. The duo gained more and more loyal fans.

However, despite resounding success, in 2009 Yuri Usachev left the team. After a while, Eva Polna recorded the song “Boys Don’t Cry” and shot a video for it, thereby declaring herself as a separate creative unit. Then she had other hits: the lyrical and romantic song “Not Parting,” the compositions “I’m Not You Too” and “The Whole World is in the Palm of My Hand.” At the moment, Eva Polna does not lose popularity - she can always be heard on the most popular radio stations and on the largest concert venues countries.


The popular duet of Stas Kostyushkin and Denis Klyaver “Tea for Two” dates back to 1994. At that time, two students decided to form a group and made their debut at the St. Petersburg Youth Palace. And in 1999, the artists gave their first solo concert in St. Petersburg. At the same time, the group released their third album entitled “For You.” The duo’s most famous song is “My Affectionate”; the whole country definitely knows it.

Also very popular among fans were the songs “Desired”, “And you are still waiting”, “He will not stop loving”, “Together with you” and, of course, “Birthday”. Until now, girls from all over the country listen to her on their main holiday.

In 2006, another album was released, which included the equally famous songs “You are not alone,” “New Year’s Kiss” and “Sorry.” True, already in 2012, much to the regret of fans, the duo broke up. During its existence, “Tea for Two” wrote more than 100 songs, shot seven video clips and released as many as nine albums. The director of the group admitted that the breakup occurred primarily due to the different musical preferences of Stas and Denis.

At the moment, Denis Klyaver is successfully engaged in solo work. In 2013, the singer released his first album. One of Denis’s most popular songs is “You’re not like everyone else.” In 2015, Klyaver released the composition “Queen”.

Stas Kostyushkin launched new project“A-Dessa”, in which he himself is a soloist. His songs “Fire” and “Woman, I Don’t Dance” became real hits.


What happens when two red-haired twin brothers decide to make music? Appears new group, which can sink into the souls of millions of people. This is how the Russian pop-rock group “The Brothers Grimm” began to exist in 1998. Boris and Konstantin Burdaev began their singing careers in Samara, and in 2004 they moved to the capital to try their luck along with other aspiring musicians.

In June 2005, the group recorded their most popular song, “Eyelashes.” That same year, the twin brothers released their debut album, The Brothers Grimm. Another hit of the group was the song “Kusturica”.

Later, the brothers decided to work in New Zealand and released the album “Illusion” there, and also managed to gain acting experience. By the way, in Russia, musicians played themselves in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.”

The music of the Brothers Grimm was appreciated by critics, and the army of fans increased day by day. However, a few years later the group announced its breakup. It is known that the initiator was Konstantin.

It would seem that family relationships should have helped the brothers in their joint creativity, but this did not play a role. In the fall of 2014, Boris Burdaev announced that he wanted to return to using the name “Brothers Grim” in his work, but due to disagreements with his brother, he was forced to create a related project, “Boris Grim and the Brothers Grim.” By the way, Konstantin’s group also decided to keep up and released a new album in 2015.


The history of creativity of the Russian female group “Slivki” began with a project called “Discovery”. Karina Koks, together with her friends Dasha Ermolaeva and Irina Vasilyeva, decided to try her hand at music. A little later, fate brought the girls together with producer Evgeny Orlov, and it was on his initiative that the “Cream” project was created.

The girls shot their first video for the song “Sometimes.” At that time, it gained enormous popularity, was played in clubs and took first place in the charts. In 2001, Slivok’s debut album, entitled “First Spring,” was released. In the same year, Tina Charles joined the group, and Irina Vasilyeva left the team.

Among the most popular and beloved singles of the group are the songs “Flying Weeks”, “Where Childhood Goes”, “Above the Clouds”, “I Will Always Love You”. The girls also recorded joint compositions with “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” and Angelika Varum. And the hit “The Best” became business card trio.

In 2011, Karina Koks, who until that moment had been the permanent soloist, left the group. She even signed a contract with the Blackstar label, but a year later she left it too. Also in 2011, the singer presented a solo album, and subsequently Karina abandoned her stage name. At the moment, the ex-soloists of “Slivok” are happy wives and mothers, devoting all their strength to their families.


