Where to go to study after music school. Are there any prospects after music school?



    You need to understand that this is a technical university with a very high passing score. In order for your application to be accepted, you need to score at least 50 points on the Unified State Exam in Russian, and at least 65 in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science.

    Phystech, like all universities, will take into account the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and some other competitions. For example, the tournament of cities, the Lomonosov Olympiad, the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren, the Open Programming Olympiad, a new Olympiad that appeared on the list of the Ministry of Education only this year - TechnoCup and others.

    For a certificate or diploma with honors, gold or silver medals, Phystech will add 2 points. You will receive the same number of points if you graduated from music or art school. The university will take into account not only the golden GTO badge, but also sports categories, martial arts belts, the title of “Master of Sports” or “Candidate Master of Sports” (2 points).


    To participate in the competition, you need to score on the Unified State Exam in Russian and foreign languages at least 70 points. An exception is made only for some areas (among others, “Trading”, “Management”), where 60 points are enough.

    Who will be admitted to MGIMO without competition? Winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams participating in international Olympiads, and some other Olympiad participants. Preferential admission is guaranteed to the winners and prize-winners of the television Olympiad "Clever Men and Smart Men", the MGIMO Olympiad of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is held in partnership with the editorial office " Russian newspaper", the Lomonosov Olympiad in geography, as well as some others.


    At St. Petersburg State University, additional points in the portfolio will be awarded not only to winners and runners-up Olympic Games, but also to members of Russian national teams. If these are Olympic sports, then 10 points will be added to the Unified State Exam, if not Olympic sports - 5 points. The winners of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can count on 4 points, the prize-winners - on 3.

    HSE, like many other prestigious universities, has a higher minimum score threshold. In “mathematics” this is 75 points in a core subject; in “physics” you must bring at least 70 points in both physics and mathematics. At HSE, you can get up to 10 points for an essay, which is always checked here, and 3 points for a certificate with a gold or silver medal.

    If you are a master of sports, then you will receive an additional 3 points for the Unified State Examination; if you are a candidate for master of sports, then 2 points. HSE takes into account first and second level olympiads, but there are several third level olympiads for which the university can also give extra points. This is, for example, an Olympiad in discrete mathematics.

    Top 10 universities with the highest average Unified State Examination score (budget)

  • MGIMO - 95.4%
  • MIPT - 93.8%
  • HSE (Moscow) - 92.2%
  • St. Petersburg State University - 90%
  • VAVT - 89.9%
  • MSU - 87.8%
  • MEPhI - 87.8%
  • HSE (St. Petersburg) - 87.1%
  • ITMO University - 86.9%
Important to know
  • The results of the Unified State Exam and Olympiads are valid for four years after the year of receipt, in other words, five years.
  • There is no need to submit certified copies to university admissions committees.
  • Competition for admission to leading universities has increased significantly. Now it is difficult to enroll even in paid departments. The highest average score is usually at MGIMO, MIPT, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, MEPhI and ITMO University.
  • The most expensive education is at MGIMO (478 thousand rubles per year), Moscow State University (339 thousand rubles), HSE (338 thousand rubles), Financial University under the Government (316 thousand rubles) and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (295 thousand rubles .).

Since ancient times, music has been considered an integral part of education. A man of antiquity could not fully integrate into the life of the polis if he did not know how to sing and play the musical instruments, V Ancient China a musical instrument was a mandatory attribute noble man... All this, of course, is far from our time, and yet it is a tradition to consider those who are familiar with the basics musical art, as people who are somewhat “above average,” is not completely dead yet. This is why some parents decide to send their child to a music school. But do they themselves and their children have a good idea of ​​what they will have to do, what to expect - and what they will get in the end? And it doesn’t hurt to know this in advance - so that there are fewer disappointments later.

First of all, the question arises about choosing a tool - what to give preference to? The answer lies on the surface - of course, the instrument that the child likes, which he himself wants to learn to play! But you should not neglect the recommendations of teachers: an astute teacher can discern a future virtuoso in a child! So, Vadim Repin’s parents dreamed of teaching their child to play the button accordion, but they didn’t take the boy to play the button accordion, and they, reluctantly, agreed to send him to the violin... so the failed button accordion player became famous violinist! And under no circumstances use the following criterion when choosing an instrument: “What is easier to play and learn?” If a child asks such a question, it is better to keep him away from music school(all the same, he will not study - and not only at a music school, but anywhere else), if you... try to understand: nothing is simpler! There is no such instrument that you can sit down and play - without effort, without hours of practice, without perseverance (by the way, I would like to dispel one common myth: the string instruments with frets (domra, balalaika, guitar) is no easier to play than a violin or cello that does not have frets).

