Literary game "Oster's Island". Virtual exhibitions Book exhibition for the city’s anniversary

December 22nd New Year's Eve at the Library family reading An unusual event “New Year's Development” was held for parents and children of microdistrict No. 16. The initiator of the meeting was Victoria Marinina with the support of the deputy of the Pskov City Duma, Grigory Ivanovich Storonenkov.

The “New Year’s Development” event was held free of charge in the form of a comprehensive lesson with groups of children of no more than 6 people of a certain age. The classes were led alternately by Victoria Marinina and Marina Andreeva.

During the play session, children developed memory, attention, thinking, speech, through subject interaction (riddle, repetition of movements after the teacher, onomatopoeia, etc.) and fine motor skills (interaction of beans, peas, salt), and were engaged in creativity (appliqué, modeling ). In addition, each lesson included mobile gymnastics, a moving game with musical accompaniment. All this made it possible, firstly, to more easily switch the children’s attention from one type of activity to another, and secondly, the kids were less tired. By the way, such an activity with children, which is very important, contributes to their social adaptation through playful interaction.

A master class on soap making was held for a separate group of children aged 3 to 5 years. The children and their parents got acquainted with the basic techniques of soap making and the main ingredients. Each child was able to make their own extraordinary soap and take it with them.

At the end of the game, each child received a gift that he chose under the Christmas tree. Here you could find educational games ( geometric shapes, lacing, dominoes, etc.), teaching aids for parents, books for teaching English language with educational CD, encyclopedia on fauna and technology for more senior group guys, etc.

4 groups of children took part in the New Year's Development program. It was pleasant to note the fact that not a single parent or child remained indifferent to this action. At the event, many families made friends, exchanged contacts, and had a photo shoot of their babies. After all, common interests always bring us closer together, and most importantly, acquaintances occur in the library space!

According to the organizers of the event, everyone in the library felt warm and cozy, like home (V. Marinina), and not only because there were happy families with children around, but also because the library and the organization of work in it are managed by a wonderful, active, inquisitive, and just good man in every sense of the word, the head of the family reading center, Galina Anatolyevna Kozionova. She literally did not part with us, helped, advised, supported in every possible way. If only there were more people like this!

Also, the parents of the microdistrict and the initiator of the project V. Marinina expressed great gratitude and appreciation to Grigory Ivanovich Storonenkov for gifts, for support, for advice and for help in organizational issues, ultimately - for not being indifferent to holding such events in the library.

The library invites you to exhibitions

The Family Reading Library invites its readers to visit Iraida Samoilenko’s exhibitions “Colors of Summer” and “Autumn Carpet”.

The exhibition “Colors of Summer” by Iraida Samoilenko, teacher of the art department of the Children's Art School in Pskov, presents watercolors with views of Old Izborsk, reflecting the beauty of the Russian land. The exhibition “Autumn Carpet”, presented by the works of students of the art department of the Children's Art School in Pskov (teacher I.V. Samoilenko), was made using the “stencil” technique and reflects the theme of autumn.

An exhibition of works by the artist and teacher of the School of Arts Tamara Pronenko “Roses in the Snow”, which is presented in the Family Reading Library - one of the pages of her work. Variations on the theme “rose” were revealed together with the artist’s students - students of the Pskov art school (aged 11 to 16 years).

The rose is the oldest flower in human culture, known since the third millennium BC. Over time, the rose began to be closely associated with the Virgin Mary, who was depicted surrounded by roses. An ancient legend tells that the Archangel Gabriel wove three wreaths for the Virgin Mary: from red, white and yellow roses. A wreath of red roses symbolizes suffering, yellow roses - recognition of holiness, and white roses - joy.
Enjoy watching!

We invite you to a photo exhibition of works by Tatyana Fokina

I think many people felt awkward or fell into a stupor at least once when it came to talking about themselves.. I’m no exception... But still I’ll try.

I was born very far from Pskov, do you know where the Magadan region is? So, if you don’t know where it is or have a little idea, but have not been there, then I can say that probably such a beautiful and pure nature as there, instilled in me a craving for beauty... Therefore, as soon as I came to I got my hands on a camera, and in those days they were point-and-shoot cameras with photographic films (which, I believe, always contained intrigue in every frame, what would happen when printed...) I began to photograph the world around me... You know, there are such moments when what you see takes your breath away, your pupils dilate, your heart beats restlessly, and it is at such times, as luck would have it, that I don’t have a camera with me and I try with all my might to remember this moment, but no matter how hard I try, no matter what -then the memory fades, fades and is completely lost... which is a pity... that’s why I even need to take photographs, precisely these moments, in order to relive a wonderful moment again, again and again.
It so happened that I had to leave my native land in order to get a quality education... and I chose Pskov and graduated from Pskov University here State University. That’s how I ended up in our city, and ours, because during the seven years of my residence here, it became like home to me.. Like every resident, I now have favorite places in which I feel peace, tranquility and happiness at times .

I especially love the night landscapes of our city... when the warm lanterns are lit, a fairy tale begins... One of my favorite photographs is “Light of the City at Night”, firstly because there is a lot of light on it: the Moon first of all, lanterns, car headlights, and also, my once beloved, the pillar with the clock on the left and this couple that accidentally got into the frame, it seems to me that she also enjoyed the moment...
I can’t call myself a professional, and I’m probably even scared of this very status, because a professional MUST work without mistakes, and if there are no mistakes, there will be no progress... something like this... many people probably share this thought with me , they'll argue..
In general, what else could I say, I’m just a person who loves to take photographs, everything beautiful and everything that I really want to remember...
Thank you if you read to the end, and forgive me for the perhaps inept explanation of my thoughts; it’s not often that you have to talk about yourself...

P.S. I will be glad if you still like my photographs, because any artist is always critical of his work.

Knowledge Day in the Library

In the Family Reading Library, an educational hour “Healthy children in a healthy family” was prepared and held for Knowledge Day for 2nd grade students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”.
From the game “Good or Bad” the children learned about proper nutrition and personal hygiene. Then the schoolchildren answered quiz questions about personal hygiene items, guessed what kind of vegetables and fruits were hidden in the riddles: when given good advice, they clapped their hands; when given incorrect advice, they said “no, no, no.” The children were presented with Nikolai Korostylev’s book “50 health lessons: for big and small” and the presentation “An entertaining lesson for big and small”.

In conclusion
We wished all the guys
Always be healthy.
But to achieve results
Impossible without difficulty.
From the secrets he revealed,
How to maintain health
Follow all the tips
And life will be easy for them!

Each of us has a corner dear to our hearts: a village or city where you were born and live, where your home is... This place is a person’s small homeland. Many such corners make up our great Motherland under one name - Russia. In the Family Reading Library for 3rd grade students, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a literary and educational hour “Little Citizens of the Country” was held.
At the event, the children learned that the population of Russia amounts to millions of people, that all the people inhabiting our country are called Russians, and Moscow is the capital of our vast Motherland.
We remembered the main symbols of our country. From the presentation we learned about the authors of the new anthem, Sergei Mikhalkov and Alexander Alexandrov, and also talked about human rights. The presented exhibition of books provided an opportunity to discuss in what works of art rights in relation to literary characters were violated or respected.