Russian women's group Strelka became the prototype for the world famous Spice Girls. In 1997, out of 4,000 girls, only seven were selected. It was they who became members of the girl band, which gained crazy popularity. The group's first video for the song "Mommy" was also released in 1997. Soon the country saw the second video, the song from which, “At the Party,” became the band’s calling card. The hit received the “100 Pood Hit” and “Golden Gramophone” awards. By the way, the group’s first album was released in 1998 and was called “Arrows are moving forward.”

For several years, Strelki successfully toured Russia, attracting crowds of thousands. They tried to imitate the soloists of the girl band; they were taken as an example in matters of style and demeanor. In short, it was truly an incredible success.

In total, the group has 11 albums and more than 20 videos. The composition of “Strelok” changed a lot and more than once. Many are inclined to believe that this was the reason for the decline in the group’s popularity.

It is known that after the breakup of the group, some members, for example, Yulia Beretta, tried to start a solo career. The singer released an album and recorded the soundtrack for the series “Cursed Paradise.” Two more members of the group - Maria Korneeva and Svetlana Bobkina - teamed up in a duet called “Bridge”, which broke up immediately after the first single. In 2009, Svetlana and Yulia united into a team called “NeStrelki”. The duet existed for only three years, but the compositions “Vova, come back” and “Officer” became real hits.


Probably, many girls were in love with the guys from the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels group. Their song “And by the River” became a hit for more than one summer. The official date of creation of the group is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the guys performed at the “Dancing City” festival in Cherepovets. The “inveterate” themselves admit that they do not know the exact date of the group’s appearance. “We think least of all about dates, numbers and amounts. We are more interested in notes, harmonies, lyrics,” the guys admit on their official website.

The group recorded their first songs with money from the sale of a DJ console that they had. “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” is not a production project, and they were not collected at castings, which the guys are very proud of.

Among the most popular hits are the catchy and cheerful songs “Girls are different”, “Mani-Mani”, “Pay attention”, “Summer is this”. In 1999, one of the most famous compositions team - “Love me, love.”

In addition, “Dirty Rotten Fraudsters” has a well-known duet with Leonid Agutin. In 2003, a video was shot for their song “Border”. And over time, the guys released a video for the lyrical composition “Heart to Heart” together with the group “A’Studio”. Both songs also gained widespread popularity among fans and were featured on various music charts.

It must be said that “Dirty Rotten Fraudsters” exist to this day, recording songs and giving incendiary concerts.


In the 2000s, the Dynamite group appeared on the Russian pop scene. Ilya Zudin, Leonid Nerushenko and Ilya Durov recorded their first song “Your Body,” which attracted attention to the trio, and therefore the general public quickly learned about their existence. In 2003, Dynamite released the album “I Won’t Forget.” The main hit was the title song. Other well-known compositions include “Where It’s Better”, “What Happened Between Us”, “My Mi”.

In the summer of 2003, “Dynamite” held concerts and even closed “ New Wave» in Jurmala. In the same year, Leonid Nerushenko left the group, and was replaced by new member Ilya Danilchenko, however, he also did not stay long. Thus, the Dynamite trio turned into a duet.

In 2005, fans of the group were shocked by the tragic news of the death of Leonid Nerushenko. Shortly before his death, the musician was creating a solo album, but did not have time to finish it.

Despite the fact that the group has largely ceased to exist, loyal fans continue to follow the lives of their favorite artists. IN social networks it is fashionable to discover communities, dedicated to creativity group "Dynamite", and the country remembers the songs of the musicians well.

By the way, the very first member of the group, Ilya Zudin, is still popular today. He has a number of solo and duet compositions that can be heard on radio stations from time to time.


The group “Night Snipers” has been known to Russian listeners for 20 years. The group was born back in 1993 and existed as an acoustic duo of Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova. In August 1998, the first album of two friends, “A Drop of Tar in a Barrel of Honey,” was released. The songs from the disc were distributed to radio stations, and the group successfully toured. Later, “Night Snipers” tried themselves in a new role and even began working on an electric sound.

The poems of “Night Snipers” were considered very poignant. And the unsurpassed performance of the songs was to the taste of both young people and representatives of the older generation, who recognized the unconditional talent of the two performers, who tried to honestly talk about love in their compositions.

In 2002, Svetlana Surganova decided to leave the group, after which she began a solo career and created the project “Surganova and the Orchestra”. Diana Arbenina continued her work in “Night Snipers”, and then began to release hits only under her own name.

