Speech therapy session in a preparatory group. “An evening of riddles based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak.” Speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group Marshak riddles, what kind of important person is this?

The author's riddles of the Russian children's poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak are collected in one article. The series is called "What is in front of us "

Riddles of Marshak S.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
Talkative starling.

News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions!


She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, I ate
Oak, oak,
Tooth. tooth.

We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

They beat him with a hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!

Early in the morning outside the window -
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking around.

They reach the outskirts,
And then they run back.
The owner sits in front
And he rings the alarm with his foot.

Turns deftly
The handle is in front of the window.
Where the sign "Stop" is
Stops the house.

Every now and then to the site
People come in from the street.
And the hostess is in order
He gives everyone tickets.


Who, curling up couples as they run,
Blowing smoke
Carries forward
And myself
And me too?

Ask me
How I work.
Around the axis
I'm spinning on my own.

Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.

And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.

But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in furs.

She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.

Holding the cane with your hand,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You will eat me and the bone
Plant in your garden.

Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.

But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely.


We walk at night
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave.

We hit well
Every hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us!

In the Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle in sight!

Musician, singer, storyteller,
All it takes is a circle and a box.


In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

I'm the most active worker
In the workshop.
I'm beating as hard as I can
Day after day.

How I envy a couch potato,
What is lying around without any use,
I'll pin him to the board
I'll hit you on the head!

The poor thing will hide in the board -
His cap is barely visible.

(Hammer and nail)

I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.


He is your portrait
Similar to you in everything.
Are you laughing -
He will laugh too.
You are jumping -
He jumps towards you.
You will cry -
He cries with you.

(Reflection in the mirror)

Even though he didn't leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only reflections.

We look alike.
If you make faces at me,
I grimace too.

(Reflection in the mirror)

I'm your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the darkness
On a lonely ship, -
Light a lantern in the darkness of the night
And consult me:
I'll sway, I'll tremble -
And I will show you the way to the north.

Standing in the garden among the pond
A column of silver water.

In the hut -
At the hut -

I lit a torch
Placed it on the threshold
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe.

The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer.

I am your horse and carriage.
My eyes are two fires.
A heart warmed by gasoline,
It's pounding in my chest.

I wait patiently and silently
On the street, at the gate,
And again my voice is wolf
Scares people on the way.


Here is the green mountain
There is a deep hole in it.
What a miracle!
What a miracle!
Someone ran out of there
On wheels and with a pipe,
The tail drags behind itself.


From prison one hundred sisters
Released into the open
They take them carefully
Rubbing your head against the wall,
They strike deftly once and twice -
Your head will light up.

My dear friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea.

He's a tall and strong guy,
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although he is not very tall,
And it puffs like a steam engine.


wooden road,
It goes up steeply:
Every step -
It's a ravine.

(Step ladder)

How did the four brothers go?
Tumble under the trough,
Carry me with you
Along the road is a public road.

(Four wheels)

Behind the glass door
Someone's heart is beating -
So quiet
So quiet.

Along the paths, along the paths
He's running.
And if you give him a boot -
He's flying.

They throw it up and to the side
In the meadow.
They butt his head
On the run.

We caught our river
They brought her home
The stove was hot
And we swim in winter.


Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary.


There is a boy in my house
Three and a half years old.
He lights without fire
There is light throughout the apartment.

He will click once -
It's light here.
He will click once -
And the light went out.

(Light bulb)

I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
He will fall without me.


She lets me into the house
And he lets him out.
At night under lock and key
She keeps my sleep.

She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask to go for a walk.
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again.

More than one generation of children will grow up reading the works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. Immense power imagination, light style, humor, liveliness of language, accessibility - these are the qualities that are inherent in the work of our beloved poet.

The quiz “Marshak's Poems” consists of 15 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What poems by Marshak do you know where the characters are fruits and vegetables?
Answer:“Cipollino’s Song”, “Turnip and Father”, “Soft-boiled Pineapples”

« I am the cheerful Cipollino.
I grew up in Italy -
Where the oranges ripen
And lemons and olives,
Figs and so on».

