Summary of a literature lesson on the topic: “A.S. Pushkin. “Mozart and Salieri.” The moral idea of ​​tragedy.” Analysis of images How Salieri relates to life and the world order

“Genius and villainy” are two incompatible things? (Based on the tragedy by A.S. Pushkin “Mozart and Salieri”) Lesson plan Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Artist V.A. Tropinin 1. From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies” 2. Theme of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” 3. The legend and facts of Mozart’s life and Salieri 4. Analysis of images 5. The ideological content of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies” In 1830, in Boldino, Pushkin wrote four plays: “ Stingy Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", " Stone Guest", "Feast during the plague." In a letter to P.A. Pletnev, Pushkin reported that he had brought “several dramatic scenes or small tragedies.” (Teacher’s lecture) Little tragedies “The Miserly Knight” “Mozart and Salieri” “The Stone Guest” “Feast during the Plague” In “Little Tragedies” A.S. Pushkin showed the all-consuming passions and vices of the human soul. Which? “Little Tragedies” shows the all-consuming passions or vices of a person: pride, which despises everyone; greed that does not allow a person to think even a minute about the spiritual; envy leading to crime; gluttony, not knowing any fasting, combined with passionate attachment to various amusements; anger causing terrible destructive actions. The Miserly Knight reflects the Middle Ages Western Europe, the life and customs of a knight's castle, shows the power of gold over the human soul. In “The Stone Guest,” the old Spanish legend about Don Juan, who lives only for himself and disregards moral standards, is developed in a new way; courage, dexterity, wit - he directed all these qualities to satisfy his desires in the pursuit of pleasure. “A Feast in Time of Plague” is a philosophical reflection on human behavior in the face of the danger of death. What is the theme of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri”? Artistic creativity and envy as an all-consuming passion for a person’s soul, leading him to villainy. Legend and facts of life of Mozart and Salieri Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Antonio Salieri (Messages from students) Analysis of images of Mozart (tasks for group 1) How does Mozart relate to life, to the world order? What testifies to Mozart's fame? How does Salieri speak about Mozart - the man and the composer? How does Mozart feel about his work, and what does it say about the servants of art? How does Mozart answer the question: can a genius commit a crime? (Analysis of images) Analysis of images of Salieri (tasks for group 2) How does Salieri relate to life and the world order? What does Salieri say about his work, what is his path to fame? How does Salieri evaluate his fame? (Analysis of images) Analysis of images of Salieri (tasks for group 3) Why is Salieri jealous of Mozart? As Salieri tries to “justify” his crime, why can’t his arguments be accepted? What did Salieri prove by villainy, what conclusion does he come to? (Image analysis) A. Borisov. Illustration for the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” by M.A. Vrubel. Illustration for the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri. I. Final testing on the topic of the lesson (Test) TEST YOURSELF I option 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B II option 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C “Genius and villainy are two incompatible things” Dictionary Requiem - mourning vocal or vocal-instrumental musical work.

Lesson plan 1.From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies”From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies” 2.Theme of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri”Theme of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” 3.Legend and facts of the life of Mozart and SalieriLegend and facts of the life of Mozart and Salieri 4 .Analysis of imagesAnalysis of images 5.Ideological content of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri”Ideological content of the tragedy “Mozart and Salieri” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Artist V.A. Tropinin

From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies” In 1830, in Boldino, Pushkin wrote four plays: “The Miserly Knight”, “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Stone Guest”, “A Feast during the Plague”. In a letter to P.A. Pletnev, Pushkin reported that he had brought “several dramatic scenes or small tragedies.” (Teacher's lecture)

“Little Tragedies” shows the all-consuming passions or vices of a person: pride, which despises everyone; greed that does not allow a person to think even a minute about the spiritual; envy leading to crime; gluttony, not knowing any fasting, combined with passionate attachment to various amusements; anger causing terrible destructive actions.

“The Miserly Knight” reflects the Middle Ages of Western Europe, the life and customs of a knight’s castle, and shows the power of gold over the human soul. In “The Stone Guest,” the old Spanish legend about Don Juan, who lives only for himself and disregards moral standards, is developed in a new way; He directed courage, dexterity, wit - all these qualities to satisfy his desires in the pursuit of pleasure. "Feast in Time of Plague" philosophical reflection about human behavior in the face of danger of death.

Analysis of images of Mozart (tasks for group 1) How does Mozart relate to life, to the world order? What testifies to Mozart's fame? How does Salieri speak about Mozart as a man and composer? How does Mozart feel about his work, and what does he say about the servants of art? How does Mozart answer the question: can a genius commit a crime? (Pattern analysis)

“The Captain's Daughter” - The Dream of Pyotr Grinev. Explore one of the leading problems of the novel " Captain's daughter" - Love. “Superstitions, predictions...” At what year did Petrusha Grinev learn to read and write? A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. “They greet you by their clothes...” And he went to serve (where)... “What a life, such are the songs.” Goals and objectives of the lesson.

