Lesson notes on fairy tales by K. Chukovsky (middle group). “Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”” methodological development for speech development (middle group) Lesson on the fairy tale Telephone by Chukovsky middle group

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of the middle group

Topic: " Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Telephone”

Target: Continue to introduce children to the works of K.I. Chukovsky (reading the fairy tale “Telephone”).



Teach children to listen and answer questions correctly.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the literary works of K. Chukovsky


Develop coordination of movements and the ability to move in accordance with the text.

Develop thinking, speech, imagination, memory.


Cultivate perseverance and communicative relationships between children.

Cultivate a love of fiction.

Bring joy from meeting your favorite fairy-tale characters

GCD materials:

Illustrations of book covers for the works of Korney Chukovsky, a package with assignments, demonstration material based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Telephone”, a portrait of K. I. Chukovsky.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

2. Examination of illustrations for these books.

3. Exhibition of books by Chukovsky

GCD move

Introductory conversation:

Educator: Guys, a package for our group has arrived at our kindergarten. Want to see what's in it?(children's answers...) Then let's see what's inside? Oh, what is this? (children's answers...these are book covers.)

Let's see which ones. (The teacher takes out the covers of K.I.’s books. Chukovsky and puts it on the board, the children name the names of these books)

Educator: Who is the author of all these books?(Children's answers)

Educator: Yes, this author is Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. (The teacher displays a portrait of Chukovsky)

Educator: Do you know his fairy tales well? Let's see. Then guess the riddles, find the covers for them and take them to the future book file.

1. He scolds those who are not washed,

Makes you rinse

The chimney sweep is clean, clean,

He washes himself cleanly (“Moidodyr”)

He's a great washbasin

Umyvalnikov chief

And the commander of the washcloths. (Moidodyr)

2. What kind of commotion is this that ran into the corners?

All plates, cups, spoons, pans, ladle.

They don’t want to be dirty, scary, terrible.

Grandma didn’t like them, she only beat them and didn’t wash them.

But when the dishes left

That grandmother felt bad:

Neither drink nor cook cabbage soup,

All that's left is to shed tears. (“Fedorino’s grief”)

3. She walked across the field,

She found the money.

I made some tea

Invited guests

She herself fell into the web. ("Fly-Tsokotuha")

4. The sun walked across the sky and saw a crocodile

The villain swallowed him and offended all the animals:

And hares, and bear cubs and other forest animals.

The bear took away the sun and punished the crocodile.

Guess without a hint

The title of this fairy tale? ("Stolen Sun")

What kind of toothy thief is this?

Did you steal the red sun?

Oh, the bear will beat him,

It will be bad practice in the future. (Crocodile)

5. “Suddenly from the gateway -

Scary giant

Red-haired and mustachioed cockroach." (Cockroach)

6. He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes.

Bandages wounds

African monkey

And anyone will confirm to us

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

7. The kittens meowed

"We're tired of meowing!

We want, like piglets,


And behind them are the ducklings:

"We don't want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,

Croak!" (Confusion)

Educator: Now let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute(Children stand in a circle)

You don't need to treat us, good doctor Aibolit! (children walk in a circle one after another)

Our tummies don’t hurt like the poor hippos! (stroking bellies)

We will stretch out our hands to the sun, and then we will sit down in the grass (we stretch our arms up, squat down)

We fly like eagles - we soar, we look in all directions. (run in a circle, wave their arms, look around)

Where is Africa country? Maybe they need help there (they stop and look through binoculars)

With the monkey we will jump like a cheerful ringing ball. (jumping)

The guys are walking along the grass towards the poor ostrich chicks. (walk in a circle, raising their legs high)

We helped everyone, we ourselves became strong. (stopped and showed their muscles)

Educator: And now I’ll read you another fairy tale by K. Chukovsky, “Telephone.” (reading the work)

Questions after reading the work:

Guys, did you like the fairy tale?

What is it called?

Which of the heroes did you like the most?


Which animal called first?

What did the elephant ask for?

What did the monkeys ask for?

