Logan Lerman and his personal life. "Percy Jackson." Young stars talk about stunts, special effects and Chris Columbus

Last Friday in Athens there was an online chat with the young actors of Chris Columbus's new film "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel and Brandon T. Jackson (Brandon T Jackson). Journalists different countries could see the actors in live and even ask them a question.

Leading:[To Logan] Why do you think you were cast as Percy Jackson?

Logan: I don't know, really. Chris saw the film I had made before and offered me the role right away at the first meeting. But it's better to ask him.

Leading: But it's not because you're a good swimmer?

Logan: No, by the way, I’m not very athletic, so I had to train a lot before filming. The audience must believe that I can handle a sword or run a hundred meters.

Leading:[To Alexandra] If you had the same abilities in life that your character in the film had, would that make your life easier?

Alexandra: It's probably always great to be able to fight and be able to stand up for yourself.

Jake: Because you never know when the opportunity to fight with swords will come!

Alexandra: Exactly!

Leading: Luke, you play the son of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Do you have winged sandals - would they help in real life?

Jake: Definitely! I could save so much on tickets! Probably the ability to fly is the dream of every child.

Leading:[to Brandon] You're half goat and half human in the film, how did you approach your role from an acting standpoint?

Brandon: It was fun because I had to wear special tights with markers on them. And we had to figure out how I would move if I had hind legs. I had to walk on tiptoes, in ballet shoes, no matter if we were in the forest or in the swamp, and if I forgot to stand on tiptoes, they reminded me. But it was fun.

Logan: You kept slipping and falling in the mud, I remember.

Jake: But he was realistic. You did everything great! Tights or no tights, you had to believe in your back legs!

This is how the live broadcast with Athens took place. From left to right: Host, Alexandra Daddario, Logan Lerman, Brandon Jackson, Jake Abel

Logan: Yeah, it was great, he walked around like he had hooves on his feet, and no one had any idea what it would look like, just him and the special effects guys.

Brandon: And on film set there were girls, and you had to pretend to be God knows what, and even in those stupid tights.

Jake: But we not only walk there on the set, we also had to walk around Vancouver like that.

Brandon: I walked like this at home too.

Leading: And if “Percy Jackson” becomes as big a hit as “Harry Potter” - are you ready for that?

Logan: Yes, we really hope so. We want the audience to like the film. This different films, here we have Greek mythology, and there is magic, so the films have different fundamentals. But we would like our story to become popular too.

Brandon: We put so much work into it, of course we want the film to be liked!

Leading: Many people are asking if Brandon is going to create a Twitter account?

Logan: If I have something interesting to tell, otherwise, I can’t imagine myself sitting on Twitter.

Brandon: But I can imagine.

Logan: Yes, but he's a comedian, he has something to say.

Leading: Looks like you guys are working well together? What was it like on set? Tell us a little about your work.

Logan: We were having a good time. They played the guitar and imitated each other.

Alexandra: We fought a lot too.

Jake: Yes, we got bruises together on the set.

Logan: Yes, exactly, there were stunts, fight scenes, I had to work hard.

Jake: When you have a good fight in such a company, you immediately feel like one family. We learned to wield a sword and martial arts.

Logan: In fact, Jake is right, in moments like this we need to trust each other. When you have a fighting scene, you need to get into your partner’s rhythm and block the blow correctly, at the right time. This builds trust between sparring partners. Even in real life.

Jake: Brotherhood.

Logan: Yes, brotherhood.

Logan: No, it's just an adventure movie. Moreover, this is only the first film, everything is explained in it.

Leading: Have you read the books yourself?

Brandon: Well, we didn't read them before the film, but while we were working on it, yes. Well, we read the script, of course.

Alexandra: I read the book before starting work. And I even went to Greece to get inspired. Well, they hadn't given me the script yet, but I really wanted to know what the story was and get an idea of ​​the atmosphere of the film. I just fell in love with the book.

Still from the film

Logan: Yes, the script was classified when we were bugged. They kept everything secret.

Alexandra: Yes, exactly, a big secret.

Jake: And on every page there was a watermark with your name.

Brandon: If you lose it, there will be trouble.

Leading: Alexandra, how do you like the temple of Athena, which is behind us? You're the daughter of Athena in the film, right?

Alexandra: Yes. The temple is beautiful, I was there several years ago. He's just amazing.

Leading: You guys just arrived, Logan, are you going to go somewhere? Feel the spirit of Greece?

Brandon: I'll go to the club and listen to local music. I love listening to music from different countries, getting in touch with different cultures, if we have time, of course.

Leading: You had to do a lot of stunts in this film, what was your favorite?

Jake: We have a cool fight scene, we probably spent a month filming it. It was too much.

Logan: Yes, a whole month.

