"Swan Lake" - the most beautiful circus and the most dangerous ballet

Phenomenal show SWAN LAKE to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky -
Acrobatic ballet from Shanghai

Chinese acrobatic troupe "Guangdong". The combination of a classic plot, great music and unexpected choreography, seasoned with Chinese folklore and circus virtuosity - this is all " Swan Lake"in Chinese.

There are many lakes in China, but only one - Swan Lake.
There are many productions of Tchaikovsky’s ballet in the world, but only one – a circus one!
Among all the wonders in the world, this “Swan Lake” is a Chinese miracle.
The most beautiful circus and the most dangerous ballet from Shanghai.
A huge two-meter swan majestically swims onto the stage.
In the blue ghostly light there is a fantastic lake of smoke.
On stage there is either a vision of heaven or hell.
Characters from Tchaikovsky's ballet live here.

The world's first acrobatic ballet, Swan Lake, is outstanding, unique, magnificent and unparalleled.

The Chinese circus does not need advertising, nor does the Swan Lake ballet. There are many productions of Tchaikovsky's ballet in the world, but only one is a circus one.

The idea to create a full-fledged ballet with dangerous acrobatic stunts began with a circus act in 2002 for two soloists Wu and Wei in the genre of a fusion of “ballet and circus” to the music of Tchaikovsky. On world festival in Monte Carlo their performance caused a stir. The artists received the Grand Prix from the hands of Prince Rainier. This was the beginning of a legend.

Having seen this duet at the competition, the leaders of the Chinese acrobatic troupe from Guangdong, choreographer Zhao Ming and director Ning Genfu, decided to create a full-length circus performance
During his long artistic career, Mr. Ning learned all the secrets of the circus. He began studying acrobatics at the age of five and devoted the next fifty to this matter. Traveling across countries and continents, he studied absolutely all types of illusion, magic, trickery, and also mastered the mysterious science of controlling the human body.

Observing a wide variety of performances, Ning came to a paradoxical idea - to fuse together completely incompatible things to create a fundamentally new phenomenon. Why not make a miracle? Namely: to cross classical Russian ballet with Chinese circus, using unique acrobatic performances, completely new choreography and lighting design. Why not create an original Chinese Swan Lake?
An unexpected approach from the East to Tchaikovsky’s music radically changed the very essence of the performance, which was traditionally considered a typical Russian export product. The peculiar ballet Esperanto acquired an unexpected Asian accent.

Actually, the idea was simple to the point of genius - to combine the most impressive tricks from both traditions, add modern design and a complex lighting score. And the circus-ballet project is ready.
Rehearsals for this virtuoso ballet-acrobatic show lasted three years, more than five million dollars were invested in its creation, more than three hundred costumes using unique Chinese fabrics were created specifically for this acrobatic ballet.
And the circus-ballet project is ready.

Fantastic scenery of the Chinese "Swan Lake", delivered in seven huge shipping containers. Changing ideas about classical ballet, the Chinese create a virtuoso acrobatic performance.
This version of Swan Lake showed the world that ballet in China is more than ballet.
The performance “Swan Lake” staged by Chinese choreographer Zhao Ming became a ballet sensation. The choreographer combined Russian classical ballet and ancient Chinese acrobatics.

The show, staged by choreographer Zhao Ming and an acrobatic troupe from Guangdung, lost its usual ballet blandness and turned into a spicy, orientally tart, cosmogonic story about the struggle between Good and Evil.
The plot of the play remains fantastic story love between the prince and the Swan girl, music - great music P.I. Tchaikovsky, but the story takes place not in Europe, but in China, Odette is called the Princess of the East, and Siegfried is the Prince of the West. In the play, the black hawk king - the Evil Genius, using witchcraft power, turned a kind, beautiful girl into a swan, and kidnapped her.

The Prince of the West learned in a dream about the girl’s unfortunate fate and, having overcome the desert and ocean, arrived in a mysterious and ancient eastern country. After enduring all kinds of suffering and hardship, he defeated the black hawk king and found his beloved...

