Literary kaleidoscope in the senior group. Literary kaleidoscope - classes on speech development in the senior group. Progress of educational activities


  • help children remember fairy tales, their characters, their plots;
  • develop teamwork skills and intelligence;
  • teach children to invent fairy tales using keywords, to distinguish between folk tales and original ones.

Several teams from different classes participate in the competition. The time to complete the tasks of each round varies depending on the complexity of the task from two to five days.

First round. Quiz "Unsolved Mysteries"

Members of each team are asked to answer quiz questions.

I. Insert the missing word into the title of the fairy tale. (1 point for each correct answer);

1. Russians folk tales:

  • "Bubble, ... and bast shoe"
  • "Ivan is... son"
  • ""Nikita..."
  • "... -girl"
  • "Sun, Moon and Raven..."
  • "Beasts in..."
  • "Fox with..."
  • "... and roots"
  • "Three kingdoms - ... silver and gold"
  • "...and the blackbird"

2. Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm:

  • "Smart …"
  • ""
  • "..., shuttle and needle"
  • "Boot made of... leather"
  • "A straw, ... and a bean"
  • "Table - set it up, ... donkey and club from a bag"

3. Tales of G.Kh. Andersen:

  • "...from the same pod"
  • "Steady...soldier"
  • "... swans"
  • "... happiness"
  • "Gardener and..."
  • "...chatter"

4. Tales of V. Gauf:

  • "… nose"
  • "...Muk"
  • "The Story of ... the Stork"
  • "Cold..."

5. Tales of R. Kipling:

  • "Where did they come from..."
  • "The Tale of the Old..."
  • "... -Tiki-Tavi"
  • "How was it invented..."
  • in the title of which the number 7 appears, at least seven fairy tales (3 points for 7 fairy tales, + 1 point for each additional fairy tale);
  • in the title of which the name Ivan appears (1 point for each fairy tale);
  • in which mirrors play an important role (1 point for each tale).

III. Find out a fairy tale in which the following objects are found. Indicate the title of the tale and the author. (1 point for each tale)

  • turban, cane, walking shoes;
  • flower, bagels, toys, crutches;
  • jam, buns, steam engine;
  • buckets, ice hole, stove;
  • basket, ring, snowdrops;
  • ash, shoes, pumpkin, watch;
  • alphabet, gold coins, log, canvas;
  • trough, hut, seine;
  • ink eraser, blotter, letter A, ABC.

IV. Write down magic spells from fairy tales. Indicate the title of the tale and the author. (1 point for each correct answer)

Answers to I and III tasks quizzes in Appendix 1 .

Second round “Write a fairy tale using a hint”

In literature (reading) lessons you get acquainted with Russian folk tales and their features.
We remind you that fairy tales are divided into 4 groups: magical, everyday, about animals, heroic;
in fairy tales there is a beginning, a threefold repetition, an ending;
Fairy tales often use stable phrases (good fellow, beautiful maiden, little fox-sister, by leaps and bounds, etc.)

We invite you to compose your own fairy tale (close to the Russian folk tale), be sure to use the following words:

  • Baba Yaga
  • dense forest
  • wise raven
  • self-assembled tablecloth
  • old man
  • friendly family
  • month

Criteria for evaluating fairy tales.

The fairy tale belongs to a certain type (magical, everyday, about animals, heroic) - 5 points.
The presence of a beginning - up to 5 points.
Presence of triple repetition – 5 points.
Having an ending - 5 points.
Originality of the plot - up to 10 points.
Presence of stable phrases – up to 5 points.
Availability of all keywords7 points.
The instructiveness of the fairy tale - 5 points.

Third round. Crossword puzzle “Bah, all the faces are familiar!”

Members of each team are asked to solve a crossword puzzle.

  1. The king's wife.
  2. A girl who found herself in a wonderland.
  3. She visited the house of three bears.
  4. Main character fairy tales by N. Nosov, who visited the moon.
  5. Owner of a puppet theater.
  6. A straw man who really wanted to have brains.
  7. The prince who tended the king's pigs.
  8. Seller of leeches.
  9. Winnie the Pooh's little pink friend.
  10. The saddest doll in the Karabas Barabas theater.
  11. Onion boy.
  12. She could sleep in a nut shell.
  13. He left his grandfather and left his grandmother...
  14. Who caught the magic pike that grants wishes?
  15. Who gave Pinocchio the golden key?
  16. Friend of Uncle Fyodor and the dog.
  17. Who was supposed to return from the ball at exactly 12 o'clock?
  18. A robber from a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky.
  19. The affectionate name of Moroz Ivanovich.
  20. The bird that Thumbelina saved.
  21. He helped Baba Yaga sit on the shovel.