"Turnip and Father"
(English epigrams)

The one who shouts in the market: “Turnip! Turnip!"…

From the poem “Soft-boiled Pineapples”
He didn’t eat pineapples, but he saw them in pictures...
This rare fruit is unknown in Russia.
A futurist is in pineapples, like another is in oranges,
It’s difficult to understand, people assure

2. What things did the lady check in as luggage in the poem “Luggage”?
Travel bag,
And a little dog."

3. What proverb is mentioned by Marshak in the work “Fable” (“It often happens that a blind person...”)?
Answer: There is a saying: “Sighted, but not sharp-sighted!”

4. Seniors are important people. Which gentleman did Marshak write about?
Answer: about Signor Tomato
« I am sir
I am handsome and magnificent.
And I have been serving for a long time
Landowners have Cherry».

5. Which animal did the fox decide to move across the slippery ice, but he refused her services?
Answer: hedgehog, in the poem “The Hedgehog and the Fox”

"Hedgehog and Fox"
Hedgehog running
Along the paths
Yes, it glides on the ice.

The fox says to him:
- Let me translate.

The gray hedgehog answers:
— I have two pairs of legs.
I'll go over myself!

6. What poems by Marshak about the sparrow do you know?
Answer:“Sparrows on wires...”, “Where did you have lunch, sparrow?”, “About the sparrow”

"Sparrows on wires..."
Sparrows on wires
They jump and laugh.
That's right, lines from telegrams
Their feet are tickled.

“Where did you have lunch, sparrow?”
-Where did you have lunch, sparrow?
- In the zoo with the animals.

I had lunch first
Behind bars at the lion...

"About the Sparrow"
A mischievous sparrow sat on a branch.
Tweet-tweet: chirp and chirp!

7. From which station did the train depart in “A Fun Journey from A to Z”?
Answer: from Moscow station

8. Every grandmother has those whom she loves most. What were the old lady’s favorites in Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak’s poem “Grandma’s Favorites”?
Answer: pied heifer, goat

9. On what street did the man live who “put his hands into his sleeves - it turned out they were trousers”?
Answer: on Basseynaya street

10. What did the hippopotamus ask for in the poem “Merry ABC about everything in the world”?
Answer: Rolls.

“The hippopotamus opened its mouth: the hippopotamus is asking for rolls.”

11. What was the name of the fox in Marshak’s poem “The Wolf and the Fox”?
Answer: Lisaveta

“Lisaveta, hello!
“How are you, toothy?”

12. Guess the riddles that Samuel Marshak composed:

Riddle 1

"In an open field on the go
I found myself food -
Not meat, not fish,
Not bread or lard.
But soon the food ran away from me.
Answer:(Egg - chicken)

Riddle 2

Elizabeth, Lizzie, Betsy and Bass
In spring with a basket
We went to the forest.
In a nest on a birch tree,
Where there were no birds
They found five pinkish eggs.
All four of them
Got it in the testicles
And yet four
Left in place.

Answer: At least different
Names are named here
(Elizabeth, Lizzie, Betsy and Bass),
But that's what it was called
The girl is alone.
She went
With a basket into the forest.

13. What do you think is the only thing you can’t use a horseshoe without?
Answer: without nail

"Nail and Horseshoe"
There was no nail -

14. What poems by Marshak starting with the letter A about calendar months do you know?

We collect in August
Fruit harvest.
Lots of joy for people
After all the work.

April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.

15. What did the pig answer when the lady offered to build a silver stable for her?

Marshak's riddles for children

Samuil Marshak's riddle poems delight all children. The clever riddles of this author can baffle not only children, but also adults. Therefore, do not stop training your memory, thinking and attention - solve riddles!

Marshak's riddles

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

Answer? Rain

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose?

Answer? Glasses

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.
The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
Talkative starling.
News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions!

Answer? Mailbox

She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, I ate
Oak, oak,
Tooth, tooth.

Answer? Saw

We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

Answer? Boots

They beat him with a hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!

