Literary and musical composition for the New Year. Literary and musical composition for the New Year for high school students. Musical orchestra to the music of G. Sviridov “Blizzard”

Municipal educational institution « Kadyyskaya secondary school» named after M.A. Chetvertny Kadysky municipal district Kostroma region

Scenario for a Christmas musical and literary composition

for primary school students "A clear star has risen" prepared teacher primary classes Smirnova Elena Gennadievna

p. Kady


Target: introducing children to the traditions of the national holiday.
1.Give children an idea of ​​the history of the origin of the holiday.
2. To develop spiritual and moral qualities in children.
3. Cultivate a love for the traditions of the native land.Characters and performers: Grandmother Grandson Maria Joseph Hotel owner Angels Shepherds Palm Tree Olive Tree Poems read Reader 1: Here is the tablecloth on the table, Today is a holiday on earth, The one that shines for us Even in the most mortal darkness.
Reader 2: The tree shines outside the window, There will be a song, there will be a house. There will be bitterness, there will be joy - We will survive everything with him.
Reader 3: Today, the whole earth is bright, And the bells are ringing And the heart beats more evenly, And praise sounds more harmonious.

Christmas song

Lights the evening, holiday candles For Christmas. It will happen again, there will be a knock on the door Magic is upon us. And under the smell of pine needles the past will be remembered, Let's forget the evil, the hour will strike. Do you hear him walking on the roof, quieter than a mouse? New Year.
Chorus: Ding! Don! The clock on the tower is striking. Ding! Don! Where are you, yesterday? Is it in a mouse hole? In the old town hall? Or in the dense thicket? Remember us more often.

On the stage, a boy and his grandmother are sitting on the side.
Boy: Christmas has come! There are lights all around, all people are giving gifts to each other!
Grandmother: Do you know what the very first and most important gift was?
Boy: Well... Probably... Maybe... Ah...
Grandmother: Now, I’ll tell you a story, and you think about it.
Musical loss.
Joseph and Mary enter the stage. They are looking for a place to stay for the night, knocking on a hotel.
Joseph: Good evening, master! Do you have a free room in your hotel for poor travelers to spend the night?
Maria: We walked here from the distant city of Nazareth, and we were so tired.
Host: I don’t have a single free room, travelers. Because of Caesar’s order to enumerate the entire people of the country to our Bethlehem, so many people arrived that it was impossible to count.
Joseph: We could at least have some kind of closet.
Owner: I already have, and the last closet was handed over to the merchant. There is only a cave left for cattle, but you won’t go there. There's nothing there except straw.
Maria: Let's go find this cave. We'll spend the night on the straw.
Chorus: There is silence in Bethlehem, The meadows sleep and the herds sleep. The night is brighter than ever - There's a bright star in the sky Lights up everything around: Rivers, mountains, forest and meadow.
1st shepherd: The night is dark, we shouldn’t lose our herds.
2nd shepherd: Look, what a strong, bright light suddenly poured from the sky! What is this? How scary!
1st angel: Do not be afraid. I proclaim great joy to you and to all people. At that moment, in Bethlehem of Judea, a baby was born. This is the future Savior of the world – Jesus Christ. Go to the city and there, in a cave, you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger for cattle.
Chorus: The shepherds entered the den, They found God in the manger. The Virgin Mother sat nearby, She looked at her child. And everything around was shining: Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.
Reader 4: A Child lies in a manger. A mother's face is tender. The oxen hear in their sleep A faint child's cry.
Mary sings: The night is quiet, the night is holy, There is light and beauty in the sky. God's son is wrapped in swaddling clothes, Lies in the Bethlehem den. Sleep, Holy Child. (2 times)
The night is silent, the night is holy, And light and clean. The joyful choir praises the angels, Revealing the space far away Above the sleeping earth. (2 times)
Chorus: The night is silent, the night is holy, We sing of Christ. And the baby looks with a smile, His look speaks of love And shines with beauty. (2 times)
Chorus: Today Christ is born to us from a pure virgin, God, invisible from time immemorial, appears into the world. Choirs of angels fly in amazement And they sing the chant in agreement:
The angels sing: “Glory, glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth. There is good will in men, in men!”
2nd angel: Clear night. Quiet all around. A star burns brightly above the cave. The choir of angels fell silent behind the hill, Blue light flows quietly from the cracks. In the manger, the baby Savior lies, Thousands of years have been awaiting his arrival. Happiness to those who hasten to him. Happy people! Nature rejoices!
1st shepherd: We have come to worship the Divine Child. Here, I have bread, cheese, honey. We brought him these modest gifts.
2nd shepherd: And I will put fresh grass and fragrant hay in the manger.
The shepherds sing: We bring you news from Bethlehem - Stop what you're doing. There Holy Virgin Baby- She gave birth to the Lord.
Listen, understand, pay attention, Praise your Lord And His Mother.
All nations live by this news They will be until the end of days. Light of Bethlehem throughout the universe The Creator's love pours into us.
Listen, understand, praise, Thank the Lord now And His Mother.
Palma: What happiness! I, a slender palm tree, grow at the very entrance to the cave in which Jesus Christ was born.
Olive: And I, the fragrant olive, grew up here.
Christmas tree: And I, green tree, grow here!
Palma: If, Lord, you will You evil people Left without food Accept my gift. I will cordially extend my branches to you And I’ll shake the golden fruit onto the ground. I will cherish and nourish with moisture And pour it with amber juice.
Olive: If driven by anger from cruel enemies, In the vast plain of quicksand, You, Lord, will seek shelter, To wander like a homeless wanderer in the deserts, I will open a green tent for you, I will spread out a flower carpet for you. Come and rest in the peaceful shade: There is a pleasant twilight, there is fresh shade.
Yolka: Take me with you, I too, I want to worship the Divine Child.
Palma: Where are you going with us! What do you have? Only prickly needles and nasty sticky resin.
They go to the baby.
Yolka: Nobody. I'm alone, lonely. The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning. Everyone goes, goes to the holy cave. Everyone rushes to the Son of God. Well, what about me? An insignificant tree. All covered in thorns, I’m standing here in the wilderness. I'm only here for the baby I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.
3rd angel: How modest you are, dear Christmas tree. I will reward you, now you will shine with lights, you will be decorated with stars from heaven. And the baby will be the first to stretch out his arms to you and smile at you, Christmas tree. (He takes the stars from the sky and hangs them on the tree.) And now every year on the day of the Nativity of Christ you will show off in the radiance of many lights, and the children, looking at you, will rejoice and have fun. And you, modest tree, will become a symbol of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ.
Chorus: Here is the spruce in the forest, how green it is And how beautiful she is But how more beautiful she is, When the house is full of candles, She shines clearly.
Christmas tree: On one of the joyful nights The Lord Jesus was born. He is the One who redeemed people After all, without him in your darkness This world is lost.
Choir: For all who believe in Christ, And at night the light shines. And this night is holy for us, May everyone's joy be pure, Jesus is here.
Yolka: Let Him, child, into your home: He lives in the heart, He wants to build a garden in it, Will enrich him with fruit, Who lets Him into the house?
Boy: Ah! I realized what a gift this was! This is Jesus!
Grandma: Yes. After all, God loved His creation so much that He did not want humanity to perish in evil. And to earth, in the form of a small child, he was sent God's Son, who was to become the Savior of the world. Boy: And also, I found out why the tree is decorated for the Christmas holidays. And the main decoration is the Star of Bethlehem.
Choir: A clear, quiet, beautiful star has risen. And it burns for the whole universe over the den of Bethlehem. Oh, coming salvation, deliverance for sinful people, At this hour my Holy God was born.
Reader 5: Once a year, there is a night like this, When the snow is silver on the trees And among the stars, one star is big Shines more joyfully and brightly than anyone else.
Reader 6: She shines on high, She rises in silence When night comes to earth, And the heavenly choir will sing, And people echo that praise - Christ was born on earth!

