Kondratyev Sashka questions for discussion. Extracurricular reading lesson based on V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”. The main character qualities of the main character Sashka

Lesson-conference on the story “Sashka” by V. L. Kondratiev

Lesson topic: “Man at war. Problem moral choice».

Objective of the lesson: try to touch the living sources with your heart Great Victory, first of all, moral, to “try on” both the heroism and tragedy of those days.

Lesson equipment: computer, projector, multimedia presentation; a stand dedicated to the work of V. Kondratiev “Sashka” (there are questions for discussing the story, statements about it, illustrations); materials prepared for the lesson by students (printed texts of speeches).

Methodical techniques: exchange of information (student presentations -biographer, literary critic, historians);conversation; brief retelling; episode analysis; comparison; solution to a problematic issue.


I. Organizational moment. Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson. (Slides 1-3)

II. Opening remarks teachers.

The past years of the Great War are moving further and further away from us. Patriotic War. There are fewer and fewer of its participants left among us. The writer V.L. Kondratyev also passed away. But his voice continues to resound from the pages of his works, “trembling - like in the palm of your hand! – his wounded, but continuing to hurt – for all of us! - heart…"

In one interview, V.L. Kondratiev said: “Every writer should have a super task. For me, it was to tell the truth about the war that has not yet been written.”(Slide 4)

“It is not for the trophies of victory that real literature returns to the fields of ancient battles... and it does not seek glory, but wants to understand what he was like, the man who saved our land from the fascist invasion? What were they like, standing from edge to edge? After all, there was probably something in them that DOESN’T ALLOW ETERNAL HOPE FOR THE BEST AND BRIGHT, PURE POWERS OF HUMAN TO FAIL?” (I. Dedkov)(See stand)

What is higher, what is more important: an order, general opinion, circumstances, the will of someone higher than you, or you yourself with your own understanding of conscience and goodness? The old and eternal test of man: to cross or not to cross?

III . Speeches by students: biographer, literary critic, historians.

    Biography of the writer V. Kondratiev. (Slides 5-6,8,9)

    Literary creativity. (Slides 6-7)

    The history of the creation of the story "Sashka". (Slide 10)

    History of the city of Rzhev. (Slides 11, 12, 14)

    Memoirs of marshals G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky. (Slide 13)

IV . Photo series to the soundtrack of M. Nozhkin’s song “Near Rzhev”. (Slide 15)

V . Discussion of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”.

Let us mentally transport ourselves to that time and to that land, which we learned about from the memoirs of military leaders and read in the story “Sashka”.

1. Sashka has been fighting for two months. Is it a lot or a little? What details, pictures help the writer to recreate, and for us to imagine this time?

(The life of war. The same one about which the writer will say: “... the whole war consisted of this life. The battles themselves were not the main part of a person’s life in war. The rest was life, prohibitively difficult, associated with deprivation and enormous physical exertion”) .

How is military life shown in the story? (Slide 16)

(“The first company had neither trenches nor dugouts; the beaten and killed people huddled in huts. Only the company commander had a thin dugout.”

“It’s tight with food and with ammunition... I don’t have the strength to bury the guys, I don’t... After all, I can’t dig a trench for myself alive.”

“The army seemed to be standing here in the winter, or maybe there had been battles, because they were scattered around the sides with bulletproof helmets, zinc boxes from cartridges, rusty windings, scraps of bloody bandages and even one corpse they noticed, but they didn’t approach - enough for a lifetime we've seen enough"

“How many people did you have in your company?

One hundred and fifty...

How many are left?


- Why does Kondratiev so meticulously describe this wretched life of war?

(We understand that this truth of detail and everyday life leads to the very main truth for which our literature lives - to the truth of a person who decided to remain a person in this terrible war).

Sashka gets felt boots for the company commander.

Sashka takes the German prisoner and refuses to shoot him.

The wounded Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and hand over the machine gun.

Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded man, not relying on them finding him themselves.

Meeting with Zina.

Sashka helps out Lieutenant Volodya.

3. One of the critics noted that V. Kondratiev led his hero through the tests of power, love, and friendship. How did Sashka survive these tests?

VI. Analysis of individual episodes.

Episode of the capture of a German. Test of power. (“And then Sashka realized what a terrible power he now has over the German. After all, from his every word or gesture he either dies or enters into hope. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. If he wants, he will bring him to headquarters alive, if he wants, he will slam on the road! Sashka even somehow felt uneasy, and the German, of course, understands that he is completely in Sashka’s hands. And what they told him about the Russians, only God knows what kind of a German Sashka is! a man who is not the type to mock prisoners and unarmed people.

Sashka remembered: there was one in their company who was very angry at the Germans, one of the Belarusians, it seemed. He wouldn't have let the Fritz down. He would say: “When trying to escape,” and there would be no demand.

And Sashka felt somehow uneasy from the almost unlimited power over another person that had fallen on him.”)