Everything the artists do is reminiscent of flying in dreams and in reality in the spirit of David Copperfield. Chinese dancers masterfully push beyond human limits, boldly changing our understanding of classical ballet. They create a show of unpredictability.

"Swan Lake" in Chinese
During ballet, all tricks are performed without insurance.
Chinese Odette - Wei dances on the head, shoulder, outstretched arm of Prince Siegfried. The classic action is brought to mortal danger here
Several times during rehearsals, Wei fell from a height of three and a half meters - the combined height of the dancers. There were no fractures.

The famous “gift set” from Tchaikovsky – the dance of the little swans – is presented in the form of a playful dance of little green frogs.
Moreover, they perform it not on their feet, but on their hands. According to the directors of the performance, this interpretation of the dance is the most interesting.

“Dance of the Little Swans” is performed by four acrobats dressed as green frogs. They dance upside down on their hands; using their legs is prohibited.

The choreographer brought together Russian classical ballet and ancient Chinese acrobatics.

The performers spin the fouetté inside huge wheels, which simultaneously rotate on the floor.

Before adding numerous stunts to the production, the acrobats studied all the famous classic productions of Swan Lake.

A huge two-meter swan majestically swims onto the stage. In the blue ghostly light there is a fantastic lake of smoke. On stage there is either a vision of heaven or hell. Characters from Tchaikovsky's ballet live here.

By changing our understanding of classical ballet, the Chinese create a show of unpredictability.

Never before has a ballerina frozen in a graceful “step” while standing on the palm of her partner’s outstretched hand.

Never before ballet stage three thousand flowers did not bloom in three seconds!
40 Chinese girls freeze on stage like strange flowers.

Synthesis of acrobatics, ballet and illusionism, classical music and a familiar plot, original stage design and colorful costumes - all this distinguishes the ballet and acrobatic performance “Swan Lake” from other musical and stage premieres.

The perfect combination of acrobatics and ballet

How does the action of the play develop? On his way to the East, the prince passes through different countries, each of which is represented by artists in folk costumes, performing acrobatic acts that differ national flavor. They perform incredible jumps and somersaults between the masts of the ship, juggling with their legs magic lamp from the Arabian Nights fairy tales, stage ancient Egyptian and Thai circus acts, and also show classical Chinese acrobatic exercises - walking on stilts, juggling with knives and a sketch with straw hats. Most of the acrobatic acts presented in the performance Chinese circus from among those who received more than 20 gold prizes at international competitions.

This new acrobatic ballet version of Swan Lake not only showcases the pinnacle of acrobatic art, but also celebrates the unique beauty of ballet. Here the choreography of the ancient Chinese circus first discovered and translated into its own language the wonderful lyrics of Tchaikovsky’s work.

Among the Chinese, the art of acrobatics has always been considered an art of the spirit, because one could bend in different directions not with the help of muscles (they harden), but only with the help of the spirit.”

All this "Swan Lake" from Shanghai - an exotic, overseas show for children and adults!

After the premiere in China, several dozen countries submitted applications to tour this unique spectacle, but choreographer Zhao Ming said that the homeland of the composer Tchaikovsky should be the first to see it.

With this project, the troupe toured more than 60 countries around the world, performed at summits of heads of government, and its performances were seen by 40 presidents different countries world, including Russia and the USA.

Three hours in one breath... All this “Swan Lake” from Shanghai!
There is only one thing in the world that cannot be hidden behind the Chinese Wall - a miracle! All that remains is to see!

November 22-24 at Crocus City Hall - incredible eclecticism of Russian ballet and virtuoso acrobatics, accompanied by the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky

It took three years to stage a full-fledged performance, invest more than five million dollars, and make more than three hundred costumes. Everything is unusual here, although Chinese art a lot of conventions. For example, in “Swan Lake” a two-meter swan is rolled onto the stage. Main character- Odette - appears not in a snow-white tutu, as expected, but in an ordinary tights. But the artist demonstrates the truly fabulous capabilities of her body. Either she does a pas de bure on her fingers (small kicking), standing on a wire, or she freezes in a graceful arabesque on the outstretched arm of Prince Siegfried.

