Summary of educational activities for the development of musical perception “Acquaintance with musical instruments. Extracurricular activity “Acquaintance with musical instruments Acquaintance with musical instruments in elementary school

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the topic “Musical Instruments”


Introduce children to various musical and noise instruments.
Enrich children's active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Form stable ideas about color, shape, size.
Teach children to distinguish between the concepts of “loud” and “quiet”, “fast” and “slow”.
Introduce musical works.
Strengthen the skills of finger painting, sculpting, sticking.
Develop hearing, thinking, auditory attention, fine motor skills.


Instruments: bells, drums, musical hammers, tambourines, rattles, metallophones, accordions, guitars.
Shelves (double plasticine boxes, color silhouette pictures of musical instruments.
Background for accordion finger painting, finger paints, wet wipes.
A picture of three bears and silhouette images of pipes of different sizes.
A picture of a piano keyboard.
A picture with a drawn rope and geometric shapes on it are silhouette images of bells with corresponding geometric shapes.
Picture “Tambourine” with circles around the circumference different colors and two sizes, corresponding to the color and size of the button.
Clothespins, rattle circles.
Beans, empty eggs from Kinder Surprises.
Plasticine, matches.
Picture “Metallophone”, multi-colored stripes of different lengths.
Details of the “Guitar” applique, plasticine, glue.
Audio recordings: “Mozart for children”, “Musical instruments”,
"Children's album. Neapolitan song" P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Didactic game “Music Store”

Place number 2 on the top shelf, and number 3 on the bottom shelf. Now lay out the musical instruments. Put two tools on the shelf with number 2, and put three tools on the shelf with number 3.


Finger drawing “Accordion”

Children draw vertical lines along the accordion bellows and leave circular fingerprints on the buttons.


“Give the bears pipes”

Here are three bears. They love to play the pipes. Give them the pipes correctly: the biggest bear gets the biggest pipe, the smaller bear gets the smaller pipe, and the smallest bear gets the smallest pipe.

Modeling “Pipe”

By straight rolling, children make a thick sausage, by pressing from the end they make a bell, and use a match to pierce holes.


Finger gymnastics “Playing the piano”

To the sound piano music(“Neapolitan song”) children tap their fingers on a picture of a keyboard, imitating playing an instrument.


Didactic game “Hang the bells”

You need to hang the bells, each in its place.

Exercise “Ring - be silent”

While the music is playing, the children ring the bells and run. As soon as the music stops, the children also stop and stop ringing the bells.


Didactic exercise “Loud-quiet”

The teacher shows how to beat the drum with sticks loudly and quietly. Then the children themselves beat the drums, according to the command “loud” or “quiet.”


Children place buttons in circles around the tambourine of the appropriate colors and sizes.

(In the archive with the lesson there is a simpler version of this game for younger children).


Children select strips of metallophone and place them in a suitable place (lengthwise).

Then the teacher asks to show with a finger-pointer a strip of red, yellow and all other colors.

Musical-dynamic pause “Musical instruments”

Children imitate playing musical instruments according to the lyrics of the song.


Game with clothespins “Attach a handle to the rattle”

Children attach a clothespin handle to a circle rattle.

Manual labor “Rattle”

Children open Kinder Surprise eggs, fill one egg with one bean, and the second egg with many beans. Then the eggs are closed and the children shake the made “rattles” and find out which one makes the loudest noise.

Visual activity “Guitar”

Children first glue the soundboard of the guitar, then the neck. Then pegs and a resonator are made from plasticine.

Musical-rhythmic exercise “Musical hammers”

Now the musical hammers will go for a walk.

Here they are going down the stairs
(knock slowly)

And now the hammers went out into the street, were happy and ran.
(frequent beats)

Then the hammers began to jump. Skok, skok.
(quickly hit with hammers)

Suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain. At first it was small, rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began.”
(gradual acceleration of the rhythm of hammer strikes)

The hammers got scared and ran home.
(knock quickly and rhythmically with hammers)

Didactic exercise “Guess the musical instrument by sound”

The teacher hides and makes sounds using different instruments. Children try to guess and name or show this instrument.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Orchestra”

Children choose an instrument of their choice and play along to the music.


Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the creative activity of children, expanding their musical horizons, awakening interest in all types of musical activity.

Involve children in completing tasks correctly and develop sustained attention when completing them.
To develop the ability to correctly name noise instruments, play them rhythmically, and listen to each other.
Enrich children's vocabulary.



Getting to know the music tools

Development musical abilities through playing noise instruments.
Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the creative activity of children, expanding their musical horizons, awakening interest in all types of musical activities.


Involve children in completing tasks correctly and develop sustained attention when completing them.
To develop the ability to correctly name noise instruments, play them rhythmically, and listen to each other.
Enrich children's vocabulary.

Verbal (riddles, conversation).
Visual (presentation, noise instruments).
Practical (playing with spoons, playing with a tambourine, dancing with rattles, song and dance).
Gaming (game with a tambourine).

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a general circle.

Musical greeting "Hello".
Children also sing greetings.


Hello, palms clap - clap - clap
Hello, legs - top - top - top
Hello, little eyes - myrg, myrg, myrg
Hello, my nose - peep - peep - peep
Hello, ears - wow - wow - wow
Hello children, hello!

Musical director: Guys, do you want to go on an excursion to the Town of Musical Instruments?

Children's answers.

Fine. To go on an excursion we must do a rhythmic warm-up. Are you ready? Be very careful, listen to the musical accompaniment, perform movements rhythmically.


After the Rhythmic Warm-up, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director.

Guys, we have arrived in the Town of Musical Instruments.

What instruments do you know?

Children's answers.

For some reason no one meets us. Let's dance and play. Maybe someone will come out of the house?

Show dance.

Let's knock on the first house and find out who lives in this house. The teacher sets a rhythmic pattern, the children repeat. A riddle appears from one house.

I'm round like the sun, only with bells
I sound very loud, you will hear it yourself,
When you take me in your hands, hit me with your palm
I will sound loud and loud
Guess who I am?


Children's answers.

That's right, guys, it's a tambourine. Tambourine is percussion instrument, because we hit it, and it responds to us with its ringing sound. Let's play with a tambourine.


Children stand in a circle, three children stand in a circle with tambourines. Children with tambourines beat the tambourine rhythmically to musical accompaniment, the rest of the children move in a circle. During the second part of the music, the children sit down and “fall asleep,” and the children with the tambourine quietly leave the circle, put the tambourines behind their comrades and sit down next to them. When a loud chord is heard, the children wake up, look around, find the tambourines, stand in a circle and the game continues.

Well done guys, take your seats. What a funny tambourine, he even played with us. I wonder who lives in the next house? Let's knock.

Two daring, painted, Khokhloma girlfriends It’s impossible to be alone, do you recognize us, friends?


That's right, guys, these are spoons. Look how beautiful, bright, painted, and made of wood they are. They play on spoons with their backs - humps, stroking them. Let's try how we can do it.

Song of the SPOON

Well done, you and I have created an ensemble of spooners. Let's repeat the “ensemble of spoons.” Fine. Place the spoons back into the pot and let them rest. And we’ll look into another house and find out who lives there?

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

I'll fall into the hands of a child
I'll play loudly - loudly
No wonder it's a fun toy
And my name is...

That's right, guys, it's a rattle.

Rattles picked up
They sounded loud
Rattles are fun
They don't tell you to sit still
Get everyone in a circle quickly
Start dancing with them!


Well done guys. We danced with all our hearts. But we have one more house that is not open. Who lives in it? We'll find out now.

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

The tools are amazing to everyone
Look - a sight for sore eyes
The beans and pasta in them are simply delicious
What do they sound like? We don't know
I really want to know
We must boldly take them in our hands
And everyone can play together!

Guys, what kind of tools are these? And we have a chest here. Do you want to know what is in it? Now we will open it. Oh, some unfamiliar instruments. Wasn't there a riddle about these instruments? Look, here are beans, and here is pasta, and here is rice, peas... Let's play them and listen to how they sound.

The guys play their junk instruments, then talk about their impressions.

Well done guys, look carefully, are all the houses open?

Children's answers.

Guys, did you enjoy the tour?

Where have we been? What instruments did you come across?