Jake: Yes, and there we had to do a lot of stunts on wires - a scene with flying sandals and a battle in the air. It was one big trick. But it was worth it - in the end everything looks awesome.

Logan: It was fun to hang on the ropes all day.

Leading: It's a lot of work. You walked like an ungulate, and you guys learned to fight with swords.

Brandon: Yes, they were luckier, but a lot of fight scenes were cut from the film. But we were all trained the same. Everyone had their own weapon. That guy had water, for example.

Leading: Yeah, it's better not to mess with him.

Brandon: No, it’s better not to mess with the son of Poseidon!

Leading: You especially do a lot of stunt work in the film; you had to fight with each other. Is it difficult? How did you prepare?

Alexandra: They trained for several months. I trained for only three weeks - I came to the project later. I had to practice during rehearsals. And we had a great stunt team.

Logan: But we didn't have any days off during filming. Even if we had free time, we still trained and studied techniques. It was necessary to look as cool as possible on the screen.

Leading: And here, of course, there are not only action scenes, there are a lot of special effects in the film, a lot of work on the background of chromakey. Do you have a favorite movie monster?

Brandon: Hydra, I love her!

Logan: Yes, hydra.

Alexandra: Jellyfish.

Brandon: Yes, and I love Medusa.

Logan: The Minotaur, he was done very well.

Jake: Even Hades when he comes out of the fire.

Alexandra: Yes, scary comrade.

Brandon:"""And I like Hydra because we see how it grows, is created, the legs are there... all the details.

Jake: Yes, the process of its creation is very interesting.

Alexandra: She has a personality.

Leading: This good choice, guys, because at the end of this conversation we will show the audience a clip of Hydra.

Logan: But we have a lot of things in the film, everyone can choose a creature to their liking. But the hydra turned out very well.

Leading: Tell us what it was like working with Chris Columbus?

Logan: Oh, I wanted to act in this film just because of him. Home Alone is my favorite childhood movie. Well, and the Harry Potter films, of course. I wanted to be part of Chris Columbus's next project.

Brandon: He's a very cool director, he allows the actors to improvise on set, he doesn't tell you what you should do this way or that way, but he discusses the scene with you, allowing you to be creative and use your imagination.

Leading: It’s amazing that you even saw a director on the set of such films; he has so much to organize that if you talk to him, it’s already happiness.

Logan: Yes, he worked around the clock. So much effort and work was put into this tape!


Alexandra Daddario is a popular American actress who was born on March 16, 1986 in New York. The girl’s parents are people far from creative activity.

Father, Richard Christopher DaddarioA former federal prosecutor who served as the longtime head of the counterterrorism unit, he retired in 2010.

According to Alexandra, her mother, Christina Maria Titus, worked as a model in her youth. She currently serves as an attorney at the American bank Merrill Lynch.

The actress's grandfather, Emilio Quincy Daddario, is a famous American politician, representative of the Connecticut Democratic Party.

Alexandra is the eldest child in the family. She has a brother, Matthew, and a sister, Katherine, who, like her, decided to devote their lives to acting.

Start of a career

The future celebrity began studying at the Brearley School in New York. Already at the age of 11, she decided that she wanted to become an actress, so she transferred to the Children's Professional School, which specializes in training children in various creative areas.

She received her higher education at the private Marymount Manhattan College, where she studied acting using the Sanford Meisner technique for four years.

For the first time, viewers saw the beauty on screen when she was only 16. The girl received minor role in the American television series “All My Children”.

Currentlyincludes more than 40 items. She is regularly invited to new projects.


Alexandra became famous in 2010, when she performed her first main role in the science-fiction film by Chris Columbus “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.”

The girl played the arrogant Annabeth, the daughter of the goddess Athena. She returned to this role in 2013 in a film called “Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters.”

The image of Annabeth became decisive in the career of the aspiring actress.began to appear on the screen with enviable regularity. The girl gained a crowd of fans.


Filmography of Alexandra Daddarioincludes 11 series. Among them are both little-known and truly iconic.

In 2009, the actress appeared in the TV series “White Collar” in the role of the main character’s lover -

In 2014, she received a small role in the first season of Nic Pizzolato’s anthology “ True Detective" Alexandra played Lisa Tragnetti, Marty Hart's mistress. Her colleagues on the set were Woody Harrelson and Michelle Monaghan.

Next series inFilmography of Alexandra Daddariobecame the fifth season “ American history horrors." The girl played the fatal beauty Natasha Rambova.

New projects

In 2017 filmography of Alexandra Daddariowas replenished with three paintings at once. One of them is the action comedy “Baywatch,” where she played one of the key roles. The film received mostly negative reviews from critics, but acting appreciated.