Without a doubt, the work of “Night Snipers” has always been very different from the work of the colleagues of the group’s soloists. Music critics recognized that the group’s lyrics had a special meaning, and when creating them, the authors put their soul into the compositions.

In 2013, Night Snipers celebrated its 20th anniversary. The team even timed a tour to coincide with this date. However, at the moment, the two main figures who made efforts to develop the group - Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova - continue to work, but separately. Irreconcilable differences prevented the two strong personalities join forces in an attempt to improve relations. Both Arbenina and Surganova still speak of each other with great trepidation, but they are still in no hurry to resume communication.


In 1999, the already popular singer Irina Nelson came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a pop dance project. So she became the lead singer of the group “Reflex”. In addition to Irina, Olga Kosheleva and Denis Davidovsky joined the team. The first composition “Distant Light” immediately caught on and topped the Eurohit Top 40 chart.

The group's first album, “Meet the Distant Light,” was released in 2001. "Reflex" released songs that became real hits. These include the singles “Go Crazy”, “First Time”, “I Will Always Wait for You”, “Because You Were Not There”. Around this time, some changes occurred in the group. Denis and Olga left the team, and Grigory Rozov and Alena Torganova took their place. Later, Zhenya Malakhova, who is known to the public for the song “Mama,” also joined the group. And in 2007, Irina Nelson decided to engage in solo work. However, to the delight of fans, in 2012 she returned to the group.

Now Nelson and Toganova, as before, perform together. With the updated lineup, they shot two videos for the songs “I will be your sky” and “If the sky is not for us.” Among the most famous songs“Reflex” includes the compositions “Nonstop”, “Love”, “Dancing”, “The stars were crying”, “It’s hard for me to speak”, “Maybe it seemed”. They are the ones that the whole country knows and sings to this day. At the beginning of October this year, the group released its tenth album - “Grown Up Girls”.

“I recently heard the following phrase: up to 10 years is youth, from 40 to 60 is maturity, from 60 to 108 is wisdom. So we are waiting for wisdom,” Irina Nelson explained the title of the album in an interview with StarHit.

Modern rock music balances on the edge of indie rock and metal; it is quite difficult to name a more or less traditional rock band formed in the 2010s capable of bringing together Wembley. At the 2017 Grammy Awards, the indie band Cage the Elephant won in the rock album category simply because there was no one else to give the award.

In the 2000s, there were no problems with new groups; they were in demand and relevant. Today I propose to get nostalgic and remember the most famous and popular bands of the 2000s. The list is subjective and includes some of my personal favorites that would not have made the list if I had compiled it for Billboard. For those who want everything at once - here is a list of the 100 best rock songs of the 2000s in one compilation on youtube .

20th place

White Stripes

When talking about rock of the 2000s, one cannot do without the White Stripes, who burst into new century with the Seven Nation Army anthem. There was an opinion that only Jack White in the new millennium could make a guitar sound sexy, and I agree with this, despite the fact that I was never particularly interested in this group. My favorite composition in the band’s work was the classic blues in the style of Led Zeppelin - Ball and Biscuit.

19th place

The Killers

There is probably no person who would not have heard the song Human in the late 2000s. The Killers were already recognizable by that time, but this song made them world stars, becoming almost a symbol of the generation. I never liked this song, but listening to it now brings tears to my eyes.

18th place


In the 2000s, Coldplay were not at all what they are now. Then they seriously wanted to stand on a par with Radiohead and released albums in the style alternative rock. Today, Coldplay is a classic pop group, and, I must say, this saved them from oblivion. My favorite song from early Coldplay, like many, was Viva la Vida.

17th place

3 Doors Down

This group hit their stride, but since then they have noticeably lost talent and popularity. Like many in the top 10, I associate this band with a couple of songs. They were Here Without You and When I’m Gone. I had no desire to get acquainted with other creations of the group after Kryptonite.

16th place

Limp Bizkit

One of the cult bands of the 2000s made a lot of noise in the wake of the popularity of rap metal and released several quality records. I would call the peak of their creativity the title track for the second “Mission Impossible” Take a Look Around and a cover of the hit The Who Behind Blue Eyes.

15th place

Papa Roach

One of the most driving bands of the 2000s is strongly associated with Last Resort and Not Listening. However, the group still releases albums and enjoys moderate popularity.