Summer readings - 2013 in the library

"Animals on the pages of books"

In the Family Reading Library for children in grades 1-2, librarians held literary journey"Animals on the pages of books."
The children remembered fairy tales they knew from early childhood- “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Two Greedy Little Bears” and others, and also got acquainted with new books from the series “Book Rainbow”, “Tale after Tale” and “New Fairy Tales”.

New books introduced children to funny and inquisitive fairy-tale characters- kangaroo Rooney, cat Yasha, stubborn donkey and hedgehog. The characters in these books teach children to treat other people with understanding, to believe in friendship and mutual assistance.

The children watched with interest the presentation, where the fabulous inhabitants of the forest were presented in the most different situations. And then they concluded that in the actions of the characters in the books one can see many familiar character traits - good and not so good, and reading and discussing the behavior of the characters teaches one to make the right choice.

"The natural world: mysterious and unusual"

As part of the program summer reading“Book temptations of summer” On June 18, a literary and educational hour “The Natural World: Mysterious and Unusual” was held at the Family Reading Library for children in grades 3-4. The meeting was dedicated to what surrounds us - the natural world.

For humans, the animal world has always been of deep interest. Even in the last century, the question of when and where animals appeared was not even discussed - the Bible gave an exhaustive answer to this: first, animals sailed on Noah’s Ark, then huddled on Mount Ararat, and only then settled where they supposed to live and where they still live. If scientists of the past tried to illuminate the history of the animal world, then their hypotheses did not stray very far from biblical judgments.

Now people can answer many questions regarding the origin, changes and distribution of animals around the planet. Yes, for many, but not for all. The relationship between man and the animal world developed in a complex manner. On this path people won greatest victories, having managed to train animals and find true friends. Animals are our neighbors on the planet, they are our relatives, close and distant, and our ancestors. There are no ugly ones among them - each of them in their own way represents a small miracle.

From the presentation " Animal world: mysterious and unusual" the guys learned about the most different sizes- huge, big, small and very tiny. Did you find out which animal is the largest on Earth and where it lives, which is the smallest animal that lives on our planet, and also why a squirrel needs a tail, a grasshopper needs a “saber”, and how can a mosquito be useful?

Young readers got acquainted with the history of the Red Book and watched with great interest the cartoon “The Red Book” from the series “Smeshariki”.

The guys were interested in the book of modern children's writer S. Vostokov “Do not feed or tease” about the Moscow Zoo, which was presented at the book exhibition.
At the end of the event, the children watched the cartoon “What is Kindness” and concluded that kindness manifests itself in relation to everything that surrounds us.

Russia Day

You're just a drop of Russia,
Pskov region crystal town.
For me there is nothing more beautiful in the world,
Than my native old town.
Have you seen adversity, hard times,
He firmly crushed the sides of strangers,
And it’s not the first century that’s been flowing
The waters are our bright river.
You are now stately as a youth,
Again full of heroic strength,
Notable for his military exploits
A city on the outskirts of Rus'.
V. Borovikov

On the eve of Russia Day, June 11, the Family Reading Library hosted a literary and educational hour “My native land, my beloved Pskov” for the children of the health camp at school No. 3, where they became acquainted with the symbols of our city - the coat of arms, flag and anthem, as well as with the history of the founding of Pskov - a small drop of Russia.

Having turned over the pages of the glorious chronicle, the children came into contact with the world of beauty and plunged into the depths of centuries of our ancient city.
The guys learned that in our region there are such places as the village of Olzhenets, Olgino field, bridge and spring, Olga gates, Olgin mountain, Olgin stone, Olgin cross, which are named in honor of the Pskov woman Olga and that for the victory on Lake Peipus Alexander was called Nevsky; about what the most fabulous, beautiful and unusual tower in the city is, what Percy and Rowing mean, facts about Dovmont and his sword and much more from the book “From Pskov to Arkhangelsk”.

Without much difficulty, the guys guessed all the riddles of the bell and named its component parts.

The children were especially interested in the arts and crafts work of school No. 3 students dedicated to their hometown.

Pushkin Day of Russia

Poet's birthday
Marks the whole world
After all, more famous than Pushkin,
There is no one in the world!

On June 6, the Family Reading Library hosted an informational and educational conversation “He is our poet, he is our glory...” for the children of the health camp.
The children were presented with a book exhibition “He is ours, the poet is our glory...”. The schoolchildren got acquainted with the poet’s work, recalled with pleasure Pushkin’s favorite poems “Nanny”, “Winter Road”, “Autumn” and others, and recited in chorus “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”

Then the guys unanimously answered the questions of the quiz “Travel along the Lukomorye...”, thereby testing their knowledge of the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
At the end of the meeting, the children were asked to draw illustrations for the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, which were then posted on the library’s information stand.

Campaign "I want to be friends with nature"

In the Family Reading Library as part of the “I want to be friends with nature” campaign for World Conservation Day environment For preschool children of the health camp at school No. 3, an exhibition was held - a presentation of Mike Unwin’s book “Who lives in our dacha. From small to large." Little readers met visible and invisible neighbors in the dacha. We learned fun facts - about hungry hedgehogs, silent snakes, hard workers - bumblebees, and also: what kind of bubble jelly floats in the pond, what kind of creatures are on the walls and who is hiding in the rose bushes? From the books presented at the book exhibition, they learned no less interesting facts- it turns out that a frog can drink with its foot, and an eagle flies the highest.
Do you know that:
There is a sweet tree (linden) in our area.
Multi-colored mushrooms grow in the forest.
The smallest bird in our country is the kinglet.
The smallest bird in the world is the hummingbird.
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world.
A grasshopper's ear on its leg and much more.

The children watched the presentation with great interest and looked at the bright large illustrations of books about nature and the animal world. And in conclusion, they answered simple quiz questions from Mary Poppins.

Exhibitions in the library

What kind of country is Africa?
Where there is only summer and spring,
Where there is heat all around -
It's time to find out everything about her.
What kind of animals live there?
What kind of birds are singing there?
Full of riddles,
What kind of country is Africa?
I. Fink

« Mysterious world Africa" ​​is presented by a photo exhibition of the Matveev family. For some time they worked in this exotic country, their impressions of animals, nature, waterfalls and much more were reflected through a photographic lens.
The exhibition presented in the library is a look at a fabulous, amazing corner of our beautiful planet.
We invite everyone to admire the beauty of this exotic country during the library’s opening hours.

Also, the family reading library invites you to plunge into the world of unusual artistic works under the unusual name “Mirages” by Tamara Pronenko, teacher of the Children's Art School in Pskov.