Which animal asked to bring them drops?

Who was the last?

What did the rhinoceros ask for?

Do you think it is necessary to help a friend if he is in trouble? ( children's answers)

I think that the children of our group will never leave a friend in trouble, because friendship, kindness and mutual assistance make our lives brighter and more joyful.


Tell me, what did you and I do today?

What did you like most?

What new have you learned?

Lesson notes on speech development in the middle group "Journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Approximate basic general educational program:

Approximate basic general education program for preschool education "From birth to school" NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, the main educational program of the municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 4 “Friendship” Novouzensk, Saratov region."

  • Educational area: speech development.
  • Age group: middle, children 4 – 5 years old.


  • create conditions for expanding children's understanding of creativity children's writer K.I. Chukovsky.



  • expand children's understanding of K.I.'s fairy tales Chukovsky their wisdom and beauty;
  • help children remember the names and contents of K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.


  • develop the ability to use both short and common answer forms;
  • develop the emotional sphere of children's imagination;


  • cultivate a love of fiction and fairy tales.

Integration of educational areas:

  • "Cognitive Development" ,
  • "Social and communicative development" ,
  • "Physical development"

Types of children's activities: play, communication, perception fiction, cognitive - research.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: play - travel

Characters: Doctor Aibolit, Fedora.

Equipment: illustrations to fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky, "miracle tree" with tasks for the quiz, toiletries on the tree (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, towel), ruler, postcard, notebook, toy; "black box" it contains a galosh and a washcloth; "sweet tray" there are sweets, jam, sugar on it; cut mosaic, 2 sheets with the image of a butterfly, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: reading the works of K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr" , "Aibolit" , "Fly-Tsokotukha" , "Cockroach" , "Fedorino-grief" , "Telephone" .

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment:

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, hands on their knees, legs in front of the chairs, backs straight, eyes looking at the teacher.

Guys, how are we going to answer the questions?

(Raise your hand, answer with a complete answer).

If you have guests, what should you say?


Guys, today we will go on a journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

(The teacher shows a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky)

Guys, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is a wonderful writer and no less wonderful person. For many years he lived in the writer's village of Peredelkino near Moscow. Every year he gathered children from all over the area and made a bonfire for them. It was a real holiday! Now there is a museum in his Peredelkino house. He composed many funny fairy tales and poems for children. The guys love him very much "Moidodyr" , "Aibolit" , "Fly-Tsokotukha" , "Cockroach" , "Fedorino-grief" , "Telephone" .

Guys, do you like to travel? (Children's answers).

What can you use to hit the road? (by plane, train, car, boat...)

Is it possible to walk? (Children's answers)

I suggest you go to a magical, fairy-tale clearing where they live good fairy tales K.I. Chukovsky.

A teacher and children approach "Miracle Tree" .

Do you recognize this tree?

Who is familiar with the fairy tale "Miracle Tree" ?

The teacher reads the passage:

Like ours at the gate
The miracle tree is growing.
Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle

Not the leaves on it,
Not flowers on it,
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!

What do you see on our tree? (socks, tights, pants)

2. Game moment:

There is a knock on the door.

Guys, listen, someone came to visit us. Let's see who came to us.

The door opens and Doctor Aibolit and Fedora come in.

Look guys, do you recognize them?

Fedora and Aibolit start playing with the children:

1 task:

Find the things you need for Moydody and put them in a basin.

(Items are laid out on the table - soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, comb, ruler, postcard, notebook, toy).

Task 2:

Who will remember what word Aibolit repeated when going to Africa? (Limpopo).

Who put out the sea in a fairy tale "Confusion" ? (butterfly).

Task 3: "black box" :

In the box is the favorite delicacy of crocodiles from a fairy tale "Telephone" . (Galoshes)

In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in the fairy tale "Moidodyr" . (Washcloth)

3. Physical exercise:

Game "It doesn't fly" .

Lesson 4: "Sweet Tray" .

There is jam, sweets, sugar on the tray.