Entertainment for the older group


Teacher Morozova I.B.

Educational area: Reading fiction

Age group: 5 years

Subject:"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Target: Form an emotional attitude towards literary works. Bring joy to children.

Program content


Develop auditory perception, attention, participate in performances.

Promote the development of positive emotions when interacting with adults and peers.

Expand children's knowledge about fairy tales and the heroes of these fairy tales.

Develop thinking and memory, explanatory speech.


Cultivate endurance and patience. Cultivate interest in fairy tales, foster good feelings.

Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, dramatizing works, looking at illustrations, conversations on the content of fairy tales

Vocabulary work:

Materials and equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation, masks of fairy tale heroes, plot pictures, coloring books, puzzles.

Methods and techniques.

Presentation showing, teacher's story, creation problematic situation, artistic word, musical accompaniment, observation of children’s work, analysis.

(Music “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Educator: -Do you guys like to listen to fairy tales? I invite you to go on a journey to the heroes of fairy tales. It's time to go on a journey. We say the magic words:

Only the brave and persistent

Will reach the goal cheerfully,

And on the road you also need

Know the secrets of lasting friendship!

There is a noise behind the screen. What is this noise? Guys, I'll see what's going on there. (music sounds - alarming). Baba Yaga comes out.

B.Ya. Well, we didn't expect it. I am now your teacher. And Lyubov Anatolyevna will now guard my house on chicken legs. Do you agree? (No)

Or maybe you'll agree? (No) Well, okay, I'll return it to you, but on one condition. You must complete my tasks. If you fulfill all my wishes and answer all the questions correctly. Maybe I’ll give you back your teacher. Agreed!

First task. Guess my riddle.

Little girl runs merrily

Along the path to the house,

What's in the forest?

This girl needs to go to her grandmother quickly

Take the basket sent with her. (Little Red Riding Hood) (Charles Perrault)Who is the author?

(The song “About Little Red Riding Hood”)

Guys, look at the screen, did you guess correctly? Yes! Then one group chooses illustrations for this fairy tale. And the other one collects puzzles.

Children come to the table, choose illustrations for this fairy tale (children choose as they look, asking questions “B-Y” - Who are the heroes? What happened? What do you remember from this fairy tale? Which of the heroes did you like?)

B-Y: ( draws attention to the remaining illustration). Why did you leave these pictures?

Because in this fairy tale there is no Baba Yaga...

- Well done, that's right.

— Guys, Little Red Riding Hood has in her basket not pies for grandma, but tasks for you. Second task called “Rhymes”, remember the famous rhymed fairy tale expressions, For example: Spinning top - gray barrel.

Wolf - ... (clicking teeth)

Hedgehog - ... (not heads, not legs)

Mouse - ... (norushka)

Sivka - Burka -...(prophetic kaurka)

Wolf -...(gray tail)

Baba Yaga - ...(bone leg)

Bunny - ...(coward)

Little Humpbacked Horse - ...(Little Humpbacked Horse)

Magpie -..(white-sided).

Bunny - ...(run around).

Frog - ... (wah).

B.I. -Great! But my next task is very difficult. There is no way for you to guess it.

Here is the third task. Today I want to tell you a new fairy tale. Listen carefully and try to guess its name. (calm music sounds)

“Cocktail of fairy tales”

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They had Chicken Ryaba. The grandfather says to the woman: “Bake me a bun for me, woman, and I’ll go to the river and catch a fish.” The woman went to the barn, scraped together two handfuls of flour and baked a turnip.

A turnip is rolling along the path, and towards it is a hut on chicken legs. The hut says: “Little Red Riding Hood, I will eat you!” And she replies: “Don’t eat me, better throw me into the water, I will fulfill your three wishes.” Just say: “By pike command, according to my desire.”