Chorus: Christmas song

The light will swing, it will wake up from sleep Fairytale world. Shadows come to life, shadows start Festive feast. Blizzard outside the window, wait a little, Let's sit on the path Old year. The old year will sit down and smooth the twig And he sighs.
Chorus: Ding! Don! The clock on the tower is striking. Ding! Don! Where are you, yesterday? Is it in a mouse hole? In the old town hall? Or in the dense thicket? Remember us more often.
Lights the evening festive candles For Christmas. Morning extinguishes the candles, speeches fall silent, We have nothing to hold back witchcraft. Don't worry, he'll be back, he'll be back in a year Christmas is upon us.
Chorus: Ding! Don! The clock on the tower is striking. Ding! Don! Where are you, yesterday? Is it in a mouse hole? In the old town hall? Or in the dense thicket? Remember us more often.

List of used literature

  1. Astapenko G. D. Life, customs, rituals and holidays of the 17-20 centuries. M.: “House of Books” 2011. Ischuk V.V., Nagibina M.I. National holidays, Yaroslavl, “Holding”, 2000 Petrov V.M. , Grishina G.N. , Korotkova L.D. Winter holidays, games and fun for children, M.: “Sphere”, 1999 Sokolov A.V. Scenarios of Orthodox holidays, M.: “School Press”, 2004. Shevchenko L. L. Orthodox culture, 1st year of study, M., “House of Books”, 2009 Children's Bible. M: “Russian Bible Society”, ninth edition, 1990. Orthodox folk calendar. Seasons. Rostov-on-Don: JSC “Book”, 1995. Christmas holidays at school. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2003.
9. I'm going to class in primary school. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2009.
Internet resources used
1. http://

Winter is the coldest, harshest, snowiest time of the year. Children love this time of year very much. winter fun: you can ski, skate, sled and play snowballs, sculpt snowmen, build snow forts.



Literary musical composition"Zimushka-Winter"

Conducted by: Bobrysheva N.A.