14th place

Thirty Seconds to Mars

It is also difficult to do without this group in the rating, if only because absolutely everyone has heard From Yesterday. I have always been amazed by Jared Leto - he is a musician, an actor, a director, and generally manages to do everything in life - how is that possible? Another famous track by the group is A Beautiful Lie.

13th place


This group was formed by singer Chris Daughtry after the American singing competition American Idol. Their first album is the quintessence of post-grunge. The most stylish sound you can find. Of course, they failed to repeat that success, but this album is interesting as a cross-section of rock music of the 2000s.

12th place

Sum 41

This group played non-committal pop-punk and was at the peak of popularity until they were displaced by Green Day (the latter will be discussed later in this rating). My favorite composition by Sum 41 was “Some Say,” but she had a whole galaxy of hits, some of which are in the general playlist.

11th place

Avril Lavigne

This rock diva was a unique phenomenon of the 2000s. Having released several quality records, she became one of the best-selling artists in the United States, and her hits still bring back memories. Of her work, I especially liked the video for the song Hot.

10th place


The group that everyone called second Linkin Park, actually released one (!) rap-rock song called Bring Me To life. At one time, their first two albums were discoveries. They have simply amazing ballads, including my favorite Good Enough. And Call Me When You Sober is generally the best track of the group.

9th place


Yes, Canadian police can torment criminals with Nickelback songs all they want, but that doesn't change the fact that they were at their best in the 2000s. I've listened to All the Right Reasons about 50 times, and who can argue that back then the band made the best slow songs in the world. My favorite composition of the group was the song Rockstar.

8th place

Deep Purple

Yes, formally the rock band has existed since the 1960s, but in the 2000s they released two simply amazing albums - Bananas and Rapture of the Deep. “Haunted” stood out to me because of the piercing guitar solo, and “Walk on” became my #1 Deep Purple hit.

7th place

Bon Jovi

Another oldies made it into the ranking thanks to the album Have a Nice Day, released in 2005. This album means as much to me as their old work. True 2000s sound. The title song returned the group to the charts, but the group failed to consolidate its success in the future.

6th place

Red Hot Chili Peppers

The group existed since 1983 and was quite successful commercially, but in 2006 they released their dream album, Stadium Arcadium. A double album, on which every second song is a killer track, and every third is a melancholic slow-burner, simply killed on the spot - the music turned out to be so high-quality. Actually, this was the last worthy release from the peppers, their swan song.

5th place


Yes, this is my personal opinion, but this band, which only has three great heavy songs, got into the top 5 because of their album The Other Side. The new metal band has recorded a real gem - an acoustic album. I probably haven't listened to anything as many times as this album.

4th place

Poets of the Fall

I learned about this group from the video game Max Payne 2, and since then I have been following their work all the time. The most interesting were their first three albums, on which I deserved Late Goodbye, Carnival of Rust and Revolution Roulette, but I liked their slow ones the most.

3rd place

Another group from the seventies blew up the charts around the world in the 2000s with the albums All That You Can't Leave Behind and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Both of these albums were simply amazing additions to their already impressive record collection.

2nd place

Linkin Park

My favorite band of the 2000s put out four amazing albums and fizzled out. What is happening to the group now can hardly be called prosperity (despite the curious experiment with One More Light). However, I only have good memories of them. Besides the iconic action songs, my favorite song from the band was Easier to Run.

1st place

Green Day

Even though my favorite band of the 2000s is Linkin Park, only Green Day deserves to be number one because in the beginning this century managed to create two rock operas with aspirations for greatness - American Idiot and 21 Century Breakdown. Truly great albums, in my opinion they are the pinnacle of punk rock and 2000s rock music in general.

Let's remember the popular musical groups 90s and 2000s, to whose songs the whole country danced then, and we will also learn about how further fate their participants.

t.A.T.u. The group was created in 1999 and initially actively exploited the image of same-sex love in both songs and videos, which to some extent became the key to success. In 2003, Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina even participated in Eurovision, taking third place. Six years after this, having gone through impressive international success, the team parted ways.

Volkova began her solo career. Back in 2004, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, and three years later she became the wife of the son of a businessman, Parviz Yasinov, to whom she gave birth to a son, Samir.

Elena Katina has been participating in the international solo project Lena Katina since 2009 and moved to Los Angeles. The performer is married to Slovenian rock musician Sasho Kuzmanovic, to whom she gave birth to a son two years ago.

