KVN team hara morin team composition. The KVN team “Hara Morin” will give a free concert for residents of Buryatia. Then which teams are your favorite?

Photo from official group"Hara Morin" "VKontakte"

But there is a chance that the Kavanets will continue to perform after selecting the team

February 16 in Moscow at the Theater Russian Army The first game of the KVN Major League of the new season took place. The team from Buryatia “Hara Morin”, which triumphantly won the Premier League last year, also took part in the 1/8 finals. Unfortunately, there was no successful start in the Major League. The opponents objectively turned out to be stronger, but there is still a chance to make it to the quarterfinals - additional teams are expected.

A total of five teams took part in the 1/8 of the Major League. In addition to “Hara Morin”, the national team of Tatarstan, “Player” of TSU named after. Derzhavina (Tambov), team of the Great Moscow State Circus (Moscow) and Radio Liberty (Yaroslavl). Among the jury members were Mikhail Galustyan, Yuliy Gusman, Valdis Pelsh.

As a result, Radio Liberty and circus performers became the leaders. They received 200 thousand rubles as a prize. The last place was shared between the teams of Buryatia and Tatarstan.

The director of Hara Morin apologized to all the team's fans.

We lost our first game in the Major League. This is the first defeat in the team's history. There were no games where we lost in terms of laughter and results. The KVN team "Hara Morin" failed to qualify for the quarter finals. We don't blame anyone for our defeat. The judging was adequate. The opponents were stronger and more interesting than us. Many thanks to all those who root for us and support us! We apologize to our fans. P.S. Hara Morin is currently on standby. There will be additional teams,” Chingis Bolotov said on social networks.

Let us remind you that throughout all stages of conquering the Kaveen peaks, our comedians faced financial difficulties. After winning the Premier League, they managed to “knock out” funding from the republican budget in the amount of 4 million rubles.

Friday, February 07

13th lunar day with the element Fire. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today is a good day to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal preparations, herbs, and conduct matchmaking. Going on the road means increasing your well-being. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Tiger and Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, or buy livestock. Hair cutting- to happiness and success.

Saturday, February 08

14th lunar day with the element Earth. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and wealth, move to a new position, buy livestock. Unfavorable day for people born in the year of the Mouse and Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a planned business, get or help get a job, or hire workers. Going on the road means big troubles, as well as separation from loved ones. Hair cutting- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, February 09

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Benevolent deeds and sinful acts committed on this day will multiply a hundred times. A favorable day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a planned business, study and comprehend science, open a bank account, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough decisions on some issues. Not recommended move, change place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, and also hold a funeral and wake. Hitting the road means bad news. Hair cutting- to good luck, to favorable consequences.

The KVN team “Hara Morin” from Ulan-Ude, which won the Premier League season, answered questions from readers of our site. Let's read!

It’s banal, but still: why “Hara Morin”?
"Hara Morin":
The fact is that the team’s first sponsor was the owner of the volleyball club of the same name. That is why we called the team “Hara Morin”.

Please tell us the story of your team, who you are and where you come from.
"Hara Morin":
The national team of the Republic of Buryatia “Hara Morin” was formed in the cold and frosty autumn of 2012 at the KVN school of the Republic of Belarus, assembled by the team director Chingis Bolotov. After that, the team went to the Sochi festival, received an increased rating and an invitation to the Central KVN League “Asia” in Krasnoyarsk, where they became vice-champion in 2013. Then there was the First League in Togliatti, where we managed to reach the final and become third. Well, after that we were assigned to the Premier League, and you know the rest.

who is to blame for your victory?
"Hara Morin":
Mark Nikolaev, Alexander “Khan” Mangakhanov, Chingis Bolotov – our leaders – are to blame.

Do many people mistake Tanya and Chimita for a couple in life? And what funny stories Have you had any related to this?
"Hara Morin":
Chimit and Tanya are now considered a couple in Ulan-Ude. There have been no stories yet. But the funniest thing is that they were asked to go and apply for housing under the Young Family program.

What exactly do you think is the secret of your successful performance in the 2015 Premier League - the well-coordinated work of the team, an unconventional approach to humor, the loyalty of the jury, weak opponents, or something else?
"Hara Morin":
We wanted to win as much as anyone else, that’s for sure. And most importantly, it seems to us, we did everything to win.

