Leonid Podolsky: “My works contain my biography, my memory, my attitude and life experience. What the missing journalist Khashoggi wrote about in his last column What Astafiev wrote about in his works

Purpose of the lesson: introduce the main stages of Astafiev’s life and work; identify the uniqueness of the theme of creativity, the sound features of the theme of the relationship between man and nature: develop skills in analyzing prose text.

Progress of the lesson. Why did fate give me happiness? Am I worthy of it, this happiness? Did you do everything for the happiness of others? Have you always been honest with yourself?
V. Astafiev (from the article “Participating in all living things”)

I. Opening remarks.

Writer and time... What do you think is the connection between these concepts?

These two concepts are closely intertwined. A real writer knows how to express his time: he has a responsive heart, he disturbs the reader and makes him think about the world and himself in this world. Such was Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001).

Every line written by Viktor Astafiev sounds like the music of ineradicable love for the homeland. The basis of his prose is what he himself experienced, suffered, and changed his mind. And he experienced so much that it would have been enough, perhaps, for more than one lifetime.

II. Vital and creative path Astafieva.

Teacher. The childhood of Viktor Astafiev is more difficult not to imagine. The boy was only seven years old when his mother drowned in the Yenisei. He dedicated the story “The Pass” to his mother’s memory. And much later, having already become famous writer, he will talk about his mother, Lydia Ilyinichna, with bitter filial love.

Student.“If I were given the opportunity to repeat my life, I would choose the same one, very eventful, joys, victories and defeats, delights and sorrows of losses, which, by the way, help me see the world more sharply and feel kindness more deeply. And I would ask only one thing from my fate - to leave my mother with me. I've missed her all my life...
Take care of your mothers, people! Take care! They only come once and never come back, and no one can replace them! This is being told to you by a person who has the right to trust - he outlived his mother...”

Teacher. Victor Astafiev was raised by his grandmother. The book “The Last Bow” is primarily dedicated to her - the writer’s memoirs about childhood and adolescence. Astafievskaya’s grandmother Katerina Ivanovna brings so much warmth and light to her grandson that, having already become an adult, he remembers her with love and gratitude.

Viktor Petrovich also visited homeless children. But his vagrancy is forced, from orphanhood.

Student.“Autumn has come. Then winter. My fishing days are over. I ended up in an orphanage, and I all wanted to tell someone about “my lake.” This year Ignatiy Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky began teaching us literature and the Russian language... He often forced us to write essays on “free” topics. In one of my school essays, I wrote about how a boy got lost in the taiga and found an unknown lake... Ignatius Dmitrievich recognized my essay as the best and placed it in a handwritten school magazine.

Many years later I remembered my school essay and wrote a story for the children “Vasyutkino Lake”.

Teacher. Difficult fates orphanages, “free people,” as they call themselves, pass before the eyes of readers in Viktor Astafiev’s story “Theft.” Here they love and maim each other in unchildishly vicious fights, they hope and despair, they see happy dreams and toss and turn in insomnia, they read smart books and listen to jokes; here a beautiful song is adjacent to a vulgar thieves verse...

Teacher Valerian Ivanovich is unable to replace father, mother, and family for the orphanage residents. This is probably why his soul, suffering from daily contact with someone else’s—no, not someone else’s—childish pain screams: “Guys, when you become adults and you have children, love them! Love it! Beloved children are not orphans. No need for orphans! There is no doubt about the sincerity of these words. They were suffered in the great soul of the former orphanage Viktor Astafiev.

Student.“Lighten up, the memory of the boy, to every freckle, to every scratch, to the white scar on his upper lip - he once learned to walk, fell, cut his lip on the edge of the floorboard.

The first scar in my life.

How many of them will be on the body and in the soul later?..

Through it all, through! To where on true land there lived truly dear people who knew how to love you just like that, for what you are, and who knew the only payment - reciprocal love.”

A fragment of the song “Holy War” is played.

Teacher. In the fall of 1942, Astafiev went to the front and found himself in the thick of the war. Military rank - private. And so on until Victory: driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, signalman. He is wounded twice and shell-shocked. In a word, in a war it’s like in a war.

