Larisa Udovichenko latest photos. Larisa Udovichenko: biography, photo, personal life. quotes Lolita media

Larisa Udovichenko is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1998). Larisa Ivanovna is the owner of a multifaceted, bright acting talent; she is capable of both comedic and serious dramatic roles. Udovichenko became especially famous thanks to her skill in playing supporting roles - such works in her career included the films “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” “Mary Poppins” and many other films from the classics of Soviet cinema.


Larisa Udovichenko was born on April 29, 1955. Her father was a military doctor, so her birthplace was the capital of Austria, Vienna. Upon returning to the Union and the demobilization of the father, the family settled in Odessa. Larisa's mother, Muza Alekseevna, studied at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. Because of the outbreak of the war, she did not have time to graduate from university, but she was able to instill in her daughters a love of art.

Larisa played in the drama club from a young age, and in the 8th grade, by lucky chance, she ended up in a theater studio at the Odessa Film Studio. She saw an advertisement for recruitment and immediately went to the competition - she always had a fable and a sketch for the performance “at the ready.” As a result, the proactive and lively girl was accepted into classes immediately.

In 1970, director Alexander Pavlovsky came to Odessa to shoot his short film “Happy Kukushkin”. Vladimir Menshov starred in the title role, and his partner was 15-year-old Odessa resident Larisa Udovichenko, whom Pavlovsky “looked after” during the theater studio classes. Many years later, the actress played in two more full-length films directed by the director “To hell with us!” and “Baby by November.”

Acting career

In the 10th grade of school, Larisa received a small role in the film “Yulka”. Her first experience in cinema instilled confidence in her, and the girl entered VGIK on the first attempt, taking the course of Sergei Gerasimov. In 1974, the young student already played in her teacher’s serious drama “Mothers and Daughters” in the company of Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Tamara Makarova.

Despite being in demand, Udovichenko was not a star of the “first magnitude” before meeting Stanislav Govorukhin. The director was selecting actors for the series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and saw Larisa in the role of Varya Sinichkina. But, to his surprise, the actress, having read the script, volunteered to play Manka Bond - a vicious and frivolous person.

Larisa Udovichenko in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”

At Vysotsky’s suggestion, the director approved Udovichenko’s candidacy. She played a small, almost episodic role of a prostitute, so that for many years she became a “Manka Bond” for the public, and for directors a desirable actress for at least the next 10 years.

In the period from the 80s to the 90s, Udovichenko starred in 3-5 films annually. Many of the films with her participation went down in the history of Soviet cinema and are still loved by audiences. It is difficult to confuse her heroines with anyone else - in English, the calm Mrs. Banks from “Mary Poppins”, the simple-minded Valya from “Winter Cherry”, the languid Lyusya Vinogradova from “The Most Charming and Attractive”.

Already at the age of 29, Udovichenko received the title of Honored Artist of the USSR, and at the age of 43 she became the People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

With the beginning of the 90s, stagnation began in the Soviet film industry, but it hardly affected Larisa. It was during this period that she worked in the film “Whom God Will Send” (1994) in a duet with Stanislav Sadalsky, which the actress herself considers her favorite.

With the beginning of the 2000s, a “serial” period began in Udovichenko’s work and mostly simple roles in fairly passable films. One of these roles was the work in the series “Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private investigation" based on the novels of Daria Dontsova.

Larisa Udovichenko in the program “Smak”

The actress admits that she sometimes works to earn money, which gives good results. She has property in Nice, where she enjoys vacationing.

Personal life of Larisa Udovichenko

When Udovichenko first arrived in the capital, she needed to gain a foothold in Moscow, so she entered into a fictitious marriage with director Alexander Pankratov-Bely (not to be confused with Pankratov-Cherny). He was truly in love with the girl, but she never became his real wife. A divorce soon followed, and Larisa received an assignment to the Moscow Film Actor Theater, but she managed to work in the theater much later.