Answer? Ball

Early in the morning outside the window -
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking around.
They reach the outskirts,
And then they run back.
The owner sits in front
And he rings the alarm with his foot.
Turns deftly
The handle is in front of the window.
Where the sign "Stop" is
Stops the house.
Every now and then to the site
People come in from the street.
And the hostess is in order
He gives everyone tickets.

Answer? Tram

Who, curling up couples as they run,
Blowing smoke
Carries forward
And myself
And me too?

Answer? Train

Ask me
How I work.
Around the axis
I'm spinning on my own.

Answer? Wheel

Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off.
But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in furs.

Answer? Tree

She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
Holding the cane with your hand,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You will eat me and the bone
Plant in your garden.

Answer? Cherry

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely.

Answer? Calendar

We walk at night
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave.
We hit well
Every hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us!

Answer? Watch

In the Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle in sight!

Answer? Iron

Musician, singer, storyteller,
All it takes is a circle and a box.

Answer? Gramophone

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

Answer? Feather

I'm the most active worker
In the workshop.
I'm beating as hard as I can
Day after day.
How I envy a couch potato,
What is lying around without any use,
I'll pin him to the board
I'll hit you on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board -
His cap is barely visible.

Answer? Hammer and nail

I just keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall.

Answer? Bike

He is your portrait
Similar to you in everything.
Are you laughing -
He will laugh too.
You are jumping -
He jumps towards you.
You will cry -
He cries with you.

Answer? Reflection in the mirror

Even though he didn't leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only reflections.

Answer? You yourself

We look alike.
If you make faces at me,
I grimace too.

Answer? Reflection in the mirror

I'm your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the darkness
On a lonely ship, -
Light a lantern in the darkness of the night
And consult me:
I'll sway, I'll tremble -
And I will show you the way to the north.

Answer? Compass

Standing in the garden among the pond
A column of silver water.

Answer? Fountain

In the hut -
At the hut -
I lit a torch
Placed it on the threshold
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe.
The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer.

Answer? Bake

I am your horse and carriage.
My eyes are two fires.
A heart warmed by gasoline,
It's pounding in my chest.
I wait patiently and silently
On the street, at the gate,
And again my voice is wolf
Scares people on the way.

Answer? Automobile

Here is the green mountain
There is a deep hole in it.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
Someone ran out of there
On wheels and with a pipe,
The tail drags behind itself.

Answer? Locomotive

From prison one hundred sisters
Released into the open
They take them carefully
Rubbing your head against the wall,
They strike deftly once and twice -
Your head will light up.

Answer? Matches

My dear friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea.
He's a tall and strong guy,
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although he is not very tall,
And it puffs like a steam engine.

Answer? Samovar

wooden road,
It goes up steeply:
Every step -
It's a ravine.

Answer? Step ladder

How did the four brothers go?
Tumble under the trough,
Carry me with you
Along the road is a public road.

Answer? Four wheels

Behind the glass door
Someone's heart is beating -
So quiet
So quiet.

Answer? Watch

Along the paths, along the paths
He's running.
And if you give him a boot -
He's flying.
They throw it up and to the side
In the meadow.
They butt his head
On the run.

Answer? Ball

We caught our river
They brought her home
The stove was hot
And we swim in winter.

Answer? Plumbing

Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary.

Answer? Unit

There is a boy in my house
Three and a half years old.
He lights without fire
There is light throughout the apartment.
He will click once -
It's light here.
He will click once -
And the light went out.

Answer? Light bulb

I rule a horned horse.
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
He will fall without me.

Answer? Bike

She lets me into the house
And he lets him out.
At night under lock and key
She keeps my sleep.
She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask to go for a walk.
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again.

