Beautiful rock singers. The best rock singers (10 videos)

In almost all musical genres prevail women's voices. Their soprano or contralto voices sound quite impressive. Many bands cannot imagine their performances without female vocals. It is present in pop music, metal, and hard rock. In any genre there are and will always be female voices. Rock groups, both foreign and Russian, are created as a quartet, quintet or any other composition. The soloist, as a rule, is called the frontwoman, being the center of this group. List foreign rock bands with female vocals is presented below.

World of music

Pop and rock groups that feature female vocals are considered quite popular groups; they have fans all over the world. Typically, such groups rarely perform indoors; they gather stadiums, huge beaches on the sea or ocean shores, as well as squares of megacities. The popularity of such groups grows quite quickly; immediately after some time of activity, they can go on major tours without returning from there for several months. The basic composition of the group is the same in all cases: there is a vocalist, a guitarist, a drummer, a keyboard player, and wind instruments can be used.


As a rule, singers take on quite a lot of responsibilities; they always have to smile, be beautiful, and represent their team. As a rule, a change of team in this situation does not go without leaving a trace. If someone leaves the orchestra, then the fans can still get over it, but if there is a change in vocalist, then it is quite possible that the group will lose its fans.

The hard road to success

The most powerful groups, where the vocalist is a woman, quickly become popular and have many fans already in the early stages of their work. Due to the fact that such a performer likes fame, they begin to develop rapidly, engage in creativity, write arrangements and songs. The performances are constantly getting better and better. The development of Japanese rock bands with female vocals is especially noticeable.

Second half of the 20th century

Groups in which a girl became a soloist began to appear quite a long time ago, back in the middle of the 20th century. From the beginning these were completely small groups, they had quite a few fans. We are talking, for example, about The group Pleasure Seekers, its vocalist was Suzi Quatro. Over time, rock bands with female vocals began to appear at every turn. Ensembles with talented girls appeared, and their popularity gradually grew. Nowadays such groups actively participate in all kinds of ratings due to their wide popularity.

Russian and foreign

If you pay attention to the rating discussed in the article, then basically only American and British bands. Others less popular foreign groups, Russians are not included in them. This is due to the fact that such musical groups slightly different in format. Therefore, they are not mixed with European genres, and their achievements are not appropriated in the United States. Below you can find a list of rock bands with female vocals that have achieved popularity.

Style and fame

All groups with female vocals differ in one small nuance. They show expression on stage, in their songs and in the rest of their work. Such rock bands are not formed in one year; on the contrary, they develop over many years, honing their skills. The composition changes, vocalists leave, but thanks to such changes, like-minded people gather in the group, often the group begins to gain momentum and increases its popularity.

Groups whose success is only in the future

There is quite large number rock bands that are distinguished by their style, show excellent music, emotions, and vocalists, but they have not yet gained the popularity they strive for. Such teams are usually quite promising.

Their list is very extensive, but we will list only those that are more or less well-known. We are talking about the groups “Fly”, “Moon”, “Flirt”, “Murakami”, “Iva Nova”, “Slot”, “Melnitsa” and so on. On at the moment In Russia, rock bands in which the vocalist is a girl are gaining popularity. This is why we should expect big changes in music culture.

Russian and Slavic rock groups

On the territory of Russia and all other countries of the former Soviet Union, exists huge amount rock bands with female vocals. As a rule, groups from only three countries stand out from them: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. They are all created in different times and have varying levels of popularity, but they all strive to prove themselves and create amazing music. The repertoire and professionalism of these people is off the charts. A list of Russian rock bands with female vocals is presented below.

The most popular Russian bands

Let's consider Russian rock bands who were able to achieve popularity in the Federation, and their frontwomen are considered almost ambassadors of Russian culture.

The Velvet group was founded in 2005. As a rule, musicians create music in the style of pop rock and art rock. The vocalist is Ekaterina Belokon. She creates music and lyrics for all her songs. Moreover, it has vocational education. Performs as part of a quintet.

"Night Snipers" is another popular rock band with female vocals from Russia, which was created in 1993. Diana Arbenina is still a member of the group, she is considered the permanent soloist. At the same time, since their debut, their style of repertoire has practically not changed; it is classic. She writes music, as a rule, based on poems by well-known poets. We are talking about lyricists, for example, Akhmatova and Brodsky. It should be noted that fans of “Night Snipers” are heterogeneous; at concerts you can meet people of any nationality.