Would you like to visit the Town of Musical Instruments again?

It was a pleasure traveling with you today. But it's time for us to say goodbye to you.

The music director sings “Goodbye.”

The children sing “Goodbye” and go to the group.

Music lesson notes

(preparatory group)

"In the world of musical instruments"

Abstract directly educational activities on music for children preparatory groups s.


Consolidation, formation and development of children's musical abilities, allowing them to apply the acquired knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).



Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.

Enrich your vocabulary with musical terms.

To develop the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing consistently and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.


Develop musical and creativity through various types musical activity.


To develop communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


Physical culture.


Reading fiction.



Multimedia installation for viewing slides.

Musical instruments: drum, rattle, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; homemade tools (boots - walkers).

Visual aid: tables - houses for placing pictures of musical instruments.

Children enter the music room.

E. Grieg's "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt" sounds

Musical director (greeting) Hello guys!

The children return the greeting.

Musical director. Guys, today we will go to an unusual country. Such a country is not on any geographical map, but it exists where they love music. This is the Land of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country in walking boots. Put them on quickly.

Children put on their feet “walking boots” made from Kinder Surprise.

Musical director. Well, are you ready to hit the road? Let's go!

Let's walk together in step,

A vigorous march will help us!

The “March” of music sounds. F. Nadenenko. (I part march)

Here we are running on our toes.

The “March” of music sounds. F. Nadenenko. (II hour running)

Musical director. Guys, here we are. Look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are there (we list them). They are all so different, but they can still be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: drums, winds, strings, keyboards.

Musical director: Well done, guys! The musical instruments were preparing to meet you, but they were so excited and fussed that everyone got confused. Now you and I must help them find their houses. Shall we help?

The teacher shows the houses to the children.

Everyone on earth has a home.

It's good and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

The owl has a hollow, the robin has a nest.

Well, musical instruments live in these houses.

The first ones we will help will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious. The game “Musical Guess” will help us put them in place.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,

He can knock on a complex rhythm.

Any rhythm, from different countries.

Well, of course…………….(Drum)

The child who has guessed the riddle attaches a picture of a drum to a cell of the house table.

Musical director: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained from hunting, and it was important in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transmit information over long distances, or to warn their neighbors who lived very far away about the danger.

Wooden chips,

Knock a little.

You can slurp cabbage soup with them,

Or you can play “The Lady”. (Wooden spoons)

Card with an image wooden spoons children place in a table cell.

The palm knocks on it,

Shakes freely.

And it rings and thunders.

It doesn't hurt him at all. (Tambourine)

Children place a card with a picture of a tambourine in a table cell.

Take me in your palms.

Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

A card with a picture of a ratchet is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: The rattle not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. It crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

Take it in your palm

A chime will be heard.

Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong,

Whose is this ringing? (Bell)

A card with a picture of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle

Only this is not a toy!.. (Maracas)

A card with a picture of a maracas is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Guys, our percussion instruments are not only cheerful musicians, but also skillful storytellers. Let's tell our guests Russian together folk tale"Turnip".

Children use percussion instruments to voice the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Fairy tale "Turnip".

The “storyteller” (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and the children dramatize it.

Grandfather (walks heavily, limps) - drum, slow pace, rhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandmother (walks quickly and minces) - rattle, rhythmic pattern is calmer, moderate tempo.

Granddaughter (jopping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighths and quarters, fast tempo.

Bug (runs and barks loudly) - spoons.

Cat (takes its time and purrs) – maracas, rhythmic pattern with eighth notes, fast tempo.

Mouse (hurries and looks around) - bell, rhythmic pattern with eighth durations.

Musical director: Like this an interesting fairy tale We told you along with the tools. Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who's singing?" First of all, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they became acquainted with in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, pity.

Musical director: Wind instruments They will take turns singing for you, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

Game "Guess who's singing?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to phonograms of the sounds of various wind instruments. Children, having recognized this instrument, find a card with its image and fix it in a cell of the table - the house.

Musical director: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already occupied. The instruments were comfortably placed in their windows. This shows that you listened very carefully in previous lessons and you have many friends who are musical instruments.