Little is known about her second marriage to film director Andrei Eshpai. Their union was short-lived, and the reason for the breakup is considered to be Andrei’s excessive jealousy.

Acquaintance with musician Gennady Bolgarin began as a casual romance. At that time, the man was married, and Larisa did not intend to break up the family, especially since the man already had a child, a son, Maxim. But apparently it was love at first sight. Gennady's first wife soon gave him a divorce. And the happy couple married very quietly, and in 1988 their long-awaited daughter Maria was born.

Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko was born on April 29, 1955 in Vienna (Austria). The girl’s father was a military medic; when his service abroad was completed, the family moved to Odessa, where Lara and her sister Yana spent their youth. Larisa’s mother had the unusual name Muse; at one time she dreamed of acting, but her dreams did not come true.

Larisa Udovichenko as a child with her parents

Larisa Udovichenko in her youth

The woman even studied at a theater university, but war broke out and she had to say goodbye to her studies. The mother decided to realize all her unfulfilled plans in the person of her talented daughter, so she supported Larisa’s passion for creativity in every possible way.

The girl visited the Odessa film actor’s studio, where she was noticed by the director who was filming the film “Happy Kukushkin” for the role of a schoolgirl. Afterwards there was the film “Yulka”, as well as an episode in another film, which was cut out during editing. But still, whatever one may say, at the time of admission to VGIK, applicant Udovichenko had experience of filming in 3 films, which distinguished her favorably from the mass of other applicants.

Start of a career

In her second year, Larisa starred in the film “Mothers and Daughters”; after graduating from university, she appeared in the films “Tryn-Grass”, “Red and Black”. All-Union fame came to Udovichenko after the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”; she got a bright and memorable role. Manka-Bond is remembered by everyone who watched the film, and millions viewed it.

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "The meeting place cannot be changed"

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "Tartuffe"

Mikhail Kokshenov and Larisa Udovichenko in the film "The Most Charming and Attractive"

It so happened that Larisa Ivanovna did not often receive the main roles, but she sparklingly performed supporting roles. Experts say that in order to be considered the queen of episodic and minor roles, you need to have special talent and bright charisma. After all, in this case, the actor is given a matter of minutes, and sometimes even seconds, to reveal the image.

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "My Crazy Family"

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "Where does Naadezhda live?"

Women of all ages enthusiastically welcomed the film with Udovichenko’s participation, “The Most Charming and Attractive,” as well as one of the most successful Soviet TV series, “Winter Cherry.” It is impossible to list all the pictures where our heroine shone. These are “Groom from Miami”, “Love in Russian”, the television series “Dasha Vasilyeva” and many others.

Personal life

Larisa's first husband was director Pankratov-Bely. They say that Larisa was inspired to marry her by her creative mentors during her student days. Such a step was supposed to provide the talented Odessa resident with the notorious Moscow registration.

Larisa herself calls director Andrei Eshpai her first husband (completely ignoring the fact of a student marriage). According to rumors, this union broke up due to the husband’s jealousy of his lifelong friend, who was in demand in the profession.

Larisa Udovichenko with her second husband Gennady Bolgarin

The next time Larisa got married after 30 was to businessman and musician Gennady Bolgarin. For the sake of the actress, the man left his previous family. God rewarded the couple with a daughter, Mary. After 20 years, the marriage broke up. The actress’s close circle claims that Gennady’s addiction to gambling is to blame. The man's colossal losses in the casino jeopardized the family's well-being.

Larisa tells reporters that her personal life has never been cloudless. However, it is a sin for a woman to complain about success in her profession. A 100% realized artist enjoys the rays of her fame, receives satisfaction from the roles she plays, and makes new creative plans. This brightens up her other troubles in life.

Larisa Udovichenko with her daughter Maria

Larisa often travels around Europe, often with her daughter. The grown-up Maria graduated from a prestigious film school in Rome. The family has property in Bulgaria for rest and relaxation.

Larisa calls her only daughter the main person in her life. But considering that, having crossed the 60-year-old mark, Larisa looks simply wonderful, personal happiness can still come to this amazing woman.