Literary and musical composition “Zimushka - Winter”

Objectives: - to introduce the names of the winter months according to folk calendar, proverbs, sayings, signs associated with them;

Develop speech, a sense of beauty through poetry, fine arts, musical works;

Expand your vocabulary;

Instill a love for nature, for your small homeland.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by V.I. Surikov "Taking snow town", I.E. Grabar " February blue", "Winter Landscape", N.D. Kuznetsova “Rime”, A.A. Plastov “First Snow”, D.Ya. Alexandrova " Winter's Tale", I.I. Shishkina “Rime”; drawings by students on the topic “Winter-Winter” (photos of winter nature), posters with proverbs, sayings about winter, the winter months; costumes for performances, scarves for performing ditties; snowflakes for decoration of the hall, decorated with a snowball made of cotton wool; a presentation disc, a multimedia projector, a computer, a tape recorder, a disc with recordings of the songs “New Year’s”, “Snowflakes”, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. December", cards for the game "Winter Typesetter"; gifts and souvenirs for children.

Progress of the holiday.

Teacher. Dear friends! We will dedicate our meeting today to one of the most beautiful times of the year. What time of year this is, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen? (Winter)

“Mother” is how Russian people called winter in the old days. Not a red spring, not a warm summer, not a well-fed autumn, but winter with its cold, snow, blizzards and blizzards. Maybe because winter, like its own mother, covers the entire earth with a snow “blanket”, protecting it from severe frosts. And what wonderful poems have been written by poets about winter! Listen.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. December” students recite prepared poems by heart.

Meeting winter

Hello, winter guest!

We ask for mercy

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

We have freedom

Walk anywhere:

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

We will never get used to it, -

Let your frost crack:

Our Russian blood

It burns in the cold!

I. Nikitin

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up weird

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unstoppable...

God's days are short

The sun shines little

Here come the frosts, -

And winter has come.

I. Surikov.

Enchantress in Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snow fringe,

motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, -

Not dead and not alive -

Enchanted by a magical dream,

All entangled, all shackled

Light chain down...

F. Tyutchev

Wonderful picture

How dear you are to me:

White plain,

Full moon

The light of the high heavens,

And shining snow

And distant sleighs

Lonely running.

A. Fet

Teacher. Did you know that among the many billions of snowflakes that fall in winter, no two are exactly alike? At the same time, no matter what shape the snow star is, each of them is six-rayed or hexagonal. The famous astronomer I. Kepler published the essay “New Year's Gift, or About Hexagonal Snowflakes” in 1611. He asked the question: “Why are all snowflakes hexagonal?” And he answered it like this: “This thing has not yet been revealed to me...” Four centuries have passed since then, but scientists still cannot guess this mystery of nature.

The “Snowflakes” dance is performed.

Teacher. How many mysteries have been invented about winter! Guess some of them.

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all the nights longer than the night,

Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.



And the fairy tale begins again,

After all, winter has come to us again.

Everything is dressed in white snow,

And houses with snow caps.

December is in a hurry for us, trying,

He builds ice slides

Winter is just beginning

And daring games await us.

Teacher. In Rus', December in the old days was called stuzhailo, jelly, zazimnik. This is the first month of winter. It is characterized by frosts and thaws. He “will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.” People say about December: “December ends the year and begins winter.” How do you understand this proverb? (Students' answers.)

And the artists are on the sidelines winter theme didn't stay. Look at reproductions of paintings.

Demonstration of reproductions from paintings by V.I. Surikova, I.E. Grabar, N.D. Kuznetsova, A.A. Plastova, D.Ya. Alexandrova, I.I. Shishkina.

Teacher. Winter has prepared a lot for us winter games, ventures and fun activities. Let's play the game "Winter Typesetter". I show you cards with a certain set of letters, and you must form a word from these letters.

AMZI (winter)

INCOME (cold)

KAYOL (Christmas tree)

KENJOS (snowball)

KINSA (sled)

VNOKGESI (snowman)

ROMZO (frost)


TELEME (blizzard)

Teacher. Well done, you did a good job. Here's another riddle task. Student.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall,

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me?



Winter month, snowy month

Opens first year

And with snow and frost

January is coming to visit us.

He's on rivers and lakes

Built bridges everywhere

And dressed with fluffy snow

All trees and bushes.

Teacher. January in Rus' also had its own names: prosinets of winter, turning point of winter, perezimovye. In January there are the strongest Epiphany frosts: “In January, even a pot in the oven freezes.” But sometimes it gets warmer. The weather is clearing up and the sky is turning blue (hence the blue sky). The days become lighter and longer: “As the day grows, so does the cold.” People say about January: “The beginning of the year, the middle of winter.” How do you understand this proverb?

Children, what is the most fun holiday celebrated in early January.

Teacher. Now we will play the game “Christmas tree decorations”.

The game “Christmas tree decorations” is being played.

I'll play with the guys

An interesting game.

What we decorate the Christmas tree with,

I'll call the kids.

If I tell you right -

Say yes in response

Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong -

Answer boldly “no”!

Multi-colored firecrackers? (Yes.)

Blankets and pillows? (No.)

Cots and cribs? (No.)

Marmalades, chocolates? (Yes.)

Glass balls? (Yes.)

Are the chairs wooden? (No.)

Teddy bears? (Yes.)

Primers and books? (No.)

Snow made from white cotton wool? (Yes.)

Satchels and briefcases? (No.)

Shoes and boots? (No.)

Cups, forks, spoons? (No.)

Are the candies shiny? (Yes.)

Are tigers real? (No.)

Are the cones golden? (Yes.)