Like a tree of life with powerful roots
Goes firmly into the depths of the earth
And it grows upward with mighty branches.
Carrying your convolutions into space.
So majestic, ancient years
Embracing tightly the abyss of centuries.
Thinking with gray domes.
There is an ancient Russian city of Pskov.
V. Mukhin

“My city is the best on earth” under this title, the Family Reading Library presents an exhibition of works of arts and crafts by students of “Secondary School No. 3” (headed by Matveeva Vera Evgenievna, technology teacher). The works of Solyanik by Ekaterina, Pollak by Valeria, and Styazhkina by Anastasi reflected the Pskov Kremlin and Princess Olga; landscapes of Pskov and the winners of the Battle of the Ice decorated the walls of the library with works by Elizaveta Zhukova.

Campaign "Reading to children about the war"

On May 7, in the Family Reading Library, as part of the International Campaign “Reading to Children about War,” literary readings. The event was attended by 3rd grade students from school No. 3 and a library reader, a witness to the hard times of the war, Shkileva Albina Fedorovna.
For reading and discussion, the children were offered L. Kassil’s work “The Story of the Absent.” The reading was preceded by a short message about the Great Patriotic War, its heroes who not only fought, but also worked on the home front. The guys honored the memory of all the victims with a minute of silence.
“The Story of the Absent Hero” aroused great interest among the children: they recalled with pleasure the feat of the unknown shepherd and shared their views on heroism.

A.F. spoke about her wartime childhood, about difficult evacuation roads, about studying at school in the city of Gorky, and after the liberation of her native places - in Toropets. Shkileva.
The grateful guys congratulated Albina Fedorovna on the Victory Day and gave her flowers and sweets.
For the event, a book exhibition “Reading to Children about the War” was organized, which was referred to more than once during conversations about the war.
Heroic themed events, stories about small homeland involving eyewitnesses or participants in events should be carried out in libraries as often as possible in order to best works literature to educate patriots!

Exhibition by Vera Vasilyeva "Fairy Tale. Flowers. Spring"

Artists have wings
Tailors and railway workers,
But only artists discovered
How these wings sprout.

And they grow like this
Out of nothing, out of nowhere.
There is no explanation for the miracle
And I'm not good at this.

Gennady Shpalikov.

The Family Reading Library has opened the second personal exhibition of works by Vera Vasilyeva, a member of the Association of Artists of the State Cultural Center, an artist from the Watercolor art studio, “Fairy Tale. Flowers. Spring".

Vera Evgenievna is a teacher-psychologist by profession and works in a preschool institution in Pskov. Loves to draw from early childhood. Little Vera learned this skill from her mother, who was a good drawer.
Vera Evgenievna draws everything that inspires: faces, landscapes, nature, the world of childhood and fairy tales.
The exhibition presents landscapes - “Rowan Tree”, “The Charm of Lilacs”, “Waiting for Spring”, “Dandelions”, etc. On other canvases characters from fairy tales come to life “ Snow Queen", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Morozko", "Sivka-Burka" and Vasilisa the Wise."

On the Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy

Many springs have passed since then,
The twentieth century has ended
But the topic is not closed yet:

April 26 - on the Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl Tragedy, a meeting of 8th grade students was held at the Family Reading Library high school No. 3 with Sergei Vasilievich Morozov, a participant in the liquidation of the accident in May 1986.
Sergei Vasilievich - from a family of Don Cossacks, born in the legendary Kantemirovsky district Voronezh region. Graduated as a child music school by class folk instruments. The dream of becoming a military man began in early childhood, but the final decision was made three months before graduation. He entered the Tambov Higher Military Command Red Banner School of Chemical Defense, and graduated in 1978. During his military service, he was engaged in combat training of troops for actions in conditions of the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction. Participated in the liquidation of the consequences: at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - May 1986; earthquake on the territory of Armenia (Spitak and Leninakan) - 1988, as part of the peacekeeping forces to restore order in the conditions of interethnic conflicts in Transcaucasia - 1988.

Since 1990 he has lived in our city. He became a military pensioner in 2003. Member of the audit commission of the Pskov regional public organization Chernobyl Union.
Has the Badge “Participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident” and the Medal “In memory of the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster.”
Sergei Vasilyevich shared with the guys his memories of the first days of the terrible accident, talked about how the liquidation took place and what he was directly involved in. The guys received comprehensive answers to questions about the Chernobyl tragedy and what qualities a person who “tames” nuclear energy should have.

In answers to the questions “Was it scary?” And how did you feel about it?” in the guest's story, the idea was voiced that, of course, one must be aware of how dangerous radiation is; but if he and other people had not fulfilled their duty to the end, the consequences of the accident would have been even worse.
We must not allow the memory of the heart to be cut short, so that descendants, having forgotten the past, will once again go down the path of mistakes! Remember Chernobyl! Don’t let a second Chernobyl happen again somewhere on Earth!

Personal exhibition "Spring chime"

On April 16, the Family Reading Library hosted a personal exhibition “Spring Chime” by Karina Chernysh, a graduate of Children’s Art School No. 1.
Karina Chernysh is an excellent student and the pride of the art school. Pupils of grade 1b (participants of the fine art club of school No. 3, head Ryabtseva N.A.) met the young artist with great interest and asked her many questions.
Karina explained that the choice of the theme of the exhibition was dictated by love and pride for their hometown and that through paintings the artists convey their mood and feelings. Schoolchildren were surprised to recognize places familiar to them in the paintings. hometown and looking at them, shared their impressions.
The young artist told the children that she began to get interested in drawing at about the same age they are now and advised them to put a date on their drawings and try to come up with names for them.
At the meeting, the children got acquainted with books about artists and learned about different artistic styles. Karina told the aspiring artists about the new technique of “dot” drawing, and in conclusion she recited lines about Pskov by Oleg Timmerman that were dear to her heart:

Where should Pskov be? -
Our ancestors did not ask us:
I liked the beauty and space.
And the city stood on the borders of Russia
And he straightened his chest like a hero.
He did not call Varangian mercenaries to be princes,
I didn’t take the hotel out to the pier.
He is a copper leopard - a symbol of fearlessness -
The tents were crowned with high archers.

A pleasant surprise for the children was the model of the Trinity Cathedral - the result of the joint creativity of the head of the Fine Arts club N.A. Ryabtseva, head. sector of the Library Fokina E.I. , artist Chernysh Karina and young readers from school No. 3.

Exhibition "Both in joy and seriously"

Don't waste your life with idleness -
Do some handicrafts!
Shay, knit - don’t be discouraged,
Or embroider using satin stitch.

The Family Reading Library invites everyone to view the world of embroidery by 9th grade student Svetlana Goffman, “Embroidery in Joy and Seriously” (Home children's creativity, teacher - Evsyutina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, circle “Artistic embroidery”)

Exhibition "Impressions..."

The first personal exhibition was opened at the Family Reading Library creative works“Impressions...” by Olga Khmylko.