In November, Moscow audiences will once again be treated to an unforgettable, unique show “Swan Lake”.

The idea for creating such a performance in 2002 was the acrobatic Chinese act “Oriental Swan”, which received the main prize at the circus arts competition in Monte Carlo. Having seen this duet at the competition, the leaders of the Chinese acrobatic troupe from Guangdung, choreographer Zhao Ming and director Ning Genfu, decided to create a full-length circus performance. After the premiere in China, several dozen countries submitted applications to tour this unique spectacle, but the creator of the performance, choreographer Zhao Ming, said that the first country to see it would be the homeland of the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In March 2006, the premiere of “Swan Lake” took place at the State Kremlin Palace for Russian viewers. Needless to say, the performances were sold out. The same success awaited the troupe in Russia on its second visit to Russia, in 2007.

Everything that the artists do is reminiscent of flying in a dream or in reality. Chinese dancers masterfully push the limits of human capabilities, changing our understanding of classical ballet. The Chinese put on an unpredictable show that makes you watch with bated breath. incredible stunts. A ballerina on pointe shoes walks on a tightrope, and it is no longer clear where the classical ballet ends and the virtuoso acrobatic performance begins. And the final 32 fouettés in the ballet from the Middle Kingdom are spun by men inside huge rotating wheels.

Ballet "Swan Lake" thanks to the brilliant music of P.I. Tchaikovsky became one of the symbols of Russian culture. For more than a hundred years, this ballet has been one of the most sought-after works of art, admired all over the world. Each new production this great creation arouses keen interest of the public, therefore directors and actors are always aware of the complexity of the task facing them, because they have to, without disturbing the internal structure of the classics, bring their own artistic design. The Chinese Acrobatic Ballet from Shanghai presented their interpretation of the masterpiece in a specially created show that has already taken the world by storm.

« Swan Lake» performed Acrobatic Ballet from Shanghai is an amazing combination of ballet classics and phenomenal Chinese acrobatics. In the new stage incarnation, the story of the enchanted Swan Princess will become even more emotional and graceful. Famous story love is depicted in Asian tones, which is one of the undoubted advantages of the new ballet show. Interweaving of eastern and western cultures in one view - it is unique artistic technique, thanks to which the viewer will feel the universality and immortality of works of art. For example, at the end of the story, hundreds of Chinese lanterns will shine on the stage, which will become a symbol of the happy ending of the story.

For staging "Swan Lake" Shanghai Acrobatic Ballet connected on stage circus art and a ballet extravaganza. As a rule, traditional Chinese circus shows do not have a common plot and consist of individual acts. This time, each acrobatic sketch reveals one or another episode famous story. Master acrobats from China perform their tricks to the limit of human capabilities, demonstrating unique coordination and phenomenal abilities in flexibility, balancing act and physical endurance. You have to watch every action of the artists with concentration and bated breath.

All over the world tickets to Swan Lake performed by the Shanghai Acrobatic Ballet disperse among the audience with great speed. New genre, which presented a classical ballet to the music of Tchaikovsky, combined all the best from the world of art. It demonstrates the triumph of plasticity and flexibility, creates magical illusions, and ballet movements organically combined with acrobatics and techniques of oriental martial arts. A unique show of Chinese acrobats will shock all viewers to the core.

After touring on the stage of the Dubna Water Stadium of the Russian Ballet with Swan Lake, a ballet hit created by P.I. Tchaikovsky in 1877, a heated debate broke out among lovers of the city's classics. Controversy was caused by the initiative of the festival organizers, who included in the intermission between the ballet acts circus acts performed by artists of the popular capital’s “Fire Theater” K. Ferdzhulyan. The very possibility of connecting such various types art in one view. Meanwhile, the system of interaction between the circus and classical ballet has changed dramatically over the past decade.