"Lyceum". The girl trio consisting of Nastya Makarevich, Lena Perova and Izolda Ishkhanishvili made their debut on the TV show “Morning Star” in 1995, and their main hit was the song “Autumn”.

Lena Perova was the first to be fired from the group, and after a while Isolde also left. Only Nastya Makarevich is still constantly present in the group, whose company consists of different girls. Now the Lyceum star is 40 years old, she is married to a lawyer and has two sons.

Isolda Ishkhanishvili left show business, lives in Switzerland, is engaged in business in the field of luxury cosmetics and is the wife of construction magnate Dmitry Desyatnikov, to whom she gave birth to a son five years ago.

Elena Perova tried to return to show business, wrote songs and soundtracks for films, hosted talk shows, participated in various television projects and even starred in TV series, and besides this, she struggled with alcohol and drug addictions, and got into car accidents. Not married, no children.

"Hi-Fi". The official founding date of the group is August 2, 1998, when the producer brought together artists Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko. Producer Pavel Yesenin himself planned to become the soloist of the group, but not wanting to go on tour, he made Fomin his “avatar”, who began to “sing” songs recorded in Yesenin’s voice.

At the beginning of 2003, Oksana Oleshko left the group and show business, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. Her place was taken by the now famous performers Tatyana Tereshina and Katya Li, who also did not stay in the team.

At the beginning of 2009, the popularity of “Hi-Fi” fell and Mitya Fomin, who has since been busy with solo work, left the band for the sake of a solo career. "Hi-Fi" is a duet between Timofey Pronkin and alternating female vocalists.

"Arrows". The pop group was created by the Soyuz studio in 1997; seven were selected from four thousand applicants: Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva, Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina, Maria "Margot" Korneeva, Ekaterina "Radio Operator Kat" Kravtsova, Maria "Mouse" Solovyova, Anastasia "Stasya" Rodina and Lia Bykova.

By the beginning of the 2000s, the composition had changed considerably, which is why the popularity began to wane. Both 2004 and 2009 are recognized as the date of the group’s breakup. In August 2015, “Strelki” announced the reunion of the team in the golden lineup, although today only a trio remains of it.

"Bachelor party." The hip-hop trio was founded in 1991 by producer Alexey Adamov. The glorified details of intimate life to the rhythms of North American rap became the key to the success of the group.

“Bachelor Party” lasted until 1996, after which the musicians closed the project. Andrey "Dolphin" Lysikov began a solo career, which he continues to this day. Married to photographer Lika Gulliver, father of two children.

Pavel "Mutabor" Galkin and Andrey "Dan" Kotov tried to revive the group, recorded several albums, but the time of "Bachelor Party" had already passed. As DJ Mutabor performs in various clubs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, London, New York, Dublin, etc.

"Hands up!". The group appeared in 1993, when radio DJs of the Samara “Europe Plus” Sergei Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin recorded several songs and gave them to friends at the “Maximum” radio station... Soon they played “Student”, “Ay-Yay-Yay”, “My Baby” " and "I'm 18 already" were danced by schoolgirls all over the country.

The team broke up in 2006 and the guys have not disclosed the reasons for this to this day. Alexey Potekhin started producing young performers. Married twice, has a daughter.

Sergei Zhukov continued to perform, first solo, and then again under the name “Hands Up!” The performer is married for the second time and is the father of four children.

"Russian size". The team presented listeners with dozens of dance hits: “Angel of the Day”, “Star of Separation”, “Spring”, “Like this”... Soon the group began to constantly change soloists and producers, and a conflict arose between the founding fathers.

Now Dmitry Kopotilov, the author of the group’s main hits, continues to perform under the “Russian Size” brand. The musician is married and has a son.

The current group of Viktor Bondaryuk was called “Project Size”, and now is called “140 beats per minute”. The musician is married to the actress of the TV series “Kitchen” Irina Temicheva.

"Ivanushki International"The boy band is the favorite of schoolgirls in the 90s. The group still exists, but Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov remain from the original lineup.

In March 1998, Igor Sorin decided to start solo career, and in September of the same year, the musician died, according to investigators, after falling from a sixth-floor balcony.

Igor’s place in the group was taken by Oleg Yakovlev, who left the band in 2013 also for a solo project. Last summer, the performer died of cardiac arrest due to bilateral pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver.

And this is what the 2017 version of Ivanushki International looks like.