1st student.“How many times have I died in painful dreams! And yet he rose again and again. The terribly roaring fire and the thunderous smoke of explosions will be replaced by colorful meadows of flowers; noisy birch grove; a quiet cedar tree on a mossy mountain; a river foaming with flow..."
“And the war never ceases in me, shaking tired soul. A crimson light breaks through the already mute thickness of time and, flattened, petrified, but not losing the smell of burning and blood, it swirls in me.”

2nd student.“It is difficult to write about war... Happy are those who do not know it, and I would like to wish everyone good people: and to never know it, and not to know, not to carry hot coals in my heart that burn health, sleep... my heart is afraid... it’s difficult for me to write about war, although “in me” there is a book about war, about “my war” “, goes and goes on its own, without stopping, without leaving me and my memory alone.”

Teacher. The memory of the war dictated to the writer the lines of “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess”, “Shooting Stars”, the story “War is Thundering Somewhere”, the stories “Is It a Clear Day”, “Living Life...”.

In his later novel “Cursed and Killed” (1994), Astafiev again turns to the theme of his works of past years - man and war.

Student.“Sometimes they write to me and say that the war I portray is “wrong,” unlike the war of those who fought it a hundred kilometers from the front line. And it is very diverse... People killed people there - it’s scary, it’s inhumane: “Everyone who sows confusion, war and fratricide on earth will be cursed by God and killed.”

A fragment of the song “Don’t chop, guys, don’t chop” performed by the group “Lube” is played.

Teacher. There are problems that always accompany human existence. One of them is the relationship between man and nature. “We are no strangers to losses,” wrote Sergei Zalygin, “but only until the moment comes to lose nature, after which there will be nothing to lose.”

As a sensitive artist, Astafiev could not stay away from the problem of nature conservation. An event in the life of our literature was the work “The King Fish”, awarded the State Prize. In it, the author warns that retribution for the destruction of nature is the destruction of the nature of man who has encroached on the living world.

1st student.
There's nothing to return
How not to etch spots in the sun,
And, on the way back,
You still won't come back,
This truth is very simple,
And she, like death, is immutable,
You can return to the same places
But it's impossible to go back.
N. Novikov

2nd student.“My native Siberia has changed. Everything is the same, everything changes. Hoary wisdom testifies. That's how it was. That's how it is. It will be so.
So what am I looking for? Why am I suffering? Why? For what?
...There is a desire to remember and tell confidentially in a narrow circle what he saw, which struck the imagination, interesting facts from life, history or natural phenomena... Every sane person needs an interlocutor, otherwise he will be crushed by loneliness, and if there is no interlocutor, then the person is inclined to talk with himself, reaches the bottomless depths of existence, he is overcome by the eternal thought about the meaning of life "

Teacher. This is how the wonderful book of stories “Zatesi” was born. Zates is a cut made on a tree with an ax or other sharp object. This is the meta that people used to look for paths and roads in the taiga.

Zates is meta, a place that is engraved in the writer’s memory, and when thinking about it, “the heart begins to work intermittently, beats convulsively...” “Zatesi,” collected in a book with that title, took almost a quarter of a century to write.

Artistic reading by students of miniatures from the books “Zatesi”, “Tosca”, “Tail”.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev lived long life, almost 80 years, doing good, calling us to do the same. In November 2001, this heart stopped beating amazing artist words. His books remain, and in the hands of a wise reader they become the living word of the author:

Oh, it was not for nothing that I lived in this world!
And it’s sweet for me to strive from the darkness,
So that, taking me in your palm, you
My distant descendant,
Finished what I didn't finish.
N. Zabolotsky

III. Themes of Viktor Astafiev's creativity.

Working with the textbook.

Read the article in the textbook “Viktor Petrovich Astafiev”, p. 351-354, write down in outline form the main themes of this writer’s work.

IV. Working with the text of the novel “The Tsar Fish”.


1. Nature and man.

2. Mythological motifs and their role in the novel.

3. Storytelling is the genre of this book.

4. The tragic fate of the taiga villages that shared the fate of Rasputin’s Matera.

These questions can be proposed for preliminary home preparation in groups.