An excerpt from Vivaldi's violin concerto is played.

Musical director:

Smooth bow movements

The strings make you tremble.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

How clear the sounds are overflowing.

There is joy and a smile in them.

It sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about string instruments. String instruments have prepared colorful slides for us, telling us about their diversity.

Every violin has a bow.

He is a loyal, devoted friend.

When the violinist moves his bow

And the violin cries and sings.

“The harp is a magical instrument” -

Said the thoughtful poet.

As soon as the hands touch the strings -

And gentle sounds will flow.

Guitars sounds by the fire.

There is so much light and goodness in them.

Like my deepest friend,

Her melodious, gentle sound.

Under the gusli ringing tunes

Young men and maidens fell in love.

At weddings the harp sang,

And the young were blessed

Louder than a balalaika

Not in the whole world.

She is originally Russian

Folk instrument.

They sang and danced to it

And they were sad and sighed

On holidays, the buffoons had fun with gasps

Musical director: Guys, only one house is left free. What group of instruments will we put in it?

Children answer: Keyboard instruments.

Musical director: The first place of honor should be taken by our good piano, which plays a lot for us musical works, and is the main assistant at our holidays and activities.

A card with an image of a piano is placed in a table cell - a house.

Musical director: This instrument is also called a piano. If its name is translated into Russian, it will sound like “loud - quiet”. Inside keyboard instruments live hammers that strike stretched strings, and give birth to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning and a cold winter, about a good grandmother’s fairy tale and an evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Musical director: Guys, what keyboard instruments do you still know?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards depicting these instruments take their places in the table.

Musical director: Guys, we helped the musical instruments find their homes. I am sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country of musical instruments. We will definitely come back here again, but for now, before we go to kindergarten, we will give a gift to our friends - instruments. Let's sing a song for them, and our piano will help us.

The song “World of Music” is performed, words and music by E. V. Mashechkova.

Musical director: Let's say goodbye to our friends - the instruments. Close your eyes and count to 5

IN kindergarten again.

Musical director: Guys, did you like our trip?

Children talk about what they did in class and what they liked.

The music director says goodbye to de

"Getting to know musical instruments»

Summary of extracurricular activities for children in the preparatory school group

Relevance Music occupies a special, unique place in the education of preschool children. This is explained both by the specifics of this type of art and psychological characteristics preschoolers. Music is called “the mirror of the human soul”, “emotional cognition” (B.M. Teplov): it reflects a person’s attitude to the world, to everything that happens in him and in the person himself. And our attitude is, as you know, our emotions. This means that emotions are the main content of music, which makes it one of the most effective means formation of the child’s emotional sphere. The emotional sphere is the leading sphere of the psyche in preschool childhood. It plays a decisive role in the development of the child’s personality, regulation of his mental functions, as well as behavior in general.

Only the full formation of the child’s emotional sphere makes it possible to achieve personal harmony. It can be said that in preschool age a child is an emotion itself, and therefore the significance of his meeting with highly artistic music cannot be overestimated.

Target: introduce musical instruments, talk about methods and forms of teaching children to play musical instruments.

Tasks: - nurturing a love of music;

Development of musical and creative abilities;

Introduction to musical instruments;

Formation of the beginning of musical culture;

Involving children in activities in the field of art;

Development of aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness to musical works.

Children become familiar with music not only in classes, but also at holidays, entertainment evenings, and concerts.

Therefore, we decided to hold an extra-curricular event-excursion to the music school “Acquaintance with musical instruments”, which took place from September to December 2012.

Our extracurricular activity consists of two stages:

Stage 1 - lesson in kindergarten"Introduction to the musical instrument violin." Invitation of musicians.

Stage 2 - excursion to a music school.

Stage 1

Lesson “Introduction to a musical instrument - the violin”

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge about musical instruments. Give new information about an instrument they already knew - the violin. Introduce expressive possibilities its sounds: solo, in ensemble or orchestra. Familiarize yourself in detail with the structure of a violin.

IN didactic game consolidate the ability to distinguish string instruments by timbre - one of the means musical expressiveness Expand children's vocabulary with musical terms.