"Demo". The group with vocalist Sasha Zvereva "shot" in 1999 with the hit "Sun in Hands."

Zvereva performed under the name of the group until 2011. Now the girl lives in Los Angeles, designs and raises three children.

"Brilliant" were one of the most popular "girl" groups of the 90s. Its first lineup was Olga Orlova, Polina Iodis, Irina Lukyanova and Zhanna Friske, with Orlova singing mainly, while the rest danced and performed backing vocals.

At the end of 1998, Polina Iodis left the group, took up extreme sports, and hosted the “Affordable Extreme” program on the MTV Russia channel. Since 2010, the girl has lived in Bali and surfed.

In March 2003, Irina Lukyanova left the team, devoting herself to her family and her soon-to-be-born daughter, Anya. Perhaps everyone knows about the sad fate of Zhanna Friske.

After leaving the group, Olga Orlova performed with solo projects, acted in films, played in the theater, and other performers have performed and continue to perform under the “Brilliant” brand for a long time.

"Virus!". The group's famous hits were the songs "Hands", "Everything will pass", "I'll ask you", "Happiness" and others. The first composition of the group was Olga Lucky Kozina - vocalist, author of words and music, as well as keyboardists Yuri Stupnik and Andrey Gudas.

In 2011, Olga Lucky presented to the public her new music project"The CATS", but on at the moment and the group "Virus!" actively tours and releases new songs.

"Guests from the future." The duet group of Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev produced the hit “Run from Me” in 1998, which broke all popularity records.

In the spring of 2009, Eva Polna announced the breakup of the group and the start of her solo career. In addition to music, she is interested in fashion and is raising two daughters, Evelina and Amalia.

Back in 2002, Yuri Usachev became the general producer of the recording company Gramophone Records. Now he devotes himself to new projects "Art-house", "My-Ti" and "Zventa Sventana", tours as a DJ, collaborates as a sound producer with stars Russian show business. His wife - famous performer Tina Kuznetsov

Reflex. A dance pop project, which for a long time included only Irina Nelson, who was joined by dancers and backing vocalists Alena Torganova and Denis Davidovsky in early 2000.

Since 2012, Irina has been combining a solo career with working in a group as the main soloist. Married for a second marriage since 1993, she has a son Anton from her first marriage, who has already made the performer a grandmother.

On March 25, 2016, group member Alena Torganova announced her departure from the group, having worked in the team for fifteen years.

"Inveterate swindlers." The performers of the hits “Quit Smoking”, “Everything and Everything”, “Love”, “Love Me, Love” performed together for the first time on December 8, 1996. Now Sergey “Amoralov” Surovenko and Vyacheslav “Tom-Chaos Junior” Zinurov remain in the team from the original composition.

Igor “Garik” Bogomazov worked in the group from 1996 to 2011, and after leaving he hardly communicates with journalists and is not involved in creativity. According to him, his wife insisted on leaving show business, with whom he eventually divorced. According to media reports, now Igor is too passionate about alcohol.

"Tea for two." The duet of composer and singer Denis Klyaver and poet, singer, entrepreneur and actor Stas Kostyushkin existed from 1994 to 2012.

Now Denis Klyaver is engaged in a solo career. He is married to his third marriage, the father of two sons, and in addition, in 2010, he officially recognized the fact of his paternity of Eva Polna’s daughter Evelyn.

Stas Kostyushkin launched a new project "A-Dessa". Also married to his third marriage, father of three sons.

Plasma. The group consisting of Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny was one of the first to perform songs exclusively in English for a Russian-speaking audience.

The band still exists, although they have released only four albums so far. Roman Chernitsyn was married to Irina Dubtsova, who bore him a son, Artem.

Prime Minister. The Russian pop group, formed in 1997, during its golden times included Vyacheslav Bodolika, Peter Jason, Zhan Grigoriev-Milimerov and Dmitry Lansky.

At the end of 2005, due to disagreements with the producer, Jean, Peter, Vyacheslav and Marat began working independently, but since they did not own the rights to the name “Prime Minister”, they were forced to call themselves “PM Group”. And their former producer dialed new line-up groups under the same brand.

At the beginning of 2014, Vyacheslav Bodolika left the PM Group and went to Spain.