Read about the lives of other famous actresses

On April 29, actress Larisa Udovichenko turns 60 years old. Lately she has been living abroad and only visits Russia for work – on filming, performances and film festivals. , fulfilling my old dream. And now the star of Soviet and Russian cinema can be seen more often in Nice than in Moscow. “Larissa doesn’t tell us about this, and when asked, she simply omits this point,” actor Sergei Kolesnikov shared with StarHit.

Now the actress is not acting in films. On April 29, viewers will be able to watch the artist on the stage of the Smolensk Drama Theater named after A.S. Griboedov, the comedy “Marry Me.” On this day, the artist will have a benefit performance. In the meantime, fans of Udovichenko can only live with memories of the roles once played by Larisa Ivanovna. We can safely say that in our cinema today's hero of the day can be considered one of the sexiest actresses. Even at the start of her career, in the early 70s, she was already the object of desire for numerous fans. Even when there was no official sex in the USSR, Udovichenko could create the desired effect without “adult” scenes with nudity and demonstration of charms. People fell in love with her heroines and remembered them, even if it was just an episode or a supporting role. On the day of Lyudmila Udovichenko’s 60th birthday, “StarHit” decided to recall the 10 most striking and daring works of the actress.

Lyudmila Gasilova, “And it’s all about him”

In the village detective story, which takes place in a logging village, the actress played a local beauty, with whom the secretary of the Komsomol organization Evgeniy Stoletov (Igor Kostolevsky) has been in love since the 6th grade. The guy dies under strange circumstances. The investigator leading this case, Alexander Prokhorov (Evgeny Leonov), finds out that Stoletov opposed the work methods of the logging foreman Pyotr Gasilov (Leonid Markov). He was against his daughter’s relationship with Evgeniy, and although she reciprocated his feelings, she followed her father’s lead... For a film about the everyday life of workers, Udovichenko’s heroine looks very impressive: she flaunts around the village in open dresses and with a red scarf on her head. And in the first scene she appears on the beach in a swimsuit, which is why Prokhorov calls her Aphrodite.

Adele, "Die Fledermaus"

In the film based on the famous operetta by Strauss, the actress got the role of a maid. Her owner, banker Heinrich Eisenstein (Yuri Solomin), is going to a masquerade. His friend, theater director Falk (Vitaly Solomin), decides to play a prank on his friend. He involves his maid Adele in this matter. According to Falk's idea, she should come to the ball dressed as a Bat and, without being recognized, seduce her owner. Adele doesn't like this idea, but she agrees because she dreams of becoming an actress, and a successful prank will be proof of her talents. But by chance, events begin to develop differently than expected... The heroine Udovichenko is very artistic, dances and sings beautifully. It costs her nothing to pretend to be a baroness at a masquerade. And at the end of the ball, she puts on a real performance, changing a number of masks from the greens merchant to the queen. And, of course, she skillfully flirts with men. The results of the ball are impressive: “Seven begged for a date, four proposed, and one offered to adopt with all the titles.”

Manka Bond, “The meeting place cannot be changed”

Udovichenko was offered the main role of Varya Sinichkina in the film, but the actress found it uninteresting. But she happily played the girl of easy virtue Maria Kolyvanova, nicknamed Manka Bond, who appears on the screen for only 10 minutes. In the story, criminal workers Gleb Zheglov (Vladimir Vysotsky) and Vladimir Sharapov (Vladimir Konkin) catch Manka during an operation to check documents. She happens to be wearing a bracelet from a murdered woman, and it helps her get on the trail of the Black Cat gang, which Zheglov and Sharapov are hunting. The heroine Udovichenko cannot fail to impress. She wears a colorful dress with a hat, flirts with investigators, showing off her legs in stockings, famously uses criminal jargon (“Don’t show off, trash!”) and immediately composes heart-warming legends about herself. But, of course, this will not defeat the valiant Soviet police.