Meeting nature writers
To the Year of Environmental Protection

"Hooray! Holidays!" - the schoolchildren rejoice, and along with them the employees of the Family Reading Library. After all, during spring break, old friends and new readers always come to the library.
The children's spring break coincided with Children's Book Week, a Book holiday that celebrates its 70th anniversary this year.
This year, Children's Book Week events at the Family Reading Library, as part of the Years of Environmental Protection, were dedicated to nature writers.
March 25 for students primary classes School No. 3 held a number of events where they learned a lot about the animal world and its protection. The children took a virtual tour of the Jersey Zoo, learned why it is called “a zoo that is not a zoo,” and that its founder was the famous English zoologist and writer Jareld Durrell, who chose a bird named Dodo, exterminated by man, as the logo of the zoo. in the 17th century.
On a correspondence tour of the zoo, the children got acquainted with some rare and in need of protection inhabitants - the smallest and largest monkeys, lemurs, the Madagascar aye-aye, the flying fox, etc. The children were presented with the books “Talking Bundle” by J. Darrell, “Rosie is my relative”, “Zoo in my luggage”, etc.
Next, the children attended the literary and educational hour “Forest Correspondent”, where they became acquainted with the biography and work of V.V. Bianki, answered the questions of the quizzes “Bird Gallery”, “Guess who it is?”, “Fill in the names of the birds”, “Do you know?”, “Guess the riddle”.
Then we remembered famous writers- naturalists and their works, got acquainted with the book exhibition “These Amazing Animals”, solved the crossword puzzle “ Good Doctor Aibolit! He is sitting under a tree” by Korney Chukovsky, dedicated to animals, and at the end we watched a fragment of the puppet show “How to Treat a Boa Constrictor” based on the work of G. Oster.

For World Poetry Day
Meeting with the poet and artist V. M. Mukhin

By March 21 - World Day poetry The Family Reading Library and the teacher of Russian language and literature Inna Nikolaevna Osipova prepared another meeting with Valery Mikhailovich Mukhin in the assembly hall of school No. 3 for students in grades 8-11.

How quickly the school years fly by!
The years of childhood are melting away uncontrollably.
AND WHAT will they promise, WHAT will they lie -
We will take everything from them as our inheritance.

And everything that happened to be found -
Granted by school and God, -
We, each like our own lot, must bear
Along life's bumps and roads.

And let in the stream of fast noisy days
Desires and disputes do not subside,
We, each, will lead our horses
Through never-trodden spaces.

And there will be the running of fate and the ringing of hooves;
And Faith and Hope, that from now on,
And will never be forgotten
Both school heaven and school shrines.

At this meeting, the guys got acquainted with the poetry collections of Valery Mukhin “The Sun over Pskov”, “On sunlight", "Around the world." From the collections “Sunny Flower” and “On the Wings of Youth”, the author performed such poems as “A Tender Word”, “Beautiful Music”, “Zavirushka”, etc. Poems dedicated to Pskov were also read: “Trinity Cathedral”, “ Mallards”, “Running on the pebbles of Pskov”, etc. And how can there be no questions? The guys were interested in who he considers his teacher in the poetic field, whether everyone can become a poet, and what is needed for this, whether the author has favorite poems, etc. When asked what inspires you to write poetry, the author answered - “LIFE itself, everything and everyone who surrounds me."
The children also learned that the collections “Trusting Rus'”, “The Sun over Pskov”, “Across the White World” were designed paintings author.

Meeting with writer V.B. Savinov

As part of Children's Book Week, a meeting of students 3-4 took place in the Family Reading Library MBOU classes“Pskov comprehensive school No. 3” with Vladimir Borisovich Savinov, winner of the 2010 Pskov Region Administration Prize for Literature for the illustrated book of children’s poems “A Book from the Musical.”
The slide presentation “I Believe in a Fairy Tale...” prepared by the librarians introduced the children to a new name in Pskov literature.

“They will say: what kind of trinkets
Your nursery rhymes?
Dolls, balls, toys,
Bunnies, hedgehogs, animals,
Sleds, slides and snowballs?

I feel sorry for those whose childhood city
Dissolved forever;
They don't keep his inheritance.
Children's dreams - means of flight
They never see it.

Happiness bursts into laughter
Children's games are not taken seriously,
And break into a smile,
And sometimes, this can happen,
Grieve from children's tears.

You will set my heart on fire
Under the open gaze of a child -
Have fun and be sad
Write good stories,
To always be close to the children!”

Savinov Vladimir Borisovich was born on April 1, 1952 in the Pargolovsky district of Leningrad in the family of an officer and a teacher. He spent his childhood and youth in various military camps in the Leningrad, Pskov, Murmansk regions, Estonia and Karelia. He graduated from high school in the Volga city of Kineshma, Ivanovo region, and then from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (LETI). Since July 1975 he has lived and worked in Pskov, a computer engineer, and since the early 2000s he has been a member of the Association of Pskov Writers.

His own collections of poems “Our parallels” (2006) and “The bird cherry boiled in the Pskov region” (2007), in addition to poems for adults, include large collections of poems for children.
“Poems by V.B. Savinov, written by him for his grandchildren and of the same name for all children, are so spontaneous, transparent and pure that, reading them, it’s as if you are plunging into the unclouded waters of your own childhood, not yet poisoned by “adult” worries and problems that remove us every day and every hour from that amazing world, in which “the trees were big...” Most people, upon becoming adults, unfortunately, lose touch with this world. Vladimir Savinov managed to preserve it in himself,” this is how his colleague in the pen, Pskov poet and prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia A.P. Kazakov speaks about children’s poems.
The following were written and published entirely for children in Pskov: an illustrated book of children's poems "A Book from a Musical" (2010) and a book of poems for children and their parents "Happy Birthday!" (2012)
At a meeting from the collection “Happy Birthday!” The author performed the poems “The children watched cartoons”, “I believe in fairy tales”, “The snowman dances in New Year”, etc. And when Vladimir Borisovich read riddle poems from the section “Involve the children in an interesting game,” the children suggested the answers in unison. The poem “About the Letter Y” aroused the greatest interest, since almost every line contained words with the letter Y.

The guys were interested in questions such as: “Why did you start writing poetry? At what age? Is it difficult to write poetry? etc. When asked what motivates you to write poetry, the author replied that the stimulus for creativity is his family, and he began writing children's poems when his grandchildren were just born, continued when they went to kindergarten, then to school. And now, when her grandchildren have grown up, she writes poetry for all the children.

The guys were surprised that his books use works as illustrations young artists, the same as themselves.

To remember such an unforgettable event, the children received the poet’s autographs and happily took pictures with Vladimir Borisovich. After all, not everyone can boast that they received a personal autograph with wishes and a souvenir photo with the writer!

On the 100th anniversary of the birth of S.V. Mikhalkova

On March 12, in the Family Reading Library for students in grades 2 and 4 of school No. 3, the anniversary of the writer S. V. Mikhalkov was shown puppet show“Visiting Uncle Styopa!”
The theater puppets of the book “Grandfather Kraevedushko and His Friends” appeared before the children in the form of favorite children’s characters from the poems of S.V. Mikhalkov “What do you have”, “Sheep”, “Vaccination”, “My friend and I”, “Trezor”, “Where are the glasses?”. Uncle Styopa came to visit the readers (played by 3rd grade student Dima Romanov) and a bully, who immediately reformed. Together with the dolls, the children recited famous poems and sang songs.
Schoolchildren got acquainted with the book exhibition “What do you have?”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov and summed up the results of the competition children's drawing“I took a pencil and paper.” At the end of the meeting, through the joint efforts of the children, a crossword puzzle based on the writer’s work “Uncle Styopa is on duty - he is on duty on the bridge” was solved, which required not only a good knowledge of the text, but also ingenuity!