The wish came true: a seven-flowered flower grew, and Thumbelina sits in the middle, with one crystal slipper on her foot. And in his hand is a golden key to the attic of Carlson, who lives on the roof. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Baba Yaga. Did you like the fairy tale? Did you recognize her? Let us then remember the heroes who met us in the “new” fairy tale. I will show you the heroes of fairy tales on the screen; if they were in my fairy tale, then you say “yes” and clap. Agreed. Fairy tale heroes appear on the screen.

(Children name fairy tales: “Hen Ryaba”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok” “At the command of the pike”, (Russian folk tales) “Wolf and Fox” “Golden Key”, (adapted from Tolstoy), “Baba Yaga" , “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella” (Charles Perrault), “The Seven-Flower Flower” (Kataev Valentin Petr.), “Thumbelina” (H. H. Andersen), “Carlson, who lives on the roof” Astrid Lindgren:)

B-Y. Yes, how smart you are. But here fourth task the most difficult. The game is called "Words". I’ll give you a word, for example: house, and this is a small house, but what else can you affectionately call a house, this is a big house,

wolf - wolf cub - wolf. Basket - basket - basket, paw - paw - paw, cat-kitten-cat.

- Well done guys, I enjoyed playing with you. But I still have fifth task, but it is very difficult. I don't think you can handle it. Show me an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox” (the fox collected fish and met a wolf) “The Seven-Flower Flower” (the girl fulfills her last wish)

How wonderful you can do it. You have completed all my tasks. Okay, now I’ll return your Lyubov Anatolyevna to you. Close your eyes and say frex-pex together. (Music sounds coming out.)

L.A. Thank you guys for saving me. If you had not answered Baba Yaga’s questions, I would have stayed with her. I am grateful to you that you were resourceful, friendly and artistic. I want to give you pictures with characters from fairy tales that you need to decorate.

Valentina Chudenko
Literary kaleidoscope - classes on speech development in senior group

MBDOU No. 18 "Spikelet"

"Literary kaleidoscope"


Speech development classes for the senior group

Prepared and conducted by teacher Chudenko Valentina Sergeevna


Children enter the hall, there are shelves with books everywhere.

Give the children a riddle:

“Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Without language, but he talks!” (children's answers)

That's right, it's a book.

Guys! Our hall today is unusual. Today he looks very much like... What does he look like? What is the name of the amazing house where yours live? book friends. What is the name of this house? That's right, the library. Who can say what a library is? (children's answers)

(On one of the shelves the teacher discovers a toy - kaleidoscope. He examines it, looks into it and is surprised at what beautiful patterns and how they replace each other. Asks children: What is this? Who knows? Children: kaleidoscope. Why did I end up here? kaleidoscope - we'll find out later).

There's a lot in the library interesting books. Silent, they stand quietly on bookshelves and are waiting for their readers. The reader will approach the shelf, take the book in his hands, open the first page, and the book will begin to tell...

They say a book is our friend. Why?

That's right, because from childhood books accompany us throughout our lives. Books are fun entertain us, teach and help to understand a variety of issues.

There are many books in the library and they are all different. Now we we'll try to find out what kind of books are there? Take a look at these books. (Shows books to children). What's in these books?

Children:fairy tales. Why do we love to read and listen to fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about what is extremely important in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, and to resist evil. He teaches without boring instructions, he simply shows what can happen if a person acts badly.

Who can tell what kind of fairy tales there are? That's right, there are folk tales, tales about animals and author's tales.

Why are fairy tales called folk tales?

That's right, because they were invented by the people. One person came up with a fairy tale, told it to another, that person added something of his own, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the fairy tale became better and more interesting. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many different people, people, that’s why they started calling her "folk".

What folk tales do you know? (children's answers.)

Different fairy tales live around us here and there.

There are riddles in the clearing.

Guess without a hint.

Call these fabulous friends dare!

I ask riddles and the children guess them.

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?

(The frog princess.)

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds took my brother away.

They fly high

They look far away.

(Geese - swans).

In a deep forest in his hut

Lives all alone old lady.

She doesn't sweep the floor with a broom,

Broom – old lady's plane.

(Baba Yaga.)

These are the heroes of folk tales.

I show children books about animals.