How do we see Sasha in this episode? How does it make us feel? What do we value in him? (+ reference to illustration. See stand)

(Sashka inspires sympathy and self-respect with his kindness, compassion. Humanity. The war has not depersonalized or discolored Sashka’s character. He is inquisitive and inquisitive. He has his own point of view on all events. Sashka is uncomfortable with almost unlimited power over a person, he understood how terrible this power over life and death can become. We appreciate in Sashka a huge sense of responsibility for everything. Even for what he could not answer. He was ashamed of the worthless defense for the guys who were not buried: he tried to lead. German so that he would not see our killed and not yet buried soldiers, and when they did come across them, Sashka was ashamed, as if he was guilty of something).

- Remember a similar episode from the novel “War and Peace” (Battle near Ostrovnaya. Nikolai Rostov and the Frenchman. Nikolai’s condition).

Why didn't Sashka follow the order? This is an unthinkable event in the army - disobedience to the order of a senior in rank.

(Sashka feels sorry for the German, he can’t imagine how he can break his word. “Price human life did not diminish in his consciousness").

- Is there a similar episode in the novel “War and Peace”? (Dolokhov and Denisov: dispute about prisoners).

- “Sashka took a deep breath, deeply... and thought: if he remains alive, then of all he has experienced, this incident will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him...” Why? (Slide 18)

(Sashka went into attacks, often hopeless and therefore deadly, repelled attacks from German intelligence, fought one on one with a German, saw death, but the most memorable day is the one when he did not kill a German. He did not kill in order to remain a man.

The German he did not kill is the strength of the soul fighting such a victorious, such a powerful evil. And Kondratiev convinces us that we won not because we were stronger, but because we were higher, spiritually purer.)

Which of these actions - capturing a German or saving him - can be called a feat? Which one is worthy of the award?

- Match life principles Sashka and liaison battalion commander Tolik. Which side are you on?

(Tolik’s motto is “our business is a calf.” But Sashka does not want to be a calf, he wants to remain a man. Sashka and Tolik are contrasted as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness).

- Does Tolik remind you of Nikolai Rostov? In what episodes? (Nicholas’ conversation with Pierre about a secret society. Nikolai: “You are my best friend..., but... if you start opposing the government, whatever it may be, I know that my duty is to obey it. And Arakcheev ordered me now to go against you with squadron and cut down - I won’t think for a second and go”)

- What do you think influenced the battalion commander’s decision to cancel the order to shoot the captured German?

- What qualities of Sashka are manifested in the episodes:

1. The wounded Sashka, under fire, returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and hand over the machine gun.

2. Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded man, not relying on them finding him themselves.

(Responsibility, loyalty to the word)

- Can we say that Sashka is “a knight without fear and reproach”?

(Sashka experienced fear more than once, but knew how to overcome it).

Comparison with the episode: “On the Raevsky battery.

Pierre: “Are you afraid?”

Soldier: “But how can that be?.. After all, she will not have mercy. She will smack and her guts will be out. You can’t help but be afraid...”

Front-line poet Yu. Drunina wrote: “Whoever says that there is no fear in war knows nothing about war”)

Episode "Meeting with Zina." Test of love.

-What does Zina mean in Sashka’s life? (+ Refer to illustration. See stand)

(Sashka and Zina. How complicated everything is in their fate: love and jealousy are intertwined. And yet, after parting, Sashka says: “Zina is uncondemned. It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her.” This is equivalent to Pushkin’s “As you give God loves you to be different.”

So again we saw Sashka’s maturity. But he is just over twenty: having served in military service Far East, ended up on Rzhev land, where he received a baptism of fire.)

Does Sashka’s behavior contradict your opinion about his character or, on the contrary, confirm an already established opinion about him?

(Sashka remains Sashka: justice, kindness prevailed here too. Sashka did not become bitter, did not become coarse, he managed to understand Zina and not condemn her, although it was bitter and painful for him. “Zina is not judged... It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her! ."

Since they are in love, what right does he have to interfere with her? And Sashka leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary conversations. He wouldn't have it any other way).

Episode “Front-line friendship with Volodya.” Test of friendship.

- How does Sashka behave during his brief front-line friendship with Lieutenant Volodya?

-Do we condemn or justify Sashka in the episode with calming the soldiers? And the author?

(The author sympathizes with Sashka: he, who looks not at all heroic, not a dashing soldier, turned out to be stronger and braver than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha, helps him out of trouble. “This story was worth the nerves, to be honest, I didn’t “give a damn” at all Sashka")

VII. Solution moral problem

- There is “necessary” and “extra necessary”. Does Sashka go overboard? Or is it the conscience that commands?

(From Sashka’s point of view, his behavior and actions are the norm, nothing supernatural. He cannot do otherwise. There are no two consciences - conscience and another conscience: conscience either exists or it doesn’t, just as there are no two patriotisms).