One of the old bands in Russia is a rock group with female vocals “Nastya”. It was created in 1986. The founder was Anastasia Poleva. Interesting fact is that she previously participated in another group of the same genre, which tried to break through from the city of Sverdlovsk. At the moment, her group and she herself are working in St. Petersburg, this period has lasted since 1993. Most creative period and the peak of popularity of this group is considered to be the years from 1988 to 1991. The music of this group is exotic and somehow bewitching.

Another equally popular Russian rock band with female vocals is called “Propaganda”. It was created in 2001. The group is a quintet, two soloists. Their names are Maria and Anastasia. The group existed for more than 15 years. It should be noted that there was a lull for some time. And now the group is trying to revive and regain its former momentum.

The Russian rock band with female vocals “Masha and the Bears” was created in 1997. At that time, Oleg Nesterov, the lead singer of Megapolis, was trying to form it. But the initiator was Maria Makarova, who became the frontwoman of this group.

The Chicherina group was created in the city of Yekaterinburg. This happened in 1997. It should be noted that this is another group in the form of a quartet. The soloist is Yulia Chicherina. She wrote songs and music for the group. Collaborates with many rock musicians from Russia. We are talking about the groups “Bi-2”, Mazaev and Lagutenko.

The last group on this list is probably the most popular of all the above. Of course we're talking about about the Zemfira team. This group was created in 1998. Its permanent soloist, world-famous Zemfira Ramazanova. It should be noted that since 2012 she has been included in the list of 100 most influential people Russian Federation. The list includes only women. Professional musicians Zemfira is called the founder of a new musical direction in the Russian Federation in such genres as rock and pop.

The best rock bands with female vocals from America and Europe

Evanescence - this band performs in the pop-rock style. It is considered one of the most successful in the world. The first album of this group sold 15 million copies. The soloist, whose name is Emily, has a rather strong, soulful voice. She is noted as the best leader among all popular rock groups.

Paramore is an American group that has received a huge number of music awards; it constantly appears in some charts. Paramore consists of three musicians and a drummer, who was replaced by a new one. The lead singer's name is Hayley Williams. She is considered one of the most talented vocalists; moreover, she has been recognized more than once as a sex symbol. The group performs its songs in the style of pop punk and punk rock.

Finnish metal band called Nightwish, represented by Tarja Turunen. The lyrics are quite interesting, they are written in a fantasy style, the arrangement is wonderful, the music pleases every listener. All this allowed the group to reach the top.

The British band Siouxsie and the Banshees perform in the post-punk style. You can notice when listening to music that the band likes to combine melancholic melodies with electronic instruments. The lead singer's name is Susie Sue. She has been in this group since its inception, so she is considered irreplaceable.

Another pretty one famous group from Ukraine - The HardKiss. It is considered one of the leading rock bands in the country. The frontwoman, whose name is Yulia Sanina, represents the band at many concerts, interviews, and captivates listeners with her voice. Their songs are filled with the deepest meaning, which the girl masterfully presents to her fans.

Another no less famous group from the Netherlands, called Within Temptation. She performs symphonic rock. The vocalist has a soprano-type voice, her name is Sharon Den Adel. She leads her group with a Celtic theme. Her vocals are so great that fans fall in love with her from the first song.

The German rock band with female vocals Guano Apes is known throughout the world. She performs mainly American songs. The soloist is from Croatia. Her name is Sandra Nasic. Her voice and taste in music are simply divine. The group was in a state for quite a long time when they performed only in restaurants and cafes, but now they are selling out stadiums.

By March 8, ROCKETSMUSIC has prepared the top 8 most iconic women in Russian rock music. So, meet: there are women in Russian rock singing!

1. Nastya Poleva
Of course, on first place. For she first. First the woman is a Russian rock star who rose to the Sverdlovsk horizon in the 80s of the last century. Her debut album "Tatsu" became first female rock album in the country. Nastya still performs in clubs in her homeland in live status legends of Russian rock.