Who is on the covers? (Animals: cat, fox, hare, rooster).

Do you think these are fairy-tale animals or real ones? ( Fabulous: they are dressed in Russian folk costumes, talking to each other.)

In fairy tales about animals, animals are endowed with names, they talk, they are endowed with some kind of human features: cunning or simplicity, good nature or malice, envy. It’s not without reason that they say (I name the beginning of the phraseological unit, pause, and the children call the ending in chorus):

Cunning as... (fox).

Hungry as (wolf).

Cowardly as... (hare).

Chatty as... (magpie).

I take a book from the shelf and start read: “Once upon a time there lived in a village a little girl, so pretty…. For her granddaughter’s birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood....” Have you guys guessed which book we opened? Do you know who wrote it? (Charles Perrault.)

This is no longer a folk tale. Why? Yes, because it has an author. Fairy tales that were written by one person, and we know his name, are called author's or literary. Literary fairy tales were written by many Russians and foreign writers. You probably have favorite books and favorite writers. Name them. Children's answers.

Many writers and poets write fairy tales in verse. What is a poem? Who knows? Poem - short story which is written in rhyme.

Have you already heard the tale of the good doctor? Aibolite, but not everyone probably knows that it was written by a very good children's writer K. I. Chukovsky.

Fly, fly, clatter

Gilded Belly

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money...

What fairy tale is this from? Who wrote it?

The stars shine in the blue sky,

In the blue sea the waves are lashing;

A cloud is moving across the sea,

A barrel floats on the sea.

(A.S. PUSHKIN “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).

Never washed the dishes

Didn't sweep the floor at all

And all the dishes ran away -

Plates, spoons, cups, table.

(K.I. CHUKOVSKY “Fedorino grief”).

He sat down on his bed in the morning

I started putting on my shirt,

He put his hands into the sleeves -

It turned out that these were trousers...

Instead of a hat on the go

He put on the frying pan.

Who is this? That's right - this is Absent-Minded from Basseynaya Street. And this work was written by S. Ya. Marshak. Many children are very fond of Marshak’s poems. He wrote a lot of fairy tales, songs, riddles. What other works of Marshak do you know? (“Twelve months”, "Cat's House", “He’s so absent-minded”).

I take a book from the shelf by A. L. Barto "Toys" (reading the riddle).

I'll drop the ball into the river,

I will comb the horse's fur;

I'll walk on the board swinging,

And I... I'll get lost in the garden.

We live in our favorite book,

But we won’t name it!

Answer us, friends, girlfriends,

What is the name of this book?


Who wrote this book? Yes, that's right, children's poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Her short poems about toys became your first poems, which you read by heart, sometimes without even being able to pronounce sounds. Let's remember them. Who wants to read these poems?

Children, if desired, read poems by A. L. Barto.

U foreign poets There are also interesting and funny poems.

Guys, who knows any work by foreign poets, please read it.

A child reads a poem by James Reeves "Noisy Bah-Bah"

What republic do we live in? That's right, we live in Adygea.

Adyghe poets wrote a lot of poems for children.

A child reads Jafar Chuyako’s poem “Swallow”.

Now let's play a wonderful game folk game“Birds and birdcatchers.

But before we start the game we need to choose a driver. How to do this? That's right, we need to say a counting rhyme, that is, count. Counting book is one of the genres oral creativity people. The counting table helps to distribute roles in games.

Invite one of the children to choose a driver.

Well, we've played with you, and now let's continue our journey through other literary genres .

Our library has several collections of proverbs and sayings. And believe me, reading these books is very interesting. Proverbs and sayings carry the experience accumulated over generations, and also decorate our speech and make it more expressive. Let's remember the proverbs!

Children tell proverbs and sayings that are familiar to them.

And there is another one literary genre - riddles. Mystery - brief description subject proposed for solving. All kids love riddles. Listen and try to guess the riddles. I ask riddles and the children guess them.

Today we have a whole literary kaleidoscope. So that's why it appeared on our shelf today kaleidoscope. How patterns change in kaleidoscope, So literary genres changed one after another on our class. Which literary genres we remembered today? (children's answers)

And now, guys, our journey through literary genres are over. It was a pleasure to travel with you. I want you remember: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson." To remember our journey, I want to give you books of fairy tales. Once you open them, you will again find yourself in the land of goodness and wisdom.

