Competitive entertainment program "dance marathon". Dance marathon “Disco meeting” (summer area)

Larisa Savlyuk
Scenario of the competition for the best sports dance for students of the correctional school “Dance Marathon”

Scenario of the competition program

« Dance Marathon»

(competition for the best sports dance)

(music sounds, appears Dancer and presenter)

T: Hi all. I have the most today best day of the year. Hurray, finally, I waited for my holiday.

IN: Firstly, you need to say hello to everyone.

T: Oh, I almost forgot. Hello, I'm Dance, and I’m happy to announce to everyone that today is a holiday sports dance.

IN: Dance, as always, you exaggerate everything. Today competitive program« Dance Marathon» and our teams will compete for the title best dance team, will show all their skill, desire for victory, creative imagination

T: And that’s what I’m talking about. Just imagine how many interesting and unusual things there will be today - like at a real holiday.

IN: Okay, I agree - our teams will decorate any holiday, but since this is still a competition, there must also be jury members.

T: Let’s call them something festive, well... let’s say - choreographers.

IN: Choreographers?

T: Yes, because only true professionals can appreciate our teams.

IN: Performance Jury: Irina Anatolyevna,

Sergey Ivanovich, Elena Viktorovna.

T: Can I start our festive dance competition ?

IN: Of course, and who will you announce first?

Every day, hour by hour

They were preparing for you

And what happened

You'll see now.

IN: Well, who is speaking?

T: What did I forget - 1st squad.

(performance of the 1st squad)

IN: Thanks guys for the performance. Our jury gave their ratings. And we continue our dance competition. Where is ours? Dance.

T: Don't worry, I'm already here! I watched the last rehearsal of our next contestants. You need to see this!

IN: So what’s the matter - announce it.

Team from the 2nd squad

Will dance for you now, Friends

Modern dance

They say it's awesome.

(performance of the 2nd squad) ___

IN: This applause, of course, is for the team from the 2nd squad. How amazing was yours? dance, of course, it’s up to the jury to decide.

(exit Dance with rattles)

T: Now, I’m getting ready to be a real fan.

IN: And who will you support this time?

T: Like whom, our next contestants

Forest cones are always at their best

I'm calling you dance

Show off your skills to everyone

(performance of the 3rd squad) ___

IN: Yes, Dance you were just great. Only a true professional can support speakers in this way.

T: Yes, what am I there. I am sure that as soon as we announce the next contestants, they will be supported, not only with this (points to the rattle), but also with loud applause.

IN: You speak so confidently, as if you know exactly who will perform now.

T: Certainly.

These are the guys from the Ice Melts squad

IN: I suggest the dance is different for everyone

He is cheerful and also mischievous,

As soon as the music starts playing,

Everyone will want it dance!

IN:Dancing, beauty and sport

Everyone on this team is

5th squad on dance floor

It's a great honor to be invited.

(performance of the 5th detachment) ___

IN: I think every team has fans. What we will check now (checking)

Presenter - I hear the quiet flapping of a wing...

How light the night is, how bold the day...

And smooth lines, a moment, a wave...

Oh how they dancing...

Bird dance 6 squad

T: And I know that the next team spent a very long time and painstakingly preparing for our competition.

IN: It seems to me that everyone prepared the same way, rehearsed, prepared costumes, chants, composed dancing.

T: Maybe, but if you could see how they prepared. All you could hear was one, two, three, four (repeats several times)

IN: It seems to me that you are now repeating the warm-up in physical education class.

T: Of course, because the coach led them.

What should I explain to you all if It's better to see it once

How to be healthy and fit

AND dance all day

8th squad will show boldly

They are not too lazy to perform here.

(performance of the 8th squad) ___

IN: Unfortunately it was the last one competition number.

T: And it seems to me that even despite the results, our holiday sports dance was a success

(word for jury awards)

In the meantime, the jury is deliberating for you dancing out of competition 9 squad.

Quiz questions.

1. Name oldest species folk dance art . It is still being fulfilled today. (Round dance.)

2. What was the teacher's name? dancing in Yu's fairy tale. Olesha "Three Fat Men"? (Split.)

3. Waltz from A. Rosenbaum’s hit - ... (Boston.)

5. In Argentina on December 11 everyone dances. After all, this day was declared by a special government decree national holiday and it’s called... (Tango Festival. “Argentine tango” - known and loved all over the world dance.)

6. Which country is considered the homeland? dance"Lady"? (Russia.)

7. Dance with screams"Assa!" -... (Lezginka.)

8. What is a partner called? dance? A. Order bearer. B. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalryman.

9. The most pleasant noise for actors during a performance is... (Applause.)

10. What is the time for eating sweets at the theater buffet called? (Intermission.)

12. What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates? A. “Wig”. B. "Mask". B. "Makeup". G. "Role".

13. What quality should a good ballerina have? A. Eversion. B. Fidgetiness. B. Resourcefulness. G. Clumsiness.

14. According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make not only the body beautiful, but also... (Soul.)

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To clarify children’s idea of ​​winter through familiarization with a snowflake. Objectives: Educational: Teach children to draw an object consisting of.

