Lope de Vega personal life. Lope de Vega - Great love stories. See what “Vega, Lope de” is in other dictionaries

Felix Arturo Lope de Vega y Fernández

Lope de Vega(Spanish) Lope de Vega ; full name - Felix Lope de Vega and Carpio, Spanish Felix Lope de Vega y Carpio ; November 25 (1562-11-25 ) , Madrid - 27 August, Madrid) - Spanish playwright, poet and prose writer, an outstanding representative of the Golden Age of Spain. Author of about 2,000 plays, of which 426 have survived to this day, and about 3,000 sonnets.

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    ✪ 2000797 01 Audiobook. Lope de Vega "Dance Teacher"

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    ✪ 2000370 Part 3 Lope de Vega. "Dog in the manger"



Born into the family of an artisan goldsmith. WITH early years discovered creativity(at the age of 10 he translated in verse “ The Abduction of Proserpina"Claudiana). He studied at the university in Alcalá. His romances immediately became famous: in them, as in other genres, Lope saw the embodiment of his aesthetic ideal, according to which Nature should always stand above Art.

However, he failed to finish university. For satire on the family of his lover who rejected him, he was sentenced to 10 years of exile from Madrid. Despite this, Lope returns to the capital to kidnap new lady hearts and secretly marry her. This story is reflected in the pinnacle creation of Lope de Vega - dialogical novel“Dorothea” (1634).

In 1588, he took part in the campaign of the “Invincible Armada”, after the defeat of which he settled in Valencia, where he created a number of dramatic works to support his family.

He was secretary to the Duke of Alba (1590), the Marquis of Malvpic (1596) and the Duke of Lemos (1598). Its heyday dates back to this period dramatic creativity. Lope de Vega takes an active part in organizing lavish theatrical celebrations. The courtly lifestyle, hints of love affairs and feelings of Lope himself and people known to him, the writer’s experiences associated with the death of his first wife Isabel de Urbina (1594), formed the basis of the plot of his pastoral novel “Arcadia” (1598).

In 1598, he married the daughter of a wealthy merchant, Juana de Guardo. But the main place in Lope's life during the years 1599-1608 was occupied by the actress Micaela de Lujan (in Lope's poetry and prose - Camila Lucinda). During a period of serious spiritual crisis, Lope severed this connection.

In 1609, he became a voluntary servant of the Inquisition and received the title familiar del Santo oficio de la Inquisición. State of mind The writer's life was aggravated by the successive deaths of his beloved son Carlos Felix (1612), his wife (1613), and then Michaela. Evidence of the spiritual drama experienced is the collection “Sacred Poems”, published in 1614.

In 1616 Lope met his last love- twenty-year-old Marta de Nevares, whom he sang in verse and prose under different names(Amarilis, Marcia Leonarda) and to whom he dedicated one of his best comedies - “The Valencian Widow” (1604, revised in 1616-1618?), as well as short stories: “The Adventures of Diana” (1621), “Martyr of Honor”, ​​“The Prudent revenge", "Guzman the Brave". The last years of Lope's life were a whole series of personal disasters: in 1632 Marta died, two years before her death she became blind and lost her mind, in the same year Lope's son died on a sea voyage, and his daughter was kidnapped by her lover. But creative activity Lope did not stop for a single day.


Lope de Vega created more than 2000 plays, 426 have survived to this day. Daring in life, Lope raised his hand to the traditions of Spanish drama - he abandoned the then accepted principle of the unity of place, time and action, retaining only the latter, and boldly combined elements in his plays comic and tragic, creating a classic type of Spanish drama.

Lope de Vega’s plays touch on various topics: socio-political dramas from domestic and foreign history (for example, the play about False Dmitry “The Grand Duke of Moscow”), historical chronicles(“Valiant Cordovan Pedro Carbonero”), love stories(“Dog in the manger”, “Girl with a jug”, “Dancing teacher”).

There is a large historical layer in Lope's dramas. Among them are “The Last Gothic King”, “Count Fernand Gonzalez”, “The Battlements of Thoreau”, “The Youth of Bernard del Carpio”, “The Illegitimate Son of Mudarr”, etc. - plays based on folk romances and “The Song of My Side” " Interpretation historical events Lope's is close to or coincides with that which has been given for centuries to romanceros. The Lope de Vega Theater played out plots familiar to any resident of the Pyrenees at a higher level.