The synthesis of spectacular arts is a multifaceted phenomenon, and it can be seen in a wide variety of areas. contemporary art. Meanwhile, this new trend of the 21st century is rooted in previous eras. Modern balletomanes can fight as much as they want for the purity of their favorite art, but the truth is that since the times of medieval acrobats professional dance and the circus developed hand in hand. And although aesthetes usually scolded ballet dancers with the words “circus performer” and “circus performer,” the public always and everywhere literally “went crazy” with delight, discovering the presence of brilliant fouettés, complex aerial lifts and similar circus tricks in the noble dance.

Throughout its history, the vocabulary of ballet has been constantly replenished with acrobatic techniques. It is worth recalling that various elements of acrobatics and artistic gymnastics currently occupy a significant place in ballet.

Let us turn to the origins of the creation of performances that combine elements of classical ballet and circus art. In this direction, the first step, which won the recognition of professionals, was an aerial act called “Aerial Ball”, created in 1994 under the leadership of the Kyrgyz circus master K.M. Dosbatyrova (director E. Maykhrovskaya). It was based on a combination dance direction with aerial gymnastics on belts; in 1996, this number was awarded the “Golden Cup” at the festival in Monte Carlo.

The next step in this direction was Chinese acrobatic duet to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Eastern Swan”, which received the main prize “Golden Clown” at the festival in Monte Carlo in 2002. In this number, the adagio from the ballet “Swan Lake” was retold in the language of acrobatics: with a partner fantastically arching in the top split, with her confident arabesque on the bicep of a standing partner with his arm outstretched. Having seen this duet at the competition, the leaders of the Chinese acrobatic troupe from Guangdung, choreographer Zhao Ming and director Ning Genfu, decided to create a full-length circus performance.

The Chinese acrobatic ballet Swan Lake, born from this number, was presented to the public in 2005. It is important to note here that in China such experiments with classics are supported at the state level, and therefore the above-mentioned troupe received five million dollars for their production. The director of this version of “Swan” said that in terms of complexity and level of art, the project can only compete with the climb to the Chomolungma peak. Perhaps that's why middle age The participants in this show range from fourteen to eighteen years old.

The entire production of “Swan Lake” rests on the duet of the spouses Wu and Wei. They were the performers of the acrobatic performance “Eastern Swan” in Monte Carlo, after which Odette’s dance on Prince Siegfried’s shoulder became legendary. It is impossible for ballet dancers to repeat this. However, Wu Zhendan has no illusions about his capabilities in classical pas de deux:

– We, of course, took classical ballet lessons. But still, we are first and foremost acrobats. Our element is tricks. Although there is a lot in common. Both dancers and circus performers should have a smile, says Wu Zhendan. “However, the most difficult trick,” the ballerina continues, “is when I balance on my partner’s head.” It’s very difficult to control yourself at this moment, even psychologically.”

In addition, it is well known in the artistic community: since the bruises that pointe shoes leave on a partner’s body practically do not have time to heal, and the performer main party during rehearsals he regularly receives numerous injuries; the circus is always accompanied by a doctor on every tour.

On March 17, 2006, Wei Baohua, Wu Zhendan and their comrades brought the acrobatic ballet “Swan Lake” to Russia. Chinese masters performed on the Kremlin stage. This acrobatic ballet turned out to be a big surprise for the Russian audience, who were accustomed to seeing circus and ballet separately. Meanwhile, in Russia, acrobat dancers created such a sensation that they were awarded the Ulanova Prize. The capital’s media wrote about this performance: “the most wonderful circus and the most risky ballet struck the homeland of Swan Lake.

The performance included almost all genres of traditional Chinese circus, with the exception of magic tricks. Odette easily soars in the sky or dances either on an outstretched arm, or even on her partner’s head. A ballerina glides on pointe shoes along a tightrope while dancers spin the 32 famous fouettés inside huge spinning wheels. Odile puts on an acrobatic show, flapping her legs like wings. The little swans turned into green frogs: the dexterous acrobat boys needed three months of hard training to portray four little frogs dancing on their hands and performing all kinds of funny tricks with their legs.