Answer? Door

*** He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes. (Rain) *** What is in front of us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose? (Glasses) *** Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it. The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
Talkative starling. News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions! (Mailbox) *** She got down to business,
She squealed and sang.
I ate, I ate
Oak, oak,
Tooth. tooth. (Saw) *** We always walk together,
Similar as brothers.
We are at lunch - under the table,
And at night - under the bed. (Boots) *** They beat him with their hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated! (Ball) *** Early in the morning outside the window -
Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.
Along straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking around. They reach the outskirts,
And then they run back.
The owner sits in front
And he rings the alarm with his foot. Turns deftly
The handle is in front of the window.
Where the sign "Stop" is
Stops the house. Every now and then to the site
People come in from the street.
And the hostess is in order
He gives everyone tickets. (Tram)
*** Who, as he runs, curls up a couple,
Blowing smoke
Carries forward
And myself
And me too? (Train)
*** Ask me
How I work.
Around the axis
I'm spinning on my own. (Wheel) *** Its spring and summer
We saw him dressed. And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off. But winter snowstorms
They dressed him in furs. (Tree)
*** She was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe. Holding the cane with your hand,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You will eat me and the bone
Plant in your garden. (Cherry) *** On New Year’s Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man. But every day he lost weight
And finally he disappeared completely. (Calendar)
*** We walk at night,
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave. We hit well
Every hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us! (Watch)
*** In Linen Country
Along the Prostynya River
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle in sight! (Iron)
*** Musician, singer, storyteller,
All it takes is a circle and a box. (Gramophone)
*** In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is rushing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark. (Feather) *** I am the most lively worker
In the workshop.
I'm beating as hard as I can
Day after day. How I envy a couch potato,
What is lying around without any use,
I'll pin him to the board
I'll hit you on the head! The poor thing will hide in the board -
His cap is barely visible. (Hammer and nail) *** I can only keep going,
And if I do, I’ll fall. (Bicycle) *** He is your portrait,
Similar to you in everything.
Are you laughing -
He will laugh too.
You are jumping -
He jumps towards you.
You will cry -
He cries with you. (Reflection in the mirror) *** Even though he didn’t leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only reflections. (You yourself) *** We are similar to each other.
If you make faces at me,
I grimace too. (Reflection in the mirror) *** I am your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the darkness
On a lonely ship, -
Light a lantern in the darkness of the night
And consult me:
I'll sway, I'll tremble -
And I will show you the way to the north. (Compass) *** Stands in the garden among the pond
A column of silver water. (Fountain) *** In the hut -
At the hut -
Pipe. I lit a torch
Placed it on the threshold
There was a noise in the hut,
There was a buzz in the pipe. The people see the flame,
But it doesn’t simmer. (Bake)
*** I am your horse and carriage.
My eyes are two fires.
A heart warmed by gasoline,
It's pounding in my chest. I wait patiently and silently
On the street, at the gate,
And again my voice is wolf
Scares people on the way. (Car) *** Here is a green mountain,
There is a deep hole in it.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
Someone ran out of there
On wheels and with a pipe,
The tail drags behind itself. (Locomotive) *** From the dungeon of a hundred sisters
Released into the open
They take them carefully
Rubbing your head against the wall,
They strike deftly once and twice -
Your head will light up. (Matches)
*** My dear friend and friend
In the tea trust the chairman:
The whole family in the evening
He treats you to tea. He's a tall and strong guy,
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although he is not very tall,
And it puffs like a steam engine. (Samovar) *** Wooden road,
It goes up steeply:
Every step -
It's a ravine. (Step ladder) *** How the four brothers went
Tumble under the trough,
Carry me with you
Along the road is a public road. (Four wheels) *** Behind the glass door
Someone's heart is beating -
So quiet
So quiet. (Watch) *** Along the paths, along the paths
He's running.
And if you give him a boot -
He's flying. They throw it up and to the side
In the meadow.
They butt his head
On the run. (Ball) *** We caught our river,
They brought her home
The stove was hot
And we swim in winter. (Water pipe) *** Like a leafless branch,
I am straight, dry, subtle.
You met me often
In the student's diary. (Unit) *** There is a boy in my house
Three and a half years old.
He lights without fire
There is light throughout the apartment. He will click once -
It's light here.
He will click once -
And the light went out. (Light bulb) *** I am driving a horned horse.
If this horse
I won't put you up against the fence,
He will fall without me. (Bicycle) *** She lets me into the house
And he lets him out.
At night under lock and key
She keeps my sleep. She is neither in the city nor in the yard
Doesn't ask to go for a walk.
Looks into the corridor for a moment -
And into the room again. (Door)

Marshak riddles

S.Ya. Marshak. "Riddles"


    Introduce children to the riddle genre and teach them how to write riddles.

    develop oral speech, observation, attention, memory, creativity.