V. Lesson summary.

Medyakova Olga Vladimirovna

Lesson topic : Man and nature in the story by V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake".

Class : 5

Target: Systematize and generalize knowledge of the studied work.


1. Create conditions for students to understand the inextricable connections between nature and man.

2. Activate the cognitive interests of students using information and communication technologies.

3. Develop skills monologue speech, expressive reading, text analysis.

4. Educate careful attitude to the surrounding nature.

Planned results:

Subjective – characterize the hero’s actions, determine the meaning of pictures of nature; identify the artistic idea of ​​the story, which consists in affirming the need for the commonwealth of man and nature, the ability to be persistent and effective in any circumstances, to fight and achieve victory in difficult situations.

Metasubject UUD:

educational – the ability to extract the necessary information from various sources (text, teacher’s message, visual aids), analyze an object in order to highlight essential features;

regulatory – the ability to correlate one’s knowledge with the goal, to comment on the information received, to be able to analyze the choice of educational action to achieve the planned result;

communicative – the ability to plan educational cooperation in a team, evaluate the actions of classmates;

personal – formation of personal values ​​based on content assessment work of art, actions literary hero.

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia projector, textbook, handouts, geographical map.

Attached media materials: presentation, recording “Birdsong”, music by E. Grieg “Morning Mood”.

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. Kurdyumova T.F. Literature. A textbook for 5th grade students. LLC "Drofa", 2012

2. Egorova N.V. Lesson developments on literature for grade 5. – M.: VAKO, 2014.

3. “And open your memory.” Vol. 2. Memories of V.P. Astafiev residents of Ovsyanka and Divnogorsk: materials for the biography of the writer. Krasnoyarsk, 2006

4. Zabolotsky N.A. Poems. M: Soviet Russia, 1985

5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. – M.: Russian language, 1990.

6. https:// xmuzic. me/ q/ ls68 wrTQ5 cmR_3 qE2 ZKCs8 eD66 HpR6 jSpeSnzbbe/

7. https:// my- hit. fm/grig-morning-mood

8. http:// www. youtube. com/ watch? v= rGvaKqk-4 ss

9. testedu.ru/test/literature/5-klass/astafev-vasyutkino-ozero.html

Portal "Educational tests"

Lesson structure:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Updating knowledge.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

4. Physical exercise.

5. Lesson summary.

6. Reflection.

7. Homework.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment (Slide 1 - splash screen)

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you! I want today's lesson to enrich you with new knowledge, you will enjoy it from working with each other. I hope you enjoy the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge, awakening interest in the topic.

Guys, today in class we will talk... About what? Figure it out for yourself. To do this, you have to solve a puzzle, which consists of two parts.

First part of the puzzle: (Slide 2)

Indeed, this is the taiga.(Slide 3)

Second part of the puzzle:(Slide 4)

You're right: it's main character story by V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake” - Vasyutka.(Slide 5)

It is easy for a small grain of sand to get lost in the ocean. It is just as easy for a person to get lost in the taiga and die. Being far from loved ones and his home, left alone with the harsh and majestic nature, Vasyutka fights for survival.

Chinese thinker Lu Xun believed: “Paths do not open to those who do not fight”. How do you understand this statement?(Slide 6)

What helped the hero of Astafiev’s story to survive and not die in the taiga? We'll talk about this in class today.(Slide 7)

Can we call our lesson “Duel between Vasyutka and the taiga?” Let's check in the dictionary what the word "duel" means.

(No, the duel involves enemies, opponents, in the same story they find common language: Vasyutka was able to read the “book of the taiga”, lived according to its laws, and she showed the boy a way out of the dead end, taught lessons of wisdom and kindness.)

Guys, try to formulate problematic issues today's lesson. (Vasyutka and taiga, man and nature.)

What can you talk about in this lesson? (Nature – friend or foe?Saving Vasyutka - a miracle or a pattern? What lessons does nature give to the hero and the reader?)