Are the stars radiant? (Yes.)

Song "New Year"

The Nativity of Christ is a Christian, public holiday associated with the memory of the birth of Jesus Christ, approved according to the dating of the celebration accepted in the Russian Orthodox Church. Celebrated in Russia on January 7th Gregorian calendar(which corresponds to December 25 according to the old style).

In Rus', the holiday of Christmas became an official celebration with the baptism of Prince Vladimir at the end of the 10th century, however, given the presence of a Christian community in ancient Kyiv, the celebration could have a longer history.

In the 1920s, religious holidays were eradicated by the atheist state. The Christmas tree and its associated celebrations gradually lost importance. However, on Russian calendars published at that time, church dates, including Christmas, were marked in different years either as holidays or as days of rest. Christmas days in the calendars of 1919-1922 are marked on January 7 and 8, and in 1925-1929 - on December 25 and 26 1 - 1 . Since 1929 in Soviet Russia It was forbidden to celebrate Christmas 13 . According to the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated September 24, 1929 “On working time and rest time in enterprises and institutions switching to a continuous production week” “On New Year’s Day and the days of all religious holidays (former special days of rest) work is carried out on a general basis”,

In 1935, as a result of an unexpected turn public policy Christmas traditions were adopted as part of the secular celebration of the New Year (January 1). Since then, the “Christmas tree” in modern Russia was consistently perceived as “New Year’s”. Gifts and visits from Santa Claus also became part of New Year's traditions and lost their original Christmas associations. In 1937, at the New Year's Eve in the Moscow House of Unions, the Snow Maiden first appeared as the companion and granddaughter of Father Frost - Russian fairy tale character no longer associated with the practice of celebrating Christmas 13 . They decided to celebrate the holiday itself on January 7th.

The tradition of officially celebrating Christmas at the state level was revived in 1991: in December 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution declaring the Orthodox holiday of Christmas a non-working day®. Already January 7, 1991 was a non-working day. However, in some republics of the RSFSR, for example, the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, this resolution was ignored, and government agencies worked that day®. Nowadays, Christmas is part of the general "New Year's holiday", which begins on New Year's Day (or the day before) and continues until Christmas.

Folk celebration traditions edit.

Costumes: bear, grandfather-guide, old woman, goat.

Unlike Western European countries and the United States, Christmas in modern Russia is mainly a religious holiday and has no established generally accepted secular traditions; for the vast majority it is a day off, which everyone can use at their own discretion. The traditions of celebrating Christmas that previously existed in Russia and the USSR, after the holiday was excluded from the official calendar in 1929, were transferred to the celebration of the New Year, which was preserved even after the restoration of Christmas as a public holiday in 1991.

On Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6-7), federal television channels broadcast the Christmas service of the festive Liturgy (after the restoration of the temple - from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior). Some Orthodox believers hold services directly in the church at this time.

Christmas is considered Orthodox Church the second most important holiday after Easter. The holiday is preceded by a multi-day Nativity, or Philipp Fast, lasting from November 28 to January 6 13 .

According to the Gospel narrative, Jesus Christ (at the age of 30 - Luke 3:23) came to John the Baptist, who was near the Jordan River in Bethabara (John 1:28), with the goal of being baptized.

John, who preached a lot about the imminent coming of the Messiah, saw Jesus and was surprised and said: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” To this Jesus replied that “we must fulfill all righteousness,” and received baptism from John. During baptism, “the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and there was a voice from heaven, saying: You are My Beloved Son; I am well pleased with You!” (Luke 3:21-22).

Thus, with the participation of John, the messianic destiny of Jesus Christ was publicly witnessed. The Baptism of Christ, which took place then, is considered the first event of his public ministry." 41 . After Jesus' baptism, “John also baptized at Aenon, near Salem, because there was much water there; and they came [there] and were baptized” (John 3:23). The Evangelist John connects the appearance of the first of the twelve apostles precisely with the preaching of John the Baptist: “The next day John and two of his disciples stood again. And when he saw Jesus coming, he said, Behold the Lamb of God. When both disciples heard these words from him, they followed Jesus” (John 1:35-37).

According to the Gospel story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, withdrew into the desert in order to prepare in solitude, prayer and fasting for the fulfillment of the mission with which he came to earth. Jesus “was tempted by the devil for forty days and did not eat anything during those days, but at the end of them he was hungry” (Luke 4:2). Then the devil approached him and, with three seductions, tried to tempt him to sin, like any other person.

Place of Baptism[edit | edit wiki text]

View of Al-Makhtas (Wadi al-Harar) from Qasr al-Yahuda, the supposed site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Modern Orthodox Church of John the Baptist.

The exact location of the baptism site of Jesus Christ is unknown. Most early Greek New Testament manuscripts name the site of Jesus' Baptism as Bethany Transjordan (BpOavia nxpav toi ’lop5avou). It is believed that the name Bethavara was first proposed by Origen." 51 , but he located it on the west bank of the Jordan" 61 . In the Slavic Bible, the place of baptism is called Bethabara on the other side of the Jordan (VieavarF bysha ob pol Jordan), in the Russian Synodal translation - Bethabara at the Jordan (John 1:28), in the New King James Bible (NKJV) - Bethabara beyond the Jordan (Bethabara beyond the Jordan), in the Greek Bible and New Vulgate - Bethany beyond the Jordan" 71 .