She received minor roles in the humorous films “House” and “Parking”.

By the end of the year, the actress will appear in two more films, “We Always Lived in the Castle” and “When We Met.” The release dates for these films are not yet known.

Personal life of Alexandra Daddario

About l personal life of the actresslittle is known. Currently, the girl lives in Los Angeles with her true friend- terrier Levon.

The beauty was in a relationship with American actor Jason Fuchs for three years.

Later, the actress was credited with novels with Logan Lerman and Ben Verlanden.

After filming the film “Baywatch,” rumors appeared that Zac Efron and Alexandra Daddario were attracted to each other. Paparazzi often caught the couple together, but there was no official statement about the relationship between the actors.

Not long ago, in an interview, Alexandra admitted that her favorite performers are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and

Alexandra Daddario is a stunning brunette with incredibly beautiful eyes that you can’t take your eyes off. She became famous after the release of the film “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.”

Conservative childhood

Alexandra was born on March 16, 1986 in the large metropolis of New York. She was raised in a strict, conservative family, in which her father was a policeman and her mother was a lawyer. The girl has a younger brother, Matthew, and a sister, Katarina. Since childhood, Daddario was cheerful and open, and did not hesitate to speak in public.

First 3 classes primary school she spent in one of the schools in Manhattan. Then she transferred to an institution with a theatrical bias, which is located in New York. Choice future profession, to put it mildly, did not suit her parents, because they saw their daughter only in law. But Alexandra made a choice long ago, and still received an acting education.

Early debut in big cinema

Daddario made her debut in big cinema while a student. She starred in the multi-part film “All My Children” as young Laurie Lewis. Then there was a small job in one of the episodes of Law and Order. In 2005, Alexandra was invited to the filming of the film “The Squid and the Whale,” where she played a beautiful girl.

Alexandra Daddario in the movie "Nannies"

Over the next few years, Daddario starred only in episodes of such films as: “The Hottest State,” “Persuasion,” “Nannies,” “The Attic,” and “Life on Mars.”

Alexandra’s real breakthrough in her career occurred after the release of the exciting film “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.” In this film she played the lead female role- daughter greek goddess war. Thanks to this film, many critics and directors started talking about her.

Alexandra Daddario in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The continuation of the sensational film was filmed in 2013, it was called “Percy Jackson: Sea of ​​Monsters.” Alexandra coped with the role perfectly and revealed her talent 100%. That same year, fans saw Daddario in another exciting film shot in 3D, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The girl here embodied the image main character– Heather Miller Even while watching the footage, I continued to feel fear from the bloody plot.

Alexandra Daddario in the movie "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief"

In a duet with the legendary McConaughey, Alexandra starred in the psychological serial film “True Detective,” brilliantly portraying the main character’s mistress Lisa Tranieti. In 2015, she was involved in two films: “Choice” and “San Anders Rift”, in last movie played the main role.

Alexandra Daddario in the movie "True Detective"

Dwayne Johnson and Alexandra Daddario in the movie "Baywatch"

So far, the most recent work of the popular artist is the film “Baywatch,” which will soon be released worldwide. The tentative show date in Russia is set for August 24. The Hollywood beauty was accompanied by the following famous partners: Pamela Anderson, Duane Jones, Priyanka Chopra.

The young artist's favorites

According to Alexandra, the first true love she had it when she was 18. The name of her chosen one is Jason Fuchs, who is also a co-star in the Law and Order project. The stormy romance lasted about 3 years, ending in a breakup and prolonged depression for the artist.

Alexandra Daddario and Logan Lerman

The next serious romance was with a colleague in the film “Percy Jackson” – Logan Lerman. The loving couple hid their relationship for a long time. After 4 happy years they separated. Alexandra did not give any comments about their breakup. The last person journalists managed to catch Daddario with was the famous basketball player Ben Verlander.

Read biographies of other American actors

Actress and model Alexandra Anna Daddario conquered Hollywood with her unusually bright appearance, hard work and acting talent. She became famous for her participation in the full-length comedy “Baywatch” and the fantasy “Percy Jackson.”

Childhood and family of Alexandra Daddario

Alexandra was born in 1986 in New York. She owes her striking appearance to the successful combination of genes from her father, Italian Richard Daddario, a former prosecutor and head of the counter-terrorism department in the New York police, and her mother, a lawyer named Christina, a native of the Czech Republic. In addition, the actress’s pedigree includes Hungarian, Irish and English roots.

Alexandra has a younger brother, Matthew, also an actor, known for the TV series “Shadowhunters,” and a sister, Katarina.

At first, Alexandra studied at the Birley School in Manhattan. At the age of 11, having decided to become an actress, she transferred to the theater class of the New York Professional School for Children.