VIII. Conclusions

- Why is Sashka attractive? What did the author want to show in it? (Slide 19)

The character of Sashka is Kondratiev’s discovery. An inquisitive mind and simplicity, vitality and active kindness, modesty and self-esteem - all this is combined in the integral character of the hero. Kondratiev discovered the character of a person from the thick of the people, formed by his time and embodying the best features of this time. “The story of Sashka is the story of a man who found himself in the most difficult time in the most difficult place in the most difficult position - a soldier.” “...If I hadn’t read Sashka, I would have been missing something, not in literature, but simply in life. Together with him, I made another friend, a person I loved,” wrote K. Simonov.

- What does Sashka mean to you, since he is close to you in age?

It was not by chance that we tried to compare episodes from the story by V. Kondratiev and the novel by L.N. Tolstoy. What Tolstoy traditions in the depiction of “war” and “peace”, man in war, have you discovered?

IX. . Final word teachers.

Indeed, many of Tolstoy’s thoughts about war and peace were reflected in V. Kondratiev’s story. And therefore, it is probably appropriate to end the lesson with an address from the writer V. Kondratiev to you, high school students (See stand):

“To the guys: for our military generation, the most important thing was that from childhood we were replenished with the great Russian literature of the last century. She instilled in us civic and high moral concepts that allowed us to live in terrible times and remain pure, without sullying our conscience with anything. I wish the same to all of you, i.e. to read and read holy Russian literature.”

X. Homework: write an essay-reasoning: “Why is the story “Sashka” a work needed today?” or give a detailed answer to the question “What impression did the story “Sashka” make on me? “How do you understand the words “Hearts!” But these are heights that cannot be given away”? (See stand)

Literature used

    V.L. Kondratiev. Hello from the front. Novels and stories - Moscow, “Fiction”, 1995.

    A work about the Great Patriotic War in literature lessons and in extracurricular activities. – M., “Enlightenment”, 1985.

    N. Krupina, N. Sosnina. “I bequeath my life to you...” (High school students discuss V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”) - “Literature at School”, No. 3 1989.

    A. Kogan. ...He lived and died like a soldier. About Vyacheslav Kondratiev, his life and work, his difficult fate. – “Literature at school”, No. 2 1995.

Lesson objectives: evoke in students reflections on what they read, experiences, and emotional responses; improve the ability to analyze text.

Lesson equipment:

Methodical techniques: text analysis, conversation.

Lesson progress

I. Teacher's word

Vyacheslav Kondratyev prefaces his story as follows: “This story is dedicated to all those who fell near Rzhev, living and dead.” How autobiographical is it? It probably doesn't matter. The fate of the author is in many ways similar to the fate of his hero, with the fate of his comrades. How important is the truth of a fact, documentation in a work? The main thing, as Viktor Nekrasov wrote, is not even “that was the case,” but “it could not have been that way.”

II. Conversation

(The author immediately introduces the reader into the story, without any preliminary words: “In the evening, when the German shot back, it was time for Sashka to take up his night post.” He does not call the fighter by name, does not name his rank, the hero is simply Sashka.

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“Lesson 5. Discussion of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka””

Lesson 5. Discussion of V. Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”

Lesson objectives: evoke in children thoughts about what they read, experiences, and emotional responses; improve the ability to analyze text.

Lesson equipment: You can ask to bring to class some family heirlooms from the war: letters, documents, photographs, newspapers, things.

Methodical techniques: text analysis, conversation.

Lesson progress

I. Teacher's word

Vyacheslav Kondratyev prefaces his story as follows: “This story is dedicated to all those who fell near Rzhev, living and dead.” How autobiographical is it? It probably doesn't matter. The fate of the author is in many ways similar to the fate of his hero, with the fate of his comrades. How important is the truth of a fact, documentation in a work? The main thing, as Viktor Nekrasov wrote, is not even “it was so,” but “it could not have been so.”

II. Conversation

(The author immediately introduces the reader into the story, without any preliminary words: “In the evening, after the German had shot back, it was time for Sashka to take up his night post.” He does not call the soldier by name, does not name his rank, the hero is simply Sashka. The story is told it seems to be on behalf of the author, but at the same time it seems that the hero himself is telling the story. This is facilitated by the style of the story - simple, colloquial, and inversions characteristic of the story. colloquial speech: “At the edge of the grove, a rare hut for rest was stuck to a spruce tree, and nearby there was a thick layer of spruce branches...”, and colloquialisms: “middle”, “feared”, “dozed”, “itching”, etc.)

What does Sashka do at the front?

(In the first episode we see Sashka when he plans to get felt boots from a dead German for his company commander. This is not about ammunition, not about a combat mission - about felt boots, this is vitally important. In general, “life is like this” - nothing can be put off.”)

How is war portrayed?