For International Women's Day

On March 7, on the eve of the holiday, young princesses - girls of the 6th grade of secondary school No. 3 - visited the Family Reading Library to visit a spring fairy tale.

As our Russian storyteller A.S. said. Pushkin: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for a good fellow!” Many fairy tales about princesses have a happy ending: their heroines find happiness and love, but not everyone pays attention to the fact that all this does not happen by magic and overnight, but only after passing numerous tests. And not every fairy tale heroine deserves to become a real princess.

Young girls had to go through difficult tests in the competition “Am I a Princess?” They were able to act as storytellers, to be Cinderellas, and Maryas - Artisans, and Little Red Riding Hoods, and Alyonushkas. After all, real princesses are those who know a lot, can do a lot, are kind, patient, incredibly charming and smart. That's why modern princesses go to the library and create miracles with pleasure!

Everything is possible in spring, friends.
Just look - there are miracles all around!
Granny hedgehog will turn around
Suddenly a fairy princess.
Well, to be honest,
There are countless princesses among you.
There are queens, queens,
By the way, there are fairies too.
All the beauties are amazing,
Everyone is smart and good.
Thank you to all of you girls
We will say it with all our hearts.

March 1 - Cat Day

Our pet cats appeared on Earth many, many years ago, and are now full-fledged inhabitants of our homes. “Whoever has a cat need not be afraid of loneliness,” said writer Daniel Dafoe.
Employees of the Family Reading Library together with readers celebrated Cat Day in Russia on March 1. The photo exhibition “Cat House” was presented to the audience: children and adults shared observations of their pets with library readers. The favorite cats of the Fokin family of readers represented 3 generations!
On this day, the children watched videos “From the Life of Cats” and took part in a quiz. An exhibition of books “Visiting Purr” was prepared for young readers - here one could get acquainted with the books “Tales of Tabitha the Cat” by B. Potter, make amazing adventures with Puzik and Tuzik, for the most inquisitive there are books from the “Understanding the World” series - “About cats and dogs”.

Meetings in the library on the eve of February 23

On the eve of February 23, a meeting was held at the Family Reading Library with Yulia Viktorovna Kuznetsova, captain of military unit 6718 of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, a psychologist for working with personnel.
PPK students learned a lot of interesting things about the service of women in the Russian army. The guest told the children about the history of the military unit, military duties, conscription and military training.

From the presentation prepared by librarians “Women in Russian army: history and modernity" the guys learned about the mythological Lada, our fellow countrywoman Princess Olga, Yaroslavna from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", about the dashing cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova and that in pre-revolutionary times a woman was allowed to serve in the army only with the permission of His Excellency .

Friends of the library, deputy of the Pskov regional assembly D.Yu., expressed their wishes to future soldiers. Mikhailov and the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of military unit 6718 of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation A.V. Timofeev.

On February 22, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Family Reading Library and teacher of Russian language and literature G.N. Shelkovnikova in the assembly hall of school No. 3 for students in grades 5-6, an oral magazine “Pages of Feat” was prepared and shown, dedicated to the history of the holiday and the 70th anniversary of the feat of Alexander Matrosov.

The magazine featured poems by R. Rozhdestvensky, V. Berestov, A. Prokofiev, as well as the song “A. Sailors" to poems by A. Fatyanov. The oral journal was accompanied by a jointly prepared presentation.

Students of the 6th grade of school No. 3 celebrated February 23 at the Family Reading Library.
Here they remembered the history of the holiday, and then took part in the game “Well done fighter.”
The boys had to show drill skills, remember military ranks, types of weapons, take a theoretical field survival course using a herbal pharmacy, decipher a report, and take part in the quiz “Military Uniforms: What is What?”
Throughout all stages, each department showed the coherence of its work, on which victory ultimately depended. The event was a success: close cooperation between the school and the library always produces positive results.

Literary and educational quiz "Mikhailovskoe"

“Greetings, deserted corner,
A haven of peace, work and inspiration..."
These lines are taken from a poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “Village”, written in 1819 and dedicated to the poet’s stay in the village of Mikhailovskoye.

On February 6, in the Family Reading Library for Pushkin Memorial Day and the 100th anniversary of the birth of the director of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve S.S. Geichenko held a literary and educational quiz "Mikhailovskoye" for students in grades 6-8 of school No. 3.

The children who had not yet been to the Pushkinsky Nature Reserve had the opportunity to take a virtual excursion to the village of Mikhailovskoye.

Pushkinsky Reserve- a place that is attractive due to its difference from other beautiful places in our Motherland. Like a magic mirror of the Russians folk tales and the fairy tales of nanny Arina Rodionovna, the very waters and skies, forests and fields of Mikhailovsky allow us here to see ourselves as wise and kind, generous and attentive, talented and noble - the way that only real poetry can make a person.

After watching the presentation “Magic Lands Where I Live in My Soul,” the children answered the questions of the “In Mikhailovsky” quiz, got acquainted with the book exhibition “And again I visited that sweet corner...”, and remembered the poet’s poems.
The questions that the children had during the quiz provide the basis for the continuation of similar local history literary meetings.
“Since you own the places where you used to live

Great man- the lot has given you
Treasure! That's how you treat them,
So that everyone remembers the illustrious name.”
Jacques Delisle "Gardens"

During the event, the presentation “ Virtual tour to the village of Mikhailovskoye “Magic lands where I live with my soul.” Author: Kotynova E.Yu. - teacher of Russian language and literature at the Pedagogical Lyceum, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.

Literary quiz "Witticisms according to Auster"

On January 21st, the Family Reading Library hosted literary quiz"Witticisms according to Auster." Last November, librarians and children celebrated the anniversary of Grigory Oster. The event received a wide response, and this time students from class 3 "A" of secondary school No. 3 volunteered to take part in the game.

First, the children got acquainted with the biography of the author and his works, then began solving difficult problems with the help of the “Mathematics Problem Book.” The guys solved a crossword puzzle and recalled quotes from popular works G. Oster, read “Bad Advice” and even acted as performers in a puppet show.

The “Bad Advice” team won the quiz with a minimal margin. The jury especially noted the performances of Dmitry Romanov and Svyatoslav Nikolaev from the “38 Parrots” team, as well as the captain of the “Bad Advice” team, Alisa Nikonova: they brought their teams greatest number points.

"The door will open to a winter fairy tale..."

The snow is spinning and turning silver
And lies on the fields.
And the trees are so beautiful
In the white color of January!

And the snowflakes are circling, circling,
White dance is mischievous,
And lie down in the open spaces
A silvery veil.

Winter is a beautiful, magical time of year, when the most fabulous holidays come: New Year, Christmastide, Christmas.
Every person's childhood memories are certainly associated with this time of year: snow games, slides, gifts from Santa Claus.