However, the 6th-century Madaba map shows the site of the Baptism opposite Jericho on the west bank of the river, that is, not beyond the Jordan when viewed from the west bank. There is an assumption that the author of the Madaba map, who lived on the eastern bank of the Jordan, understood the phrase beyond the Jordan in the sense of a place located on the other bank in relation to it, although the author of the Gospel, naturally, understood the preposition for as located on the eastern bank." 81 . Pilgrim Theodosius (V-VI centuries) reported that at the site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ there was a marble column topped with an iron cross." 51 .

Until the 6th and 7th centuries, the traditional site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ was located on the eastern bank of the Jordan near Jericho, but after Arab conquest Palestine (640) the place of Baptism was also considered to be near Jericho, but on the western bank due to the inaccessibility of the eastern bank." 61 . Over time, the place of Baptism was lost due to the destruction of the churches located there.

Over time, the Jordan River has changed its course, so now the site of Jesus' baptism is on dry land 191 .

At the end of the 15th century, it was believed that the place of Baptism was at Beth-Abara (Beth-Abara, also known as Bethvara (Judg. 7:24)) in the area of ​​​​the modern Allenby Bridge." 1011111 , but since the 16th century it is believed that it was near the monastery of St. John, about 10 km east of Jericho" 101 . At the same time, it remains unclear exactly from which bank Jesus entered the river. On the West Bank this place is called Qasr al-Yahud (controlled by Israel)." 111 " 121 , on the east, opposite it - Al-Makhtas (Wadi al-Harar) in Jordan" 131 " 141 . During excavations at Wadi al-Harar, a large marble slab was discovered, apparently the base of the column mentioned by the pilgrim Theodosius." 51 " 151 .

Teacher. To guess the name of the next month, listen to the riddle.


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

Well, what month is this?



February is walking in the yard

And plucks the children's ears,

And paints your cheeks red.

When February goes away, spring comes.


Let the frost crack and get angry

And the drifting snow creeps in,

He's rushing to visit us for the holiday

Blizzard girl!

Teacher. February is the shortest month of the year - 28 days, and leap month - 29. This last month winter. In the old days, people called it blizzard, fierce, bokogrey. Blizzard - named for the snowfalls, blizzards, and blizzards that occur at this time. “February has two friends: a snowstorm and a blizzard.” “Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February.” It is called severe because of the frosts, sometimes they reach thirty degrees. Bokogrey - it’s warm on the sunny side, “snowdrift” is noticeable, the sun is making you warmer.

Teacher. How pleasant it is to not only listen to a fairy tale on long winter evenings while the blizzard is howling, but also watch it. Let's look into the forest and see what's going on there, what the forest animals are talking about. Listen and watch.

Dramatizations of N. Sladkov’s stories (prepared in advance, students dressed in appropriate costumes).

Hare and Vole

  • Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell the green grass, nibble on the juicy leaves, wait until spring. Where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas...
  • Not beyond the seas, Hare, spring is just around the corner, but under your feet! Dig the snow down to the ground - there are green lingonberries, mantleberries, strawberries, and dandelions. And you smell it, and you get full. Like me!

Hare and Dipper

  • Oh-oh, Olyapka, are you thinking of swimming in the hole?
  • And swim and dive!
  • Will you freeze?
  • My pen is warm!
  • Will you get wet?
  • My pen is water-repellent!
  • Will you drown?
  • And I can swim!
  • A... ah... will you be hungry after swimming?
  • And that’s why I dive to eat a water bug!

Teacher. But winter is not only about games, fun, a merry New Year and school holidays. Winter is the harvest of the next year, water reserves in reservoirs; winter is a time of worries for thousands of people who are responsible for keeping their homes warm and the roads clean. Remember the proverbs and sayings about winter, name them.

Students. Winter cannot exist without three holidays.

The winter wind is a helper for frost: it makes it even colder.

A winter day with a sparrow's hop.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

Winter is the keeper of the fields.

Teacher. Winter means folk festivals with lively ditties, cheerful dances and folk songs. Listen to ditties about winter.

What happened outside the window?

The snow drifts like drifting snow.

It's winter-winter

Laughs merrily.

We flew from above

White fluff.

They began to cover the ground

White snowflakes.

Our Russian pullet,

Beautiful soul

Snow-white winch,

Hello, winter-winter!

Came in a white sundress

From silver brocade,

And diamonds burn on it,

Like bright rays.

You are fluffy and white,

Lovely to all the kids,

Make us a hill quickly

Fill up the skating rink on the river!

I study lessons at the skating rink

Winter sunny day.

That's right, I write all the numbers,

But not with a pen, but with a skate!

School has been canceled today

Oh, frost! Get some sleep, son!

What are you doing, mom! This is the case

I'll run to the skating rink!

I'm on a ski trip

Dressed myself

But while I was getting ready,

Winter is already over.

Bottom line. Winter is the coldest, harshest, snowiest time of the year. Children love this time of year for the winter fun: they can ski, skate, sled, play snowballs, make snowmen, and build snow forts.

