Personal: How to learn to write interesting texts. How to learn to write well You can’t hide feelings in your soul

Music has always been and will be a significant part of life. The words of each composition reflect experiences, tell stories and describe events that concern one side or another human soul. Poets and composers can give you a lot of advice on how to write a song, but none of them will provide you with the essential ingredients of passion, passion, and inspiration. Each author must cope with this independently. If you feel ready to create, read on. Ahead of you awaits a lot of valuable tips that will help transform the flow of thoughts into piece of music.

Songwriting structure

There is a limited set of song structural variations that are used in the vast majority of compositions. If you decide to start creating texts, remember them as “Our Father.” The process of mastering the structure cannot be called the most exciting and exciting part of learning, but it is necessary. Take this as a basis, without which success is impossible. So for most song compositions The following structure variations are used:

  • verse – chorus – verse – chorus – chorus;
  • verse - verse - chorus - verse - chorus - bridge - chorus - chorus;
  • verse - verse - bridge - verse;
  • verse - chorus - verse - chorus - bridge - chorus - chorus;
  • verse - chorus - verse - chorus - verse - chorus - chorus.


The main task of the verse is to convey information that leads the listener to the meaning of the composition. The verse tells a story and sets the mood. It should contain a plot, as well as action and emotional details. The words of each verse in one composition will be different, but the motive must remain unchanged. The number of syllables in the lines must be calculated so that the performer can sing all the verses in the same rhythm.


An additional element within a verse may be a pre-chorus, which is one or two pairs of lines immediately before the beginning of the chorus. The purpose of this component is to prepare the listener for the chorus. It is not considered mandatory, however, if you used it in the first verse, you will have to continue throughout the text. The melody for all pre-choruses will be the same. Words may be repeated or different - at the discretion of the author.


This part of the song is meant to be the most sensual. The chorus touches the listener's soul. If you decide to write lyrics to a song, think about the chorus 100%. It should be short and emotional. The chorus will bring popularity to the composition if it expresses the main idea. Use words that will work with the chorus lyrics and don't try to introduce new information. To ensure that the lyrics fit well with the music, do not make significant differences between the choruses at the beginning and end.


With this element you can dilute your song, add variety and distract the listener from the main idea for a second in order to again capture attention with the next verse/chorus and immerse you in the same emotional atmosphere. A correctly composed bridge will be appropriate in a song of any theme and direction. It could be a composition about love or friendship, frank lyrics with a guitar or lyrics for rap. Building a bridge is a difficult task. To understand how to deal with it, take a few examples popular groups various genres.

Technique for writing lyrics

If you decide to create music, proceed from what your heart tells you, but do not forget that the final product should be pleasant to the listener’s ear. To achieve this, follow these rules:

  • Make sure the text matches the structure. Consider the number and order of the constituent elements of the work.
  • Make sure the text matches the size of the work. The words must be such that they can be sung.
  • Follow the style strictly. Don't try to write humorous lyrics to a sad tune.
  • Try to make concise lyrics with simple rhymes, especially if you are writing a song in English.
  • Do not divert the listener's attention from the meaning contained in the title of the composition.
  • Build the verses so that they fully reveal the meaning of the title.
  • Avoid moralizing and instructions.

Ideas for Themes and Song Titles

To ensure that your creative work is appreciated, learn to choose relevant topics and turn your works into short stories. The general plot can be gleaned from real events or personal experiences. Don't forget that the modern listener finds music through online searches. Try to make your works stand out from the huge mass of compositions by little-known performers. If you have to write a song to order, there will be no difficulties in choosing a topic: the task will be limited to revealing the meaning inherent in the title.

Creating a legend for a song

To clearly understand how to write song lyrics, you must have a clear idea of ​​the plot. Draw in your imagination a story with specific events that the composition will describe. Here you need to be creative, find an original idea that you want to combine with music, perform and record. The words of each subsequent element must continue main idea.

Composing text

If you decide to write a song about your feelings and experiences, be prepared for the fact that such a work will not gain universal recognition. The chosen ones will understand you, but there is nothing bad in that. To create a popular hit that will be appreciated in your city and beyond, use words and phrases that are accessible to a wide audience. You can sell such a composition profitably. Main role the manner of interpretation of thought plays a role.