Lesson summary in the Russian language for second grade students of a correctional school, type 8 “Differentiation of letters and sounds [v]-[f]” State budget educational institution"Mendeleev school for children with disabilities."

Holiday scenario for elementary school students “April 1 - April Fools' Day” Presenter: COME IN, COME IN! We invite everyone who loves jokes and laughter! Children are divided into two teams. They choose a captain and come up with a name.

Holiday scenario for students of the correctional school “Mother’s Day” GBOU "Special (correctional) boarding school" Novotroitsk. SCENARIO “MOTHER'S DAY” was developed and conducted by teacher Tatyana Belonogova.

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys, dear guests! I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful half of humanity on the upcoming International.


Municipal budgetary institution culture

"Koshelevsky rural central House culture", BRANCH KVASHENKOVSKY RURAL HOUSE OF CULTURE municipality rural settlement Kvashenkovskoe

Taldomsky municipal district of the Moscow region


Director of MBUK

"Koshelevsky SDDC"

A.A. Skobeleva


Head of the rural settlement of Kvashenkovskoye

I.V. Paramonov


Director of SDK Kvashenki

T.A. Balashova


o holding an open competition

"Dance Marathon - 2018".

With. Kvashenki

General regulations on the competition.

Contest " dance marathon 2018" is cultural event artistically - aesthetic direction, which realizes the creative potential of young people.

Date and place of the competition.

The area near the Kvashenkovsky SDK building

June 2018 starts at 17:00.

2. Goals and objectives of the competition.

organizing leisure time for young people through the popularization of dance art.

Development of the creative potential of youth;

Uniting youth within the team;

Formation of additional conditions for creative development and communication of adolescents and young people;

Exchange of experience and creative findings;

Stimulating creative and social activity;

To establish cooperation and interaction between cultural institutions of the Taldom municipal district;

Make the dance marathon traditional for young people;

Acquiring additional choreographic skills;

Propaganda and popularization of modern dance;

Increasing general attention to youth creativity;

Support and further development of youth subcultures;

Propaganda healthy image life;

Presenting an alternative to traditional ways of spending time.

Founders and organizers of the competition

Administration of the rural settlement of Kvashenkovskoye, Taldom municipal district, Moscow region

MBUK "Koshelevsky SDK", branch of Kvashenkovsky SDK

4. Participants of the competition.

Creative teams of students from amateur and amateur groups of the Taldom municipal district are invited to participate in the competition.

There can be both boys and girls on the team. The age of participants is 14 years and older. A team is allowed to consist of up to 8 people.

You cannot bring other people from outside into the team!

The draw for teams will take place before the start of the competition.

5. Marathon conditions

5.1. The competition consists of tasks:

(team presentation in any form – up to 2 minutes).

Warm-up: chewing gum.

(the team, without looking away from each other, dances according to the instructions of the leader).


(Participants drawn by lot perform a dance with the whole team for the image).

Medley different styles dance

(Excerpts of songs are played, the team’s task is to dance one or another style of dance).

Captains competition.

(the captains dance for elimination, each “race” lasts 30 seconds, respectively, the points are assigned in ascending order, from least to highest, the captain’s task is to out-dance his opponents and remain the winner).

Fan competition.

There will be a separate performance from the spot for your team (chants, whistles, etc.) And you are also allowed to support “your own” throughout the competition.


Performing a dance prepared in advance by the team at free topic in any direction of choreography.

5.2. Evaluation criteria:


Team cohesion and discipline;

Synchronicity and correct execution of exercises by the team;

Speed ​​of completing tasks;

Originality of performance of competition tasks;

Ability to move well;

Ability to quickly switch to any music;




5.3. The opinion of the jury members is final and is not subject to discussion or criticism.

5.4. Application procedure

Teams wishing to participate must submit applications by June 15, 2018.

by mail [email protected], application (Appendix No. 1).

Anyone can take part in the competition. Fans may be present with the team.

The composition of the jury is determined by the organizers of the competition.

7. Additional requirements

7.1. The uniform should be loose (comfortable and, if possible, commanding).

7.2. Each participating team must have:

A single element of paraphernalia for team members (for example, a T-shirt, bandana, headband, etc.).

7.3. Musical material accepted on flash media or by mail [email protected] in advance!

8. Contact information

For all questions regarding organization and conduct, please contact the head of the amateur dance association, Balashova Maria Aleksandrovna, by phone 8-965-114-33-06.

9. Financing of the competition

Transport costs are at the expense of the sending party. Financing of the competition at the expense of the host party.

10. Awards

The winners of the marathon are awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.


Each task of the competition is evaluated according to a 5-point system, and based on the results, the jury determines the teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd place!

Additional advantages to the team’s points in case of a controversial option for a place will be:

The presence of their team leaders at the marathon,

Boys' participation in the team

Massive support group

The artistry and cohesion of the team throughout the competition,

The activity of captains for their teams.

Developed by the manager

amateur dance

Association Balashova Maria


Appendix No. 1

Application form

to participate in the competition “Dance Marathon 2018”

1. Name of the organization (in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, full and abbreviated name).

2. Team (name).

3. City / rural settlement / urban settlement.

4. Leader.

5. Contact phone number, E-mail.

6. Total number of participants (attach list).

Team list:

Full name each participant (including the leader); date and year of birth.