Reflection: What new did you learn about yourself today? What did you like most?

Musical and literary composition

"The Magic Book of Winter"

Goal: - Improve singing and choral skills in conveying the mood of a song.

Develop artistry when conveying a dance image

To teach to see and hear the beauty of words, music, movement. Find visual means to convey the color of the mood of a winter look.

To develop musical-imaginative thinking, a sense of the harmony of nature in creativity.

(Sounds like "Winter's Tale" music by V. Shainsky, Winter enters the hall)

Winter: Hello, dear guests! (slide 1)

Welcome to our fairyland!

Let's get to know each other

And in order for you to recognize me, you need to solve the riddle.

Listen carefully:

I have a lot to do, I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth, remove it from the ice of the river.

White fields, houses, my name is.....

Guests: ……………….Winter!

Winter : That’s right, I’m Zimushka – Winter, how much snow I’ve covered.

White city, white forest and full of miracles.
I paint fairy tales on the windows with white paint at night.
In the morning, look out the window, it’s so beautiful and light.
All the trees are silver, it’s so wonderful in the yard.
Yes, I am winter-winter, I brought you magic.

Everything comes true in the world if you just wish it,

We are planning to invite you for a winter walk. (includes 3 children)

Children presenters: Presentation “Winter”

  1. We will find ourselves in a world of dreams, (slide 2 sleep)

Into the world of magical children's dreams,

Where is love, kindness and happiness (slide 3 child)

They dance with us. (E. Strizhakova)

  1. The magic book of winter opens (slide 4 book)

Kind words about Mother Winter appear:

Talented-crystal, pure and cold

You slowly weave lace patterns for us, (slide 5 cradle)

  1. You can lull me to sleep with a quiet voice (slide 6 snow)

Warm the big earth with fluffy snow,

Or you can dissolve with jingling ice flakes (slide 7 ice)

Witch, enchantress, Zimushka - Winter. (E. Strizhakova) (slide 8 winter)

(The older girls leave)(slide 9 winter - winter)

Song “Winter is a beauty” subgr.

(The song “Zimushka is a beauty” sounds.)

Winter : Who can tell what snow is?

  1. You take it in your palm, it’s like it’s not there,

Only water runs from your hands,

And it lies on the ground, glittering!

Silently falls, lies down,

In the winter sun everything sparkles,

It's like it's all made of gems,

Sung by poets throughout the centuries. (E. Strizhakova)

(Snowflakes run out to the music “Blizzard”)

  1. A snowflake flew, soared, swirled,

And she quietly landed on my hand,

Crystal edge, snow-white patterns,

You are a mystery, a miracle of great nature. (E. Strizhakova)

Dance “Waltz of Snowflakes” to the music of G. Sviridov “Blizzard” art.

  1. The fact that the cold is not a problem

Kolyada is knocking on the door.

Christmas is coming to our house, bringing a lot of joy!

So that your home is full of goodness and blessings,

It’s good to live in it without worries and hardships.

Dance "Kolyada" gr. "Ivan bathed"

Winter: Hey guys - well done, mischievous daredevils,

Come play

Winter evening while away!

We'll take Khokhloma spoons,

And let's start playing on them.

Musical orchestra"Saturday"

Winter : How much snow do you need Winter?

The kids got it.

  1. Eh! Winter, winter, winter,
    White blizzard.
    The snow is spinning and blowing,
    It creeps under your feet.
  2. You can go ice skating

And race down the hill on a sled.

  1. Well, it can be difficult

Build an ice house:

And with a window and a porch,

Only without a chimney and a stove!

Winter: I invite you to start dancing now!

Start a circle more boldly and dance more merrily!

(Dance “Winter” At the edge of the Khanka)

  1. Happy winter has come
    With skates and sleds,
    With a powdered ski track,
    With a magical old fairy tale.
  2. New Year's holiday soon,

Laughter, fun, chaos.

Funny gifts for everyone

Prepared by Winter.

Round dance “Crystal Winter” music by Evdotyeva

Winter : Today I’ll take a walk, play to my heart’s content,

I'll blush in the cold, your dancing is good!

  1. The winter day of winter flew by unnoticed,

You and I were able to fully admire it.

  1. The book of winter closes

But miracles continue

In the pictures that we draw,

In the poems and music of winter.

Winter : To winter holiday was vivid in my memory,

You will receive snowmen as a gift from us.

(To the song “Because winter is great...” the children leave the hall)

Musical and literary lounge “MUSIC OF WINTER”

Leisure scenario for children of senior preschool age

Musical director Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Popova.
Target: instill love for classical music, to creativity classical poets through the synthesis of arts (music, poetry).
Tasks: develop musical and creativity children:
learn independently, determine the character and content of a musical work, respond emotionally to it; convey the character of musical works through movement, develop motor qualities and skills; develop singing skills, ear for music;
improve the ability to play in an orchestra, use a variety of techniques for playing children's musical instruments; expand your musical horizons;
develop a love for Russian artistic expression; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; to cultivate a culture of communication during joint activities of children and adults.
Preliminary work:
- conversations about the characteristic signs and signs of winter;
- selection and learning of songs and poems about winter;
- acquaintance with the work of composers and poets who wrote works about winter;
- listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Morning”, “Christmastide”, “On Troika”, “Waltz of Snow Flakes”, G. Sviridov “Blizzard”, A. Vivaldi “Winter”;
- conversations about the nature of the music listened to, learning winter songs; staging a dance sketch to the music of “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by P.I. Tchaikovsky;
- work with a children's musical orchestra (the play “On the Troika” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.)
Leisure progress.
“Waltz” by G. Sviridov sounds.
Children enter the hall and sit down.
(slide - winter forest)