2. Zemfira
“Lord, why am I the best?!”- this phrase dropped Zemfira, describes the singer as well as possible. Indeed, such a phenomenon as Zemfira- This the best, what happened on the Russian women's rock scene. (Word " better" It is not without reason that it is repeated several times, because better than Zemfira and it cannot be).

3. Zhanna Aguzarova
Gained fame as the vocalist of the group "Bravo"– the most outrageous artist in all of Russian rock. In a few interviews she often hinted at her extraterrestrial origin and "internal connections" with the Martians.

4. Diana Arbenina
Started out in a rock band "Night Snipers" along with Svetlana Surganova, is now the only vocalist of the group. Along with concerts as part of the group "Night Snipers" she regularly holds solo acoustic performances, including annual December apartment performances in Moscow, and takes part in public events and concerts.

5. Svetlana Surganova
Started out in a rock band "Night Snipers" along with Diana Arbenina as a soloist and violinist. Currently the leader of the group "Surganova and Orchestra".

6. Yulia Chicherina
Russian rock singer, band leader "Chicherina", author and performer of her songs, traveler. In 1997 she became famous throughout the country with the hit "Tu-lu-la". Currently Julia better known for her travels and clearly defined patriotic stance. Chicherina regularly visits hot spots and performs charity events. In particular, exactly a year ago, March 8, 2015 Yulia Chicherina visited Lugansk, where she gave a festive charity concert and donated veterinary medicines for the Lugansk Zoo.

7. Lusine Gevorkyan
Vocalist of rock bands "Tracktor Bowling" And "Luna". Lu was born in Armenia, but lived almost her entire life in Russia, so she is rightfully considered one of the best alternative vocalists in our country, which has been confirmed more than once by fans and awards like "Chart Dozen".

8. Masha Makarova
Vocalist of the group "Masha and the Bears" was remembered by the listener, first of all, for the compositions that were mega-popular at the time "Lyubochka" and "Reykjavik". Rock fate Masha did not develop entirely smoothly: it managed to go from universal recognition to oblivion and back.

Despite the fact that initially ROCKETSMUSIC I only thought of publishing eight the best rock divas on the domestic stage in honor of March 8, we couldn’t help but mention another beautiful lady. Let her be the ninth in a row so that March 9 it was as enchanting for everyone as it was eighth.

9. Lyudmila "Mother-in-Law" Makhova
Heads the modern Moscow-St. Petersburg team "Give Two". The group is often called "favorite band Konstantin Kinchev", since he himself stated this more than once and even invited Lyudmila to record her albums (her vocals appear on records "20/12" And "Circus").

My playlist today will be dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity, or more precisely, to women in Russian rock. Most musicians of any style are men, only a few bands can be found with female vocals. So it is in Russian rock. But I have singled out several of these groups and invite you to listen and evaluate them.

The playlist included such groups as, Chicherina, Mara, Utah, Surganova and Orchestra, Leningrad (song in which Yulia Kogan is the soloist), Murakami, Mukha, Butch, Elysium, Fleur, Velvet, Epidemic (song from the Elven Manuscript ", where the girl sings), Total, Linda, Masha and the Bears.

The women presented are wonderful singers, composers and authors of their songs. They occupy a worthy place in modern Russian rock. I hope you enjoy their work. Happy listening!


You can not only listen to all songs online for free, but also download them from the link on the player. And below are some interesting videos on the topic as a bonus to the playlist.

Several videos of songs by our favorite rock girls

Zemfira “We are breaking”

The singer's performance at the closing ceremony of the Universiade in Kazan in 2013. Very beautiful video!

LOUNA “Storming the Skies” (Live)

Leningrad "Bag"

Performed by the red-haired beauty Yulia Kogan.

Surganova and the “See You Soon” Orchestra

Concert “See you soon. Live in Crocus City Hall"(2012).

Murakami "About the Urals"

Blonde Ksyu “Without you”

Mara "Somewhere My Love"

At the acoustic concert of the KKZ "Mir" (2007).

Anticipating questions in the comments about why some other artists are not included in the selection, I would like to make a reservation right away. Not in the playlist of “Hummingbird” and others. due to the fact that I wanted to make my selection of music more or less modern, and I haven’t heard from these bands for a long time. For some time there was no Nastya, but then I found her simply magical composition. At first I didn’t want to include Blonde Ksya - I don’t know her work at all, in the end, I added the song “Elysium”, which has her vocals, and then a video with her came here, that’s how it happens.