If the choice is made and you (and most importantly, your child) have finally and irrevocably made a decision, then you should understand once and for all: a music school is not a club or a studio, it is a school, it does not provide some set of skills, but initial music education. This is especially true for those who intend to apply to a guitar class. As a rule, children who want to learn to play the guitar (and often their parents) imagine learning something like this: at the student’s request, the teacher shows him the chords for the next “masterpiece” of some pop star - and that’s where it all ends, no assignments teacher doesn’t give, doesn’t make any comments, doesn’t pay attention to how the student holds the instrument and produces sound... so, nothing like that will happen. Upon completion of the music school, a certificate is issued - a state-issued document giving the right to enter the music school and to the music departments of universities, and issuing such a document to a person who somehow picks out three chords (which he is not able to independently select even for the most primitive song) means deceiving the state, so that the child will not hone his technique on exercises, scales and etudes less than violinists and pianists do, he will play guitar classics (Giuliani, Carulli, etc.), polyphony - up to Bach... if you need “three thieves chords” - it’s better to use the services of a circle or studio, which was developed by the great multitude. True, no one can vouch for what happens there (sometimes shocked parents discovered in their children’s notebooks the lyrics of obscene and openly criminal songs dictated by the studio head... but, in the end, everyone gets what they want!).

Separately, it is necessary to clarify the issue of the “voluntariness” of studying at a music school. Usually children understand it this way: if I want, I’ll come to class, if I don’t want, I won’t come, if I want, I’ll come again. In reality, voluntariness means that you can enroll in a music school (as opposed to a general education school), or you can not enroll, and no one will deprive you of parental rights if you do not send your child there. But as soon as a child is enrolled in school, he is obliged to attend all classes in accordance with the schedule, otherwise he may be expelled for truancy (try to bring this to the attention of your child!) - and here no one can stop this: school is optional - which means expulsion does not violate the constitutional right to education!

Likewise, all academic subjects are compulsory to attend. True, you can refuse certain subjects by means of a written statement, but then at the end of school the child will receive not a certificate, but a certificate that does not give any rights... Do not rush to say that this is not important for you: even if the child does not intend to to continue music education, a certificate can play a role - often in universities, with an equal number of points, the scales tip in favor of the applicant who has such a certificate. It doesn’t matter that music has nothing to do with the specialty: the very fact that a person has successfully completed two schools indicates that he has versatile abilities, knows how to manage his time and plan work, that he is not lazy, and finally... what The university will refuse such a student! In addition, think about how your child (then already a teenager or even a young man) will feel in 7 years, when his fellow students will be solemnly presented with certificates - and in an icy environment, behind closed doors, a certificate will be thrust into his hands! Isn't it better to be firm now?

And in conclusion, a few words about such a painful issue as tuition fees. Now charge for additional education officially prohibited by law - and music schools disguise parental fees as a “voluntary donation”. This creates a temptation for many parents to say: “I will decide how much to donate” or “I don’t want to donate at all,” or even contact the prosecutor’s office. Of course, you will achieve your goal - the law is on your side - but do you need it? According to the law, the state must maintain music schools - but it either cannot or does not want to do this, so the main source of livelihood remains parental fees. When choosing a music school, you probably gave preference to the one that is closer to your home - so, if parental fees are abolished, it is very likely that the music school closest to your home will be in a neighboring city, and children from three subjects of the federation will study there . Of course, under such circumstances, the selection there will be the most severe: only the most talented children, aimed at the profession of a musician - no “for general development", "at your level", etc. If it is difficult to get into such a school, then it is very easy to get kicked out: no one will babysit the children, you cannot cope with the workload, you do not study, you are rude to the teacher - goodbye, there is a turn for your place It’s worth it. What are your child’s chances of getting into such a school - judge for yourself, but most likely he will not end up among the lucky few - but among the mass of children who, under such circumstances, will only be left with dirty gateways. Draw your own conclusions!

In the article What is better for a child to learn to play: piano, guitar, violin or...? the conversation was about choosing a specialty for the child to study at a children's music school. It is impossible to cover all aspects in one article this issue, so in this article we will continue the conversation on this topic and look at another problem.

Parents who are serious about teaching their child at a children's music school try to get as much information about it as possible in advance. They know that children aged 5-6 years are admitted to the preparatory department, and admission to the first grade starts from the age of 7. Whether or not to send a child to a preparatory department is up to the parents to decide for themselves. But they know that, for example, the specialty “piano” is in great demand, and not always the chosen music school can accept everyone who wants it. If there are places for a specialty, then auditioning a child is in some sense a formality. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places, then in this case children are selected. A child who has attended the preparatory department for two years, has become familiar with the teachers and already knows and can do something, will have a great advantage in entering a specialty of interest over those children who came “from the street.” Therefore, studying in a preparatory class is not only good for a child’s development, but is also necessary for entering first grade. of interest speciality. This means that the child will study in a preparatory class for 1-2 years, and with 7 years of education, he will study for another 7 years. 9 years is enough long term, everything can change during this time. Therefore, it seems premature to think about what will happen after a child graduates from a children’s music school. Is this true?