    Cultivate interest in literature lessons and folklore.

Equipment: little book with riddles, pictures of “Lily of the Valley and Dandelion.”

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

    An introductory note about the writer. (presentation 1)

And now I propose to guess a few of his riddles

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain).

What is before us:

Two shafts behind the ears,

Before our eyes on the wheel

And the saddle on the nose? (Glasses).

Blue house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

Narrow door under the roof -

Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,

Not for the outsider,

Talkative starling.

News is flying through this door,

They spend half an hour together.

News does not stay for a long time -

They fly in all directions! (Mailbox).

She got down to business

She squealed and sang.

She ate, ate oak, oak.

Broke a tooth, tooth. (Saw).

We always walk together,

Similar as brothers.

We are at dinner - under the table,

And at night under the bed. (Boots).

On New Year's Eve he came to the house

Such a ruddy fat man.

But every day he lost weight

And finally he disappeared completely. (Calendar).

They beat him with a hand and a stick.

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

And for the fact that he is inflated! (Ball).

We walk at night, we walk during the day,

But we won't go anywhere.

We strike regularly every hour.

And you, friends, don’t beat us. (Watch).

I am the most lively worker in the workshop.

I pound as hard as I can every day.

How I envy a couch potato,

What is lying around without any use,

I'll pin him to the board

I'll hit you on the head!

The poor thing will hide in the board -

His cap is barely visible. (Hammer and nail).

    Explanation of new material.

    What do you think a riddle is? (presentation 2)

    Riddle is a genre of poetic creativity.

    Riddle is a game of hide and seek. Each riddle hides some famous object or phenomenon.

    A good riddle is one that can be solved, but is difficult. It talks about the subject correctly and accurately, but with cunning and invention.

    Where can you meet riddles?

    Whose riddles are we guessing now?

    What are the names of riddles that do not have an exact author? These riddles were passed on from one person to another, perhaps slightly modified, just like fairy tales.

    Yes, these are folk riddles

For example,

An owl is flying

Across the blue sky

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up. Cloud

    Do you want to try it?

    But first, let's look at how the puzzle works.

    There may be riddles in poetic form or maybe just a suggestion

    Read the riddle in poetic form. Riddle-proposal. How are they different?

There is one such flower

You can't weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it lightly:

There was a flower and there is no flower.

It's cold, but it burns people.

pic 2

Let's look at the diagram:

Poems Sentences

Of these, fold riddles. Of these, question riddles.

Guessing riddles

The girl holds a cloud on a stem in her hand

    How did you guess that it was a dandelion? How is it similar to a cloud?

    Does the riddle name the object that is being riddled?

    What is the name of the item?

In the garden near the path there is a sun on a leg

    How did you guess that it was a dandelion? (looks like a sun, the leg is a stalk)

    How is it similar? (same yellow, round as the sun)

    We found the answer based on the signs.


    Now that we have figured out how the riddle works, let's try to compose our own.

    Let your first riddle be about this flower. Fig 3

    Look at the drawing. What's special about this flower? Name its signs. What do its flowers look like?

    So, it is fragrant, there are many flowers on the stem, all the flowers are white, the stem is thin, the leaves are wide.

Writing a riddle.

    Where do we start the riddle, with what comparison? (with peas)

    What kind of flowers does it have?

    Here's the first line:

White sweet peas

    What else needs to be said when talking about lily of the valley?

    What does the stem look like? (tassel, leg)

    Choose a word with which we will attach the peas to the stem.

    So, our riddle is ready.

White sweet peas

Hanging on a green leg.

Now create another riddle about lilies of the valley yourself using the words: bells, balls.

Independent work

(White fragrant bells

Hanging on a green leg

They ring very cheerfully)

Lesson summary