    Order on holding the event "Dance Marathon"

    Regulations on holding the event "Dance Marathon"

    Scenario for the event "Dance Marathon"

    Request for material.






ORDER No. ____


About the event

"Dance Marathon"


Conduct “Dance Marathon” events for students of the secondary educational institution named after. K. Babina according to the camp program and plan - a grid of general camp events.

1. Responsibility for organizing, providing conditions and conducting the event is assigned to methodologist L.N. Ganich, deputy director for economic affairs A.V. Berezan. and Art. teacher, organizer, Obukhovskaya V.A., head of the choreographic studio, Zagorkova A.V.

1.1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) the Regulations regulating the holding of the event "Dance Marathon" among pupils of the secondary school named after. K. Babina.

1.2. create an event script and select musical accompaniment

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the event is assigned to teachers and team leaders.

3.1. Conduct a safety briefing with students against signature.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4.1.Draw up a schedule of those on duty in the territory during the event from among the employees of the DUOO.

5. Dr. Petrenko S.I. DUOO named after. K. Babina will provide medical support during the event.

6. Entrust control over the execution of this order to the methodologist of the secondary educational institution named after. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of signing.

Director of DUOO named after. K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Petrenko S.I.

Kondratyev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L.N.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Yurchenko B.S.

Ilchenko D.V.

Shapovalova E.K.

Melnik I.A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Zhambrovsky V.R.

Khalyavinsky I.V.

Getun B.D

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Kornienko N.V.

Obukhovskaya V.A.

Iskra E.A

Chaly D.O.




about the event of the "Dance Marathon" program

    General provisions


Preservation and enhancement of the unique wealth of folk dance culture, identification the best teams and individual performers,

To develop in pupils a craving for beauty, to cultivate a boy’s respect for a girl, the desire to look beautiful and gallant

Aesthetic education of the younger generation,

Popularization of dance creativity among youth.

Identification and support of talented children in a health camp.


Popularization of children's choreographic creativity;

Improving the artistic level and performing skills of children choreographic groups;

Strengthening creative connections between teachers and children, exchange of teaching and performing experience;

Improving the professional skills of teaching staff;

Involving children in the choreographic studio;

Organization of meaningful and interesting leisure time for children in the camp;

Development and propaganda choreographic art among young people;

Identification of the most capable and gifted performers.


The event is held at the DZOV club named after. K. Babina

3. Form of conduct:

Competitive - theatrical - dance performance

4. Requirements for participants and competition number

Groups and single performers are allowed to participate in the competition. The quantitative composition of the team is at least 6 people.

The choice of genre is free.

Participants of the competition - groups, duets, individual performers of all directions and styles of choreography:

* Folk stage dance;

* Classical dance;

* Ballroom dance;

* Sports dance;

* Pop dance;

* Modern dance;

* Children's dance.

Participants present no more than two dances in one category, the duration of one composition is up to 5 minutes (must not contain profanity).

5. The competition is judged by the jury

Performances are judged according to the following criteria:

* Artistic level of execution;

* Compliance with dance vocabulary;

* Stage performance culture, general artistic impression;

* Originality and creativity in staging the performance;

* Mass character;
* Originality of the idea;
*Correspondence musical composition flash mob content;

6. Specifications .

* Phonograms must be high-quality, recorded on an MD, CD, or USB device.

* Each composition must be recorded on a separate medium with the name of the group

or the participant’s surname, nomination, title and duration of the performance.

The soundtrack must be set to the beginning of the recording. You need to have a copy.

The world effects will be the same for all competitors.

Props must not interfere with the performances of other participants.

    Summing up the results of the competition.

The results are announced immediately after the competition.

8. Awards.

    Participants are awarded participant diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

    Diploma recipients are awarded diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

    Laureates of I, II, III degrees are awarded diplomas and gifts.

    The Grand Prix winner is awarded a diploma and a valuable gift.

    The jury reserves the right not to award the Grand Prix if the level

    best performing skills creative team, or small performers

    forms do not meet his requirements.

    The organizers determine special prizes for the competition that will be awarded

    partners and sponsors of the competition.

    The competition can be attended by counselors and educators of the secondary educational institution named after. K. Babina, acting as guests. In this case, the team does not take part in the competition program.



I affirm:


DUOO named after. K. Babina



Progress of the event

Event plan

    Presentation of teams.

    Warm up.

    Little engine.

  1. Captains competition.

    Dance with a counselor (educator).

Presenter 1.

The man was born cheerful.
Fashions and rhythms changed too,
But we can't live without dancing

Presenter 2.

If you can't sleep in the morning,
The dream has run away somewhere,
It makes me want to start dancing -
So, the day of the dance has come!
We will definitely dance
Waltz, Latin and Foxtrot,
Tango, break and macarena,
This day will not be in vain!

Presenter 1. Hello guests and participants of our Dance Marathon program! We are glad to welcome you to this hall.

Presenter 2.

Hello girls and boys.

Before we start our marathon of dancing, fun and good mood, I want to know the names of your teams. They should be in the theme of our marathon ("Hip-Hop", "Discomafia", "Dance Master", etc.)