Summarizing what has been said, let us formulatelesson topic: “Man and nature in the story

V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”(Slide 8)

Guys, open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

The epigraph of the lesson is the words of V.P. Astafiev: “Nature is not only the source of life. She is a teacher of the soul."(Slide 9)

So, we go on an excursion to the forest together with the main Siberian writer V.P. Astafiev and the main character of the story Vasyutka.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson

V.P. Astafiev is a writer with a complex, but interesting fate. Deathparents, an orphanage, war, mental wounds - all this was in his life. But there was something else - something that gave a feeling of joy and fullness of life. This is creativity and healing power nature, which accompanied him throughout his life. You are already familiar with the story of this writer; today is the final lesson on the work. And we turn again to the pages autobiographical work V.P. Astafiev “Vasyutkino Lake”, we will try to identify the author’s idea, determine the relationship between man and nature.

First stop

What is the story behind the creation of the story “Vasyutkino Lake”? Why can the story “Vasyutkino Lake” be called autobiographical? (Student message)

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev said: “I know for sure that they forced me to write books and life.” He thought and thought, and it turned out that he needed to talk about his fellow countrymen, first of all about his fellow villagers, about his grandparents and other relatives. They were interesting to him and he loved them for who they really were. The story “Vasyutkino Lake” is based on the history of its own life, that is, the author put the hero in a situation in which he himself found himself.

Second stop

Questions about the content of the story in the form of a crossword puzzle. (Handout)

What helped Vasyutka survive in difficult conditions?

(Vasyutka knew how to analyze what was happening: “Vasyutka, like any taiga resident, had a penchant for lengthy reasoning early.” The skills he acquired in communicating with adults, ingenuity, dexterity and self-confidence came in handy)

Conclusion: man and nature are inextricably linked.

So, knowledge of the laws of the taiga helped the boy survive: in the forest he found food, shelter, and warmth. You could say that nature is an open book! But it is not open to everyone; you need to be able to read it.So,nature is an open book!

Let's write down this important conclusion in a notebook, all the interesting and important thoughts As the lesson progresses, we will write it down in a notebook.(Children write down the main conclusions in a notebook as the lesson progresses.)

Do you think we can call nature a majestic temple? What is a temple?

(Working with the dictionary: a temple is a holy place where people come to cleanse their souls.)

So Vasyutka, finding himself alone with nature, begins to feel it living soul: talks to her, seeks support, notices the slightest changes, feels her condition. Through nature, he tries to send a message to his family, he cleanses himself, and becomes wiser. Indeed, the beauty of nature is like the splendor of a temple. This is how the French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote about it:(teacher reads)

Nature is a kind of temple, where from living columns

Snatches of vague phrases emanate from time to time.

As in a thicket of symbols, we wander in this temple,

And he looks at mortals with a kindred gaze.

So, let's write down another important thought:Nature is a majestic temple.

V.P. Astafiev affectionately calls the taiga “nurse”. Why do you think? (Nature, like a second mother, helps Vasyutka and leads him out of the taiga, because she is inherently humane and merciful, you need to study her, respect her and follow her laws). Let's write down our next output:Nature is a mother, a nurse.

Musical physical exercise.

Third stop

Tell us about the taiga as a natural zone of Russia. Show it on a geographical map.

- Us. 158find and read the description of the taiga from the words“Taiga... Taiga” (reading to the soundtrack “Birdsong” ). How does the author draw the taiga? What visual media does he use? For what?(Reports the state of the main character, find a description of the taiga in the text)(Slide 10)

- Why did the taiga seem “silent”, “indifferent” to the boy? Why did she remind Vasyutka of the sea?

Let's draw conclusions: what helps us understand the feelings and emotions of the hero?(Pictures of nature - description of the taiga) So, nature in a work is not a background, not a decoration for what is depicted, but complex world, which absorbs a person and determines his values. Nature is initially wise, it teaches a person from mistakes, guides him through trials, forgives and helps in choosing a path.

The ancient Chinese philosopher Xun Tzu said: “He who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; the one who correctly notes my right deeds is my friend..."(Slide 11) Ponder these words of wisdom! What can be concluded? What is nature in relation to man? That's right, nature is not the enemy,nature is a teacher and friend . This is another important conclusion.

