Koldunov, Sergey Alexandrovich. Koldunov Sergey Alexandrovich

Rus. owls prose writer, more famous prod. other genres. Genus. in the village of Pavlovo (Nizhny Novgorod region), he worked as a fireman and mechanic; graduated from med. Faculty of Moscow State University, worked as a psychiatrist for a long time. He began publishing in 1926. SP. Lives in Moscow.

The only NF production. K. - voluminous novel "The Hero's Craft" (1937; 1938 ; phragm. 1939 - "RP-1"), in which an attempt was made to describe the world war V near future(like many Soviet authors of the 1930s, K. presented it as the final battle of the “communists” and the “bourgeois”).

  • - Soviet military leader, Air Chief Marshal, twice Hero Soviet Union...

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  • - Russian prose writer and journalist, also known for production. other genres. Genus. in Moscow, son of Alexander Ivanovich Abramov...
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  • - resident of the Moscow syphilitic hospital, doctor-writer, who graduated from the medical faculty of Moscow University with a doctor's degree in 1857. In March 1865, he was sent to a temporary department...

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  • - Director of the company "AFB II". Born in 1966 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. Single. Chairman of the Small Business Support Fund...

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  • - Director of JSC "Intellecttechnology" since 1992; born February 26, 1956; graduated from Moscow Higher Technical School; main direction professional activity: development of digital systems; married, has two children...

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  • - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Department of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; born July 1, 1938; graduated from the Institute of Oriental Studies...

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  • - fighter pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Chief Marshal, Lenin Prize laureate...

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  • - Adrianov, Sergei Alexandrovich, writer. Born in 1871, graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University; in 1896 he was appointed assistant to the head of affairs of the Archaeographic Commission...

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  • - I Grand Duke, fourth son of the Emperor. Alexander II, b. April 29, 1857, since June 3, 1884, married to the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse, Ludwig IV, Elizabeth Feodorovna...

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  • - Alexander Ivanovich, Soviet military leader, Colonel General of Aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Member of the CPSU since 1944. Born into a peasant family. IN Soviet Army since February 1941...
  • - Soviet military leader, colonel general of aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Member of the CPSU since 1944. Born into a peasant family. In the Soviet Army since February 1941...

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  • - Romanov, Russian Grand Duke, fourth son of Emperor Alexander II. Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78. In 1887-91 commander of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment...

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  • - Russian ethnographer, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Works on the ethnography of the peoples of the East. Asia and Transcaucasia, theoretical problems of ethnography and cultural studies...
  • - Air Chief Marshal, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War, a pilot, flight commander, deputy commander and squadron commander of a fighter aviation regiment...

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  • - Grand Duke, son of Emperor Alexander II. Reactionary. Participant in the Russian-Turkish War 1877-78; Moscow Governor-General in 1891-1905, killed by I. P. Kalyaev...

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"Koldunov, Sergei Alexandrovich" in books

KUSEVITSKY Sergei Alexandrovich

author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

KUSEVITSKY Sergei Alexandrovich 14(26).7.1874 – 4.6.1951 Virtuoso double bassist, conductor (student of Nikish), musical figure, creator and leader of the permanent symphony orchestra(Moscow, 1909), organizer of subscriptions symphony concerts(Koussevitzky concerts).

NAYDENOV Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery cultural heroes turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

NAYDENOV Sergey Alexandrovich present fam. Alekseev;14(26).9.1868 – 5.12.1922 Actor, playwright, novelist, poet. Plays “Vanyushin’s Children” (1901; publ. 1902; Griboyedov Prize 1902), “ Prodigal son"(1903), "Rich Man" (St. Petersburg, 1903), "No. 13" (St. Petersburg, 1903), "Avdotya's Life" (St. Petersburg, 1905; post. 1904), "Walls" (St. Petersburg, 1904)

POLYAKOV Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

POLYAKOV Sergei Alexandrovich 13(25).10.1874 – 1942Industrialist, philanthropist. Founder and owner of the Scorpio publishing house, editor of the Libra magazine. Poet, translator. “S. A. Polyakov was one of the owners of the Znamenskaya manufactory, and this meant millions. I remember very well

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book 50 Famous Lovers author Vasilyeva Elena Konstantinovna