Contest. Team presentation

(in any form - preferably dance)

Presenter 1.

The competition has already begun, and who judged it - of course, this is our competent jury and we are glad to welcome them today. At our judge's table _____________

Jury presentation

Presenter 2.

Long live different dances -
Ballet and pop,
Folk and classical,
Athletic and majestic!
Fast and slow
Vintage, modern -
The art of dance is magical!

Presenter 1.

The next competition is “warm-up” and we invite teams of squads 1 and 2 (squads 3-4, 5-6) to the stage

Competition "Warm-up". The presenter suggests

teams to dance to the beat:

Presenter 2. Well done to our teams .

Dance is live music
And it’s not for nothing that people say:
The dancer is the embodiment of paradise,
In dance, peace and harmony reign.

The next task is “Locomotive”, the jury will monitor the synchronicity, artistry and activity of our participants. And also for the accuracy of the fulfilled conditions of this competition.

Competition "Locomotive"

commands are called one by one.

Presenter 1.

Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
A happy dance was my best friend.

Presenter 2. While the jury is summing up the preliminary results of the three competitions, there is a surprise for all participants from the 1st squad

Presenter 1. Meet on our stage the wonderful voice of our camp__________

Number from 1st squad. Song

Presenter 2. Dance is the secret language of the soul.

Presenter 1. The dance is a poem, every movement in it is a word.

Presenter 2. Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing, it is the rhythm of your life.

Presenter 1. It is an expression in time and in movement, in happiness and in envy, in sadness and in joy.

Presenter 2. Dance is the only art for which we ourselves are the material.

Presenter 1.

Dance is incomparable
If you often spin in rhythm,
The dance can gradually
Turn into the meaning of life!

Presenter 2. We have all gathered here to dance and watch how others dance, and our jury evaluates our participants, but also looks after everyone who is on our dance floor today. After all, today we will choose the most dancing spectator and he will receive his diploma for active dancing. In the meantime, our children and adults are dancing to the music with our participants, it’s time for us to announce the next competition and this is Flash Mob.

Presenter 1. And now we will see the most mass dance. The jury evaluates mass appeal, artistry, change of storyline and synchronicity.

Contest. Flash mob. Commands are called one by one

Presenter 2. Applause to our teams. Madness. There is a little bit of madness in dancing that benefits everyone greatly.

Presenter 1. What good can madness bring?

Presenter 2. Madness is feeling, feeling is movement, movement is life.

Presenter 1. I understand that, but...

Presenter 2. Don't worry, everything will be fine now!

Presenter 1. Yes, I agree, the movement never lies.

Presenter 2. Movement is the most sincere manifestation of feelings, but we must not forget that dancing with your feet is one thing, and dancing with your heart is another.

Presenter 1. How to dance - the body will tell you,
When you sit down, wave your hand.
You won’t start moving boldly,
Then you will notice behind you

Presenter 2. Ease, pleasure,
The desire to move, spinning,
Emotions take off and mood -
You can't help but fall in love with it!

Dancing, dancing, dancing and the music drives you crazy...

Presenter 1. This is the very madness that makes us dance and drives us crazy.

Presenter 2. And our next competition is no less crazy. We invite captains to our stage.

Presenter 1. Then we greet them with thunderous applause.

Presenter 2. The jury evaluates the solo of each captain

Contest. Captains - solo .

Presenter 1.

In dance you don't have
In the dance
You have coherence
You are dancers
Just great!

Presenter 2. Of course, I understand that there is an end to any madness, but then the music started playing, and the legs started dancing on their own

Presenter 1. You know, when dancing, a person allows himself the luxury of being himself. And by the way, the guys who are now nervous before going on stage. After all, the next competition is dancing with the counselors.

Presenter 2. Just as words are made up of letters, and phrases are made up of words, so the words and phrases of dance that make up the poetry of a choreographic narrative are made up of individual movements.

Presenter 1. In dance, as in life, you run in circles:
Both strength and weakness run after each other.
In dance: plie, jump and rotation.
And in life, you need a fall to take off.

Presenter 2. There is a solo dance, it is difficult at times.
Loneliness in life is to blame for everything.
And there is a cheerful group dance -
With friends, any dream can come true!

Presenter 1. Dance – there is a palette of feelings and emotions –
You can show everything that is hidden in your heart!
Dance - there is a special language of the body -
He will talk about what everyone is used to!

Presenter 2. You can talk about dance endlessly,
But dance is life, and it will be so forever!

We welcome counselors and teachers together with their students on our stage.

Contest. "Dancing with the Counselors"

Presenter 1. You dancers are good

And always pleasant
You have charm
Simply immense!
We wish you, friends,
To be appreciated
So that the audience always
You were loved very much!
So that body and soul
We rejoiced together
To grief and troubles
Never knew!

Oh! good. Just a sight for sore eyes. What couples? What pa. What precise movements. So I would look at our couples tirelessly.

Presenter 2. How strange, sometimes it happens like this:
It's like the same hall, and the same faces,
Still the same music, pulsating beat,
And just like that the light flickers and flows -

Presenter 1. An inviting gesture in a barely noticeable glance,
Embraces that have already become familiar -
And suddenly, as if out of place
Your heart will beat in anticipation of happiness.