Show the Yenisei River on the map. Tell us what you know about her. (Student message)

Let's find in the text Vasyutka's meeting with the Yenisei and read this episode. (At first the boy rejoices, jumps with happiness, grabs water in greedy sips, but then pulls himself together)(Slide 12)

How does the boy address the Yenisei? (“Yeniseyushko, nice, good...”(personification) - for the boy he is like a good old friend). Going to the Yenisei means salvation.

Why did the reflection in the Yenisei surprise Vasyutka?The main character has changed in appearance, but changes have also occurred in inner world: Vasyutka matured in less than five days, learned to appreciate what he previously considered ordinary, insignificant for himself.

Vasyutka was given a way out to the Yenisei by a lake he found in the forest. What do you think, can we say that Lake Vasyutkino is a “lake of hope”?

The poet Nikolai Zabolotsky has a poem “Forest Lake”, let’s listen to it and conclude whether it is possible to correlate the lake that Vasyutka found and the forest lake depicted by Zabolotsky.

( Reading a poem against the background of music by E. Grieg “Morning Mood”)

INAsyutkino Lake is a reflection of the soul of a teenager, pure, deep, generous. He couldn't diein the taiga: just as a forest lake is fed by rivers and rivulets, mother Taiga herself and father Yenisei, so Vasyutka is saved by the experience of adults, faith, hope, love - love for his parents, for nature, for the great and mighty Motherland. This means that one more conclusion can be drawn.Nature is the mirror of the human soul . (Slide 13)

Fourth stop

- I suggest you get to knowReminders “Advice for those going into the forest”(Slide 14) and "If you're lost in the forest"(Slide 15)

VI. Lesson summary

- So, our journey through the taiga has come to an end. What have we learned about nature and man?about their relationship?

Nature is a wise mentor, a friend teacher, and sometimes a judge. She punishes frivolity and selfishness, for neglecting laws and traditions. She also forgives, helps people get out of the taiga, shows people the right way. Birds, stars, the month are harbingers of goodness and justice. However, the main task of salvation must be solvedthe man himself. Only then will he become a true son and master of nature. Through nature, a person understands himself better and learns to appreciate his loved ones.

- What is the ability to survive?(Be brave strong spirit, know the laws of nature, do not forget the covenants andtraditions of fathers and grandfathers)

1. The memory of traditions became a lifeline for Vasyutka. Using it, he makes his memorable notch - he opens the lake.

Let his lessons become a guide in life for us too. "With memory - to memory."

2. V.P. Astafiev, with his creativity, tries to show that all animals and plants can live without humans, but humans without nature are doomed to death.

Together with Vasyutka we traveled through the taiga, worried, despaired, and rejoiced. Remember, in order not to get lost, the boy left notes - notches in the trees, showing the way to people? Reading a work, we also leave some impressions in our souls, marks on our hearts, and we comprehend the secret of the work.

Listen to the poem “Notches on the Heart.”

Notches on the heart

Lessons in courage, lessons in kindness
You will keep it in your heart forever,
And the lake, as a symbol of purity,
It will be revealed to you, even at the end of summer.
You will see in the streams of a clear stream
Pristine nature reflection,
And my own sinful soul
Feel the origins of purification.
Blue will flow into the heart of the sky,
And the stars in the sky are quietly twinkling,
And the chirping of birds and dewy grass -

Vasyutka Lake shines!

V . Reflection

Express your attitude towards the hero. What did you learn from Vasyutka?(slide 16)

Support structures for reflective analysis:

I was scared when Vasyutka...

I was worried because...

If I found myself in this situation...

What fascinates me about Vasyutka...

But Vasyutka could...

Did Vasyutka manage to reach his shore of Success?What about us? Evaluate the work. (Traffic light reception: green – 5, yellow – 4, red – 3)

VI . Homework (slide 17)

Write a letter to Vasyutka about what you learned from him.

“Freedom of speech is what the Arab world needs most,” is the headline of Jamal Khashoggi's latest Washington Post article. The editor of his column indicated that she received the text from a translator the day after Khashoggi disappeared. For about two weeks, Karen Attia believed that the journalist would get in touch, then they would jointly edit the column. However, according to the editor, this will no longer happen.