The libretto of the ballet also underwent some changes: main character goes in search of the Swan Princess and finds her in the Celestial Empire. It is here that the victory of good over evil occurs, and the story ends with a wedding.

At the end of the breathtaking show, three thousand beautiful roses instantly bloom on the stage. On this occasion, the words of the choreographer of the production, Li Shaoqing, are known: “We could not help but change the libretto of the original source; with us, the Chinese, everything must end well, otherwise the audience will be upset.”

Here I would like to add that the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet, which sounds quite often in our country, and therefore, in a sense, has lost its impact, in this performance acquires the emotionality that was originally characteristic of it. For the spectacle of acrobatic dances, whose complexity goes beyond the limits of human capabilities, makes the souls of the spectators vibrate in tune with the disturbing music of the Russian genius. If we add to this the traditional oriental luxury and the original Chinese riot of colors, then it becomes clear how indelible the shock experienced by those who visit this miracle is.

Acrobatic ballet in Russia

On April 17, 2009, an artistic and acrobatic version of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” was performed by the Russian Ballet of St. Petersburg troupe under the direction of Alexander Bruskin. In it, masters from Northern Palmyra demonstrated an original combination of classical ballet and unique elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, which were organically woven into the choreography of the performance and united by a single action.

Ballet stars took part in it Mariinsky Theater and the Russian Ballet Theater, as well as international masters of sports in rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, employed in the Sports Theater.

The production returned the viewer to the origins of the birth of the performance, which was conceived as a ballet extravaganza. Unexpected plot discoveries, original vision artistic appearance characters, magical transformations, impressive scenography, new costumes and scenery - all this is included in the new version of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

This “Nutcracker” was created after a tour of the Chinese Acrobatic Ballet in St. Petersburg, whose dancers presented the ballet “Swan Lake” in an unusual interpretation. The Chinese "Swan" shocked the audience. It served as a creative impetus for Russian ballet and circus masters, and as a result, a new masterpiece of classical choreography, combined with elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, was born.

The artistic and acrobatic ballet “The Nutcracker” has become one of the brightest events in the cultural life of not only St. Petersburg, but also Russia. The performance received rave reviews from both ordinary spectators and professional ballet fans. They all noted how frugally the creators treated classical production ballet “The Nutcracker”, and also with what care and professionalism elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics were woven into the classical outline of the performance.

Kazakh experiment

Of great interest in this direction is the synthetic performance “Lonely Ghost”, created by professor of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts Daulet Dosbatyrov based on the musical “Phantom of the Opera” by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Its premiere took place on May 29, 2008 at the Kazakh State Circus.

If the emphasis in Chinese acrobatic ballet was on acrobatics, here the director tried to show a high level aerial gymnastics. Meanwhile, in in this case in many of the numbers, it was not circus performers who were involved, but students of the choreographic school named after. Selezneva - they had to rise into the air to a height of four meters, which is already classified as quite risky circus acts(neither safety harnesses nor passaging of other persons were used). It is also interesting that the performance was created in the building of a stationary circus in Almaty, and the center stage action there was a round playpen. When staging this show, the director of “The Lonely Ghost” D. Dosbatyrov had to take into account the difference between the stage and the arena. Later on this occasion he wrote: “The point is that modern theater hall, unlike a circus or stadium, makes it possible to view the stage from only one side, that is, by all spectators approximately equally... This point is very important, especially for perception ballet performance, since a one-sided view contributes to the same reading of visual images. This cannot be done during a circular inspection, as, for example, in the circus, where there are many points of view, including opposing ones.” The author concludes his thoughts with the following words: “If today classical ballet and circus art - these two individual, complex and very interesting movements - did not come to the idea of ​​synthesis, then they would significantly narrow their scope. But thanks to the introduction of the idea of ​​synthesis of genres, the broadest possibilities for their mutual influence and mutual enrichment have been opened.”