Presenter 2. And there are no more prohibitions and barriers,
And the fear of misunderstanding recedes,
Breath and heart beat in rhythm,
And the secrets of the universe are available to us...

Presenter 1. How strange it sometimes happens suddenly,
A short moment ago it could have happened -
But the couples froze, the last sound died away.
Still the same hall around, all the same faces...

Presenter 2. Yes! And now on our stage there are still the same faces and our next competition is a battle between squads.

Presenter 1.

Let me ask you
And invite you to dance.
The slow dance will make you whirl
And, of course, he will make friends with us.
Dance is a miracle of miracles,
It's like this world has disappeared.
And you and I dance
In a clearing under the moon.
Dance to people all over the Earth
It can bring joy.

We invite 1-2 (3-4, 5-6) squads

Competition "Battle"

Presenter 2.

Do you know great philosopher Nietzsche said: “The day is wasted if you do not dance!”

Presenter 1.

Does that mean our day today was not in vain? And all we have to do is sum up the results and while our jury sums up the results of all the competitions on our stage, the number from our counselors.

Presenter 2.

Meet on our stage the most talented and dear counselors of K. Babin.

Speech by counselors

Presenter 1. The jury has summed up the results and we are ready to begin the awards.

Presenter 2. Let us invite our competent jury to our stage and announce the verdict

Rewarding of units

Presenter 1. It seems that we awarded everyone, but it seems that we forgot?

Presenter 2. Of course they forgot. After all, there is still one diploma.

Presenter 1. Certainly. Of course, this is the “Audience Award” for the one who danced the best on our dance floor.

Troop dancer awards

Presenter 2. The dance will fly by like a moment!
It seems like it will last for an hour!
You can dance for just a second,
You can never get tired of dancing!
It's more fun to walk through life with dancing,
Dance brings friends together again!
Well, let's dance together again,
Give smiles and don’t be discouraged!

Presenter 1.

Thanks to all the participants in our celebration today.

The Earth is spinning in dance.
Dance is your happiness.
May your life be in dance
The cup will be full!
To joy day and night
Shined brightly for you,
So that ardent love
My heart hasn't cooled down!
So that skill, talent
Only grew;
Joy, happiness and love
They didn't leave you!

Presenter 2.

Our competition is over, we are waiting for you all at our disco.

Application for participation in the competition

Squad ______________________________________________________________

Name ____________________

Full names of participants

doctor's permission

I have read and agree with the Regulations on the competition.










(signature, transcript of signature)


August 2017

Please provide ____________ the following materials for registration of the event:

Released L.N. Ganich methodologist

Received by the teacher (counselor)



Autumn ball 2016

"Dance Marathon"

Equipment: for hall decoration: balls, autumn leaves, ribbon on stands, garlands; attributes for embodying a deputy sla: pedestal, pre-made medals with images of dancers, medal pads; for screensavers and competitions: phonogram “Thank you very much”, fairy tale “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”, a selection of modern music of different genres.

(The presenters come out and talk casually)

Presenter (Girl): Autumn has arrived... At such a time, wise nature reveals miracles to us. What great words. Sparkling, warm...

Presenter (Boy): The words are undoubtedly magnificent. It's just that I don't really like autumn. It’s kind of sad after have a fun summer.

Presenter (Girl): Just imagine: falling leaves, of all shades, they rustle so mysteriously under your feet. Well, come on, use your imagination!

Presenter (Boy): Well

Presenter (Girl): And what is “well”?

Presenter (Boy): Introduced

Presenter (Girl): So what did you present?

Presenter (Boy): Leaves are falling...

Presenter (Boy): Leaves are falling...

Presenter (Girl): Develop your thoughts...

Presenter (Boy): Everything falls and falls...

Presenter (Girl): And how does it all end?

Presenter (Boy): Nature is dying, everything withers, falls asleep...

Presenter (Girl): Well, you have imagination. Think of something beautiful. You walk to school in the morning on a carpet of fallen leaves...

Presenter (Boy): Well, let's say

Presenter (Girl): You see for real It's already autumn sun. Ripe berries hang on the rowan tree...

Presenter (Boy): And then you enter the school and see rested, full of energy teachers who strive to “please” poor children with control and independence. In general, my mood is very autumnal – cloudy and gloomy.

Presenter (Girl): Well, wait a minute, it’s not all that bad! Look how many people gathered at our holiday!

Presenter (Boy): Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter (Girl): Hello! There are so many interesting young men in our hall today. And I'll ask them to wave at me.

Presenter (Boy)): Well then, I'll ask the beautiful girls to blow me a kiss.

Presenter (Girl): Well, enough flirting, we're starting our “Dance Marathon”! And we invite fun to our cozy hall,
and we publicly announce that our “Autumn Ball” is open!

Presenter (Boy): Agreed! As before any competition, training is necessary! To do this, we ask everyone to stand in the center of the room.

Presenter (Girl): Come on, come on! And don't be shy!