What did the clicking fly treat the butterfly? (jam)

"Beautiful butterfly"
Eat the jam!
Or you don't like it
Our treat?

Task 5: Find out the fairy tale from the passage:

And the saucers rejoiced:
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!
And they dance and laugh -
Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la! (Fedorino grief)

Wolves from fright
They ate each other.
Poor crocodile
Swallowed the toad.

And the elephant, trembling all over,
So she sat on the hedgehog. (Cockroach).

Task 6: Complete the mosaic.

Children use mosaic pieces to create pictures for K.I.’s fairy tale. Chukovsky.

Task 7: Guess the riddles and tell me in which fairy tales they appear:

Who has four legs?
Who stole mom's slippers?
Who has a cheerful disposition?
Who said bravely: "Woof" ? (Dog "Aibolit" )

  • The red henkeeper came to the chicken coop

I counted all the chickens and brought them with me (Fox "Aibolit" )

  • Small, little white, jumping through the forest, jumping

One snowball at a time, poke and poke. (Hare "Confusion" , "Aibolit" )

Grayish, toothy.

Prowls across the field,

Looking for calves and lambs. (Wolf "Aibolit"

  • In the fall it will climb into the crack

And in the spring he will wake up (Fly "Fly-Tsokotukha" )

Task 8: Who can color the butterfly faster?

The children are divided into two teams and paint the butterfly, and Doctor Aibolit and Fedora help them.

4. Dance break "Happy Dance" .

5. Lesson summary:

Fedora and Aibolit say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Well guys, our journey has come to an end.

How did you like our trip? (Children's answers)


Medal for the most active "fairy tale expert" , sweet prizes for everyone else.

Summary of a game lesson for children of the 1st junior, nursery group (3rd year of life), topic: “Telephone”


Introduce the poem “Telephone” by K.I. Chukovsky.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully, understand and emotionally perceive poetry.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “telephone”.
Introduce children to the concepts of “full”, “empty”, “half”; “hard-soft.
Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
To consolidate knowledge about the numbers “1”, “2”, “3”, the ability to count and indicate the result of a count with a number.
Form stable ideas about size, quantity, color, geometric shapes, and the position of an object in space.
Practice sculpting, gluing, drawing with fingers and pencils.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.


Book by K.I. Chukovsky “Telephone”. “Magic book” box. Books according to the number of children with applique parts inserted between the pages (telephone case, disk and handset).
A picture depicting objects of different colors, cardboard squares of the same colors.
Pencils brown.
Phone numbers by number of children. Soft toy “telephone”.
A picture of people talking on the phone.
Brown salted dough. Cookie cutters.
Pictures (pairs) “Gloves”.
Glue. Finger paints. Background picture for drawing “Mobile phone”.
Educational game “Dress the Bear”.
Stencil “jar with drops”, complete sheets of paper orange color, half white and orange, with a thin orange stripe at the bottom.
Buttons different colors two sizes, a silhouette image of a carousel with circles, the corresponding color and size.
Circles with numbers “1”, “2”, “3”. An image of a phone with empty circles in place of these numbers. Large cards with the same numbers.
A picture depicting phone cases of different colors, handsets of the same colors.
Silhouette images of phones of different sizes, matching cardboard phone cases.
Clothespins in yellow and red colors, a silhouette image of a heron without paws and beak, cut out of thick cardboard.
Audio recordings: telephone call, "Carousels".

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting game “Our smart heads”

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, cleverly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs are straightened,
We smile at each other.

Surprise moment "Magic book"

Look who's our guest today? Magic book. And this means that today we have to get acquainted with some new, very an interesting book. Let's open Magic book and we'll find out.

Reading excerpts from K. I. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone”

My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.
- How much should I send?
- Yes, about five pounds
Or six:
He can't eat anymore
He's still small for me!

Getting to know the color brown

This color is called “brown”. This is the color of chocolate, tree trunk, pencil.

Didactic game “Close the brown objects”

Children find among the pictures those that are painted brown and covered with brown cardboard squares on top.

Drawing with pencils “Who is talking to whom on the phone?”