Considering a phenomenon such as foreign rock bands with female vocals, we decided to list, in our opinion, the best of them. It is clear that there are no comrades in taste and color, so you can write your versions of the top in the comments. Now let's go!

10. Guano Apes

A quartet of musicians, whose vocalist and decoration is a girl with Croatian roots, Sandra Nasic. Guano Apes is the first German female-fronted group to gain worldwide popularity by singing songs in English. The group went through a path that included performances in pubs and discos, conquering American and European stages, temporary disintegration and universal recognition of the group as one of the best on the alternative scene.

9. Within Temptation

A Dutch band performing in the genre of symphonic rock with a touch of gothic, although the vocalist does not agree with the latter definition Sharon den Adel, performing soprano here. The band's music varied from slow-depressive, seasoned with the growling of second vocalist Robert Westerholt, to stylistically combined with Celtic motifs and pop of the 80s. Each of the works is characterized by a special atmosphere and recognizable female vocals.

8. Otep

The idea of ​​creating the group belongs to a brutal American woman named Otep Shamaya, who, among other things, fights for the rights of sexual minorities. If we talk directly about the music, then the uniqueness of its sound is given by the explosive growling of the singer, like an avalanche of rage. The band's penchant for nu metal and death metal makes the music unique when combined with such powerful vocals.

7.Arch Enemy

The Swedish band's melodic death metal is peppered with terrifying vocals. Goss' Angels, who replaced the former vocalist in the early 2000s. Being a journalist, the girl successfully interviewed one of the participants, simultaneously telling him about her passion for death vocals, and even handing over a demo recording. Since then, there have been many changes in the group, but Angela's voice can be heard on all recordings, starting with the album Wages of Sin.

6. Crucified Barbara

A team from Sweden, entirely consisting of girls who started their work performing garage punk rock. In their latest albums, their style has become closer to dynamic heavy metal, knocking you down with the energy of playing and vocals. Mia, nicknamed Coldheart.

5. Cranberries

"Cranberries" from Ireland, led by performer and lyricist Dolores O'Riordan, having started by selling several hundred copies of cassette recordings in their small town, now attract stadiums of fans. Heartfelt songs with a light rock sound and deep meaning are hits on many radio stations around the world, and the group, after a break of several years to allow musicians to participate in solo projects, reunited again, releasing the album Roses in 2012.

4. Siouxsie and the Banshees

A British band that played post-punk and had a strong influence on the further development of this style. The music of Siouxsie and the Banshees combines melancholy and melody, rhythmic electronic sketches and sound experiments with various instruments. She acted as the vocalist of an original group Susie Sue, which gave the compositions a peculiar dreaminess and art direction.

3. Nightwish

Having already replaced three vocalists along the way, the Finnish metal band is one of the most successful projects involving female vocals. Fantasy lyrics, keyboard arrangements, guitar solos and even symphony orchestra– all this makes us perceive the band’s music as something fundamental and inspiring. The band members themselves simply speak about their style, calling it heavy-metal with female vocals.


"Secret Lovers" from the USA are used to topping all sorts of charts and receiving music awards. Authors of one of the songs on the film soundtrack "Twilight" they play pop-punk, and they do it well. There are currently only three permanent members, plus a session drummer, and Hayley Williams, according to various versions, is one of the sexiest vocalists of rock groups.

1. Evanescence

The group's first studio album, Fallen, sold 15 million copies and received 2 Grammy awards. Despite such stunning success, only Amy Lee with her soulful vocals, remains the only permanent member of Evanescence today. Despite the wild popularity of pop-rock songs, many critics speak unflatteringly about the musical component of the group’s work. Despite this, the group is widely recognized as the leader of an extensive list representing rock bands with female vocals.

As you can see, each of the listed groups is significant in its own way, and all of them have found an audience of listeners, and a considerable one. They have proven their demand musical groups with girls as vocalists not only in pop music, but also on the rock stage, and we are waiting for new stars to appear on this horizon!

And in the end - a traditional bonus in the form of tablatures of the groups in question


Collection. Tablatures of the best foreign rock bands with female vocals

Size: 15.9 mb.

Download tabs of the most best groups with female rock vocals

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