Poets have written many beautiful poems about winter, composers have composed music for them, and artists have painted paintings.

At the literary and musical evening “The door will open into a winter fairy tale...”, in the Family Reading Library, poems from the collection “Living Rainbow” were performed, the authors of which were young poets of the Pskov region “Winter”, “White Dance”, “Snow” , " Blizzard". The guests of the meeting liked Larina Fedotova’s poems “Winter Etude”, “Winter Romance” and others. The students of school No. 3 performed wonderful songs “ White snow", "Jingle Bells", "Snow-White Winter".
The final chord of the evening was the premiere of the song “And it’s winter outside the window...” to the verses of Vera Sergeeva, performed by the author of the music Zoya Cherneva.
The mood of library guests will remain joyful and bright for a long time from communication with beautiful music and poetry.

Target: introduce students to the works of the writer Grigory Oster; develop interest in literature and creative abilities.


Children enter the classroom to the music “Every Little Child...”(Appendix 1 .Slide 1)

1. Grigory Oster’s appeal to children:

“In my books I address children this way: “Hello, dear Child! A children's writer is writing to you. This writer is me. My name is Grigory Oster. What's your name? I don't know, but I can guess. And I also guess that you want to hear some kind of fairy tale. If I'm guessing correctly, then listen. If I'm guessing wrong and you don't want to listen to the story, then don't listen. The fairy tale will not go anywhere, it will wait for you. Come whenever you want and you will hear it from beginning to end. But you, dear Child, still don’t stay too long, otherwise you will become an adult and it won’t be so interesting for you. (Slide 2)

– Do you know this writer?
– Remind me, please, what is his name?
- Do you know anything about him?

2. Brief biography writer

– Listen to what the author tells about himself and his work. (Slide 3)

I was born on November 27, 1947, in the family of a sailor, in the city of Odessa. They say there was a terrible storm, but as soon as I was born, everything calmed down.
At the age of 16 I started writing poetry for adults.
My first book was published in the city of Murmansk, in 1975. It was called “How to Give Gifts Well.” I then served as a sailor in the Northern Fleet. (Slide 4)
I entered the literary institute in 1970. He received higher education for 12 years. He studied by correspondence and worked in Yalta as a night watchman at the Glade of Fairy Tales.
In 1982 he graduated from the institute. Over the years he has written plays for puppet theaters: “Man with a tail”, “All wolves are afraid”, “Hello monkey”.
I create fairy tale films: “A Boy and a Girl”, “Like a Gosling Got Lost”, “Got Caught, Who Bitten”. (Slide 5)
In 1990, wonderful children's books were published: “Grandma Boa Constrictor,” “The Great Closing,” “Children’s Superstitions.” (Slide 6)
Scripts have been written for the animated series “Tail Charger” and “38 Parrots”. (Slide 7)
In 1996, I became a laureate of the Golden Key reader's choice competition. More than 60 cartoons were filmed based on my scripts. Children fell in love with a kitten named Woof, Baby Elephant and Monkey from the series “38 Parrots”.
“I just write what I like, what makes me happy, and what works for me”
After “Bad Advice,” I started composing interesting problems, and “Problem Book” came out. Then I came up with “Nothing Science”, “Candy Science”. “Vriliterature”, “Housing Studies”, “Papamalogy”. (Slide 8)
In the near future I am going to write a new book for children, “Lyliterature” - a special textbook on teaching lies. I can tell you one more secret. This book will definitely contain two of the greatest “literary works”: “I Will Not Do Anymore” and “He First Began.”
I also wrote “Eskado Island” and “Vizgculture.” (Slide 9)

– Tell me guys, among the book covers you saw, did you come across works familiar to you? (Children's answers are listened to)

3. Watching cartoon excerpts.

– Look at a few excerpts from cartoons based on scripts for the works of Grigory Oster.
“38 Parrots”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “Monkeys” (Slide 10)

4. Scientists' opinions

– Scientists recently noted that there are naughty children in the world who do the opposite. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning” - they take it and don’t wash it. They are told: “Say hello to each other” - they immediately begin not to greet each other.
Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given harmful rather than useful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right. This book is for naughty children.
– Listen to some bad advice from G. Oster:

1. If asked in class,
Where homework,
Answer what's wild
And in dense forest gone.

2. Don't wear a coat or jacket,
Don't wear socks
Run out into the cold and slush
Light from home.
Go without a hat, but shorts
Always take with you
So that if you suddenly catch a cold, you can
You can blow your nose in them.

3. Don't hit good boys.
Perhaps you too
When you meet them,
The bad ones won't beat you.

4. If dad is interested,
Why weren't you at school?
Offer him a choice
Several reasons at once.
For starters, you can just
Tell me how you went to school,
And suddenly a terrible wind
He began to knock down passers-by.
You stubbornly strived for knowledge,
But weakened, and the mighty whirlwind
Didn't let you study
And he literally blew it out the window.

More than 10 years have passed since it appeared in children's literature new genre- “bad advice.” Unfortunately, no research has been conducted on how “bad advice” affects a child’s psyche. Some scientists claim that the character of children is deteriorating, others - that they are getting smarter right before our eyes. But in essence, all of these are unfounded allegations. We can only say with certainty that people read harmful advice, which is a rarity these days. The new “Bad Advice” is the result of Grigory Oster’s observations of the generation growing up in new conditions. In some ways, children have remained the same as they were 100 years ago - they are afraid of the dark and love sweets.

5. Bad advice competition

Children come up with some bad advice themselves. At the end of the task, the winners are discussed and rewarded.

6. Ditties for “Bad Advice”

1 student:

I love you guys very much
Read Auster's books.
And all the “bad advice”
I love doing it!

2nd student:

How are you today, daughter?
Did you wash your face in the morning?
Brush, soap, towel –
Is everything still dry?

3rd student:

Mom laments loudly:
– How the program is changing!
From the notebooks of Vasya's son
I don't understand what class he is in.

4 student:

The diary, son, is not visible,
Lost him again?
- No, I gave it to Seryoga,
Scare your ancestors!

5th student:

Oh, today at 6 o'clock
Parents meeting!
You need to put a pillow on it
To the “place of punishment.”

6th student:

Why are your tasks
Decided again by the father?
- Well, mom didn’t have time -
I was doing jellied meat!

7th student:

Repeater Vova asks
Don't grieve mom like that:
- New books now
No need to buy!

8th student:

You again, dear son,
Played with hooligans.
- So I have good children
No one was allowed close.

9th student:

Who is the most obedient in the family?
Tell us straight.
- Well, of course, we will answer you.
This is our mother!