Music hands Good afternoon, our dear guests. Today we met in the music room to talk about winter, to hear how music and poetry talk about it.
In winter, nature is incredibly beautiful! Everything around turns white and sparkles. The trees dress up in fluffy snow-white clothes, everything around is covered with a white blanket, and winter draws fancy patterns on the glass: fairy-tale birds, crystal flower petals, fantastic castles.
Many poets have sung the beauty and magic of winter. Listen to the poem by A.S. Pushkin:
Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,
He breathed, howled - and here she is
The sorceress winter is coming.
Came, crumbled into shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees,
Lay down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills;
Brega with a still river
She leveled it with a plump veil,
The frost has flashed and we are glad
To the pranks of Mother Winter.
Music hands Let's try to briefly travel 100 years ago, to the living room where Russian nobles gathered, and music will help us with this.
(slide - antique living room with a piano)

“Waltz” by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds
Yes... back then there were living rooms for home music playing. Any self-respecting family had a guitar or piano in the living room. And sometimes both.
After dinner, someone picked up a guitar or sat down at the piano and the hall was filled with sounds. Let us give our listeners the romance “I remember the lovely sound of a waltz...” by composer Lisztov.
And our teacher Valentina Viktorovna will perform it.
Sounds like romance “I remember the lovely sound of the waltz,” music and lyrics by N. Listov.

Music hands We thank Valentina Viktorovna.

Many artists, poets and composers loved winter for its magical beauty, pure, clear sparkling colors. Let's talk about winter today, listen to music about it.
Music will open its fabulous gates only to the most attentive listener. Listen to the wonderful sounds of music - and you will hear: a light breeze, the rustle of quietly falling snowflakes or the crystal ringing of a drop...
- What kind of music is playing now?
The play is playing“December” by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Children. The play “December” by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky from the album “Seasons” was performed.
Music hands Of course, guys, this music is familiar to you.
But what wonderful lines came from the pens of poets to talk about winter beauty, about her greatness.
(slide illustrating the text of Pushkin’s passage)

Children read excerpts about winter from A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”
Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse, sensing the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having placed the bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...
(slide – winter nature)
Music hands Guys, we also know songs about winter. Let's sing one of them.
Song “Zimushka-winter”, music. Z. Root
Music hands Winter... what is it like?
Children. Cold, harsh, blizzard, fluffy, soft, beautiful, caring.
Music hands Absolutely right. Caring. This is how the poet A. Korinfsky writes about this in his poem “Blanket”.

The poem “Blanket” will be performed by Nastya and her mother:
Daughter - Why, dear, does it snow in winter?
Mom - Nature weaves a blanket out of it!
Daughter - Blanket, mom? Why is it?!
Mom - Without him, the ground would become cold!
Daughter - And who, dear one, should look for warmth in her?!
Mom - To those who will have to spend the winter:
Little seeds, grains of bread,
Roots of blades of grass, cereals and flowers.
Music hands Guys, we know winter is playful and playful. Dima, tell us about it.
Verse by N. A. Nekrasov. "Snowball"
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! –
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
The snow is cut up by skis,
Like chalk, creaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.
Music hands What sounds can you hear in winter?
Children. The creaking of snow, the sound of ice, the sound of the wind, the howl of a blizzard.
(slide – flying snowflakes)

Music hands Right. But the flight of light airy snowflakes cannot be heard, but you can come up with music about it. But first, let's listen to a poem about a snowflake performed by Katya.
Konstantina Balmont “Snowflake”
Light fluffy,
Snowflake white,
How clean
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not to the azure heights,
Begs to go to earth.
But here it ends
The road is long,
Touches the earth
Crystal star.
Fluffy lies
Snowflake is brave.
How clean
How white!
Music hands Our dear guests, now we will hear “Waltz of Snow Flakes”. What is the name of the composer who composed this work?
Children. P. I. Tchaikovsky. This waltz is from his ballet The Nutcracker.
Music hands We will not only hear fairy-tale music, but also see the dance of snowflake girls.