Lyusya Vinogradova, “The most charming and attractive”

In the film about how an unmarried woman over 30 Nadya Klyueva (Irina Muravyova) decided to arrange personal happiness with the help of her friend Susanna (Tatyana Vasilyeva), the actress played the colleague of the main character. She flaunts her views on love to her colleagues, quoting La Rochefoucauld: “Of two lovers, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.” And he adds: “Am I a fool to love myself?” Unlike Nadya, Lucy’s family life is fine. And the secret of success is precisely what Susanna advises Nadya: Lyusya is a big fashionista and loves to treat those around her (though without hiding the fact that the pies are the work of her mother). And this gives the result: the heroine marries for the third time. And to the question of colleagues: “So how is your third husband successful?” answers: “Better than the second, but not ideal.” And you believe: the fourth one will be even better!

Tatyana Busygina, “Sons of Bitches”

The film is based on the real situation that developed in the 80s at the Taganka Theater, when its director Yuri Lyubimov was deprived of citizenship and removed from the management of the theater for anti-party statements. In the story, the actors, including Busygina, go on strike. In this film, the actress risked appearing completely naked in front of the audience: in one of the scenes, her character tries to seduce a Ministry of Culture official (Leonid Filatov). True, the stripping trick was only needed to take photographs compromising the official, and the heroine simply poses next to the “victim” in front of a photographer who suddenly appears.

Natalya Vladimirovna, “Bolotnaya street, or a remedy against sex”

This film is entirely about sex. The main character Leva (Stanislav Sadalsky) returns from the zone and, having gotten hold of a woman after a long abstinence, starts a fire in the house in the literal sense of the word. The firefighters manage to put out the fire, and meanwhile, in the chaos, various piquant details emerge from the personal lives of the inhabitants of the house, including Udovichenko’s heroine, the sultry woman Natalya Vladimirovna. She spends the entire film wearing sexy lingerie, stockings with garters and a red flower on her head. Particularly noteworthy is the scene of a passionate kiss with the hero of Leonid Yarmolnik (a would-be lover who fled to the balcony, who in fact was not there), hanging at that moment in his arms outside the window.

Anna, “A Woman for Everyone”

In this film, Udovichenko played the modest librarian Anna. She has neither a husband nor children, but she is attached to the children of her neighbor Maria (Natalia Egorova). Suddenly she dies, and Anna decides to take custody of her children. Nikolai (Nikolai Karachentsov), Maria’s lover, also wants this. By that time, Anna and Nikolai realize that they are not indifferent to each other... In this film, the actress played a very “homey” woman: she breeds canaries, collects herbs for tea, and in one of the scenes prepares dough for pies. The image itself is attractive for men, but we are used to seeing the actress on the screen not like that. It would seem that the stereotype is broken, but no - in the last scene Anna gives free rein to her feelings and makes love with Karachentsov’s hero right in the car.

Tatyana, “Love in Russian”

In the trilogy about the life of a Russian village, the actress played Tatiana, a refugee from Central Asia. She begins an affair with Viktor Kurlygin (Nikita Dzhigurda), a former Afghan officer who has taken up farming. The most revealing scene with the actress’s participation, oddly enough, is not a love scene, but an episode in a bathhouse, where the heroines of the film perform fortune telling. As for the scenes with Dzhigurda, they contain more conversations. According to the actor’s recollections, during filming he went crazy about his partner, and once even admitted that they had a relationship. True, Udovichenko herself denied this information and was very offended by Dzhigurda for such statements.

Sofya Abramovna, “What a wonderful game”

In the film about how in the early 50s a group of students were shot for a political prank, the actress played an elderly artist who, shortly before her arrest, begins an affair with one of the guys, Felix Raevsky (Andrei Ilyin). She is a woman with a turbulent past and willingly tells the student about her adventures. Outwardly, she is an intelligent woman who wears glasses, but, having called Felix home, she unexpectedly comes out to him in a robe with an indecent cut. True, the student does not have time to evaluate it - he deserts. But something makes him come back after a while with a cake and words of love.