(Vysotsky’s music “Morning Exercises” or “Do Exercises” is turned on, the class of presenters comes forward and does exercises, the rest of the participants join the flash mob)

Presenter (Boy): Oh, we're warming up! Well done!

Presenter (Girl): But that's not all! Our participants prepared homework!

Presenter (Boy): If suddenly autumn comes

And he will throw the leaf on the ground,

So there is no point in standing -

Come dance with us!

Presenter (Girl): To complete their task, we invite... mmmm…..students of our class. ( your dance "Me too"represented by 9th grade students)

Presenter (Boy): Well, I was pleased with our dance, the dance is simply top class! And now class 8 presents their creation! ( 8th grade students present their dance "Sailors"

Presenter (Girl): Good, so good! These sailors and sailors! We are inviting the youngest class today! ( 7th grade students present their flash mob “Medley”)

Presenter (Boy): Your flash mob captivated us, so what’s next for the eleventh? 11th grade students performing. ( 11th grade students present their dance) (During the last dance, the presenters quietly select 9 fairy tale heroes from the audience)Appendix No. 1

Presenter (Girl): We've paid off our homework, let's move on to our “classroom”!

Presenter (Boy): And it’s called “The movie is already being filmed!” (the audio fairy tale “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs” is turned on (begins with the words “A long time ago, much ....”), the heroes are behind the stage in advance, they are given attributes and clothes)

Presenter (Girl): Your applause to the heroes!

Presenter (Boy): And we continue to run along the distance of our marathon and announce a short break.

Presenter (Girl): We invite everyone to the dance floor! (2-3 songs)

Presenter (Boy): We invite those who wish to participate in the next competition!

Presenter (Girl): It's called "Dance Like!" Please choose which hero you will present to us! (by blind selection, participants determine their role ) Appendix No. 2

Presenter (Boy):(when the participants are on stage, the presenter explains the rules of the game) You all know your heroes very well and know how they move on stage, your task is to show this, regardless of what music the organizers will play.

Presenter (Girl): Is the essence of the competition clear? Then we begin!

(the presenters play different music, and the participants each dance in their own style.)

Presenter (Boy): Wonderful! And with us......there was new idea! And now we invite you to split up!

Presenter (Girl): Yes, all the girls in the hall, I invite you to my team!

Presenter (Boy): And I ask young men to join me! And all together learn the Greek dance sirtake, only in Russian! ( Appendix No. 3)

Presenter (Girl): Bravo! Late autumn. The whole sky is in tears.

The cold wind sings in the wires.

And, setting off on the last flight,

The leaves dance the autumn foxtrot.

Presenter (Boy)): Now we are almost at the finish line! It’s time for the competition! 2 boys and 2 girls are called from each class. Be brave! (competition - battle between girls and boys, we place stands with a ribbon in the center - the border.)

Presenter (Girl): Girls stand on the left side, and boys on the right. The music turns on, first the boys dance, then the girls. We take turns focusing on the music. The melody has changed - it means it’s time for you to leave the dance floor, giving it to others.

Presenter (Boy): So, are all participants ready for the last 100m?

Presenter (Girl): Let's begin!

(Any music is used for the battle, at the discretion of the teacher and students)

(after the battle)

Presenter (Boy): All participants receive prizes! Well, now let's vote on who is the best marathon runner-dancer. We ask you to use your applause to cast your votes for... (we list each participant)

Presenter (Girl)): By the decision of those present, Miss Marathon Runner and Mister Marathon Runner were recognized...... we ask you to stand on the podium for the medal presentation ceremony!

Presenter (Boy): We reward you with gold medals and sweet prizes! And our disco continues!!! Everyone dances!


1. Fairy tale heroes:

Snow White, (better if it's a boy), 7 dwarfs, each with their own characteristics, and a prince. 1 gnome is a business man in summer clothes and glasses, 2 is a gnome in a Russian folk shirt with a belt, 3 is a new Russian gnome, in a wide jacket with a chain on his chest, 4 is an Israeli in a black round cap with round glasses, 5 is a Dagestanian, with a mustache and stubble (pencil) in a hat, 6 - Western Slav, in a vest, wide trousers, boots and with an accordion or a guitar (toys), 7 - Arab, a block of scarf on his head, a long robe and wide oriental trousers , the pirate prince in a bandana, a vest with pistols, Snow White - in a dress or tulle, in a wig and with a tiara. Behind the scenes, explain to each character that he must dance according to the music and what actions he must perform according to the text of the fairy tale.

2. Competition "Dance Like". After choosing a hero, participants are given attributes: for ballerinas–tutu and pointe shoes, for Michael Jackson– hat, for Charlie Chaplin- hat, cane, mustache, for the robot - pre-cut boxes for the body and head, for Nikolai Baskov– a white jacket decorated with sparkles and New Year’s rain, for Serduchka- a large swimsuit, stuffed for volume, a sequined dress, put your hair in a bun and decorate with tinsel. They go on stage to funny music. The goal of the game is to show the movements of your hero in various genres music.

3. Sirtaki in Russian

All guests must be lined up in two lines: male and female, facing each other. It is advisable that there are at least 10 people in each line. Everyone holds each other's hands, bent at the elbow. To the music of the Greek dance sirtaki (at first it is not very fast), at the command of the leader, the female line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. And then the line of young men also takes three steps forward, makes the same bow and returns to their place three steps back.