Let's imagine, at least for a moment,

That suddenly we lost magazines and books,

That people don't know what a poet means.

That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.

It's like no one has ever been in this world

I have never heard of Moidodyr,

That there is no Dunno, a liar - klutzes,

That there is no Aibolit, and there is no Uncle Styopa.

It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?

So hello, smart, kind word!

Let books come into your home as friends!

Read for the rest of your life - gain your mind!

Teacher in suit Winnie the Pooh with two balls enters the group, singing: “If I scratch the back of my head, it doesn’t matter, there’s sawdust in my head: Yes, yes, yes.” Presentation: forest, butterflies, Winnie the Pooh music.

One ball bursts, the other remains in the hand.

Do you guys like fairy tales?

I see your eyes sparkle!

Do you know many fairy tales?

Now you will meet them.

Invites you to take a fascinating journey and remember your favorite fairy tales.

The teacher asks the children clarifying questions:

What can you go on a trip with?

Our journey is fabulous and we will travel in a hot air balloon.

Grab the ball. Close your eyes, lower your hands, take off... (The teacher releases the ball, it flies to the ceiling).

As soon as we open our eyes,

We found ourselves right in a fairy tale.

The teacher puts a goat mask on a previously prepared child.


You need to guess and name the fairy tales we know, then the little goats will return to their mother goat.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the screen. Presentation - picture.

Forest. Kolobok is rolling along the path.

Forest. The bear is carrying a box with Mashenka.

House in the forest.

There is a cat, a blackbird, and a rooster in the house.

There is a wolf with kids in the house.

At the end, book covers with fairy tales appear.

Look at the screen, guys (narrated scenes from fairy tales appear on the screen).

He was chilling at the window,

Rolled along the path.

Met a girl in a basket

Behind Mishka's back,

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home.

A cockerel and a cat lived in that house,

They lived together and did not bother.

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.


Did you guess the fairy tales?

Name them.

The teacher praises the children for correct answers.

The kids returned to their mother goat, now they are having fun together in the clearing and I invite you to have fun with them.

Presentation: forest clearing.


We will jump like little goats, we are funny kids.

After one jump, another jump, let's jump higher, my friend!


As soon as I make a movement with my hand, I see a new phenomenon in my eyes (he picks up a flat tower).

There is a teremok, teremok in the field,

He is not low, nor high, nor tall.

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Animals live in this mansion and each of them has a fairytale nickname.

Do you know them?

Name it.




Well done! You answered correctly!

And now, on the contrary, I’ll name the nickname, and you can guess who I’m talking about.



The teacher invites the pre-prepared child to play the role of a bunny and helps to put on a mask.

The teacher reads the words:

The bunny is crying, sad,

He is sitting on a stump.

What to do? He doesn't know.

He wipes away the tears with his paw.

The teacher asks:

Do you know what the bunny is crying about?

The teacher asks the children to ask what the bunny is crying about?

Children, who guessed what fairy tale we ended up in?

What animals were found in the fairy tale?

Choose these animals. (Toys of different animals are placed on the table)

What animals tried to help the bunny?

Who was the first to come to the bunny's aid?

Who's second?

Who's third?

Who's missing?

How many animals helped the bunny?

The bunny became happier because you remembered the name of the fairy tale and its characters.

Cheerful music is playing. Cockerel with a bunny in a house.

Let's remember once again what fairy tales we encountered on our travels.

Which fairy tale characters did you like the most? Why?

Can we make our favorite heroes ourselves?

Let's take the string of the ball and return to kindergarten, we will draw, sculpt, and cut out our favorite fairy-tale characters.

Fairy tale, close the doors, let us go to kindergarten.

The lesson continues with the children's productive activities.


Automation and differentiation of sounds “L”, “R” in independent speech

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic awareness

Formation of expressiveness of speech

Development of attention, memory, logical thinking

Instilling an interest in reading in children

Formation of the ability to act in a team of peers

Formation of cognitive interest through the use of ICT


Laptop, projector, screen, multimedia presentation “Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales”, plates with the name of the teams “Laliki” and “Rariki”, prize tokens “koloboki”, pointer, Fairy host costume, sweet prizes.