With 7 years of study at a children's music school, the child will graduate from music school at the age of 14. If, after graduating from a children's music school, the decision was made to enter a music school, then he continues to study in the 8th grade of a children's music school and his future path is more or less determined. If you continue to study classical music there is no desire, then it arises big question: what to do next? If you do not maintain the skill of playing a musical instrument, it will quickly decline, and after about 6 months of inactivity, the graduate will forget almost everything he was taught at the children's music school. This often happens with pianists when it becomes a vicious circle: the child does not play the piano (because he was waiting for this torment to finally end) and the child is upset, but calling a master to tune the instrument is impractical because the child does not play it. Therefore, the piano becomes more and more out of tune, and playing an out of tune piano is even less interesting, so it becomes unnecessary to anyone, but it’s a pity to throw it away, and there’s no great desire to store it in a small apartment. There are 4 years left before graduating from secondary school, and no one knows in what form the young musician will study music at this time. On the one hand, a graduate of a children's music school knows something, but on the other hand, his knowledge and skills are not enough to play in a music group (he does not have the skill of playing in an ensemble) and perform in clubs. He only taught for 7 years classical works. Therefore, the maxim that most music school graduates can give is to pick the melody of a popular song and compose some classical fragments at the 2-3 grade level. They won’t even be able to play the synthesizer, since for this they need to have the skill of improvisation and know the compositional forms of the work when playing this or that musical style or direction.

We have come to the conclusion that if a graduate of a children's music school wants to engage in pop music in the future, then he it is necessary to take an adaptation course his skills in non-classical music: a pianist needs to master playing the synthesizer, a classical guitarist needs to master playing the electric guitar, etc. You can also try to master another instrument. This is exactly what you need to devote to the 4 years that remain until you graduate from secondary school.

The effectiveness of this solution is obvious. At 14 years old, a teenager is quite active, in search and still interested in many things. He likes some musical groups and performers, and he would not mind, for starters, imitating them. For example, a pianist likes rock or dance music– the piano does not allow him to realize his interests, but the synthesizer does. The guitarist likes heavy music. On classical guitar you can’t play it, but there’s no problem on an electric guitar. Parents need to understand, help and competently direct the teenager’s energy and interest in the right and constructive direction. In this case, his interest in music will not only not weaken, but will also intensify. I think music is much more interesting than sitting around all day computer games or on the Internet. But the purchase of a musical instrument and equipment alone is often not enough to arouse a teenager’s interest. Sometimes he also needs communication. Yes, he has an expensive synthesizer and electric guitar at home, but in many cases this will be nothing if he does not have the opportunity to demonstrate his skills to other people. He should feel that studying music is not an obligation, but interesting activity and communication. How can this be implemented? It’s very simple – on a commercial basis, and very difficult – on a free basis. Many commercial studios offer training in playing the synthesizer, electric guitar, etc. If we put the cost of training for one academic hour (45 minutes) at 1,000 rubles, then if you take classes twice a week, you will have to pay 8,000 thousand rubles per month. I can say that not every family in Moscow can afford such expenses, not to mention in the regions. Therefore, for many, only one option is possible - training for a small nominal fee, that is, training in non-profit government institutions. This training can be carried out as part of additional education, but the additional education itself appears only on paper, but in fact it does not exist. And this is understandable. Equipment for a music studio at a school requires from 100 to 300 thousand rubles. Where can they get them from if schools are not allocated money even for the basic thing - to implement educational process? Somewhere there are still circles and houses of creativity, but, judging by the attitude of higher structures towards them, in many of them the equipment has not been updated since the 70-80s of the last century. And playing on collapsing equipment, unusable and barely breathing musical instruments is not a pleasant experience. There is only one thing left to do - organize your home. musical leisure child and invite friends, or the child organizes his own leisure time, only on the street.