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (born in 1895 - died in 1925) Russian poet. There was a lot in his life love stories and little happiness. The Russian reader has always had a special relationship with Sergei Yesenin. Few poets after Pushkin possessed such a natural melodiousness,

Stychinsky Sergey Alexandrovich

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Filatov Sergey Alexandrovich

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Filatov Sergey Aleksandrovich Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. YeltsinFilatov's star lit up during the troubled days of the August 1991 events - he was entrusted with heading the deputy defense headquarters of the House of Soviets. Filatov's authority has increased so much for this

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ANDRYUSCHENKO Sergey Alexandrovich

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ANDRYUSCHENKO Sergei Alexandrovich Sergei Alexandrovich Andryushchenko was born in 1912 in the village of Novopavlovka, Pugachevsky district, Saratov region, into a peasant family. Russian. He was drafted into the Soviet Army in 1929. Since 1932 he lived in Zlatoust. Here, in 1939, he became a member of the CPSU.

Kukunin Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Tula - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Kukunin Sergey Aleksandrovich Born in 1899 in the village of Vysokoye, Krasnokholmsky district, Kalinin region. Lived and worked in Stalinogorsk (now Novomoskovsk) Tula region. Here in 1942 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. Participated in battles with the Nazis

ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 1. A-I author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

ESENIN Sergei Alexandrovich 21.9 (3.10).1895 – 28.12.1925 Poet. Poetry collections “Radunitsa” (Pg., 1916; 2nd ed., additional, M., 1918), “Dove” (Pg., 1918; 2nd ed., M., 1920), “Transfiguration” (M., 1918), “Rural Book of Hours” (M., 1918), “Treryadnitsa” (M., 1920), “Confession of a Hooligan” (b. m., 1921), “Poems of a Brawler”

SHCHERBATOV Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 3. S-Y author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

SHCHERBATOV Sergei Alexandrovich Prince;24.6 (6.7).1874 – 23.5.1962Painter, philanthropist, memoirist, one of the owners and participant in the exhibition enterprise “ Contemporary art" Book of memoirs “An Artist in a Bygone Russia” (New York, 1955). Since 1918 – abroad. “In appearance, Prince Shcherbatov


From the book The Red Sphinx author

SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH SNEGOV Born on July 23 (or March 5, or August 5) 1910 in Odessa. Father - A. I. Kozyryuk - half-Greek, half-German, Bolshevik underground fighter, in the 20s - deputy head of the Rostov Cheka, left the family . His stepfather, journalist Joseph Stein, forced the boy

Sergey Alexandrovich

From the book The Fall of the Tsarist Regime. Volume 7 author Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich

Sergei Alexandrovich SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH (1857-1905), adjutant general, lieutenant general. according to Guards infantry, member state Sov., Moscow. Governor General, fourth son Alex. II, brother Alex. III and Uncle Nick. II. Women from June 3, 1884 on v. book Eliz. Fed., Prince. Hesse, sister of the Emperor. Al. Fed. 1887-1891 com. l.-guards. Preobrazh. shelf. WITH

Sergey Alexandrovich

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SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH Never called Snegov a teacher. Not because he had nothing to learn from him. Just a friend. A warm-hearted, kind, intelligent, indulgent older friend. Humor for Sergei Alexandrovich was an opportunity to understand the world more deeply. He always smiled. But a few

Koldunov Sergey Alexandrovich.

Sergei Alexandrovich Koldunov(1901-1995) - Russian Soviet writer.


Born on September 7 (20), 1901 in the village of Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region, in the family of a steamship driver. He worked as a fireman and mechanic. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University in 1926, he worked as a psychiatrist. Published since 1926. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1934. Lived in Moscow. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Awarded medals.

Part of the writer’s personal archive is stored in RGALI.


The first story that brought fame to the writer was “P. S." (1933). In it, as in his subsequent works, he develops the idea of ​​creative work as the main goal of man. existence and outlines the image of his constant hero - a lonely, secluded person, for whom the concepts of “live” and “work” are inseparable due to the peculiarities of his character.

IN fantasy novel writer "The Craft of a Hero" (1937; 1938; fragm. 1939 - "RP-1") an attempt was made to describe world war in the near future - like many authors of that time, Koldunov presents it as the last battle between the communists and the bourgeoisie.