How to compose a song yourself: step-by-step instructions

A real hit cannot be born by chance: you have to create it. This requires several important components, assembled in in the right order. A step-by-step plan for writing song lyrics yourself is as follows:

  • Generate ideas. You must clearly feel the message that will be revealed in the work.
  • Write a title. The name of the composition forms the first impression in the listener’s head. If it's off-putting or not attractive enough, no one will be interested in the song.
  • Outline the story. Write down on paper the chain of events that will be presented to the listener.
  • Start. Write the opening verse, trying to include the most valuable information that will interest and intrigue the listener.
  • Middle. A bright, emotional verse that will explode the emotions caused by the first part of the song. A bridge might come in handy.
  • The ending. The last lines of the text should hint that the plot is coming to an end. Make sure they put an end to the story they started. The thread of events must come to a conclusion, otherwise there will be a feeling of incompleteness.

How to learn to write rap

The author of rap lyrics must clearly know what rhymes are and master them perfectly. This style of music is incredibly difficult, which is why many aspiring rappers fail no matter how hard they try. We can talk for a very long time about how to start writing rap, but at the same time you must understand the main thing: there are no strict rules and canons. Each author develops his own individual style, so it is necessary to think through all the elements of the song down to the smallest detail. Rhymes for rap can be very diverse. You only need to remember that they must be filled with meaning.

A person who turns to a computer for help in creating his own song hardly has any idea where to start and where to end. The video below will help solve this problem. Successful musicians, composers and producers will tell you where to find a source of inspiration. Use this video as a guide and you will understand how to write a beautiful song using your own imagination and poetic talent.

To help beginning authors, we have created and are constantly improving. (I recently learned that it is used as teaching aid in a reputable online writing course :)) I also constantly pay attention to articles in which experienced writers give advice on how to learn to write interestingly.

6. Good texts are born as a result of processing

A good writer is not one whose texts are immediately perfect, but one who spends time perfecting them. Ideas usually don't come into your brain in a form that's best shared with other people. It takes work. These words must be subdued. Roll up your sleeves and fight them. Here's what Stephen says:

“A lot of advice to writers is advice on revision. Very few people are talented enough to not only present a plausible argument, but also to formulate it in clear words. Most authors need to go through the text twice to achieve this, because the order in which ideas come to the author rarely corresponds to the order in which they are best consumed by the reader. Often, writing good copy involves revising and rearranging ideas so that they are easy for the reader to follow.”

And if you think that SMS, e-mails and social networks are destroying literature, then you are mistaken. As researcher Christian Rudder writes, “Twitter may even improve text quality because it forces people to cram meaning into a limited number of characters. Linguists also measured the lexical density of Twitter and found that it was not only higher than that of email, but comparable to the level of the smart magazine Slate.

I advised the journalists with whom we made a monthly business magazine to “sleep” with the article. After the text seems to be completely ready, it needs to be put aside. Best of all - see you tomorrow. And the next day, read it from cover to cover with fresh eyes. However, do not forget that the best is the enemy of the good. And although I perfectly understand how difficult it can be to pacify your perfectionism (I am processing this material for the fourth time), accept it as a fact: it is impossible to track down and correct all the mistakes. Let an article with an error appear on the site, rather than none appear at all.

Let's sum it up

Six tips from Stephen to make your writing great:

  1. Write as you speak, draw pictures, tell stories. Be specific, help the reader see things for themselves, and don't try to impress them.
  2. Beware of the “curse of knowledge.” Ask someone to read your text and evaluate how easy it is to understand. Don't trust your brain.
  3. Don't hide the meaning. If readers don't understand what we're talking about, they lose interest in reading.
  4. It is not necessary to write strictly according to the rules. Sometimes you can break them.
  5. Read more. Never stop learning.
  6. “Good writing” means “reread and revised.” Never click “send” before reading your article several times. But don't try to make it perfect.

Original article by Eric Barker

Rap in last decades very popular among young people different countries. Many simply listen to him, some also adhere to a corresponding style of clothing and lifestyle. But there is also creative personalities who want to realize themselves in music. But how to do this? How to compose a rap? There are some basic points.

Rhythm selection

How to compose a rap? Usually, at the very beginning of the song creation process, a melody is born, and then the lyrics. Rap artists do the same thing - first comes the “sense of rhythm”, and then the words fall on it. This is why we can say that rhythm is the basis of a song. It is important that the text fits this music. For example, an optimistic, humorous and cheerful text is not suitable for a clearly minor lyrical melody. For training, you can take some of your favorite rhythms. You must completely trust your intuition and musical instinct.

"Alien" rhythm

How to compose a rap? First you need to learn to get into the rhythm. Before settling on one variation, you need to listen large number very different. Listening to the rhythms, you can imagine what meaning would be embedded in the words that could fit a given rhythmic pattern. Only in this way can we answer the question that interests us. Even if you have an idea for a song (text, poetry), try to choose several options for musical accompaniment. You can start with a rhythm from a soul song or old jazz - this is what many famous hip-hop artists did and do. So how to write a rap? First of all, you need to find your rhythmic pattern.