7. Summary of the event

Book Festival “The Best Inventor of Bad Advice” (Grigory Oster)

The scenario of this event can be useful in the work of GPD teachers, primary school teachers, teacher-librarians when conducting extracurricular activities for International Day children's reading, for the anniversary of the children's writer G. Oster. The material is intended for holiday program with children from 7 to 10 years old.
Target: development of cognitive interest in reading through familiarity with the works of children's writer Grigory Oster.
Tasks: create a joyful, festive atmosphere; contribute to increasing the level of reading competence of children; develop active listening skills, attention, initiative, acting skills; bring up respectful attitude to the book, instill a love of reading.
Equipment: media presentation on the work of G. Oster, an exhibition of G. Oster’s books, a ball, cards with roles for impromptu theater, sweets, prizes.
Progress of the event:
The song “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting” from the cartoon “38 Parrots”.
Librarian: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to the Book Festival dedicated to the International Children's Reading Day, which is celebrated annually on April 2 on the birthday of the Danish storyteller H.H. Andersen. Our holiday takes place as part of the Regional Action “Reading is Great! Or Fun Adventures in the Land of Reading,” the motto of which is “Read and Smile!”
I am sure that children all over the planet most like to read funny, mischievous stories and poems that make them smile and laugh. For example, these are:
Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face,
So why waste energy?
Time to waste.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
There's no point.
By old age by itself
Your head will go bald.

If you decided to sister
Just to scare as a joke,
And she’s down the wall from you
Runs away barefoot
So the jokes are funny
They don't reach her
And you shouldn’t give it to your sister
Live mice in slippers.

Do you think these are useful tips or vice versa? (Harmful)
Do you know which writer is the best at coming up with bad advice? (Grigory Oster) A portrait of G. Oster is projected onto the screen.

Do you think he gives these tips so that children will actually do this? (No, to do the opposite).
Grigory Bentsionovich Oster is a children's writer whose books are read with pleasure by adults too. G. Oster was born on November 27, 1947 in Odessa, but lives and works in Moscow. In 1975, his first children's book, How to Give Gifts Well, was published. Cartoons based on his books brought great fame to G. Oster.
Tell me, what cartoons based on G. Oster’s books do you know? (“A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Tail Exercise”, “Grandma Boa Constrictor”, “Petka the Microbe”).
By the way, early literary pseudonym G. Ostera - Oster (“sharp-tongued” - this is what they say about a witty person).
Being already famous author animated series about the Monkey, the Baby Elephant, the Boa Constrictor and the Parrot, G. Oster wrote his most famous book, “Bad Advice.” The book “Bad Advice” is projected onto the screen.
“Scientists have recently discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning” - they take it and don’t wash it. They are told: “Say hello to each other” - they immediately begin not to greet each other. Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.”
Don't make noise in class
Keep quiet
So that you can't hear
And I can't see you.
If it's quiet under the desk
Sitting through the entire lesson
There is hope without a deuce
Return home.

Don't be upset if
Calling mom to school
Or dad. Don't be shy
Bring the whole family.
Let uncles and aunts come
And second cousins
If you have a dog,
Bring her too.

“Previously, scientists believed that harmful advice could only be given to naughty children who did everything the other way around. Such a child will hear bad advice, do it differently - and it will turn out just right. But recently scientists realized that obedient children also need harmful advice. It turns out that harmful advice acts as an inoculation against stupidity on an obedient child. Now scientists allow harmful advice to be read to all children - both obedient and disobedient."
For example, in your pocket
It turned out to be a handful of sweets,
And they came towards you
Your true friends.
Don't be scared and don't hide,
Don't rush to run away
Don't shove all the candy
Along with candy wrappers in your mouth.
Approach them calmly
Without saying unnecessary words,
Quickly taking it out of his pocket,
Give them... your palm.
Shake their hands firmly,
Say goodbye slowly
And, turning the first corner,
Rush home quickly.
To eat candy at home,
Get under the bed
Because there, of course,
You won't meet anyone.

Guys, is this the right thing to do? What would you do? (shared candy with friends)

Now we will try to organize impromptu theater. We call 11 people onto the stage. To do this, we release a balloon into the hall, and on whom the music stops, he goes on stage. Children are given sheets of paper with roles. The adult reads the text, and the children play the corresponding roles.

If dad is interested,
Why weren't you at school?
Offer him a choice
Several reasons at once.
For starters, you can just
Tell me how you went to school,
But suddenly a terrible wind
He began to knock down passers-by.
You stubbornly strived for knowledge,
But weakened, and the mighty whirlwind
Didn't let you study
And he literally got into the movie.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
A movie you haven't seen
So I had to watch it.
But you looked with disgust,
Understanding with all my soul,
Which, of course, is studying
A hundred times more important than cinema.
For the second reason it is worth
Choose something like this
Why does dad immediately
Your eyes will pop out of your head.
For example, say that school
Captured by terrorists
That they were taken hostage
All your teachers
That, trying to break through to them,
You went to the assault three times,
But I had to, bearing losses,
Fighting retreat... to the movies.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
A movie you haven't seen
So I had to watch it.
But you looked with disgust,
Understanding with all my soul,
What... Dad is here
You may have a heart attack.
If dad doesn't have enough
Two reasons, say it's school
You walked, but for some reason
I couldn't find this school.
What about the compass and map
You searched for her persistently,
But in whatever direction
You didn't move, everywhere
Every time, such a strange thing,
I came across... a movie.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
Film... Dad is here,
Apparently it will kill you.

G. Oster continues to laugh and make fun of human shortcomings in his other books.
"School Dream Book"“Interpretation of dreams you had before, after and during lessons.” The book “School Dream Book” is projected onto the screen.

“To see a Russian language teacher in a dream is disappointing, especially if at the end of the dictation she wakes you up.”
“Anyone who dreams that the left shoe is on his right foot, and the right shoe on his left, should, without waiting for awakening, change his shoes right in his dream.”
“If someone who has fallen asleep in math class dreams about unstressed vowels, it means that he has already slept through the break.”
“If you dreamed that it was time to get up, then it is so. Don’t get your hopes up: unfortunately, such dreams have no other meanings or meanings.”

"A book about the delicious and healthy food of the cannibal." “The Cannibal’s Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” is projected onto the screen.

“It is not true that the Ogre eats only ill-mannered boys and girls. He likes the well-mannered ones even more because they are much tastier. And also know: there is a very simple way to escape from the Ogre when he catches you. At the very last second, as soon as he opens his mouth, say in a nasty voice: “Have you washed your hands?” “No,” the Ogre will say. “Here, go wash,” you say, “and then sit down at the table.” And when the Ogre runs to wash his hands, shout after him: “With soap, with soap! I’ll check.” No self-respecting Ogre will ever return to you after this.”
What shortcomings of schoolchildren are mentioned in the following humorous recipes:
“Select dirty, disheveled crybaby girls, wash, comb their hair and tightly fill a strong wooden tub with them. You don’t need to pour salt - the girls themselves will cry a full tub of salty tears.”
Screamer with whipped cream
“Throw a loudly screaming boy waving his arms into thick cream and, as soon as a lot of foam appears, carry him to the table, having previously plugged his ears with cotton wool.”
“Three very offended boys and four even more offended girls are doused with cold water, cut onions into thin slices and sprinkled on the heads of all the offended ones until they are completely offended. The finished salad can be decorated with a large angry girl on top.”
“Take several boys rolled in mud, add one girl smeared with jam, put them all in an opaque glass jar, close the lid tightly and put them in a dark place so that no one can ever see them. Canned grub nicely decorates any table.”