The collection of stories “Victory Lights” (1946) is dedicated to Soviet pilots and submariners - it, in particular, includes the stories “Dog Flight” (1944) and “Doctor Tu-ru-ru” (1946).

In 1957, Koldunov’s novel about submariners “The Sun That Never Sets” and a book about Admiral Nakhimov “The Noon Signal”, written together with M. Yakhontova, were published.

Action historical novel“Ryazan Gems” (1961, jointly with M. Yakhontova) takes place in the 18th century. Feature The novel is a harmonious fusion of dramatic and satirical elements.

  • Koldunov S. P.S. - M., 1933. - 120 p.
  • Koldunov S. Ordinary confessions. - M., 1934. - 203 p.
  • Koldunov S. Hero's Craft: A Novel // Red news. - 1937. - № 9-10.
  • Koldunov S. Hero's craft. Novel. - M., 1938. - 328 p.
  • Koldunov S. RP-1: Neg. from the novel “The Hero’s Craft.” - M., 1939. - 48 p. - (B-ka "Ogonyok"; No. 20). - 50,000 copies.
  • Koldunov S. Honor the flag. Stalingrad stories. - M., 1943. - 64 p.
  • Koldunov S. Stories. - M.-L., 1944.
  • Koldunov S. Fires of Victory. Stories. - M., 1946. - 206 p.
  • Koldunov S. The sun that is not setting. Novel. - M., 1957. - 404 p.
  • Koldunov S., Yakhontova M. Signal of noon. - 1957. - 383 p.
  • Koldunov S., Yakhontova M. Ryazan gems. - 1961. - 440 p.
  • Koldunov S. Soul of fire. Stories. - M., 1963. - 80 p.
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Birth name:

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Full name

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Years of creativity:

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Language of works:

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Sergei Alexandrovich Koldunov(1901-1995) - Russian Soviet writer.



The first story that brought fame to the writer was “P. S." (1933). In it, as in his subsequent works, he develops the idea of ​​creative work as the main goal of man. existence and outlines the image of his constant hero - a lonely, secluded person, for whom the concepts of “live” and “work” are inseparable due to the peculiarities of his character.

The collection of stories “Victory Lights” (1946) is dedicated to Soviet pilots and submariners - it, in particular, includes the stories “Dog Flight” (1944) and “Doctor Tu-ru-ru” (1946).

In 1957, Koldunov’s novel about submariners “The Sun That Never Sets” and a book about Admiral Nakhimov “The Noon Signal”, written together with M. Yakhontova, were published.

The action of the historical novel “Ryazan Gems” (1961, jointly with M. Yakhontova) takes place in the 18th century. A characteristic feature of the novel is the harmonious fusion of dramatic and satirical elements.


  • Koldunov S. P.S. - M., 1933. - 120 p.
  • Koldunov S. Ordinary confessions. - M., 1934. - 203 p.
  • Koldunov S. The Craft of a Hero: Novel // Krasnaya Nov. - 1937. - No. 9-10.
  • Koldunov S. Hero's craft. Novel. - M., 1938. - 328 p.
  • Koldunov S. RP-1: Neg. from the novel “The Hero’s Craft.” - M., 1939. - 48 p. - (B-ka "Ogonyok"; No. 20). - 50,000 copies.
  • Koldunov S. Honor the flag. Stalingrad stories. - M., 1943. - 64 p.
  • Koldunov S. Stories. - M.-L., 1944.
  • Koldunov S. Fires of Victory. Stories. - M., 1946. - 206 p.
  • Koldunov S. The sun that is not setting. Novel. - M., 1957. - 404 p.
  • Koldunov S., Yakhontova M. Signal of noon. - 1957. - 383 p.
  • Koldunov S., Yakhontova M. Ryazan gems. - 1961. - 440 p.
  • Koldunov S. Soul of fire. Stories. - M., 1963. - 80 p.

Write a review of the article "Koldunov, Sergei Alexandrovich"



  • Brovman G., Volkov A. About two exciting books // Book and proletarian revolution. - 1933. - No. 12.
  • Lezhnev A. Geometrically // Lezhnev A. About art. - M., 1936.
  • Creative conference of Moscow writers: Discussion of the works of M. Egart, S. Koldunov, P. Semynin // Literary newspaper. - 1941. - April 13. - No. 15.
  • Joffe F. Gorky-editor // Questions of literature. - 1960. - No. 1. - P. 187-190.