Preliminary work:

Divide the children into two teams

Prepare prize tokens

Pre-read various fairy tales with children

Organize an exhibition of books with fairy tales in the group

Quiz progress

Slide 1.

(The name of the quiz, the musical accompaniment is the screensaver for the TV program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”)

Hello guys. (The presenter is a speech therapist dressed as a Fairy.) Today we will spend literary quiz“Kaleidoscope of Fairy Tales”, which will show not only how well you know Russians and foreign fairy tales, but also how correctly and beautifully you can pronounce the complex sounds “L” and “R”.

Slide 2.

(In the background of the palace there is a sad king and Baba Yaga flying away in a mortar, musical accompaniment - ominous, insidious laughter.)

Imagine that we are in magical land fairy tales, ruled by a good king, and there a disaster happened, Baba Yaga stole the sun from the sky, and all the fairy tales became not colorful, but gray, gloomy and sad. Let's help bring the sun back to the land of fairy tales by answering the quiz questions.

Slides 3, 4.

(The names of the teams are “Laliki” and “Rariki”, the musical accompaniment is a cheerful melody.)

Two teams will participate in the quiz. Team “Laliki”, she will try to correctly pronounce the sounds “L” and “L” in her answers. The “Rariki” team will be responsible for the sounds “R” and “R”. For each correctly completed task, teams will receive prize tokens - koloboks. At the end of the quiz, we will determine the winning team. So, good luck!

Slide 5.

(Subject pictures: jungle, Balu the bear, Akela the wolf.)

The first task of the quiz is learn the story from the clues(for the “Laliki” team; children name the pictures - clues and guess the fairy tale “Mowgli” and receive a prize token - a bun; an additional prize token can be obtained if you name the author of the fairy tale - R. Kipling)

Slide 6.

(Subject pictures: dog Artemon, Pyro, Karabas.)

The first task of the quiz is learn the story from the clues(for the “Rariki” team; children name the pictures - clues and guess the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, receive a token - a bun; an additional prize token can be obtained if you name the author of the fairy tale - A. Tolstoy)

Slide 7.

(Subject pictures: bun, Cinderella, Dunno, Snow White.)

The second task of the quiz is who is the odd one out? (For the “Laliki” team; children name the pictures and determine extra hero, in the name of which there is no sound “L”, this is Dunno and they receive a prize token - a bun; You can get an additional prize token if you name the author of the fairy tale - N. Nosov.)

Slide 8.

(Subject pictures: Moidodyr, Scarecrow, Thumbelina, Barmaley.)

The second task of the quiz is who is the odd one out? (For the “Rariki” team; children name the pictures and identify the extra hero whose name does not have the sound “R”, this is Thumbelina and receive a prize token - a bun; an additional prize token can be obtained if you name the author of the fairy tale - G.H. Andersen. )

Slide 9.

(Subject pictures: Mowgli, swallow, Cipollino, Aibolit, Baby, Cinderella and two boats: blue and green.)

The third task of the quiz – “L” or “L”? (For the “Laliki” team; children name the pictures and determine the hard or soft sound in the name, in which boat it will float fairy tale hero, if the sound is “L”, then in blue (designationhard consonants), if the sound is “L”, then in green (designation of softconsonant sounds

Slide 10.

(Subject pictures: Pinocchio, crocodile, turtle, Ariel, Carlson and goat Dereza and two balloons: blue and green.)

The third task of the quiz – “R” or “R”? (For the “Rariki” team; children name the pictures and determine the hard sound in the name or the soft sound on which hot air balloon a fairy-tale hero will fly, if the sound is “R”, then on blue (designationhard consonants), if the sound is “Рь”, then on green (designation of softconsonant sounds) and receive a prize token - a bun.)

Slide 11.

(Subject pictures: fox with a rolling pin, little boy, flying ship, Aibolit, the frog princess and a train with three carriages.)

“Determine the place of the sound “L” in words”(for the “Laliki” team; children name the pictures and determine the place of the sound “L” in the word: beginning, middle or end and name the corresponding carriage and receive a prize token - a bun.)

Slide 12.

(Subject pictures: Cheburashka, Rapunzel, the little robber, Uncle Fyodor, Snowy Kolroleva and a train with three carriages.)