Grigory Oster created a whole series of unique textbooks on sciences that do not exist until today.

"Problem book." The book “Problem Book” is projected onto the screen.

“Dear guys, this book is deliberately called “Problem Book” so that it can be read in math class and not hidden under the desk. And if the teachers begin to be indignant, say: “We don’t know anything, the Ministry of Education has allowed it.”
And now we will spend Competition for young mathematicians. We call three first-graders and three second-graders onto the stage. Children take turns solving fun puzzles.
Competition for young mathematicians.
1st class: Kolya buried his diary with twos to a depth of 5 meters, and Tolya buried his diary to a depth of 12 meters. How many meters deeper did Tolya bury his diary with twos? (7)
2nd grade: The hen Ryaba laid an egg, and the mouse took it and broke it. Then Ryaba laid 3 more eggs. The mouse broke these too. Ryaba strained and demolished 5 more, but the unscrupulous mouse smashed these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make themselves scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse? (9)
1st class: On Monday, Vova did not share two candies with Fedya, and on Tuesday he did not share four candies. How many more candies did Vova heal on Tuesday? (2)
2nd grade: There were 12 ticket inspectors and 4 stowaways on the bus by chance. How many ticket inspectors will there be per stowaway? (3)
1st class: The wolf invited 3 pigs, 7 kids and 1 Little Red Riding Hood to his birthday party. How many delicious guests did the wolf invite to his birthday? (11)
2nd grade: Three grandmothers each had one gray goat. Grandmothers loved goats very much. The goats went for a walk in the forest, and there the wolves ate them. All that was left were the goats' horns and legs. How many horns and how many legs are left? (6 horns and 12 legs)
Summing up the results of the competition.

"Vizgculture." The book “Vizgculture” is projected onto the screen.
“MORNING EXERCISES WITH EVENING DISCHARGES. Stunning, amazing, stunning, dizzying, mind-blowing, amazing, shuddering and capsizing gymnastic and athletic exercises for you, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, cousins, sisters and all other relatives, including long-dead ancestors, as well as barefoot, tabletop, undertable, stationary and street sports games on the roadway.”
What exercises do you think this textbook might contain?

Children's favorite textbook - "Candy eating." The book “Candy Eating” is projected onto the screen.

"You start learning new item– candy eating, that is, eating candy. You will continue to eat candy for the rest of your life, until all your teeth fall out. Moreover, the better you study, the faster they will fall out. Usually, excellent students' teeth fall out already in the second grade, good students - fourth-graders - in the fifth or sixth, and those who study for a frail, unfortunate C, lose their teeth by the end of school. But don't worry. Even when you don’t have a single tooth left, you can still indulge in candy eating.”

Game "Candy Rain".
Today we had a candy rain in our hall, and all the candies need to be collected. The presenter scatters candy on the floor. We call 6 people onto the stage: one from each class. Each participant is given a plastic bag. Cheerful music is turned on. You need to collect as many candies as possible for your class.
G. Oster still continues to invent humorous sciences. For example: “Nothing studies”, “Writing”, “Accommodation studies”. He even published a textbook, “Papamalogy,” in which he explains to children how to deal with adults.
Here he is, this wonderful children's writer Grigory Oster! And the writer’s five children inspire him to create new heroes, not allowing him to forget his childhood.

Dear readers!
We invite you to visit interesting, educational book exhibitions organized in the libraries of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district.

Writers' anniversaries
Books dedicated to anniversaries
History of Russia (To the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution)
(Reading room)
“Choose your future” October 5
“Addictions that take lives” October 17
“Komsomol members are heroes!”
Children's Department of the Central District Hospital
Exhibition-excursion “Ural Protected Places”
Book exhibition “Dogs and cats under one cover”
Book exhibition “All the colors of the rainbow” (to the 115th anniversary of E. Permyak)
Book exhibition “If it’s break at school...” (Teacher’s Day)
Book exhibition “Think, think my head!” (Teacher's Day)
Sound exhibition “Musical piggy bank”

— Book and illustration exhibition “Always Ready” (to the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Russian Civil Defense) 10/04/2017;
— “Writer, ethnographer and storyteller” -165 years of D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak 10.25.2017;
— “The artist is a battle painter exposing the war” — 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagina (1842-1904) 10/26/2017;
Book exhibition “Pain and Memory of Generations” (to commemorate the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression in Russia) 10.30.2017.

Book exhibition for anniversaries and commemorations literary dates.
“Dates. Books. Names."
8 - 125 years since the birth of M.I. Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), Russian poetess.
9 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer of the Renaissance
Exhibition – memory “My youth – Komsomol”

09.10. Book exhibition “Tankograd Day”
Exhibition - debate “The Time of Don Quixote” (470 years of Cervantes)
13.10. Installation “Smart Things” (115 years of E. Permyak, 130 years of S. Marshak)
Exhibition – portrait “The Charm of the Age” (120 years of I. Ilf).
10.30.Book exhibition “I will teach you to live without sadness” (G. Oster’s 70th anniversary)
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Exhibition-viewing “Animals – heroes of books” - from 02.10 to 22.10
Exhibition-memory “Our Komsomol Past” - from 23.10 to 05.11
Library-branch No. 6 Borisovka
"Culinary Art"

Permanent book exhibitions

Central District Library (CRB)
Literary anniversaries
Thematic shelf “In book memory - the history of Russia.”
(Reading room)
Exhibition – journey “Around the world in 80 books”,
“Blue Mirrors of the Stone Belt” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 1, Rabochiy village
“Let's take care of our Earth! We have only one” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 2 Krasnogorsky
“Vernisage”, dedicated to the artists celebrating their anniversaries in 2017,
“Literary calendar” - for the anniversaries of 2017,
"Book news"
“Through the pages of the history of the village of Krasnogorsky” library quilt for the 65th anniversary of the village of Krasnogorsky.
Exhibitions and installations:
"This is how the village began"
"Famous Countrymen".
Exhibitions – expositions:
"Miner's Chronicle"
“Krasnogorsky in photographs”,
"I went through that war"
"Poets are fellow countrymen."
Library-branch No. 3, Zauralsky village
“Green miracle - Earth” as part of the Year of Ecology,
“Our opening day: treasures of the world” Exhibition of reproductions famous artists- anniversaries,
Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates. “Dates. Books. Names."
Library-branch No. 4, Krasnogorsky village
"Diary of a Volunteer"
“Tolerance – harmony of diversity”,
“2017 is the year of ecology.”
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Review exhibition for the year of ecology “A House Called Earth”,
Local history exhibition “I grew up in this city”,
Ecological and local history exhibition “Know your land”,
Educational exhibition “The World of Animals and Plants”,
Assorted exhibition “About everything in the world”,
Exhibition-call “Read a book about war”,
Literary exhibition “Reading in the classical style”,
Exhibition-introduction “Famous Anniversaries”,
Exhibition-folklore “Holidays of the folk calendar”,
Exhibitions – recommendations “Once upon a time there were fairy tales” and
"Books of my childhood"