In the text, Khashoggi, citing the Freedom House report, argues that only one Arab country can be called truly free, and that is Tunisia. In second place are Jordan, Morocco and Kuwait. And all other states of the Arab world are “not free”. “And people living in these countries are not informed at all or are misinformed.” According to Khashoggi, the majority Arab countries there is only an official agenda. The author also mentions that high hopes were placed on the Arab Spring of 2011, but the status quo remained. “There are several oases where the spirit of the Arab Spring continues to be maintained. The Qatari government maintains global news coverage, unlike its neighbor, which has made efforts to control information to preserve the "old Arab order." By neighbor, the author most likely means Saudi Arabia, considering that Qatar has a land border only with the Saudis.

Khashoggi identified the main problem as the lack of freedom of speech in the media and strict censorship in Arab media.

“Even in Tunisia or Kuwait, the media mainly covers internal issues, rather than the problems facing the Arab world as a whole. They are afraid to provide a platform to journalists from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen. Even Lebanon, the pearl of the Arab world, has fallen victim to Hezbollah's influence in matters of press freedom."

According to Jamal Khashoggi, a kind of “iron curtain” has fallen over Arab world. But it was not external players who did this, but internal forces...

If you look at the journalist’s previous columns on the Washington Post website, you will notice that last text was less devoted to criticizing only Riyadh, but touched upon several countries and, in the author’s opinion, problems common to the region.

Meanwhile, the Saudi Consul General in Turkey was relieved of his post. Earlier, he left Istanbul and flew to his homeland.

US President Donald Trump on Thursday, October 18, was going to meet with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after the latter visited Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Pompeo met with the authorities of the two countries and discussed the situation with the alleged murder of a journalist at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

There are increasingly frequent accusations against Washington that White House not decisive enough and cruel towards Riyadh. However, Trump insists that he is not trying to “cover up” for the Saudis, but intends to “find out what is really going on.”

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001) began writing very early. Working as a correspondent for various newspapers, Astafiev announced himself as a prose writer in 1953, releasing a collection of stories “Until Next Spring.” Next came books for children: “Lights” (1955), “Vasyutkino Lake” (1956), “Uncle Kuzya, Fox, Cat” (1957), “Warm Rain” (1958). The writer was concerned with the problem of personality development in difficult living conditions. This theme is reflected in the works: “Starfall”, “Theft”, “War is thundering somewhere”. In subsequent stories, Astafiev wrote about the people of the village; critics began to classify the writer’s works as village prose. The genre of a short story or one close to a story becomes a favorite for the writer.

Work on the prose cycles “The Last Bow” and “The Tsar Fish” occupied a large place in the writer’s work. The idea of ​​“The Last Bow” (1958-1978), created over two decades, was born from the writer’s desire to talk about Siberia and his childhood impressions. The author called the collection “pages of childhood.” The main character of the cycle, uniting all the stories, is the child Vitka Potylitsyn. The first book is filled with descriptions of children's games, fishing, and village fun. The boy Vitka is emotionally open to the understanding of beauty; through his perception the writer conveys the dissonance of the songs. The stories written in the first person are filled with a feeling of gratitude to fate for communicating with beautiful nature, for meeting extraordinary people. The writer gave last bow to everything good that was and is in this world. The pages of the book are imbued with confessionalism and lyricism.

The novelistic cycle “The Fish King” (1976) talks about the relationship between man and nature. The plot of the book is connected with the author’s travels to his native Siberia. The action of each story takes place on one of the tributaries of the Yenisei. People and circumstances change, but the river, which represents the flow of life, remains unchanged. Several stories raise the problem of poaching. These, in the writer’s opinion, are not only poachers from the village of Chush, who mercilessly destroy the river’s wealth, not only government officials who designed the dam in such a way that the river festered and all living things in it died, but also Goga Hertsev, who is being destroyed the hearts of lonely women. “The King Fish” is a book warning about an impending environmental disaster, the writer’s reflections on the lack of spirituality of modern society.