Dance-etude to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky
"Waltz of Snow Flakes"

Music hands The wonderful music of Tchaikovsky from his ballets and the album “Seasons” cannot leave anyone indifferent. What other composer has an album “Seasons”?
Children. U Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi has 4 concerts: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter”.
Music hands Now we will hear a fragment of the “Winter” concert that is well known to you.
An excerpt from “Winter” by A. Vivaldi is played.
Music hands Guys, what is winter like in Vivaldi’s work? What does the music sound like?
Children. The music sounds excited, anxious, winter is blizzard, restless, cold.
Music hands Vivaldi himself wrote about this music:
Numb under the fresh snow,
Under the sharp wind blowing into the pipe.
Run, stamping your boots,
And cowering and shivering in the cold.
I think the poems that Artemy will read would also fit here.
I. Nikitin “Made noisy, went wild...” ...
Made noise, walked around
There is bad weather in the field;
Covered with white snow
Smooth road.
Covered with white snow,
There's no trace left
Dust and blizzard rose,
Out of sight.
Yes to the daring kid
The storm is not a concern:
He will pave the way,
If only there was a hunt.
The dead of midnight is not scary,
Long journey and blizzard,
If the young man is in his mansion
A beautiful friend is waiting.
Music hands After a storm there is always a calm.
An excerpt from the play “On the Troika” is played. November
P. Tchaikovsky

(slide – three horses)

Music hands Winter gives us our favorite holidays, the most fun things to do: snowball fights, sledding, skiing, ice skating, troika with bells.
Which piece of music sounds now?
Children."At three." P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Music hands In Russia, a troika is a horse harnessed together under one arch. Bells were often hung from the arch, which played loudly when driving quickly.
Let's listen to the play to the end and decorate it with the sounds of suitable children's musical instruments, which you can choose yourself.

(Children of the preparatory group choose bells, a tambourine, a metallophone, wooden spoons. They improvise to the soundtrack.)
Music hands Thanks guys. I suggest you perform the familiar song “Sleigh”, accompanying yourself on bells.

Song "Sleigh", music. A Filippenko
(winter evening slide)

Music hands We have one more picture left. What do we see? Quiet winter evening. It is dark all around and only the lights in the windows of the houses illuminate the way for the lost traveler. Let's sit down near the fireplace, relax and watch the fire crackle.
"Dance with Candles" music. I.S. Bach "Aria from Suite No. 3"

Literary and musical composition

"Hello, winter-winter"

Objectives: 1. To introduce poems about winter;

2. Instill a love for poetry, nature, and the Motherland;

3. develop expressive reading skills.

Progress of the event.

Teacher's word.

Guys, today we will conduct a lesson that is unusual for you - a lesson-concert dedicated to winter. And we will start our lesson with the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

Music is playing. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" (December)

Russian winter is sung in folk songs, in the music of various composers. Paintings are also depicted on the canvases of painters native nature, winter landscapes. Many stories and poems are dedicated to winter.

After all, every person has his own favorite time year. And every season is wonderful in its own way. There is probably no person who does not like winter. Nowhere in the world does there such a winter as here in Russia. And in songs, epics, and fairy tales, winter is called a sorceress, a sorceress, and frost is called an almighty commander. This shows that people love this time of year, despite the harsh weather.

Students read poetry. (F. I. Tyutchev “Winter Enchantress”, N. A. Nekrasov “Frost the Voivode”)

Guys, what time of year did A.S. Pushkin love most?

That's right, autumn. But does he devote his poems only to autumn?

Of course not. He has many poems about winter. Let's listen to some of them.

(“Winter Morning”, “Winter Evening”, Winter Road”)

Music is playing. Beethoven " Moonlight Sonata»

Our fields and forests are empty; the birds flew to warmer climes; naked trees no longer make noise with their foliage; animals and insects hid in their holes. Nature has prepared for winter sleep. And now winter has come: a time of severe frosts, snowstorms, and winds. Nature is beautiful in winter: sleeping fields covered with snow, pure whiteness, sleepy forest. Although in winter it seems that all nature is sleeping, who should we not forget about, guys?

Of course, about birds, about our little helpers. These are sparrows, tits... We must support them on cold days, because it is difficult for them to find food.

Poem by Yu. Prokopovich Sparrow"

Since ancient times, people have followed nature and noticed the characteristics of each season. Truly folk creations are riddles, proverbs, sayings and signs.

Here are 3 proverbs about winter:

    December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.

    The month of January is winter, sir.

    In January, Father, there are frosts, in February, there are snowstorms.

Guys, give examples of other proverbs about winter.

Well done guys. Now guess the riddles:

    Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.

    It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this, tell me?

    Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has lengthened noticeably.

Well, what month is this?

Now let's listen to your riddles.

Let's see how you deal with the signs now.

    Winter is frosty(?) - summer is hot.

    Winter is snowy(?) – summer is rainy.

    Pillar of smoke(?) - to frost.

    A lot of fir cones(?) - for the harvest.

    Winter without snow(?) – summer without bread.

Another wonderful Russian poet, S. A. Yesenin, dedicated poems to winter.

(“Winter sings and calls”)

Even in the midst of frost, what time of year do we remember?

Of course, about spring. All these frosts and snowstorms are only for a while, and then spring will come, and all nature will wake up from hibernation.

Guys, do you think there are poets in our Mari region who write about winter?

Yes, this is Nina Zhibrik, Boris Danilov, Zinaida Ermakova and many others. Let's listen to some of them.

And now the students will read their short poems and tales about winter.

Well, today we talked about winter, listened to poems by different poets. The life of every person is inextricably linked with nature. It must not only be understood and felt, but also protected. This will show our love for her. And loving nature means loving your homeland. This is the duty of every person.

We end our lesson with a song. ("Three White Horses")