“The Life of Pushkin” - In November 1830, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin left Boldino. The forced stay in Boldin was marked by the unprecedented rise of Pushkin’s genius. In the spring of 1829, Alexander Sergeevich proposed. Pushkin reads his poem during a ceremonial exam at the Lyceum. Many of Pushkin's works have been filmed.

“Poem Winter Morning” - Study No. 4. YOU SAD sat. Yesterday. What room? Compiled by: N.A. Pletneva, teacher of Russian language and literature. 3. 5. 7. There is a call to share the joy. A scientific assumption that determines the direction of research. - Colorful adjective. 6. Form of the verb “harness”. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine...

“Pushkin Winter Morning” - “Winter Morning” read by M. Kozakov. The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound. “Winter Morning” by A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish." Winter morning. “There is always something special, meek, gentle, fragrant and graceful in every feeling of Pushkin. I. Grabar February blue. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799-1837.

“Pushkin Tales of Belkin” - Belkin dies at 30 years old. Attitude to housekeeping. Orally: Analyze the ending of the story. What does the term “little” person mean? “I wrote 5 stories in prose...” Homework: Almost the same age. 1830 A. Vanetsiana. Rice. Belkin led a moderate life, avoiding excesses.

“Pushkin’s Lyrics” - Completed by: 10B grade student Galina Zelenova. January 29, 1815. Just a minute!.. they burst into flames! blazing - light smoke, curling, lost with my prayer. Spring 1819. It's finished! Olenin's house. O providence! September 6, 1823. Even the first fleeting acquaintance made a significant impression on Pushkin.

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“Genius and villainy” – two incompatible things? (based on the tragedy by A.S. Pushkin “Mozart and Salieri”).

A powerless enemy is our best friend, An envious friend is the worst of our enemies. Chaadaev. There are three invincible things: genius, valor, birth. Chaadaev. The most important thing is the path. Hegel.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799-1837

1830 The first Boldino autumn.

From the history of the creation of “Little Tragedies” In 1830, Pushkin wrote four plays in Boldino: “The Miserly Knight”, “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Stone Guest”, “A Feast during the Plague”. In a letter to P.A. Pletnev, Pushkin reported that he had brought “several dramatic scenes or small tragedies.”

Tragedy - dramatic genre, which is based on conflict - a clash, confrontation of various forces. Conflict is accompanied by suffering, often death. At the end of the tragedy, either the heroes die or important life values ​​​​collapse.

“The Miserly Knight” reflects the Middle Ages of Western Europe, the life and customs of a knight’s castle, and shows the power of gold over the human soul. In “The Stone Guest,” the old Spanish legend about Don Juan, who lives only for himself and disregards moral standards, is developed in a new way; courage, dexterity, wit - he directed all these qualities to satisfy his desires in the pursuit of pleasure. “A Feast in Time of Plague” is a philosophical reflection on human behavior in the face of the danger of death.

Christoph Willibald Gluck Austrian composer of the classical era, who carried out the reform of Italian opera and French lyric tragedy in the second half of the 18th century. Niccolo Piccinni (16.1.1728, Bari, - 7.5.1800, Passy, ​​near Paris) - Italian composer.

Michelangelo Buonarroti Italian sculptor, painter, poet of the Renaissance Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais 1732 - 1799, famous French playwright and publicist.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 -1791 Antonio Salieri 1750 - 1825

Mozart (tasks for group 1) How does Mozart relate to life and the world order? What testifies to Mozart's fame? How does Salieri speak about Mozart - the man and the composer? How does Mozart feel about his work, and what does it say about the servants of art? How does Mozart answer the question: can a genius commit a crime? Salieri (tasks for group 2) How does Salieri relate to life and the world order? What does Salieri say about his work, what is his path to fame? How does Salieri evaluate his fame? Why is Salieri jealous of Mozart? As Salieri tries to “justify” his crime, why can’t his arguments be accepted? What did Salieri prove by villainy, what conclusion does he come to?

Scene with a blind musician

about yourself about Mozart Craftsman Envious Priest Servant of art Not a genius Madman Idle reveler (behind the eyes) God (in person) A certain cherub (one of the highest angels) Enemy New Hayden Salieri

about myself about Salieri... a genius like you and me. ...Mozart and Salieri, Two Sons of Harmony. ...We are a few chosen ones, happy idle ones, Neglecting the despicable benefits, One beautiful priests. Mozart

priest artisan Servant of art Envious genius I was chosen to stop him Not a genius Salieri

The Chosen One. One beautiful priest, a Genius, a certain cherub, a madman. Reveler Idle God Mozart

Genius and villainy - two incompatible things?