"Own" rhythm

After that, you need to try to compose the rhythm yourself. To do this, you can use a computer and programs for virtual music creation, for example, FL-Studio or Cubase. How to compose a rap? How to come up with a rhythm for it? This can be done using a virtual drum machine. The Roland TR 808 is canonical. Many classic tracks were written with its help. It has a variety of different drum, cymbal, snare, rattle and percussion sounds that can be programmed to create different rhythmic patterns and then processed to create a unique track.


How to compose a rap? The basis should be music, so after creating a rhythm, you need to decide on a melody for it. You can pick up an existing one and slightly modify it. After this, you need to try to record a so-called rough track. There is no need to be upset if it doesn’t turn out the way you hear in your head. The first pancake is always lumpy. However, while listening to it, you can (and should) look for your mistakes and analyze them.

Brainstorming when writing text

How to learn to compose rap on the go? This is the so-called freestyle - the highest degree of rapper skill. Naturally, this cannot be achieved quickly. But you can work on it.

Having a written rhythm and melody in hand, you need to try to improvise according to them. There is no need to take up pen and paper - it should be a pure flight of fantasy. At first, thoughts will be confused, rhymes will be bad. But over time, they will begin to come together into already formed verses. And they can already be recorded and combined.

How to learn to write rap? Follow the tips described above. This is exactly how many modern talents learned to create music. Increase your text mass.

How to compose a rap? It is necessary to select key points from the recorded verses. Fill the text with idioms and metaphors. How to compose rap on the go? It is very important to be convincing. Concentrate on the most memorable images and lines. It's best to discard anything that doesn't fit the tone, mood, story, or theme. If it is difficult to determine what is appropriate and what is not, you can use one simple trick: sing the song from memory without looking at the lyrics. If it is difficult to remember a certain moment, then, with a high degree of probability, it is a weak part of the material. Such text must be reworked or cut out altogether. This is especially important if the future performer is thinking about how to write a rap about love. This intimate topic should not contain anything superfluous in the lyrics, otherwise it will quickly spoil the listener’s impression.

But how long should the song be? On average, these are two or three verses of several dozen bars and three or four choruses. In the chorus, the number of lines may vary, but it is not recommended to write too many of them, as the hook should be catchy.

Rhymes on the go

How to write rap anywhere? You just need to let your thoughts flow freely. Keep it with you notebook everywhere - in transport, while shopping, at work. As is often said in interviews with rappers, a very popular place to write lyrics is the shower, and the time before bed/after waking up. It is important not to miss the find, but to write it down immediately. Don’t get hung up on the idea of ​​“how to learn to compose rap on the go.” After the notebook is filled with lines of text, you can begin to edit them: analyze which rhymes and themes turn out better, which ones turn out worse, and so on.

The importance of a good hook

When a person writes a report, he starts with a thesis statement. But how does this rule apply to music? And at the same time, how to compose a rap? Let's start with the hook. This moment in the song is also simply called the chorus. The hook not only reflects the very essence and main theme of the composition. It should be catchy and unique. A good hook is the basis for rhythm and lyrics. If you don’t know how to compose a rap right away, on the fly, then you can take lines from another song and paraphrase them “to suit yourself.”

Song structuring

After creating the rhythm, melody and lyrics, you need to put together the final version of the song. You can start a verse from any part of the text, but you need to end it with lines that carry the main idea. How to compose a rap? The most popular structure is this: an introduction at the beginning, then a verse and chorus, again repeating the verse and chorus, after which there may be a bridge or some other insertions, and then the chorus again (sometimes you can repeat it several times, or make a modulation - a transition to different key). The ending can also be different: you can abruptly end the song, you can end with a recitative with minimal accompaniment, just a recitation, or go “fade” (that is, when the song gradually fades away). The song may have an insert (solo) on any instrument. It can be introduced, for example, before the last chorus. Very interesting is the use of backing vocals (additional, “backing up”). These can be either the voices of interested friends or your own, but in this case it will have to be slightly modified.

Now school students need to be able to write essays: this task is included in the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, which are all taken in grades 9 and 11. The essay plays a big role in the State Academic Examination - it must be written by all students graduating from basic school. In the Unified State Exam, this task is included in Part C. You can often hear the opinions of schoolchildren who note that it is extremely difficult to complete the Unified State Exam perfectly, and not everyone will be able to “reach” Part C. Moreover, if a graduate does not intend to enter the Faculty of Philology or any humanities specialty, the incentive to write a good essay and get a high score for Part C completely disappears. But we should look at this issue from a different position.