For the youth of the 2000s, they were idols. Their songs were listened to and played at discos, and the stars themselves constantly appeared on television, magazines and glossies wrote about them. But then they simply disappeared and the excitement around them died down. What did they do after their stellar career on the stage?

DJ Groove (Evgeniy Rudin)

The heyday began with the track “Happiness Is” with the voices of Raisa and Mikhail Gorbachev electronic music in Russia. In the mid-90s, “DJ Groove” was one of the most popular and sought-after performers.
Today "DJ Grove" runs its own school of DJs and producers in Moscow. He also does charity work - helping orphanages.

Vitas (Vitaly Grachev)

Who doesn't know him? In the early 2000s, Vitas appeared on almost every music channel, but where is he now? Vitaly traveled to China and participated in big concert Chinese pop star Liu Yang in Changchun, and returned only in November. After participating in China, Vitaly performed in Moscow, and soon intends to visit Changchun again.

Mister Creed

Glasses and an Arabian keffiyeh - today such a look would cause even more bewilderment than in the 90s.
Alexander Makhonin is known for the tracks “Wonderful Valley”, “Mama Asia” and others. For the songs “Hooligan”, “Poro-shock”, “X-tasy”, “Amphetamine” he was publicly criticized and accused of promoting drugs and psychotropic substances. Now Alexander Makhonin continues to tour and give concerts. No new hits have appeared yet, and the old ones have begun to be forgotten.

Group “Demo”: Sasha Zvereva

“The sun in your hands...” - this song was heard literally from everywhere: from radios, televisions, stalls and cars. In 2011, Zvereva finally left the group. Today she is a fashion designer and mother of three children. Sasha from the Moscow region is now a resident of Los Angeles.

Yuri Shatunov

In 2006, in the family variety artist a son, Denis, was born (born in 2006). In 2013, Yuri Shatunov also had a daughter, Estella. Currently the whole family lives in Germany.


The Virus group was no less popular than Hands Up. “Well, where are your hands, let’s raise our hands and dance.” Today the same songs are played at retro parties, and the Virus group actively tours with old hits. However, there are new songs, but they are not so in demand

Andrey Gubin

Andrey Gubin is one of the most famous singers 90s Any of his songs became a hit and was heard from all radios in the country. He was not allowed to walk down the street, and after the concert, fans carried him in their arms. In 2004, Andrei Gubin was diagnosed with a nervous system disease, due to which the artist experiences constant facial pain. The cause was constant stress and overwork. Gubin recorded his last song in 2009, after which he stopped appearing in public and communicating with colleagues. The once favorite of girls began to lead a reclusive lifestyle.


“Acid DJ” made Oksana Pochepa one of the most popular singers in Russia. Today, many have already forgotten her work, but “Shark” continues to sing and act in films. In addition, in 2014, she ran for the council of deputies of the Krasnopakhorskoye settlement in Moscow from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. As for her personal life, Oksana Pochepa was spotted on the beach with famous actor Mel Gibson. A scandal broke out; at that time Mel Gibson was married.


“Linda” appeared on the Russian stage when she was 17 years old - then her first album “Songs of Tibetan Lamas” was created, two years later the songs of the second album - “North Wind”, “Never” and “Crow” became hits for a long time topped the charts. Today she has eight studio albums to her credit. During this time, she managed to disappear from the sight of fans, go to Greece, marry the Greek singer and composer Stefanos Korkolis, then break up with him and return to Russia.


“Mom, I fell in love with a bandit”, “Big Brother” - these songs were played at every disco. The group toured actively for five years, and then vocalist Oksana Kovalevskaya left. The history of the group did not end there, and it continues to exist, but without much success. At Youth Day 2015, the highlight of the evening program was the performance of the group “Kraski”. The group’s hits “He Knows Nothing,” “Today I Came Home to Mom,” “Orange Sun,” “Big Brother” and others thundered on Russian dance floors and on radio airwaves in the early 2000s. The band continues to play and tour.

Lika Star

In the mid-90s, Lika was a cult party star: one of the first Russian girls to appear on the cover of Russian Playboy. Having married Italian businessman Angelo Ceci in the early 2000s, she settled with him and his son from her first marriage, Artem, on the island of Sardinia. In 2004, the performer gave birth to a daughter, Allegrina, and in 2011, a son, Mark. Lika Star does not regret leaving Russia at all. On the contrary, she found harmony, happiness and love. Sometimes he gives concerts in his new homeland.

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