Elmira, Tartuffe

In the film adaptation of Moliere's famous comedy, the actress plays Elmira, a married lady and mistress of a respected house. Tartuffe (Mikhail Boyarsky), a rogue who poses as a saint, falls in love with her. He enjoys the trust of Elmira's husband (Vladislav Strizhelchik), who is even going to marry his daughter (Anna Samokhina) to him. To show her husband the duplicity of his favorite, Elmira puts on a performance: in front of her hiding husband, she rushes into the arms of Tartuffe, and the situation goes far until the husband, not believing his eyes, comes out of hiding. The honor of the noble lady is saved, the hypocrite is punished.

“The meeting place cannot be changed” and the role of the unforgettable Manka Bond.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Ivanovna Udovichenko was born in Austria in April 1955. Her birthday fell on the zodiac sign Taurus. Dad Ivan Nikonovich Udovichenko, a Ukrainian by nationality, worked as a military doctor in Vienna. The girl’s mother, Muza Alekseevna, took care of the housework. The parents met on the “Road of Life”, in the first years of the war. For the sake of the beautiful Muse, Ivan Nikonovich left his first wife and two sons.

In addition to Larisa, the eldest daughter Yana was growing up in the family, who, after graduating from an economics university, also connected her biography with cinema and subsequently became an employee of the Odessa Union of Cinematographers. After the end of his father’s service, the Udovichenko family moved to Ukraine. Larisa Udovichenko went to school in Odessa.

Already in her childhood, the girl showed interest in the acting profession and dreamed of becoming an artist. Through her, my mother’s unfulfilled dreams came true. Muza Alekseevna studied to become an actress at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War interrupted her studies. And after the war, the woman married a military doctor, and constant business trips did not allow her to complete her education.

In addition to the theater, Larisa Udovichenko was fond of artistic gymnastics. But when she was in high school, her love for theater won out. During classes at the film actor's studio at the Odessa Film Studio, the girl finally decided on her profession. In the studio, the 15-year-old actress was noticed by director Alexander Pavlovsky, who invited her to play the role of schoolgirl Lyudmilochka in the film “Happy Kukushkin”. This film opens the creative biography of Larisa Udovichenko.

Two years later, two more films were released in which Larisa starred: in the adventure film “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,” Udovichenko played her beloved, but during the editing of the film, the cameo role “fell out.” But viewers saw the young actress in the social drama “Yulka”, where she appeared as the main character’s girlfriend. Larisa Udovichenko was lucky to meet on the set with the masters of the Soviet film industry, and. The 20-year-old also starred in the film.

After receiving her school certificate, Larisa Udovichenko, whose filmography included three films, went to Moscow and submitted documents to all theater schools. The girl went to VGIK, where she took the course of Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov.


Larisa Udovichenko played her first serious role in the film “Mothers and Daughters” by her teachers Gerasimov and Makarova. The teachers themselves also starred there. This wonderful film is still watched with pleasure today as an example of a classic of Soviet cinema. Sophomore Larisa Udovichenko got the role of the frivolous and spoiled Gali, one of two daughters whose parents were played in the film by Tamara Makarova and.

After graduating from VGIK in 1976, Udovichenko appeared in four films at once, two of them – the tragicomedy “Tryn-grass” and Sergei Gerasimov’s drama “Red and Black” - brought Larisa Ivanovna recognition.

In 1978, Udovichenko got a role in Igor Shatrov’s 6-episode detective story “And That’s All About Him.” The film's script was written by the author of the novel of the same name, Vil Lipatov. The film stars Soviet cinema stars. The actress played Lyudmila Gasilova, and the main character - Evgeniy Stoletov -. The Soviet detective still looks with no less interest these days.

Nationwide love for the artist came after the release of Stanislav Govorukhin’s cult crime film “.” Initially, the actress auditioned for the role of policeman Sinichkina, but refused it because she considered it too bland. Udovichenko offered Govorukhin her candidacy for the role of a girl of easy virtue, to which Stanislav Sergeevich was surprised, however, later he approved Larisa for this role.