Preliminary work: agree with the teacher of the violin class at the Children's Music School and set a day for a joint lesson in kindergarten; repeat the names of friends with children string instruments, strengthen the ability to determine their timbre by ear.

Vocabulary work: solo, ensemble, bow, soundboard, fretboard, neck, strings.

Progress of the lesson

Invite the Children's Music School violin teacher Marina Aleksandrovna Velichkina and an ensemble of violinists under her leadership to the lesson.

Educator: Today we will listen extraordinary music. Please be careful because you are about to encounter beauty.

Listening to K.V. Gluck's play "Melody" from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" (arranged for violin) recorded.

Who can tell what the instrument sounded like? What is the mood of this music?

How did it make you feel? (Answers.)

That's right, the violin sounded. Here she is, look! (Show illustration.) Notice how beautiful and graceful she is. Guys, would you like to see a real violin, how and what it is played with, and listen to how it sounds? (Answers.) Then, it's time to invite the teacher music school- Velichkina Marina Alexandrovna. She herself plays the violin beautifully and teaches it to children.

(Marina Aleksandrovna enters, greets the children and everyone greets her)

Musical director: Today in class we would like to get to know the violin better, and no one can tell you about it better than you. Our children will be happy to listen to your fascinating story about the violin.

(The floor is given to Marina Alexandrovna. Her story is accompanied by a demonstration of the instrument)

Marina Aleksandrovna: Look at the violin, it is really beautiful and elegant: it has a thin “waist”, smooth curves. This top board of the violin is called the top soundboard, try to remember this word - soundboard. And these holes on the top soundboard are called f-holes. Let's repeat - f-holes. A neck is attached to the body, which ends in a curl. Strings are stretched onto the fingerboard. A lot in the sound of a violin depends on the bow (Show.) The bow is a cane or shaft on which it is pulled horsehair. Let's touch it carefully and make sure it's real horsehair.

(Children study the structure of the bow more closely. Then the teacher continues his story again.)

Marina Aleksandrovna: If we hook the string with our finger and then let go, the sound will quickly fade away. Try to remember string instruments that are played with a pick or fingers.

(Children list: guitar, mandolin, balalaika, harp, gusli).

Marina Aleksandrovna: Well done, you see how many stringed instruments you have listed. But the bow helps the violin prolong the sound: you can move it along the string continuously for a long time, and the sound will continue. Look and listen (Demonstration) Therefore, it is good to play melodious, smooth, uninterrupted melodies on the violin. It’s not for nothing that they say that the violin sings. The timbre of the violin is close to the human voice. Therefore, when we hear it, it seems to us as if the violin is telling something, and sometimes even crying, like a person...

(Listen to a fragment of “Eurydice’s Complaint” with moaning, crying, yearning intonations)

And now I want to perform for you a little piece called

(at the discretion of the teacher).

Marina Aleksandrovna: I will play her alone. This performance is called a solo. So, remember, when a person sings, plays an instrument, or dances, only one is called what, guys? (Solo.) That's right! Listen, I'll play you a solo.

Performance of a short play by the teacher.

Marina Aleksandrovna: Do you know what it’s called when several musicians, dancers or singers perform together? (if the children don’t remember, remind and repeat - ensemble.) That’s right! Today, my pupils, a violin ensemble, came to you with me. Let's invite them and ask us to play something.

Enter girls from the violin ensemble at the Children's Music School under the direction of M.A. Velichkina.

Marina Aleksandrovna: Now the violin ensemble will perform a piece for you (at the teacher’s choice)

Educator: We really liked it, didn’t we, guys? When our children go to school, they can also enroll in a music school and learn to play the violin beautifully. In the meantime, we’ll pretend to take our violins in our hands and go to the clearing to see the hares, who really love to dance to the violin. This half of our children will be bunnies, and this half will be musicians who can play the violin, the balalaika, and the drum. Let's see which instrument bunnies like to dance to the most.

Staging of the song “The Cheerful Musician” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

Educator: So, guys, what instrument did we talk about today? Did you like the sound of the violin? Do you remember its sound well? And won't you confuse it with another instrument? (children's answers)

You can check this in the game “Find out what it sounds like.” Shall we play? Musical instruments are hidden behind the screen and ask you to recognize them by their sound. Can we do it? Then listen carefully to what instrument is playing now.