Think about how much your chances of passing the Unified State Exam will increase if you show excellent results in completing the most difficult task. Good essay in the Unified State Exam will give you high additional points, allowing you to perfectly “safeguard” in case you are unable to remember complex theoretical material in order to score more points in other sections of the Unified State Exam. It is worth learning how to write essays in order to receive positive grades for planned work and feel confident in final exams. To do this, just remember the rules for constructing and formatting an essay, the algorithm of work, and follow simple recommendations.

How to learn to write essays? Some simple tips: we constantly master the skill of words
Many schoolchildren ask the question: how to learn to write essays? Most often, they want to receive specific answers and succinct advice. However, to create good texts It is necessary to constantly improve your speaking and writing skills. There are several simple recommendations which will help you develop the ability to express your thoughts competently and literary, write logically and easily, and be fluent in words.

  1. Make time to read books. Try to study classical works constantly, rather than quickly skimming them before class. Pay attention to syllables, sentence construction, artistic media. Analyze texts from the point of view of the relationship between content and form. Correlate what the author wanted to talk about in the work with the expression of these thoughts in sentences, specific words and figures of speech. Even if reading in itself does not interest you, remember that such work will help you learn to write texts on your own, formulate thoughts and express your own point of view.
  2. Pay special attention to structure and narration in short stories. Look at how the author designs the introduction, how events develop, and how the final part is constructed. Remember interesting phrases, words, and peculiarities of phrase construction.
  3. You can also read critical articles that provide analysis different works fiction. Try to always set aside time for this, especially if you are assigned to read major work. The works of researchers will help you clarify unclear points; the main artistic means, features of poetics, and creative path author. Reading a short critical article will take you only 10-30 minutes and will bring tangible benefits in the future.
  4. Try to keep track of your orally. If you always strive to speak correctly and beautifully, writing a competent text will not be a problem for you. People rarely write and speak often, and spoken and written language are closely related. Train colloquial speech, make it richer, avoid slang and cliches. This will not only help you write logical and correct essays, but will also be useful in later life, when you need to communicate with serious people and discuss business issues, demonstrate your abilities and knowledge.
  5. It's better not to use collections finished essays. Remember that all of these texts will be familiar to experienced teachers and examiners. Even if your school teacher accidentally will not notice the substitution, the memorized texts will not be useful in exams: there are a lot of topics, and members of the examination committee will easily recognize an essay from the collection.
  6. Allow sufficient time to create your essay. Don't try to write it quickly, at the last moment. Even if you already have a good command of the style and write competent essays, it is always much better to write a draft version first, and then re-read it and add to it, making corrections. Often mistakes are difficult to see right away, but interesting thoughts and ideas may come to you a little later.
  7. Take criticism calmly. If you did not understand something in class, or were unable to understand the intricacies of the plot and characters of the work, study the text at home. Read the textbook, watch the work itself again, re-read key scenes. Use the services of libraries: take them there critical articles, read comments in collected works. In the end, you will only save time, because by first working on yourself, creating the necessary base, you will begin to write essays much easier and faster, and you will achieve better results.
  8. It is advisable to find readers. Offer your essays to your parents and friends to read. They will be able to draw your attention to shortcomings, help correct them, and give useful tips, considering characteristic features your texts.
Always pay attention to your literacy, read more fiction and don’t forget about the basic tips, then you can quickly learn to write essays.

Learning to write essays. Work algorithm
Learn to write essays using an algorithm, work according to a plan, present your thoughts consistently.