(“And the night floated over the front line, as usual... Rockets splashed into the sky, scattered there with a bluish light, and then with a spike, already extinguished, they went down to the ground torn apart by shells and mines... Sometimes the sky was cut through by tracers, sometimes they exploded the silence machine gun bursts or distant artillery cannonade... As usual...” “As usual” is repeated twice, although we're talking about O scary things. “Sashka had already gotten used to this, had endured it and realized that the war was unlike what they imagined in the Far East...” War leaves traces of destruction and death: “The villages they took stood as if dead... They just flew from there flocks of disgustingly howling mines, rustling shells and tracer threads. The only living things they saw were tanks...” A strange combination - “living tanks.”)

The author shows military life: “The first company had no trenches or dugouts; the beaten and killed huddled in huts (this is in winter!). Only the company commander had a thin dugout. And it’s tight with food, and with ammunition... I don’t have the strength to bury the guys, no... After all, I can’t dig a trench for myself, alive.” Pathetic words - “hut”, “trench”, “dugout” - emphasize the precariousness and unreliability of the situation.

We learn about the number of personnel of Sashka’s company:

“How many people did you have in your company? - the captain asked Sasha.

One hundred fifty...

How many are left?


It turns out that in less than two months, nine out of every ten people died!

(Sashka gets felt boots for the company commander; the wounded Sashka returns to the company to say goodbye to the guys and give the machine gun; Sashka leads the orderlies to the wounded; Sashka takes a German prisoner and refuses to shoot him; meeting with Zina; Sashka helps out Lieutenant Volodya. These episodes reveal Sashka’s personality with from different sides, he seemed to be undergoing tests of endurance, humanity, loyalty in friendship, love, tests of power over another person.)

III. Retelling and working with the episode of the capture of a German

Sashka’s company ran into German reconnaissance and began to hastily retreat. The Nazis wanted to cut off their reconnaissance from ours: mines flew. “But all this was familiar, experienced by them every day, and therefore did not cause much fear.” Sashka broke away from his men, rushed through the fire and then saw a German. Sashka shows desperate courage - he takes the German with his bare hands, he had no cartridges, he gave his disk to the company commander. At the same time, he does not consider himself a hero at all - when asked by the company commander how this happened, he answers: “But the jester knows him. Durik." During the interrogation, the German remains silent, and the company commander orders Sashka to take the German to headquarters. On the way, Sashka thinks that the German is not a coward, since he does not assent to his “Hitler kaput”; he tells the German that we don’t shoot prisoners, promises him life. The battalion commander at headquarters, having not received any information from the German, orders him to be shot. Sashka did not obey the order.

Why doesn't Sashka obey orders?

How should we evaluate this action of his?

It would not be difficult for Sashka to kill a German in battle. This same man was a prisoner; Sashka could not shoot him after he promised to save his life. Human relations begin between two soldiers - Russian and German: both wash and clean their clothes before coming to headquarters; the German treats Sashka with cigarettes; Sashka addresses the prisoner no longer as he did at first - “fascist”, but “Fritz”, more neutrally, because Fritz is German name; Sashka already wants to talk to a German, it’s a pity he doesn’t know German. And the main thing Sashka suddenly realized was “what terrible power he has over the German now. He, Sashka, is now free over the life and death of another person. And Sashka began to feel uneasy from the almost unlimited power over another person that had fallen on him.” Sashka saw in the prisoner not just an enemy, but another person: “when he took this Fritz, fought with him, feeling the warmth of his body, the strength of his muscles, he appeared to Sashka an ordinary person, a soldier like him, only dressed in a different uniform, only fooled and deceived... That’s why I could talk to him like a human being, take cigarettes, smoke together.”

Sashka inspires respect for himself with his kindness and humanity. The war did not cripple his soul, did not depersonalize him. An amazingly huge sense of responsibility for everything, even for what he could not be responsible for. He was ashamed in front of the Germans for the useless defense, for the guys who were not buried: he tried to lead the prisoner so that he would not see our killed and unburied soldiers, and when they came across them, Sashka was ashamed, as if he was guilty of something .

Sashka feels sorry for the German and cannot imagine how he can break his word. “The value of human life did not diminish in his mind.” And it is also impossible not to carry out the battalion commander’s order. Sashka leads a captured German to be shot, stalls for time with all his might, and the author drags out their path, making the reader worry: how will this end? The battalion commander is approaching, and Sashka does not lower his gaze in front of him, feeling that he is right. “And the captain turned away his eyes,” canceled his order. Sashka experiences extraordinary relief, as if for the first time he sees both the “destroyed church” and the “blue forest beyond the field, and not very blue sky” and thinks: “if he remains alive, then of all the things he has experienced, this incident will be the most memorable, the most unforgettable for him...”

You can discuss this act of Sashka in class, there will be those who think he is wrong - orders in war must be followed.

What is the role episodic hero, liaison battalion commander Tolik?

(Tolik’s motto is “our business is a calf”, he is already trying on the watch of a German who has not yet been shot, he is ready to bargain with Sashka so as not to miss the “trophy”. He does not have a barrier or barrier in his soul like Sashka. And Sashka understands that “ Tolik loves to boast, but he is a weakling.” Sashka and Tolik are contrasted as responsibility and irresponsibility, sympathy and indifference, honesty and selfishness.)