Udovichenko played Manka-Bond, demonstrating her talent for transforming into poignant characters. The spelling phrase – “bond” or “abligation” – was invented by Larisa Ivanovna herself, and Govorukhin gladly approved and introduced it into the picture. After the release of the series, Udovichenko woke up famous.

Another film beloved by television viewers, released in 1979, is the melodrama “Please Blame Klava K for My Death,” where Udovichenko played an episodic but prominent role.

A couple of years later, the artist was offered to play the main character’s sister in the film “Valentin and Valentina.” The melodrama was a resounding success and entered the “golden fund” of Russian cinema. Here Larisa Udovichenko appears in an unusual role - a woman with a dramatic fate. The same, with notes of drama, becomes her heroine Anna Versilova in the multi-part film “Teenager” based on the novel.

Fans call the film “Success” a striking work of this period, where Lyudmila Ivanovna played the artist Saburova. A memorable work in the actress’s repertoire was the image of Mrs. Banks in the children’s musical “Mary Poppins, Goodbye,” set to music.

The film became famous for its star cast, which included Lembit Ulfsak,. In those years, Udovichenko rarely appeared in leading roles. She is the supporting queen.

1985 was a triumphant year for the actress. 6 films with the participation of Larisa Udovichenko are released, and each receives a warm audience reception. These are the tragicomedy “Sincerely yours...”, the comedy “Life Dangerous!” by Leonid Gaidai, the melodrama “Rides in an Old Car” and the comedy “A Million in the Marriage Basket”.

The actress recreated the vivid image of the artist Sofia Abramovna in the tragicomedy “What a Wonderful Game.” But the most successful and beloved by viewers are the lyrical comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive” and the series “Winter Cherry”.

Critics and viewers agree that Larisa Udovichenko looks most natural in the role of a comedienne. Vivid examples are the films “We Sit Well,” “Hitchhiker” and “Whom God Will Will.” The latest comedy film, where Udovichenko starred with the actor, is the artist’s favorite film work.

In 2000, Larisa Udovichenko gave fans a surprise by starring in the leading role of the melodrama “March 8.” The actress played a geography teacher with an unsettled personal life, who on a holiday realizes that there is no one but her students to congratulate her. Fate gives her a soul mate in the person of a housing office employee (), who came to fix the tap. , and appeared in the feed.

A significant project in the actress’s creative career was the second part of the detective story “Women’s Logic”, in which she played brilliantly. Larisa Udovichenko got the image of the wife of the vice-governor Zoya Zvyagina. Her husband was presented on the screen.

Larisa Ivanovna played characters balancing between comedic and dramatic in the films “Sons of Bitches,” “Wandering Stars,” “A Woman for Everyone,” and “Tartuffe.” But in films where the script included scenes of violence and cruelty, the actress refused to play. Another thing is the roles of lovely adventuresses. This is how we see Udovichenko in the comedy films “Groom from Miami” and “Barkhanov and His Bodyguard.”

Larisa Udovichenko in the film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye"

In 2010, the release of the comedy “Shub-Baba Lyuba” became a gift for fans of the actress’s talent. This is a picture about the life of a school, teachers and students. Larisa Udovichenko appeared as a teacher who fell in love with a student, but the film was quite chaste. The film does not contain “dirty” or explicit scenes; it is suitable for viewing by children and the older generation, brought up on Soviet films.

In recent years, Larisa Ivanovna has appeared in popular TV series, the most rated of which are “Women’s Logic” and “Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private investigation."

Ivan Stebunov and Larisa Udovichenko in the film “My Crazy Family”

Over the years, comedy roles began to appear in the actress’s repertoire. In 2011, the comedy “My Crazy Family” was released, where Udovichenko played the role of Kostya’s fake mother. Three years later, the actress, beloved by millions, starred in another comedy - Maxim Voronkov’s film “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”, a remake of the “golden” comedy by Leonid Gaidai. The color of Russian cinema is collected on the set of the project. Later, with the participation of Larisa Ivanovna in the role of an American subject, the melodrama “Marrying Casanova” was shown.