The plays of Felix Lope de Vega are structured in such a way that chance, intervening in the flow of phenomena, overturns the calm course of action, bringing the tension of dramatic experiences to the level of tragedy, in order to then introduce this agitated sea of ​​passions and self-will into the mainstream of legality and strict Catholic morality. The love affair, the development and resolution of which forms the core of his dramatic plot, precisely because it is able to reveal the full power of human instincts and self-will, serves Lope de Vega, on the one hand, to show the fullness and diversity of human behavior in the family and society, on the other hand, it makes it possible to clearly demonstrate the significance of the political and religious ideas that dominated in modern writer society.

Lope de Vega in his numerous comedies (the “cloak and sword” comedy “The Dancing Teacher”, “Dog in the Manger”, etc.) reveals the talent of a comic writer. His comedies, which " and now you can’t read or see without laughing"(Lunacharsky), are full of bright, often somewhat poster-like gaiety. A special role in them is given to servants, whose history forms a parallel intrigue of the plays. Witty, crafty, spouting apt proverbs and sayings, servants mostly are the focus of the comic element of the work, in which Lope de Vega anticipates

Vega Lope de - Great Love Stories

Lope Felix de Vega Carpio

Spanish poet and playwright, one of the founders of modern Spanish drama. A major representative of the Renaissance. His pen belongs epic works, pastorals, odes, sonnets, novels and, presumably, more than 2000 plays, of which 426 have survived to this day, mostly tragicomedies. His Fuente Ovejuna (1618) has been called the first folk drama. Among the most famous works also include: the historical drama “The Grand Duke of Moscow” (1606), the drama “The Alcalde of Salamey” (before 1610), the comedy about love “The Dancing Teacher” (1594), “The Dog in the Manger” (1615). In 1588 and 1613 he was awarded several holy orders.

Romantic life of Lope
In 1583, the aspiring playwright entered into a love affair with a married lady, actress Elena Osorio. The affair, which lasted four years, ended in a breakup and Lope’s expulsion from Castile as punishment for writing accusatory poems about his unfaithful lover and her relatives. This story was reflected in the pinnacle work of Lope the prose writer - the dialogical novel “Dorothea” (1634), completing the genre tradition established by “Celestina” by F. de Rojas.

Having left Castile, Lope finds himself in Valencia, where during the 1570-1580s. A rich theatrical culture has developed. Radically rethinking the experience of the Valencian Mannerist tragedians, combining it with the traditions of the Spanish square theater and Italian comedy del arte, Lope created a new dramatic system, the basic principles of which he outlined in the poetic treatise “The New Art of Composing Comedies in Our Days” (1609).

In the early 1590s. Lope settles in a small town near Toledo, where he serves as secretary to the Duke of Alba and takes part in organizing magnificent theatrical celebrations. The courtly masquerade lifestyle, encrypted hints about the love affairs and feelings of Lope himself and people known to him, the writer’s experiences associated with the death of his first wife Isabel de Urbina in 1594 formed the basis of the plot of his pastoral novel “Arcadia” (1598).

In 1595, Lope received permission to return to Madrid, where he served as secretary to a number of noble persons, including the Duke de Sessa, whose assistant and confidant he was from 1605 until his death. In 1598 he married the daughter of a wealthy meat merchant, Juana de Guardo. But the main place in the playwright’s life for almost a decade (1599-1608) was occupied by the actress Micaela de Lujan (in poetry and prose he called her Camila Lucinda). Lope found the strength to break off this connection during a period of serious spiritual crisis (in 1609 he became a confidant of the Inquisition, and in 1614 - a priest). The writer's state of mind was aggravated by the successive deaths of his beloved son Carlos Felix (1612), his wife (1613), and then Michaela. Evidence of the spiritual drama Lope experienced is the collection “Sacred Poems,” which was published in 1614.