Didactic game “Recognize an instrument by its timbre.”

Marina Aleksandrovna: Dear guys! I liked that you really love music and know a lot about it. Thank you for the invitation! We are waiting for you at our school, where you can get to magical world music and learn even more about it!

Educator: Let's thank Marina Alexandrovna and her violin ensemble for an interesting and fascinating story and excellent performance of the plays!

(children thank and say goodbye.)

This concludes our lesson!

Stage 2.

"Excursion to the music school"

December 7 An excursion to music school No. 33 was organized. Children's Music School teachers prepared a meeting with our preschoolers and held an interactive conversation between teachers and students of the music school. The students actively participated in the conversation about musical instruments, the variety of musical genres, and performed short vocal works suggested by the teachers of the music school. . Musical instruments - piano, flute, accordion, violin - aroused genuine interest among children. Music school students presented a small concert classical works. The preschoolers listened with great interest. At the end of the concert, teachers of the music school gave the children the opportunity to play musical instruments.


When engaging in musical education, it is important to remember general development children.

Preschoolers have little experience in understanding human feelings that exist in real life. Music that conveys the full range of feelings and their shades can expand these ideas. In addition to the moral aspect musical education has great value for the formation of aesthetic feelings in children. Getting involved in cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty and appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Repeated perception of works of art gradually guides a person in identifying thoughts, feelings, and moods that are important to him, expressed in artistic images, in content that is meaningful to him.

Music develops a child mentally as well. In addition to various information about music that has cognitive significance, a conversation about it includes a description of the emotional and figurative content. Children's vocabulary is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize moods and feelings conveyed in music.

Music develops the emotional sphere. Emotional responsiveness to music is one of the most important musical abilities. It is associated with the development of emotional responsiveness in life, with the cultivation of such personality qualities as kindness and the ability to sympathize with another person.

Gulnara Damindarova
Lesson summary “Introduction to musical instruments”

Explanatory note

Children's music playing expands its scope musical activities of the child, increases interest in music lessons, promotes development musical memory , attention, helps overcome stiffness, shyness, expands musical education.

Children develop symptoms during play personality traits performer: presence of will, emotionality, concentration, creative and musical abilities.

When learning to play musical instruments children discover the world musical sounds , distinguish the beauty of the sound of different tools. The quality of their singing improves (they sing cleaner, musically-rhythmic movements (play the rhythm more clearly). Children's game musical instruments helps convey feelings, inner spiritual world, promotes the development of thinking, creative initiative, conscious relationships between children.

Getting to know the tools we carry out as per music lessons, devoting 5–7 minutes to training, and during individual work with children. We use a variety of methodological techniques: display of illustrations, toys, use musical and didactic games, flannelograph, musical ladders, listening recorded music, etc.. d.

Getting ready for classes in advance: we lay out all the attributes (flags, plumes, scarves) on chairs along the wall, preparing the necessary aids, musical instruments, selecting recordings for listening.

We explain tasks clearly. Taking into account age characteristics introducing preschoolers to musical instruments.

Subject classes: Introduction to musical instruments.

Target: Development musical abilities through playing noise instruments.

Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the creative activity of children, expanding their musical outlook, awakening interest in all types musical activity.


Involve children in completing tasks correctly and develop sustained attention when completing them.

Develop the ability to correctly name noise tools, play them rhythmically, listen to each other.

Enrich children's vocabulary.


Verbal (riddles, conversation).

Visual (presentation, noise tools) .

Practical (playing with spoons, playing with a tambourine, dancing with rattles, song - dance).

Game (game with a tambourine).

Progress of the lesson:

Children under music they enter the hall, stand in a common circle.

Musical director: "Hello" (musical greeting)

Children also sing greetings.

Communication game "Hello"

Hello, palms clap - clap - clap

Hello, legs - top - top - top

Hello, little eyes - myrg, myrg, myrg

Hello, my nose - peep - peep - peep

Hello, ears - wow - wow - wow

Hello children, hello!

Musical director: Guys, do you want to go on an excursion to Gorodok musical instruments?

Children's answers.