  • // Encyclopedia of Fiction: Who's Who / Ed. Vl. Gakova. - Minsk: IKO "Galaxias", 1995. - 694 p. - ISBN 985-6269-01-6.

Excerpt characterizing Koldunov, Sergei Alexandrovich

“They might not have died...” the old man sadly shook his head. - There was no need for that.
- How is it that it didn’t happen?! – disheveled Stella immediately jumped up indignantly. -They saved others good people! They had no choice!
– Forgive me, little one, but THERE IS ALWAYS A CHOICE. It is only important to be able to choose correctly... Look - and the elder showed what Stella showed him a minute ago.
“Your warrior friend tried to fight evil here just as he fought it on Earth. But this is a different life, and the laws in it are completely different. Just like other weapons... Only you two did it right. And your friends were wrong. They could live for a long time... Of course, every person has the right of free choice, and everyone has the right to decide how to use their life. But this is when he knows how he could act, knows all the possible ways. But your friends didn't know. Therefore, they made a mistake and paid the highest price. But they had beautiful and pure souls, so be proud of them. Only now no one will ever be able to return them...
Stella and I were completely upset, and apparently in order to somehow “cheer us up,” Anna said:
– Do you want me to try to call my mother so you can talk to her? I think you would be interested.
I immediately lit up new opportunity find out what I want!.. Apparently Anna managed to completely see through me, since this really was the only means that could make me forget everything else for a while. My curiosity, as the witch girl rightly said, was my strength, but also my biggest weakness at the same time...
“Do you think she will come?..” I asked with hope for the impossible.
– We won’t know until we try, right? Nobody will punish you for this,” Anna answered, smiling at the effect produced.
She closed her eyes, and from her thin sparkling figure a blue thread pulsating with gold stretched somewhere into the unknown. We waited with bated breath, afraid to move, lest we accidentally startle something... Several seconds passed - nothing happened. I was about to open my mouth to say that apparently nothing would work out today, when suddenly I saw a tall transparent entity slowly approaching us along the blue channel. As she approached, the channel seemed to “fold up” behind her back, and the essence itself became more and more dense, becoming similar to all of us. Finally, everything around her had completely collapsed, and now a woman of absolutely incredible beauty stood before us!.. She was clearly once earthly, but at the same time, there was something about her that made her no longer one of us... already different - distant... And not because I knew that after her death she “went” to other worlds. She was just different.
- Hello, my dears! – touching right hand your heart,” the beauty greeted affectionately.
Anna was beaming. And her grandfather, approaching us, fixed his wet eyes on the stranger’s face, as if trying to “imprint” her amazing image into his memory, without missing a single smallest detail, as if he was afraid that he was seeing her for the last time... He kept looked and looked, without stopping, and, it seemed, did not even breathe... And the beauty, unable to bear it any longer, rushed into his warm embrace, and, like a small child, she froze, absorbing the wonderful peace and goodness flowing from his loving , a tormented soul...
“Well, what are you doing, dear... What are you doing, dear...,” the old man whispered, cradling the stranger in his big warm arms.
And the woman stood there, hiding her face on his chest, childishly seeking protection and peace, forgetting about everyone else, and enjoying the moment that belonged only to the two of them...
“Is this your mother?” Stella whispered in shock. - Why is she like that?..
-You mean so beautiful? – Anna asked proudly.
– Beautiful, of course, but that’s not what I’m talking about... She’s different.
The reality was different. She was, as it were, woven from a shimmering fog, which either sprayed, making her completely transparent, or became denser, and then her perfect body became almost physically dense.
Her shiny, night-black hair fell in soft waves almost to her feet and, just like her body, it either thickened or dispersed into a sparkling mist. Yellow, like a lynx, the huge eyes of the stranger glowed with amber light, shimmering with thousands of unfamiliar golden shades and were deep and impenetrable, like eternity... On her clear, high forehead, a pulsating energy star, as yellow as her unusual eyes, glowed with gold . The air around the woman fluttered with golden sparks, and it seemed that just a little more, and her light body would fly to a height unattainable to us, like an amazing golden bird... She really was unusually beautiful with some kind of unprecedented, bewitching, unearthly beauty.