Quliyev Mirzaaqa
How do you come up with your jokes? They seem simple, but they guarantee laughter for a long time.
"Hara Morin":
We write in a circle, like everyone else. Or are we looking for interesting topics, then we disperse them.

Vasya Pupkin
The only team in the final where it wasn't funny. Why didn't your humor even make me smile? KVN has turned into dull obscenity. Or do you buy tickets to win at KVN? The rest of the teams are more or less, but no one lives up to the old guys from the tower.
"Hara Morin":
Thank God you exist. Questions like these make you want to play and win!

Whose idea was it to invite Omar? Or was it imposed by AMiK? Don't you think that the idea of ​​homework from the final is reminiscent of the idea of ​​STEM with Nagiyev?
"Hara Morin":
We will not reveal the AmiKa kitchen; permission for this has not yet been taken. The idea, or rather the race or the beginning of STEM, is really similar, but the plot and the fairy tale are different. We also fundamentally placed emphasis on other topics.

The Tatars are happy for the Haramorians! Congratulations! And we are waiting for you in Kazan! Oh yes, I need a question. When will you arrive?
"Hara Morin":
Thanks a lot! Call, call and we’ll make an agreement.

1) Tell us about Maslyakov Jr., what is he like? Have you communicated with him?
2) What impressions do you have from Tolyatti and the First League?

"Hara Morin":
1) We always communicated with him only on stage, that is, during dress rehearsals or during games. Somehow it didn’t work out to communicate closely. Therefore, we look forward to further communication.
2) Tolyatti – First League. This is very important stage in the life of our team. Therefore, we remember him with great pleasure. Kind Tolyatti spectators who understand the administrators of the First League and the spacious AMAKS hotel.

What are the current tariffs for Belarusian biathlons?
"Hara Morin":
Inexpensive, healthy and natural, like everything from Belarus.

Is Mark part of the team's writing team or does he work with the team as a guest writer from time to time? Are you planning to reinforce yourself with experienced and familiar faces?
Is Mark a strict leader?
"Hara Morin":
Mark and Khan are not managers, they position themselves as staff writers, but they are still perceived by the team as managers. Mark does not interfere with the management of the team.
In terms of strengthening, we think, we think what is needed in order to be accepted with a bang in the Major League.

Elena Sandarova
All the best, everywhere! Who has the last word on the team?
"Hara Morin":
The last word always goes to the one who says the most smart words, to the one who has more arguments, political weight, money, etc. In short, for the director.

Why don't your leaders take the stage?
"Hara Morin":
We don't give it to them. And so there is a shortage of roles in the team.

1) Do you plan to conduct all performances in the Major League according to the same principle as in the premiere?
2) What is your favorite KVN team (besides your own)?
3) Is Valera a future KVN star? (although it is possible without the future)

"Hara Morin":
1) We are thinking about it now. We are thinking about our performance.
2) “Soyuz”, “Kamyzyaki”, Pyatigorsk, “Pyramid”, etc. But the most important thing is, of course, “Baikal”. There is no way without them.
3) We hope. We believe. We want it to be like this!

If you are called to Svetlogorsk, how will you fill your musicality? Do you have anyone singing/playing instruments?
"Hara Morin":
There are singers, but they just weren’t able to show off their musicality in the Premiere.

Tell me how do you cope with stress? Is there stress in your team?
"Hara Morin":
We cope with work. We're getting ready, checking everything. Each member of our team has their own recipe.

Why are you so reluctant to share your music?
"Hara Morin":
We share music by request, it’s just that the news feed in the VKontakte team group quickly goes down, so sometimes it’s the same question.

Please tell us about Tanya’s fainting at the semi-finals, what was the reason for it - overwork, lack of sleep or something else?
"Hara Morin":
Tanya's fainting was due to the fact that it was very hot and stuffy behind the scenes. Plus I was very tired and nervous.

tell us which football clubs you support?
"Hara Morin":
“Spartak”, “Zenit”, CSKA, “Barcelona”, “Real”, etc. But the most important thing is, of course, Baikal. There is no way without them.