In 1616, Lope met his last love - twenty-year-old Martha de Nevares, whom he sang in poetry and prose under different names (Amarilis, Marcia Leonarda) and to whom he dedicated one of his best comedies - “The Valencian Widow” (1604, revised in 1616- 1618?), as well as short stories: “The Adventures of Diana” (1621), “Martyr of Honor”, ​​“Prudent Revenge”, “Guzman the Brave”. The last years of Lope's life were a series of personal disasters: in 1632 Martha died, two years before her death she became blind and lost her mind, in the same year Lope's son died on a sea voyage, and his daughter was kidnapped by a seducer. But Lope’s creative activity did not stop for a single day.


He who has not knocked on the heart is knocking on the door in vain.

Love, money and worries cannot be hidden

Love cannot offend
Whoever it is who dreams of happiness;
We are insulted by indifference

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles

Women owe half of their beauty to dressmakers.

Damned love is to blame for everything
Whoever succumbs to it will lose at once
Your freedom, courage and reason

Love, money and worries cannot be hidden.

Progress is the best, not just the new.

I am a woman; The devil can't match this breed!

Love leaves when two hearts are separated by the sea.

At all times, the earth has been a natural mother to man, and water has been an evil stepmother.

Believe me, the sign of a sage is generous oblivion.

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.

Nothing strengthens love like insurmountable obstacles.

The extreme opposite of love is not separation, not jealousy, not oblivion, not self-interest, but quarrel.

When we love, we lose sight.

There is no beginning stronger than love in nature.

Respecting women is a duty to which everyone honest man must obey from birth.

When a lover is angry with his beloved, this only leads to the fact that love becomes even more ardent and tender.

Birth does not add merit to a person and does not take it away from him, for it does not depend on his will, but he is completely responsible for his actions, both good and bad.

No matter how much a person is in love, he loves himself even more.

Irritation knows no halftones.

Someone else's secret is more painful than all misfortunes!

On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person’s abilities are revealed more clearly.

There are people who cannot love without being insulted, and what others find disgusting only inflames their passion.

When a soul strives for another soul,
She is blinded and not afraid.

In a woman - as experience teaches us -
Health and beauty are inseparable.

Who didn't knock on the heart,
He knocks on the door in vain!

Who knows how to deceive?
He will deceive many times again.

A servant is not tolerated if he
Who is more skillful than Mr.

Serve generous people
More pleasant than any awards.

The beauty in a woman, of course,
To be new and change forever.

Irreparable insults
Time brings healing.

No for loving hearts
Punishment is more appropriate than a crown.

He who is wise will not test
No women, my friend, no glass.

Who lays it softly for the knees,
He doesn't mind cutting off his head.

Who is not worthy of height,
It is his destiny to wake up fallen.

All valor consists in skill
Become higher than blind passion.

Don’t wander into someone else’s house lasciviously,
Kohl must protect his from evil.

The eyes of the jealous, I repeat it,
More dangerous than any other misfortune.

It has long been known - between unequals
Love doesn't get along.

After all, the one who is no longer useful
Forgotten and not kind to the heart.

In love there is always agreement and harmony,
But cross out the letter and all hell breaks loose!

He who is dexterous distinguishes clearly,
What is trivial and what is dangerous.

Beauty is always arrogant.
Yes. But cruelty is not beautiful.

Believe me: love goes away
The way jealousy enters.

Gold-lined cloak
Everything covers up flaws.

The God of love is implacable:
He takes revenge and destroys for insults.

The more difficulties in the struggle,
That will make the victory even more beautiful.

The lies are whispering, the lies are whispering,
But the truth speaks loudly.

I know for sure that love will pass,
When two hearts are separated by the sea.

Unsuitable in matters of honor
Astrology language.

To a woman in love
It’s no wonder to be crafty!

Love is the truest kinship,
And there is nothing closer to him in the world.

Cheating on a friend is a crime
No excuse, no forgiveness.

Being gullible is stupid and dangerous,
And gullibility is the path of suffering,
But - to see without reasonable grounds
The deception all around is no less terrible.

But a wife with an old husband -
Like ivy hanging on its branches:
When the spreading maple
It will envelop both the trunk and the crown,
He is young and fresh, but the maple has withered.

To slander, and sharply at the same time,
Very nice, my dear.
After all, the poet said:
Slander warms us in winter
And refreshing in the hot summer.

Know about friends and ideas,
About women and paintings
One should not judge hastily.
Friends can cheat on us;
Ideas need to be weighed

Who showed so much brilliance
In the art of lying and being a hypocrite,
You are allowed not to believe it,
At least he would tell the truth.