Take brown pencils and draw who is talking to whom on the phone.
Children spend horizontal lines from one image to another.

Modeling "Chocolate"

Children roll out brown salted dough into flat cakes and cut out shaped “chocolate” with molds.

And then the bunnies called:
- Can you send me some gloves?

Didactic game "Find a pair"

Children select pairs from pictures of gloves.

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send me books!

Exercise “Leafing through books”

Children turn over the pages of the book and find silhouette pictures between the pages for appliqué.

Application "Phone"

Children glue the body, handset and disk of the phone onto a sheet of white paper.

And then the bear called
Yes, how he began, how he began to roar.

Wait, bear, don't roar,
Explain what you want?

Articulation exercise “Bear roars”

How does a bear roar? Y-Y-Y. To pronounce this sound you need to clench your teeth and lower your lower lip. Look how I pronounce this sound. (Show). Now try it yourself.

Didactic game “Dress the Bear”

Children select the size of the bear's head, torso and legs and place them in a special frame.

And then the herons called:
- Please send drops:

We've eaten too much frogs today,
And our stomachs hurt!

Didactic game “Drops for the Heron”

Place the “jar with drops” stencil on a sheet that is completely painted over orange. The jar with drops is full.

Place the stencil on a sheet that is half painted orange. The jar with drops is half filled.

Place the stencil on a sheet of paper with a thin orange stripe at the bottom. The jar is almost empty, there are very few drops left in it.

Make sure that the jar with drops becomes full again, so that there are half drops in the jar, so that there are few drops.

Game with clothespins “Heron”

Make a beak out of red clothespins and paws out of yellow ones. How many red clothespins do you need for the beak? Two clothespins. How many yellow clothespins do you need for the paws? Two clothespins.

And recently two gazelles
They called and sang:
- Really?
Everyone got burned

Oh, are you sane, gazelles?
The carousels didn't burn down,
And the swing survived!
You gazelles should not make a noise,
And next week
They would gallop and sit down
On the swing carousel!

But they didn't listen to the ghazals
And they were still making noise:
- Really?
All swings
Got burned?
What stupid gazelles!

Musical-dynamic pause "Carousel"

Children move to the music in a circle, holding hands, changing directions and tempo of movement.

Game with buttons "Carousel"

Arrange the buttons into circles suitable color and magnitude.

And such rubbish
All day:
Either the seal will call, or the deer.

Didactic exercise “Lay out the numbers on the phone”

This phone is not all numbers. The first three were lost. Let's put them back in place. We'll lay it out from left to right. Put the number “1” first, then the number “2”, and then the number “3”.
Now press the number “1” with your finger and place the large number “1” on the phone screen. (Same with two and three).

Didactic game “Pick up the phone”

Children match handsets to phones of the corresponding color.

Didactic game “Pick a phone case”

Nowadays they use mobile phones more. Let's sort the phones by size - from largest to smallest. Now let’s select cases for each phone: for the largest phone - the largest case.

Finger painting "Telephone"

Paint over the screen and buttons on your phone.

Exercise “My phone rang”

Every child puts a phone in front of him. The bell rings.

Pick up the handset and bring it to your ear.
Say: “Hello!”
Place the handset next to the phone, in front of the phone, behind the phone, place the handset on the phone.

Exercise “Hard-Soft”

Here's another phone. (Showing a soft toy “telephone”). Touch it. What does it feel like? Soft. Now touch your phones. What do they feel like? Solid.

Elena Akimenko
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group. Reading the fairy tale “Telephone” by K. Chukovsky

Methodological development

educational activities with children middle group on the topic« Reading fairy tale K. Chukovsky« Telephone» »

priority educational activities of the NGO "Speech" develop

Target: To consolidate children’s acquaintance and knowledge of the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky; please the children reading a new fairy tale.


Educational objectives:

teach children to listen and answer questions correctly.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the literary works of K. Chukovsky.

Developmental tasks:

Develop coordination of movements and the ability to move in accordance with the text.