Thus, two ranks, having completed the simplest dance movement, return to their places.

  1. turn 180 degrees

    right foot stomp

    left foot stomp

    jump (bouncing)

    friendly male “Eh!” and in response a mischievous female “Uh-uh!”

The chain of movements, which are done by men and women in turn, should result in the following: 3 steps forward - bow - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - turn - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your right foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your left foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - jump - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - “Eh!”, “Uh-uh” - 3 steps back.

Having performed the movements, they must be repeated in the same sequence, first, but only at an accelerated pace, and then at an even more accelerated pace. The leader needs to help the dancers and suggest movement commands, then the result will be a well-coordinated, fast and lively dance.

Resources used:

If graduates stay at school all night after the formal part, it is necessary to think through in detail and draw up an entertainment program. This program may consist of several parts:

1. Dance marathon.
2. Beauty contest “Miss Graduate” and “Mr. Graduate”.
3. Concert of amateur performances.
4. Entertaining games.

Since graduates will sit down at the festive table several times and celebrate this first and important event in their lives, it is advisable to hold a dance marathon after the first feast, a beauty contest and an amateur concert after the second, and in the morning, when the children want to sleep, entertaining games .
Two hosts are chosen to lead the celebration - a boy and a girl. They must be able to sing, dance, joke and entertain the audience.
In addition, you can set aside a separate room and equip it as a cinema hall, where throughout the evening those who wish can watch videos about their school life (if any), feature and animated films.

Dance Marathon

Presenter: Dear friends! In a few hours we will part ways with our beloved school forever. But this time has not yet come, let's have fun from the heart!
Presenter: Our prom we start with "School Waltz". Maestro, music! (Before prom night students must learn the waltz.)
Presenter: And now let’s move on from the slow and smooth waltz to modern rhythms. The school disc jockey presents his dance program. (Everyone dances several rhythmic dances.)
Host: Let’s move on to the “Chamomile” dance marathon. Whoever dances the proposed dance better will receive a prize. So let's begin!

A large daisy is attached to the wall. The name of the dance is written on the back of each petal. Marathon participants receive individual serial numbers. The presenter takes turns tearing off the petals and announcing the dance that is written on the back. Everyone is dancing. The couple that performed the dance better than others wins. The jury consists of teachers and parents present in the hall. After the end of each dance, the jury awards prizes: a bunch of grapes, bananas, a bunch of carrots, a bunch of lettuce, a bag of apples, a bunch of bagels, etc.
Dance music for this marathon it is necessary to register in advance.

Presenter: And now another competition, but it requires great flexibility and endurance. This is a dance on a newspaper. Only pairs compete. The prize is a surprise.

Unfolded newspapers are laid out on the floor of the hall. They include music that consists of five fragments:
1 fragment - participants dance on a whole newspaper.
Fragment 2 - participants dance on a newspaper folded in two.
Fragment 3 - participants dance on a newspaper folded into four.
Fragment 4 - participants dance on a newspaper folded eight times.
Fragment 5 - participants dance on a newspaper folded sixteen times, i.e. the young man stands on one leg, holding a girl in his arms and swaying to the beat of the music.
The winner is the couple that never leaves the newspaper until the end of the competition.

Host: And now dancing for everyone. Another dance selection is offered by the school disc jockey. (They dance several dances.)
Presenter: At the end of the marathon, we will hold a fun dance competition called “The Ball Burst!” The couple whose balloons pop during the dance will receive a prize - a surprise balloon.

Each dancing couple receives 4 balloons, which are placed in turn between partners at the level of the stomach (first dance), chest (second dance), between the backs (third dance), between the foreheads (fourth dance). During the dance, partners, pressing against each other, must crush the ball.
The jury determines the winner.

Beauty contest "Miss Graduate" and "Mr. Graduate"

Before the start of the competition, a jury is selected from teachers, parents and guests of the holiday ( odd number). They sit at a separate table in front of the stage. There are containers with the numbers of the competition participants on the table. The jury chairman has an envelope with questions for the third round participants.
Each participant in the competition receives a personal serial number.

Presenter: Let's continue festive evening and we invite you to a beauty contest. Dear teachers, parents and guests, dear jury, we ask you to be extremely objective when choosing the winner of our competition.
Presenter: The competition is held in three rounds. Contestants will be judged in three categories: elegance, talent, erudition. The winners will receive valuable prizes.
Host: No one doubts that among. The contestants are all elegant, all talented, all erudite. But still, some of them are a little more elegant, talented and erudite. And there are those in which all these qualities are combined into one whole. Who is this?
Presenter: Patience, friends. We'll find out soon enough. So, let's start the first round. The elegance of the competition participants is assessed. Dear members of the jury, you must select five winners among boys and five winners among girls. Music!

To the music, first the girls come on stage, then the boys. They make several passes across the stage and slowly go backstage. The jury members put five beans into the girls' containers, then five beans into the boys' containers. After the votes are counted, the chairman announces who has advanced to the second round.
The losing containers are removed from the table.