Any book is a smart friend:
When she gets a little tired, she falls silent;
She silently teaches
Leisure with her is edifying.

You have to look at the pictures...
And women often show
A beautiful appearance without a soul.

Nature is difficult to change
But life is changeable like the sea.
Today is joy, tomorrow is sorrow,
And every now and then the thread breaks.

Damned love is to blame for everything.
Whoever succumbs to it will lose at once
Freedom, courage and reason.

How many discoveries death brings,
And changes and transformations
In any power or house.

After all, the slave is not the one who groans under the whip,
Not the hermit who by the will of heaven
Lives in deaf solitude,
And he who asks for a crust of bread is not poor.
But he is a slave, and poor, and alone,
Who has chosen vice as their companion in life?

Courtesy will be everywhere
Location and trust
And stupid arrogance -
The key to hostility and enmity.

The one who loves but is separated
Jealousy cannot be suppressed
He doesn't know love, because
There is no love where there is no humility.

To those who entered into battle with fate,
Not about empty pride,
But we need to worry about debt.

Dancing with its charm,
In flight, in a joyful rush
They make beautiful women more beautiful
They make ugly girls look nicer.

Once you do something stupid, it doesn't matter.
The trouble is wanting to fix it.
And leave the stupidity first
We are always safer.

Found freedom, kingdom, happiness
The one who chose a halo during life
High honor and immortal glory.

Windy beauties, my friend,
We love passionately, but not forever.
We love long and heartily
Only virtuous friends.

No! He never dies
Whose life was bright and blameless,
Whose unforgettable memory lives on,
Firmly rooted in people's hearts.

The sight of lovers delights,
And only he tastes love
The whole aroma of it, whoever can see.

After all, a woman in the opinion of the world
It's easy to fall when all day
She is not too lazy to look in the mirror.

There are no more poisonous vessels
For the feeling of a mortal man,
What are these women's eyes?

But better than any deception -
In a conversation with a smart person
Tell him the simple truth.

The impulse is born from the soul,
Realization - with a bold breast,
Courage is inner strength,
Pride is a secret thought,
Determination is a fiery desire,
Animation - hope,
Steadfastness - by the power of the spirit,
Intransigence - irritation,
Sociability is prudence,
Fearlessness - arrogance,
Generosity is nobility,
Falling in love is the charm of an object,
Benevolence is cordiality,
Despair - self-forgetfulness,
Everything friendly is love,
And the formidable - with a jealous heart.

Lope de Vega (full name - Lope Vega Carpio Felix de) - Spanish playwright, poet, prose writer who worked in the “golden age” spanish literature. On November 25, 1562, he was born in Madrid, into a family whose head was a goldsmith tailor. The fact that the boy was extremely gifted was noticeable from his early childhood. As a ten-year-old boy, he presented to the public a poetic translation of “The Rape of Proserpina”; The first play was written at the age of 12.

Lope de Vega received his education at the Imperial Jesuit College, where he entered in 1574. The student’s talents made a strong impression on Bishop de Avila, who contributed to his admission to the theological academy in 1577, but his studies did not last long: due to a love affair with a married woman as a woman he was forced to leave there. Moreover, in 1588 he was sent to prison, where he awaited a court verdict. He was accused of insulting a nobleman, whom he caustically ridiculed in several poetic pamphlets. He was sentenced to 10 years of exile from Madrid, but, defying the order, Lope de Vega returned to the city to take his new young lover away from home and then secretly marry her. In 1588, the future playwright was among the participants in the military campaign of the “Invincible Armada,” and after its defeat he chose Valencia as his place of residence.

Here he, having established contact with the local theater, begins to write plays, because he needed to support his family. From 1589 to his dramatic works performances are staged that quickly make their author a famous playwright.

After returning to hometown in 1595, Lope de Vega again became a participant in the trial: cohabitation with a widow gives grounds to accuse him of violating public morals. The playwright more than once served as secretary to influential persons, among whom were the Duke of Alba, the Marquis of Malvpik, and the Duke of Lemos. In 1605 he entered the service of the Duke de Sesse, and this man played important role in his further biography, until the playwright’s death, acting as his patron and good friend.