Develop thinking, speech, imagination, memory

Educational tasks:

Cultivate perseverance and communicative relationships between children.

Cultivate a love of fiction.

Bring joy from meeting your favorite fairy-tale characters

Priority educational region: speech development

Integration of educational regions:

Cognitive development: develop thinking, auditory perception, voluntary attention.

Physical development: actively change the children’s activities and thereby weaken the onset of fatigue, and then switch the child back to continue classes.

Speech development: develop ability to use both short and common answer forms; develop the ability to determine content literary works based on excerpts from books and illustrations.

Social-communicative development: develop the emotional sphere of children's imagination;

Artistic and aesthetic development: develop creative imagination, participate in the proposed teacher« fabulous» situations. Foster a love and interest in creativity storyteller Chukovsky, develop a sense of rhyme.

Types of activities: gaming, communicative, perception of fiction, speech, cognitive.

Planned results of GCD (targets):


speak well enough orally, can express their thoughts;

show initiative and independence in different types activities, games, communication, etc.;

follow social norms of behavior in relationships with adults and peers;

have developed imagination

Prerequisites for UD:

Communication – the ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion

Cognitive - ability to work from illustrations.

Personal - the ability to realize one’s capabilities, skills, qualities, experiences;

Preliminary work: 1. Reading works by K. AND. Chukovsky.

2. Examination of illustrations for these books.

3. Book exhibition Chukovsky

Creation environment for organizing and conducting educational activities: (equipment for the teacher): Illustrations of book covers for Korney’s works Chukovsky, package with tasks, demonstration material on fairy tale K. Chukovsky« Telephone» for flannelgraph, portrait Chukovsky, multimedia presentation.

Activity stage Contents classes Educational activities Availability funds for



results Forms of work Educational and developing tasks Planned result (targets)

Introductory part (motivational stage) Children enter group and stand in a semicircle around the teacher.

Leading (educator). Guys, come in group. Look, we have guests today. They came to see how you have grown and what you can do. Let's say hello. (Hello) and let's go to our book corner.

I know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there's nothing more interesting

How Chukovsky funny tales.

Leading. And here is the portrait Chukovsky. Who remembers his name? (Korney Ivanovich) And next to it are the books he wrote. Who recognized from the pictures tales of Korney Ivanovich? (children call fairy tales) We know and remember them well.

Leading. I suggest going to magical land where the good ones live Chukovsky's fairy tales. Do you want to go on a trip? A a fairy tale is already waiting for us. (music accompaniment sounds) Ah, before us is a path, an unusual path, a crooked path from a cheerful poem by K.I. Chukovsky"Once upon a time there lived a man". I will read a poem and we will walk along the path to fairy tale. OO

“Speech develop-


Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky

Books by K.I. Chukovsky: “Moidodyr”, “Fedorino’s grief”, “Stolen sun”, “Cockroach”, “Aibolit”,


Artistic word general conversation

Develop ability to use both short and common answer forms.

To deepen children's interest in the artistic word, to cultivate a desire for constant communication with children in joint activities with adults and independent activities.

The foundations of interest in artistic expression have been laid.

Main part (content section) The children come along the path to the chest. Let's see what's inside? Yes, these are illustrations for books. Let's see which ones? (The teacher takes out book illustrations Chukovsky and attaches it to the board, the children name the names of these books)

Educator: K.I. Chukovsky was a cheerful and cheerful person. He has been gone for a long time, but the books he wrote live on and will continue to live on. WITH early years his poems bring joy. Your grandparents remember these poems from childhood.

K.I. Chukovsky became a children's writer by accident. And it turned out So: his little son fell ill. Chukovsky took him on the train. The boy cried and was capricious. Father became tell to let him distract: “Once upon a time there was a crocodile, he walked the streets”. The boy fell silent and began to listen to what happened next. And in the morning, waking up, the boy asked his father again tell yesterday's tale. After this incident Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales for children.

Educator: Do you know him well? fairy tales? Let's see. Then guess the riddles and find illustrations for them.