Hello! Many answers have been written, but I’ll leave mine in case it helps.
I studied piano at the Moscow regional music school, also one of the best, diploma with honors, performances, etc. This summer I entered the music college(Ippolitovka) also for piano performance. I'll tell you what is important here and what actions need to be taken. Even if not for you, then someone will definitely find it useful:
1) music must be LIKED (specifically by your daughter) so that she is ready to actually engage in it in life.
/if this mega-important point has been met, read on :) /
2) have a rough idea of ​​who you can work with later. Piano qualifications: artist, teacher, accompanist. You can go to the tower (and not necessarily to the piano). But anyway pedagogical activity it is almost impossible to avoid. Even the laureates of competitions, as a rule, teach in the same schools or music schools/schools. You can't really make money from academic performance alone. Being an accompanist is also difficult.
3) Grades in the diploma FOR MUSICAL are not important. I entered two colleges, neither of them asked me to show my diploma. Real skills are important.
4) If possible, stay in the 8th grade of your music school. Be sure to visit several colleges for open house consultations. (preliminarily study the requirements for the specialty and solfeggio). You must play by heart and be able to start with any hand from any place. In Fugue - in any voice from any place. And learn about composers, the works they perform and the pianists who perform them. Say which performance is closer, but under no circumstances (!) copy it down to the smallest nuances, otherwise they will say that you don’t have it in you creativity. I was asked all these questions at almost every consultation)) It is advisable to go to college for acquaintance a year, and not three months before the entrance exams. If you don’t know which teacher you want, go where they are willing to take your daughter for preparatory courses, you will have to pay for them (special and solf). The only people who did this to me were those who had at least studied privately with someone not from their native music school. Even if with a teacher from another college, the level from school is very different.
5) Consider other departments too (documents can be submitted everywhere): theoretical and conducting-choral. There is always less competition for theory, for example, one girl did not pass the piano test, but passed the theory test, another friend passed the dir.-choir test. The requirements for piano are fewer, but with certain auditory skills and musical outlook in general, it is more realistic to do so.
6) A school certificate is important. This is true. Budget places are reduced, applicants are ranked, and the one with the higher average certificate score ends up at the top GENERAL EDUCATION school. On the piano specifically in my college first three There are 5.00 people, the last one (who can be hired on a budget) has 4.5. Therefore, I strongly recommend going to a simple school, where it’s easy to get straight A’s with minimal effort. I did this and I know two other people who did the same. If you spend a long time doing schoolwork, you won’t have enough time for music.
/ about the program. The requirements are the same everywhere:
7) Be sure to play Bach’s Prelude and Fugue as polyphony (not the inventions and not the B major from volume 1 of the HTC, because I personally heard 4 performances of this in one year!). HTC is played by everyone, everywhere, and there is practically no chance of an invasion.
8) Beethoven’s Sixth Sonata in F major is also played by all and sundry. It's better to take Haydn.
9) The most advantageous option for etudes is Czerny's opus 740 (except for 1 etude - it is too simple and hackneyed, and also except for the terts - they are the easiest to get into). Don’t chase the tempo, the commission looks at the ability to produce sound and intonate, and not quickly move through the keys. (but there is no need to play sixteenth notes at a lento tempo, this is also overkill!).
10) Don't play Chopin as a piece. Often they dig into performance and “age immaturity.”
11) Don't play too hard famous works, their melodies are always on everyone’s lips.
12) Be sure to start preparing the program six months to a year before the first audition for preparatory courses (that is, at the end of the 7th grade at school, but it would be good to appear at college at the end of the 8th grade).
13) “Try in” the program wherever possible: at all reporting concerts, competitions, kindergartens, libraries, family evenings, college consultations, etc. There should be no questions about knowledge of the text AT ALL, it comes automatically, there are radically different things goals.
/about solfeggio. You can’t score on him./:
14) You definitely need to KNOW the theory (no matter where you go), without this there is absolutely no way. Discover requirements and fill any knowledge gaps.
15) You need to HEAR intervals, chords very well and SING anything in any key and from any sound. Dictation is less important, but you also need to write it somehow. Personally, the music school did not prepare me for such requirements at all (and not only me); for the most part, everyone hired their own tutors.
/general words/:
16) think 128 times how realistically you need this. Music is a difficult occupation in itself (you know this), and to get admission (especially on a budget, although not everyone is accepted for a paid one either) you will have to jump several heads higher. The piano competition is highly competitive, many go after 11th grade, and you are never 100% sure that someone will not perform better than you. Two years before admission, it is better not to do anything other than music, to earn a little money on general education. school, long walks all day, cafes, movies and other entertainment, and instead sit at the instrument with a program of five pieces and a solf requirement sheet. whole year.
I repeat, I don’t know what kind of music you have, but I know many people for whom its base was NOT ENOUGH. You can be a local reporting star, but give way to other stars in the exam. Need additional classes, in a word.
If you have the desire and strength, go ahead!)) Thank you for reading, I hope it helped in some way. 07/28/2018 11:40:58, /good man/