Where did Maxim Galkin go? Maxim Galkin joked about Putin, Ukraine, censorship and Soviet times “in the worst sense of the word.” but they took the joke seriously (video). It makes you happy

State propagandists promoted the comedian's inconspicuous performance

Russian President Maxim Galkin looked out the window with sadness. Outside the window there was a company of honor guard, the Chinese were fussily taking pictures at the Tsar Cannon. The sky hung gray and sad, clinging to the dark ruby ​​stars. It was November.

“Everything is just like then, six years ago in Novosibirsk,” the head of state reflected, sipping tea from a glass holder with a coat of arms. - And the devil pulled me into politics at that speech, why do I need all this hemorrhoids? The budgets are incomprehensible, the governors are thieves, NATO is insolent, the people are dissatisfied. Even Allochka is not allowed to do a show. Navalny mumbles all the time about state employees being driven to concerts, administrative resources and corruption... Eh!”

This shouldn’t happen, you say? Why not? Everything matches. In Ukraine, the president is a comedian. Macron’s wife is also 24 years older than her husband. Even by nationality, Galkin is a comedian. And he can speak in Putin’s voice. It is transcribed into English well enough to put up a sign at a meeting of world leaders: Maksim Galkin. Who knows, maybe Operation Successor has really begun?

Why would this happen all of a sudden? The people in the hall rejoice, the propagandists stand up, bare their fangs and begin to snarl. But if it weren’t for them, there wouldn’t be much noise. Do you still believe that they say and do something at the behest of their hearts?

What did Galkin say? Nothing special. The truth. And he clearly got into people’s mood. Here's an example: “They tell us all the time about Ukraine. I'm already so sick of this. I don’t live in Ukraine. Tell us about us! It’s as if everything has worked out for us, you know, and all that’s left is to help the Ukrainians.”

Who's telling? Yes, the same telecallers: “From the point of view of television Soviet times returned to in the worst possible way words. We are not given time to think. They tell us: these are enemies, this is this, you are here...”

But, of course, they could not stand it on the issue of censorship. About the fact that “not everything can be said from a television screen.”

Now watch your hands. This is literally a master class from famous presenters on how not to tell the truth and not lie at the same time.

Vladimir Solovyov said: “We work with him on different channels, we don’t even have any manifestations of censorship.” That is, he allowed the opportunity, but “not with us” and in general he himself was all in white.

Dmitry Kiselev disagreed with Galkin even more cunningly: “This sounds strange to me. Censorship is impossible in the Internet era.” It’s like answering the statement “potatoes in this particular store have become more expensive” with “no, no, grandmothers have cheap potatoes outside the city.”

Artem Sheinin used another technique of avoiding the topic of discussion - getting personal. Like, Galkin says this because he doesn’t have enough attention.

And only Posner said that Galkin did not make any discovery - everything is so.

It is clear that after this the video recording the concert soared in popularity - there were nearly a million views. And there, by the way, it’s quite harsh about the current president, about the eternal love of Russians for the Tsar and about the fact that “you will never get out of this slavery.”

Galkin even asked: “Don’t take it off, don’t make a case for me, I still have to return to Moscow.”

I shouldn't have worried. Nothing has happened for a long time now. And if they allowed the return of the genre of evil satire (and not good parody) of the current government, and even promoted it with the help of state journalists, then it has definitely begun.

And what characters not aware of their roles, that’s why the political technologies of the 21st century.

Probably, Ernst will not give Maxim a second chance and, if the program is liquidated, the comedian will go on a free “swimming”, forever forgetting about central television.

IN lately Information is increasingly appearing online that the children's television show “Best of All” is on the verge of closure, and Maxim Galkin, after the “collapse” of the program, will immediately say goodbye to Channel One. The fact is that once the comedian had to literally beg Konstantin Ernst to take him back to main TV channel countries.

Maxim himself then hastened to note that it was not a question of making money, but a chance to try something new. And when Galkin realized that nothing was going to happen to him at Rossiya-1, he “went and bowed at Kostya’s feet,” the comedian himself said

Now, Pugacheva’s wife’s show is practically on the verge of closure, which is very easy to prove. A lot has changed since the program aired. If at the very beginning the project demonstrated real geniuses and truly talented children, and worthy contestants appeared on air, now the “level” has dropped significantly.

The comedian is increasingly accused of corruption and injustice to children, and the show is considered a show, supposedly all the places have been bought, and the children are distinguished only by the “thick wallets” of their parents.

Over time, the show began to be attended by children absolutely devoid of any skills or unusual abilities, as stated by the organizers at the very beginning. And this undoubtedly raises doubts not only about the honesty of the TV presenter, but also about the entire team and management as a whole.

The scandal continues, which undoubtedly has an extremely negative impact on the ratings of the TV show. And if we take into account the fact that Ernst had already forgiven a ridiculous misunderstanding once and returned Maxim to “First”, then it is more than likely that Galkin simply will not have a second chance.

It is also simply impossible not to pay attention to the very behavior of Maxim Galkin on air. Many followers noted that Maxim can be rude and openly mockingly behaves towards guests, and, apparently, he doesn’t give a damn about children. Fans even demanded that Maxim be sent home from Channel One, and that the show itself be closed and not be disgraced.