  1. Read the essay topic carefully. If you are asked to formulate a title, remember: it is the topic specified in the title that you will need to reveal in the text. To consider the topic well, fully disclose it and leave no gaps, choose one aspect, a specific narrow problem. An example of a too broad topic: “The significance of the novel “War and Peace” in the works of Leo Tolstoy”; An example of a narrow topic that is well suited for writing an essay: “Andrei Bolkonsky and Napoleon. Crossing of destinies (episode analysis).”
  2. Think about the topic carefully. Start using the draft right away: write down the facts of the author’s biography related to the writing of the work, quotes, and your own thoughts.
  3. Identify the main issues directly related to the topic. Find the key question among them and write it down.
  4. Begin to formulate your personal opinion, reflect in a draft your thoughts on the topic, your attitude to the problem, the work. Answer the questions:
    • What interested you?
    • What seemed most important?
    • What details and facts did you pay attention to?
    • Do you agree with the author's opinion? Briefly explain your position, provide evidence, arguments, and use your reading and personal life experience.
    • Which characters did you like? Why?
    • What feelings does the work or article evoke?
    • Have you thought about this problem before?
    • How important do you think the question raised in the work is?
    • What new things did you discover after reading the work?
  5. Write down the main ideas you want to convey in your essay. You should have at least 12 sentences.
  6. Re-read all the draft materials and make an outline for your essay. Remember that the composition must be clear:
    • introduction;
    • main part (comments, arguments, consideration author's position, evidence of your position);
    • conclusion;
    • conclusions.
    Write your plan, leaving empty spaces between points. There you can add quotes, outline sentences and wording. Distribute all your draft materials into plan items. Don't forget about the specified volume.
  7. Start writing a draft of your essay. Be sure to carefully follow the logic of the narrative: avoid sharp transitions, semantic shifts, do not devote too much space to details, minor deviations. Express your thoughts smoothly, consistently, remember the semantic connections between sentences and paragraphs. Your text should be perceived as a single whole
  8. Use quotes, remember your personal experience, argue and prove your opinion, position.
  9. Pay special attention to the introductory and concluding parts of the essay.
    • In the introduction, formulate the problem, explain the tasks that you set for yourself when writing an essay. You can start with a thesis, reflecting the significance of the work in the author’s work, the importance and relevance of the problem raised.
    • In conclusion, draw your conclusions. Before writing the final part, re-read the entire essay. There is no need to retell its contents: summarize everything written, but in other words.
  10. Re-read the draft, find and correct all errors and inaccuracies. Carefully rewrite the essay into a clean copy. Re-read the text and check it again.
Write your essay carefully, thoughtfully and slowly, follow the algorithm and recommendations, then you will be able to complete the task well.

Your child likes to listen to fairy tales, but you have already read all the books and don’t know where to get something new? Try to write a fairy tale yourself. It's not difficult. But for it to turn out good, you must follow several rules. Read and find out which ones.

Good idea. It's not difficult to come up with an idea. Just look around, see what surrounds you. Any event or interesting animal will do. For example, your grandmother's cat. Tell us about how he travels to distant lands in search of adventure.

Heroes from life. Children love it when the main characters of a fairy tale are... real people or animals they know. The child will really like your story about the events that happened to loved ones. As the main character of the fairy tale, try to choose someone who enjoys authority with the baby so that he wants to be like him.

No need to make them ideal people, let them just be cheerful and resourceful. A story about how some kid was able to outwit an adult will cause genuine joy in the child. It is also advisable to introduce into the fairy tale some fantastic character(brownie, fairy, wizard).

Not a scary story. There is no need to tell stories with a lot of traps and dangers. This may frighten the baby. Better choose funny situations. For example, about a cat who got entangled in a ball of thread. Such situations will make the baby laugh.

The presence of a negative character. Must be present in a fairy tale bad guy(just not from close people). This role would be suitable for a fictional character. At the same time, he should not be scary, let this character be awkward, clumsy. Because the baby should under no circumstances be afraid of him.

The child is at the center of events. Make your little one one of the heroes, he will definitely like it. But the fairy tale in which your baby participates should not be scary; no dangers should appear in the plot.

Also, be prepared for the fact that not all of your fairy tales will appeal to your little one. At 2-3 years old, he sometimes likes to invent characters on his own. And if you do not guess his wishes, he may be indignant. In this case, you may need to urgently replace some events and heroes.

Vivid vocabulary. Try to make your stories imaginative, with an abundance of vivid, expressive vocabulary. So you will not only entertain your baby, but also introduce him to idiomatic expressions, new words, and figures of speech.

Dynamic plot. Writing fairy tales should be fun for both the child and the mother. During the story, you need to adapt to the baby, since he may have his own favorite heroes who must win. The baby's favorite toy can also become one of the characters. The little one should like this.

More emotions. You need to tell a story as emotionally as possible. Try playing with intonation. You can imitate the voices of animals or birds if they appear in a fairy tale. Do not forget that your facial expressions and gestures also play an important role in the child’s perception of the story he hears.

Thanks a lot. Your article helped me a lot!! =)

Recently we have become interested in writing fairy tales with our son. I learned a lot of useful things after attending a seminar on fairy tale therapy with amazing person- *IN LOVE* Anna’s porridge. Here good interview with her _

You are absolutely right! The most important thing is that it is really easy and interesting even for mom. Even the smallest ones will appreciate your efforts if you put more emotions and intonations into them.