What quality of the hero does Kondratyev emphasize in the episode of the return of the wounded Sashka to the company?

(Sashka is a very conscientious person with a sense of responsibility, he, the wounded man, “somehow feels awkward and ashamed - so he leaves, and the guys and the unshaven, haggard company commander must remain here, in this trash and wetness, and no one knows whether any of them are destined to to leave here alive, as he, Sashka, is leaving now.” All these terrible two months, Sashka did nothing but do what he was reluctant to do, both in the offensive and in reconnaissance - all this was through strength, overcoming himself, hammering his fear and thirst to live to the very bottom. souls, so that they do not interfere with him doing what he is supposed to do, what is necessary.")

IV. Working with an episode about Sashka’s love for Zina

War does not kill the humanity in Sashka, but even sharpens the thirst to live and love. What place does Zina occupy in Sashka’s life?

(Sashka saved Zina’s life. This is his first love. On the way to the hospital, when the terrible tension of the front line gradually releases and the joy that he is still alive floods into his soul, Sashka allows himself to think about Zina, the sister from the sanrota, whom he covered with his body from the shelling. The anticipation of meeting with Zina is constantly interrupted by anxiety about his native company: she will again tremble in the huts, and “someone will certainly be spanked today.” The upcoming party, which he learns from Zina, makes him angry: “What a lie!” , Zina! This can’t be!”

Sashka thinks that his love with Zina will be as short as the flash of a rocket. “It will burn for a little while, will not have time to warm it up properly and... will go out - the war will separate them in different directions.”

And then Sashka finds out that Zina finally went to the evening, danced with the lieutenant, and “something cold, heavy grew like a lump in her chest, came up to her throat, gave ... “It was as if something had exploded in Sashka’s head,” when he saw Zina in the window, heard her conversation with the lieutenant and realized that “they were in love...”

But, despite the shock, pain and resentment, remembering his conversations with Zina and imagining her life here over these months, he came to the conclusion that Zina is unconvicted... It’s just war... And he has no grudge against her...” And if there is love, what right does he have to interfere with it? And Sashka leaves without hurting Zina with unnecessary conversations. He can’t do it any other way; justice and kindness take over again.)

Discussion in class - maybe Zina is worthy of condemnation, betrayed her love with Sashka, cheated on him?

How does Sashka behave during his brief front-line friendship with Lieutenant Volodya?

(In the episode in the evacuation hospital, a ruddy, well-fed major calms down the indignant wounded - they only gave him two spoons of porridge. In his hearts, the lieutenant threw a plate at the major, and Sashka shielded his friend, who would be brought before the court martial, but nothing would happen to him, a private - he would not be sent further than the front line The author sympathizes with Sashka: he, although not at all a heroic, not a dashing soldier, turns out to be stronger and braver than the desperate lieutenant from Maryina Roshcha and helps him out of trouble “This story was worth the nerves, to be honest, Sashka didn’t care at all. ".)

V. Closing remarks from the teacher

The character of Sashka is Kondratiev’s discovery. An inquisitive mind and simplicity, vitality and active kindness, modesty and self-esteem - all this was combined in the integral character of the thicket, formed by its time and embodying the best features of this time. “The story of Sashka is the story of a man who found himself in the most difficult time in the most difficult place in the most difficult position - a soldier.” “...If I hadn’t read Sashka,” I would have been missing something, not in literature, but simply in life. Together with him, I made another friend, a person I loved,” wrote K. Simonov.


1. Write an essay based on Kondratiev’s story “Sashka” according to the following plan:

1) My impression of the story “Sashka”.

2) Is it easy or difficult to have a friend like Sashka?

3) What is the main thing in Sasha’s character?

4) Time and space in the story.

Among the works that truthfully tell about the terrible everyday life of the Second World War is the story of the front-line writer V. Kondratyev “Sashka”. Not here beautiful words praising the feat of a soldier who sacrificed his life in a terrible battle. The author does not show the valiant victories of the Soviet troops. The daily life of a simple warrior who “found himself in the most difficult time in the most difficult place” is main topic works "Sashka" by Kondratiev. Analysis of the hero’s actions helps to understand what worried and tormented a man torn from peaceful life and thrown into the very maw of war.

From the history of the creation of the story

Kondratiev went to the front in December 1941. As part of a rifle brigade, he took part in the fierce battles for Rzhev that unfolded in 1942, was wounded, and was awarded a medal. Impressions from those terrible years remained for life, as evidenced by the analysis of the story “Sashka”. Kondratiev, who took up his pen at a fairly mature age (the story “Sashka” was published in 1979, and in 1980 its author turned 60), was bothered every night by dreams in which he saw his comrades from near Rzhev. He even tried to find his fellow soldiers, but he never found anyone, which gave rise to a terrible thought: “Maybe I’m the only one who survived?”