Based on the above, it is worth noting that if the program is really closed, Galkin will “fly out” from Channel One like a cork from a bottle, and even Pugacheva will not save him, because Alla Borisovna has long lost her authority and, one might say, has retired.

Ernst does not need problems with the authorities.

In a recent performance, the comedian decided to play it big and start joking about politics and the current government. Maxim insulted Putin, for which he will have to bear responsibility in the future. Galkin may even be kicked out of Channel One after humiliating the current president and his actions towards the country and citizens.

It is known that most of funds for the development of the channel come from the government, because almost the entire stake is owned by Gazprom Media. Konstantin Lvovich, as the general director, is responsible for everything that happens and his subordinates. Naturally, Ernst will not need problems with the proceedings in the Galkin case; it will be easier for him to “finish” it.

Maxim had already left Channel One for Rossiya-1; viewers didn’t even notice he was missing, but 3 years later Galkin begged Konstantin to let him return. The parodist, apparently, imagined too much about himself after Malakhov left, but he is still not inviolable, in particular for the “elite”.

It is noteworthy that Maxim alone works for the whole family, and after losing his job at First, their income will be significantly reduced. Perhaps, due to carelessness, Pugachev’s wife will return to the stage, to the delight of the fans. Galkin, in turn, will go to the kitchen and work on raising children as a nanny - but the couple will save on servants.

In the new episode of the YouTube show “Musicality,” artists Morgenstern and Nikolai Baskov met as guests of Maxim Galkin. The comedian invited the stars to listen to five music tracks and rate them on a ten-point scale. According to Maxim, his guests are representatives of different generations.


“Why are you dividing us like that? We have a 20-year difference,” Basque suddenly became indignant. “It’s just a number in a passport,” Morgenstern chimed in. "Why do you think it's such a big difference?" – Nikolai continued.

Galkin seemed surprised by the vocalist’s reaction. “I think? But, it seems to me, this is obvious. 20 years is a long time. You have a different audience, it’s not about your age,” Maxim noted.

Basque did not agree. He noted that an artist can have different listeners.

“Let’s be objective, if your audience who came to your concert hears his songs (points to Morgenstern - editor’s note), they will become even grayer,” Galkin said.

Nikolai had to agree with this argument. “I think she’ll just stay angry,” the vocalist chuckled.

Note that Maxim Galkin and Nikolai Baskov joked about age more than once in this episode of the show. The vocalist named People's Artist Lev Leshchenko is a “dinosaur,” and the comedian added that the legend of the Russian stage is a “respected dinosaur.”

Note that in the comments to the video, fans of the show recalled his age difference with his wife Alla Pugacheva. The prima donna is 27 years older than the comedian.

“20 years is a lot,” Galkin said about the age difference... Bravo, bravissimo! (hereinafter, the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.)”, “The thief’s hat is on fire)”, “Do you think he doesn’t know that he and Alla have an age difference ****? It just doesn’t mean anything”, “I wanted to make a joke about Pugacheva, I stopped abruptly😅”, “When Baskov said to Galkin “you already had the old one”...”you had a dinosaur”, I thought completely differently”, “That dinosaur he still has)", "When Galkin says that 20 YEARS is a lot... WTF???", "Give me someone old, Alla Borisovna is tense....." - they ridiculed

The scandal with Maxim Galkin flares up after a performance in the Russian Federation new strength online, because commentators write a lot of dissatisfied comments to the comedian

Russian showman Maxim Galkin said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “bored” with Russians. A video from Galkin’s concert in Novosibirsk was published on Facebook and Youtube.

“Putin himself is already bored with us, you know? We are boring, we have problems, that means our pensions are not the same, we did something wrong here, something wrong here. And he is already thinking on a different scale. He is already mentally conquering Mars. And here we are: “Oh, how can we continue to live?!” And he says: “Be patient, tighten your belt.” We tighten everything - some on the belt, some on the neck. We are waiting. We are waiting, because he is already a personality of a completely different scale,” the showman noted.

According to Galkin, Putin “understands everything, he even knows where the cranes should have laid their eggs.”

After such statements by Galkin, netizens began to actively comment on his statements. Thus, some noted that Maxim Galkin had long since stopped making normal jokes:

“Your Maxim Galkin has not been funny for a long time. Something is grimacing, something is simpering. Such a spectacle!!", " Something in between Serduchka and Zadornov! Max somehow disappointed me! I really like his program with children! But, apparently, I will never go to his concert!🤔", "Maxim, very similar to the old grandfather who grumbles", "If Soviet times returned, you wouldn’t be talking about all sorts of heresy here👎 and you wouldn’t build castles👎 so it’s better not to mention... those times will return and you will look for a rat hole😃😃😃.”

Others noted that they enjoyed the comedian's performance. There were also Ukrainians among the commentators who were glad that there was a person in Russia who could open the eyes of Russians to Putin’s atrocities:

“I watched it with pleasure, I really liked the performance,” “Galkin, of course, is not my idol..., but I’m glad that Russians, when washing themselves, begin to wash their ears and eyes well. Epiphany for you!”, “I haven’t listened to Galkin for a long time. Talented and decent. Nowadays there are only a few of them.”

There were also those commentators who noted that everything that Galkin said was true and it was time for the Russian government to change something:

“But in life, it’s not funny at all..... if only the government had gotten at least part of what was said...... but like peas against a wall,” “he’s right, what are you talking about?” everything about Ukraine.”