The actress’s filmography is huge: Larisa Udovichenko has starred in more than 130 films and TV series. The artist’s dream is to play under director Nikita Mikhalkov in a good film about love.

In 2016, the first season of the comedy series “Poor People” was released. This is the story of an intelligent loser vegetating in a St. Petersburg communal apartment and working as a “literary black” for. Olga Buzova also starred. Larisa Ivanovna got the image of the publisher's wife.

According to media reports, the director of “Winter Cherry” began filming the final, fourth, part of the family saga in the summer of 2016. The premiere date for “Winter Cherry 4” has not yet been determined. The new season brings together the heroes of previous seasons, including Larisa Udovichenko.

Personal life

In an interview, the actress admitted that she fell in love with almost every co-star:

However, when asked if she was happy, Larisa Udovichenko answered frankly:

“In the profession yes, in life no. Thank God, the profession compensates.”

The personal life of this beautiful and talented woman cannot be called cloudless. If you believe the rumors, in order to stay in Moscow, Larisa Udovichenko, on the advice of her mentor Tamara Makarova, agreed to a fictitious marriage with a Muscovite, director Alexander Pankratov-Bely, who registered her in the apartment. Soon the couple separated.

In biographical sketches, Udovichenko's first husband is called the director. But family life did not work out, the couple did not have children, and they separated. Rumor has it that the husband's jealousy ruined the marriage. Soon Eshpai married, who gave him happiness in marriage.

The men did not give way to the beautiful Larisa, who attracted their eyes like a magnet. But she chose musician and entrepreneur Gennady Bolgarin. An ardent affair destroyed the family of the then married Gennady, forcing him to leave his wife and 13-year-old son. In this marriage, Larisa Udovichenko gave birth to a daughter, Masha. The couple lived together for 20 years. They say that the marriage broke up due to the husband's gambling addiction: he lost a huge amount of money in a casino and put his family in danger.

In 2015, rumors arose that Larisa Udovichenko moved to France and bought an apartment in Nice. The source of information was the scandalous “whistleblower” Stas Sadalsky. But the artist denied the rumors, saying that she had not moved anywhere and lives in Russia, in Moscow. She travels to Europe every year: her daughter Masha studied in Italy, at a Roman film school, and Udovichenko loves to travel. According to Larisa Ivanovna, she bought an apartment in Bulgaria. Near Udovichenko’s house there are apartments of her close friend -.

Larisa Udovichenko and Larisa Guzeeva are friends

In 2016, the actress had a personal profile in "Instagram", where Larisa Udovichenko posts, in addition to her own photos, posts dedicated to charity. She is not indifferent to the grief of others, especially when it concerns sick children.

The actress’s subscribers learned that Udovichenko resorted to the help of an ophthalmologist. The artist previously admitted that she suffers from decreased vigilance. It is interesting that Udovichenko never used plastic surgery. The secret of her health and beauty lies in the use of traditional medicine advice.

In her desire to look young and original, the actress chooses bright outfits. For the sake of shopping, the screen star is ready to go to Europe. But Larisa considers her favorite item in her wardrobe to be a little black dress. The actress also easily dresses in tight trousers or dresses; her weight of 53-57 kg with a height of 164 cm allows this. The actress maintains her shape in a simple way - she eats little, as the ballerina did.

Larisa Udovichenko now

Now Larisa Udovichenko continues to act in films and play in enterprise performances. The star looks great, it seems that the years have no power over her. The actress still claims that the main loved one in her life is her daughter Maria. The girl lives in Italy, where she receives an education as an editing director. Before this, Masha had already tried her hand at economics, acting and fashion.

The actress often appears on television. She became the heroine of the “Interview Hour” program, and in 2018 she visited the studio on the “Smak” program.