The writer admitted that he re-read many works about the war, but did not find in them what never let go of his soul. And then he decided to talk about “his” war, otherwise some page of it would “remain undisclosed.” From that moment he began his literary activity Vyacheslav Kondratyev.

“Sashka”: summary of the story

The action takes place in early spring. Main character, Private Sashka, has been fighting on the front line near Rzhev for two months, but for him everything here is already “as usual.” The Germans keep beating and beating, but they have a poor supply of food (because of the muddy roads there isn’t even enough bread), shells, and nowhere to dry their clothes and shoes. Military life is depicted in great detail in the story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Kondratyev. Analysis of these scenes leads to the idea of ​​how difficult it was for a person in such conditions to remain a “Man” and not step over the laws of conscience.

  • he gets felt boots for the company commander (not for himself!), whose boots are so thin that they can no longer be dried;
  • captures a German, whom he never raised his hand to shoot;
  • takes on someone else's guilt and saves a young lieutenant from the tribunal;
  • meets nurse Zina and leaves her way, having learned that she is in love with someone else.

This is the plot of the story “Sashka” by Kondratiev. Analysis of these scenes helps to understand how the hero managed to go through the prepared trials and not lose his dignity.

Capturing a German

This scene is one of the key ones in the work. Sashka takes the tongue with his bare hands, since he was unarmed. And suddenly at that moment he, having been in the most dangerous and hopeless attacks, saw in the guise of a prisoner not an enemy, but a person deceived by someone. He promised him life, since on a leaflet picked up on the way to headquarters, it was written that Russian soldiers did not abuse prisoners. On the way, Sashka constantly felt a sense of shame both for the fact that their defense was worthless and for the fact that their dead comrades lay unburied. But most of all, he felt awkward because he suddenly felt limitless power over this man. This is him, Sashka Kondratieva. Analysis of it state of mind shows why he was never able to shoot the prisoner and, as a result, violated the battalion commander’s order. Feeling that he was right, he managed to look him straight in the eyes, which is why the commander was forced to cancel his initial decision to shoot the “tongue.” Later, Sashka thought that if he remained alive, the German he had captured would be the most memorable event of the war for him.

Here it is - one of the main qualities of a Russian warrior: always maintain humanism within yourself, remember that you are human. Kondratyev especially emphasizes this in the story. Sashka - the analysis of the work is proof of this - was able to contrast good with evil in one of the most difficult periods of his life.

Lieutenant's Defense

Another important episode is the incident in the hospital, when Sashka stood up for his new acquaintance (a young lieutenant) in front of the special officer. They didn’t know each other at all, but Sashka was well aware of what a quarrel started by Vladimir could threaten a lieutenant with the rank of. But nothing will happen to him, a private: they won’t send him further than the front line anyway. As a result, the lieutenant remained in the hospital, and Sashka was forced to go further to Moscow himself. The desperate and hot-tempered lieutenant in fact turned out to be weaker than the private who surpassed him in fortitude and courage - this is what the analysis of the story “Sashka” by Kondratiev leads to.

Test of love

During the war, Sashka met Zina. Meeting her warmed his soul, since there was no one dearer to the hero than her. Vyacheslav Kondratyev conducts his hero through the traditional test of love in literature. Sashka ( summary whose relationship with his beloved girl fits into several scenes) and here behaves with dignity: the ability to understand another person and spiritual kindness are stronger.

At first he looks forward to meeting the girl, and when it happens, he finds out that Zina has appeared new love. Sashka is experiencing deep disappointment at this moment. This includes a lack of understanding of how you can throw a party when there, on the front line, all the fields are “ours.” This is also the pain of the fact that she chose someone else over Sasha. But he simply leaves, without reproaching Zina for anything and without demanding any explanations from her.

So what is he, Sashka Kondratieva?

Analysis of the story and the actions of the main character helps to understand the most important thing that the author wanted to convey to the reader: it is possible to go through the terrible trials of war and preserve the Human within. He emphasizes this with a phrase belonging to Sashka: “We are people, not fascists.” And such soldiers were the majority. Many front-line soldiers saw their comrades in the image of a hero. This means that the victory was won by just such warriors, which include V. Kondratyev himself and Sashka.

Analysis of the work helps to recreate the image of the Russian soldier: courageous, hardy, who managed to maintain humanism and faith in victory.

Kondratiev’s short story “Sashka” (a brief summary of it is given below) tells about the terrible everyday life of wartime. Her heroes are ordinary people who had to face death every day. It is amazing how, under such conditions, they could retain the best in themselves. human qualities and remain humane even towards the enemy. This is exactly how Kondratiev portrays the main character of the work.

“Sashka”: summary of chapter 1. On night guard

Sashka’s company settled down near the grove. A hut was built under the spruce tree, in which the guards slept in turns. You were allowed to sit at the post, but you had to constantly monitor what was happening. This is how Kondratiev begins his story.

Sashka (a summary of his thoughts is given below) took up his post. He secretly lit a cigarette and began to think about how to get felt boots for the company commander. He ruined his boots while crossing the Volga. Sashka remembered the place where the murdered Fritz lay in new felt boots. He was already going for the prey, but something stopped him. The guy knew: inner instinct rarely deceives.