The same period was very rich from a creative point of view; it became a real flowering of Lope de Vega’s dramaturgy. In total, he wrote about 2,000 plays, some of them were composed within one day. Only about 500 were published: Lope de Vega did not care too much about perpetuating or even simply preserving his works.

In 1609 he received the title of voluntary servant of the Inquisition, and in 1614 Lope de Vega was ordained a priest. It is believed that this serious step was taken under the influence of a mental crisis: his son died in 1612, and his second wife died the following year; The life of two daughters also caused strong experiences. However, the Duke of Sessa, who did not want to part with his excellent secretary, returned him to the world of earthly joys with the help of cunning intrigue.

No matter what adversity Lope de Vega experienced, he continued to create. The playwright composed plays both denouncing despot monarchs and depicting the first persons of the state who ruled, caring for their people. For the tragedy in verse “The Tragic Crown” (1627), glorifying Mary Stuart, Lope de Vega was awarded the degree of Doctor of Theology. Most of his plays were comedies about love, such as the famous "Dog in the Manger" (1614-1615) or "Her Lover's Slave" (circa 1625). In his literary heritage included short stories, lyric poems, more than 20 poems, as well as several novels and the poetic treatise “The New Art of Composing Comedies in Our Time” (1609), which outlined the fundamental principles of the national Renaissance drama. The work of Lope de Vega significantly influenced the development of drama not only in Spain, but throughout Western Europe.

Tough trials awaited Lope de Vega in recent years life: his last lover lost her mind, his son drowned, his daughter was kidnapped and raped. It is known that shortly before his death, the playwright led an extremely ascetic lifestyle, starved himself, and repented of the sins he had committed during his life. He died on August 27, 1635, and the whole country mourned his death.

Vega Carpio Lope Felix de (1562-1635)

Spanish playwright, founder of Spanish national drama. Born on October 25, 1562 in Madrid, in the family of a goldsmith tailor. Lope de Vega managed to get an excellent education at a Jesuit college and then at a university. His literary talent manifested itself extremely early - he wrote his first play, “The True Lover,” at the age of 13. From that time on, he made his living mainly literary work, creating a huge number of plays, diverse in both genres and themes.

According to his own testimony, the number of plays exceeds 800, but some researchers put the figure at 1800 plays, others at 2000. Only 470 have reached us. In addition, being a man of versatile talents, he worked in other literary genres: wrote poems, romances, short stories.

Such incredible literary fertility is all the more astonishing because he lived a very stormy life, full of love stories and adventures, not at all embarrassed by accepting the priesthood and even belonging to the Inquisition. This was typical of many writers of the era High Renaissance, who, despite their adventurous lifestyle, often took monastic orders and began to live at the expense of the church.

Thus, Lope de Vega became a priest in 1614, and from 1624 he headed the brotherhood of ministers of the Inquisition. It was during this period that the famous comedies “Dog in the Manger” and “Stupid for Others and Smart for Yourself” were written.

Most of his plays are built on a single plot scheme - the reunion of lovers overcoming a variety of obstacles (the principle of commedia dell'arte: endless variations of a single plot).

There are two main lines in his work, in both of them one can clearly feel the love of life, love for the fatherland, the desire for harmony, a heightened sense of dignity, courage, intelligence and ingenuity in achieving the goal. The first is the so-called “peasant” folk drama, highest achievement which became the play “Fuente Ovejuna”. In the plays of Lope de Vega, liberation motives, motives of personal dignity and honor sound so powerfully. At the same time, the broad popular background of his plays does not in any way contradict the ideas of a fair monarchy (“Star of Seville”, “Punishment is not vengeance”, “Perivanes and the Commander”, etc.).

The second line is the so-called “comedy of the cloak and sword,” plays written in a brilliant poetic form, with bright, lively characters and intricate intrigue (“The Dancing Teacher”, “Dog in the Manger”, “The Valencian Widow”, “Girl with a Jug”, etc.) dominates here ideal world harmony, to which the heroes inevitably come as a result of the resolution of all conflicts.

Shortly before his death, Lope de Vega repented of his sins, imaginary and real, and fell into asceticism. Having actually starved himself to death, the great Spanish playwright died on August 27, 1635 in Madrid.