Among the new works of the film actress are her roles in the melodrama “Happy Hearts Hotel” and the comedy “Desperate Householder”. Viewers were introduced to these paintings in 2017.

A year later, the screen star’s repertoire included the drama “Van Gogh” and the melodrama “On the Swing of Fate.” Udovichenko embodied the main character in the crime detective film “Souvenir from Odessa.” The film was about a precious amulet that was stolen from its owner, a famous French violinist. The plot is set in the beginning and second half of the 20th century.


  • 1976 - “Red and Black”
  • 1978 - “And that’s all about him”
  • 1979 - “The meeting place cannot be changed”
  • 1979 - “I ask you to blame Klava K for my death.”
  • 1983 - “Mary Poppins, goodbye”
  • 1985 - “Winter Cherry”
  • 1985 - “Valentin and Valentina”
  • 1985 - “The most charming and attractive”
  • 1991 - “A Woman for Everyone”
  • 1994 - “Whom God sends”
  • 1995 - “Love in Russian”
  • 2000 - “Shub-baba Lyuba!”
  • 2002 - “Women’s Logic”
  • 2003 - “Dasha Vasilyeva. Lover of private investigation"
  • 2014 - “Prisoner of the Caucasus!”
  • 2016 - “Poor People”
  • 2017 – “Hotel of Happy Hearts”
  • 2018 – “Souvenir from Odessa”

The actress admitted that she fell in love with each partner on the set:

“Who haven’t I loved! And Mikhail Boyarsky, and Sergei Shakurov, and Nikita Dzhigurda, and Nikolai Eremenko, and Viktor Stepanov. In short, as an actress and as a woman, I can’t imagine myself without love.”

Is Larisa Udovichenko happy? The actress answered frankly:

“In the profession yes, in life no. Thank God, the profession compensates.”

The life of a beautiful and talented woman was not at all sugar. She stayed in Moscow on the advice of her mentor Tamara Makarova and entered into a fictitious marriage with Muscovite director Alexander Pankratov-Bely. Alexander registered her in the apartment, but they soon divorced.

In biographical sketches, Udovichenko’s first husband was director Andrei Eshpai. Their family life did not work out, there were no children, and they decided to get a divorce. The husband was very jealous, they say that for this reason the marriage broke up. Eshpay married Evgenia Simonova, with her he was truly happy.

Larisa had many fans, she attracted attention. But she chose entrepreneur Gennady Bolgarin. Their flared romance destroyed the family of married Gennady. He left his wife and 13-year-old son. In this marriage, 32-year-old Larisa Udovichenko gave birth to a daughter, Masha. The lovers lived together for 20 years. They say that the marriage broke up because the husband lost a huge amount of money in a casino and put the family in danger.

2 years ago there were rumors that Larisa Udovichenko moved to live in France and bought an apartment in Nice. And this information was presented by the “whistleblower” Stas Sadalsky. But the artist denies everything and says that she lives in Russia, in Moscow. Larisa loves to travel. She visits Europe every year: her daughter Masha studied in Italy, at a Roman film school. According to Larisa Ivanovna, she bought an apartment in Bulgaria.

A year ago, Zhanna Kadnikova’s comedy series “Poor People” was released. This is the story of an intelligent loser vegetating in a St. Petersburg communal apartment and working as a “literary black” for Olga Buzova. The main roles went to Dmitry Lysenkov and Olga Buzova. Larisa Ivanovna got the role of the publisher's wife.

The director of “Winter Cherry” Igor Maslennikov began filming the final, fourth part of the family saga last summer. The film “Winter Cherry 4” will be released in 2017. The film will feature all the heroes of the previous films, including Larisa Udovichenko.

This spring, the People's Artist of Russia turned 62 years old. She looks young for her age. Time stopped a little for her. The actress plays in private theaters, she likes it. Her most important and beloved person is her daughter Maria. And we will wait for the premiere of the film “Winter Cherry”.