Her parents did not appreciate her aspiration - they believed that she needed to get a “serious” education somewhere at Harvard and continue the traditions of the Daddario family, which faithfully defends order in the Big Apple. But the persistent girl nevertheless achieved her goal and received a specialized education at Marymount Manhattan College.

Film career of Alexandra Daddario

At the age of 16, the drama student received her first offer to play teenager Laurie Lewis in the TV series All My Children. Her next work was an episode in the “legal” series “Law and Order.”

In 2005, the aspiring actress starred in her first feature film, “The Squid and the Whale,” and then had a tiny role in “The Sopranos.” For the next five years, she actively starred in various TV series: “Heat”, “Life on Mars”, “Nurse Jackie”, “White Collar”.

Alexandra became a real star, in the Hollywood sense of the word, after her role as the daughter of Athena in the science-fiction film “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.” Thanks to the creation of Chris Columbus, the serial actress was noticed by both viewers and directors.

Alexandra Daddario in the movie "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief"

From that moment her whole life changed. Now its unusual gray eyes watched from blockbuster posters, and Alexandra’s smile could be regularly seen at social events.

In subsequent years, the actress starred in several popular TV series and received a role in the 3D version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

In 2013, another part of the saga about the children of the gods, Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters, was released. Next is a role in the horror film “My Girlfriend is a Zombie” with Anton Yelchin and Ashley Greene.

Alexandra Daddario in the TV series True Detective

In 2014, the girl was invited to the series “True Detective”. The film with the unsurpassed Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson became a real event, but viewers remembered Alexandra’s perfect breasts for a long time - she starred nude in one of the scenes. By the way, bed scenes the actress is not shy, considering them an interesting experience.

In 2015, Alexandra could be seen in an advertising campaign for the Swiss watch “Movado”, as well as in the disaster film “The San Andreas Fault”. According to the plot, chaos ensued in the country due to a strong earthquake, and main character(Dwayne Johnson) goes on a deadly journey to save his daughter. On the Jimmy Kimmel show, the actress admitted that she performed all the stunts in the film alone, without the help of stunt doubles.

In 2016, Alexandra starred in the group's music video imagine Dragons for the song "Radioactive".

Alexandra Daddario in the Imagine Dragons video

Personal life of Alexander Daddario

The actress first entered into a relationship after her eighteenth birthday. Her boyfriend was actor Jason Fuchs, her colleague on the set of Law and Order and The Sopranos. The affair lasted three years and ended in a very difficult separation. After this, Alexandra Daddario simply chose to cut her boyfriend out of her life forever.

The girl's fans assumed that she had an affair with her Percy Jackson co-star Logan Lerman. But the actress said that they are just very good friends and are not involved in a romantic relationship. Subsequently, it turned out that they were still connected by love feelings. From 2012 to 2016, the actors dated, but then announced a breakup.

Subsequently, she was suspiciously often seen in the company of the handsome basketball player Ben Verlander.

The actress's favorite performers: country-pop star Taylor Swift, singer John Mayer and Lady Gaga.

Alexandra Daddario and Logan Lerman headed to Italy, kicking off a world press tour in support of the long-awaited second part of the adventures of Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters will be released worldwide on August 7.

The second part of the Percy Jackson franchise was directed by Thor Freudenthal, and Logan Lerman and Alexandra Daddario were accompanied by such actors as Brandon T. Jackson, Jake Abel and Sean Bean. New adventures begin for Percy in his seventh year of study at Camp Half-Blood. Percy must go in search of the Golden Fleece to save his classmates and heal the tree that protects the camp from external enemies.

On Tuesday, the actors arrived in Italy for the Giffoni Film Festival, where both Logan Lerman and Alexandra Daddario received the Giffoni Experience Award.

After receiving the prizes, the stars came out onto the carpet to greet their fans. While Logan Lerman wore a stretchy striped jumper, Alexandra wowed everyone with her combination blue eyes and a blue dress from VINCE CAMUTO and shoes from Miu Miu. Earlier in the day, Alexandra and Logan participated in a photo shoot. There, Alexandra was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana floral outfit - a green lace top and a lace floral skirt. A native of New York, Alexandra has worked hard with her style, as she recently admitted to New York Girl Style that she wears mostly solid colors - black, white, gray. After the film festival, Alexandra was spotted by local paparazzi in a white dress, sightseeing. Apparently, on at the moment, the actress finds out what is closer to her: the colorful trends of Los Angeles or the gloomy trends of New York. This is not the first time the actress has changed her image. So, while participating in the filming of the story about Percy Jackson, the actress dyed her hair blonde for her role. The visit to Italy was not long. Alexandra even joked on her Twitter that she only visited Italy for dinner.
“Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters” can be seen in Russian cinemas from August 22.