The fourth task of the quiz is “Determine the place of the sound “R” in words”(for the “Rariki” team; children name the pictures and determine the place of the sound “R” in the word: beginning, middle or end and name the corresponding carriage and receive a prize token - a bun.)

Slide 13.

(Subject pictures: Cipollino, Aibolit and Giant against the backdrop of an island with three palm trees.)

The fifth task of the quiz is (for the “Laliki” team; children call fairy tale characters and determine which of them can live on an island with three palm trees, whose name has three syllables, determine the extra hero and receive a prize token - a bun.)

Slide 14.

(Subject pictures: pirate, king, knight on the background seascape and a ship with two sails.)

Fifth task of the quiz – “Who is the odd one out (by number of syllables)”(for the “Rariki” team; children name fairy-tale characters and determine which of them can sail on a ship with two sails, which one has two syllables in the name, identify the extra hero and receive a prize token - a bun.)

Slide 15.

(Subject pictures: Grandmothers-hedgehogs, musical accompaniment - ditties of Grandmothers-hedgehogs from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.)

Laliki and Rariki, let's relax a little, have fun and dance together with the perky Grandmothers-hedgehogs and their funny ditties (children follow the example of the leader and dance Russian folk dance independently).

Slide 16.

(Subject picture: Baby, and three sound patterns.)

The sixth task of the quiz is “Choose a sound scheme”(for the “Laliki” team; children select a sound pattern for the word “Baby” and receive a prize token - a bun; you can get an additional token if you name the author of the fairy tale - A. Lindgren).

Slide 17.

(Subject picture: turnip, and three sound patterns.)

The sixth task of the quiz is “Choose a sound scheme”(for the “Rariki” team; children select a sound pattern for the word “turnip” and receive a prize token - a bun; you can get an additional token if you name the author of the fairy tale - the Russian people).

Slide 18.

(Subject pictures connected by arrows in pairs: bun and fox, Cipollino and Prince Lemon, Cinderella and the glass slipper.)

"Make sentences"(for the Laliki team; children make sentences based on two reference words and receive a prize token - a bun; An additional token can be obtained if the sentences are common, with a large number of definitions).

Slide 19.

(Subject pictures connected by arrows in pairs: princess and palace, Carlson and jam, Crocodile Gena and accordion.)

The seventh task of the quiz is "Make sentences"(for the “Rariki” team; children make up sentences based on two key words and receive a prize token - a bun; an additional token can be obtained if the sentences are common, with a large number of definitions).

Slide 20.

(Plot and subject pictures for the texts of tongue twisters)

"Repeat the tongue twisters"(for the “Laliki” team; team representatives loudly, clearly, expressively and at a fast pace repeat fairy tale tongue twisters after the presenter and receive a prize token - a bun).

  • The sorcerer conjured a treasure for Kolya.
  • The Lilliputians drank magic pills and were able to defeat the giant.
  • The swan geese flew and smoothly landed on the water.

Slide 21.

(Plot and subject pictures for the texts of tongue twisters.)

Eighth quiz task – "Repeat the tongue twisters"(for the “Rariki” team; team representatives loudly, clearly, expressively and at a fast pace repeat fairy tale tongue twisters after the presenter and receive a prize token - a bun).

  • A pirate's brother is no brother, that's why he's a pirate.
  • The Scarecrow, the Woodcutter and the Cowardly Lion reached the Emerald City.
  • Papa Carlo sold his jacket and bought an ABC book for Pinocchio.

Slide 22.

(Subject picture: Pinocchio and the text of the tongue twister.)

Guys, let's complete the last task of the quiz, common to the Laliks and Rariks. Let's say a tongue twister about Pinocchio, in which you need to correctly pronounce both sounds “L” and “R”.

  • From the log Papa Carlo
  • Pinocchio made.
  • There are a lot of troubles
  • Papa Carlo survived!

Now let's count the number of prize tokens - koloboks and determine which team knows fairy tales better.

Slide 23.

(Against the background of the palace, rain clouds disappear, butterflies fly in and the sun appears, musical accompaniment is the screensaver for the TV program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”)

Guys, you all did great today and helped the sun return to fairyland! Learn to read quickly to get acquainted with new wonderful fairy tales. You will all be awarded sweet prizes. See you again!