Have you gone to the matches of the Hara Morin volleyball club?
"Hara Morin":
Yes, definitely. Moreover, we organized fans. Responsible for reels, banners and other technical support.

Why is Chingis Bolotov messing with you?
"Hara Morin":
He's just a KVN fan, like the rest of us. You need to ask him personally.

When Chimit “pulled out” a piece of Tanya’s hair and then inserted it back, how was this trick done?
"Hara Morin":
This is a technically complex and, most importantly, not very cheap trick.

I thought that everyone had already asked this question... WHAT DID TANYA HAVE IN THE PACKAGE???
"Hara Morin":
There was intrigue in the package.

What sites and public pages about KVN do you read? What do you think about analysts like Voron and Kravchenko?
"Hara Morin":
We read everything related to the big KVN..
There should be analysts, it becomes somehow more interesting with them. They make the KVN world different. And most importantly, the teams read and watch them.

Tell me some funny incidents or stories from the life of your team?
"Hara Morin":
One day our director was late for a flight and was flying alone.

What is more important: creativity or money?
"Hara Morin":
This is a rhetorical question. Can we steal it for ourselves?

Questions from the editor:
How does the team cope with financial difficulties?
The team director is fighting with them. He has his own methods. The main recipe for dealing with financial difficulties is good performances and victories.

How were you greeted in Ulan-Ude after your victory? Have you become recognized more often on the street?
Some team members began to be recognized, and some themselves say everywhere that they are champions! Local media did stories about us for a week. People began to add such words as “well done”, “great”, “I told you you would win”, “...champions” when communicating with us. and so on.

Who would you like to thank for their help and support?
Mikhail Viktorovich Slipenchuk and Lev Alekseevich Asalkhanov.

What are the unique features of Buryat humor?
In the micro-lives and micro-atmospheres of the servers.

How to learn to do 33 tucks in a pose?
Pinch! Pinch! And pinch again!

We thank the team for their answers and wish them good luck in future games!

Dear friends, fans! We sincerely thank you for supporting our team! You are the most responsive and kind. And for your help, we soon promise to organize a free concert for you, - such a video message was recorded by the Kaveen players from the Buryat team “Hara Morin” to all their fans after their performance at music festival“Voting KiViN”, which took place in the city of Svetlogorsk.

Let us remind you that Buryat comedians were helped to perform at the competition, which brings together all the best teams in the country, from caring social network users, who immediately responded to the team’s call to raise funds for the trip. After all, the team was denied funding just before the start of the competition, when they already had a performance program ready, and they had an invitation from Alexander Maslyakov himself.

In just 3 days, the team from different corners countries, fans and simply KVN lovers collected 85 thousand rubles. Plus, we managed to negotiate help with various organizations in the region. And here it is, the long-awaited trip in your pocket.

Together with our comedians, 26 more teams arrived in Svetlogorsk. After the selection, 23 remained. Our team failed to make it to the number of these lucky ones who made it onto television. By the way, the performances of comedians were evaluated famous showmen, former KVN players Sergei Svetlakov and Semyon Slepakov, the famous Soviet hockey player Vladislav Tretyak, as well as the chairman of the jury Yuli Gusman.

I think our main problem is that we don’t have such great vocalists as, for example, teams from Georgia and Dagestan,” says Khara Morin director Chingis Bolotov. – After all, it’s a music festival, and we only have one female voice, they bet on him. No one else really knows how to sing.

The cheerful and resourceful guys from Buryatia are not going to give up after this defeat. They still need to thank their fans for their help. And comedians have already figured out how to do this.

In August we plan to hold a free concert for everyone in our native Ulan-Ude,” continues Chingis Bolotov. – We want to perform in one of the most crowded places - on Soviet Square, so that any passerby can watch. All that's left is to get permission.

After this, “Hara Morin” has no less ambitious plans. One of the main tasks for the team is to prepare and make it to the Sochi festival, which will take place in January. After all, it is here that the distribution of teams by league will take place. new season. Some will go to perform in the Premier League, of which, by the way, Buryat comedians became champions in 2015, while others will compete for the title of strongest in the Major League.