Presenter: We are starting the second round of our competition. Now the competition participants must demonstrate their talents to the jury. It could be a song, dance, poem, magic trick, conversational genre, etc. - whatever you want. The jury must select two winners among boys and two winners among girls.

The contestants take turns taking the stage and performing a number rehearsed before the holiday. After the show, the jury votes again, putting two beans into the girls' containers and two beans into the boys' containers.
The chairman of the jury announces the winners.

Presenter: And finally, the third round is the last. This is an erudite competition. Who will win? Passions are heating up! Participant numbered is invited to the stage... The floor is given to the Chairman of the Jury.

The chairman takes turns asking questions to the competition participants: two or three questions to each. The jury then deliberates to determine the winners.

Presenter: All competition participants are invited to the stage. The floor is given to the Chairman of the jury.

The chairman of the jury announces the winner of the beauty contest for the titles “Miss Graduate” and “Mr. Graduate”. The winners are tied to their chests with ribbons with the inscriptions: “Miss Graduate” and “Mr. Graduate.” Memorable gifts are presented. Everyone applauds and congratulates the winners.

Presenter: Now let's watch an amateur performance concert. After all, each participant in the competition prepared his own act. And even though he didn’t win, he still has something to entertain and please us with. So, the first to speak...

Entertainment games

Everyone gathers in the hall. The boys sit opposite the girls.

Presenter: Now we will play the game “Guess the guy by his ears.”

Each girl is blindfolded in turn and, after turning several times, is brought to one of the boys. She must use her ears to determine who it is. The girl who guesses the owner of the ears wins. She receives a prize.

Host: And now the young men must find their Cinderella. The next game is called "The Crystal Slipper".

The young men leave the hall. The girls take off one shoe at a time and give it to the boys. The girl's second leg is covered with a thick bag. The boys, upon entering the hall, must determine whose shoe they have and put it on the girl’s foot. Then, when all the shoes are put on the girls’ feet, the bags are removed. The one who finds the pair wins.

Presenter: Everyone loves to play in the burim since childhood. Let's play with you too. A team of girls (no more than five people) must compose poems that rhyme: “stove-candle, cucumber-well done; table-floor; crown-end."

A team of young men (no more than five people) receives rhymes: “turnip-cap; bully cockroach; swore and fought; caught and punished." While the teams are composing poems, you and I will also play rhymes.

The game is played with spectators. The presenter throws into the crowd balloon and names any word, and the one who catches it tells her the word in rhyme. Then the teams' poems are read out and the team with the funniest poems wins.

Host: And now the “Zombie” competition. The winners will receive a prize.

Two young men stand next to each other, hand in hand. The touching hands are tied, and with their free hands, the right of one young man and the left of the other, they must wrap the soft toy in paper, tie the bundle with a ribbon and tie a bow.
Whoever manages it gets a prize.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to the delicious competition “Try a Bite.”

Those interested approach a rope stretched at nose level, on which oranges, apples, bananas, pears, etc. are suspended, and try to bite off a piece of them, holding their hands behind their backs. Whoever succeeds in this gets this fruit.

Host: And now a competition for real men. All drinkers are invited to the demonstration table. Choose any drink, but you can drink it only if you quickly (in three minutes) fill your glass with this drink using a teaspoon.
Presenter: At the end of our entertainment program, a win-win lottery. Please draw lottery tickets with numbers from the drum. (When all the tickets have been distributed, the awarding of winnings begins.)
Presenters (in turns): Owner lottery ticket under No. 1 receives, etc.
1. Universal cleaning device for the morning toilet (toothbrush).
2. Travel agency souvenir (badge).
3. The right to a car (lottery ticket).
4. Remedy for anger (donut on a string).
5. Guiding thread (spool of thread).
6. A device for transmitting thoughts over a distance (postal envelope with a stamp).
7. The most fashionable clips (clothes pin).
8. A piece of school (chalk).
9. Spare parts for sneakers (laces).
10. English castle (pin).
11. Thought fixer (pencil).
12. Typewriter (pen).
13. Antique hanger (nail).
14. Measuring device (centimeter).
15. Tool (spoon).
16. Diet food (chewing gum).
17. Crystal chandelier (light bulb).
18. Disinfectant (soap).
19. Universal backpack (cellophane bag).
20. Weight loss product (jump rope).
21. Aircraft (ball).
22. Bird of the future (egg).
23. Washing machine (eraser).
24. Painting by the artist _____ (postcard).
25. Electric lighter (box of matches).
26. Sewing machine (needle and thread).
27. Tear absorber (handkerchief).
28. Remedy for talkativeness (pacifier).
29. Fruit of temptation (apple).
30. Hair dryer (comb).
31. Kiss M. Monroe (lipstick).

Host: Congratulations on your wonderful winnings and we hope that you will keep them for the rest of your life. Let them resemble cheerful and cloudless school years;
Presenter: Our entertainment program completed.
Host: It's time to say goodbye to school with friends and teachers. But we will meet again more than once. After all, school friendships are the strongest. And now the farewell waltz. Ladies, invite your gentlemen!

Everyone dances to the sounds of the “School Waltz” and disperses.