Sashka, as Kondratyev notes, has been at the front for two months now. A brief summary of his thoughts makes it clear that he never saw a living Fritz up close. How long will this wait last? The Germans fired, but did not advance, and their company was in cover and awaiting relief.

The sergeant checking the posts offered him some tobacco. They talked, and Sashka was left alone again. Finally he woke up his partner and went to the hut. For some reason I couldn't sleep. And he made up his mind.

Behind the felt boots

The Germans stopped shooting, and Sashka set off. We had to get there across an open field. He wouldn't do it for himself. But he felt sorry for the company commander, Kondratyev notes. Sashka (the summary allows us to convey only important points story) with difficulty pulled the felt boots off the corpse and crawled back. At that moment, shelling began, the likes of which had never happened before. The hero felt awkward because he was safe. After all, the center of the explosions was the location of the company. Suddenly the Germans appeared from behind a hill. We must warn you! And Sashka, having determined his path and took off from his place, rushed to his own.


The company commander ordered to retreat beyond the ravine. Suddenly there was silence, which was broken by a call for help. Then the enemy began to convince me to lay down my arms. The company commander realized the provocation, and the soldiers rushed forward. As Kondratyev notes, Sashka (the author gives a brief summary of the thoughts that gripped him at that moment in the story) was not afraid at all. He felt only anger and excitement. The Germans disappeared overnight. The guy was disappointed: such a chance to get even means failure.

Suddenly Sashka noticed a gray figure darting to the side. He threw the lemon and, running up, pounced on the Fritz. He turned out to be young and snub-nosed. The company commander arrived and they disarmed the enemy. So for the first time (not the whole scene is described here, but only its brief content) Sashka Kondratiev found himself nose to nose with a German.

After the interrogation, the guy took the prisoner to headquarters. He didn’t look like a fascist at all, and the guy wanted to talk, but the hero didn’t know the language. On the way we sat down to smoke. Fritz saw unburied Russian soldiers. From this, as Kondratyev writes, Sashka - a summary of the chapters will more than once emphasize this quality of the hero - felt awkward. And the fighter was also embarrassed by his unlimited power over the person walking next to him.

At battalion headquarters

The chief was not there, and Sashka was sent to the battalion commander. He was worried about the death of his friend, so he gave the order: “For consumption.” And his orderly was already looking closely at the German’s watch. The hero could not break the promise made to the prisoner along the way: his life would be spared. He was stalling for time and, when there was no hope of canceling the order, he noticed a battalion commander walking towards them. Sashka was no longer afraid of anything and looked firmly into the eyes of the elder. He still ordered the prisoner to be taken further. It was moral victory a hero who managed to preserve his humanity. It is no coincidence that during the course of the action the hero emphasized more than once: we are not like them (the fascists).

This is the plot of the first part of the story and its summary.

“Sashka” by Kondratiev: chapter 2. Wound

There was a battle going on. The hero was suddenly pushed by something, and the sky appeared before his eyes. Sashka was wounded in the left arm. At first he was afraid that he would die from loss of blood. Then he bandaged the wound himself. Before going to the rear, I left my machine gun and said goodbye to my comrades. And again he felt ashamed that he was abandoning his company in this wet mess. And it is unknown whether anyone will survive - this is how the story “Sashka” Kondratyev continues.

A brief summary of the hero’s thoughts on the way to the hospital (which is two kilometers under fire) can be described as follows. Our people have to learn to fight here, on the front line. And therefore everyone makes mistakes: both soldiers and commanders. But the German could not defeat the Russians - the hero was firmly convinced of this. And what the soldiers did every day, Sashka did not consider it a feat. In his opinion, they were simply doing their job every day.

On the way I met a soldier wounded in the chest. He understood that he would not live until the paramedics arrived. But still he showed the way to the fighter, and only then moved on.

In the hospital

The path was difficult, but the thought of meeting Zina soon was warming. A brief summary will tell you how it turned out.

Sashka Kondratyev - chapter by chapter you can reconstruct his two-month stay at the front - met his sister on the way to the front line. He saved her life. There were first kisses then, and promises to wait. Sashka saw Zina immediately. She seemed delighted to meet. But something in her behavior confused the hero. And for good reason. The girl, whom the guy considered the closest person, was in love with the lieutenant. And although Sashka was in unbearable pain, he decided not to interfere with Zina’s happiness.

He was more outraged by the dance party during the May holidays, organized by the officers. He didn’t understand how he could have fun when all the fields there were “ours.” The very next morning the hero left the medical unit, heading to the hospital. He decided to visit his mother before returning to the front line. The fate of the infantry during the war is known, and perhaps this is the last chance to meet.