1. He scolds those who are not washed,

Makes you rinse

The chimney sweep is clean, clean,

Cleans cleanly ( "Moidodyr")

2. What kind of commotion is this that ran into the corners?

All plates, cups, spoons, pans, ladle.

They don’t want to be dirty, scary, terrible.

Grandma didn’t like them, she only beat them and didn’t wash them.

But when the dishes left

That grandmother felt bad:

Neither drink nor cook cabbage soup,

All that's left is to shed tears. ( "Fedorino grief")

3. I walked across the field,

I found the money.

I made some tea

Invited guests

She herself fell into the web. ( "Fly-Tsokotukha")

4. The sun walked across the sky and saw a crocodile

The villain swallowed it and offended everyone animals:

And hares, and bear cubs and other forest animals.

The bear took away the sun and punished the crocodile.

Guess without tips

The name of this fairy tales? ("Stolen Sun")

5. Open the book-door and look out from there beast:

Red-haired, scary and mustachioed "Beware, little animals"

He growls and screams and moves his mustache,

He tries to eat all the little animals.

But one good guy

Daring daredevil,

Pecked once, pecked twice

And there was no enemy. (Cockroach)

6. He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes.

Bandages wounds

African monkey

And anyone will confirm to us

This is the doctor... (Aibolit)

7. Meow - said the duckling,

Moo - said the kitten,

Zainka was a good boy.

All the animals got mixed up,

Because they wanted it that way

Or just small. (Confusion)

8. Who is the most bloodthirsty here? Who is the most merciless here?

The guy is very unpleasant, just a straight-up villain.

He walks around Africa, sings his songs

About how he hates little children.

But the big Hippopotamus

I punished that villain.

And now he loves it

These little children. ( "Barmaley")

Educator: And now I’ll read you another one Chukovsky's fairy tale,Telephone". Show presentation on fairy tale.

Physical education minute (Children stand in a circle)

You don’t need to treat us, good Doctor Aibolit! (children walk in a circle one after another)

Our tummies don’t hurt like poor hippos! (stroking bellies)

We will stretch out our hands to the sun, and then sit down in the grass (pulls hands up, squats)

Like eagles we fly and soar, looking in all directions. (run in a circle, wave their arms, look around)

Where is Africa country? Maybe they need help there (they stop and look "through binoculars")

With the monkey we will jump like a cheerful ringing ball. (jumping)

The guys are walking along the grass towards the poor ostrich chicks. (walk in a circle, raising their legs high)

We helped everyone, we ourselves became strong. (stopped and showed their muscles)

“Speech develop-

ties" NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic development",

“Physical development"

A chest with illustrations for books.

Examination of illustrations; conversation; guessing riddles; reading; viewing the presentation; physical minute; Develop ability to perceive text; understand the main content; develop the ability to solve riddles;

actively change the children’s activities and thereby weaken the oncoming fatigue, and then switch the child back to continue occupations Developed prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding, fiction, characters in works of fiction.


stage) Questions after reading a work:

Guys, did you like the new one? fairy tale?

Which of the heroes did you like the most?

Which animal called first?

What did the elephant ask for?

What did the monkeys ask for?

Which animal asked to bring them drops?

Who was the last?

Do you think it is necessary to help a friend if he is in trouble?

Educator: I think that the children of our groups They will never leave a friend in trouble, because friendship, kindness and mutual assistance make our lives brighter and more joyful.

Educator: - Guys, we didn’t get everything out of the chest. What else is there? (The teacher takes out an envelope with drawings for a flannelograph on fairy tale« Telephone» .)

These are the same pictures Chukovsky's fairy tale« Telephone» . We will attach it to the board and you can do it yourself tell and show.

Summing up

Tell me, what did you and I do today?

What did you like most?

What new have you learned?

Now we need to say goodbye to the guests!

“Speech develop-

envelope with illustrations for fairy tale« Telephone» Conversation Develop the ability to answer questions based on content fairy tales, activate children’s speech, communicate freely and naturally with others.

Children answer questions based on content fairy tales