Fine. To go on an excursion we must do a rhythmic warm-up. Are you ready? Be very careful, listen to musical accompaniment, perform movements rhythmically.

Rhythmic warm-up

After the Rhythmic Warm-up, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director: Guys, we have arrived in Gorodok musical instruments.

Which tools you know?

Children's answers.

For some reason no one meets us. Let's dance and play. Maybe someone will come out of the house? Show dance.

Musical director: Let's knock on the first house and find out who lives in this house. The teacher sets a rhythmic pattern, the children repeat.

Appears from one house mystery:

I'm round like the sun, only with bells

I sound very loud, you will hear it yourself,

When you take me in your hands, hit me with your palm

I will sound loud and loud

Guess who I am? (Tambourine)

Musical director: That's right, guys, it's a tambourine.

Tambourine is a drum tool, because we hit it, and it responds to us with its ringing sound. Let's play with a tambourine.

Game with a tambourine

Children stand in a circle, three children stand in a circle with tambourines. Children with tambourines beat the tambourine rhythmically to musical accompaniment, the rest of the children move in a circle. To the second part music children sit down and "fall asleep", and the children with the tambourine quietly leave the circle, put the tambourines behind their comrades and sit down next to them. When a loud chord is heard, the children wake up, look around, find the tambourines, stand in a circle and the game continues.

Musical director: Well done guys, take your seats. What a funny tambourine, he even played with us. I wonder who lives in the next house? Let's knock.


Appears from the house mystery:

Two daring girlfriends, painted, Khokhloma

It’s impossible to be alone, do you recognize us, friends? (Spoons)

Musical director: That's right, guys, these are spoons. Look how beautiful, bright, painted, and made of wood they are. They play on spoons with their backs - humps, stroking them.

Let's try how we can do it.

Song "Spoons"

Musical director: Well done, you and I have created an ensemble of spooners. Let's repeat "Ensemble of Spoonmen". Fine. Place the spoons back into the pot and let them rest. And we’ll look into another house and find out who lives there?

Musical The leader sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it.

Appears from the house mystery:

I'll fall into the hands of a child

I'll play loudly - loudly

No wonder it's a fun toy

And my name is... (Beanbag)

Musical director: That's right, guys, it's a rattle.

Rattles picked up

They sounded loud

Rattles are fun

They don't tell you to sit still

Get everyone in a circle quickly

Start dancing with them!

Dance with rattles

Musical director: Well done, guys. We danced with all our hearts. But we have one more house that is not open. Who lives in it? We'll find out now.

Musical The leader sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it.

Appears from the house mystery:

The tools are amazing to everyone

Look - a sight for sore eyes

The beans and pasta in them are simply delicious

What do they sound like? We don't know

I really want to know

We must boldly take them in our hands

And everyone can play together!

Musical director: Guys, what is this? the tools are like this? And we have a chest here. Do you want to know what is in it? Now we will open it. Oh, some unfamiliar instruments. Isn't it about these the tools were a mystery? Look, here are beans, and here is pasta, and here is rice, peas... Let's play them and listen to how they sound.

The guys are playing on instruments from waste material, then they say their impressions.

Musical director: Well done guys, look carefully, are all the houses open?

Children's answers.

Musical director: Guys, did you like the excursion?

Where have we been? With which met with instruments?

Would you like to go to Gorodok again? musical instruments?

It was a pleasure traveling with you today. But it's time for us to say goodbye to you.

Musical director sings"Goodbye".

Children sing "Goodbye" and leave.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on getting to know Kuban folk musical instruments “Musical get-togethers” Summary of a lesson on getting acquainted with Kuban folk musical instruments for children of the senior, preparatory groups. “Musical.

My first instruments Good afternoon, dear parents and colleagues. Today I would like to discuss a very interesting thing - children's musical instruments.

Summary of a music lesson in the junior group “Introduction to musical instruments” Abstract music lesson V younger group"Introduction to musical instruments." Prepared by: Musical director Mashnenkova.

Summary of the thematic lesson “Acquaintance with Russian folk instruments” (middle group) Program content: - To introduce and expand children's knowledge about Russians folk instruments through different types activities. - Learn to play.