Vasil Bykov called Astafiev’s novel “The cry of a sick soul” Sad detective"(1986). The author himself considered it an unusual novel, who combined artistry with journalism. The hero of the novel is a police officer, detective Leonid Soshnin. The action takes place in the provincial Russian town of Veisk over several days. The novel has nine chapters, telling about individual episodes from the hero’s life. The hero's memories are intertwined with real episodes of his professional activity. A terrible picture of violence, robbery, and murder appears. The conflict of the work lies in the clash of the protagonist with the world of immorality and lawlessness. Material from the site

Astafiev thought a lot about the war and repeatedly addressed this topic. The first work telling about military events was the story “Starfall” (1961). In the early 70s, according to critics, the writer’s most perfect work was published - the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” (Subtitle “Modern Pastoral”, 1867-1971). At the center of the story is the story of the relationship between Boris Kostyaev and Lucy. The writer simultaneously describes the tender relationship of lovers and scary pictures death and blood in war. Your myth about the Great Patriotic War Astafiev created in the novel “Cursed and Killed” (1992, 1994). The work differs sharply from everything created about the Great Patriotic War: the writer destroys the established stereotypes of the image of the people at war.

Whatever Astafiev wrote about main theme his work always contained fate and character common man, the life of the people “in the depths of Russia.”

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • opinion and quotes from Viktor Astafiev about literature
  • test on the works of Viktor Astafiev
  • quotes about the life and work of V. Astafiev
  • creativity of V.P.Astafiev
  • the history of the creation of the story Starfall by Astafiev

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924 - 2001) - famous Soviet writer, novelist, essayist. Born on May 1, 1924 in the small village of Ovsyanka, Yenisei province (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

The beginning of life's journey

V.P. Astafiev lived difficult life, filled with experiences, life's difficulties, trials of the era. Victor was the fourth child in the family, but his older sisters died in infancy. The child also lost his father at a young age. The breadwinner, like the grandfather, was imprisoned for political reasons.

The future writer’s mother died when little Victor was barely 7 years old. He grew up as a difficult teenager, deprived of parental care and care. For some time he was under the protection of his grandmother, but after serious misconduct at school, he was forced to be sent to an orphanage. Victor escaped from his pursuers, wandering like a homeless person for a long time.

Trials of adulthood

After graduating from the FZO school, young Astafiev got a job as a train coupler. However, everyday work very soon gave way to the horror of war. Despite the railway reservation, Victor volunteered for the front in 1942. There, the former hooligan and rowdy shows all his nature as a hero and patriot. He was both a driver and a signalman.

He distinguished himself in howitzer artillery, where he was seriously wounded and then concussed. Merits to the patronymic were supported by a number of important awards: the Order of the Red Star, For Courage, and For Victory over Nazi Germany.

Demobilization overtook the hero with the rank of “private” after the end of hostilities in 1945. The former soldier moved to the town of Chusovoy (Perm region). Here he started a family with Maria Koryakina, who bore her husband three children. In addition, Astafiev became the adoptive father of two more daughters.

Towards destiny

Victor tried himself in many jobs: from a mechanic and storekeeper to a teacher and a station attendant. The turning point came when the writer got a job at the editorial office of Chusovsky Worker (1951). Here he was able to introduce his works to the public for the first time. 2 years later, his first book, “Until Next Spring,” was published.

5 many years it took the young writer to become part of the Union of Writers of the USSR. From 1959 to 1961, Victor studied at the Higher literary courses. This was followed by years of long journeys from Perm to Vologda, and then to Krasnoyarsk. From 1989 to 1991, the writer was among the ranks of officials.


The key themes of Astafiev’s work are the military-patriotic direction and the romance of village life. His first work, written while still at school, was the story “Vasyutkino Lake.” Many years later, the writer transformed his children's work into a full-fledged publication. Of the early stories, the most famous are “Starodub”, “Starfall”, “Pass”.

Edvar Kuzmin once described Astafiev’s “language” as lively, but clumsy, full of inaccuracies, but with an incredible freshness of perception of reality. The Siberian writer wrote like a simple soldier, often describing workers, warriors, and ordinary villagers.

Marshal D. Yazov also noted his special presentation and ability to express himself hysterically, revealing his personal experiences to the reader. Astafiev wrote harshly about peaceful life, not covering up all the everyday bitterness and tragedy of the “little man.”

Viktor Astafiev died in 2001 in Krasnoyarsk.