Chapter 3 In the rear. New acquaintances

There were many wounded walking along the Rzhev roads, writes Kondratyev. “Sashka” (you are reading a summary of the chapters) shows the ambiguous attitude of the residents of occupied villages towards the soldiers retreating in the first months of the war. Many were reluctant to accept them for the night - there was nothing to eat themselves. Seeing this, the hero felt awkward every time. And only in one village that escaped the occupation, the head established a queue for who would receive the wounded for the night. Here we managed not only to sleep, but also to eat well. And so we had to bake cakes from rotten potatoes left in the field since the fall. Or subsist on tobacco.

Sashka's companions were Private Zhora and Lieutenant Volodya. They went through a lot together. The first one was blown up by a mine when he decided to pick a flower. And this absurd death seemed more terrible to the hero than death there, on the front line.

Sashka Kondratyev became very friendly with the lieutenant, as the brief summary will show below. Together they ended up in an evacuation hospital, where an unpleasant incident occurred. The wounded began to complain to the boss about poor food. During the conversation, the lieutenant could not restrain himself and threw a plate, which almost hit the major. Sashka took the blame upon himself, reasoning that he would not be sent further than the front line, and Volodya could be court-martialed. The special officer investigating the case guessed who initiated the story. But he did not escalate the matter and ordered Sashka to leave the hospital. The doctors did not release the lieutenant, and Sashka had to get to Moscow himself.


The further the front remained, the more the attitude of the residents towards the wounded changed. Here they looked at Sashka as a hero. And the situation in Moscow itself was different - peaceful and calm. From this, the hero suddenly came to a real understanding of what they were doing there. And he was no longer ashamed of his burnt cotton pants and padded jacket, or his bullet-ridden hat, or his unshaven face - the author concludes the story.

This is how the action develops in the story (only a brief summary is given here) “Sashka” by Kondratiev, chapter by chapter.

IN Russian literature There are many worthy works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. These include the story “Sashka” by Vyacheslav Leonidovich Kondratyev. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the work according to a plan that will be useful for 11th grade students in preparation for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1979.

History of creation– The story “Sashka” is largely autobiographical, since the author himself took part in heavy battles near Rzhev. These memories for many years haunted him, and in adulthood resulted in a story that revealed the problems of war.

Subject– The central theme of the work is the problem of moral choice in war conditions.

Composition– The composition of the story has a mosaic structure and consists of microplots, with the help of which the essence of the main character is fully revealed. The work is characterized by a leisurely pace of narration, which allows you to better understand inner world Sashka, the motives of his actions.

Genre- A story.

Direction– Realism.

History of creation

Vyacheslav Leonidovich went to the front when he was barely 21 years old. As part of a rifle brigade, he fought desperately for the city of Rzhev, was wounded, and was awarded the medal “For Courage.”

Memories of the hard times of war did not leave Kondratiev throughout his life: they tormented him and did not allow him to enjoy the present. According to the writer, he read a lot fiction about the Great Patriotic War, but not a single work could truly hook him; in none of them did he find a description of “his” war.

Vyacheslav Leonidovich’s story “Sashka” was published in 1979 in the magazine “Friendship of Peoples”.


In a story that describes all the realities of the Great Patriotic War, Kondratiev masterfully reveals central theme works- the problem of moral choice in extreme conditions. The main character faces many trials in life that can most accurately reflect the true essence of a person.

One of the most poignant and emotionally powerful episodes is Sashka’s capture of the German. In the heat of battle, the soldier is driven only by the desire to defeat the enemy, but then he sees in the captured German ordinary person. He passes the test of power with dignity, without causing harm to an unarmed man and promising him the preservation of his life. Unable to carry out the battalion commander’s order and shoot the defenseless young man, Sashka exposes himself to attack.

Very revealing is the scene in which Sashka stands up for his new acquaintance and takes his blame upon himself. His noble deed involuntarily evokes a feeling of admiration, since the hero puts the interests of his comrade above his own.

Sashka passes the test of front-line love with dignity. Having learned that his chosen one, Zina, has stopped loving him, the hero accepts her betrayal with dignity. Despite deep disappointment, he finds the strength to understand her and let her go without words of reproach.

In essence, Sashka became the collectively, which reflected hundreds of thousands of ordinary children who found themselves face to face with the horrors of war. In his work, the author highlighted a simple and old, like the world, idea- you need to remain human under any circumstances, not to kill in yourself that good and bright beginning inherent in every person at birth. The world can only be saved by kindness, mercy, compassion.


Carrying out an analysis of the work in the story “Sashka”, it should be noted that it is characterized by mosaic composition in the absence of a single plot. The story consists of tiny plots designed to reveal the character of the main character as accurately and succinctly as possible.

The composition of the story is structured in such a way that the revelation of Sashka’s spiritual qualities and his life priorities occurs gradually, which is facilitated by the slow pace of the narrative. As the hero moves from the front line deep into the country, the reader is immersed in his inner world.


The work is written in the genre of a story. The work reproduces in detail the life of the war years, the events of that time, the main battles, therefore it is classified as literary direction realism.

Work test

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